Leopard G-String

By Talin C

Published on Jun 26, 2004



All the usual disclaimers apply. If you have a problem with sex between two guys under the age of 18...why the fuck are you on this part of the website?

On the way to Dominick's party I knew this was going to be a long night, but I had no clue how long a night it was going to be. All I knew was it was going to be a night of alcohol and drugs, like any other night with my friends. I guess I should let you in on who I am. My name is Dallas. I'm a 17 year old high school senior. I'm about 5'9",185. I have buzzed brown hair and hazel eyes. I'm pretty "straight acting" but the main core of friends we have at the parties all know I'm bi and actually find it funny that I get drunk and hit on the guys because "it looks weird because you don't look gay" and I just respond "I'm not gay, I'm bi...I get it all!" I got to Dom's party pretty early as I always do because I'm usually the one with the alcohol, a good Irish boy always knows where to get the best liquor. I had two soccer bags full of different shit. As the party got underway I was doing my usual side show of "Lighting Shots" where my friend Matt puts 5 shots of different liquor in front of me and I take every shot in thirty seconds. After a round or two of this I was already gone so I fixed myself a suicide (a little bit of everything in one glass) and drank that a little more slowly as I stumbled around the house talking to people. "Dallas you dumbass, it's only 11 and you are about to pass out. Slow down," a familiar voice rang out from behind me. I knew exactly who it was and it brought the biggest smile to my face. I turned around and there he was....Aaron. Aaron is has been the star of many wet dreams of mine sense I've known him. He's about 5'11" and 135, really skinny. He has short brown hair and two earrings in his left ear. He's so goofy that I couldn't help, but be attracted to him from the second I met him. He always reminds me of an old smoking buddy in Texas (yes my name is Dallas and I'm originally from Texas...my parents' cruel joke) Aaron wasn't much of a drinker or smoker, but we loved him at the party because he's goofy and just a lot of fun to be around. "Aaron, I run in cycles. I drink till I pass out. I wake up thirty minutes later refreshed and ready to drink till I pass out again. It is called the Irish Circle of Life." Aaron just kind of smiled at me with those puppy dog eyes, pat me on the back and he was on his way. I on the other hand had to stay there a second, because I always like to savor when Aaron touches me. But the party continued and miraculously I didn't pass out, I just got drunker and had more fun. It was around 2 now and as some people were, well passed out everywhere. I was sitting on the couch talking to Matt when all of a sudden someone sat behind me and grabbed the back of my neck...it was Nicole. She loves giving me back rubs, especially when I'm drunk. And she does it so incredibly if she didn't have a boyfriend her back rubs would have usually led to sex. I'm getting into the backrub, it feels so good. Then all of a sudden Nicole whispers into my ear, "Aaron has on a leopard G-String" She knows I have a thing for him so of coarse she's going to taunt me with this information. "How the fuck do you know that?" She got my attention. "He saw my leopard bra and said, 'hey we match' and he pulled down his pants and showed me it." Just the quick thought of that got me to tent my jeans. Nicole kept on with her backrub and I was thinking about Aaron now, of coarse. And then he passes by so I grab his leg. He stops and gives me a weird look, probably because I am drunk and he always likes to mess with us when we're all drunk and he's sober. "I heard that you match Nicole tonight," I say as I give a little smirk. "What the hell are you talking about?" He's obviously confused. Then Nicole shows part of her leopard print. "Oh that..." and he shows me a little piece of it! "Ha, I'm gonna need a private showing of that later Aaron." I smirk again "Why not right now?" You can never tell when he's serious because he always has a cartoonish sound in his voice. "You serious?" "Sure why the fuck not, I could careless." So we decide to go into my room (Dominick and I spend so much time at each other's house that his guest room is "my room" and my guest room at my house is "his room" so at our parties we are always the ones with the beds) I turn on the light and stumble my way onto the bed. Aaron stands in front of me; he undoes his belt and lets his jeans hit the floor. So Aaron, this incredibly sexy guy is standing in front of me with a small patch of leopard covering "the promised land", oh yea it has tassels too. He turns around so I can see it is a G-string. He has such a nice butt for a guy that skinny. "Damn Aaron you have a nice ass." I was drunk and figured he wouldn't care if I said it. "You wanna touch it?" "What? Aaron, bro, don't fuck with me like this when I'm drunk. It's just wrong." "No man I'm fucking serious. If you want to touch it." The shock of what Aaron is saying actually sobered me up a little bit. I got up and "walked" (I was still stumbling) towards him. I nervously put two fingers on his right cheek and all of a sudden it was like lighting running from my fingers into my body and I got hard almost instantly. I took my hand back and Aaron turned around. I took a step or two back not really sure what was going on in all of this. I figured he was still messing around because I was drunk. Aaron turned around; he stepped out of his jeans. So now I have Aaron, in a bedroom, in nothing but a t-shirt and a leopard G-string. This was way too much for my seventeen-year-old drunk mind. Aaron took two steps closer to me and looked