Leslis Story

By lesli 99

Published on Apr 12, 2000


Lesli's Story - Part 2

I made Kenneth promise that he would tell no one about our sexual encounter.

I trusted him because I knew that he had as much at stake as me. It was to be our secret forever as far as I was concerned. But there's a strange thing about puberty, it makes you so crazy you don't think straight, and the sex kept creeping into my mind every change it could. I remembered the delightful feeling of the night air on my near naked body, the feel of the silk panties on my bottom and the way they caressed my crotch as I had knelt there in front of Kenneth. The bra, tight around my chest, as I reached out in front of me to take his cock in my hands.

But most of all, I remembered the exquisite feeling that comes with taking a male organ inside my mouth, bathing it with my tongue, letting the saliva lubricate everything until it slid in and out with ease. How it pushed against the back of my throat until finally, and this seemed so natural, the head forced itself down. I thought I would gag, but my throat had stretched so far that it slid in nicely.

The taste of cum was fascinating to me. The idea that a boy would ejaculate in my mouth and I would swallow it made me hot every time I thought about it. I knew girls did it, and had even heard rumors of who did it in our school, but I was sure boys weren't supposed to do it. At least not openly. I knew the queer did it, I had heard stories from boys who had supposedly gotten blow jobs from him. Well, now I had given blow jobs. I was just like him, except for the fact that Kenneth was sworn to secrecy, and no one would ever know about me. My secret was safe.

As I said, puberty makes you crazy, and I am living proof. I couldn't wait to come home after school and dress. It was the most exciting thing I did all day, and if my parents or sister were home when I got there - thus preventing me from dressing - I was in a funk for the whole evening. In those cases I dressed after they were asleep, lying on my bed and masturbating. But most days I had the house to myself every afternoon, and would race home after school, strip, dress in my panties and bra, and parade around the house as Marilyn Monroe, or a model from one of my father's Playboy magazines he kept in his closet. It was during these 'outings' that I found myself fantasizing about being a girl. Not a queer. A real girl. I knew I wasn't, I didn't even think in my wildest dreams that I could be one. But I could look like one. Really.

My sister's ward robe fascinated me, and I found myself trying on first one dress, then another. My favorite outfit was one of her black, sleeveless mini dresses. The hem was cut six inches above the knee, and it fit tight around my waist, hugging my buttocks and legs. The top was cut low, held up by two wide straps on each shoulder. My bra pulled tightly around my chest squeezed a bit of cleavage which showed nicely. I experimented with shoes, finally settling on a pair of black velvet 4" heels. It took a few days of practice with these, but well worth it as the effect was stunning. I stared in the mirror for hours.

I have never been troubled with body hair, just a fine fuzz to which I applied some of my mom's Nair which kept it smooth as a baby. I shaved my pubic hair to look like the Playboy models, and one day, in a crazy move, I shaved what little hair remained from my balls. Standing nude in front of the mirror, with my legs together and my dick and balls squeezed between them, I did indeed look like a model.

Kenneth and I never really hung out in the afternoons, so when he offered me a ride from school one day a week later it was the first time we had been together since our encounter in the car. He was pitifully horny, he told me, and wanted to drive somewhere, but I told him that my parents weren't home so we decided to go to my house. While he waited in my room, I used my sister's bathroom to strip out of my school clothes and dress. I chose my one and only pair of black panties, bra, and my sister's mini, finishing off with the high heels.

"Jeez", he exclaimed as I came into my bedroom "you do look like a girl. I'll bet no one could tell the difference." The compliment excited me, and the idea that I could pass as a girl reinforced the fact that I wanted it this way.

He was hot, and the sight of me in the dress and heels made him hotter. He laid back on the bed, his hand fishing inside his pants and pulling out his already erect penis. I sauntered to the bed, sat beside him, and took it in my hand. It was warm, and I could feel the blood pulsing to it as I squeezed it gently. I jacked it slowly as my fingers played with the soft sensitive spot underneath the head. I had played with myself enough to know what that felt like, and his response was immediate as he closed his eyes and let out a long moan.

"My balls', he whispered, "play with them" and I moved my hand to the base of his prick and let my fingers cup the tight sack dangling below. "Oh......ahhhhhhh" he moaned.

