Leonardi and Sons

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Mar 24, 2010


AWARD-WINNING FIRM LEONARDI & SONS By Andrej Koymasky Š 2010 Written on June 16, 2002 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Brian


"AWARD-WINNING FIRM LEONARDI & SONS" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Chapter 3

Subject: Third File [img1] Date: 12 Mar 2002 23:59:12 GMT From: gajule@iol.it.com (Gaetano Leonardi Jr.) To: lucen@telek.fa.org

My dear Luca,

I'm sorry to hear that you got a fever, and that I can't be at your side, if not to attend you, at least to keep you company and keep you merry. Happily you say you are feeling better.

You say you didn't notice that writing on the gate? When you come back here, I'll show it to you. There are so many of grandpa's sayings that we often repeat amongst us. One day or another I should collect and write down all of them and if you are interested, I'll let you read them.

Of course we all love and admire grandpa Tano - he did and does so much for us! And he never asks of us something he didn't already do before us. Many of the rules come exactly from that, like the fact that each of us is expected to sire six children. If a son is born, we have to try again after four years; if instead is born a daughter, we have to try again after the following year. On the whole we are balanced enough - we are twenty-seven males and thirty females, besides the wives, therefore in the average of the births.

Amongst us brothers, first or second cousins, uncles and great-uncles, grandparents and great grandparents, there is surely a great harmony. We all have a strong family spirit. Just think that in Lugo they say, "united like the Leonardis", and it is true. Grandpa has always been hit by the squabbles that often divided our neighbours' families, therefore he always did all he could to avoid them in our family.

About the fact that all us son have to learn to have sex with both men and women, I did ponder about it and if you want to know, my explanation is as follows.

Probably none is born either totally straight or totally gay, but everybody is naturally bisexual. This doesn't avoid that each of us can feel more oriented towards one or the other sex. But to quote another of grandpa's sayings (or rather, no, I think that this really comes from grandma, even though grandpa often uses it), "If you don't like liver, as Mum teaches you, you have to anyway eat a little of it, as it is good for your body and also as you have to get used to everything. The same is for all you have to do that you don't like".

Well, that's enough for the moment. I attach the third part of the story, and I'm glad you are longing to read it.

I want you, do you know? Always yours Gaetano Jr.

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Even though Tano thinks it important that we do our studies, he doesn't force us to study, to get the decisive "piece of paper", that is a diploma. He tries rather to make us desire to study, but then he lets us do as we want.

But he often repeats to us, "The Italian Constitution says that to study is a right; therefore who of you wants to do it, should do it without any hindrance. Studying is a job, not less heavy than tilling the fields or caring for the cattle. But for each right there is a corresponding duty, and the duty for a student, as for a worker, is to get good results. Therefore who studies has to study hard and to learn well."

For sure the fact that amongst us we have agricultural experts, lawyers, and so on, is our strength. We can care for our business or for our problems without having to entrust ourselves to external experts that you never know to which point they are honest. Anyway, even who of us attended only the compulsory education don't feel at all inferior to who got a university diploma. Not only that, but grandpa says that "you cannot lead other men and make decisions if you aren't able to do well their work", therefore all of us, even those who attend the superior schools, have to be good at working the fields, to care for the cattle or to work in our factories and in our shops.

The "Leonardi & Sons" officially started thirty years ago; that is in 1970, when Tano's last son was ten years old and grandfather Corrado already had three children, in fact in that year was born his son Silvano. Also in that same year Enrico, Corrado's brother, got married.

At this point the Citadel already has the present aspect, even though the last four new houses are still missing, and still doesn't have the name, as the Tower too was not yet built. In fact it is the Tower that in a way gives to the farm the name "The Citadel". But in that year is built the house that is between the gate's arch and the Tower, and also the square in front of it with its three rows of trees.

In 1970 we already have, besides the stables inside the Citadel, also two more stables outside it, the sausage factory and that of the canned vegetables, as well as our first shop in Lugo. The fast growth of our property is done, from the start to the present day, to two factors - a good administration and our sexual services to important people. I would say fifty-fifty, even though it is not easy to economically quantify what we get by being available to satisfy bureaucrats, functionaries, politicians and businessmen.

According to the statistics, about ten percent of the population is made up of gay people. But according to our experience I would say that, possibly including also the bisexual people who like to have sex with men, they are much more; therefore it isn't astounding if so often we get in exchange for sex what we are interested in, even though we engage in this only with men and never women.

Anyway the first external experience, as we call it, of Federico when he is fourteen, which is exactly in 1970, is a bisexual one.

