Leslis Story

By lesli 99

Published on Apr 12, 2000


Lesli's Story Part 7

"That would be Larry" Eugene told me, after I had related my mysterious phone call "he was one of the boys in the locker room today. He was one of the ones with a hard on".

"Maybe he likes me" I joked.

"I've been with him once" he continued "he came by one night. He was very nervous, and when we finished, he drove off without saying a word. As a matter of fact, I don't think he said a word the whole time we were together. And he's never spoken to me at school."

"Well, he was talkative on the phone. But yes he did seem nervous. Anyway, I don't guess it will hurt to give it a go, huh?"

"By all means" he laughed, and we talked for another 30 minutes about all the people who had come by Eugene's. Apparently there were about a dozen boys and men who made, more or less, regular visits, with another six who had been by only once. All in all, it seemed to me to be a large number for such a small town. It surprised me that there was that much activity, but Eugene assured me that he spent a lot of lonely nights, sitting and waiting for a car horn. All this was new to me, only two weeks had passed since I first ventured out, and wondered if I would still be as enthusiastic about it once I had been doing it for as long as Eugene had. He had been sexually active for almost two years, so I guess it shouldn't have surprised me that he had so many "friends". Fair weather friends, that is.

I was still somewhat keyed up by what had happened at school today. Why had I been so sexed up when they made me put on my panties and bra? And why had I lost all control when they made me do it to Eugene? Sucking cock turned me on, no doubt about that. But I had never felt the way I felt today, when they were watching. Was that it, did knowing that they were watching spur me on, give me the sexual high I had experienced? Thinking back on it, I remembered the time with Kenneth and David. I was extremely hot then, too, with one watching as I sucked the other. And when they made me get out of the car and do it in the road, I hadn't offered one bit of resistance. Did I want other people to see what I was doing? Was I secretly pleased that the car lights had exposed me, on my knees, sucking both of them? I was a transvestite, according to Eugene. I guess he would know, he seemed to know about these things. Was that what transvestites did? Was that how they felt? I didn't know the answer. At least not now. I would come to realize, eventually, why I felt the way I did. For now I just figured I was a queer. Or a transvestite. Or both. Eugene was queer. Maybe a transvestite is just a queer who dressed like a girl. Or maybe a queer is a transvestite that doesn't dress up. I had so much to learn.

Leaving my parents a note that I was going to the game with friends tonight, I set out for Eugene's, my dress, heels, and hose neatly folded in my backpack. It was a fun trip, going to Eugene's, as I imagined all the things that could happen there. I had come to think of Eugene's house as where I would like to live. Alone at the end of that road, people, at least some people, knowing what went on there. Knowing I was there. That I was available to make them feel good. As I walked along, it occurred to me that if I was a real girl I would be a whore. I would fuck and suck for anyone who wanted it, and I would enjoy it. 'Hell' I thought to myself 'you're enough of a whore now, even if you're not a real girl' and thinking like that made me hard.

As usual, I changed as soon as I got to Eugene's. His mother had just left, I waved to her as I walked up the road to his house, and wondered if she knew what went on when she was away. And if she did, I wondered if she knew why I was coming.

I used his mother's bathroom to put on my makeup. This was the first time Eugene had seen me fully made up, the first time anyone had.

"Wow" he voiced his approval as I walked into the living room "I thought you looked like a girl before, but now I absolutely can't tell the difference. I mean, if I didn't know."

"Thank you" I replied.

"Seriously, you could go out in public and broad daylight and I'll bet no one would know the difference." The idea excited me. What would it be like to be in public, as a girl? Did I have the nerve to do it?

It was a quiet night, no one came by, and Eugene and I watched television til after 9. I was just beginning to give up on Larry when a set of car lights appeared around the curve and cruised slowly by the house.

"Your date" Eugene smiled at me "why don't you walk down to the turnaround and surprise him."

"What if it's not him?"

"If it's him, he'll get a good look at you and be impressed. If it's now him, whoever it is will be impressed. Either way, I'll bet you get picked up."

With that encouragement, I walked down the steps and up the road toward the turnaround. It was a short walk, but knowing that someone was watching made it seem like 10 miles. I was hard the whole way, thank goodness I had taken the precaution of tucking my dick tightly in my panties or I would be sticking out. I had never walked this far in heels before, and I was a bit shaky as I made my way along. I'm sure I didn't look very lady like, and made a mental note to practice this more.