Still holding his prick by the base, I bend over him and brought the erect piece of meat to my lips. He smelled good, filling my nostrils with an aroma I would come to crave. I took a deep breath and blew it across the tip of his penis, then parted my lips and let my tongue come out between them to lightly lick at the head. Then I licked all around it, letting my tongue explore the smooth cleaness of it. I was fascinated by how firm it was, how hard and soft at the same time it seemed.

I ran my tongue up and down the shaft, all the way around it, and came once again to the tip, parting my lips wider and taking the tip taking the head inside my mouth. As my lips closed around it, I let my tongue play gently on the soft, sensitive underside of the tip. I was conscious of the physical beauty of the thing in my mouth. It was the first I had experienced, so I knew no better. Or worse. I only knew that I felt a strange familiarity with it, and that made me feel good. I was hard as a rock, and it occurred to me then and there that something was different about me. I mean it's one thing to have a dick in your mouth, but it's another to get sexually aroused doing it. I was obviously queer, or getting that way. Funny, it didn't bother me now. Not in this situation. Here, lying on the bed in my sister's clothes, with Kenneth's hard cock in my mouth, it didn't bother me to be queer. Kenneth said I looked like a girl. I knew I looked like a girl. No, it didn't bother me, and soon the thought of being queer slipped from my mind, replaced by the fantasy of being a girl. A girl giving her boyfriend what he wanted.

After a few minutes of licking and sucking the head, I opened my lips wider and forced half the length of Kenneths swollen cock in my mouth. I missed the sensation of my lips around the head as it now slipped further and further in. My lips were glued to the sides of the shaft, and all the sensation was on my tongue as the head passed from the tip to the back of my mouth, finally pushing against my throat. It was here I began to slowly raise my head, withdrawing until just the head was in my mouth again, then slowly back down again until it was in the back of my mouth. My lips slidding over the texture of his shaft as my tongue pressed against the underneath side of it.

"Ohhhhhhhh.........ahhhhhhhhh" he moaned as I continued to bob up and down on him, my right hand cupping his ball sack and squeezing gently. After a few minutes of this, I found the head slipping easily past the back of my mouth into my throat. The sensation was mind boggling and I had to concentrate hard not to gag. I was surprised to find that I could breathe thru my nose as his cock prevented me from breathing thru my mouth. I was surprised, too, at the amount of saliva in my mouth. It coated his prick and made it easy for me to get it all in, and soon I felt the straggly bush of his pubic hair on my nose.

He was very hot. The first spurts came as the head was halfway in my mouth, and the warm liquid filled it. It was creamy, wet, hot, all at the same time. I pulled back a bit so I could take it all, my jaws fairly straining to contain it. The taste was mild on my tongue, and I pulled off til just the head was between my lips again. I swallowed once, and the feeling of that hot, sticky goo slidding past the back of my mouth and into my throat was something I would never forget. As I opened my mouth the aroma swirled into my nostrils and I almost swooned at the sense of what I was doing. The taste, the smell of jism is something I've never grown tired of, and although I didn't realize it that day, it is something I come to think of as the ultimate reward for work I love.

I sucked him for another 5 minutes, getting every drop of cum from him.

"God, that was terrific. You can sure suck dick."

"Thanks" I replied, just the slightest bit embarrassed "I liked it too".

"Listen, you know David Braff don't you?" he said, rolling from his back to his side, his dick flopping lazily.

"The senior with the white sports car?"

"Yeah, that's the one. We were talking one day and he told me Eugene has sucked his dick plenty of times. Anytime David wants it, Eugene does it to him. He says it's good, but it would be better if a girl did it to him." Eugene was the queer - well one of the two now, as I had to count myself - in our school. Everybody knew he was queer and they teased him about it.

"And?" I questioned.

"Well, would you suck David?" he asked. David was cute, with a cool car, and I was tempted.

"I, uh well, I don't know" I stammered "I don't want anyone to find out about me. I mean, I don't want to be like Eugene, made fun of you know."

"Look, we can make a deal with him, ok? He won't tell anyone, we'll make him promise". Now I was more than interested, I'll admit. I enjoyed sucking Kenneth, what would another boy be like?

"Well, if he'll promise not to tell anyone, maybe I'll do it."

"OK, let me talk to him. I won't tell him it's you til he promises not to keep it a secret."

