Leslis Story

By lesli 99

Published on May 31, 2001


Lesli's Story -- Part 10

We didn't find Amanda that evening. Not that my new friend didn't try, I'll give him an "A" for effort, we cruised the four block area where he knew 'girls like you' hung out but came up with zilch. On the spur of the moment I decided to stop by Back Street to see, if by chance, Amanda was there. I thanked him for the ride, he thanked me for the blowjob, and we promised to meet again. Real soon. He drove off as I pushed the door open.


"Hey ya girl" she called out as I stepped inside the smoke filled bar "What cha up to?"

"Uh, well...looking for you, actually" I answered and immediately felt self conscious from the way people turned to look at me.

"Put 'er here girl" she giggled, patting the empty seat next to her. I detected something strange about her voice, her mannerisms, something I didn't remember from last night. The beer on the table in front of her finally clued me in. She had been drinking. And from the slur in her voice I suspected not for a short time either. Her eyes had a slightly glazed, glassy look, and she seemed to have trouble hitting her mouth with the cigarette she held between her fingers.

Oh, she was full of herself alright, taking me under her wing like a mother, introducing me to everyone in the bar.

"Damn, don't she look good tonight" she said to no one in particular as she motioned to the bartender. He looked down at me as he sat the beer in front of her. "Go ahead Gary, set up another for Lesli here."

"Ah...got some ID?" he asked.

"Uh...well...I...I" I stammered at the question.

"Ya left it at home?" Amanda offered.

"Uh...yeah, I left it at home."

"Come on Gary, give the girl a break. She's with me" Amanda coaxed.

"Like I believe your ID is real Mandy?" he scoffed. "Look, I ain't gonna risk no underage bust, understand?"

"Ah ya sissy" Amanda laughed.

"That I may be, dear girl, but I'm not going to be an unemployed sissy for getting caught serving a minor" he shot back. End of that idea.

"Ah to hell with it" Amanda exclaimed as Gary shuffled back to the bar. She pushed the beer across the table to me, motioning for me to 'drink up'. I took a quick swig on the bottle and pushed it back to her. And so it went, she would share the beer with me everytime Gary's back was turned to us. We went thru at least six beers with me drinking most of them. By then I was starting to feel like Amanda looked.

"So Lesli, ya wanna take a walk? See what the traffic's like tonight?"

"Uh, sure...why not" I answered. Well, the beer answered actually. I had lost all sense of self conscious as I sat drinking beer with her. I felt perfectly normal dressed the way I was, and I had no compulsion about going out in public again. Why not? I mean I had already been out dressed like this completely sober. My beer nerve was twice what it was when I had walked in here and I followed Amanda out the door and onto the street before I knew what I was doing.

Even so, it was alright. We walked up the street, in the direction of the Park, as if nothing in the world was more normal. Except, looking back on it later, I suppose we both looked the part, Amanda in her jeans and incredibly high heels and me in my tight shorts. I would come to realize that it was not so much how girls like us dressed as it was where we hung out. The area west of 5th Street on either side of Salem Avenue was where TV prostitutes hung out, and anyone who frequented the area after dark was either a prostitute, or someone looking for a prostitute.

In the end it didn't matter. We were all there for the same thing, both the 'girls' and the johns. I would learn quickly that there was no shame. No hidden agenda. Everyone was looking for same thing. We were just on different ends of a cock.

As drunk as I came to realize Amanda was, she was still as street savy as anyone I would ever meet. She knew the drill here, where to be in order to attract business. And, more importantly, where not to be when the cops rolled by. She gave me a crash course in how to survive out here in the dark.

Cops, it seems, weren't there to arrest the 'girls'. Their primary purpose was to scare the johns away, and their occasional drive bys did just that, scattering the slow cruisers off in all directions as they drove thru. But there weren't enough cops, and they didn't have enough time to devote to 'cleaning' things up. As soon as they passed the cruising started again, and within minutes the girls were out and back in business as if nothing had happened.

There was more cruising than action, at least that first night, as the curious onlookers drove slowly up and down, back and forth, covering the entire four block area known as 'tranny town'. Some stopped, some didn't. Some were serious, some weren't.

As Amanda and I made our way past the Park, I saw other girls. Two standing on the next street corner, one at the entrance to an alley running off Salem Ave. Amanda introduced me to the two on the corner, Sissy and Cecile. They were both black, as I would find out most of the tranny's in Roanoke were. Sissy was petite, about my size, with a long black wig that gave the impression of something out of a vampire movie. She was wearing a short black mini dress and red high topped leather boots. To say that she looked the part of a hooker was an understatement. Cecile was on the heavy side, about 5'9" and dressed in jeans and a loose fitting tee shirt.

"Hey girl" Amanda called out as we approached them "what's up?"

"Who da ho?" Sissy asked, obviously referring to me.

"Sissy, Cecile, meet Lesli. Lesli, meet my favorite two roomies" I would learn that Amanda had four 'roomies', all transvestites, all black. They all shared a house in what was known as 'old southwest' near Highland Park about a mile from here. I had heard of the park but had never been there. I got an invitation that night.

