Lesbian Section Begininings Title-Up the Levels

By Ren

Published on Oct 24, 2008



Y'all might know me as shadow angel but I'm JukeBox lool and this is my latest project y'all show me love and you'll get the second posting no love or comments then I will conclude it's a shit story and give up lmao.

Okay how do I start this... okay I will start with my name is Renée and I'm 21 a college drop out (yay yay to Kanye) and you know what I'm living large and taking charge cause I'm a song writer. This is my life basically I live in San Francisco California you know how it be and I'm such an effin dyke. Some like to call me a stud because of the way I dress lookin fly in them baggy pants and wife beaters, but I say fuck labels... as far as I'm concerned I'm Renée on my birth certificate it don't say stud... I hope. So here I am making my way to home girls crib to get ma hair done... it was long and frizzy. So these are my rules and how I be dealing them chicks, I have different levels for em. Aight level one the girls who can be swept of there feet with some corny lines and a sexy stare next thing you know we butt naked getting our freak on. See that's level one some call them easy I like to call them... Um easy haha. Okay level two you can't get them in bed with some corny lines hell no... see you use the corny lines to weaken there defences and you can't just buy them a drink either you gotta take em out maybe fast food haha then you be getting down and dirty in the back of your car. Then we have level threes see I don't really do level threes unless the pussy be calling like damn. See they are more than a dime piece they make you weak when they smile, look at you, you feel me. No corny lines, no fast food( a definite no, no) its gotta be all real if you seriously wanna be hitting that. So from what I've said so far you might have noticed that I don't do girlfriends, I don't do wifey, I do friends with privileges I do unofficialness I do all the shit that don't make you tied down to one chick. Some like to call it playa I like to call it staying safe from drama and all the other emotional shit.

"Yo girl stop day dreaming or you aint gone get your hair braided come here," Carla yelled as she held her door wide open, she sounded angry but I gave her one of my cute smiles and she was good. I walked into her crib... now I must say I love the way girls crib smelled it smelled of fried chicken, and all the other nice fried foods that aint good for you but you know you gotta have.

"Alright how you want it, gotta make this quick," she sighed.

"Come on girl you make it sound like we about to have some boring sex... look you know how I like it tight... fly...You know just work your magic up on me," I said flirting with her a little. See the thing that made Carla special was the fact that everyone I've ever been friends with that is femme I've had in more ways than one but Carla you could say was a level three and she knew me too well to even give it up to me.

"Aight well sit you're ass down and tell me about your latest sexual adventures... oh by the way I heard Lil Rema's knew song girl them lyrics are tight," she said to me as she began to comb ma afro.

"Yea I no I wrote it," I laughed. "And what makes you think I done have some sexual adventures?" I joked. She turned my head towards her and raised an eyebrow.

"Okay you got me," I replied. "You remember Sophie Gonzales, her dad owns the barber shop a few blocks down," I began

"No! Sophie!! I coulda swore the girl had more brains and I was sure she was a level three," Carla exclaimed. You see Carla knew the levels I told her everything, because she always had my back when it came to the crazy bitches and the ravin boyfriends she was there.

"Hell no so you wanna say you and her be on the same level nahh she's a level two, we went to taco Johns then straight to her crib for the night," I told her smiling at the night. See the thing about Sophie she was loud and responded to me in the most amazing way she wasn't the best I'd had but sure enough good. Then I felt a quick pain on my head.

"Ow what was that for?" I groaned rubbing my head.

"Don't be having no nasty thoughts while I'm standing right next to you," she laughed making me laugh.

"So what's good with you?" I asked her as she began to braid my hair not too tight but tight enough.

"My cousin Lauryn is coming to town she just turned 19 and has moved out of her mommas place they just couldn't get on so she's gonna live with me," she told me.

"Lauryn that cute lil twerp who loved to do funky styles on my hair wow I remember her with her braces and chunky ass glasses," I laughed.

"Well looky here she don't look like that no more and she like me is out of bounds and if you're a true friend you will stay away," she warned turning my head to look her in the eye.

"I got you man, and I respect you too much I would never try move to your cousin, plus I never even thought of her like that," I exclaimed. We went on talking for awhile to my hair was done.

"There you go bitch, all done," she said tapping me on my freshly braided hair.

"You know I love you girl," I said checking my fresh do in the mirror. Suddenly we heard three sharp knocks on the door. I continued to check out ma hair and Carla moved to answer the door. All I heard was hear squeal excitedly.

"Girl I was supposed to come pick you up form the airport," I heard Carla exclaim.

"I no, but I wanted to surprise you," the person replied... the voice was kind of familiar. I moved down the hall to see the finest sexiest honey I'd ever seen I swear my jaw piece practically hit the floor.

