
By James Clark

Published on Dec 9, 2004


Okay, this is my new story. Everybody e-mail me and tell me what you think.

Dedicated to: Wyatt, my first love. Tyler, I'll never quit chasing you! Santia, you're at least truthful! Tim, you're a great guy. Donnie, my first loyal fan! Everybody else who I treasure greatly, just know you're not forgotten. One more, Jim, who kept me from doing something stupid.

Lesson by: James Clark

Disclaimer: If it is illegal for you to read this, or if material of this sort offends you, leave now. The author, James Clark, reserves all aplicable rights to this story. It is lawful only for Nifty to display this as a public work. All others will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. PLAGIARISM IS ILLEGAL! THIS MEANS YOU GET IN TROUBLE IF YOU DO IT! If you should want to post this story elsewhere, or want a hard copy of it, then you must e-mail me and I will mail you written permission to do so, should I deem it worthy to do so. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is entirely coincidental; that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Thank you and enjoy the story!

Other stories by James Clark: Out of a Dream in the highschool section.

Chapter One

Mark turned around and looked in the mirror. He was really coming along as far as his body was concerned. His abs had become rock hard, and his chiseled features made themselves known. He stood naked in front of it, looking at his body. His head was a mop of unruly brownish blonde hair, not quite straight, but by no means curly. He peered at his eyes, which matched his hair. They were deep, dark brown, and got him many places with their beauty. His lips were naturally very red, and not stingy at all. He had been laying in the sun, and his tan was coming along very well. He was still wishing he had more hair on his chest, though. He turned around from the mirror, and hopped into his bed after he shut off the light.

He lay there, thinking about everything that was going on. Mark had a great girlfriend right now, and she really liked him. He couldn't wait to get into her. Stephanie was reputed to be a virgin, and was just now starting to date. Mark had never had any thoughts about guys, but thought that two guys together just had to be gross. He lay there with a mental image of Steph in his mind, and his organ began to stiffen. I pushed a tent in the sheets, and refused to be ingnored. He grasped his cock in his right hand, and jerked it up and down slowly.

Mark was massive for a boy of only sixteen. His dick hung six inches soft, and grew to nine inches when hard. Girls that had heard about it giggled at him constantly, and he'd caused more than one bug-eyed stare in the locker room. It was now hardened to its full length, and he spread the precum over his head, stroking it. He started using his other hand to roll his nuts in their sac. After only a couple minutes, he arched back his head, and let go of what had built up inside him. Mark's hot cum splattered over his chest, and oozed over his hand as he pumped it out of himself. He wiped off his chest with his underwear, which were black boxer briefs. Then he pulled up the sheet, and closed his eyes, acquiescing to the drowsiness.

The next morning, he went into his bathroom, and after showering, got dressed. Mark headed downstairs to the kitchen where his dad was. His mom had left them a long time ago, when he was still a little kid. Now he was tall enought that if he wasn't careful, he managed to hit his head on a lot of things.

"Mornin', kid", his dad said. Jeremy was about 45, and did a great job of taking care of them. Right now he was fixing breakfast for the two of them.

"Hey dad", he replied. He was too tired for too much talking right now.

"Allright, now, you have your housekey, right? And, you're still heading for the library after school? I have to go out of town, and I want to be sure you're allright. When you get home, you call me, and be sure to be back by ten", Jeremy said.

"Yeah, dad, I'll be fine", he said. "I'll be sure to call you. How long are you going to be gone, anyway?"

"Well, I'm sure I'll be back by tomorrow at about noon. Its just a long drive. I can drop you off at school this morning on my way. That way you won't have to walk through that God-awful neighborhood. We have to get you a car, Mark", Jeremy said.

"Really?! I mean, the car?", Mark asked, his eyes lighting up. "Well, thanks for giving me a ride this morning."

"I do mean it about the car. Christmas isn't too far away, so take a look at what you'd like, and we'll talk about it. We're not doing anything dangerous, or sports cars, or anything like that, though", Jeremy said with a smile. "Let's go, or we'll both be late."

Jeremy dropped Mark off in front of the school, and then headed for his meeting about five hours away. Mark went inside, and met up with a friend.

"Hey! Mark, what's up?", Brett asked.

Mark smiled at him, and replied "Not shit". They walked to their first class together, talking on the way.

"Dude, did you see Hollie's ass?? She finally has one! I don't know what happened to her, but she looks way better! So, what are you and Steph doing now?", Brett asked.

"Well, we're going out to the movies on Friday. I can't wait for that! Only two days away! I wonder if she'll let me get anywhere with her?", Mark said.

"Aww, dude, I don't wanna think about you banging Steph!!! That's so gross!", Brett said, laughing at his now red-faced friend. They had most of their classes together, and talked and played around a lot every day. Mark didn't have too many things happen that day, though. He had a paper due in a month, and a test on that Friday, but nothing to really worry about. After Mark was done studying at the library, he started out walking home.

