Leonardi and Sons

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Apr 1, 2010


AWARD-WINNING FIRM LEONARDI & SON By Andrej Koymasky © 2010 Written on June 16, 2002 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Brian


"AWARD-WINNING FIRM LEONARDI & SONS" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Chapter 5

Subject: Fifth File [img1] Date: 21 Apr 2002 20:14:51 GMT From: gajule@iol.it.com (Gaetano Leonardi Jr.) To: lucen@telek.fa.org

My dearest Luca,

It has been great having you here again, and being finally able to make love with you once more. Wonderful and too short. I'm longing for you to end your army service. What an odd idea to sign as a volunteer! You too are repentant now, aren't you? You should have really been upset with me that day when you signed. But at this point, what's done is done, and it's no use crying over spilt milk. Anyway you still have a few months before being dischargedÉ You know that I'm waiting for you, don't you?

You ask me if the Lombardi girls also have sex amongst themselves. I am not sure, but I think they do. The fact is that here in the Citadel two tribes are living together - that of the males, under grandpa Gaetano's lead, and that of the females, under grandma Ersilia. Of course we do everything together, we are anyway one big family, but we clearly are two different entities. It is somewhat like the national and the local Police when they do a joint service. You see them mixed, coordinate, as a unique group aiming at the same goal, but each of them obeys his own officers, not those of the other service, even though of course they respect them.

I mean - if for instance my grandfather Corrado sees a girl doing something wrong, bad, he tells her. But if the girl doesn't stop, he doesn't punish her, he goes to see her mother, or grandmother or in the last instance grandma Ersilia asking them to intervene. The same is if a woman sees that one of us boys is doing something he should not do. I think it is really good in this way. It could be that it is only because I'm born in this system, but I think it works fairly well.

Amongst men and women, adults or young, at times there is some conflict, but it always is settled. But as grandpa says, "A house without harmony is like a house built without using cement - at the first earthquake it crumbles and all the inhabitants die. A house without discussion is like an uninhabited house - it is no use for anything and anybody, even if it is the finest house of the village."

Is it clear, now? Good. Here is, then, the fifth installment for you to read. Enjoy it. And always think of me as I think of you.

Always and totally yours

Gaetano Jr.

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The Tower, as I already wrote, is possibly the part of the Citadel that all us of the last generation love the most, almost more than the house where we were born, because eight years ago, that is in 1994, it was decided that all us grandsons, from the year we attend the fifth grade of the primary school to at least our eighteenth or even twentieth birthday, are sent there to live in a kind of commune, until we marry and get our apartment. So only the little children live with their Dads and Mums, and in the apartments they have more space.

Therefore in 1994 the Tower was restructured. On the ground floor was made the kitchen, the dining room and rooms for our games and various activities; on the first floor were made eight classrooms; on the upper floors several bedrooms for all us boys. On the roof there is a very beautiful and wide terrace, surrounded by merlons. At the beginning it was too big, as we were few, but the Tower is gradually filling up.

As soon as it was ready, Aldo (who at that time was not yet married), Lino, Silvio and I, who was the youngest one, moved there. As Aldo was the older one, he was somewhat in charge of the Tower and of all of us. As I told you, at the beginning it was even too big for just the four of us, but gradually the other boys started to move in and today the Tower is really lively.

As you already know, we all attend the public school in Lugo, we bought a small bus for the purpose to bring us there and to take us back, but then in the Tower, besides doing our homework, at times with the help of our elders, we also have other activities suitable for the different ages, to prepare us for our future life in the Family. Each of us has also his chores, according to his age, that goes from keeping everything clean and tidy, to doing our laundry, mending and ironing our clothes, cooking our meals and so on.

Another thing that happens in the Tower is our gradual sexual initiation that develops at three times - in the first one, there are two adults that give us that sexual education course about which I already told you. In the second one, without anybody telling us, we spontaneously start to experience something amongst us, a little more or a little less but freely and how we feel like. And at last, around the thirteenth or fourteenth year comes an adult from outside, carefully chosen by our parents, for our real and complete sexual initiation. We therefore after that can start, when needed, to help the family on the level of the external sexual services.

It is there that I got my first computer and, as you know, it is from the Tower that I'm writing these pages to you. Yes, you should know it, as you too, each time you can come, are hosted in the Tower.