Kenneth told me the next day that David was interested and promised not to tell a soul. Kenneth had told him about me and he wanted to see me dressed. Since my parents were going to be at home that afternoon, we decided to slip out after they were asleep and meet David at Lover's Lane. We could do it in Kenneth's car since he had a big back seat and David only had a sports car. I could hardly sit thru class, the idea of what I was going to do kept filling my mind with excitement. I stayed hard most of the day. I wondered what David was thinking.

I slipped out my bedroom window at 11:30pm, well past my parent's bedtime. I had put my jeans and sweatshirt on over my panties and bra, with the black dress rolled up and tucked under my shirt. I had the high heels in my hip pockets as I hurried down the street to meet Kenneth, who was waiting for me under the street light at the corner. I changed into the dress and heels as Kenneth drove. It was difficult, but Kenneth had told me that David wanted to see me dressed, and I didn't want to disappoint him. By the time we turned onto Lover's Lane, I was transformed, and Kenneth remarked about how convincing I looked.

"Anyone sees you, they'll think you're a girl."

"I hope so" I said, still a bit apprehensive about my first outing as a girl. But I knew he was right, I did look like a girl, and besides, it was dark. And that's what people did at Lover's Lane - or so I had been told. I guessed it would be alright. I hoped it would be better than alright. I hoped David would like me.

Kenneth pulled the car off the road, just behind what I recognized as David Braff's little white sports car. As he cut the lights, I noticed David getting out the driver's side. He was tall and good looking, older than Kenneth or me and probably much more experienced. I was getting hard again, and I could feel that my panties were wet from the pre cum. As he walked toward us I almost panicked, but before I knew it he was motioning for me to roll down the window, which I did. He peered inside at me.

"Damn, Kenneth was right, you look just like a girl, dressed like that" David said.

"And he does other things just like a girl too" Kenneth replied. The excitement of being here with two boys washed over me in hot waves, and I felt my face flushing as David continued to stare at me. For the first time in my life I appreciated the attention.

"Open the door and let me get a good look at you" he demanded.

"I don't want anyone to see me" I protested, but David assured me that no one would pay attention to us. We were just another couple, and besides, the other couples were busy with their own fun.

So I opened the door. The dome light came on and brightly illuminated me sitting there.

"Woooooweeee" David whispered "you look better than half the girls in school. You don't have to worry about any body thinking anything different." I was somewhat reassured by him, and offered no resistance as he reached in and pulled me from the car by my arm. He opened the passenger side back door and helped me in, coming to rest beside me in the back seat. In a second he had undone his jeans and pushed them down to his knees. As I looked down, I was greeted by the site of his very attractive penis, which was already rock hard. This was only the second penis I had examined, and I was fascinated by it.

"Play with me" he ordered, and I immediately complied, taking it in my hand.

The hard warmth there set me on fire with excitement, and I slowly and gently jacked him from base to tip, tightening my fingers around it to heighten the pleasure for him. He moaned with pleasure as I continued the hand job, by other hand going to his ball sack and massaging them. I seemed to be doing everything right now. I hope he liked me.

"OK, that's enough hand, you want it now?" he asked as he pulled my hand off his prick.

"Unh huh" I whispered, barely audible.

"Then say it" he replied, a little more insistent now.

"I want to suck you" I whispered.

"Then do it" he instructed. And with that I brought my mouth down to him, my tongue flicking out to lick the head. David was well endowed, probably 8 inches of thick manhood pointing straight up at me. As I licked around the circumference of it I noticed it was different from Kenneth's. It was larger and tasted of salt. 'Funny' I thought 'my second ever cock and I'm starting to get a real appreciation for differences'. I wondered how many times Eugene had taken this in his mouth and pleasured David.

Having licked the head real good, I opened my mouth and took it inside. As I did, I inhaled his aroma into my nostrils. A pleasant smell of manlyness greeted me as I slid more and more in. Reaching down with my right hand to hold him, I pushed until the head was stuck in the back of my mouth. I wasn't ready to take such a large cock all the way down yet, so I bobbed up and down on it, coating it with a layer of saliva that made it easier to take in. This did the trick, and in no time at all I was taking the whole thing in, pausing with the head down my throat before withdrawing until it was almost all the way out, then plunging down on it again. The sensation was overpowering, and my mind went blank except for the wonderful thing I was doing. My mind was in my mouth now as everything else left it, and I concentrated on giving him pleasure. I was enjoying my second ever blow job. I hoped he liked it.

