Lesbian Diaries

By Alisha

Published on Jun 9, 2002


Lesbian Diaries -- Passion By Alisha

Send your comments to alisha69ksk@rediffmail.com

I was born in a moderately rich family. My father was running a business in the town. After my arrival his business got flourished and he earned a lot of money. He used to leave home early morning and came only late at night. Soon his textile shop became the best of the town. He constructed two more houses and gave it for rent. I was the sole child of our family. My mother was a housewife. Her passions were cooking and stitching. She did not spend her time gossiping like many others. I was not spoilt by my parents. But they gave me enough freedom, I was the richest girl in my school. Since my father gave generous donations to the school, I was given best attention from my teachers.

One day our rented house was occupied by an inspector. He was a stout man with a pot belly and big moustache. He drove his jeep and was gone most of the time. His son was about three years elder than me. He had some friends coming to his house to play badminton. I used to watch their quarrel and arguments while playing from my balcony. I had a single room all for myself. My parents lived in the ground floor. The top floor had three rooms. The best of the room with a view to the neighbourhood was occupied by me and my books. One day I was picking flowers then I heard someone calling my name. When I looked up I saw the boy leaning over the compound wall and asked me to throw the shuttle cock at him. They had smashed it to our compound. How did he came to know my name, I wondered. Perhaps my mother and his mother had become pals, I guessed.

One evening the boy called me, "Alisha, come for a game, my friend has not come today". "I don't know how to play," I replied. " No problem, I will teach you", he said. I asked my mother's permission and went to play. Soon I learnt the game and became almost as good as him. We started playing the badminton in most of the evenings. It was a cloudy day, I started to play game. "Alisha, you put on the long skirt, you are growing, you may become a girl soon", my mother asked. "No mother, mini skirt is suited for playing the game", I replied her and went to the next house. The boy was ready to play. He was playing a lousy game that day. I beat him more often than usual. "What happened, you have no mood it seems", I asked him. In fact I was glorious to beat him several times. "Come is going to rain, help me with folding the net", he asked. We untied the net and took it to his car shed. It was a crowded place with lot of used tyre, hay, old rags, spares etc. When I was folding the net, the boy hugged me from behind. He began to kiss me fervently. I tried to move away from his hugs. "Alisha, I love you", he said and forced me to lie over the hay. "No, leave me alone", I cried. He laid himself on me and hiked my miniskirt. He began to remove my panties down. I tried in vain to move away. He was gasping but was heavier than me. I could not move away. He unzipped his trousers and took his fly out. It was bigger than my classmates. I had seen their penises when they urinate boldly in the open. His penis was pulsating. He tore my panties away and started rubbing his penis on my cunt. I felt pain and disgust, I kicked at him. My leg got hit his fly and he was crying with his hand cupping his front. "You bitch, you hurt me", he said. I used the opportunity to run away.

I adjusted my mini skirt and ran directly to my home. I thought my mother was at the front so I entered through the kitchen. But she was cooking some food. She looked at me anxiously, "Why are you running dear, what happened, you are soaked in perspiration", she asked. "Nothing mother, it's the game", I replied. She looked at me suspiciously but she was busy to prevent the food from over burning. "Its time you stop playing with boys, you are going to have your periods soon", my mother scolded. "Okay, mom, let me take a bath", I kissed her and went to my room.

When I returned to my privacy I inspected my thighs, there were rashes and scratches. My skin looked like burnt at some places, my panties was torn in the middle. I took it to my nose, I liked the smell of urine and sweat of myself. I hated that boy, how dare he try to play with my privates. I will never play with him, I made a vow. At night I was again thinking of the event. It somehow had fascinated me. I imagined me in place of that boy; I loved the power and pleasure I could get if I were in place of him. Even though I hated him I began to worship his courage and boldness. If only I could get some girl struggling under me and I could tear her panties away, I yearned. I saw the boy looking at my windows but I did not appear before him again. After one month his father got transfer and they moved away. During the next week I became a woman.

