Leslis Story

By lesli 99

Published on Mar 26, 2001


I was really enthralled by my conversation with Mandy. For the first time in my life I was sure that there were others like me. Oh, Dr Brown had told me that there were, but until you see another...............well, it's just hard to explain how it feels to meet a 'sister'.

I sensed that Eugene wasn't as excited as I was. He hardly spoke a word during the 20 minute walk from the cafe to May's house. As we crossed the bridge spanning Wasena park, within a few blocks of May's house, he finally came to life.

"That's the park Herman........err, Mandy mentioned. Do you think it's true? I mean I've heard the name before, one of the waiters told me it was a good pickup spot." He sounded as if he could use some encouragement. Thinking back on the evening, I guess I had sort of directed all my attention at Mandy. There wasn't much of the conversation that he was interested in. Maybe he needed me now.

"Yeah, the sign says 'Wasena Bridge' that's got to be the park down there."

then, hoping to brighten him up as well as give him some courage, I continued "wanna go down there and check it out?"

"Yeah, I guess so" he responded, trying to sound nonchalant, but missing the mark. We crossed the bridge, not meeting any traffic, and went off the street into the park. I couldn't see anyone or anything in the vast park, only the outline of the tree line on the far side of the park and the outline of the bridge we had just crossed. We backtracked to the road, turned left, out of instinct, and walked along the perimeter of the park. The road must have circled around the park because within 5 minutes of walking we came to what appeared to be the park entrance. There was something that looked like an old railroad station to our left and we took a left turn beside it and onto a large parking lot. The far end of the lot seemed to turn into a road, so we kept walking, not seeing a thing yet.

Sure enough, the parking lot was the main entrance, and by the time we had crossed it we saw the road that ran thru the park.

"This might have been easier in the morning" I suggested, only half kidding. I sensed that Eugene wouldn't have slept a wink tonight with the prospect of this place so nearby.

"Oh, I don't know. It's no worse than walking down the road in front of my house, now is it?"

"You think we're gonna find the same thing here that we do when we walk down your road?" I asked, again only half in jest.

"God, I hope so" it was almost a whisper as I read his mind perfectly. And on we walked, still not seeing anything but the road stretching out in front of us. In another minute the vague shape of a car seemed to appear ahead, to the right side of the road. It became clearer as we drew up on it. A large, rather old I would say, car parked just off the right shoulder. As we came closer I could make out the outline of a person's head and shoulders on the drivers side, an arm resting in the open window. As we approached the arm didn't move, and by the time we were beside the open window, he still sat as still as a rock. It was only when we almost walked past that he gave any indication that he saw us.

"Hullo" the deep voice seemed to echo thru the stillness of the night.

"Uh.....hi" Eugene surprised me by answering. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. I mean, well, we all three knew what we were here for. We just weren't sure of the roles at 3AM. Who was seeking who, I mean. That would become clear in no time.

"Wanna get in?" the face from the blackness offered. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness a long time ago, and it was no challenge to see that his cock was out, in his hand, and his hand was stroking up and down it's rigid shaft. It was average in size, but I wouldn't complain about that. We were both hungry tonight.

"Sure" Eugene answered nonchalantly as his eyes locked onto the action as well. "Both of us?"

"Nawh, one of you is enough. Other one can find something up ahead. Plenty of it." I let Eugene have this one, opening the passenger side door for him and watching him slip inside. I would take this man at his word that there was someone for me just up ahead, and without so much as a backward glance, I continued up the road toward whatever that was.

And what that turned out to be was a pickup truck, pulled off to the left of the road under a large tree. The tree cast a huge black shadow over the truck and at first I had trouble making out the form inside. But I finally made it out, as I came even closer. It was the form of a man, sitting on the passenger side, his arm lazily hanging out the open window. I stopped in my tracks and tried to make out his features, but the shadow the tree was casting obliterated them. Slowly, hesitantly, I stepped forward til I was even with the window, starring at his face. Or at least what I thought was his face, the darkness playing tricks on me.

"Hiya" the voice greeted me.

"Hi" I replied meekly. I didn't know the protocol here, but taking Eugene's encounter in mind I thought it best to answer.

"Whatcha lookin for?" he shot back immediately. I didn't know what to say, so I went on instinct for lack of anything better.

"Oh.............you know...........whatever" I tried to sound experienced.

"You suck?"


"Good. Cause I need sucked real bad" his voice sounded serious. By this point I was too.

"Uh..............OK" I really didn't know what else to say at this point. I didn't need to, he was more experienced at this than me, he had obviously done it before. The door opened and he swung his bare legs out, his feet not touching the ground. The cab light didn't come on, I guess he had rigged it for encounters just like this.