He got on the sidewalk, and was becoming increasingly unnerved by the lack of people on the dilapidated streets, as well as the abundance of alleyways. Another thing that really bothered him was walking through here at night. This was a really messed up street, and it only got better a bit before his house came into view. He started walking faster, trying to get out of this neighborhood, because it gave him the creeps. Suddenly, though, a hand shot out of the alley on his right, grabbed his shirt, and pulled him in.

It occured to him that he should scream, but it didn't do any good as a hand was clamped over his mouth. He tried to struggle, but a figure in the darkness grabbed his arms and wrenched the behind his back. Another grabbed his pants and tugged them down around his ankles. This locked his feet together so he couldn't kick at his attackers. His ass was now exposed to the open air, and his limp penis flopped wildly as he shook and twisted, trying to get away.

"Just be still, this won't hurt too much if you're still. We can really hurt you though, if you don't work with us, boy", he heard a gruff voice say. He heard a sharp flick, and the he felt a point of metal press against his cheek. Mark immediately stopped flailing, he didn't want to get killed.

"Oh God, what's happening?! Are they gonna hurt me?!", he thought to himself.

"That's what I thought, the little boy nearly wet himself! Now, we're gonna fuck you, whether you like it or not. If you don't try to get away, it won't hurt as bad", said a second voice. With that, he heard someone spit, and then felt one of the men's penises press against his hole. The man pushed as hard as he could, and sank himself all the way into Mark.

Mark was blinded by the pain, and was crying as he screamed into the man's hand still covering his mouth. He felt like he was split in two, and he knew he had to be bleeding. Mark screamed again, louder as the man started fucking him hard and fast, not caring how much it hurt Mark. The second man hit him hard across the face, and his head reeled. Mark's dark, pain-filled world spun as everything went black.

He didn't know when he woke up, but he did. Mark started crying, as he felt liquid trickling out of his anus, probably blood from being ripped apart by those guys. He was lying face down in the dirt of the alley, pants still around his ankles. After he cried a bit more, he slowly stood up. He didn't seem to be bleeding anywhere anymore. Mark brushed off his front, and pulled up his pants. Tears were still streaming down his face as he ran for his house.

Mark ran up to his room, and threw himself on the bed. He cried and cried, wetting his pillow thoroughly. Then, he felt a sudden revulsion of having those two men's stuff inside him. He had to go take a shower, now. Just then, his cell rang. He tried to get control of himself, and picked it up.

"Hello?", he croaked.

"Hey.... Mark? Are you okay?", Brett asked from the other end.

"Yeah, I'm f-f-fff.....", Mark tried to get out, then ended up crying even harder into the phone.

"Oh my God, what happened, Mark?! Are you hurt?!", Brett asked, alarmed at his friend.

"I'm okay...", Mark said, still sobbing uncontrollably.

"NO, you're not! Don't bullshit me, Mark!! You can tell me what's happening. In fact, I'm coming over there right now, no matter what you say. I'll see you in about ten minutes, and you stay put, ok?", Brett said.

"Allright", Mark gasped into the phone, then hung up. He buried his head back into the pillow, and kept crying. His shirt was ripped down the front, and his pants were covered with dust, as was the rest of him. He noticed that his face was swelling from the blow he had received, and that there was a bruise on his stomach that he didn't remember getting. He was sobbing so hard that he never heard Brett come in the door downstairs.

"Jesus Christ, Mark! What happened to you?!", Brett asked, running over to his friend.

"NO! Nothing!", Mark yelled. "I can't tell him! This is humiliating, and it's all my fault!", he thought to himself.

"Damn it, Mark! I told you that you can trust me. Anyway, get up, and let me make sure you're okay, and then we're gonna get you in the shower. Don't look at me that way, I've seen you naked before, Mr. Big-stuff", Brett said. Mark couldn't believe it, but Brett was already cheering him up. Brett grabbed him by the arms, and tried to help him up, but Mark nearly screamed in pain.

"OOWWW!!!!!! Please don't do that, Brett! My arms got twisted back, and they hurt!", Mark said. Brett's eyes were now deep with concern as he lead his friend into the bathroom, where there was a very spacious shower stall. Mark slowly walked in with him, and watched as Brett started to take off his clothes.

"Well, I can't very well help you with my clothes on, can I? Okay, now you have to take all that mess off. You can tell me what happened while I help you get washed", Brett said. Mark just nodded, and began to slowly disrobe. When he was fully naked, Brett's eyes got wide.

"Somebody hurt you bad... you're bleeding, Mark. Turn around so I can see if it's bad", Brett said. "They really got you on the stomach, too!"

"No, it's okay, I'm not bleeding anymore...", Mark said, tears returning to his eyes. Brett's expression changed from confusion to one of surprise, then malice.