I was running down the steps, then I got a feeling of my head spinning and legs weakening. It was like a fit, I clutched my hands on the rails and sat on a step in order to prevent a fall. I saw blood running down my thighs in two streams, so this was it, I called my mother, I fainted. When I came to my senses I was surrounded by a lot of women. Most of them were my aunties and my grandmothers and some close neighbours. They bathed me with water mixed with turmeric powder poured over my head using a sieve type vessel. I felt ashamed to sit naked midst of a bunch of older women. Then my mother put a soft white cloth and put a string around my waist and a loin cloth to support the cloth, it was soaked in blood soon. I had to spend three days like that. So many relatives visited me and gave sweets and presents. "No more playing with boys, and giggling, now you have grown up, eat more food and stop running around", my mother warned me with a smile. My father bough a wrist watch for me, it was golden plated.

The schools reopened and I went proudly with new dress and showed my watch to my friends. The teachers came to see my new watch. I felt so proud and bit elevated. Some of my friends were jealous of me, they tried to ignore me, some did not mingle with me anymore. Some of my friends had failed and were still in my previous class. I went to meet them. I tried to console them over their misfortune, but I was more interested to show them my dresses and watch. It was then I saw her. Her name was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, she was taller than the rest, and she was new to our school. She had big black eyes which showed a permanent wonderful posture. She was wearing a half skirt which reached just to her kneecaps. She wore a black blouse it was more grey than black. It was a worn out blouse, I could see that she had ironed it and tried to give it a best look as far as possible. She moved among the others like an eel fish. She did not mingle much; she looked like a fish out of its pond. A fish?!, she was a gold fish in a muddy pond. She appeared like a fallen angel to me. I loved her eyes, her face was oval. She had a broad forehead. She was a sweating type. Her forehead looked greasy and puffy, she had long eyelashes. Her eyes fluttered with timidity and love. Her eyes shut and opened more frequently than us. She had no gold ornaments only a pearl necklace and that too very old. I could see she had tied the pearls using a new thread than it was originally made. Some small beads were missing. It was obvious that she was poor and perhaps the poorest of our school. My friends were sticking around me to inspect my dress and watch. They were busy passing comments at the new girl before my arrival. Obviously they were jealous of her beauty. So they tried to humiliate her commenting on her old dress. She was relieved seeing me getting their attention. She went to the window and looked at the playground. I decided to make friendship with her. I walked to her and took her chin in my hand, she was taken aback. `What's your name dear, you are new to our school?", I asked. "Pinky", came her reply. Her voice was like a nightingale. I was mesmerized by that sweet voice. "Where are you living", I asked. Before she could answer, the teacher came with a stick in her hand. I hurried to my class without telling good-bye to my friends.

I could not concentrate on my class. There was not much to concentrate too. My teacher was busy preparing the attendance role. I was dreaming, then I came to a reality. I had found an answer to my dreams, yes , that was it. I had been thinking about conquering a girl and doing things to her like the boy did to me. I had found my girl, yes, it had to be Pinki, and none else. How I was going to win her, it was the next big question. "What are your dreaming at, don't you hear the attendance?", I came to my senses when my teacher was asking. She had started taking attendance, I stood up and replied hurriedly, `Present madam", and sat right away. I could not concentrate anymore; I was daydreaming about Pinky and her astonishing beauty till lunch time.

When it was lunch time, I took my lunch box and moved to the rain tree in our school premises. The rain tree offered good cover and soon after the lunch was over pupils start playing games under it. The rain tree had a chewable pod, it was bit sweat and bit nasty. It would make us drowsy, but still girls chewed that pod. I looked for my friends to share my food. Normally I would come with a big lunch box with lot of food which I shared with my friends. But that day they were conspicuously alienating me for my arrogance and out of jealousy at my new dresses and watch. None had any watches in my school, even teachers were not wearing any good ones. I felt hurt at their behaviour, so I looked for company. Then I saw Pinki sitting alone away, far away from the rain tree, under a tree full of thrones. None sat under it as there was thrones on that tree, but it had excellent shade. I moved to Pinki carrying my lunch box. When she heard my foot steps she tried to hide her food and move away. "Sit there, let me see what you have got", I snatched her lunch box and looked at it. She was about to cry. I was shocked to see that it was only rice and nothing else. "Only rice, no curries?", I wondered. "We are poor, when I start there is no time to cook any, my mother is a company worker", she started earlier than me", she tried to explain. "Don't worry, we will share my food", I distributed my big lunch box and arranged different delicious food items. She was ashamed to receive any. I took a piece of bread coated with honey and jam and applied it to her lips. When I touched her lips she shivered, I too was excited. I felt like I had touched a petal of lotus flower. "Eat this, take this, taste my mother's favourite", saying these words I gave her morsels of my good food. I touched her cheek and lips in the process again and again. She too accepted my advances and her reluctance was soon gone. She too was eager to have a friend. She too was alienated by others due to her beauty and her friend's jealousy. So we had a thing in common. When our combined lunch was over we were good friends.

