
By James Clark

Published on Dec 19, 2004


Ok, here's the third chapter here. Well, I hope everyone enjoys it. People, I hope the last one wasn't too bad on you. This one will be much happier. Now, read the story!!!! Tell me what you think at niftywriterjc@hotmail.com

Dedicated to: Wyatt, my first love. Tyler, I'll never quit chasing you! Santia, you're at least truthful! Tim, you're a great guy. Donnie, my first loyal fan! Everybody else who I treasure greatly, just know you're not forgotten. One more, Jim, who kept me from doing something stupid.

Lesson by: James Clark

Disclaimer: If it is illegal for you to read this, or if material of this sort offends you, leave now. The author, James Clark, reserves all aplicable rights to this story. It is lawful only for Nifty.org to display this as a public work. All others will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. PLAGIARISM IS ILLEGAL! THIS MEANS YOU GET IN TROUBLE IF YOU DO IT! If you should want to post this story elsewhere, or want a hard copy of it, then you must e-mail me and I will mail you written permission to do so, should I deem it worthy to do so. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is entirely coincidental; that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Thank you and enjoy the story!

Other stories by James Clark: Out of a Dream in the highschool section.

Chapter three

Mark and Brett woke up in the car, covered with the same blanket, laying entangled on top of each other as the sun rose. It was really starting to get chilly outside at night, and Brett leaned up and cranked the car.

"Good morning, angel", Brett said to Mark, kissing him on the neck as they still nuzzled together.

"Mornin', babe", Mark replied. He backed away a bit from Brett, then leaned in towards his lips, and they shared a kiss. The boys slowly separated, and got down to business for the day. They folded the blanket, and climbed into the front seat after getting dressed. Mark suggested they go get a hot breakfast, so they headed for Hardee's.

"Brett, I know that we'll be allright, but do you think that we'll be able to really do anything on our own? I mean, we couldn't even rent a room for a night. I don't want to stay at a shelter or anything like that", Mark said.

"We'll be fine, no matter what. If it comes down to it, we'll just move until we can find someplace that we can be", Brett replied, even though he was doubting his own words. They both felt much better after they got some hot coffee and breakfast biscuits. They drove back to their parking spot, and sat there for a while longer talking.

"Okay, so we just hang out for today, and then we can go to school tomorrow. Let's see... we can get a shower at the pool. Some people wash their hair after getting out, and we can just do that and a little more. We have clean clothes, and all the other things we'll need", Mark said, thinking out loud.

Brett swallowed the mouthful of biscuit, and replied "Yep,we're good for now. Don't worry about it. In fact, if you don't mind, I'd like to go back to sleep for now. You know what I just thought of, though?", he asked Mark. Mark looked confused and shook his head. "Well, we can turn on the radio for entertainment, since we don't really have anything else. I have an extra battery in the trunk that we can use if this one decides to die. I mean, it'll charge right back up as soon as we get it going. I got cables, too, so that would be easy", Brett said with a smile.

"That's great, now let's turn it on and get under the comforter, its still cold, damn it. Oh, and we can put that little screen that you use up to keep out the sun. You got two, right? One for back, one for the front windshield?", Mark said. Brett pulled out two of those things that keep the sun off of your seats while you're out of your car from under the seat. After he unfolded them, he placed them where they would block the most of the sun's harsh light.

"Great, now, let's lay back down, Brett", Mark said, smiling at the boy that he loved.

"Okay, but I want to kiss you", Brett replied. He leaned over and kissed Mark softly, but then harder and harder as their passion built. Mark pulled back away from him, and looked toward the ground.

"I'm sorry, Brett. I don't want to do it here, not now. I don't want our first time to be in the backseat of a car. I do love you, but I want it to be better than this. I want our first to be perfect", Mark said quietly. Brett smiled at him, and pulled him close under the blanket.

