Leons Story

By Scott - GLB

Published on Oct 18, 2000


This first part of this story was written over a year ago. Since then various other chapters have been released. Some have been posted here, others haven't. I have decided to repost Chapters 1 to 5 as one larger file, I am thinking about writing another chapter and would like feedback, comments and suggestions. Messages can be sent to: glb_2k@yahoo.co.uk I have a website which is home to my growing story collection, it's at http://www.geocities.com/glb_2k

glb (Originally Written as GayLeicesterBoy@Yahoo.co.uk) - I Now live in Sheffield, UK. October 2000


This is a gay story. If you are offended by such content, or are underage - DON'T READ. If you like such content they enjoy it!!!!

Chapter 1 - Revealed

Hello my name is Leon and I want to tell you my story. It all started 4 weeks ago, while getting changed after my PE class... "Phew! What a lesson." My friend Richard said to me. "I Know." I Replied. "All of that running about. I'm shattered" Teach came by and shouted, "Now lads make sure you all have a shower." Everybody started to groan. Nobody liked to shower. Before I continue, let me tell you a bit about myself. I am 5 foot 8, I am 17, have short blond hair and light blue eyes. Now lets get back to the story. You saw all different things in the showers. Boys who had very few pubes (who were always shy), boys with small penises and boys who were very muscular, had lots of hair and were well endowed. Different groups of lads showered together, so all the sporty types would go in together, all the boffins would group together, etc. Me, I wasn't very sporty but I wasn't a boffin, so I used to hang around until every one had gone. It wasn't that I was shy, just that Richard and me didn't really fit into the groups. We tended to shower with the shy people, but today they had all gone in early and me and Richard were left in the shower alone. I was just about to get out of the shower when Richard came over to me and pinched me on the bum. I thought that he was just having a joke. "Leon." he said. "I've something to tell you. Don't take this the wrong way but..." He hesitated. "What?" I demanded. "Spit it out." "I'm gay." He replied. "And guess who I like?" "Me?" I asked. "Correct!" He said. After a short period he said, "I hope you're not offended." After a while, I went up to him and kissed him. "I feel the same way, I just didn't know how to tell you. Where do we go from here?" He replied, "I'm not sure. Is there anybody around?" I stepped out of the shower, still naked, and looked around. I shouted back to him, "NO!" "Lock the door", he told me. I locked the door and went back to the shower. Back in the shower, Richard grabbed my dick and started to toss me off. It was lovely. He started of slow and got faster and faster. Better than anytime that I had wanked myself off. During this time, I was fondling his crown jewels, licking his nipples and smooth chest. Richard paused, bent down, he looked up asking for permission, I nodded and he placed my penis into his mouth. He continued to toss me off and this experience was just pure pleasure. It was coming, I tried to tell him, but he just ignored me. I came straight into his mouth, cum filled his mouth but he just calmly swallowed it. My, now softening, dick slid out of his mouth. Richard asked, "Did you like that?" "Yes!" I replied and promptly bent down and did the same to him. His dick wasn't that big or small, just right. When he came I was worried about what it would taste like. But it was nice. :-) After we had both finished, we checked the time. We were 20 minutes late for our next lesson. Luckily enough it was IT, which was both of