When it was evening, the rains started. Our school opening always coincided with first rains of the season. All of us were getting wet, some pupils cut some banana leaves and took it as their umbrellas, and others tried to protect their books from wetting by keeping them close to their chest and tried to run home. I had my opportunity to flash my new umbrella with seven colours in it. Some of my friends tried to come inside with me. But I ignored them and searched for Pinki. Then I saw her walking all wet alone. "Hey, Pinki, come inside", I reached her and tried to take her under my umbrella. "No sister, I am all wet anyway, I will make you also wet if I come with you", she said. "No, you should come, I wont leave you to catch cold", I said. I took my hands over her shoulders and we walked in silence. My friends were howling at us. They were angry for not taking them under my umbrella. The rain was pouring down with all its might, I felt raindrops like pebbles thrown at us, we were both shivering. I was putting my hand on her shoulder and my palm was free, as we moved my palm came to touch the girl's breasts. At first I did not register its existence, then I felt Pinky shuddering when my palm touch her breasts. I was thrilled, what an opportunity, a god sent one. All my prayers were heard in a single day. I began to place my palm so cleverly that I could feel her breasts without making her thinking that I was doing it purposefully. I tried to talk to her sweet nothings but due to rain nothing was audible. Then I began to feel her boobs. Her breasts were like two coconut shells perfectly rounded like two ice cream cups and very firm. They felt like frozen butter, so hard and just the size of a cricket ball cut in the middle and placed sideways. She had nothing under her shirt, not even a petticoat, which I expected. I was wearing a bra inside my petticoat. I had no necessity to wear a bra, as my chest was still flat and only my nipple had grown to the size of a gooseberry.

My palm came to close contact with her breasts; she tried to move my hand away by taking my hand with her hand and not allowing it to touch her. She tried to move my palm forward by pulling at my finger tips so that I could not touch her boobs. I was bit jealous about her shapely breasts, but my desire conquered my jealousy. But I used my wrist to touch her nipples cleverly. Soon I felt that her nipples were responding to my accidental, purposefully accidental and articulated touches. They began to grow big. I looked over her shoulders and saw them jutting to her wet dress. I felt like that boy, I imagined myself in place of him. I was dying for a good cup but I was afraid about the outcome, would she cut my friendship forever. Then I became bold and when she was tired of taking my hand away I brushed her breast and I did it. I moved my fingers in a jerking fashion and rolled her nipples for an instant. I suddenly released it and exclaimed as if quite natural, "You have bigger breasts than me Pinki,but you are younger too, how come that", I asked her boldly. She pretended not to hear my question, but used her text books to cover her breasts and I was deprived of any more touches at those delicious globes. I cursed myself for acting too fast. Now if I touch her breast again she would understand that I did it purposefully. Then we reached a paddy fields and they path was split up. I had to walk away from the junction crossing the paddy field. I guessed her house is not on my way. "Pinky where are you staying?", I asked her. "Very near, I will run , you may go your way", she was trying to escape from me to her house. I decided not to leave her then. "No dear, I will take you to your house, I want to see your house", I told. "We are poor, there is nothing to see, we live in a hut", she said. `No dear, don't think I am rich, I have lived in a cottage too", I lied. She was not interested to take me to her house anyway, but I insisted and did not leave her. Finally she felt her attempts were useless and we walked forward. I looked back and nowhere were our friends in the sight. Then I saw a small house made of mud walls and with roof made of coconut palms. There was a small well with mud side walls, and a cow tied to a tree. It was all wet. "My mother has not come yet, she will kill me if she saw the cow standing fully under rain", she ran out of my umbrella and put her textbooks on the verandah. She untied the coir string attached with which the cow was tied to the tree, she moved the cow to the backside of her house where a barn was visible. The cow rushed to shade and she had to run with it. I was greatly excited seeing her firm breasts like that of the mannequins which adorned my father's textile shops.