"I'll never be mad at you, Mark. I love you too much. We'll wait", Brett said. The boys lay in each other's arms, listening to a quiet radio, dozing in and out that day. Much of it was unexplainably hazy, a euphoric daze, in which kisses ran together, and they felt unbelievably good. After the events of the last two days, they needed this day to rest, and just to have each other. Darkness slowly slid over them, and after spending more money on fast food, the bedded down for the night, clutching each other against the harsh reality that layed outside of the refuge of their car.

The next morning they woke very early, and hit the showers at the pool, cleaning off in seperate stalls as not to draw attention. After that, they got dressed and headed for school. Neither really wanted to get out as they pulled into the student parking lot.

"Its only for one day, and we'll have most of our classes together as usual. I'll meet you at the counselor's room at lunch", Mark said to Brett. Brett nodded, stole one last kiss when they were sure no one was looking, and then they got out.

Their first classses were separate from each other, and first was a longer class, a block class is what they called it. It was about thirty minutes longer than the normal classes. Both of them could barely stand to be at school, although nobody knew about them.

"I feel like I'm dirty, or I'm hiding something", thought Mark to himself as the day slowly ticked by. He couldn't wait for lunch to come, and then they would most likely leave for the rest of the day. Slowly but surely, second period came and went. They had no classes that morning together, but the rest of them after lunch were all in the same rooms.

Lunch finally came, and Mark walked quickly to the counselor. Brett was already nervously awaiting him. When he saw that Mark had arrived he smiled a huge grin. The school counselor, Ms. Turner, opened the door for Mark.

"Allright, let's go to my office, and we'll talk", she said. The walked back to a room with several comfortable looking chairs, lined in fabric instead of bare plastic. Ms. Turner motioned for them to sit, and then she took her place behind the desk. The door was left slightly ajar, but it was for warmer air to work its way into the room. There was a room across from their's, but there hadn't been anyone standing in it a moment ago.

"Ok, Mark, Brett, what would you like to discuss?", she asked. She seemed genuinely nice by nature, and you could tell from the way she gave a warm smile to them.

"Ma'am, we were wondering if there were any shelters, or if you could maybe set us up with someplace to stay for a while. We both got kicked out of our houses because our parents found out that we're... gay", Mark said, stammering on the last word. Brett reached over and grabbed his hand and squeezed tight.

"I'm very sorry this happened to you boys. You've always been examples of model students and young men. I'll do my best to help you. Do you have anywhere to stay right now?", she asked.

"We've got somewhere for today, and possibly tonight, but I'm not really sure after that", Brett answered. He meant, of course, the car. That wouldn't work for much longer though, because it was getting cold quickly.

"Allright, this is what I suggest. You leave for the rest of today, and call as many relatives as you know of. They could probably help. In the meantime, I will try to contact local shelters and homes to try to help you there. Then, when you come back tomorrow, we'll go over what we've got, and have you somewhere to stay by nightfall", she said with a smile. "You've done the right thing by coming to ask for help, and I'll do my best to get you a place to live. Just trust me for now. I'll give you a pass to leave for today, and you'll come in just at 9:00 tomorrow to speak with me. Then, you'll take the rest of the day to move yourselves in!" This woman restored Mark and Brett's hopes; she was one of those people that you can't help but be optimistic when you're in their company.

"Thanks, Ms. Turner. We'll be back tomorrow, then", Mark said as he took the pass she wrote. The boys walked out of the room, and ran straight into a tall, caramel skinned girl of the same age. They'd seen her around school before. She was very pretty, with depth to her eyes, and curly, curly, curly hair.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Umm... Look, come with me, ok? We can't really talk here", the girl said. "Ah, damn, I haven't even introduced myself! My name's Santia, ok? Now, you can come with me real quick, and hear me out", she said as they recovered from their run-in. Brett and Mark looked at her suspiciously for a moment.

"Why? I mean, we've never even met you before", Brett said, stepping in front of Matt cautiously.

"Look, just trust me, ok? I'm trying to help you out!", she said. Santia almost looked hyper, standing there nearly bouncing up and down. She turned and began to walk down the hall. The boys shrugged at each other, and then followed her quick steps. She led them back out to the parking lot beside a small red car that needed a paint job badly.