ours favourite subject, and we were both well ahead of the rest of the group. We decided that we would skip this lesson and go home. We got dressed and sneaked out of the changing rooms and went to my house. Once we had arrived at home, I called out "Hello, I'm home!" No response, just what I had expected, being that my parents were at work and my 15-year-old brother was at school. I could see that Richard was pleased at being in an empty house with me. We ran up the stairs to my room, I locked the door behind me and Richard and I sat on my bed and kissed. We kissed for what seemed like hours, but it was really for like 15 minutes, after Richard pulled out, I grabbed his shirt and started to undo the buttons, when I finally got the shirt off of him, I licked his nipples and he started to remove my shirt. After he had removed our shirts we quickly removed our trousers and were sitting on my bed in just our boxers. I could see a bulge forming in Richards shorts and said, "Take them off if you want." He promptly did and I did the same. He pushed me onto my bed and jumped on top of me, we kissed each other again and our dicks touched. I thought I was going to cum with just that, but I didn't. "Do you want it again?" I asked him. "Yes", He replied. My hand went for his penis and I started to toss him off. He twizzeled around so that his face was close to my dick. He started to suck me off. I love it when he does that. I started to suck him off too. After a while I felt his dick tense up, I knew he was about to erupt, and at the same time my dick started to tense up, we both came into each others mouths at the same time, What a feeling! With our dicks softening, we kissed again. We kissed until I heard a car pull up outside. I went to the window and looked out. It was my parents! "Richard! Get dressed, my parents are home", I shouted while jumping into my own clothes. I think I set a new world record for dressing. By the time my parents had got to the front door, we were both dressed and we had gotten out our homework. My mum came up and knocked on my door. "Is Nathan home yet Leon?" Nathan was my brother. "I don't think so mum." I shouted back, "He has football tonight. Mum, can Richard stay for dinner?" "Sure", she replied. After she had gone, we started to talk. "That was close, good job nobody came home while we were in the middle of it" Richard said. "I know, what next?" I asked. "I don't know, that was my 1st time." "Mine too. We will have to get some information." I replied "From where?" he asked as both of our heads glanced around and settled on to my PC. "From the 'Net!" we said in unison. I fired up my PC and started my browser, pointing it at a search engine. I Typed in GAY and waited for the response. It came back with thousands of matches, from hardcore gay porn, advice oncoming out to gay stories. Richard and I chose to go to the picture sites. We chose the sites that had young people in them, some of the lads had massive dicks and there were lots of pictures of lads doing it together. "Leon!", I heard my mum shout. "Dinner!" I book marked the site and shut down my computer. We went downstairs and had dinner. We ate it in extra fast time and then we went back upstairs to my PC. We spent hours surfing and we downloaded lots of pictures and articles. "Richard, Do you want to spend the night?" I asked. "What about your parents?" he asked. "They are going out tonight, and won't be back until late. Nathan is spending the night around his friends house, so we will be alone." "OK then, I just have to tell my mum." He replied. Richard went to use the phone and I confirmed that he could stay. At 8 o'clock, my parents went out and we were left alone.