It seems that at the beginning some of the adults didn't agree about the fact that amongst we boys we could also have sex, because there was the idea that amongst brothers, or even just amongst cousins, "it was unbecoming". This was the subject of a discussion amongst the adults.

But in the end they decided that, point one, it was absurd to talk of incest between two of the same sex, and that, point two, what we felt to do spontaneously, couldn't be wrong. They just put the rule that none of the older boys could demand sex from a younger one, but it was allowed if it was the younger one who asked for sex with an older one. But anyway, also the older boys had the right to refuse. This rule always worked very well.

It's also there in the Tower that Aldo, the first of us, took as a guest Alessio, while instead Alessia was hosted by Aldo's parents. Anyway the Tower has been, from the very beginning, forbidden territory for women and girls. This leaves us a great freedom. We started with going totally naked on the terrace to sunbathe, then at times also to go around naked in the floors of our rooms.

When I reached puberty I was twelve years old, and with it also the yen to experience something of what the adults explained to us. The first one with whom I had sex, a little after my twelfth birthday, was my uncle Lino, who is three years older than me. On a Sunday morning he and I were on the roof sunbathing, all naked as I said, and, according to the rules, it's me who asks Lino, when I see he has a hard-on, to do it.

Lino giggles and asks me what I would like to do with him.

I think a little about it, than say, "A little of everythingÉ You know better than me what and how, don't you?"

"They explained it to you too. And you know that it's up to you to decide, to askÉ" Lino insists.

I then move nearer and start to touch him, to caress him a little shyly, I ask him to tell me if I'm doing it in the right way or not, I ask him to lead meÉ

Lino is getting aroused so he starts to be a little more active, he fingers me, caresses me, and my willy gets hard, I really want more. I then try to kiss him and he returns my kiss, I at once feel that he is way more skilled than me and try to imitate him. You see, Luca, I remember that I felt like split in two - a part of me wanted to let myself go and do anything he feels like, another part of me is instead like unrelated, observes all with some detachment, almost as from outside, to learnÉ

I don't know if Lino is aware of my twofold attitude, which has to just give him the feeling I'm somewhat simply awkwardÉ Anyway we are soon leaning against each other, our limbs are intertwined, pleasure is increasing for both of us and, fortunately, Lino gradually loses a good part of that self-control that he imposed on himself (according to our strict rules) and is taking more and more initiative. I feel it, and at once I do to him everything he does to me, so that Lino feels that I'm increasingly uninhibited.

He stops kissing me on the mouth and nibbles my earlobe, kisses my neck, lowers to suck my nipples and I follow suit. We are rolling on the mats where we are lying, I like sucking his nipples that are already a little dark, while mine are still pink, and we at one point find ourselves upside down and I see in front of my eyes his beautiful member, not yet adult but certainly bigger and better shaped than mine.

I then take it in my hands and start to kiss and lick it, and the feeling is really more than agreeable. Finally Lino takes all my willy into his mouth, a very easy task for him, and sucks it with a will. This pushes me to do the same and I experience my first sixty-nine - agreeable andÉ quite amusing.

Yes, amusing, like a beautiful new game for me, who finally can have my first taste of real sex. As I told you just before, there are inside me like two springs, one pushing me to remember the lessons that we boys received and apply them, and the other spring that on the contrary is a spontaneous, inborn one, pushing me to do the right things in the right way, out of any lesson I could have received and learned.

Meanwhile our hands are touching all over the other's body with growing pleasure, our various erogenous points are all "on" and contributing to increase our pleasure. Lino, almost without being fully aware, is leading me to make my first experience beautiful and agreeable.

Finally Lino comes inside my mouth and for the first time in my life I can taste, and relish, the male seed - I like it very much, it is somewhat sweet and salty at once, very agreeable, and I suck and swallow it with a will, until finally I too shoot my small spurts in the welcoming and warm mouth of my uncle Lino. For sure he spurts a much bigger load than mine, even though he is just three years older than me. But I reached my puberty just a short time before and at that age the changes are fast and remarkable.

For instance, I have just a few hairs around my tool, while he already has a nice, thick bush that I found very agreeable both to look at and to touch. His tool, as I said, even though not yet that of an adult, is at least twice that of mine, which is more than a child's willy but still rather smallÉ

We stop. He turns and embraces me, and smiles at me in a warm way.

"So, then, Tanino, did you like your first time?" he asks me almost in a whisper.

"Yes, I like itÉ but we will do it again, won't we?"

"Of course, any time you want."