"Competition" Cecile scowled as she gave me the once over "'nother white bitch". I didn't know if she was serious or not.

"Need to add some color to this corner" Amanda shot back "besides, the more girls we have working the block, the less time you have to spend on your knees, girl.

And you all time complainin bout that. "

"Bein on my knees pay da rent" Cecile said "She gonna help pay da rent? Cause if she ain't, she can shake her little ass somewheres else." It sounded like a challenge. I didn't know how to take all this.

"Shit Celie, you just selfish" Sissy enjoined "you want all dis cock fo yosef. Plenty of swinging dick to go round girl." And as if to prove the point, a car came slowly cruising up Salem Avenue toward us. We all turned to get a better look as it turned the corner in front of us and came to a stop.

"Hey" the driver called out as Sissy stepped off the curb and walked toward it. She leaned into the open passenger side window as the three of us waited on the corner. A hushed conversation and then she was opening the door and getting in.

"Get it girl" Amanda called out as the car quickly drove down the side street, turned left, and sped out of site.

"Dat boy done pick up Sissy every night dis week" Cecile said "I think they in luvvvvv."

"I been with him before" Amanda said to no one in particular "cheap sonofabitch. Always five bucks short of a trick. Or so he says. I don't go with him no more."

We talked with Cecile for a few minutes more and then Amanda wanted to show me more of the neighborhood. We crossed Salem Ave and walked down a side street to yet another dark alley in the middle of what appeared to be junky looking auto repair shops. She had found this alley quite by accident and the cops seemed to stay away from it more than street corners on Salem. She also took the opportunity to fill me in on the dangers of street life.

While the cops scared the johns away, another group went after the girls. The vice squad were the ones to watch out for she explained. They would pose as johns in an attempt to bust the girls for solicitation. She and the others had learned their game, at the expense of being busted a few times, and had developed some common sense defensive tactics designed to flush them out. The system, as she explained it, was simple. Never, ever proposition a john. Ask him what he was looking for. Let him make an offer. Never touch a john until he showed, as she put it, 'something a cop wouldn't show me'. The vice cops knew if they propositioned a girl, or if they exposed themselves, they risked the bust being thrown out by a judge on grounds of entrapment. Their busts had dried up once the girls learned the rules of engagement, but they still found an occasional 'novice' to harass now and again. So Amanda's advice, the result of hard experience, was designed to keep me out of jail.

Thinking back on what I had done last night, and again today, in Wasena Park convinced me that I had been just plain lucky, and I vowed to live by Amanda's guidance.

Our little hideaway was bathed in light as the car turned the corner and slowly drifted down the street, stopping just in front of us. As before, the passenger side window was down and the driver seemed to be straining to make out our features. Amanda sauntered over to the window and leaned in. I really didn't know what I was going to do if she rode off with this guy, the thought of being alone after what she had told me wasn't too appealing.

Then she was back at my side, while the car sat, engine running.

"He's interested in a twofer" Amanda tried to explain "but he says he only has enough money to pay for a single."

"Twofer?" I repeated.

"Yeah" she explained "one blowjob, two girls. It's your choice. It just may be safer than leaving you out here all alone. Whadda ya say? I know him, he's good people."

"Uh, well...yeah. OK" I replied. I had never heard of such a thing, but the situation called for flexibility I guessed. I sure didn't want to risk being out here alone while Amanda went with him.

"OK. It'll be fun." And with that she lead the way back to the car, getting in the passenger side while I got in the back. I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything.

"Usual place?" the driver said to Amanda.

"Sure. By the way, this is Lesli."

"Hi Lesli. Damn, you're a fine lookin' pair. I'm Tom by the way."

"Hi Tom" it was all I could get out under the circumstances. I just sat back and tried to figure out what the two of them had in mind. Oh well, another new experience I supposed.

The 'usual place' turned out to be none other than Highland Park, a place I had never been before but a place I would come to know like the back of my hand. But the first impression was that it was just a big, dark place, with a road that circled past the base of a hill and seemed to disappear in front of us. As it turned out the darkness concealed a small parking area which couldn't be seen from the streets on either side of the park and which served as a perfect spot for what was going to happen. Tom cut the lights and pulled in, the crunch of gravel indicating that we were off the road.

Suddenly it was deathly quite inside the car. The sound of crickets outside filled the silence. And then the unmistakable sound of Tom's zipper being pulled down and the rustle of clothes as Amanda's head disappeared into his lap. I sat like a bump on a log, not knowing what to do. So I did nothing. Nothing but listen to Tom's breathing, heavier now, almost urgent, and the soft slurping sound Amanda's mouth made as she went about her task. I was immediately hard at the thought of what was going on in the front seat, not more than three feet away from me.

Then movement. Doors opening. The glare of the dome light coming on, then off, as both Amanda and Tom got out of the car. Amanda came around to the driver's side and the dome light came on and went off again as they slipped into the backseat, Tom first, followed by Amanda. As we sat on either side of him, Tom unbuckled his belt and Amanda helped him pull his trousers down over his knees. Even in the darkness, as my eyes tried to readjust from the temporary blinding by the dome light, I could tell Tom was big.

