Lesbian Diaries

By Alisha

Published on Jul 23, 2002


Lesbian- Dairies Part II (Dream come True) By Alisha

I had lost count of how many times I enjoyed sniffing at the yellow panties which I stole from Pinky. Finally it lost all its fragrance and saltiness. But I was keeping it as a memento until my mother discovered it and threw it away after scolding me for using such worn-out underwear. I didn't utter anything in return and the very next day my mother gave me a packet containing a dozen floral panties. I tried to locate the precious one but it was nowhere seen. I was curious to check whether Pinky wear a new one or not. So I brushed her skirt without arousing suspicion many times. Poor girl, she did not have a spare one and she was very conscious about its absence too. She did not go to latrine in other's presence perhaps fearing the other girls would make a mockery on her. I felt really pity to her but I did not get any idea how to present a new one to her.

The studies started taking its momentum by the next week. The classes were taken by a new teacher, who was a gentleman got temporary employment. He was so eager to create a good image so that he could get a continuation. He took classes for poetry and he made us sing the poems loudly. He had got a great moustache and slightly bald head, he was shy to look at us in first. But after one month he established a good reputation for himself. I lost my rhythm of studies. My mind was wandering thinking always about Pinky. The possibility of having my secret desires fulfilled still remained a vague dream. My class teacher noticed my lack of attention and I replied her that I was having menstrual disorders and she did not ask more.

My mother was curious to see Pinky after hearing my frequent references at her. I used to take more food and curries and when my mother asked about it I told her, "There is a poor girl in my school, she could not have taken anything for lunch, she is so beautiful but so poor, I want to share my food with her". My mother was satisfied that I am taking kindness to other girls and she was a nice person by heart. I prayed for lunch time to come faster, as I would get opportunity for one hour to spend with Pinky. She too became a clinging wine to me; the other girls alienated us with all their might. But I did not pay any attention to them. They mocked at us by referring us as husband and wife. I protested at them but I liked the remark very much within my heart. It was what I silently wished to happen, but Pinky did not pay much inclination towards a physical relationship with me. I bet she was unaware of such kind of relationships. It was common in our school that senior girls harass juniors by pinching their butt and feeling the pussies at lavatory. I tried to go to lavatory with Pinky, I wanted to get a glance at her pussy. But she did not come in fact she never went to lavatory as far as I remember. When I asked her to come with me for company she would come up to the lavatory and would stand outside.

The lavatory was a godforsaken place with four mud walls but without a roof. There was no commode etc, one room was having a cement slab meant for shitting, but there would be always dried shit and no water causing much of vomiting sensation. Nobody could find who was doing that, but everyday the picture would be same. Our new head mistress tried to clean the lavatory and we did a nice job of it but the very next morning it was again seen dirty and somebody shitted there and bothered not to pour water and there ended the head mistress cleaning of it. There were five cubicles separated with bricks but no privacy. All girls would hike their skirts and lower their panties and then there is silence for a moment followed by the hissing sound of piss comes out. I always wondered how lucky men were, as they could just stand at a wall or in open take their fly out and proudly urinate. Some boys used to draw pictures using their penis and a large amount of piss coming out of it. Only women were deprived such little pleasures. Once during a festival I saw an old lady standing near a wall and openly pissing. It was an awkward sight, she was looking here and there for any person appearing and the golden shower sprayed here and there and drops coming as so many little streams along with her skinny thighs. Another time I saw a matured pussy was when I was traveling in a bus. One old lady was quarrelling with a boot polish man and all of a sudden I saw her hiking her skirt and displayed her dry pussy. She had tears in her eyes, she did it on her utmost frustration. Fortunately nobody other than me saw that precious one moment flashing and the guy too got stunned with her outrage. I saw him giving some money back for which she was arguing just after seeing the display. I was too intimidated with thoughts that why her pussy appeared completely hairless and so dry. Do old grannies shave their quim when it start graying, or do they loose hair from there when they get old? Still a puzzle to me!.