"You can get in so we can sit if you'd like. I'm going to get in and crank on the heater, its cold!", Santia said. After they were all in the car, and the heater was blowing, they began to talk.

"Okay, so tell us what's up", Brett said.

"I wanted to let you guys know that I overheard you talking. I want you to have somewhere to stay. What I mean is, I'd be glad to let you move in with me and my mom. We have two extra rooms at our house, and she wouldn't mind if it was to help you", Santia said. The boys took a moment for it to sink in. Then, they erupted.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!", Mark yelled ecstatically.

"Yes, I am!", Santia said, pretending like she took offense to the questioning of her intent. Mark leapt onto Brett and kissed him hard. They wrestled around in the back seat, laughing as they struggled.

"I'm glad I knew about you two, or that would've really freaked me out!", Santia said. They all giggled at that, and Mark and Brett straightened themselves out.

"Are you sure that this is ok?", Brett asked Santia.

"Yes, definitely. In fact, I'm gonna call my mom right now and talk to her while you go back and tell the counselor that someone has given you a place to stay", Santia replied. The boys got out of the car and rushed back into the building. They got to the counselor's office and were out of breath from running when they burst through the door.

"Ms. Turner!", Brett and Mark said in unison.

"Yes?", she asked, laughing slightly at them.

"We have a place to stay!", Brett said.

"That's great! Just make sure that the adult in charge of the house calls me so we can take care of the legal stuff, allright?", she said, still smirking at them.

"Yes ma'am", Mark said. With that, they left the office, and ran back out to the parking lot. Santia was still in her car, waiting on them to come back.

"Okay, you move in today", Santia said. The boys jumped up and down outside her window, laughing.

"Thanks, Santia! You are the greatest!", they said.

"Santia, the counselor told us to let your mom know to call her. She has to talk with her. Thank you so much! Ummm... now what?", Mark said. Santia laughed at him.

"Now, we move you in. Where's all of your stuff at now?", she asked. Smiles vanished from Mark and Brett's faces

"All of our stuff is in Brett's car. I only have a couple of bags, and he has a little more than me, so it won't take up too much room. Do you want to go do it now?", Mark told her.

"I'm sorry guys. Well, we're gonna do it right now, if that's okay with you. My mom's at work, and she'll be at home around five. She told me she expects company for supper", Santia said with a chuckle at the end. "So, come one. I'll drive ahead of you, just follow me." The boys got in Brett's car and started out behind Santia.

After a while of driving, they arrived at Santia's house. It was a huge, two-story home, complete with a very spacious porch and a fenced back yard.

"WOW!", Brett said.

"I'll say! Your house is awesome!", Mark exclaimed. Santia smiled at both of them, blushing slightly.

"Well, we're not bad off. Look, I know you two are together... do you want to share the same room?", she asked. Mark looked over at Brett, and then they both nodded.

"Ok then, I'll show you where you'll be at. Grab ya' junk, and I'll help, yeah, gimme that one", she said as they opened Brett's trunk and pulled out bags. Santia led them into a beautiful living room, and then down the hall to the staircase. After ascending it and making a left turn into the first room, they set down the bags.

"This is gonna be yours. It was a guest room, with a bathroom adjoined to it. See that door, there in the corner? That's the bathroom. I'll help you get the rest of your stuff", Santia said. They headed back down and got the rest of the bags and heaved them back. Afterwards they sat on the bed for a moment.

"Santia... why are you helping us?", Brett asked her. Santia took a breath, and began talking.

"Well, I can't stand to see someone that really needs help. You two needed something that my mom and I have, and can give freely. I couldn't have looked at myself the same if I hadn't tried to help you. And...", Santia trailed off.

"What?!", Brett and Mark asked breathlessly.

"I have a thing for gay guys! I think ya'll are hot!", she burst out, and then laughed.

"Damn, Santia! You're kinky, aren't you?", Mark cackled. The three of them laughed for a while, and then headed back downstairs to the living room. They hung out for about an hour, just talking and getting to know each other better.