"Leslie?" he called from the drivers window.

"Hi" I answered, and made my way to the passenger side door, which he reached over and opened for me. I slid in, the dome light giving him a good look at me as I did. My dress came up over the tops of my hose as I rearranged my legs. He was gawking, and I took my time closing the door to give him an even longer look. 'No need to postpone this' I thought 'let him decide whether or not he likes what he sees enough to go on with this or end it right now before we're both embarrassed'.

"Gosh, you look great Leslie" he gushed. I guess one look was enough. "I mean..damn...you look like a real..I mean..you look better than..I mean..."

"Thank you" I cut him off. I got the point "So you want to ..." Now I was searching for words. How did I say it? Did I come right out and ask him if he wanted me to go down on him? In my limited experience, there hadn't been much talking. Most of the boys I had been with just pulled out their cocks and expected me do the rest. The biggest challenge of the evening might be what to say.

"Uhhh..sure..uhhhh...where?" he asked.

"Well, we can stay here, or we can go back down the road and into the field" I suggested.

"Uh, let's go there, it might be better."

"More private" I offered.

"Yeah" he said, starting the engine. We drove past Eugene's and I could see him watching us from the window. I remembered what he had said about Larry. 'Well, old buddy' I thought ' you may not have had much of a conversation with this guy, but we're having a veritable gab fest here'.

We turned onto the side road and drove thru the field to the top of the hill where Larry stopped the car.

"Maybe just a little further" I suggested, knowing that the car would be out of sight from the road if we crested the hill and went just on the other side.

"Uhh, yeah...more private" Larry muttered, and I swear I detected the slightest trace of a grin on his face.

He pulled down the hill about 100 yards, where the tracks ran past a tall oak tree which shaded the moonlight slightly. The leaves were almost all off now, and the moon still shown bright enough that the inside of the car was illuminated in a pale grey light. Enough light to see, but not so much as to be readily seen from outside. The perfect place for what we were about to do.

"Uhhhhh..gee, uh, well you sure look nice Leslie" he stammered, obviously a bit embarrassed at the whole thing. Wanting, and yet not sure? As inexperienced as I was, I suspected he was more so. What would he do? How would he initiate it? Should I wait? Would he have the nerve to start? As we sat in his embarrassed silence, I remembered what I had been thinking on my way to Eugene's today - if I was a real girl, I'd be a whore. Well, why not? I was a whore. I mean, I wasn't virtuous, if I was I wouldn't be here tonight. We had come here tonight because I said I would do what he wanted.

I knew that. He knew that. The only thing keeping us from it now was his embarrassment. I mean I wasn't embarrassed. I was sitting here, dressed like a girl. He had seen me dressed like a girl. He knew what I did, what I promised to do for him. How could I be embarrassed?

The realization of where I was and why I was here took hold of me. I slid across the seat and put my hand in his lap. He spread his legs slightly and I moved my hand down to fondle his crotch, where I wasn't surprised to find his very rigid penis straining in the confines of his jeans.

"Glad to see me?" I joked. This wasn't going to be another silent performance. I wanted him to talk, to acknowledge that he wanted me. He hadn't done a thing to help the situation in the locker room today because he was afraid his macho image would be damaged. This was different.

He had asked me to come here, he had come here of his own free will. He had come here because he wanted me to do to him what he had seen me do to Eugene. What Eugene had done to him. He knew why he was here. No, this wasn't going to be another silent blow job, wham bam, thank you mam. He owed me that much.

"It seems you are" I said, trying to coax a response. Verbal, I mean. His penis was responding to my attention admirably.

"Uhhhh..sure" he replied, somewhat unsteady. Oh well, at least he said something. 'Now it's a game' I thought. Let's see if I can be a real whore. I was excited.

"God, you're hard. And big. I'll bet you've been thinking about me, about how I look, how I can make you feel good." The words literally popped into my mind and out of my mouth in one fluid mental move, as I tightened my grip on his basket. "What do you want me to do. I mean, how do you want me to do it?"


"You want me to suck you? Do you want me to suck your dick?" I asked.

"Yeah" he whispered.

'No' I thought to myself 'make him tell you'

"Then say it. Tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it. I'll do anything you say."

"Yeah, do it" was his response.

"Do what?" I cooed.

"Oh..you know."

"No, tell me and I'll do it. I'll do anything you tell me to do, but I want you to tell me."