"Are you doing it willingly with me even if I'm still a child?"

"You will grow fast, you'll see."

"ButÉ tell me, Lino, is it good taking it in the arse?"

"I fairly like it, especially if who takes me does it in a good way."

"But how is putting it in the arse of another boy? Is it good?"

"Yes, good. Even better than putting it in a mouth."

"Was I good at giving you head?"

"Rather. But try not to let feel your teeth."

"Did I hurt you?"

"No, noÉ But if you don't let the other feel your teeth, and if you move your tongue more, you will give the other more pleasure, that's all. But did you like sucking mine?"

"Yes, it's a really good feeling. But I was wondering if giving head to an adult man could be even betterÉ"

"WellÉ it possibly isÉ"

"Mine is still so smallÉ"

"It will grow, it will grow fast, you'll see. Moreover, as Enrico told us, it's not so important to have a big or a small one, but to use it well. You remember that, don't you?"

"Yes, but yours is more than fifteen centimetres, I think, and mine is just twelve."

"Did you measure it?" Lino asked me with a giggle.

"YesÉ Why, you never did?"

"I too at times measure itÉ"


"Yes, Tanino."

"Who was the first that put it in your arse?"


"He was skilled?"

"YesÉ but I liked it better when Dario did it."

"Who's Dario?"

"Aunt Paola's brother in law, Dario Pozzo. He was thirty and I was just fifteenÉ he was really skilled, he really made me enjoy it a lot."

"Then I would like if the first to put it in my little arse were that DarioÉ He is also a beautiful man, isn't he?"

"You know that besides what we can do amongst ourselves, it will be our parents who choose our first man, don't you?"

"Yes, but Enrico said that we can anyway express a desireÉ Isn't that so?"

"Yes, it's so, but they have the last word, of course."

"Why is it them who have to decide and not us?"

"WellÉ you knowÉ our first man has to have some pre-requisites. Besides being a trusted person, he has to be able to do it in the right way, do you see? The same is for our first woman, even though with a woman it will happen much later, you know that I haven't still tried it with a woman, don't you?"

"You want to try it?"

"Well, I'm somewhat curious. But for the moment I'm OK as it is."

After that first time, I did it again with Lino, but always and only with the mouth because, you see, even though after all I wanted to try taking it in my back-side, I also wanted that my first time was with an adult skilled in doing it.

Anyway my first man wasn't that Dario, and neither the handsome Aldo's dancer, Alessio, on which I laid my eyes, but who seems to be totally faithful to Aldo (they were and still are really in love, almost like you and I!) and neither a Vittorio that at times came to our house, a friend of my father Marco. And he neither was the man that my parents and my uncles later chose for meÉ

I bet you're curious to know who was my first man, and how it happened, aren't you? Who knows how it happened that I never told it to you before?

Well, then, we are at the end of 1998, therefore I am fourteen years old, almost fifteen. I am attending in Lugo the first year of the Scientific High School that just opened. Besides that, I also attend the riding school, where I'm learning to jump. Moreover here in the Tower I'm learning to use the computer well and also in a special way the Internet. Who is teaching us is a university mate and friend of uncle Renato, a handsome twenty-three year old guy whose name is Fabio Zocchi. Fabio, besides studying electronics at the university with uncle Renato, is also the regional champion of athletics and he has, as you can well guess, a really beautiful body.

He moreover is also really likeable, he knows how to do with us boys of the Tower, I already knew that Fabio is gay, as I knew that at times he does it with my uncle even though they are not lovers. So I was thinking it over about him. But at the same time, as you well know, I'm rather shy, therefore I was not able to make up my mind toÉ to try to seduce him. Fabio, on his side, didn't ever try it with any of us nine boys.

We are in November, and Fabio participates to the inter-regional championship. It is a Saturday afternoon, so I take my bike and go to Bologna for the finals. Fabio gets second place. After the contest I go to the changing room to give him my congratulations, and he tells me that, if I wait for him to shower and change, we will go together somewhere for a drink. I accept more than willingly.

I wait for him, he comes out, takes his bike and we go together to a downtown confectioner's with bar. He offers me something and we chat. And, I don't know what seizes me, but I feel attracted to him more than ever. It could possibly be because I just saw him wearing only his shorts and tight T-shirt, and could admire the perfect shape of his body, it could be because he is there in front of me, with his fresh and friendly smile, be it as it mayÉ I really feel the yen to get up to something with him.