One day I saw Pinky coming out of lavatory at an odd time, I saw that our scouts and guides cheerleader followed her from lavatory. I was stunned to see them together and the cheerleader gave me a wry look and proceeded away. I got angry, how dare she went with another girl to the lavatory while she was denying company to me all those days. I got angry and caught her hand and pulled her into the lavatory. It was class time so none would come normally. "What was you doing here with that bitch?", I asked. Pinky was disturbed by my outburst, but she soon recovered her calm and said innocently, "I came to urinate as I felt my periods are going to come", I was relaxed at her coy reply. I loved her voice and the faint jasmine smell began to entice my nose. "You never came with me here, what did that bitch do with you?", I asked. "She was asking things about me, and then she pressed me here", she looked at her bosom. I was stunned and angry. That bitch pressed on my beloved's boobs, how dare she did that to her, and how did Pinky allow her to touch her boobs. I was red with anger, "You never allow me to touch you there and stood there to be touched by that bitch", my words were stammering. "She is only a girl like me no?, she just said something about the size of her boob and then asked my size and pressed me. It happened quite unexpected and I could not prevent her", she said innocently. I was mad with rage. "Why did you go with her and you never allowed me to do such things?, you are a bitch you are cheating me, I know that bitch had a crush on you and you stood like a prostitute before her, you are a liar, you are a prostitute", I cried with anger. Pinky was cool in her reply, "Alisha, when you are looking at me I feel like you are a boy, and I become so shy, but she is just another girl know, girls do such things no?". I could not scold her anymore, she touched some of my nerves. I felt secretly proud about her remarks, she was thinking me as a boy, and then would she be thinking about sex and with me. A million dollar question!, indeed. "Okay what else did she do to you, let me see where she pressed", I cupped her breasts for the first time and a wave of electricity passed through me. I won a glorious moment, her boobs like butter so warm and without any bra made me mad with desire. I was dying to tear open her blouse and see those dear breasts with the black small nipples and immerse my face down to her delta of Venus, her origin of the jasmine fragrance and I would die there without any oxygen. But she skipped out of my hands and ran away. I was filled with joy and pride and at the same time I was doubtful about Pinky's behavior.

When I reached my home I started reading the letter again. It was written in the letter that he wanted to marry Pinky after she is attained the legal age for matrimony. I tore the letter into a thousand pieces and flushed it after shitting on it. How dare that bald teacher tried to steal my charming princess. We could not meet for one week as it was vacations, on the third day I could not stand it any longer. I would die if I did not see Pinky. I asked my mother to give permission to go to Pinky's house. "Why don't you ask her to come here, you will catch cold as rain is coming", my mom said. "No mummy, she is so poor and afraid to visit us, she has no good dress", I said. "Ok, but you come back before tea time, and don't forget to take your umbrella", she said. I hugged her and she smiled.

I had a bath and I put on a new pair of panties and a black bra which I recently bought. I stood before the mirror and watched me, "not bad", I murmured. I inspected my armpits, there were a good patch of small hair appeared, I did not notice that, when did they start sprouting. I lowered my panties and looked at my pussy, "hai my cutie pussy", I liked it. There too a small thatch of jet black wiry hairs had appeared, I rubbed there using my fingers and took them to my nose. I was crestfallen, I had no smell, no jasmine, nothing at all, I sprayed a lot of prickly heat powder into my pussy and adjusted my panties. I used a heavy amount of mascara under my eyes, put a red spot on my forehead, I decided to dress in a long skirt and blouse. I adjusted the bra so that my breasts looked bigger than my actual size. I started with my umbrella and walked through the small path between a vast paddy field.