me straight in the eyes, my knees got so weak. Then without warning he grabbed me and kissed me. Before I knew it his tongue was in my mouth and we fell onto the bed still kissing. Aaron quickly took off my shirt and I did the same to his. We kept on our mouth-wrestling match as I grabbed both of his beautiful ass cheeks with my hands. That must have really turned him on because he started going for my belt and buttons. Before I knew it I was there in my boxers pressed against Aaron in nothing but his G-string. Aaron quickly broke away and got off the bed. I was really confused now. "Aaron what is going on man? Are you high or something?" "Dallas I've wanted this for a while and I knew you were bi but I wasn't sure if you were really interested." "Aaron my cock is harder than it's ever been in seventeen years.... I'M INTERESTED!" With that Aaron slowly took off his G-string and revealed a, very nicely trimmed, eight inch cut cock. (How the fuck does a kid this skinny get a cock that big?!?!?!) When Aaron finally came to the realization he is standing in front of his drunken friend, naked, he began to get a little skittish. I figured this is when I should take control. I got off the bed and grabbed him. I laid him down on the bed and started licking his neck. I heard him gasping with every inch getting licked. I worked my way down to his chest and made a little stop to suck on his tiny nipples. I could feel his cock pressing into my side, throbbing. I continued my way down licking as much as I could and feeling his deep breathes. I finally got to his pelvis and worked my tongue around his hips and down the inside of his thighs. Finally I got to the treasure, I took his balls into my mouth first and he immediately jumped. It took a little bit to make him calm back down; he eventually began to moan with pleasure. I finally got enough to put my hand around his warm throbbing meat. I started pumping as I worked my tongue around his sack. He was pouring pre-cum like a sink. I could tell he wasn't going to last long, hell I was probably going to shoot before he ever got to touch mine. I decided that I needed to taste his juice rod. I wrapped my lips around his mushroom head and that got another jump. Aaron obviously loved this he was moaning more than anyone I had ever done before. I started taking in his cock inch by inch down my throat. He started bucking his hips and began to face fuck me, I knew it was time and I was ready to taste his boy juice. Spurt after spurt down my throat...it was better than any liquor or drug I had down that night. After about 6 shots his body went limp and reluctantly I let his limp dick slip out of my mouth. After he caught his breath and realized what had just happened he just gave me another look with those puppy dog eyes. "You ok bro?" I asked knowing that this may have been way too far for him. "Yeah, but there's something else I really wanted to do." He smiled that smile that I always melt for and went to the end table by the bed. I knew exactly what he was going for because everyone knows that at the parties (no matter whose house it's at) the condoms are in the end table next to any bed, minus the parents' bed because those are off limits at the parties. He doesn't grab the condoms though; he does however grab the KY. He hands me the KY and then lays back on the bed spread eagle. This had to be a bad drunk dream. But I figured even if it is, I'm gonna go for it! I get out of my boxers and lube up my already rock solid seven inch rocket. Then I raise Aaron's legs onto my shoulders. I spread his cheeks and apply some KY to his rosebud. Then I aim my mushroom head to his virgin hole. I push slowly and it obviously hurts Aaron a little because he takes a huge breath in. I finally get my head in and then wait there for a second. Aaron moves his butt around a little to get used to it. Then he gives me a smile and I slowly go in inch-by-inch and it's obvious that slowly his pain is turning into pleasure. I finally have my pubes pressed up against his crack. I lay there for a second and then lean in and Aaron and I kiss for a little bit while I feel his tight ass around my throbbing cock. As we kiss I start to rock back and forth very slowly only taking a little bit of my cock out and putting it back in with ever rock. When I can tell he's enjoying it I start doing a little more and a little faster. He his groaning and I'm sure everyone who is passed out by now knows what the hell we are doing. I start picking up speed and he starts moaning and groaning louder which puts me so close to the edge. After about three minutes I'm pounding hard into Aaron and he lets out the loudest groan yet and another few spurts of cum ooze down his shaft, that was it and I almost had one finally thrust into Aaron. I laid on his chest as my cock unloaded a fury of the biggest loads I had shot in years. In the middle of one Aaron clenched his rectum and that sent me over again and I got a few more spurts off. Finally my cock slipped out of his beautiful hole. I decided to call it a night. I went over to the light and turn it off. When I turned back around Aaron was already under the sheets with the leopard G-string on his head. He was still the goofy Aaron I loved, just now naked...in my bed. I jumped into bed. I took the g-string off of his head and through it in the corner. He and I embraced for another few minutes of making out before we fell asleep/passed out naked in each other's arms. What a night... and this was just the start.

I hope you guys enjoyed the story. I was thinking about making this a series, but I'm not sure. If you have any comments email me at destruction420@hotmail.com or I'm on AIM as TooXtremeT.

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