"Come on" he instructed, and I stepped closer, getting a look at him. He was naked from the waist down, his legs spread and hanging down from the seat. My eyes went, instinctively, to his cock which was pointing straight up in the air, all 8 inches of it. I could make out his cock head, swollen and purple in the little moonlight that bathed the both of us in it's pale glow. It drew me closer as my hands touched and then played along his thighs.

"Come over here and give daddy what he wants, honey" he encouraged me as I slowly bent from the waist and brought my mouth down on him. My nostrils were filled with his man smell as my tongue instinctively lapped gently at the swollen head. He smelled of hard work, and sweat, and I was transported to cocksucker heaven by the gift he was offering up to me. His cock. His manhood. The object of my most fervent desire.

My mouth was open wide as I felt the head spread my lips. My teeth were spread wide as he entered me. I pushed down and felt the cock slide past my open lips and into the warmness of my mouth, my tongue exploring every one of the swollen veins that defined his manhood. Saliva immediately lubricated the warm receptical of my mouth, and I began bobbing up and down, gently at first, then more aggressively as I tried to get his entire length inside. My throat opened instinctively and his cockhead pushed past the gentle constriction and into the open passage. I closed my throat muscles and gently massaged the tip, even as my lips clamped around the veined circumference of his shaft. I brought the fingers of my right hand up to probe and massage his ballsack.

"That's it honey, don't let them go without some attention too." I took this as a directive. He was sensitive there, and I wanted to make sure he felt good. I pulled back til his cock popped from my mouth, and licked down his shaft until my tongue found his hairy ballsack. He tasted of salt, and sweat. He tasted wonderful, and I couldn't resist the urge to kiss his balls, my tongue snakeing out to run up and down the length of their mass.

"Ohhhhh.................honey, yes" he moaned, urging me on. I took one of his swollen balls into my mouth, my tongue lapping and licking it as my fingers played over the length of his shaft. It felt wet in my hand, bathed in my own saliva and whatever precum I hadn't swallowed down. I released it and moved over to take the other in my mouth, giving it a gentle blowjob as I continued to jack his cock with my right hand.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he moaned as I continued to suck his balls. I had never experienced a sensation quite like this. Of all the cocks I had sucked in my limited experience, his was one of the most responsive, jerking in my hand as I continued to bury my face in the hairy confines of his crotch.

"Oh, eat it honey. Daddy's got a gift for you. You want my load?" he didn't have to ask. I think he knew that by now. I was at his disposal. He could have anything he wanted, do anything he pleased. I was his for the taking. Not asking, just taking.

"Ummmmmmhuhhhhhh" I moaned, as I moved up to take his cock in my mouth again. I brought my hand up to the base of his shaft and jacked him, jerked him off in my mouth. The first powerful blast hit the back of my throat. He shot stream after stream of warm, salty cum in my mouth. I locked my lips around his shaft to keep it all inside as he filled my mouth to overflowing with his ejaculate. When I could hold no more, I swallowed the first mouthful only to feel him filling me again. I swallowed again, the tangy, strong taste setting my tastebuds alive with excitement. He kept shooting inside me and I kept swallowing, each gulp accompanied by a stronger and stronger taste. I had never swallowed so much cum. I had never tasted or smelled such a powerful aroma as he continued to empty his pent up passion inside me. I had never felt so used. Or such pleasure at being used, as I did that night. It was as if I was only to be used to bring him pleasure. And bringing him this pleasure only served to make me want to bring more and more to him.

He gently pushed my head back and off his wet cock. I could feel cum, assisted by gravity, dribble from my open mouth. His legs swung quickly and effortlessly back into the cab of the truck, leaving me in the rediculous position, bent over, my mouth gaping with cum stringing out of it. The string stretched almost to the ground before breaking and leaving only the remnants in my mouth and on my lips. His door shut and I was left alone in the night.

"Thank ya honey" he said thru the open window as the $20 bill floated to the ground at my feet. "That was real good. You're a real good little cocksucker. I'll see ya back here sometime, ok?" I was starring down at the bill laying at my feet, trying to make some sense out of what had happened. But the fog I was in defied reasoning, and I stood like a statue, the last of his cum finally stringing from my mouth.

"Uh..........yeah, sure" I mumbled as I bent to retrieve my payment. How silly this was. I had been paid in full for this without the money. I had enjoyed it as much as he had. I heard the engine start and watched as he slowly drove up the road and out of the park.

Oh, god was I hot. The realization of what I had done slowly sunk in as I stumbled up the road. I had................well, I had done what I did best. I had sucked a complete stranger's cock. I had sucked him off, taking his sperm in my mouth. Down my throat. I smelled of cum. Of mansex. And it suited me just fine.

And I had been paid for it. It would have taken me nearly 4 hours bussing tables to make $20. I had earned it in less than 10 minutes. I couldn't believe men would pay that kind of money to get something I would gladly give them for free.

