Lesbian Diaries

By Alisha

Published on Aug 13, 2002


Lesbian Diaries III By ALISHA

Then another villain came to our love story. It was our new teacher whom I mentioned in the start. He was a good teacher but he started taking a fancy on my love Pinky. During the classes he would be looking straight into her eyes and he never bothered about others. Soon girls started gossiping about love affair between Pinky and the new teacher. They talked about it in my presence and I was burning with jealousy and anger. Then it happened. When I was walking along with Pinky to go home, the teacher appeared all of a sudden before us from a sidewalk. He tried to give idea that it was quite accidental, but I saw a lot of cigarette stubs where he came and I guessed he was waiting there for a long time and nervous. He asked about our homes and parents, he was walking along with us. I was looking at Pinky, she looked more enthusiastic and bit shaky too. I was constantly watching them, even though he tried to make me join their conversation about exams,results etc I acted dumb. He suggested taking few after school-hour classes for us if interested. I said I was good at the language and I need no help from him. My bold outburst might have surprised him. He walked away. "Why was he waiting there?, are you in love with him?", I asked Pinky. "No Alisha, he was not waiting for me, perhaps he was waiting for you", she was quite innocent in her reply. But her smile invoked suspicion in me. Perhaps she might be loving him.

Then I caught her red-handed, it was during our first terminal examinations. I was having exams in the forenoon session and Pinky was having it afternoon session. When I came out after giving my paper I saw the teacher and Pinky talking at the window. They were trying to part away when I appeared, and he proceeded to the staff room, after saying something to me. I walked straight to Pinky and saw her trying to conceal a white paper into her blouse. I asked her, "What is this?", "Nothing, he was giving me possible questions for the exams", came her fast reply. "Let me see", before she could slip away I caught her by force and took the paper from her blouse. "Give it to me, its nothing", I took it and walked away. She tried to come for that, but then bell rang for her examinations.

While she was writing the exams I went to lavatory and read the letter. It was a poetic love letter full of praises . How could men write such nice pleasantries and it was a shower of praises and I was in no doubt that once Pinky read that she would be permanently in love for him. When Pinky asked me to give her the letter I told her that I was not going to give it to her. But I disclosed her the content, I lied her that he had written that he loved us both. She begged me to show the letter but I replied her that I had torn it away. After vacations the guys service was terminated as our teacher joined after her delivery. He was temporarily appointed for the post.

The next weekend Pinky came to my house and stayed one night. We made love again that night. This time we were more aggressive and did not bother to switch off the light. The next day was Sunday. I wanted to take a photograph of us and my father gave us lift to a studio near his shop. He asked us to come to the shop after the photo is taken. It was a newly started studio, there was a handsome young man with a smart moustache and piercing eyes. His name was Suresh. When we entered the studio he was developing pictures in the lab, he welcomed us and asked us to makeup in the makeup room. There was a big mirror before which a lot of powder tins, lipsticks, and other makeup equipments. He came to us and took a small brush and applied mascara to Pinky's eyes. "You have beautiful eyes!", he exclaimed. I showed irritation at his remarks, he suddenly added "you have also very nice features", I did not mind it. He lifted Pinky's chin a little and started applying pancake. I saw Pinky shivering at his touch and it boiled my blood. "We will do the makeup", I told him. He was embarrassed and suddenly left to arrange camera. "You bitch, don't show your teeth at every sundry", I scolded her. Pinky replied coyly, "Chechy, he was doing only makeup no, do you know how to do all these stuff?", she was right. I did not know how to apply pancake etc. We did our makeup quickly. When we came out he was adjusting lights, he asked us to sit on a chair. We sat side by side. "No give a pose, why don't you put your hands on your chechy's shoulders, no, hold her tight, why are you so shy", he was making directions. Finally Pinky put her hands on my shoulders and I could feel her teats pressing my side. It excited me, her fragrance was unmistakable making my juices start running down. The jasmine smell of her sweat mixed with lavender and sandal powder we just applied intoxicated me. Then he clicked the camera, "Once more", he said. He clicked again and Pinky was giggling at him. I felt jealous why was she behaving like a slut at his presence. "Now I will take your single photos", he said. "No", I said firmly, "We don't want any more photos". "Don't worry, its on the studio I want to put your photos as a publicity, you don't pay any money" , he said. "No", I was furious. He was disappointed and Pinky too. I was happy, I didn't want him take single photos of Pinky. It was his intention and for courtesy he asked for my photo too. "Next Friday I will give photos, where are your staying", he asked. Pinky said her place. "I am also staying in your neighborhood, the small house on the hilltop, then I will deliver the photos to your house", he said. "No, my father will take it from you", I said and told my father's name. When he heard my father's name he became polite and we left him. When we were walking to my father's shop I saw him looking at us from balcony. Pinky tilted her head sideways and I bet she gave him a smile. I got angry but Pinky put her hands on my shoulders and smiled at me. My anger was gone in her sweet smile, "My love, my sweet love", I kissed her in my walking dreams.