We call it the external experience because we have our first sexual experiences, now that we are so many, amongst us brothers and cousins - it is amongst us that we learn to masturbate, to suck each other, and also to take or to put it in the arse. This is the best way, because amongst us everything happens naturally and spontaneously, I should say at the sun light, in the sense that clearly grandma Ersilia put the rule that sex is never to be done in public, but only between us in the boys' rooms. But everybody knows we do it, and that it's natural that we do it. Of course they also explain to us that outside the Citadel it is not at all so, and that therefore we have to be careful to not talk about it or to whom we talk about it outside our family.

But let's go back to Federico.

Gaetano goes to Brussels with grandpa Corrado, because the latter knows both French and English, to try to accelerate some dossiers about subventions for the production of bovine meat and milk. Gaetano, as he says, is at that point out of the game; Corrado is twenty-seven years old therefore he is at the limit, therefore grandpa decides to take with them also Enrico, who is nineteen and who did just marry, and Federico who is fourteen.

In fact, according to grandpa, "a kid has ten possibilities on a hundred to be desired, a boy twenty, a youth thirty-five, a young man twenty, a man ten and a mature man five or even less."

Therefore, considering himself at level zero, taking with him Corrado, Federico and Enrico, he has fifty-five percent possibility to get one of his sons into the bed of the right person. This is helped because, as you noticed, we Leonardis are all rather handsome, also thanks to the wedding politics of our great grandparents.

In Brussels they take two rooms in a good hotel; one with three beds, and one with a double bed. Officially the three brothers will sleep together and Tano alone. In reality grandpa foresaw that if one of them had to withdraw to have sex with somebody, he would use the double bedroom and the three others together would sleep in the other room.

All four are wearing elegant clothes, and the three brothers also in an almost sexy way. They are walking in the European Community offices corridors trying to orient themselves and to find the right offices for their problem when Federico, who stopped in the waiting room to read a French magazine, is approached by an official, a man in his forties.

"Are you French, boy?" the man asks him in French.

"No, I'm ItalianÉ"

"Ah, but you speak French. Bravo. What are you doing here?"

"I'm waiting for my father and my brothers who have to take care of some dossiersÉ"

"Aren't you bored staying here, all alone?"

"Well, so soÉ"

"Do you know that you really are a handsome boy?" the man says.

"Thank you." Federico answers and starts to smell a rat.

"How long will you stay here in Brussels?"

"As long as we needÉ we just arrived yesterday evening lateÉ"

"Therefore at least for a few daysÉ"

"Oh yes, possibly even a week or more."

"And you here, all alone, my poor boy."

"UnhappilyÉ" Federico says, displaying his more alluring smile.

Yes, he gets the feeling that the guy is really interested in him and not just out of kindnessÉ Who knows who he is? he asks himself. And he asks this also to the man.

"I am the Control Section's secretary." the man says.

Federico, who is a smart and clever boy, pricks up his ears, as he heard Corrado and his father talk of that office as an important one for themÉ He therefore decides to cunningly come out with all his seductive weapons.

"What's your name, boy?" meanwhile the man asks him.

"Federico. Federico Lombardi."

"A beautiful name, right for a beautiful boy. Would you like, Federico, just to kill the time, if I help you visit all the buildings, showing you the most interesting things?"

"Oh, it would be beautiful, sir. But you are surely busyÉ"

"Not so muchÉ and I will willingly do it. Would you like to tell your relatives?"

"I don't know where they are, nowÉ"

"I can have them called by the loudspeaker. What's your father's name?"


The man so has grandpa Tano called and when he arrives, he qualifies himself and tells him he intends to take the boy on a tour of the building. Federico makes his father understand that it's worth it to do it, and Tano readily entrusts him to that important official and they agree to meet again at that same spot about three hours later.

Now the boy can try, if he wasn't wrong in his evaluation, to seduce the man with great ease. And he busies himself. Smiles, holds the man's hand squeezing it, catches all the occasions to discretely but cunningly brush against him. The familiarity between the man and the boy increases. In a short while the man's arm is on Federico's shoulders, an apparently gesture of comradeship, whose meaning the boy understands too well.

He takes him to the managers' bar and offers him a Coca-Cola. They sit at a table and Federico's leg "casually and innocently" leans against that of the man. They chat, smile and joke with each otherÉ

"Listen, Federico, I must confess that I like you very much. I am certain that also my wife would like you a lot. Would you come tomorrow to my villa to meet her? Tomorrow I'm free, and we could spend all day together, so you don't get bored here in these offices. We also have a pool, if you like to swim, and a tennis court, and a horseÉ Are you able to ride a horse?"

"Oh, yes, and I like it very much. I really can come at your place tomorrow?"

