Leslis Story

By lesli 99

Published on Apr 12, 2000


Lesli's Story Part 6

My week's suspension from school began the next day, and gave me plenty of time to think, and to experiment.

Thinking back on the past week gave me plenty of memories to masturbate to. Being at home alone during the days gave me plenty of time to experiment, and I spent almost the entire day dressed, or dressing, and exploring my feminine self.

I liked the black mini and white sweater, but it was too much for the daytime hours. I found a very pretty white summer mini dress in my sister's closet that fit perfectly and was just the right weight for wearing in the house. I also discovered hose. I tried panty hose, but they were too constricting for me, and finally settled on several pairs of thigh high, elastic topped hose, one black pair and one taupe. I liked the way the felt on my bare legs, and I liked the way they accentuated them. They came to just above my hem line and when I bent, or stooped, the elastic tops shown out from underneath it.

I took bubble baths everyday, lounging in the tub, soaking up the fresh, softness. I discovered the joy of shaving. Nair was alright, but I loved then way my legs and arms felt after shaving them, even though the peach fuzz didn't warrant it.

I found my sister's makeup and began experimenting with it. It was simple, a light base coat, highlighted by rouge and pink gloss lipstick. I skipped the eye shadow and simply plucked my eyebrows a bit with tweezers.

I had worn my hair medium length for some time now, and a weeks worth of growth added yet another inch to it. I practiced parting it in the middle, brushing the sides straight into a feminine style.

The transformation, while still amateur in ways, was stunning. No longer did I look like a boy in drag, I looked like a girl in all respects.

It all came off before my parents came home, of course, but it all went back on the next morning. The week's practice paid off as I could complete the transformation from boy to girl, and back again, in record time now.

I slipped out of the house three more nights that week and went to Eugene's.

After the first night's adventure, I was hooked on the idea of waiting for boys and men to come by and having sex with them. While I had counted the cocks I sucked the first week, I lost track after that, and today I have no idea how many hundreds have cum in my mouth. I tend to forget the last one when I see the next one. And when I see a cock, it's no time before my mouth is on it.

Three great nights at Eugene's. Two cars came by the first night, and one each the other two nights. Three boys from school, and on boy from the next town over. All four agreed to let me help Eugene get them off, and by the end of the week, at least 4 more people knew me and knew what I did.

And we always ended the evening, before I changed out of my dress into my street clothers, on his living room couch sucking each other's dicks til we came, and then eating each other's cum. I was becoming addicted to the thick, gooey, tasty liquid, and I would do anything to get it.

Even my own. One day, while alone in the house, I slipped off my panties, lay on my back on the bed with my butt against the headboard, and let the weight of my fully extended and spread legs droop until my feet were on the bed behind my head. My butt was sticking straight up in the air, and my dick was hanging about a foot from my face. Opening my mouth, and sticking out my tongue, I jerked on my dick until I came, directing the heavy stream into my mouth. I kept jerking til I had it all out, then got up and went to the bathroom, my mouth full of cream. As I looked into the mirror, I saw the gob of cum in my mouth. I almost passed out from the sight, I was so hot. I had never seen what it looked like when someone came in my mouth, and it fascinated me to see the creamy white liquid, mixed with my saliva, laying in there. I opened my mouth wide and let it slide down my throat, disappearing on it's way to my stomach. 'This is how it looks when I suck someone off' I thought. It turned me on so much that I did it three times that day, and repeated the scene in front of the mirror every time. I told Eugene about it that night, and he tried it too. The next day I jerked off in a glass and drank it. I really craved the taste. Puberty and been replaced, in part, by depravity. I stayed hot and horny the whole week.

My first day back in school after suspension was not something I especially looked forward to, but it came soon enough and I had to deal with it, one way or another. I could feel the eyes burning a hole in my back as I walked down the hall to my locker. When I opened it, a folded note fell out on the floor. Picking it up and unfolding it, I read the words 'Sissy Faggot Cocksucker' written in crayon across the front. 'Oh well' I thought, trying to shrug it off, 'I guess that's what I am. No need to get upset over that' and thoughts of the great times Eugene and I had the previous week filled my mind. To this day I am not offended or insulted by the label 'cocksucker'. I do it, I like it. No problem.

Mr Kemp called me into the office after home room and explained that my study hall had been switched with my gym class. This was to get me in a more supervised study hall. He also explained that I would need to get a hall pass anytime I was outside the classroom during class. I guess he was trying to make sure I didn't end up in the bathroom in my dress again. I took that in stride too. I had plenty of opportunity to dress now, and besides, being in the bathroom when I got caught wasn't my idea anyhow. Of course I didn't tell him that. No need to have Danny mad at me.