"Suck me" he finally blurted "suck my cock." It sounded like an instruction instead of a request. But he had said it, that was enough. Well, nearly enough. I wasn't going to argue anymore. I was getting hotter by the minute myself.

I moved my hand to unbutton his jeans. He wasn't wearing a belt. I pulled down his zipper and grabbed his jeans with both hands, pulling them down. His cock was gorgeous, it looked to be at least 6 inches in length and perfectly proportioned. The thought crossed my mind that I really enjoyed looking at these things now. I wrapped my fingers around the base and began jacking him slowly, gently, and he let out a sigh. Of tension, or of relief, I don't know which. I didn't care, I was starting to boil.

"Ohhhhhhh.." he moaned as my fingers came up to the head, my thumb rubbing gently on the underneath side of it. I couldn't hold off any longer and lowered my head, my lips parting and my tongue extending down to the tip of his prick. He tensed, briefly, as I made contact, then relaxed as my tongue began to gently bathe the engorged head. I couldn't tell in the faint light, but I imagined it was purple with excitement. I hoped it was.

Taking the head between my lips, I began to suck as my hand continued to jack the shaft in slow, even motions. I felt the soft, warm, delicious pre cum in my mouth. I was on fire now, as I began to bob slowly up and down on it, taking first half, the the whole thing in my warm mouth. As my nose pressed into his pubic hair, I brought my hand down to cup his swollen ballsack.

"Ohhhhh..ohhhhh...ohhhh, god" he gasped. He brought his hands down to my head, massaging my hair and pulling me gently to him. He was hot. He wasn't going to last much longer. This was too quick. I let my mouth slid slowly back up his shaft and, finally, when the head was just inside, I pulled off and turned to look up at him.

"Do you want me to suck you off? Do you want to cum? In my mouth?" I asked, as sexy as I knew how to ask.

"Yesss..." he hissed, obviously on fire with passion "I want you to suck me off and let me cum in your mouth." Bingo, I had him talking dirty to me. Even though I had to tell him what to say. Didn't matter. He said it.

"And. and do you want me to eat your cum? Eat it and swallow it?" I thought a good whore would say something like that.

"Oh god yes...will you swallow it?"

"Yes" I whispered "I want to swallow it, if you want me to. I want to do anything you want me to do." That was the truth. I wanted Larry to like me. To want me for what I was...or seemed to be. What's the difference? He wouldn't know the difference. Not just the way I looked. The feeling would be the same as if a girl did it, right?

Turning, I took his cock in my mouth again and began to suck and slurp and bob up and down. Faster..faster...faster, until finally he cried out and I felt the first powerful spurt hit the back of my throat. Gravity kept in from sliding down, and I continued to suck as he continued to erupt into me. My mouth was becoming full, and I paused, briefly, to swallow, emptying my mouth to take even more of the sweet, warm, sticky goo.

"Ahhhhhh....ahhhhhhhhh...ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" he moaned as I drained and swallowed every drop, my hand squeezing and massaging his balls in order to coax out every bit I could. I continued to suck, lick, and clean his wet cock until it was soft. I let it slip from my mouth and held it in my hand, the wetness that had just been in my mouth felt good on my hand. I continued to nuzzle it with my lips, my nose, my face. It felt good. I felt good. I hoped Larry felt good.

"God, that was so......cool. So incredibly cool." he offered.

"Ummmmm....for me too" I admitted. No sense in giving the impression that it was a one sided thing. It flashed thru my mind that I might establish that I had feelings too. Should a whore do that?

"I mean.....wow.....it was....like....."

"Like a real girl?" I tried to help.

"Yeah....like a real girl."

"Have you ever had that from a real girl?" I asked, interested in just how experienced he was.

"Well......uhhh....not exactly. I mean sure I have. I mean.....no." he stammered. The macho shit.

"Well, it was good. I mean, for me too."

"But you've had other boys. I mean....you've....you know."

"Not that many, I mean I'm new at this too." Suddenly the truth was important. I didn't want to make him feel bad about not having so much sex before. "Was it as good as Eugene?"

"uuuupppphhhh....yeah, definately. I mean....when Kenneth did it.....I mean....I don't know, it wasn't like this, I mean he's a guy and all.....I mean..."

"I know" I finished for him, trying to take him out of his misery and discomfort "Eugene's queer, and when he did it to you, it was...like....a queer doing it to you. Right?"