"Of course, if your father agrees. And you could even suntan, all naked if you like, as in our garden nobody can see youÉ"

"But your wifeÉ"

"Usually we two suntan naked, therefore no problemÉ Unless you are ashamedÉ Even though I think you have nothing to be ashamed about - I bet that you are really well built, under these clothesÉ"

"If you are used to doing it naked, I too wouldn't be ashamedÉ" the boy angelically declares.

The fact that the man talked about his wife makes him think that he must have misunderstood the man's intentions, but then that hint to nudism leaves him somewhat puzzled. Unless his wife knew about him, or that she really didn't exist, or the man has a plan to do something with him without his wife realizing itÉ

Of course Tano accepts that "kind" invitation and so the day after, the official takes Federico to his villa. Nothing happens for the first two hours (besides drinks and pastries, and amusing chit-chat) until the lady (she really exists) proposes to move to the pool to bathe and to suntan. Naked, of course. It's just question of moments and husband and wife are already touching Federico who becomes aroused and, even though playing the shy boy, of course is game.

Soon Federico is sucking the woman's tits while the man sucks his young member with gusto. Then Federico gives head to the man and the wife does the same to the boy. After a while, the man tells the boy to fuck his wife and Federico does his best. He is moving inside her slit when the man takes him with vigour. Later, it is Federico who fucks the man in the arse like a rabbit, while licking her between her legs. In short, they unite in all the possible combinations, fucking each other in all the possible holes. Federico plays somewhat the inexpert, even though not too much, and the couple swallows it and praises him for learning so fast those "little games amongst friends".

They wear their clothes for lunch, served by the villa waiters in livery, and after the meal resume their threesome, but this time in the couple's bedroom.

While Federico is again fucking the woman, and the man is fucking him, she says, "Oh, darling, where did you find out this little jewel of a boy?"

The husband answers, "I told you, darling, that sooner or later I would have found what we both wanted, didn't I?"

"Do you like it, Federico darling?" she twitters.

"Yes, I didn't know it was so great!" he answers, with a winning smile.

"Will you come again here with us, tomorrow?" he asks hammering in him.

"If dad let me comeÉ"

"But you will say nothing about our little games to your dad, will you?"

"Of course notÉ" Federico reassures them.

When Federico is again with his family, of course he tells his father and brothers everything in great detail. And Tano decided it's time to take the matter in his hands.

When the day after the man renews his invitation, Tano says, "I thank you very much, you are really very kind, but I regret, we are not able to settle our problem here, therefore we think to go back to Italy this same evening."

The man took the bait, "ButÉ if you explain to me what's your problemÉ I can possibly be useful in some waysÉ if just you stay here a few more daysÉ"

Tano explains to him the entire problem, gives him the essential data of their dossier and the official assures Tano he will make sure that they get what they asked for.

He just adds, "It could take me some daysÉ if you and your sons can stay here in Brussels, I'll take care of the problem more than willingly."

"If you grant us that we will get a positive answerÉ" Tano says.

"Trust meÉ you will see, you will go back to Italy with what you desire in your handsÉ"

"Thank you, then we will stay as long as necessaryÉ"

"And Federico can come again to my place? My wife would be so gladÉ and I too, believe me."

"If it's not too big an inconvenienceÉ"

"Oh no, absolutely not, on the contraryÉ"

Well, the problem is solved in eight days, and every day Federico is unfailingly the guest of the couple that, when the departure day comes, gives to the boy a gold watch with a blue dial and the hours marked by twelve gold stars, that is the European Community symbol. Federico still wears that watch with some pride.

1972 comes and it is thirtieth marriage anniversary of Gaetano and Ersilia. Grandfather Corrado decides to build the Tower as the gift of all the sons and grandchildren to them. In secret, he prepares the project, gets all the authorizations, finds a firm that assures they can build it in a record timeÉ don't you guess how? Enrico, who at this time is twenty-one years old, spends several nights in the bed of that firm's owner and his son. They both are gay, even though married, and Enrico fucks in the arse the son, while the father fucks Enrico. According to Enrico, the father always desired to fuck his son but never daredÉ so it does it "through a third party"É He says that the son, who looks like the most virile man you can imagine, in bed acts like a womanÉ Anyway Enrico amuses himself with the two men, all along that period.

