Leslis Story

By lesli 99

Published on Apr 12, 2000


Lesli's Story Part 5

I slipped out of my bedroom window, tiptoed across the roof, and dropped silently into the front yard just a minute past 10 pm. My parents were asleep. I was dressed in jeans and a black sweater, underneath this I was wearing my panties and bra. In the backpack strapped to me I had my black high heels, the black cotton mini skirt, and the white v-neck cashmire pullover. I sneaked down the street, dodging the lights, and took off across the open field to the interstate highway service road. Following this road for a mile, I turned off onto a small two lane blacktopped country road that lead over several hills before coming to a turnaround. Just before the turnaround, I found Eugene's house on the left.

"Hi, I'm so glad you could come" he greeted me, and we hugged. I felt good just being here with Eugene. We had so much in common, it seemed, and the past week I had found him a fellow traveller down this road I had seemed to have chosen. I suppose he felt the same way, and was glad to have me as the other outed queer in school. We were different, and we had discussed this. While he had experimented with transvestism, he was not as enthusiastic about it as I. He was slim, like me, of slight stature, but his facial features weren't as feminine as mine. He was happy being himself, a breath of fresh air to me, and I vowed to strive for the same sexual awareness as he.

Seeing my backpack, he invited me use the bathroom to change. I did quickly and came back to the living room where he sat. "Wow" he exclaimed as I sat on the couch "you really do look like a girl. Your body, your face, everything looks like you are one."

I sat, transfixed, as he described what went on down this quiet country road. Since he lived at the end of the road, so to speak, the only traffic past his house was deliberate. It was hard to confuse this for a thru way, and almost no one came here unless they knew why. They came because they knew Eugene was queer, and they knew his mother worked nights, from 9 pm til 6 am at the local hospital.

And they knew that if they came to the turnaround past his house he would go there and do what they wanted. Anything they wanted. He would either have sex with them there, or they would drive back down the road to a turnoff which led up another narrow road on the right which turned into tire tracks thru a meadow and over the hill out of sight. It was discreet and safe. There was absolutely no other traffic on the road, since it ran thru private property. No one would see them, and Eugene would never tell anyone about it. Until now. Now he had someone to talk to, someone to confide in. Someone to share his experiences with.

What was most surprising, according to Eugene, was the variety of "visitors" he had. Some of the most unlikely people you would expect. Mostly boys from high school. Boys who teased him about being queer during school, but came by at night and willingly offered their dicks to him to suck. Boys who wouldn't even speak to him, or acknowledge him during the day, but who moaned and urged him on as he brought them off in his mouth. Men, older men, who came by regularly for pleasure they weren't getting, or weren't getting enough of at home. Most of them treated him good, some not so good, but he always gave them what the wanted.

And respectable, upper class older men who came by to get the ultimate reward Eugene had to give. His ass.

"God" I exclaimed "you let men fuck you?" I had only fantasized about having a man put it in me there. I had that fantasy more often, and more vivid, in the past week, but still it was only a fantasy. I didn't know if I had the nerve to do it, but I hoped I would some day.

"Yes. Leslie, boys like me and you can give pleasure in only two ways. You know one way, but when you have it the other, you'll know what I mean. It's the best. Boys don't like to do it. I guess it makes them feel queer. They can stick their dicks in my mouth, and cum off without feeling anything but pleasure. They can close their eyes. We can do it in the dark, where they can't see - only feel - what I'm doing down there. But actually sticking their dicks into me, actually fucking me, that they can't do without concentrating. The older men who like that are more at ease with themselves sexually. Not so immature. They know what they want, and how to use me for it. Boys just can't seem to handle it. It's too intense."

"But it hurts. I mean...doesn't it?"

"At first, but with a little time and practice it feels wonderful. You can actually get off with a dick in your ass."

"Well, I think I'd like to try it, but I'm just not sure."

"Don't worry" he assured me "when you're ready, and you'll know when, it won't be a problem. It will be the natural thing to do."

Just then the lights of a car shone thru the opposite window as it turned the curve and headed past the house. I heard a quick toot of the horn as it pasted slowly and headed for toward the turnaround.