When I reached Pinky's house, her brother and sister were playing using mud and coconut shell. Then her brother took a stone and threw at a dog showing its skeleton. Then he saw me and shouted shined. "Alisha chechy(elder sister) has come, Alisha chechy(elder sister) has come", then his small sister too joined the chorus. "How do you know me?", I asked. "Pinky chechy used to talk about you", they replied. "Why did you throw stones at that poor dog ?", I asked. "It's the dog who has taken Pinky chechy's chaddy (reference for panties in our native language) ", came his reply. So that solved the mistery of missing panties, I was relieved. I always feared that Pinky would come to conclusion that I might be the culprit. I gave them some sweets which I had brought and their eyes popped out with happiness and gratitude. I looked for Pinky, but she was nowhere seen. Then she appeared from behind the barn. She was going to milk the cow; she was wearing a linen dress, which was up to her knees and an old shirt (perhaps her fathers). She did not expect me and she tried to lower her lungi( half knee dress which has no strings just worn by skill and so easy to remove in one snatch) and hide her legs. My clit began throbbing inside my panties seeing her beautiful calves, they looked as if carved in ivory. She had her calves well-rounded and small black hairs giving a black shade. "Alisha chechy, I was just thinking about you", she said in a shy tune. "What did you think about me?", I asked. "Nothing just remembered", she said. "Chechy go and sit in front , I will milk the cow and make tea then", she tried to send me to front. "No problem I will stay here and watch you milking, I haven't seen it", I said. "No, cow will kick me, it doesn't like someone else", she resisted. "No, she is lying, our cow is quiet, she doesn't kick anybody", the children cheered. Pinky had nothing more to say. She gave a defeated look and proceeded to the barn with a mug of water.

I hadn't seen milking a cow in my life, so I was curious. Pinky unloosed the calf and it jumped to its mother's breasts, it hit there thrice with its face and started sucking the four nipples alternatively. When it had drunk for a few minutes, Pinky expertly pulled it away and tied it near, she washed the cow's tits and started pulling the nipples and pressing them under her fingers. Streams of milk started falling into the vessel she carried to extract milk. The stream hit the vessel making sound of small farts. Pinky was expertly doing her job and I was watching with fascination. She was busy and expertly milking the cow. The cow stayed calm and I saw that the lungi was moved upto half of her thighs and I could see her ivory thighs with its baby fat. If the children were away I would have started a frantic fingering right in her presence. Such was the impact of seeing Pinky's naked thighs and her expert hands at work. I imagined in place of her and Pinky in place of the cow. How it will look like Pinky standing on her fours and I crawling under her jasmine pussy, and milking those creamy breasts with those black nipples jutting out. My beloved gods, please make my Pinky a cow and let me milk her, I prayed. Pinky was nervous about her revealing posture, she was lowering her lungi with one hand but she was sitting on her toes and she had to continue till milking is over. Then I saw that her old shirt was torn at the armpits and I could clearly see her hairy pits. How dark her tiny pit hairs have become, "ooh, la la ", I prayed for the milking to last forever. Pinky was keen on milching the cow and escape from my watching eyes, she was trying to adjust her cloth but poor cloth was very small and since she was sitting on her toes I could clearly guess out the contours and cleavages of her fine shaped body. I looked at her breathless enjoying the fascinating beauty of a country girl.

She finished the milking and went straightaway to the kitchen hurriedly. I too followed her and she began to boil water to make tea, when tea was ready she poured it into four glasses and gave to her younger ones and me. Then her mother came, she was a company worker and she might have been a beauty in her primes, but now a sad picture of poverty and hardship. She asked about me and behaved with respect to me. I told her that my mother wanted to meet Pinky and if possible she would allow her to stay at my house for one day. She looked at Pinky, but Pinky might have given a wrong symbol, she then promised me to send her next weekend. I spent some more time chitchatting with her and left after an hour. When I reached my home my mother was pleased to notice my change of mood and happiness. I told her Pinky might visit us soon.