Chapter 2 - Caught!

We waited until my parent's car pulled out of the drive and we ran back up the stairs. We started to kiss, we eventually managed to get each other's shirts off and we started to caress each other's chests. I started to lick different parts of Richards's body, from his nipples, which were erect, to his belly button - he loved it when my tongue entered and licked around it. He also licked various places on my body, I enjoyed it when he started to lick my nipples, it was pure bliss. After several minutes of this caressing, he started to undo my belt and my trousers. I arched up allowing him to remove my trousers, leaving me in just my boxers. Richard smiled when he saw a tent forming in my boxers; he stopped, stood up and removed his trousers. He also had a tent forming. We returned to caressing each other's bodies, this time he sucked on my toes, that was nice, I started to caress his hairy legs. After several more minutes I stopped and reached for his boxers, he assisted me to remove his boxers, releasing his tackle from its imprisonment. He did the same for me and we resumed our caressing. I suddenly remembered a picture that we had seen on the net. "Remember that picture earlier?" I asked Richard. "Which one." he replied. "We looked at so many!" "The one where one lad had his dick up the others arse." I told him. "That must hurt", he responded. "Yes, but remember that article, it said that you should use some sort of lubrication." "What could we use?" Richard asked. "There is some Vaseline that my mum has. It should be in the cabinet. I'll go and see." I got up and went to the cabinet situated in the bathroom. This felt strange, as I don't normally walk around my house naked. I found the Vaseline and headed back to my room. I closed and locked the door as I entered. "Who is going to receive it?" I asked Richard. "I don't know!" was Richards's reply. "Lets toss a coin to decide." I found a coin and said, "Heads you receive, Tails I do." I tossed the coin, it came out heads. I got a glob of Vaseline and smeared it onto my penis; another glob was used on his bum. I guided my dick into his crack, at first it missed it's target but he guided it in using his hands. I started to push, gently at first; I had to push harder because It wouldn't go in. "Careful!" Richard shouted. "That hurts." "It's too tight." I responded. "Relax a little." After a while, I felt his bum muscles release a little and found that I could slide in easier than before. "OooooWwwwww, that is painful. Go slower." Richard told me. I followed his instructions, and he relaxed even more. Eventually my dick was in, and it started to explore around. "Haaaaaaaaaaa, that is nice." Richard said. I started to move backwards and forwards, almost popping out, but just and I neared the exit, I pushed back in. Richard seemed to really enjoy this. After what seemed like an eternity, Richards muscles closed in on my penis, this made me cum all inside him. My now softening dick slipped out of his bum. "That was sooooooooooo good." Richard told me. "Would you like to experience it?" "I don't know, you seemed in pain at first." "Yes, but the pleasure that it gives you is so magnificent, that all the pain is worth it." he said. "So how about it???" After some thought I responded with, "OK then, here is the Vaseline." Handing him the tub. He greased my arse up and his dick and I guided him in. He was right! It did hurt at first, but after the initial pain, I began to experience pleasure that I cannot even start to describe. It was so intense and wonderful, especially when he came inside of me. Pure bliss! After his dick slid out of me we started to kiss again, what we did must have worn us both out, because we both fell asleep in each others arms. "Leon!" someone shouted, waking me up. "Leon!" It was my mum. "Yes mum?" I asked. "It is 11 o'clock. I think that it is time for you to get up." she responded. "OK mum." I replied. My mum went down the stairs and I suddenly remembered a really vivid dream that I had had last night. It was about me and Richard doing it. I better keep that quiet I thought to myself. I turned over and there was Richard, naked. Maybe it wasn't a dream, and my bum really hurt! I decided that it wasn't a dream and started to caress his naked body. I kissed his nipples and he slowly woke up. "Morning Richard." I said. I think that he thought it was a dream as well because he had a look of confusion on his face. He fully woke up and we kissed. "Did that really happen?" he asked. "I think it did." I responded. "You don't regret it do you?" "No way! It was wonderful, the best night of my life. We should do it again." "Yes, but not now. My mum has just told me to get up. Good job I had locked the door because she normally just comes in to wake me up. It would be hard telling her why we were sleeping next to each other naked." I told him. "Your right, I don't know about telling my parents, they would go ballistic!" I heard the door slam downstairs; I went to the window and looked out. It was my mum and dad, they seemed to be going shopping. "There go my parents." "Are we alone?" Richard asked? "Yes! I believe that we are, Nathan won't be back until later." Richard started to kiss me again. He broke off the kiss and started to kiss different parts of my body. First my nipple, slowly going down my chest. He eventually headed to my now hard penis and started to kiss the head. He placed my dick into his mouth and started to suck me off. We eventually moved into a 69 position and I started to suck him off. He shot his load first, I swallowed most of his cum, but some trickled out and dribbled down my chest. I then shot my load and Richard eagerly swallowed the majority of it. We resumed our kiss and I could taste my cum in his mouth. After several minutes, we stopped. "I think that we should get up and clean ourselves up." Richard suggested. "No one is in. Lets shower together!" I suggested. "Ok then!" We opened my door slowly checking that the coast was clear. It was! So we ran to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I turned the radio on to my favourite station, 105.4 FM Leicester Sound. We waited until the water was the correct temperature. And then we got in. We started to wash each other. He took great care washing my penis, and I did the same for him. It was lovely. A song started on the radio that caught our attention.

"The feeling inside is ten stories high. Never knew what love was until you loved me It feels so good sometimes, don't you know it feels so bad sometimes. The way you loved me, loved me, la la la la, the way you loved me You know that I want you, you know that I need you"

, the song went. That seemed to reflect what I was thinking. "Who sings this song?" I asked Richard. "I don't know." he replied. The announcer said, "That was The Moffatts with 'Until You Loved Me'. This is Tina Turner, Simply The Best..." We started kissing again. We were so busy that we didn't see the bathroom door open. "Oh My God!" I heard someone shout. I broke of my kiss and turned around to look. In the doorway was my brother Nathan.