"See what I mean?" Eugene said as he rose and made his way toward the back door. "Why don't you sit on the front porch while I'm gone."

I did just that, taking a seat in the chair outside. I could see the car now, just turning around to face back down the road toward the house. It stopped in the turnaround and the lights went out, then the engine stopped and it sat still there. I could make out Eugene's silhouette as he made his way quickly across the field toward it. As he got there, I could see him lean in the passenger window, then the door opened and the dome light illuminated the driver. He was too far away, and it was too dark for me to make out who it was, but it was evident Eugene had gotten in the car with him. I could make out their two forms against the backdrop of the quarter moon shining over the fields, as they sat in the front seat. And then there was only one form, the driver, as Eugene's head dipped out of sight. I suspected, no, I knew that Eugene was going down on him. Sucking his cock as he sat there in the drivers seat. How I would love to watch, but all I could do was sit there in the moonlight. I slid my hand under my skirt and found my penis as hard as a rock. I massaged it as I imagined Eugene, his mouth full of hard cock, giving him what he had driven this short distance from town for.

A second set of headlights rounded the curve. The driver must have seen the other car in the turnaround because he stopped, reversed, and headed away. 'I guess Eugene stays pretty busy at this' I said to no one in particular, my hand pulling furiously on my cock.

After about 15 minutes the car lights came on again and it drove quickly to the house, the passenger door opening and Eugene getting out. It sped off down the road toward town, and Eugene climbed the short distance from the road to the front porch where I sat, my legs spread and my dick erect in my hand.

"That's not very ladylike, mam" he joked as he spied my rigid penis in my hand.

"I can't help it" I admitted, almost out of breath with excitement "tell me all, and I mean all, about that one."

"I don't know his name, but he's in my English class, first period. I've seen him around school with his girlfriend. He's been coming by at least once a week since school started. He doesn't say a word to me, but he's nice. He even gives me a ride back to the house when we finish so I won't have to walk. And he has a real nice dick".

"I saw another car while you were busy. Just how many visitors do you have?" I asked.

"Sometimes none. Sometimes I go 2 or 3 nights without anyone coming by. Some nights, especially on the weekend, as many as 5. Most nights, though, at least 1 and most times 2. If you're here, I think the word will get around, and it will be more."

"Why's that?" I asked, curious to know what difference two queers would make instead of one.

"If you're here, dressed like that" he indicated "I think more people will come by. Even in the dark I think some boys would prefer the illusion that a girl is doing it to them rather than a queer boy."

"Strange" I replied. I had never thought about it that way. I didn't have enough experience with boys to know if they were attracted by what I did, or how I looked. Or a mixture of both. Other than my first time with Kenneth, and my one time with Eugene, I had always been dressed like a girl. Would they have let me do what I did to them if I were dressed like a boy? Could I attract them just by my looks if I didn't do what I did? I supposed the answer was no to both questions. I was slowly coming to the realization that there were two ways to describe myself. A cocksucker dressed like a girl, and a boy dressed like a girl who sucked cock. I laughed at myself for the thought. And I realized I was, in fact, and I enjoyed both.

"Not really as strange as it sounds" Eugene went on "transvestites attract men. People know about me, and they come here. I think that once they know that you're here, and that you're available, they will come here to see you too. That is, if you want them too."

"It makes me hot thinking about it" I replied "but how will they know I'm here. I mean, you've been out at school and people know you. I've just started, and I don't know anyone but you, Kenneth, David, and Danny who have seen me dressed."

"Half the school has heard about what happened today. By tomorrow the rest of them will. They've seen us eating lunch together, they can add it up. I'll bet if you walked up to the next car that came along you could do the same thing I do."

"I don't know if I have the nerve" I gasped. The thought of it scared and excited me at the same time.

"Maybe I can help you" he replied, thoughtfully "maybe I can find someone who would like us both, at the same time."

"That would be cool" I said, and we sat and talked about it. We sat, and we sat, and we sat, for what seemed like hours before lights illuminated the porch as a car rounded the curve, slowing in front of the house to toot the horn and speed off down the road to the turnaround.