David was moaning now, and the sound drove me on, my mouth sliding up and down on his rigid shaft, the head alternating between my lips and my throat as I took him all in. My nose brushed against his pubic hair, and I moved my right hand down to stroke and massage his swollen ballsack.

The dome light startled me and I jerked my mouth off David's cock instinctively and looked upto see Kenneth get out of the front seat and into the back.

"Get in the floor and suck us both" he ordered as he unbuttoned and pulled his pants down. The thought of sucking two cocks at once made me weak with anticipation, and I complied by kneeling on the floor between them as I took a prick in each hand. I sucked Kenneth first, my throat muscles completely relaxed from David, deepthroating him instantly. He moaned with delight.

"You like that don't you?" David asked as I continued to bob up and down on Kenneth's swollen meat.

"Ummmph.....ummmmm" I answered, my mouth full.

"Do his balls" he ordered, and I took my mouth off the cock and licked his swollen ballsack. The taste was delicious and I continued to lick and suck each ball into my mouth.

"I'm going to cum" David exclaimed, violently jerking his prick "but not in here, let's get outside." My mind was in a fog now, and I didn't protest at all as they both got out of the car and stood in the road. David pulled me out by the arm.

"Get on your knees and finish us both" he ordered. Again without the first bit of hesitation I knelt in front of them and pulled David's swollen prick to my mouth. As I did, I grabbed Kenneth's prick in my left hand and began jacking him off. I can't adequately describe the feeling. I was in pure heaven as I gave myself completely up to the exquisite feelings that accompany being the source of pleasure to a man. My panties were soaking wet as I knelt there giving the best blow job I knew how to give. No doubt about it, I was getting as much pleasure as I was giving, and I concentrated all my efforts on getting them off. I wanted them to like me, really like me, for what I was doing.

David shuttered, rocked back on his feet, and pulled my head to him, forcing his cockhead deep in my relaxed throat. The first spurts almost choked me, and I had to fight to pull enough of his spewing cock out of my throat and into my mouth. I wanted to swallow all his cum, but the intensity of his orgasm was such that I couldn't handle it all, a lot of which dribbled out between his shaft and my lips, running down my chin and dropping on the front of my dress. After the first violent ejaculation, I kept up better and was able to swallow the rest. The taste was much the same as Kenneth, and I remarked to myself that cum really did taste good.

"Ohhhhh...now meeee" Kenneth screamed as he pointed his spewing cockhead at my mouth. I opened wide and caught the first gush on my tongue. The next hit my chin and dripped off on the dress, joining David's load. Again the taste drove me wild, and I pulled his cock in my mouth to drain the rest of his semen from his balls.

The car headlights came on so fast that no one had a chance to conceal what was going on. We were bathed in light, me on my knees with Kenneth's cock still in my mouth, David holding his dripping cock to my face. The light was so intense that anyone there could see what we were doing. I was like a deer in the spotlight, and as Kenneth pulled out quickly, I instinctively - and stupidly - turned my face to the light. Kenneth and David dove for their cars, but I couldn't move, kneeling in the road, cum on my face and spattered down the front of my dress. I heard car engines starting and before I knew it both Kenneth and David were racing away, their tailights fading in the distance as I stayed on my knees, dumbfounded. Other car lights came on now, jerking me to my senses, and I ran quickly into the woods at the side of the road.

What was I going to do now? I was stranded on Lover's Lane, dressed like a girl, at least two miles from the safety of home. I couldn't stay there, I knew that, but what was I going to do? I knew the way home, but how was I going to get there without getting caught. Or worse, would someone who saw us come looking for me? I finally decided that neither Kenneth or David would risk coming back for me and made up my mind to get back home. It was difficult walking thru the woods with heels on, but every time I took them off and went barefoot the leaves and rocks hurt, so I finally left them on and made my way as best I could.

I managed to get back undetected and slip into my bedroom, exhausted, after 3:00am. I quickly stipped out of the dress and underwear, hid them under my bed, and slipped into jockey shorts for bed. As I lay there trying to go to sleep my mind was filled with the excitement of the night. Even with all the embarrassment and the long trip back, I was so pleased with what I had done. And what had been done to me. The taste of semen was still strong in my mouth, and I drifted off to sleep with the delightful feeling of contentment.

To be continued:


Next: Chapter 3

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