Chapter 3 - The Agreement

"Oh My God!" he shouted again. Running into his room. I grabbed a towel, rapping it around me and I went and knocked on Nathan's door. "GO AWAY!" he shouted at me. "Nathan, let me explain! Please!" I begged him. "FUCK OFF YOU HOMO!" was his response. I decided to open the door and go in. "FUCK OFF!" he said. He was lying on his bed crying. "We need to talk. I need to explain" "OK, then Leon. Explain this will you. You were in the shower with your best mate kissing each other. Explain that! Go on!" Nathan shouted to me. "Well..." I hesitated. "Richard and I..." "Were kissing each other. Yes I saw that! But why???" "We love each other." "Your both guys! You should be kissing chicks not other guys. Does this mean that your are, you know, gay?" He asked, now a bit calmer. "I... I... Think so. You shouldn't have found out that way. Why didn't you knock before you came into the bathroom?" "I did." he responded. "No one answered so I presumed it was empty." "We had the radio on and we were busy. I should have locked the door." "Yes you should have." was his response. He buried his head back into his pillow. I suddenly remembered Richard and left Nathan's room, closing the door behind me. I headed back towards the bathroom, but Richard wasn't there. I headed to my room, where I found him getting dressed. "I heard what you said to him. Do you really love me?" he asked. "Of course I do." and with that we started to kiss again. I eventually got all of his clothes off of him again. His dick sprung to attention and Richard could see my boner through my towel. He grabbed the towel and threw it across the room. We started to kiss again and I kissed him all over his body. He did the same to me. I really enjoy it when he reaches my nipples; he takes his time and gives you a good feeling. I nearly came WITHOUT him even reaching my dick. He also seemed to enjoy it when I reached his nipples. He also liked it when I reached his armpits, (at least we had just showered and did not smell.) When I reached his dick, we were in the 69 position and we started to suck each other again. He moved his tongue all around my dick, licking and sucking. It was lovely! Just as I was about to have a really intense orgasm, there was a knock. There was a cough, a clearing of a throat, as if somebody was trying to get our attention. "Leon." it was Nathan, he was rather hesitant. "I'm cool about you being gay but I really think that you two should be more careful." "How do you mean?" Richard asked. "Oh Hi Richard. Well I think that you should shut your door first. It was wide open!" With all the excitement I had forgotten to close the door behind me. "Ok. Thanks Nathan. You won't tell mum or dad will you? I want to tell them myself." I asked. "What will you give me?" he asked. Regretting what he had just said. "Come here and join us?" I said. "NO WAY!" he responded with a red face. "I was sort of like thinking that you could buy me that new stereo that I am after." "Are you sure you don't want to join us?" I asked. "NO WAY!" he shouted again. He could see that I was joking and we all started to laugh. Nathan came and sat on the edge of my bed. Nathan blushed when he saw that we were both naked and were getting boners so he cleared his throat again and I knew what he meant so we covered ourselves up. "So are you going to buy me that new stereo or what???" he asked. "On three conditions.