So, at a certain point, when he tells me about his new computer, I ask him if he feels like letting me see and try it. He at once accepts, so we go to his place. It is quite late and he offers me to have supper together, as he can call to order two pizzas. I tell him that I have to first ask if I can have supper out, so I call the Tower and ask Lino, who is in charge (in fact Aldo had already married) then also to my parents to be sure it is all right. No problems.

We are looking at his new computer, a real wonder, when the doorbell rings and we get the two pizzas. We stop and go to the kitchen to eat them. We merrily chat, I feel a growing desire to tell him I want to make love with him, but I don't know how to do itÉ Then we go back to his computer.

Fabio lives alone, as his parents live in Ravenna, in a small apartment with just a kitchen, a bathroom and the room where he studies and sleeps. Therefore, near the computer table, on one side there is his desk and the bookshelf with all his books, and on the other side his bed, a queen size one. We both are sitting at the computer table, side by side, he towards the desk and I towards the bed. My desire to make love with him is getting stronger and stronger, so I'm less and less listening to his explanations.

I'm so much absent-minded that at one point Fabio asks me, "What's up, Gaetano, are you getting tired?"

"Eh? Ah, yesÉ possibly a little bitÉ"

"Do you want to go back home?"

"NoÉ not yetÉ"

"So, then would you like to lie down for a while?"

"Yes, goodÉ" I say, take off my shoes and lie on his bed.

I look at him, he looks at me and smiles. I give him back a smile.

Then I say, with a voice that has difficulty to come out, "Why don't you too come to have some rest, Fabio?"

He doesn't answer, looks at me, gives me another of his smiles, stands up, comes near the bed, looks again at me, takes off his shoes pointing one foot against the other, and lies near me, while I move a little to make him room, turned on his side facing me, and I turn to face him.

I then raise my arm and lean it around his waist. Our faces are really close; he brushes the tip of his nose against mine, two or three times, very gently, and smiles.

He then asks me in a whisper, "How are you feeling?"

"WonderfulÉ" I sigh.

He approaches his lips to mine and we brush them against each other, we play a little with our lips, I push out the tip of my tongue and pass it lightly on his lips, he pushes out his tongue and they play for a little, lightlyÉ

I sigh again and whisper, "Do you know that I like you a lot, Fabio?"

"I too like you, GaetanoÉ"

Finally we kiss, and while our kiss becomes more intimate, we lean against each other and hug tightly. I feel like a burst of heat wrapping me when I feel that Fabio is aroused, and his tool throbs between his legs, pushing against me. Mine at once becomes hard, and answers to that silent signal.

Going on to kiss, to caress all over, I gradually open his clothes and he mine, and slowly we undress each other. Soon we both are totally naked on his bed, our clothes mixed up in a mess at the side of the bed, on the floor.

Then we part for a moment, I sit up and look at him, "You are so wonderful, Fabio!" I whisper and finally one of my hands caresses and feels his so beautifully erect member.

It's neither big nor small, I would say average size, but it's perfect, smooth, straight and the small sack contracted under it, it too perfect.

"You're beautiful here tooÉ" I say with a dreamlike smile.

"You too are a really beautiful boy, GaetanoÉ"

"You like me?"

"I would say yesÉ"

"It's so long thatÉ that I've dreamed to be with you soÉ" I say in a murmur, and lower to suck his beautiful, hard and dark nipples, playing with them with my lips and tongue.

"You never let me know thatÉ I too often thought of this, with youÉ" he says, caressing my hair.

"You never told meÉ" I say without looking at him, moving downward on his beautiful, strong and athletic body, perfectly proportioned and almost hairless.

"I know very well the rules of Leonardi's familyÉ" he answers with a light voice, caressing my neck, shoulders and back.

I finally reach his beautiful, straight pole and gently taking it in my hands, I start to gently lick, kiss it, to lap up its tip, pulling down the foreskin. He utters a light moan of pleasure. I go to work on it with increasing pleasure, and I meanwhile think that it is of the right size to ask him to take my rear virginity!

His tool is so nicely straight, hard and warm, strong and smooth like precious silkÉ Its tip, which I often take between my lips, is now red, sign that pleasure is seizing him. It's a real pleasure working it, preparing it for what I have in mind to have it do to meÉ

At a certain point he gently makes me apart from him and in his turn bends on my lap and starts to take care of my hard and straight peg. He is really skilled; he is able to give me an increasingly intense pleasure. I close my eyes and bend my head back, unconsciously licking my lips, while my hands caress his back, underlining his spine bent over me.