I was sitting at my balcony when I did see Pinky. She was standing confused at our iron gates. She was quite embarrassed and stood like a dumb girl, I ran to the gate madly and took her hands and lead her to my house. I took her to our kitchen and introduced my mother. She stood like a fish out of its pond. My mother inspected her closely and admired her stunning beauty. "So you are Pinky, there is not an instant my daughter speak about you", she took her to her side and put her hands on her head. "You are grown up, now you have to put on a shawl too, you are big", she was referencing to Pinky's boobs. Pinky too got the clue and her face was blushing red. "Mummy, my clothes which does not fit me anymore can they be suited for Pinky", I told my mother. She got the hint and replied, "Yes, Pinky why don't you please take some of her tight clothes with you, she cannot wear them anymore, the tailor made a mess of his job, some of them were not worn even once". "Why don't you take your friend to your room and try if they fit her, I will make tea by that time", my mother relived us. I took Pinky's hands and took her to my room. She was not accustomed to such luxury and she was observing that entire sundry without showing any enthusiasm. I opened my dresser bureau and took some skirts, top, under wears etc and displayed it before her dazzling eyes. For the first time she began to show real interest. "Try some for your size, let me see if it suits you", I said. Then my mother called us for tea from downstairs. When Pinky saw my mother's wide range of snacks, she was much impressed. She got adjusted with the new place and my mother's kind behaviour and lack of any arrogance in born to the rich helped her to behave natural. I did not take much sweet. I was anxious to leave to my room and have Pinky under my wings. My mother seemed to understand my eagerness and after we had eaten her dishes she asked us to go upstairs and try the clothes. She said she would be busy for a while preparing for the dinner and we need not bother her. So we proceeded to my room.

I closed the room behind our back and bolted the door. I selected a check skirt and a blouse and put it against Pinky, " This will suit you nice, let try this", I said. I put the blouse on her chest and in the process I pressed her boobs nicely. "Oh, you have no bra inside, well let me give one, I don't think the blouse will look perfect without a suitable bra", I opened the drawer and took two brassieres of my present size and another one bigger size. "Please remove your clothes and try the bra", I said my voice trembling with desire and excitement. "Okay, I will try,but Alisha, you should not look at me, promise me you will turn away", she said. "Dear girl there is nothing to shy, we are both girls know, I have everything you have got no?", I said. "No Alisha you have to go, I am shy in your presence", she insisted. "But do you know how to wear a bra?", without waiting for her reply I undid my blouse and turned away from her and showed her my white back and my new black bra. I unhooked the strap and again hooked it to give her a demo how to wear it properly. I secretly enjoyed showing her my body. "Oh you naughty, you have no shame" , she said coyly and shut her eyes with her hands. I bet she could see me through her fingers. I was sure that she was a pretender. "Look at me , I am not shy like you ", I unhooked my bra and threw it to a corner. My white breasts were liberated from the capture and they stood in attention looking at her. She was acting coy again but she was looking at me with sudden interest. "Now let me see you wearing bra", I moved to her half nude. "Alisha, keep your tricks with you, I will dress in bathroom", before I could prevent her she took the clothes and disappeared into the bathroom. I was feeling bad and outwitted. But what could I do. When she appeared again I could not believe my eyes, what a metamorphism had taken place. From an ugly duckling she had turned to a Cinderella and she now got some class, I felt less confident standing before her. "Okay we will go downstairs and show it to my mum", I took her hand and we went to kitchen again. My mother too was disbelieving seeing the change in Pinky. Was she the same girl she had seen an hour back. She was comparing me with her and I understood she now felt I was inferior.