  1. Don't tell mum and dad.

  2. You don't tell your or our mates.

  3. Don't sneak up on us when we want peace and quiet." or a bit of hanky panky I though to myself. "OK. I agree." Nathan responded. "Nathan, are you really cool about me being gay?" I asked him. "Sure I am, well I kinda thought that you were not 'Normal'" "What?" I asked, stunned. "How?" "Well your 17. Girls at school tell me how cute you are and you don't have a girlfriend. I see you looking at other lads as well." I was blushing. "Is it that obvious?" I asked. "It's only little things, but they all add up." he told me. "When are you going to but my stereo?" "Later! Now go away." I told him. I think that he understood that I wanted to be alone with Richard and he got up. "I'll close the door", he told us with a cheeky grin on his face and he left us alone. "Do you really think that he is cool about us?" Richard asked me. After thinking for a while, "Yes, and I don't think that he will tell anyone, especially when I buy him that stereo. He knows what will happen to him if he tells anybody." "I don't want my parents to find out about me from anyone but myself. I don't know how I am going to tell them." "Enough of this, lets get back to what we were doing." "OK Then." Richard said, as he started to fondle my testicles. We changed into a 69 position and he placed my dick into his mouth. I grabbed his dick and placed it into my mouth. I started to lick all over his dick. I could taste the pre-cum, it had a nice flavour. I suddenly felt Richards's hands on my bum cheeks, that was nice. He moved his hand and inserted a finger into my anal passage. I don't know what he used for lubrication, but his finger slipped in easily. He slipped another finger in and started to move around and explore my cavity. He stimulated me so much, that soon I was shouting, "I'm CUMMING!" The orgasm was one of the most intense ones that I have ever felt. I must have shot into Richard's mouth a lot, because when I looked up, I could see cum dripping down his chin. "I'm CUMMING!" was what he shouted to me. But I already knew that he was about to cum, because his dick had tensed up. He shot 6 or 7 times into my mouth. His cum was really great tasting, I don't know how to describe it. I couldn't tell you what it tasted like, it just tasted like cum. I swallowed most of it, but a little leaked out of my mouth and dripped onto my bed. I finally allowed his now softening dick to slide from my mouth. After a few seconds of inactivity, we both sat up and started to kiss again. I could taste my cum in his mouth, it was mixed with spit but it still tasted nice. We continued our kiss for a while, exploring each others mouths all over. He broke the embrace and looked over at my clock. It read 12:25 PM. "I better get going soon." Richard said. "My parents will want to know where I am, and I was supposed to be mow the lawn this morning." "I'll come round and help." I offered. "Ok then, but I need another shower." We both headed towards the shower and remembering that my parents were due back soon shouted, "NATHAN!" "What?" was his response. "Me and Richard are having another shower. If mum and dad come back, give me a shout." "OK, as long as we go shopping later." "OK, after I get back from Richard's." "Remember..." Nathan shouted. "Lock the door!" With that Richard and me entered the bathroom and I locked the door behind us. We washed each other again; we were just about to kiss when Nathan shouted, "LEON! Mum and Dad are just getting out of the car!" "Oh Shit. Quick grab a towel and run into my room." I shouted. Richard followed my instruction and we both headed to my room, where we dried each other's bodies. I took great care drying his penis and we quickly got dressed. We headed down the stairs to see my mother coming through the door carrying a big shopping bag. Richard being the gentleman that he is said, "Here, let me help you Mrs. Shepherd." He grabbed the bag, and with my help we carried it to the kitchen and placed it on the floor, we headed to the car to help my dad get the rest of the shopping. After we had finished unloading the car, I grabbed my keys and went to my car. We drove to Richards house without saying a word. I think that was because we understood each other deep deep down.