I then have him lie down and go onto all fours on top of him, upside down, so that we can unite in a very agreeable sixty-nine. I remember that while I am sucking it, I hear the slow and solemn tick-tock of the pendulum clock that is beside the entrance door.

We stop as we both feel we are dangerously near the point of no return and neither of us, even without having told the other, doesn't yet want to pass that boundary. I remember that I also think he is really a skilled kisser.

Then I say him, with a halt in my voice, almost trembling, "Do you know, Fabio?"

"What?" he asks in a gentle and kind tone.

"I'm still a virginÉ there in my back-side."

"Ah, really?"

"YesÉ and I want you to beÉ to be the firstÉ to do it." I say and look in his eyes.

"ButÉ aren't you still a little too young? Wouldn't it be better for you to wait some more? Moreover, isn't it up to your father to decide with whom you have to do it?" he asks caressing me and tenderly smiling.

"Don't you like me? Am I too young for you?"

"Well, yes, I like you very much andÉ yes, you are really a little too young for meÉ Are you sure you want it? Really want it?"


"IÉ I don't want to take advantage of you, do you understand?"

"I knowÉ and it is also because of this thatÉ I would like it to be you."

"But there is a problem, I cannot do it, nowÉ"

"No? And why?" I ask, rather disappointed.

"Because I ran out of condomsÉ"

"But I have someÉ"

"Ha, you foresaw everything?" he asks me, caressing my hair and looking at me with slightly ironic eyes.

"No, not at all. But we always have some with us, it's one of our rules, you should know. You too saw the box with the three S near the Tower's door, didn't you?"

"Right, Smart and Safe SexÉ"

"SoÉ may I take one and put it on you?" I asks, full of hope.

"If you insistÉ" he says.

"But youÉ wouldn't you like it?"

"Of course I would like it, and how! I want just to be sure that you are fully aware of what you are asking me to doÉ"

"Of course I am!"

"So thenÉ all right. Take it and put it on meÉ" he says with a warm smile.

I get off the bed, rummage in my trousers, find the packet and tear it, take the condom and go back to unroll it on his beautiful pole, still hard and erect, warm and shuddering. I then climb onto the bed, lie down near him, on my back, and raise my legs, pushing them against my chest, at its sides, so offering my self to him. Fabio kneels before my little arse, takes a pillow and puts it under my butt to raise a little my pelvis. He looks at me.

"Do you know, Gaetano, that you are the first still virgin boy I have ever taken?"

"No, I didn't knowÉ"

"YouÉ I promise you I'll try to do it as best as I can, not to hurt youÉ But you have to stop me, if it hurts, you promise?"

"Don't worry, Fabio, you'll see that everything will be right. I trust you, or else I wouldn't be hereÉ"

He bends to me and lightly kisses me, "Do you know that to me it is an honour to take the virginity of such a beautiful boy as you are, of a friend as you are?"

"IÉ I hope it will also be a pleasure, both for you and for meÉ" I say with an encouraging smile, because I can feel that Fabio is still hesitant, although his body is telling me that the desire he feels is really strong.

Finally he settles, his knees spread at the sides of my hips, assuming the right position then he takes my legs putting my ankles onto his shoulders. He seizes my waist with both hands and slowly glides forward until the tip of his pole presses exactly at the centre of my still inviolate flesh rosebud.

"Go onÉ" I whisper.

He starts pushing. I totally relax and push to facilitate his access. I feel it, hard, strong, starting to slowly, very slowly open my sphincter wide and penetrate my warm channel with extreme caution. I'm aware he is exerting a strong self-control to graduate his pushing. I'm feeling totally relaxed and full of expectations, I'm longing to feel it slip inside me, invade, fill me and finally start to dance inside meÉ

This is in fact what happens, exactly as I had dreamed it to be, just how I desired and expected it to be. I don't feel the least pain, just a very light initial annoyance that anyway disappears immediately, once his glans passed beyond the narrow door of pleasure. I then feel it slip inside smooth and hot, without any pulls or tugs, as if his member had been made expressly for fitting my channel, or vice versa, like a sword in its sheath, like a hand in its gloveÉ

I look into his eyes and see with pleasure that the worried expression I initially read in them was changing to an expression of calm serenity, is lightening into a smile of pleased surprise. He continues gliding inside me and I finally feel the curled hair of his pubic bush tickle my tense small buttocks. Fabio stops and exhales a long and light sigh, letting out of his chest all the air that was blocked in it as he stopped breathing, so tense he was in the fear of hurting me.