"Mark, did someone rape you? Tell me the truth, I need to know so I can help. Don't be embarrassed, its not like it would be your fault", Brett said.

"Yes!!! It is my fault!! I shouldn't have been walking home today, I could have caught a ride with someone!!!", Mark cried. Brett walked over and hugged his friend, and even though they were both naked, he didn't really think about it. Mark needed someone, and he was there.

"Its not your fault, Mark. Now, turn around and bend over so I can see if they really hurt you. Then we have to get you washed up", Brett said. Matt turned and bent, and Brett gently spread him open.

"Its not too bad, really. You're not bleeding anymore, and there's just a little bitty cut where it tore", he said as Mark stood up. "Look, I'm sorry Mark. I wish this hadn't happened to you. Now, get in the shower, and I'll help you get cleaned up", Brett said. They both got in, Brett bracing Mark so he'd have an easier time getting in. Brett started lathering up a washcloth, and washed most of Mark's body for him. Mark did wash his own cock and balls though. As he saw the water hitting Brett's body, and thought of how much Brett was doing for him, his cock started to get hard. He immediately became redfaced, and looked away from Brett.

"Damn! Watch out! It's all fun and games till somebody loses and eye!", Brett said as he noticed Mark's hard-on. Mark let a half-smile form on his lips. This had never happened to him before. He was looking at Brett a whole new way.

"But, isn't that what fags do?", he thought to himself. "No", he decided, "Its just that I really love Brett for what he's doing for me." Then, he felt Brett slip the washcloth between his cheeks, and wash away the dried blood and dirt. He would have held Brett's hands away from him, but he could'nt put his arms behind his back.

"Brett, please stop that", Mark said.

"No prob, all done there anyway", Brett said as he took away the cloth. As Mark turned around, he realized that Brett's face somehow looked different, sadder. Then, he looked down and saw that Brett's seven incher had hardened as well. They both blushed and laughed it off.

Brett grabbed towels from the shelf, and they got out. Mark let Brett dry him off, and help him get dressed. Brett went with him down to the living room with him, and sat him on the couch.

"I'm gonna go change your bed for you, and then I'm staying here for the night. My mom won't care, she's probably out right now anyway. Don't tell me you don't want me here, because I know you do, and you need me. I'll be back in a minute", Brett said. Before Mark could say anything to him, Brett was bounding up the stairs to change Mark's dirty damp sheets.

"Maybe it's not such a bad idea to have him stay. I mean, I do like hanging out with him, and I don't want to be here alone", Mark thought to himself. "Hey, Brett!! You can borrow some clothes, just pick what you need out of my dresser!!!", he yelled as he realized Brett was still in a towel.

"Okay, thanks dude!", Brett yelled back. He came back down a little while later, wearing a pair of jeans without a shirt. The line of Mark's underwear rising slightly above the jeans was easy to see.

"Wait! Why am I thinking about him like this? He'd hate me!! I can't tell him anything about this mess", Mark thought. Brett came over to the couch where Mark was sitting, and plopped down right beside him, grabbing and hugging him.

"I love you, dude, and I'm so sorry you got hurt. Listen, though, this is important. I think you should file a police report", Brett said. Mark's eyes filled with fear, and Brett continued. "But, if you won't, will you at least come to the health department to get tested? I'll go with you, so you won't have to go alone. I just want to make sure that you're really okay, and I don't want you to get sick on me", Brett said.

"Ok, I'll go to the health department with you", Mark said. He hugged Brett back.

"Allright, Mark, I made up your bed, so you can go get some sleep. I'll grab a blanket and bunk on the couch", Brett said. For some reason, he looked disappointed.

"No you won't, you'll come share the bed with me. There's plenty of room on it", Mark said. Brett smiled, and they went up to Mark's room. Then they shut the door and turned off the light.

"Mark, do you mind if I sleep in just your underwear? I usually sleep naked at home, and its hard to get comfortable with clothes on", Brett asked.

"Brett, it doesn't matter to me. You can sleep naked if you'd like to", he said. Mark was secretly hoping to himself that Brett would sleep naked, but he couldn't let him know that. After thinking for a moment, Brett dropped his underwear as well. Mark did the same, and they were both naked. The climbed into the bed, and pulled up the cover over both of them.

Both of them stayed awake that night for a while, but for different reasons.

"I'm so confused. I've never felt this way, and what about Steph? But I think I love Brett...", Mark thought to himself.

"Is he finally coming around?", thought Brett. Sometime in the night, Mark started to turn in his sleep, and tossed around, moaning. Brett looked at him, and then wrapped his arms around Mark, holding him tight against his own body. Mark stopped tossing, and went back into a peaceful sleep.

"I'll never, ever let anything like this happen to you again", Brett whispered into Mark's sleeping ear.

Okay, that's the first chapter. Sad beginning, but before long you're really going to hate me. You can get me at niftywriterjc@hotmail.com Peace.

Next: Chapter 2

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