"Ree are you just gonna stand there or show a girl some love," the sexy ass chick said to me open her arms wide.

"Lauryn! Oh my God girl you look... fine!" I gasped hugging her she was shorter than me so I could rest my chin or her head," I looked at Carla who gave me a death stare and I quickly let go.

"Well I guess I hit puberty late but I've caught up, but you aren't look so bad yourself," she said to me biting her lip which was full sexy and pink and totally kissable. Oh my Lord I had to get out of there her sexuality and presence was so powerful.

"Well nice seeing you again I gotta go now," I said looking at Carla who was still giving me her death stare. I had to lighten the mood. "I messed with a barber's daughter now I gotta go holla at her again," I said winking at Carla, who looked she like finally breathed before smiling and ushering me out the door while following me out.

"Remember what I told you if you value our friendship you will not fuck with my cousin," she warned in a low tone.

"I wouldn't dream of it girl trust me," I said hugging her but in my mind I was already having sexual thoughts of her cousin running through my mind the kind of thoughts that were god damn freaky!

I hopped in my ride an Audi S8 I was feeling to the core. I drove straight to Sophie's crib she lived in apartment 3 doors down from her father, which is pure hilarity. Braids fresh, black tank top and the baggy pants to match dear lord I was looking fine. Joke I am actually modest around folks but this me here not around folks so I can be as big headed as I like... right.

So here I was standing in front of shawty's door contemplating on whether or not I should not... as I raised my hand to knock the door flew open. Sophie stood there holding garbage in her hand looking totally pissed.

"Hey baby," I casually said smiling scratching the back of my head which was a thing I did when I was lying or nervous.

"Don't you baby me que te jodan" she growled in Spanish which was what she did when she was angry or about to cum haha. Either way the girl was hot no matter what language.

"Fuck me well we did it two nights ago and I came here to talk with you but you wanna act out go on with your bad self," I said turning to walk away, no this was the technique that all level twos and some level threes fell for.

"Wait," she sighed grabbing me hand. Score!! Do I got game or do I gots game. She pulled me inside her house, which looked really homey. "You want something to drink," she asked.

"Yea sure just open your legs and gimme some of that juice," I laughed. She shot me an evil glare she was a high up level two... lines turned them on but they react in an angry manner.

"You came here to buss your stupid corny line get out now say what you have to say," she snapped.

"Wow feisty, you wanna slap me too huh," I snapped back.

"I wouldn't mind," she retorted.

"Fine I will say what I have to say then I'm out of here you won't see me again," I told her angrily I was upping my game cause she was upping the levels.

"You are an amazing sexy drop dead gorgeous person... and you are not like other girls I've been with you are so much more than that so I apologize if I did you wrong but I will not apologize for what we did because I liked every second of it," I told her. I saw a face softening with each line. I couldn't do it to her I just couldn't play her like that you see with level 2/3's you couldn't get too involved or you will fall HARD!! "So let's forget it you know the hating the cussing and just be friends, you know I don't wanna be in a relationship and I don't wanna hurt you," I said moving to her stroking her cheek she looked so damn sad but I had to stay strong and not let that cute look drag me into the void.

"I knew from the beginning what I was getting myself into," she whispered. The she leaned forward while tip-toeing and kissed my lips softly at first then she pulled my head closer to her and kissed me harder, her tongue dancing around in my mouth, soon I found myself kissing her back, pulling her close to me and touching her tongue with mine. Then she pulled away.

"Well I guess this is goodbye but I feel we could be friends soon," she smiled... Oooh damn girl had game it's a shame I invented the game she playing... cause she kissed me so good that was honeys was of saying this could all be yours.

"Yea I hope so," I said smirking walking out. Okay I didn't get a cookie but I still came out on top.

**** Oh my God see I was nervous about seeing Renée shoot I bit all my nail of in the plane and damn she is even finer than before but she didn't even stick around. I've changed so damn much but she probably still sees me as Carla's little cousin. I know it was my first night but I had to hit up the clubs you know introduce myself to the fine sisters who will actually pay fucking attention to me.

"Where you going," Carla said leaning in my doorway.

"I'm going to that club cocoa the one I could never usually get into before," I told giving away my sexual orientation as cocoa was a gay club but more famous with black people.

"That answers my second question, look I know you've had a crush on home girl Ree for a while but please sugar don't go there," she said to me and it immediately pissed me off because if she was saying this to me, what did she say to Renée.

"What you talking bout, I can get with whoever I please," I snapped at her

"Look you're in my care now, in my crib, and I'm warning you she isn't the sweet charming person you see, she will tear you to pieces take every little bit of you and the leave you for the next chick she is not someone you try hold down. You are a big girl I know that but I love you and I don't wanna see you get hurt which is what will happen if you mess with Renée" she explained to me. I don't know what people call it nowadays but I'm gonna call it and epiphany she was right and wrong at the same time.