I smile to him and he smiles back.

"All right?" he asks me and I hear that his voice is still a little strained and slightly hoarse.

"Yes, Fabio, it's wonderful. Now fuck me, go onÉ" I whisper.

"Just a moment, I think it better if you adapt yourself to it, don't you?"

"Perhaps, but it seems that it's really all right. Is it all right for you too?"

"It's a wonderful sensation. You are so tight, so hotÉ and so exciting, with your smile where I can read pleasure andÉ and joy."

One of his hands caresses my chest, cheek, neck, belly, while the other one cups my hard member and the firm, contracted sack under it. He then takes a deep breath, smiles again, and finally starts to move back and forth with long and calm moves. If I was at first feeling some pleasure, now I can feel that it is quickly increasing, giving me feelings that I would or could never guess before. That beautiful young man, so athletic, smiling and gentle is towering above me, dominating inside me, and is giving me stronger and stronger feelings.

I can read on his face that he too is experiencing something alike, and I feel happy being able to give him back what he is giving to me. I lightly move under him, making my hole palpitate from time to time, because they taught us that in this way the pleasure of both would increase. In fact his smile increases and becomes brighter.

I'm really glad I chose Fabio to introduce me to that kind of pleasure, to make me take a step forward, to make me, in a sense, more adult, more of a man. In that moment I understand what uncle Dario meant when he explained to us that taking it can be something as manly as putting it, contrary to what is commonly thought. He said in other words, I don't feel at all "feminine", at all weak, submissive, because I'm the bottom and not the top.

Well, I still don't know what one can feel when he takes another, but for the moment I'm not at all interested in that. I'm fully enjoying that so agreeable ride. Fabio, possibly without even being aware, is starting to give me shorter but more vigorous strokes and I understand that the magic moment of the supreme pleasure is getting nearer. His beautiful, warm and strong tool massages the inner walls of my channel, and the skilled brushing of my prostate is sharpening also my pleasure.

I finally feel inside me like a transformation, all my muscles stiffen in a really agreeable spasm then relax in a set of waves and I reach orgasm, unloading against Fabio's hand. My contractions accelerate his pleasure also and at last I feel that he too is unloading, vigorously throbbing inside me, almost jolting.

He closes his eyes and becomes still, a wonderful smile brightens his face and I understand what it that pleasure makes one more beautifulÉ He slightly parts his lips as if to moan but no sound comes out, then he suddenly relaxes and lowers onto me. I circle his neck and pull him to me; our mouths meet in a long and hot kiss.

Both of us, when we part, are lightly panting and I feel my heat racing at full speed. His eyes very close to mine are shining, are almost glossy.

"It has been wonderful, Fabio, thank youÉ" I then say in a murmur.

"Thanks to you, Gaetano. Also for me it has really been wonderful."

He slowly slips out of me, I stretch my legs and he slips at my side and we kiss again, this time more tenderly. I hear that outside rain is pelting with a subdued but intense noise.

"It's rainingÉ" I then say. "How can I go back home? I would get totally wetÉ"

"You can wait until it stopsÉ" Fabio suggests.

"Can't I stay here and sleep with you?" I then ask with a very thin voice.

"Of course you can, if your family agrees. Do you want me to call them? Or you want rather to do it?"

"I'll call themÉ in a few minutes. For the moment I don't feel like getting out of bed, I'm feeling so good in your armsÉ" I say.

Later I go to call. They don't raise any difficulty because the following day is a Sunday, but they ask me to be surely at home before lunch.

So, after he gives me one of his dressing gowns, and he too wears one, we go again for a while to his computer, until we decide it's time to hit the bed. I really love falling asleep in his arms.

The following morning, after a good shower, we have breakfast together, then I tell him goodbye and go back home, feeling as happy as a lark. When I get to the Citadel, I park my bike, go to tell Lino I'm back and he looks at me with a funny expression, that I at once understand is hiding a question.

"Yes, I asked Fabio to take me, and he did it, and I loved it a lot." I tell him, radiant, then add, "I have to go now immediately to tell Dad and Mum . I will then come to help you."

I run to my parent's house and find Mum preparing the meal.

"Where is Dad?" I ask in a merry tone.