"Just sit here" Eugene instructed "I'll go ask." And with that he walked down the steps to the road and headed toward the car, which had stopped, with the lights off at the turnaround. He reached it in a matter of minutes, the passenger door opened, and he got in. I could see both of them sitting there, then Eugene's head disappeared for a few minutes, then reappeared as he sat up. 'Quick' I thought to myself. I was surprise to hear the engine start and the lights come on as the car slowly came toward the house. It stopped in front, and Eugene called from the open window for me. I walked off the porch and down to the car, where Eugene opened the passenger door and I slid in beside him.

We rode in silence to the curve, where we turned off to the right, where the road turned into tire tracks and let thru a feild, cresting slightly, then just over the top we stopped. Only then did I look at the driver. His features were illuminated by the dash lights, and I estimated him to be at least 40 years old, maybe more. He was large, not fat, but a bit overweight, his stomach protruded over his belt. His face seemed to be overly pock marked, but otherwise relatively good looking.

Without a word exchanged, he opened his door, got out, and got into the back seat. I could hear the sound of his zipper, then his pants coming down as I sat, starring straight ahead, in silence.

"OK" came a gruff voice from behind me. "Back here." Eugene indicated, by pushing me, that I should open the door. We both got out and Eugene crossed behind the car to the other side and opened the door, I did the same and slid into the back seat as Eugene took a position on the other side of him. He didn't look at either of us.

"Do a good job. And don't bite this time" he instructed. He was sitting in the seat, with his legs spread, and I got my first real look at his equipment. It was impressive, I must say, some 10 inches standing straight up over what looked to be the largest set of balls I had seen in young life. He was uncircumsized, a novelty to me, and I wondered how someone with a mouth as small as Eugene's and mine could possibly suck it without biting. It would be a challenge.

Eugene slid off the seat, into the floor and I followed suit, trying to mimic him since he obviously knew what he was doing. As I knelt there, watching, Eugene took the massive organ in his hand and brought his mouth to the tip, licking it first, then taking it gingerly in his mouth. He worked up and down, a few inches at a time, til he had maybe one third of it in his mouth, the shaft wet and shiney from his saliva. Fascinated, I brought my hand up to touch it, just below where Eugene's lips were positioned, and began jacking it. It was warm, and large, and my panties were becoming wet from my excitement.

"My balls" he moaned, spreading his legs farther and almost knocking Eugene and I to the floor "lick my balls". I moved to comply, sliding between his legs and bringing my mouth up to his sack, which rested on the seat. I licked as best I could, but there wasn't much room and my neck was twisted into an uncomfortable position. His aroma was strong, of sweat, and I found myself turned on by it. I continued to work my tongue over the sack, and I could feel each ball as they moved inside, in response to my tongue. I wanted to suck one inside my mouth, but I couldn't get close enough to do anything but lick.

Frustrated, I tilted my head upward and brought my tongue to the base of his shaft. Eugene was working his way down, and I estimated he had half the monster in his mouth now, his saliva running down the shaft and puddling at the base, where I had focused my attention. With my head turned sideways now, I began licking the shaft, from the base upward, til my face pressed into Eugene's as he worked up and down. I took the ballsack in my right hand and squeezed gently, bring a low moan from him. Eugene raised his head off the cock and we began licking the shaft together first me on the bottom, then Eugene. As I came to the top, Eugene pulled down on the foreskin and exposed the head, large and pink, and I wrapped my lips around it, sucking gently. As Eugene continued to lick up and down the shaft, I worked more and more of it into my mouth til the head was lodged firmly against the back of my mouth. Straining, I relaxed my jaw and throat muscles and managed to force the head past my gag reflex and into my throat. It was so big that I couldn't hold this position long, and had to resort to pulling out and sucking the head again. My jaws were sore, and I was afraid they would tire and I would bite him. I concentrated my efforts on the sensitive underneath side of the head as I jacked him and Eugene continued to lick and suck at the shaft.

He didn't say a word. Other than his heavy breathing, the only sounds I detected were the sucking and slurping as Eugene and I worked our magic on him, trying to eat this massive organ.