"I see what this is and I see what you're saying," I began. "You want her you're in love with her but you're too scared she will do to you what she does to everyone else," I said to her in a calm voice.

"I use to be but I'm not anymore, just think before you do anything stupid like sleep with her," she groaned in an irritated manner before walking out.

"My cousin was fucking right I couldn't go jumping up in there like I was easy, no I needed experience and to play the game like my life depended on it.

Carla got dressed looking fine and she drove us to the club it was about 10pm and it was just about jam packed and left right and centre I was already seeing finess in different shapes and sizes. We sat at the bar Carla and I and just took in the atmosphere bodies grinding up on the dance floor male and female it was so exciting to see.

"What can I get you ladies?" the bar maid asked, I turned around and damn I saw me some hotness she was gorgeous, light skin full slips, hair pulled back.

"Yes you can get my cousin over here a soda and I a kiss please baby," Carla said with this flirty look. I was shocked would she say that to a stranger.

"Mmm since you asked so nicely anything for my girl," the bar maid winked before leaning over the bar and kissing Carla on the lips. I think my mouth hit the counter my uptight cousin had manage to get herself a girl not just any girl for that a fine one.

"Oh I'm sorry Lauryn, Jessie the wifey, Jessie, Lauryn my little cousin," she said in a dazed voice not taking her eyes of Jessie. She looked so happy.

"Hey shawty I was wondering if you wanted to dance," I felt someone say as they touched my arm. I turned around and saw this girl she wasn't drop dead sex appeal gorgeous she was CUTE! Oh my God she was cute in a sexy way She looked about 5 ft6 she had a black bandana on with a white hat to match a black shirt and so slightly baggy jeans, I was looking her over.

"Yea why not," I said smiling taking her hand. Next thing Missy Elliot is blasting out the speakers and I'm grinding up on her. Her hands are shy barely touching me. I turn around put arms around her neck and whisper. "Lauryn what's your name," I ask her trying to be friendly.

"Alex," she replied still acting all shy... she needed to be edged. So were swaying to the beat, I take her hands as I turn round put them on waist as I grind back up on and she was grinding back. Usher and Lil John was screaming yeah and the floor was getting more packed and I was having fun and Alex was too cause her shyness soon faded and we were getting down on the floor. **** I arrived at Cocoa at like 11 I stepped through and it was packed as usual. I moved to the bar and saw Carla lipsing Jessie.

"Y'all need to be getting a room," I laughed sitting next to Carla.

"Yea we do don't we baby," Jessie smiled they looked so in love it was sweet.

"Damn girl you're braids are tight where you get them done," Jessie said turning her attention to me. Carla gave me a look I didn't understand at all.

"Yea they fresh the handy work of your girl over here," I smiled running my hands through my hair. Carla sighed loudly and gave me a dirty look.

"Baby..." she quickly turned to Jessie but Jessie just through her flannel that was on her shoulder down and walked into the backroom.

"What's up with her?" I asked totally confused.

"You have a reputation she's insecure about our friendship. When I was braiding your hair I was supposed to be with her I told her I had work. You're a fool you could have backed a sister up she said angrily. She started to climb over the bar her ass in the air in the tight shorts. I felt bad.

"I'll handle it," I said grabbing her pulling her down and hoping over the bar. I rushed through the back and saw Jessie sitting on the stall with her hands on her head.

"What up home girl," I smiled, she looked up but she didn't smile back. "Look I'm gonna break it down for you. Carla is my best friend my sister basically she's had my back since back when and yeah I've thought about it but she hasn't I would never go there I respect her too much and respect what you guys have. I've never seen her happier than when she's with you," I explained, I saw a little smile form. "So you better get back out there and get your girl, before all those playas try move to her," I laughed. She laughed back I offered her a hand and she took it we were cool. We walked out the back room to Carla who looked like she was about to burst into tears. I watched Jessie walk round the bar take Carla's hand walk back into the backroom...

So here I was standing behind the bar then I see the finest honey smiling while she's getting grinding and laughing with some other girl. She leans in, and whispers in her ear then moves to the bathroom. I needed to get a better look so I followed her. I walk in and see her staring at herself in the mirror she looks confused, dazed and happy at the same time.

"Hey girl I saw you across the floor and I was like whoa I at least needed to admire this work of art," I said in my flirty voice.

"Renée please, corny lines is not becoming of you," she turned around and smirked, it was Lauryn. "And you can admire all you want you don't have a chance with me," she said tapping me on shoulder before walking past me.

Now I know I made Carla a promise but this girl was IT!! She was my mission my journey... God help me I don't fall to deep.

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