When we entered the shop my father was busy, he acknowledged our presence and asked the oldest salesman to show clothes to us. I selected some expensive chiffon clothes for both of us. "Chechy, they are so expensive, please select something cheap", she asked. "Shut up, I want only the best for you", I said. Then I selected some brassieres and panties for her. She was shy to look at them. "young madam please wear them before you take them home", the old man said to me. We entered the small cubicle Pinky tried to make me stand outside, but I did not fall into her trap. "Ok chechy, try them I don't want any of them", she said. "No, these I have bought for you only, try these, don't over giggle , remove these", before she could prevent me I unhooked her blouse and yanked them through her lean hands. She became blushed again and I tried to kiss her. She turned her face from me and I unhooked her bra straps. She was trying to cover her nudity but since mirror was there I could enjoy her frontal and backside. The brassieres were having small holes made at the nipples and when she wore them her nipples were jutting out like two cherries out of the embroidered holes. I rolled at them naughty and she gave a squealing sound, "Give me the blouse" , she lead her hands to take her blouse from my shoulders. I saw her dark bush under her arms, wow, her pit hairs have become jet black, the last time I saw it, they were bit blonde. She was fast becoming a woman. I sniffed at the wet marks on her blouse at her armpits and inhaled the jasmine smell deep into my nostrils. "Now try those panties", I said. "Chechy, keep your tricks with you, they will suit me, I will try at home", she tried to open the door. "Stand still, I put my hands into her panties and cupped her vulva", she was damp there. Her curly bush was soaked with sweat and her secretions. I put my hand to my nose and enjoyed the raw scent of my lover. "Jasmine, you have a jasmine cunt Pinky ", I kissed her. I licked the sweet beads appeared on her upper lips like dots. I was getting damper and my own cunt bush was unable to absorb my juices and I could feel them spreading to my inner thighs.

We reached home in my father's car. I pleaded my mother to give some small jewelry to Pinky. "What do you say, gold is expensive, you cant give them free to anyone" my mother said. "Please mom, she will return them back, I guarantee, she may be wishing to wear some no", I begged. Finally she agreed to lend a pair of ear rings and a small gold chain to her. Pinky was reluctant to accept them, I told her she may return them when she like. I accompanied her to her house. Her mother and younger kids welcomed me. When her mother saw the gold ornaments and new dresses which I gave to her, she cried and said "Pinky , never forget your friend Alisha, she is a real gem, never loose them". She hugged me and cried "We are poor dear, you are great people, may god bless you", I bid good bye and Pinky was standing waving at me till I disappeared behind a bush.

The next week my father gave me the photo, it was better than I expected. It was more like two lovers, "Why is the photo like this, who posed you, you look like husband and wife", my mother showed her concern. "I said you to go to the old studio, how can we put this on walls", she asked again aimlessly. "Perhaps its latest fashion, anyway your both are very good", my father said.

When I visited Pinky next time, the children welcomed me with chorus "Hai Alisha chechy, we have seen your photo". I was happy, "Do you like it", "Yes", they said. "I like Alisha chechy better", the boy said. "What did your didi said", I asked. "She is keeping the photo in her book", the boy said, "I have seen her sitting looking at it all the night", he added. This pleased me very much. "The photo uncle also came here one day", he said. I was stunned. "Who?", I asked. "The uncle who stays over there, he said he took your photo", the girl said. "When, why did he come here", I was shaking with rage, but the kids did not understand it. "He told to take our photos too", they said. Then Pinky came and ordered them go away. "We told her about that photo uncle", they said to her. The color changed from her face. She was getting nervous. I was angry, "Why that chap came here?", I questioned her. "No, chechy, he did not come here, he was going this way to take snaps of landscapes, he said, then he saw me and asked some water", her replies added to my suspicion. "Why did he come your house, tell me", I tried to force a more detailed reply. "He drank water and left, I did not ask him why", Pinky evaded my questions. "Chechy, have you polished your nails, nice polish", she tried to change subject. "You should not talk with him even if he comes again", I told her. "Chechy why don't you come inside and talk", she said and meanwhile she adjusted her lungi showing her bare legs and her smooth milky white thighs. My mouth watered at seeing her flesh and I followed her to her kitchen. I forgot all about asking Pinky about the photographer and the purpose of his visit .

The rest of the narration I may have to change to third person as I came to know about the events described only many months later (to be continued)

Next: Chapter 4

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