Eugene and I began hanging out together most of the time at school. We talked in the hall, ate lunch together, and sat on the lawn together, talking, between lunch and math class. I was in his gym class and study hall now, and we studied together there. Everyone talked about us, but to tell you the truth, neither one of us much cared. We had each other and with our special bond, that's all we needed.

Dressing out for gym class and showering afterwards where the real problems.

The boys were mean to us, they would taunt us as they undressed, calling us names like queer and faggot and sissy. A few even went so far as to expose themselves and shake their cocks near us. I suppose it was good fun for them, but it made me nervous and self concious.

It came to a head on Friday of my first week back. We had just finished gym class early and everyone headed for the shower. Eugene and I held back, as we always did, waiting for the other boys to finish so we could take a shower without all the teasing, and so I could put on my panties and bra under my school clothes without anyone seeing them. We were sitting on the bench in front of my locker while two other boys were dressing behind us.

"Wonder what the queers were doing while we were showering" one of them, a tall thin football player asked his friend. I tried to close it out of my mind.

"Probably in here queering off with each other" the other one said.

"That what you girls were doing?" the first one asked. Neither Eugene nor I answered, hoping they would give up the game and go.

"Hey faggot, I'm talking to YOU" he yelled as he hit me in the back of the head, pitching me forward and almost knocking me off the bench. I only stopped myself my putting my hand on the locker door. I turned and tried to glower at him, but only really suceeded in looking scared.

"You two been in here queering off with each other, doing girly things while we been showering?" He was serious now and I knew it. This wasn't something we were going to get out of easily and I was scared.

"No" I heard myself answer weakly.

"I think you have, and what's more I bet we interupted you before you got going real good. I bet you too were really ready to get it on before we came in."

"No we weren't" Eugene answered, as meekly as I had.

"And I'll bet Leslie here was ready to cream his little panties at the thought of doing it too. Weren't you Leslie?"

"No" I answered, starting to panic.

"Where are you little panties Leslie?" he asked and before I had a chance to answer the other one thrust his hand in my locker and pulled them out. I was mortified.

"Here they are. Come on Leslie, model them for us. Show us what a good little girl you can be in your little panties."

I tried to stand and grab them from him as they dangled from his hand, but he was too quick, and too big, and he pushed me back down on the bench roughly.

"I said put them on, sissy bitch" and he thrust them toward me. There was no use in fighting this. They were bigger and stronger than either Eugene or I. Maybe if I put them on they would leave us alone. I took them from him, stood, dropped my towel, and stepped into them, pulling them all the way up.

"And this too" he ordered, handing me the bra "put on your bra so your little titties won't get cold." I complied, pulling it around my chest and fastening it in front. Now I was more vulnerable than ever, and just as I had the bra fastened, two other boys came in from the shower.

"Hey" one of them exclaimed "what's the girl doing now? Is she trying to crash gym?" They all laughed.

"She came in looking for her boyfriend, Eugene" the tall boy said "they were going to get it on while we were all in the shower." Eugene and I just sat there, looking at each other, afraid to speak. Afraid to move.

"Well, I think we should let them be alone and get back to what they were doing while we were in the shower."

"We weren't doing anything" I protested, still not strong enough to persuade them.

"Shut up missy" the tall one said, and slapped me in the side of my head.

"Stop it" Eugene insisted, defeat in his voice.

"Fuck you queer" he said, slapping Eugene in the face. Eugene's eyes filled with tears.

"Oh, did I make you cry? Don't worry, your girlfriend here will make it all better. Leslie, show him how you make your boyfriends happy. Show him how good you suck cock." I was beyond caring. Maybe if I did it they would have had their fun and leave us alone.

Eugene could tell from the look on my face that I was going to do it. I was going to do it so they would leave us alone. I wouldn't have had the nerve to do this in front of people a week ago, but I had learned a lot about myself in a week. I was going to do it for Eugene and I was going to do it for me. If these boys wanted to watch, they could. I didn't care. I wasn't doing it for them.

As Eugene sat there, I knelt in front of him, pulling the towel from around his waist and pushing his legs apart. He was soft from the tension, so I took his dick in my hand and began gently pumping it. The room grew quiet as the boys crowded around, partly for a better look, and partly to shield us from the prying eyes of anyone else who might come in and find us like this. Eugene was semi hard now and I bent forward and took him in my mouth. I heard someone draw his breath in sharply. It wasn't Eugene.

"He's doing it" someone whispered "he's really doing it."

"Of course he is dumb ass, don't you know shit. That's what faggots do. Isn't it Leslie?" I ignored him, concentrating on the dick in my mouth and the wet spot starting to form in my panties.

"I said isn't it Leslie, isn't it what faggots do" he said, pulling me up by the hair til Eugene's dick came out of my mouth.

"Yes" I whispered.

"Yes, what?" he roared.

"Yes, it's what faggots do" I replied, again in a whisper.

"And you're a faggot, aren't you Leslie?"