"Well, my dad left us this house, and a good bit of money. My mom won't tell me how much, but she just says its enough to hold us over. You two looked so sweet, holding each other's hands in there, I just had to help you. I'm sorry if I freaked you out at first. I did come on a little strong, didn't I?", Santia said.

"Just a little bit", Brett said, and then laughed.

"You acted like a gaynapper or something! 'Get in the car!'", Mark said, mocking Santia. This got them all to laughing again.

"Okay, guys. You go unpack now, and I'm gonna start supper. When you get through with that, you can come back down and help if you want to", Santia said.

"Sure, we'll help. Thanks again Santia. You're really great", Mark said. Santia smiled (a wonderful smile), and then Brett and Mark bounded up the stairs, leaving Santia heading toward the kitchen mumbling to herself.

"Brett's ass... gimme five minutes and I'd... Mark has to be huge, look at those shoes....", she said while she got out ingredients.

Back in the bedroom, Mark and Brett started unpacking Brett's things. Curiously, everything was still folded, although crumpled.

"It looks like they just dumped the entire drawer's contents in there", Mark said. Then, his eyes widened as they came across something that was wrapped in an old shirt.

"BRETT!! What the hell is this, you nasty face?!", Mark said, grinning as wide as his mouth would allow. Brett heard a buzzing noise, and turned around. He gasped and went beet red as he saw that Mark was holding up a vibrating dildo turned all the way up.

"That's not yours!!", Brett said as he snatched it from Mark's hand. "But... if you want me to, I'll show you how to use it sometime!" This time it was Mark who went red in the face. Brett laughed at his boyfriend's predicament.

"Well...", Mark started. "Would you seriously, though? I mean, I can't right now, but in a day or two when this is healed up", he said motioning to his butt, "could you like, teach me how?"

"Mark, I love you, and I would be glad to. Tonight though, I want you to do something special with me. I'll show you later, okay?", Brett replied.

"Okay", Mark said. The boys finished unpacking and putting everything into drawers, then bounded back down the stairs to help Santia.

"You back so soon?", Santia asked with a giggle. "And here I thought gay guys were supposed to last longer!" Brett and Mark blushed.

"Well, you just wait! Anyway, what do you need help with?", Brett said.

"Okay, you grab that onion and dice it up", she said to Brett. "You go grab that can of tomato sauce and open it. Can opener is on the counter over there", she said to Mark. They started on their jobs, and figured out that Santia was making spaghetti.

"Allright, now we're gonna let it simmer for a while. You two can go wash up, and my mom'll be here soon. I gotta set the table for us", Santia told them. They went to the bathroom, and after watching very closely to each other's use of it, they washed their hands. Mark and Brett walked back into the kitchen, where they ran into Santia's mom. She was also fairly tall, and you could definitely see the remblance between the two.

"Hi, I'm Santia's mom!", she said as she shook hands with the boys. "You can just call me Ms. Negra if you'd like."

"Hi Ms. Negra! I'm Brett, and this is Mark", Brett told her.

"Thanks so much for helping us. You really don't know how much it means to us!", Mark said.

"Ahh, don't worry about it. I think I'll like having a little testosterone in the house", Ms. Negra said with a smile.

"Supper's ready!", Santia yelled. They walked over to the table, which was set quite nicely and made of some hardwood. It looked like red oak, but neither Mark or Brett could tell for sure.

"Yeah, it's red oak", Santia snickered. "Mom's really proud of it. She loves red oak wood."

"Santia... eat your spaghetti!", Ms. Negra said when she sputtered for something to say in her defense. They all laughed a bit, and got to know each other better while they ate. Ms. Negra worked as a stock advisor, and made a good bit of money. Santia was a fan of opera and techno; a very unusual mix. After they finished, Mark and Brett insisted on helping clean up. While Mark and Santia were chatting, Brett managed to get Ms. Negra to the side.

"Ms. Negra, thanks a lot for helping us", he told her.