Mum looks at me and says, "I guess you have to tell us somethingÉ"

"Yes, but I want you both here. Where is Dad?"

"Upstairs, at uncle Silvano's."

"Can you please call him?"

"Don't you see I'm cooking?"

"Yes, butÉ if I go upstairs, possibly also uncle wants to knowÉ because I bet that already everybody knows I spent all the night outÉ I would like better to first talk only with you two."

"All rightÉ" my mother says, leans out of the window and turning upwards, calls, "Marco! Marco!"

I hear my father's voice, "What's up, Adele?"

"Come down, please."


"If you canÉ"

"I'm coming."

In a moment my father comes. "Oh, the prodigal son returns!" he says with a smile.

"Dad, Mum, I bet you already know what I have to tell youÉ" I start.

"Should we?" my father asks, crafty, but I understand that he already guesses it.

"WellÉ as you knowÉ I stopped in Bologna and slept at Fabio'sÉ"

"Yes, because it was raining cats and dogs, isn't it so?" my father asks with the air of pulling my leg.

"Exactly so, it was really pouring!"

"And I bet that at Fabio's there was just one bed and that soÉ"

"Yes, he lives alone and has just one bed." I say, playing along.

"Well, that's all? So what did you have to tell us?" my father asks, "That possibly, one knows how it happens, as you were sleeping togetherÉ"

"No, not at all! We slept together, and just slept. Well, we slept in each other arms, but we really just sleptÉ" I say putting up an innocent expression.

"And then?" my mother asks, somewhat puzzled.

"And thenÉ before it started to rainÉ I asked Fabio if he couldÉ if he felt likeÉ well, in a wordÉ I'm no more a virgin!" I concluded.

"Well really, hear that!" my father says, "He couldn't wait for us to choose the right man for him? No?" but I understand he is not angry, after all they know Fabio well.

"How was it?" Mum then asks me.

"Wonderful. He was tender, careful andÉ and I liked it a lot." I then say.

My father has a little smile, "It wasn't so difficult to guess, after all. You first call telling us that you're staying with him for supper. Then later again that you stay there all night longÉ But for that, couldn't you wait until your uncles and I chose someone right for you?"

"More right than Fabio? Come on, I think it would have been difficult. I don't say you aren't able to make a good choice, of course, but at most he could have been only as right as Fabio was, in my opinion."

"Therefore it was really, really good." my father concludes.

"I dare say really, really so!" I say aping him.

My father makes the gesture as to give me a box on the ear, but he smiles. He then says, "Yes, even though I guessed it, I didn't have problems, because I know that Fabio in a good guy."

"Uncle Renato told you so?" I ask him.

"Yes, of course, but also Fabrizio, Silvano and Dario."

"And you!" my mother says.

"And I."

"But thenÉ Fabio did it with half of our family!" I say.


"No, not at all, I just didn't know. But then, why you never chose him for our first time?"

"Well, now that we have a good reference from you, we can possibly choose him." my father says.

In fact now Fabio also became part of the list of names, after they called him and properly indoctrinated him. Even if it wasn't necessary, in my opinion. Moreover, while before it was always the uncles who chose to whom ask, now it's up to us boys who, in the list of those four of five family friends, can choose the one with whom we would like having our first experience.

The last thing I want to tell you in this part of our story is about uncle Dario - not Dario Pozzo, but the Leonardi ho was born in 1974 and who married Stefania, and who is now twenty-eight years old. In fact it is in some ways thanks to Dario that at present we Leonardi own a (for the moment little) hotel chain.

So, then, Dario's story begins when he was seventeen that is in 1991. He is attending the School of Hotel Management and Catering in Bologna and he is in the third year. He likes that kind of school, he has very good grades, and he is somewhat the teachers' pet. When Dario said he would like to study in the Hotel trade, grandpa Tano and his sons didn't foresee the development that it would have had; they just thought that having an expert in that field in the family could just give an increase to the sale of our products to the hotels.

About sex Dario is, like the majority of us Leonardi, a bisexual, even though a little more bending towards his own sex, especially towards mature men. Possibly also because his first man was a mature man - Agostino Speranza, our family doctor. It seems that he is one of the most skilled with our boys, or at least so I heard.