"Nice girls, but Pinky, your hair looks sticky and messy, Alisha, why don't you shampoo her hair and both of you get ready. Your father just phoned, he is taking us for a movie. Go upstairs, prepare yourselves good, now is the age for both you to learn to dress nicely and look pretty. Then only some suitors would come, you are going to be big girls soon", my mother patted us and resumed her frying job. So we went again to my room, I was eager to see Pinky undressing. I took a towel and hinted to get ready for a bath. But she snatched my towel and again disappeared into bathroom. I knocked in despair but she did not open. When I heard the water running I wept silently outside. How cruel she was behaving with me, why?. When she came out she was dressed in the new clothes and she looked simply enchanting. I came close to her and hugged her. "Did you use soap?", I asked. "Yes, why?", she asked. "It was not needed, I like your natural smell, the smell of crushed jasmine, you have got a wonderful fragrance dear", I was telling. "Go, dear chechy, you always talk naughty", she pushed me. Her dazzling smile wooed my worries. Then we heard my dad's car coming.

We went for a movie Pinky was seeing a movie in a theatre for the first time since her father expired. She was so enthusiastic that after the film started she was keen on the screen and I felt really bored. She caught attention of so many people. I doubted even my father took a special interest in her. He told so many jokes which was unusual, he always talked business type. My mother was also happy, she was also keen on the film. The film was usual songs and tragedy. When the tragic scenes came both my mother and Pinky were weeping. I simply made a yawn. I prayed the bloody long film to end so that I could have Pinky in my custody. I decided to rape her if she deny me the path to heaven. I came to my senses only when all lights were on and the film was over.

We drove home and ate supper. Pinky was greedily eating the ambrosia, which my mother prepared. I was not taking much food and my mother scolded me comparing my intake to Pinky. "No wonder you are still skinny and see Pinky she is one year younger to you, see how better she is". Finally the dinner ended. We stayed at the dining room for the sake of proprietary, trying to help my mother with dishwashing. "No need, you to go upstairs, we are sleeping downstairs". I guessed my mother was happy and expected to have sex in the night.

When we were alone in my room, Pinky stood in a corner looking away at the night outside. She did not tell anything. She did not look at me either. I moved to her and stood behind her, she did not look back. The sweet jasmine smell was spreading from her. I took her ponytail and put it to her front. I looked at her neck, which was like that of a swan. There were tiny hairs forming a braiding and it disappeared tracking her spine. There was a small mole on her nape. I put my finger on it. Pinky did not look back. I saw goose bumps appearing on her neck. I kissed her. She did not move. My hands traveled to her front and my lips began tracing her swan like neck. I cupped her breasts. She did not look at me. I pressed her breasts again taking her nipples between my fingers. "Please switch of light, chechy", she asked me. "You are shy honey, come we may go to bed", I took her hands and lead her to the cot. I switched off the light by pressing the two way switch near my cot. I started showering kisses on her. She too hugged me tight. She cooed like a nightingale. I opened her blouse and unhooked her bra, she put a blanket over us. "Why is this", I asked. "If someone sees us, its shame", she said. "My love, my sweet, my golden girl", I kissed her. Then I felt her fingers touching my back, she unbuttoned it and took it away over my head. One by one we lost our clothes to each other. When we were both naked, we turned, we moved clockwise and anticlockwise. Sun set in the West and rise again in the East. We were becoming from two body one soul to one body one soul. Pinky when lost her initial reluctance became more aggressive. Our legs intertwined, we tried to mate like two snakes. Our legs were moving like a twisted pair. My clit was going to explode, I tried to insert it between Pinky's buttocks. Finally we started tasting each other, the jasmine fragrance mixed with her sweet sweat, I tasted it. We did not sleep till early morning.

It was me who waked first. There was sunlight coming into the room. I looked under the blanket. Pinky was sleeping like a child naked and on her chest. Then she moved to another side and I saw the mark on the place where her love triangle met the bedspread. It was a mark like a hibiscus flower. I took the bedcover away. I looked at my lover, she was sleeping like an angel. I put my fingers into my pussy, it was slippery and wet in the early morning. I inserted one, two and finally three fingers. I began to masturbate looking at her. I came violently within minutes

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 3

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