"I said before, its no problem", she replied.

"But, I mean, we can't just stay here for free! We could pay rent, or something like that", Brett said.

"Nonsense. How about a deal instead?", Ms. Negra asked.

"Sure!", Brett replied.

"Well, how about this? You and Mark both keep up your grades in school, and stay out of trouble as much as possible. As long as you both maintain an A and B average in school, and you can both keep out of trouble, then I'll let you stay here. And, you'll both need new clothes from time to time... as well as spending money...", Ms. Negra started off.

"NO! We'll get jobs, but I'm not going to let you just spend your money on us without us even doing anything", Brett said.

Ms. Negra smiled. "Contradict me again, and I'll kick you out."

"Ooo, you're slick!", Brett replied, narrowing his eyes.

"Well, of course! I'm a lot slicker than you think!"

"Ok, I'll concede defeat this time, but next time you better be on your guard!", Brett said with a smirk. They walked back toward the others, and finished cleaning up. After they were done, Ms. Negra said that she was tired, and went to bed.

"Well, I have homework to do, so you guys can watch TV, or get some sleep, or whatever. My mom doesn't really care as long as we wake up for school tomorrow", Santia said.

"Ok, we're gonna head for bed. See ya' tomorrow", Brett said to her in reply. The two boys headed upstairs for their room, then closed and locked the door behind them. Brett turned and looked at Mark with lust in his eyes. Mark returned the look eagerly, and pushed Brett toward the bed. They kissed each other as they rolled around the bed. Suddenly, Brett pinned Mark down on the bed.

"You just relax", he told Mark. He kissed Mark for a while longer, and then moved away from his mouth, kissing his neck. He tugged off Mark's shirt, as well as his own. Brett then continued sucking at Mark's neck, then his shoulder, then his nipples at which Mark gave a gasp. Brett could see the rock hard erection growing in Mark's pants. He moved down the bed, and pulled Mark's pants open and off, and then removed his own. Brett then took as much of Mark's nine inch cock into his mouth as he could, swallowing well over half of it. After Mark started moaning, Brett pulled off.

"Fuck me, Mark", Brett said.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you", Mark said.

"I love you, and I want you to make love to me. Just open me up slowly, and take it easy", Brett said as he handed Mark a tube of KY and knelt on all fours. Mark got behind him and spread some of the lube onto his pucker, and then slowly pressed a finger into him. Brett grunted and pushed his hips back onto Mark's finger. Mark started to finger fuck Brett, and added another finger, then another. After he fucked him with three fingers for a while, Brett was loosened up enough to take Mark's cock into him.

"I'm going to put it in you now. Just tell me if it hurts, and I'll stop", Mark told him. He took the inflated head of his cock and placed it at the entrance of Brett's hole. He pushed himself in slowly, feeling Brett's chute squeeze him, and he almost wanted to blow right there feeling the liquid heat of Brett's ass.

"Oh my God... go for it, Mark. Do it", Brett whispered, barely able to speak from the pleasure he was experiencing. Mark pulled out, and thrust back in again. He started to speed up a bit, and Brett was pushing his hips back to meet Mark's thrusts.

"Faster, please Mark faster!", Brett said. Mark started to fuck Brett faster, and faster. Soon he was pounding himself into Brett. He could feel his orgasm starting to build as Brett's sphincter spasmed around his cock. Brett was cumming! The fact that he could make his boyfriend cum without touching himself really turned him on, and he shot his load deep into Brett's tight, hot hole. They rocked together as both of them blew their loads. After it was over, they collapsed into a heap on the bed. Mark's cock slowly deflated, and slipped out of Brett's ass.

"I love you, Brett!", Mark said breathlessly.

"I love you too, Mark", Brett replied as he closed his eyes. They fell asleep that way tonight. It seemed as if everything had finally become allright again. They felt safe.

Okay now... not many chapters left. I hope everybody is liking the story. I really hope that everybody who visits the site reads it, and finishes the whole story. Peace everybody, and you can get me at niftywriterjc@hotmail.com

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