Anyway, summer vacations come and several of the students of his school are sent to internships, to get their first work experience. Dario is sent to the Crown Hotel in Ravenna, owned by Vitale Sacchi, who owns six more hotels, all three or four stars, scattered in Romagna, Umbria and Marche regions. The Sacchi is a divorced man and with him lives only his daughter Stefania, who at that time is sixteen. He also has two sons, both older than Stefania, but one died in a car accident and the other lives and works in Australia, where he went against his father will, and where he got married.

That summer both Mr. Sacchi and Stefania, who is a student at the Art Institute of Forl", are at the Ravenna hotel. Dario presented himself on a Friday with an introduction letter of his school. Mr. Vitale receives him, gives him an interview, compliments him for his school curriculum, and decides that the boy has to spend three weeks in the administrative section, then a period at the reception desk and finally three more weeks in the kitchen, to get a global idea of the functioning of an hotel. As it is summer, there are many tourists, mainly Germans, but also English, French, American and, of course, also Italian.

As Dario studied two languages as all of us, in his case English and German, Mr. Sacchi is quite pleased. From the beginning my uncle and the hotel owner feel reciprocally likeable, and Dario start to work with a will, determined to do his best to learn as much as possible and cut a fine figure. In the hotel, on the top floor, there are the unmarried personnel rooms, and Dario gets his own.

He is there for just a week when Mr. Sacchi calls him in his office, "Dario, I've heard that you are committing yourself very much and that you are workingÉ even too much, beyond your regular scheduleÉ"

"That's because I want to learn as much as I can in these two months, Mr. SacchiÉ"

"It's praiseworthy, my boy, but try not to overdo. If you get too tired, you will pay for it when you are back at school. This is also your vacation, don't forget."

"Thank you, sir, but I am enjoying itÉ" Dario says.

Then Sacchi tells him, "All right. But then on the week-ends, starting from tomorrow, you will be on duty on my cabin cruiserÉ at least I can keep an eye on you and be sure you also relax."

"ButÉ" Dario starts to say, thinking that to be a waiter on board will not be really useful to him to get more experience.

"No buts, boy! So I decided and so you will do." the man cuts him short.

The fact is that Mr. Sacchi has a weakness for young boys, and is feeling strongly attracted to Dario, who is really handsome, and he thinks that, having him on board, he can easily sound him out and see if by chance he is gameÉ

So, on the first weekend, Dario goes on board. Besides Dario and Sacchi, on the cruiser there are also Stefania, a girl friend of Sacchi's daughter, and two sailors. The two girls share a cabin in the prow then there are the two sailors' cabins, then the wider one for Sacchi and last a really small one for Dario. The cruiser leaves the port - Sacchi intends to do a tour sailing along the many big and small islands that are south of Istria.

Uncle Dario didn't tell me in detail how it went, but it seems that Sacchi managed to seduce him, who anyway willingly accepted to be seduced. So, since they were alone on board, as the two girls went off in a port to do some shopping, escorted by the two sailors, possibly on Sacchi's request, the man and my uncle had their first good fuck. From what I know, Dario, who is a real stallion, fucked Sacchi and not the other way roundÉ

Anyway after that first weekend, they spend all the nights together, in Sacchi's bed, as the man is more and more infatuated with my uncle Dario. Also Dario likes the man, for his character, physically and in bed. So, when the cruise is over, Sacchi wants to go on meeting uncle Dario, who in fact every weekend goes with pleasure to Ravenna with his motorbike.

The visits go on a little too long, and Sacchi is afraid that the backbiters can suspect the real reason of those so frequent visits. So he decides to tell everybody that Dario is his daughter's boyfriend. Stefania knows her father's tastes, therefore keeps up the pretence.

The fact is that Dario starts to make cow's eyes to Stefania, and the girl, all summed up, is gameÉ Sacchi understand that something is beginning between the two youths and at first tries to oppose, but then he surrenders to his daughter's requests. The girl in fact already tried something in bed with Dario and she is more than pleased. So, when Dario is nineteen, he goes to talk with grandfather Corrado, that is Dario's father, and the marriage is settled. Sacchi takes Dario as his co-owner of all his hotels, provided that he goes on going to bed with him also.

But in 2000 Sacchi has an apoplectic stroke and leaves this world, so Dario inherits the hotel chain which he then organises as a corporation, giving all shares to the Award-winning Firm Leonardi & Sons, and being the hotel's CEO.

This is why now we also own seven hotels. Dario is gradually restructuring and making them better in order to get more stars for them. The income is good, also because all the food and drink supplies are mainly our products.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 6

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