It took me nearly an hour to complete the circle and exit the park. There were more cars, more trucks and even more men standing along the road. I would crawl in at least two cars and a truck before I was out of there. I would suck their cocks, at least six of them before I found myself at the park exit. I laid down in their seats, taking the cocks they offered into my mouth, jacking them and sucking them off. Eating their cum. At one point I found myself in the bushes, along the river, on my knees with three men lined up. I sucked them off, one at a time, swallowing the sweet semen they offered me.

And adding another $80 to the $20 I already had. $100, almost a half week's pay.

And Eugene took care of the ones I missed as we managed to service every man who wanted it.

I didn't see Eugene again til I got back to May's. Although it was after 4 AM, neither of us could sleep, and we huddled in my room discussing the incredible things we had just done. Eugene was even more industrious, or his 'tricks' were more generous, showing me the $130 he had collected during his trip around the park. We were both amazed at the fact these men would pay us for the kind of sex we had given away at home.

Eugene went to work the next night, planning to visit the park afterwards. I called in sick. I wanted to go there earlier and see if I could repeat my luck of the previous evening.

May had a date and was out of the house before Eugene left. When he did I was alone in the house, and the urge to dress overpowered me. It was rare that I did anything in May's home, and I felt just the least guilty about it, but that guilt was soon replaced by a sense of excitement as I pulled on my panties and fastened my bra in front. Deciding that this was too good an opportunity to miss, I slipped into a pair of extremely short shorts, and pulled a loose fitting tee shirt over my head. A pair of white thong flat sandals completed my outfit as I stood, gazing at my form in May's floor length mirror. I looked good. Pulling my hair into my now trade mark pony tail completed the illusion. I took the trouble to paint my nails and applied a thin coat of non smear, pink lipstick to my lips, making them look full and attractive.

Now, how was I going to get from May's house to the park? I mean, it was only 3 blocks but I had never gone out in this much daylight dressed. Who would see me? What would they say? I looked like a girl to me, but what did I look like to others? I almost backed out, but something about the way I looked, the way my shorts cut up between the crack of my butt..............well, let's just say I was excited. And that excitement, as I would know time and time again, wrapped my reasoning in a fog that more or less put me on some kind of auto pilot.

And I made the three block walk without incident. Oh, people saw me. People looked. Even starred. But no one said or did anything out of the ordinary as I made my way. Rounding the corner near the bridge, I sucked in a breath of air, held my head just a little higher, exaggerated the swaying of my hips, and confidently (well, nearly) crossed the road and entered the park.

Only it wasn't dark now. People were there, not just the ones I was looking for, but families. Families with children played all over the grassy center of the park as I walked past. And they starred. And I heard the comments, not loud, but loud enough for me to hear. And I heard.

'Prostitute. Streetwalker. Whore.' Just loud enough, and said with just enough venom to make me understand that I wasn't welcome here. I almost turned and left. I almost chickened out. But by the time I was ready to turn and run, I was only a few steps from the road I had been on last night.

Luck, not courage, carried me those last few steps, and I crossed to the far side, by the river, away from the disapproving eyes that had followed me.

It was better here, and as I made my way along the side of the road a little of that confidence came back. They had thought I was a prosititute. Well, that's what I was, but in a different way than they imagined. They had taken me for a girl. It brought back a measure of myself, and I couldn't stop the swaying of my hips now, the slight wiggle of my butt just came naturally as anything.

And I saw them. The cars. The trucks. All parked, innocently enough along the sides of the road. But I knew what was inside, what waited for someone like me to come along. And I made my way, confidently now, up the road toward them. And they looked. Unbelieving at first. A prosititute. A girl. Come to the park to make some money. And from the number of cars and trucks I spotted, a lot of money.

After last night's experience I wasn't at all hesitant and I stopped at the first car I came to. He was an elderly gentleman, sitting alone and starring straight forward.

"Hi" I said as I came up to the window "like some company?" I don't know where I got that line, but it came out almost automatically.

"Sure" he answered, turning his head to look at me. I thought his eyes were going to pop out of their sockets as he scanned me from head to toe. Obviously he wasn't expecting a good looking girl to crawl in his car, but that's just what I did, sliding across the seat until I was next to him. My hand went to his crotch and felt around for his dick. He was soft. I had surprised him and he didn't have time to get hard before I started groping him, but he responded quickly under my insistent touch. Within seconds I could feel his cock growing harder as I continued to apply gentle pressure to the task at hand.

"Ohhhhh........" he sighs as my hand continues to massage and squeeze his growing basket. My fingers found his zipper and pulled it down, exposing the swollen, wet head of his penis. He wasn't wearing underwear, and it popped out with little proding on my part. Trying to seize the moment, and hot with excitement, I dropped my face toward my prize, my mouth open in anticipation of tasting the sweet clear precum that was oozing from his slit.