"Yes, what?" he repeated, slapping me in the back of my head.

"Yes, I'm a faggot" I blurted. It sounded awful, but it was the truth, and I had come to grips with it. But something about admitting it to all these boys made me feel better. He had forced me to say it, and I had said it. Kneeling here in the locker room floor, in my panties and bra, I felt strangely erotic. They were watching me. Maybe they liked me like this.

"You're a queer, faggot, sissy that dresses in girls clothes and sucks cock, aren't you Leslie?"

"Yes" I whispered.

"Yes what?"

"I'm a queer, faggot, sissy that dresses like a girl and sucks cock."

"Then get back to it, Eugene looks like he wants it." And he released my hair and pushed me back down on Eugene's penis, which I took quickly in my mouth and began to bob slowly up and down on it. I felt better now that I was doing it. They wanted to see me do it, and I was doing it. Eugene must have felt better about it too because he was rock hard in my mouth now. I deep throated him, burying my nose in his pubic hair as my hand instinctively went to his ballsack. I knew he liked that, it felt good. It was deathly quiet now and the only sound that could be heard was my slurping and sucking as I devoured Eugene's penis.

I was strangely at ease with the situation and I think I lost all sense of modesty and self conciousness that day in the locker room. As the boys stood gawking at the sight of me, on my knees, sucking Eugene's cock, I felt another sensation that I've come to realize now as my exhibitionist streak. I like to suck cock, and I like for people to watch me suck cock. And I like for people to see me dressed. I think it all became evident that day.

"Jesus Christ, look at him, he's got the whole thing in his mouth now" someone remarked "he's really hungry for prick."

I was on the upstroke now, and I wrapped my fingers around the base of Eugene's cock and began to jack as I sucked. I knew he liked it this way, and by the sound of his breathing he was close. A few more strokes and my tongue on the head brought him quickly off in my mouth. I continued to suck him, pausing only to swallow first one, then two gobs of cum.

"Goddamn, he did it. He sucked him off and swallowed his stuff." someone else said, like he couldn't believe what he had seen. "I wonder how that felt"

"He wants to know what it felt like" I heard the tall one say "wanna show him Leslie, whadda ya say, ready to suck off another cock?"

I took Eugene's wet cock from my mouth and straightened back up, still on my knees, turning to face them.

"OK" I whispered, reaching out to touch the boy nearest me. My eyes were glazed, I was on fire with passion and needed another hard cock in my mouth. I needed it bad.

"Fuck you faggot!" he exclaimed and slapped my hand away from his groin. He stepped back quickly, almost tripping over his own feet.

"Please" I pleaded, looking up at the circle of faces starring at me, looking for someone who understood what I needed.

"Please what?" the tall one said, looking down at me and smiling cruely.

"Please let me suck another cock" I whispered, making sure they understood what I wanted. I would suck anyone now. I would suck them all. I needed more sex, and I needed it now.

"Aw, go suck your self, queer" he said, spitting down at me. I was on fire, I was almost out of my mind from the sex and violence. I couldn't help myself. I needed to get off. They weren't here, in my mind I was all alone in the locker room and I had to get off, and I knew how I was going to do it.

"OK" I said meekly. I rose, walked to the end of the row of lockers, pulled my panties off, and spread out in the floor, my butt against the end locker. As I had done last week, I put my legs in the air, spread them and let gravity do the work, my feet coming to rest behind my head, my ass in the air, and my dick pointing down at my face.

"What the fuck is he doing?" someone asked.

"Jesus, looks like he's going to try to suck himself off" someone else volunteered, and I was vaguely aware of them coming over to where I was laid out.

It was too late to think, too late to stop my self, I was completely absorbed in the act of getting off, and my mind focused solely on that. Bringing my hand to my penis, I jerked on it violently and within 10 seconds a thick stream of my own jism shot out. I caught most of it in my open mouth, some going on my chin, and some on my nose. I continued to beat off til the last of it strung down from my dick, arching slightly and ending in my mouth. As I held my position, it broke free and fell across my face.

I was completely and utterly out of it now. The orgasm had drained me completely, physically and emotionally. I rolled over on my side and just lay in the floor, coming down slowly from this incredible sexual high.

"Goddamn, what a slut" someone exclaimed. It seemed like the voice was 100 miles away as my ears rang from the excitement of the past half hour.

"He's fuckin sick" someone else added.

"Aw, he's just fuckin queer" the tall one added "they're both just fuckin queer."

I was aware that they were dressing now and soon the locker room was empty. I collected my panties from where I had tossed them and got dressed. Eugene sat on the bench waiting for me, completely dressed now.

"I think you freaked them completely out" he said, his spirits seeming to come back once the crowd of boys had left. "offereing to suck one of them off really scared the shit out of them. And when you came in your mouth, well.....I don't think they will bother us in here again."