"Your turn" Amanda said, and I knew instantly what she meant. My turn to go down on Tom. He pulled my hand to his cock, and I felt the wetness Amanda's mouth had left there. He was rock hard. And big, I wasn't mistaken about that. I would guess it was at least ten inches, and as my fingers encircled the shaft I thought he was bigger than any man I had been with. I tightened my grip and let my hand work over the entire length of it, from the pointed head down to the base, where it disappeared into the soft curls of his pubic hair. I let my pinky stray down past the base and was surprised by the impressive girth of his ballsack. Yes, he was all man, and I couldn't think of anything other than what I was about to do.

"Eat me" he moaned. It wasn't a request. He wanted what he was paying for.

And I did too.

With my hand still firmly grasping his manhood, I brought my face down thru the darkness til my outstretched tongue found him. His cockhead was wet with a combination of Amanda's saliva and his precum. It tasted delicious as I opened my mouth wide and captured the crown between my lips, my nostrils taking in all his manly aroma as I held him there. He let me work over the glans with my tongue as my hand jacked the shaft slowly until I had a few inches of him in my mouth. The precum and my own saliva lubricated not only the head but the shaft as I slid up and down on the monster. Taking in a deep breath, I forced my self down on it, using gravity to my advantage as he thrust up to bury as much of it as he could in me. His cock head was at the back of throat in one swift movement, and I concentrated on relaxing my throat muscles for the inevitable onslaught I knew we both wanted.

Amanda was there now, her head between his legs as her tongue bathed his ballsack. She worked at sucking his balls as I bobbed up and down on the shaft, taking more and more of him inside me until I felt the head slip past my gag reflex and lodge itself in my throat. I couldn't hold it there for long and had to pull back slightly to get air. Amanda took the opportunity to move her mouth up to the base of his cock, and between the two of us we made love to the entire length of it. I moved my hand down to massage his massive ball sack as my tongue lavished attention on the sensitive spot underneath the head.

Tom wasn't going to last long. Not with the combined talents of the two mouths working him over. His breathing was heavy now, labored as we increased our tempo to a near frantic pace. The noise of our sucking and slurping mixed with Tom's moaning to create a surrealistic depravity of need and fulfillment as we all three strove to satisfy our individual needs.

I had wondered about, but never questioned the fact that I seemed to enjoy the act of giving oral sex as much as men enjoyed receiving it. But now I experienced, for the first time, a ménage a trois of giving and receiving enjoyment that bore out my belief that they were one and the same. Just different ends of the cock.

Tom let out a groan of satisfied excitement as he began ejaculating in my mouth. The first spurt was more powerful than anything I had experienced, catching me unexpected by the sheer volume. My mouth was filled to overflowing and I nearly gagged. As I tried to recover, to swallow as much as I could, gravity worked against me and not a little of it escaped past the tight 'O' of my lips. I needn't have worried. Amanda's tongue was there to scoop the overflow into her mouth as we both hungrily devoured all the rewards Tom was giving us. I didn't even try to swallow all of it. I let enough run down from my mouth, down his shaft, that Amanda had a mouthful too. We were both swallowing like crazy now. I had given up on sucking. I was trying not to drown now.

As the force of Tom's ejaculation diminished I began to refocus my efforts on sucking, coaxing the rest of his climax into my mouth. Amanda moved her head beside mine, and I pulled off to let her take his cock head in her mouth and finish draining him. She finished by pulling off and bringing her lips to mine in a deep, wet kiss. Our tongues took turns exploring the warm leftovers of the gift Tom had left in our mouths until we had cleaned each other completely. The only thing left was the strong smell of semen that filled the car with proof of what had gone on.

Tom was a vegetable thru all this, sighing softly as Amanda and lost ourselves in the depravity of each other.

The fog that surrounded me was like nothing I had ever felt before, and I lost track of things, shaking myself out of it only as Tom pulled out of the parking area and headed out of the park. I had completely spaced out, oblivious to anything and everything save Amanda's wet mouth on mine.

"Tom" Amanda said, breaking from our kiss "just drop us off at my place, OK?" Then to me "let's finish this at my house." She needn't have ask. I was ready to follow her anywhere at that point.

Tom paid Amanda before letting us out in front of an old two story Victorian somewhere near the park. Although he had told her that he couldn't afford it, he gave her forty bucks, twice the going rate for a blowjob. If the truth be told, I think both Amanda and I would have done it for free. I know I would have. It had been an experience like none other, and formed the basis for future reference to 'wild'. As we discussed it later, Amanda had never experienced anything like it either.

We were, to say the least, hot, and I don't remember too much about the house that night. All I really remember, apart from being half drunk, is the urgency. We wasted little time and before I realised it we were both naked, in Amanda's bed, doing things to each other that I had only dreamed about doing with another TV until, finally, we could do nothing more than fall into a deep, satisfied sleep.

to be continued lesli99@hotmail.com

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