"No, no" he surprised me by blocking my approach "it's too dangerous now. Too many families around." My shock and disappointment at being held off was evident as I looked up at him. "Let's go for a ride. Somewhere else, ok? Some where safe."

"OK" I replied. At least I was going to get to suck him. That's really all I cared about. I didn't care where, and as he started the engine I slid next to him, my hand still gripping the slick wet head of his cock.

I continued to give him a hand job as he drove out of the park, turned left, and navigated his way thru the maze of neighborhoods that bordered on the park. In a few minutes we were heading out of the city, down some highway I had never been on before, but it could have been the dark side of the moon as all my focus was on his rock hard penis in my hand. My fingers wrapped around the circumference, just below the head, and I jacked slowly, up and down, on it. It was having the predictable effect of making him hotter and hotter, and when I thought he was hot enough I scooted back along the seat and dropped my head to his lap. This time he didn't object as my lips circled the tip of his cock head and my tongue played it's usual games on the underneath side of it. I hesitated in this position, my head sandwitched between the stearing wheel on the right, and his stomach on the left. Thus cradled, I began slowly impaling myself on as much of it as I could. In this position, with these restrictions, it wasn't easy, but I did the best I could. Apparently it was good enough as he moaned and groaned as I blew him.

I don't know where we were when he pulled the car off the road, I couldn't see a thing with my head buried down there. He slid around in the seat, facing me, and pushed me off into the floor board on my knees as he frantically groped for his belt buckle, unbuckling it and sliding his pants down. He reached down and pulled my head back to his crotch, which I eagerly lavished with kisses before taking his cock head between my lips again. I paused for a second to lick it with my tongue before opening wide and sliding half of the length in my mouth. He groaned again and I felt the powerful stream of his jism as he shot in my mouth. I continued to bob up and down, sucking and swallowing as he shot again and again. His cum tasted strong, and I resisted the urge to gag. I couldn't hold it all and I felt it leaking around the tight 'O' my lips were forming around the circumference of his shaft. His shaft was wet with the mixture of his white cream and my saliva and when I opened my eyes I noticed it puddling in his pubic hair, around the base of his cock. I deepthroated him and sucked it all in, cleaning the shaft in one swift stroke, then swallowing it down my throat.

"Oh, that was as good as I've ever had" he said as I sat up in the seat, helping him arrange himself "you're so damned fast we didn't even talk about price. How much I owe ya?"

"Ah.........twenty" I responded, still licking the remnants of his orgasm from my lips. Funny, I hadn't even thought about money, I had been so intent on sucking his cock. I guess I had come on strong and fast. Oh well, he had wanted it, I wanted it, what's the use in discussing anything else. I made a mental note not to make that mistake in the future. He was a decent guy, but some others would have just kicked me out when they were finished with me, glad to get their rocks off in my mouth for free. I say that with some experience, as several would take advantage of me when I was too hot to care.

"Twenty?" he questioned, and I had the sinking feeling that what I had earned last night may have been above the going rate. I needn't have worried "shit, twenty's what the TVs get. I thought you real girls went for more than that." His honesty must have brought out the honesty in me, as the words just seemed to pop out of my cum soaked mouth.

"I am..........uh, I'm............" but those were all that popped out before he interupted me.

"You're a TV? Of course. Well shit. Of course, them regular prostitutes don't cruise the same park you homos do. Shit. I should have known. Well let me tell you this, you're the best lookin damned TV I've ever seen. I mean I didn't for once suspect. Yeah, you're real good."

"Thank you" I said, sincerly.

"Well, lookey here, you done went and gave me the best damned $20 blowjob I've ever had. Bar none. Homo or woman, and believe me I've had my share. You want me to take you back to the park or back up on Campbell with the rest of em?"

"Rest of who?" I replied, not understanding what he meant.

"Rest of the TVs. Whadda ya think I meant?"

"Oh..........yeah. The rest of the............O" he meant where Mandy had said the TV prostitutes hung out. Did I want to go back to the park, or .........? What the hell. I knew Mandy, and I knew she worked the street every night. She had told me so. She was saving up for the sex change operation, she told me, so she was hustling every night to make all she could.

"Well, thank you" I tried to sound as feminine and sexy as I could. "If you don't mind, take me to Campbell. I have a friend who should be working tonight. If she is, you can drop me there. If she's not........uh........would you mind taking me to the park if she's not working?"

"Hey, it's only five minutes drive between them two. I'd be glad to haul your pretty little behind anywhere you wanted."

"You say the sweetest things" I mocked, only half mockingly. The truth was that I liked him. He was nice to me.

And so the first night of the rest of my life got off to a good start.

tobecontinued lesli99@hotmail.com

And we would return the next morning, seeking and finding even more. In less than 8 hours we had become the latest two 'Wasena sluts', enjoying every minute of it.

tobe continued lesli99@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 10

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