Chapter 4 - The Holiday

The next two weeks were a bit of a blur to me, they went really fast. My relationship with Richard blossomed. Every moment that we had free was spent making love. We were well and truly in love. Both of us were looking forward to the forthcoming summer holiday. Months before our sexual introduction, we planned to go on our first holiday without our parents. Now that we were in love, the holiday was going to be tremendous! We were going to the United States. Our time alone went very fast, but when we were at school it went so slowly. We were taking all of the same subjects, so we sat next to each other in every class. It was difficult to stop myself from kissing Richard right there in the classroom. Being the last week of term, things were on a wind down, the teachers didn't want to give us any work to do, I suppose because they didn't want to spend their summer marking, all of our other friends told us that we were lucky to be going to the states without our parents. ------------------------------------ "Wake up Leon!" my mum shouted. "We are leaving soon. You have your plane to catch, and we still have to pick Richard up." I woke up, a little bit peeved, I'd been having a dream about Richard and me, I was just about to shoot when my mum called. But then I cheered up as I remembered where I was going today, and what the forthcoming 2 weeks would hold for Richard and me. I quickly got dressed, I decided to ignore my stiffy, Richard could sort that out later! I wore blue jeans and a short sleeved, bright red, T-shirt. I ran down the stairs and grabbed some breakfast. Ring-Ring. Ring-Ring. My mum answered the phone. "Leon, it's for you!" I guessed that it would be Richard and I was correct. "Hello Lover!" he said. "Hello Richard, are you ready to go?" "Yes I am, are you alone?" he asked. "Wait a sec," I said. Taking the cordless phone up the stairs. "I'm alone, why did you want to know?" "Now you can call me lover!" "OK Lover! I'm now going to speak dirty to you." I responded. "Go on then..." he said. "When we reach the states, we are going to go straight to the hotel and shag each other until out brains pop out! Just think no interruptions, no possibility that Nathan will come in on us again, and NO parents!" "I know, I can't wait! I just phoned to check what time you are picking me up?" he asked. "I'll just check." "Dad! What time are we picking Richard up?" "Half an hour." was the response. Informing Richard and hanging up after a little discussion as to who would have it first. It was decided to flip a coin when we arrive. ------------------------------------ We arrived at Richards' house, and Richard started to load his suitcases into the car. His parents wished us a good time and told us to enjoy ourselves. That is exactly what we were planning to do, if only they knew! With Richard's stuff packed in the car we set of toward the airport. It was a long journey, down the M1 to Heathrow Airport. A few miles from the airport my dad started to speak. "Now lads, enjoy yourselves. Don't go wild and get into any trouble. If you do get into trouble remember to ring us, ring us every night, just to let us know that you are safe. And don't pick up too many girls." Richard looked at me and we both smiled. As if we would. Boys' maybe, but definitely NOT girls! Arriving at the airport, we checked in and made our way to the departure gate, I said goodbye to my parents and we boarded the plane. "YES! Freedom!" we both shouted as the stewardess showed us to our seats. I took the window seat and Richard sat down next to me. He looked around, ensuring that nobody was looking, and planted a big kiss onto my lips. We made out for a few seconds then we heard somebody clearing their throat. We quickly broke the kiss and looked up. It was a lad about our age, good looking, about 5 foot 7 with short black hair. "Hello." he said. "I'm David. This is my seat." Pointing to the seat next to Richard. Richard removed his bag from the seat and beckoned for David to sit. He did so, and was silent until after we had taken off. "Where you heading then?" he asked. "New York." I responded. "The same as me. I was supposed to be going with my friend, but he is ill. I couldn't find anybody to go at short notice and decided to go alone." "Is it you first holiday without your parents?" Richard asked. "Yes, you too?" "Yes. We are looking forward to the freedom." I told him. "I saw you two kissing. Are you two gay?" he asked nervously. "Yes we are." I told him. He reached into his bag and pulled out a