We developed a rythm. One of us would suck the cock as deep as we could, while the other licked and played with the shaft. We would do this until our jaws got tired, then switch positions, sucking and licking furiously as he moaned in pleasure.

Not one word of instruction, or encouragement, just moans. He was obviously pleased with what we were doing, and his mind was just as focused as ours. He was focused on getting off. Shooting his load into these two willing young mouths that were servicing him. What was he thinking? What was going thru his mind? Was he fantasizing about getting oral sex from a beautiful woman? His wife? His girl friend? Was he thinking about dominating a young woman, forcing her to willingly or unwillingly take his cock into her beautiful, young, clean, mouth? Did he have visions of her looking up at him, her eyes pleading with him to fill her mouth with his warm love juice so she could taste his very manhood, his essence? Or was he simply thinking about getting a blow job from two queers in the backseat of his car? One 'normal' queer, and one who was wearing a dress and high heels. Two otherwise nice looking teenagers who were willing to suck him off. Two young queers who obviously enjoyed sucking a man's cock til he came in their mouths. Two young queers who would take his load and eat it, swallowing it all and cleaning his cock with their tongues, trying to get every bit of his cum.

Whatever he was thinking, it served to bring him off, his cum filling Eugene's mouth and spilling out around his lips as Eugene fought to keep the cock still so he could capture as much as possible. His jism ran down his shaft and onto my tongue as I contined to lick and suck at the base. Eugene shared with me, opening his mouth above mine and letting a thick stream of cum and saliva string down to my upturned lips and into my waiting mouth. I trapped it there, swirling it around, savoring the strong taste of this man's love juice as it seemed to permeate my taste buds. It was strong, virile semen, the product of so much effort by Eugene and me. We enjoyed it together, Eugene bringing his mouth down to meet mine, thrusting his cum drenched tongue into my cum filled mouth, swirling, mixing our saliva and this man's cum in a love cocktail. We traded it several times, me blowing it into Eugene's open mouth and him letting it slide back into mine. I was lost in passion now, forgetting all about the man, as I continued to suck cum from Eugene's mouth and he continued to take it back. Our mouths were full, our lips slippery with all the cum, which covered our faces as we continued to kiss and slurp.

In my limited experience of one week I had never seen so much cum. It was everywhere, in our mouths, on our lips and faces, in our ears and noses. We were drenched in it. The smell was overpowering, the smell of love and lust. And I learned a valuable lesson that night. When you swallow cum, it is gone. You taste it in your mouth, then you swallow it. When it's on you, when it's exposed to the air for more than 5 minutes or so, the smell, the aroma, is much, much stronger, until it finally dries. As much as I love to feel it slip down my throat, I'm really turned on when it's in the open and starts to smell stronger. At one point, after about ten minutes, the smell was so strong that I almost gagged when I took it in my mouth. In my opinion, that's when it's at it's best, and I continued to lick the solidifying globs that stuck to Eugene and I.

"You faggots sure like to suck cock" was his only comment as he drove us back to Eugene's house. We got out, said goodnight, and made our way back up on the porch. We were both emotionally drained and keyed up from our experience.

"Who was he" I asked, as we topped the stairs onto the porch.

"I don't know" Eugene replied "this was the first time he's been here. He said a friend told him about me."

"God he had a cock didn't he?" I sighed, still wiping at the fast drying cum on my face. I could still see the head pooking into Eugene's mouth in my mind.

"Yeah, he can come back anytime."

We sat on the porch for another hour and no one came by. Sensing that the night was over, we both walked inside the house and into the living room. Without a word between us, I stripped panties off and lay down on the couch. Eugene lay down in the opposite direction, and as I unzipped his fly, he raised my skirt and took my hard prick into his mouth. He had deepthroated me by the time the time I had his pants down and his cock in my mouth. Silently, but with great urgency borne by our experience that night, we sucked each other off, cumming nearly at the same time in each other's mouths.

Truly sated now, I changed into my jeans and sweater, gave him a kiss goodnight, and made my way back home.

To be continued:


Next: Chapter 6

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