Once I had heard my father telling to my mother in a night that a salesman used to undress the mannequin when the shops are closed and jerked himself off seeing the mannequin without cover and cupping at its breasts. My parents thought I was asleep. I could not understand what my father meant by jerking off. Then next day I asked my mother what did the salesman do to the mannequin. I saw her face turning red and I was allotted a separate room the very next day. I waited for Pinky to reappear but even after five minutes there was no sign of her. I moved to the back of the house by the other direction and walked with silent steps. The barn was just a wood pillar to tie the cow and a small place separated with a worn out plywood obviously cut out of a tea box. Pinky had just put some hay for the cow and she was looking at the direction she just came. She did not see me as I was behind her. There was a wall between us made of coconut leaves folded and weaved nicely. I could clearly see the barn and her as the coconut walls were full of holes. I was stunned and my lips were dry when I saw what Pinky was going to do next. She was unbuttoning her blouse and was trying to dry them. I guessed if she could not dry it that night she had no other good dress for next day. She was so anxious to remove her dress and put them away for drying that she had completely forgotten about me. But she occasionally looked at the other direction for any shadow moving to make aware of my presence.

She removed her blouse completely standing away from me facing the cow. I envied the cow for having such a good opportunity to see the frontal beauty which I was craving to see. I felt excited like a men whom I had seen in so many movies in such situations with desire in their eyes and I felt like that boy who tried to force himself upon me. I looked at Pinky more anxiously and eagerly. I could now see that she had removed her skirt and was busy wrinkling it with her hands. She was wearing only an yellow color panties. The panties were not much wet anyway. I could not suppress my desire to see her nude, I was shivering madly, but I could not make my presence felt. If I appear on the scene she would surely run away, and I was dying to get a good view of her cute breasts, raw. Soon my prayers were answered. She was putting her blouse on the string tied as a hanging place for dresses. I could see the profile view of her, she was lean with long hands. She had long legs which were soaked with water drops. Her thighs were fattier than I expected. Her calves were of ivory colour and well rounded. She was looking like a Venus to me, she had not much hair on her body, I could bet that if only she had hair other than her head it would be between her legs, but how could I see it, she seemed in no idea to remove her panties. Then she faced me and took her skirt. Wow, I could just see her sweet lemon coloured breasts with those two dear black nipples. Her nipples looked like a small grape fruit placed at the top of a vanilla ice cream perfectly conically served. She then took a small towel which was also had some holes in it, perhaps moth eaten where it found traces of her juices, and began to dry her body. The breasts were going to hiding and again appearing for my vision while she was drying herself, I was amazed at their beauty. They weren't exceptionally large and they were absolutely flawless and perfect in shape! They had more time to grow to its perfect shape like the tits of Venus. They had an up turn to them like a sundae and the nipples were like cherries on top! Her pink areola of her nipples were slightly puffy while the nipple itself was hard like an eraser. She then dried her thighs and looked at my direction, I was keeping my breath still. Could she see me, there was not much chance, but I was afraid I could be caught at anytime. She looked over at me with those big popping eyes and sensuously slipped her panties down her long legs. That's what really stopped my heart. Her pussy hair, although also jet black, was delicately fine and wispy like a perfect triangle patch of kinky pubic hair. I never expected she could have that much jet black fur and that too like a perfect triangle. I never had that much shade down there, Her pussy lips were darker a pink than mine, and I could make them out clearly under the fine wisps of hair framing them. They definitely appeared to be either puffy or moist or both! Then she put her panties on the coconut wall and turned away and began drying her buttocks using the damp towel. Her yellow panties were just a few inches away from me, I was sure that she might not possess another pair of lingerie for herself. She then moved ghastly and took a pullover type dress. Rather than slip it over her head, she unknowingly gave a big deal out of lifting her leg into it and showing me her perfectly rounded ass as she did this. She started to move to the end of barn. I was sure she might appear at the front to face me. I had to move to front, but the wicked me made my first stealing of my life. I grabbed the yellow panties and ran quickly to the front on my toes without making any sound. I just had opened the zip of my school bag and inserted her yellow panties, Pinki appeared. I was bit nervous about my steal, she could guess it might be I only did it, or had she already seen it. "Sorry, the cow was difficult to handle, I just tied it", she was not looking at me. She had an inferiority and apologetic look mixed with a misery about her poverty. "I may go now, rain is stopping", I told her. "No, I will make some coffee, please wait", she said and unlocked the latch and entered their kitchen. There was only on room in that house other than her kitchen.