magazine. He passed it to us and we took a look. It was a copy of Gay Times. "Are you gay?" Richard asked. "Yes." David said nervously. "Me and my friend were supposed to be going away to have some fun." "That's what we are planning to do." I said with a grin on my face. "Now that I'm alone, It's going to be a lonely 2 weeks." I whispered to Richard, "Shall we let him hangout with us?" "I don't know, we won't have any time to ourselves." he responded. "We'll tell him that we also need some time alone. Hopefully he will understand, after all, he is gay and wanted to spend his holiday shagging his now absent friend. Maybe we can find him somebody else, we can visit those clubs and bars that you got of the 'net." "Ok then. Are you going to tell..." "What are you two discussing?" David asked. "You are being rather secretive." "We have a proposition for you! If you are interested." Richard told him. "What is it?" he asked inquisitively. "How would you like to hang out with us for some of the next 2 weeks? We are planning on going to some clubs and bars that we found out about from the 'net. Maybe we could find you somebody." "You two would do that for me? You hardly know me?" "Your not a murderer are you?" Richard asked jokingly. "NO!" was David's response. "Well then, you can join us then." I added. David agreed to spend some of the holiday together, he also agreed to give us some time alone when we requested. We spent the rest of the flight talking about each other. We told him about us and he told us about him. We discovered that he too was 17, lived in Nottingham (for those of you who do not know, Nottingham is quite close to Leicester) and has knew that he was gay for about 3 years, he recently came out to his parents who had excepted it with little problem. We told him that we were still deep in the closet, and that the only person who knew was my brother. He gave us some advice about coming out and we gladly listened. We also discovered that we were staying in the same hotel, so after touchdown and disembarkation we hailed a cab and headed to the hotel together. We reached the hotel, checked in, ensuring that we noted David's Room number, and we headed to our room. Upon reaching the room, we pushed the two single beds together to make a double bed that we could share. We decided to put them back when we go out so that the maids do not get suspicious. Richard came over to me and we started a long kiss. His tongue explored all around my mouth. We manoeuvred ourselves over to the bed and fell onto it. We continued our embrace, and we started to remove each other's clothes. It was difficult, as we didn't want to break the kiss. We were eventually left in our underwear. I broke the kiss and started to move down his chest. Kissing his now erect nipples. He started to fondle my testicles through my boxers. My mouth continued it's journey down Richard's chest, I stopped when I reached his belly button. I started to lick and caress him and he moaned in pleasure. I eventually reached the waistband of his boxers. I could see that his penis was hard (I would have been surprised if it wasn't!) I gripped the waistband and started to pull them down. He arched his back to allow me to remove them. Richard's penis flopped out. He removed my boxers and we got into the sixty- nine position. I took hold of his now rock hard penis and placed it into my mouth. I had done this so many times, that I knew the ridges of his penis, and I knew where his most sensitive parts where. I started to lick the angry purple head. I knew that he loved that. He of course sucked on my penis as well. He knew that I loved to my caressed about halfway down my shaft, right next to a vein. When he reached that place it was pure bliss. After a few minutes of this caressing, I felt his penis tense up; I knew that he was close. "I'm coming!" Richard shouted. His penis expelled its load, it came out at speed and it hit the back of my throat. I lovingly swallowed all that I could. When his orgasm ended, he resumed his actions on my penis. Within moments, I was ejaculating into him. He also swallowed all of the semen. We lay on the bed together, in post orgasmic bliss. "Remember that conversation we had on the phone?" Richard asked. Startling me. "Yes I do." "Well who is going first?" he asked. "Grab a coin out of my wallet." Richard reached into my wallet and pulled out an English 20p piece, we only have American Money in notes. "You call.", he said. "Heads I get it first, Tails you get it first." Richard tossed the coin, it came out...