"Yeah, definitely. I mean it was...like you said, queer. But with you...I mean...it's more natural. You know, like it's supposed to be." Now he was opening up, letting his feelings come to the surface. I liked that. It made me feel like a was different. Not just queer. Time for sex ed. At least I could try.

"I'm a transvestite, not a queer" I explained. I didn't know what I was talking about, but I could try to make this easier for him.


"Look at me. Do I look like Eugene? Or do I look like a girl?"

"A girl, of course" he sputtered.

"Of course. I look like a girl, and I looked like a girl in the locker room today, didn't I?"

"Well, yeah." he admitted.

"And that asshole football player called me 'Eugene's girlfriend' didn't he?"

"Yeah.....but.....but he said you did what you did because you're queer."

"That's because he's a dumbshit who doesn't know anything about sex." I was really flying in thin air now, but I really wanted Larry to think of me as I felt I was. A girl. "He doesn't know anything about a transvestite, or anything. Look, I'll show you something." and with that, I slid the shoulder straps over my shoulders and slipped the dress down, lifting my butt to pull it down my legs and over my feet. I sat there in my bra, panties, hose, and heels.

"Look at me now" I said "what do you see? What do I look like?"

"You look like a girl, a real sexy girl" he replied. He obviously like what he saw. I slid across the seat again, putting my hand to his dick. It was semi hard.

"Put your arms around me" I was taking a big chance here, but surprisingly, he responded by taking me in his arms and pulling me close.

"You feeeeel like a girl" he sighed " a sexy girl." Bingo, I had him.

"And you feel like a horny guy" I replied, truthfully. His dick was fully erect now, and I pulled gently on it, sliding my hand down so that my fingers touched the top of his ballsack.

"I am......I am. Leslie?" he responded.

"Yes" I cooed.

"God.....oh jeez....would you...I mean?"

"What do you want me to do?" I asked, his rock hard prick already telegraphing what he wanted.

"I want you to suck me again.....some more. Would you? Please."

"I'll do anything you want me to do" I whispered into his ear "anything, anythime, anywhere." Now that's what a whore would say. I was sure of it. And if I had any questions before, I didn't now. I was a whore. The realization set me on fire.

"Let's get out of the car" he instructed "I want to see you better."

He stood beside the car, leaning on the door, as I knelt in the soft grass and took him in my mouth again, my eyes wide open and staring up at him as he looked down into mine. We were locked in the gaze of lust as I slid him in and out of my mouth, my left hand resting on his bare leg and my right gently massaging his, once again, swollen ballsack. I sucked the head, I licked the head and shaft, all over. I brought my lips to his balls, taking first the right then the left, into my mouth and sucking each ball while I slowly, ever so slowly and gently jacked the shaft of his prick, pausing occassionally to let my hand squeeze the head. I don't know where in my meager experience with boys I had learned this. Maybe I hadn't. Maybe it was instinctive. Maybe I was born to give this kind of pleasure, to do these things without thinking. All I knew is that I wanted to do everything I could to make it good, very, very good, for him. Doing this, making him love every minute of it, made me feel extremely good about myself. Better than I could remember feeling, ever. Ever.

We went on like this for a long time....a very long time, before I felt his legs stiffen the first squirt of his love juice in my mouth. With our eyes still locked on each other, I pulled him out til just the head was in my mouth, and hollowed my cheeks as I sucked hard to get all his cum. I swallowed, once, twice, three times, as he continued to shoot in me. I tongued him clean before letting him slip from my mouth. I gave the head of his cock a sweet, gently kiss, before putting letting him put it back in his jeans.

"Ohhh. That was better than the first time." he gushed "I mean, it was better seeing you. You know?"

"Ummm....yes, it was a real turn on to look at you while I did it" I admitted. The eye contact had really made me hot.

I put my dress back on and he dropped me at Eugene's house. We promised to do it again. And I explained that I understood the situation at school, and that I wouldn't embarass him. I wouldn't act like I knew him, or anything. He thanked me.

"By the way" he said as I was getting out of the car "my name is Larry."

"Yes, I know" I said, waved goodbye, and watched as he drove out of sight. Wow, what a night.

Eugene wasn't in the house when I came in. I looked out living room window and saw a car, it's lights off, in the turnaround. I hoped Eugene was having a good time too.

Next: Chapter 8

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