"God Eugene, I wasn't acting either. After I sucked you off, I was so hot I would have sucked them all. I guess the stress of the situation finally caught up with me and I had some kind of reaction."

"Yeah, you had a reaction alright. You were horny and there were a lot of nice looking boys around."

"Do you think they liked watching us?" I asked. I was still curious because I had the feeling, while I was doing it, that some, or all, of them enjoyed watching. "I mean, they were so quiet."

"They were all watching, and I saw more than one hard on thru the towels. Yes, I think they enjoyed it. By the way, I know one of them, I've been with him in his car. But they don't acknowledge you when they're in a group like that. They're all macho then. But one on one, well that's a different story."

I was late for class and had to go to the office for a pass. Then on to class. News, even that kind of news, travelled fast in my school, and from the looks I got when I sat down, I suspected that the story of Eugene and I in the locker room had already been passed around. I really didn't care, I was still on a sexual high from it, so I enjoyed the stares.

During my last period class, a teacher's aide came an called me to the office. I was to see Mr Kemp. I wasn't sure what it was about until I opened his door and saw Eugene sitting in a chair across the desk from Mr Kemp. I took the other one.

"Leslie, Eugene" he began "I don't know if you realize the punishment for....shall we say sexual misconduct here in school. We do not tolerate sex in this school. Sex of......uhhhh.....any kind. Normal or....ahhh....abnormal."

He must have found out about our episode in the locker room. What did he know? Had someone seen us? Had someone told, or did he just hear the stories that,by now, were all over the school about Eugene and I "queering off" after gym. Both my and Eugene's faces were red as beets, and I'm sure he took that as a sign of guilt.

"If you're caught.....uhhhh....if anyone is caught having sex in this school, or breaking the code of conduct in any way regarding sex, well you'll be expelled for at least a week, maybe more. That would do serious damage to your progress."

He didn't know! He had heard, maybe, but if he had proof, he wouldn't be talking to us like this.

"Yes sir" I replied "I understand the rules, and believe me, after spending a week out of school, I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize my future."

"Me either"Eugene piped in.

"Eugene, your mother and I have had several talks about your.....uhhh....well, your preferences. Leslie, I think maybe I should have a talk with your parents as well."

"No need for that, sir" I quickly responded "she knows I would never do anything else to break the rules."

He looked like he was having a hard time believing me, but I said it so wide eyed, and so innocent, and so sincere that I believe he was having second thoughts about a messy conversation with my parents.

"I'm warning you both, for the first and last time, no breaking the rules, understand?"

"Yes sir" we answered in unison. And it was over. Back to class, and then school was out.

I was in the middle of dressing when the phone rang. It was a voice I didn't recognize.

"I'm sorry for what happened after gym class today" he said. I still didn't recognize the voice.

"Oh.....you were there?"

"Yes, and I'm sorry, it was an awful thing to make you do."

"Well, why didn't you stop them?" I questioned, trying to make him feel just the least guilty.

"Look, everyone knows about you and Eugene. If I had said anything they would have thought that I was trying to take your side, and they would think I was queer too. I'm....uhhh....sorry, I didn't mean to call you that."

"It's OK, I don't mind being called queer. I mean....I guess that's what I am."

"Yeah, I guess so. But you're not like Eugene. I mean...you look different. I mean, you don't look like what people think a...ah...queer looks like."

"What do you mean?" I asked, not following this conversation at all.

"You...well...you look more like a girl. I....well, your underwear today, for example. I mean, you look like a girl, Eugene doesn't."

"You liked me in my underwear?"

"Ahh...well...well, yeah, you looked good. Like a girl I mean."

"Did you like what I was doing?" I asked, beginning to understand where he was coming from.

"Ahh, yeah....I mean....uh, would you do that for me?" Bingo. He had been turned on watching me and now he wanted some.

"Do you think I do that to boys? Other than Eugene, I mean?"

"Leslie, I don't know if you've heard all the rumors at school, but the rumor is that you'll do it for anybody." I hadn't heard all the rumors about me, but I could believe that was the reputation I had earned in the past two weeks.

"Do you want me to dress up like a girl?" I asked, already sure that I knew the answer.

"Oh yeah" he answered immediately.

"OK" I replied "when?"


"Well, my parents won't be here til 6, do you want to come to my house?"

"Uhh...well....that might not be such a good idea, people might see me, and all. What about the road in front of Eugene's house? At night."

"You know about Eugene's?" I questioned. Boy, word must travel fast.

"Uhhh, yeah."

"You've been there?" the light was beginning to dawn.

"Uhhh, yeah."

"OK, I'll try to be there by 11 tonight." As he hung up I realized that I hadn't asked his name. I had made a date without even asking who he was. It occurred to me that I probably deserved what ever reputation I had.

To be continued:


Next: Chapter 7

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