Chapter 5 - David

TAILS! "Tails, that's me first!" Richard shouted. I reached into my bag and grabbed the pot of Vaseline that I had bought the other day. I passed the tub to Richard and he lubed up my penis. After he had finished, I took the pot and started to splat it all over his anus. "I don't want this to hurt you." I told him. "It's OK Leon, I love the pain and I love you." I slowly inserted my penis into him, he cringed a few times, and I went even slower. I finally got all of the way in and after a few seconds, I started to move in and out of him. The feeling on my penis was tremendous. I started to get faster and faster. "FASTER!" Richard shouted. I got faster. "I'm close." I told him. "FASTER!" he shouted. I exploded my load into him with tremendous force. Richard screamed out in ecstasy. It was wonderful. After a short while, my penis had softened and had popped out of Richard. We moved our heads closer to one another and we kissed. A long, deep, passionate kiss. It explored the never-regions of our mouths. The kiss must have lasted about 10 minutes. It stopped when Richard broke it off. "Thank you Leon, that was wonderful." "It was wonderful for me as well", I responded. "When do you want me to do you?" Richard asked. "Not now." I told him. "I am tired, later after we have had a rest and an explore." "OK." he said. I knew that he was disappointed because he wanted to shag me straight away. Just then came a knock on the door. "Hold on!" we both shouted. We got dressed quickly, pushed apart the beds and went to open the door. It was David. "Hi David." Richard said. "Come on in." "Hope I wasn't disturbing anything?", he asked, with a sly smile on his face. "No.", Richard said with a grin on his face. "We had just finished." "I was just wondering if you two are going to dinner." "Dinner time already?" I asked, looking at my watch. "Time is going fast today. He had better get something to eat." We tidied ourselves up and quickly headed down the stairs to get something to eat. --- "That was nice food", I said to Richard as we plopped onto our beds. "I agree. David seems like a nice chap. I feel sorry for him. He came away for a good time and he is stuck alone." Richard said. "SSH!" I said. "Lets think about ourselves for the moment!" We quickly embraced and re-explored the insides of each other's mouths. While we were doing this we took each other's clothes off. I broke of the kiss and started to head down his body. I kissed many different parts of his body on my journey. From his erect nipples, to his belly button. I finally reached his treasure trail and started to move slower. My mouth reached his now erect penis and quickly engulfed it. "Yes!" Richard shouted. "That is lovely. I love you loads Leon." I couldn't talk as I had my mouth full so I nodded my head slightly to let him know that I felt the same way. My tongue licked all over his penis and he twisted around into the 69 position. He took my penis straight into his mouth and started to suck in the way that only he could. It was magnificent! --- Meanwhile --- "If only Paul was here." David said to himself. "This was supposed to be a holiday full of shagging. But now I'm alone. This is going to be some holiday." "Leon and Richard did say that they would spend some time with me but they will want to be together. Not with somebody they hardly know." David was alone in his room and was really bored. He stripped himself naked and started to wank. He grabbed hold of his 7-inch penis and started to stroke backwards and forwards. He continued to get faster and faster and suddenly his dick tensed up. He was cumming. The first strand flew across the room and landed onto a mat. The remaining strands flew through the air, each one nearer to David than the last. Finally he finished expelling his load and drifted into a pleasant sleep. --- "Time to get up and do some exploring gorgeous!" Richard said waking me. "Explore each other or New York?" I asked. "New York! Silly!" I looked up and saw Richard standing there in front of me, his penis standing erect. My mouth quickly engulfed his penis and he slowly manoeuvred himself onto the bed, into a 69 position and engulfed my penis. "This holiday is going to be so good!" I thought to myself. We finished out frolicking and got dressed, remembering to split up the two beds and quickly headed down for breakfast. Once we reached the restaurant, Richard looked around to see if he could see David. "There he is." he said pointing towards a distant table. We helped ourselves to the breakfast and headed over to the table. We sat and the three of us discussed what we where going to do today. We decided to go and visit the main attractions. --- We spent the day exploring and spending. The weather was wonderful. People where nice and friendly. Once we returned to the hotel we took our stuff up to our room. "What do you think about a threesome?" Richard asked me. "I don't know", I replied. "Perhaps." "Shall we ask David if he wants to join us for some fun?" He asked. Thinking for a while I said, "Why not? If he wants to, lets have some fun." Richard headed to David's room why I stayed in the room and joined the beds together. --- "That was a wonderful day out", David said to himself. "I really fancy both Leon and Richard. If only anything could happen between us." He quickly stripped down and started to masturbate again. He started getting faster and faster. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Oh Shit!" David Thought to himself. "One moment please!" he shouted as he quickly scrambled for his clothes. Pulling his T-shirt over his head and stuffing his still erect penis into his boxers and putting on his trousers. David opened the door and was pleasantly surprised to see Richard standing there. "Not disturbing anything I hope", Richard said with a smile on his face. "No.", David said. "Me and Leon have something to ask you." "What is it?" David asked. "Well, we wondered if you would be interested in joining us for a threesome?" "Would I? Yes I would!" David thought to himself. "That's what I wanted!!!" "OK, then." David Said. "When?" "Now?" Richard asked. "OK then. Let me put some shoes on and I'll be right with you." David rushed into his room and put his trainers on. He also picked up a small tub of Vaseline that was in his bag. "You never know, I might need it!" he thought to himself. He headed back towards the door and met up with Richard. "I'm ready." Richard and David headed back towards our room in silence, both wondering what will happen next.

Any comments? Suggestions? Send them via email: glb_2k@yahoo.co.uk http://www.geocities.com/glb_2k

GLB 2000

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