I followed her suppressing a desire to cup her moving buttocks rhythmically. I know under that dress she was naked as she was born. She quickly put some kerosene in a conventional fire and passed air using her lips to make fire grow. The ashes spread all around and on her hairs and face. She put an aluminum vessel with two glass water and waited for it to boil. I could feel a faint smell of jasmine coming from her body. It was not that of any soap, she had no time to soap, so it must be her natural odour. The smell was exciting I moved so close to her and tried to inhale it more deeply. I don't know if she guessed my passion, as my nostrils were flared and I was shaking inhaling her body perfume. My panties was already fully soaked with my love juice running madly. "I sweat a lot, I am going to have a bath soon", she said to me as if her smell disgusted me. "No dear, I love your smell, its something special about it, which soap are you using", I used the moment to hug her closely and sniff at her neck with her sweat beads and traces of ashes and tried to inhale her jasmine smell as deep as possible. She put some coffee powder and looked for sugar. To her dismay she saw the tin was empty and she was suffering to keep her weeping unexposed. "There is no sugar, my brother might have put his hand in the tin, we had it for one more week", she said. "Don't worry, dear we will have it without sugar", I said putting my hand on her shoulders, tracing her collar bones. We were sipping the coffee which resembled to real coffee only with its color, but I was drinking it like nectar. Given from my lover's hands it was ambrosia. She could not guess how much I long her, how much I love her. Such a beautiful gem fallen on a muddy floor. Then two kids appeared all wet and with a banana leaf as their umbrella. They came and hugged Pinky, they were her younger kids. Like a responsible mother Pinky started drying them and I felt I would leave them now. The kids looked at me with envy and curiosity. "I am your sister's friend, I will come later", saying this I bid good bye to them. I removed my sandals and walked on bare foot along the muddy path midst the paddy field. When I looked back after a few laps, I saw Pinky and her younger kids watching me going. I waved at them and they waved me back.

When I reached my home, my mother was worried and started rubbing my head with a soft towel. She scolded me for walking in the rain and put some ayurvedic powder on my head. She did not allow me to bath. She made excellent brewed coffee and hugged me. I went to my room and closed it from behind. I removed all my clothes and stood before the mirror. I looked at myself in the mirror, "Not bad", I murmured. But comparing to Pinky I was most inferior in all departments. I took my bra and sniffed, there was only the familiar smell of sweat. I hiked my hands above my head and looked at my armpits, there were three long hairs appeared, soon I was going to have a good fur under my armpits, I then inspected my tummy. My pussy looked like a puffy just baked bread with a dark line drawn in the middle. I put my finger on my love channel and traced it from its origin until I reached my anus. I put a finger into my asshole and took it again to my nose, it was clean, only a faint smell of my own shit. Then I lay naked on my bed and then I remembered about my steal. I quickly opened my school bag and took the yellow panties which I had stolen from the barn. There was two moth eaten holes where her pussy meet the panties. I turned it from inside out and inhaled the smell. I got thrilled at the jasmine smell very strong mixed with a faint smell of urine. The elastic was loosened. I could have thrown it out months back. My mother insisted on wearing new undies everyday. I put the yellow panties on my face like a mask. I looked at the mirror and through the moth eaten holes saw me like a thug face hidden under an yellow mask. The smell of jasmine and my lover's cunt excited me. I lay again on the bed and began traveling my hands on my pussy.

My thoughts were really flying! I was so aroused that that if I touched my pussy, so I could cum. I let out a moan and a shudder that I just couldn't hold back. I began stroking down my pussy inhaling her love juices. When my fingers reached the top of my pussy it was more than I could take... it was like an electric shock and my clitoris stuck out to greet my fingers. I was already wet as I continued to touch me with hardly any pressure. It was like a butterfly landing on my lips and tickling me into a shuddering climax that no matter how I would have tried, couldn't hold back. I fingered madly and sucked the soiled panties in my mouth and sucked the saltiness. I cried loud and then was asleep till my mother knocked at my door telling it was prayer time.

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 2

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