The building contractor says that, making all his masons work in shifts from dawn to evening, he can finish the work in thirty days. So Corrado persuades his father Gaetano to take Ersilia on the honeymoon that they never had, and Ersilia is so excited at that thought (grandfather Corrado told me that she seemed like a little girl she seemed rejuvenated by at least twenty years) that grandpa Tano, who at the beginning was quite reluctant, at the end surrendered. So they go on a journey to the Canary Islands. They leave the Hovel in the morning at ten o'clock, accompanied to Bologna by car by Enrico, and already at noon come to the Citadel trucks, excavators, concrete mixers, and it seems almost the invasion of an army. I would have liked having been there. I saw some pictures and heard the account of the "ancestors" (heaven help if they hear me call them so!) and I can anyway imagine the scene.

The Tower is in reality almost a cube, but we call it so because it is entirely topped with merlons and it really gives anyway the feeling of a Citadel to all the complex of buildings; it is anyway twice taller than all the other buildings, even after grandpa raised the Hovel of a floor.

When, a month later, they go to fetch Tano and Ersilia, when they get in sight of the place, the Tower is already complete, only the internal furnishing is still missing. Gaetano of course at once notices that there is something different, something new.

He is agape, turns to look at Corrado who is driving, and asks, "And that? From where did it sprout?"

"It is our gift for your thirty years of marriage. And when you will celebrate the sixty years, we will have a twin tower builtÉ"

"ButÉ just in one month? How did you do it?"

"Hey, Dad, you should know well that we Leonardi always get what we want, shouldn't you? We learned from you, Dad. But tell me, do you like it?"

"YesÉ Now our place resembles a citadel!"

So, from grandpa's exclamation, originates the name of our house, a name that soon the sons paint on the external arch of the entrance gate. As you know, the Citadel is a perfect square of seventy meters on each side, with the internal farmyard totally surrounded by sheds, excluding only the Hovel faade, and measuring fifty meters on each side. Up to 1985, when I was just one year old, at the ground floor, behind the sheds there were stables and storehouses. Now instead one part has been changed into garages and the other into new apartments, as we are growing in number, and the stables are almost all external.

Also the people who know us are starting to call our farm the "Citadel" so that it has become its official name even on the cadastral maps and on the area's maps.

The Tower is the part of the Citadel where all we boys of the last generation live, as six years ago, that is in 1994, it was decided that all us grand-children, from the year we enter the middle school, we will go and live in a kind of commune until we get married and each of the new couples will have his own apartment. So only the little children live at home with their Dads and Mums. But I will tell you about this solution later, when I will get to that year, as I am the older of the fourth generation and was one of the first four who moved there, even though in that time I was the younger one.

In 1974 is the turn of Fabrizio, who is fourteen, the youngest and last born of Tano's children; he got us the needed funds to open another of our factories. To tell the truth, the merit goes also to his brother Federico, who is eighteen and just married.

So, grandpa, at the suggestion of grandfather Corrado, decides to start also a jam factory. They are what we sell with the brand "LaS" (that is "Leonardo and Sons, of course). The Bank of Commerce and Industry, in spite of our very good trade references, hedges. In Italy we are passing through a depression time, money doesn't circulate so much and investors are quite wary. The capital tends to be moved abroad.

The main problem is that grandpa is not able to find any "weak point" where to get leverage thanks to the graces of one of his sons. Tano tries even to go to Bologna to look for that banker, who already once helped us, but the man is no more in Bologna and he can't find his traces.

Only a couple of years later he comes to know what happened to him - the guy was in jail on the charge of corruption of a minor, violent sexual harassment and so on. In fact the banker managed to take into his bed the seventeen year old son of one of his employees - the boy was consenting. The boy's father discovers the "affair" and tells his son he has to break off, but he gives him a last chance to go and say goodbye to his lover. But then the skunk goes to the police and, after he gets the assurance that the minor's name will not be given to the press, reports the banker. The police make a ride and catch them red-handed while they are screwing - the man is merrily fucking the boy in the arse. In spite of the fact that the boy pleads his lover's cause, the banker is sentenced to jailÉ

Coming back to us, the situation seems without a solution, and it would be the first time that the Leonardis aren't able to have their way.

It is real luck that a former schoolmate of Corrado gives him an involuntary hint. They meet in Lugo and the mate invites him for a drink. Corrado goes and they just chat of this and that, and also of politics.

At one point his friend says, "By the way, did you know that Honourable Such and Such is a faggot?"

"Come on! Who told you such a thing?"

"Well, first of all he isn't marriedÉ"

"What the fuck does that mean? All the bachelors are faggots in your opinion?"

"Still bachelor at forty-seven? Anyway I'm sure for another reason - one of my friends in Bologna saw him, and more than once, cruising at the Bastions taking a hustler into his car. Always young boys, younger than eighteenÉ"

Corrado at once thinks of Fabrizio and FedericoÉ but ironically retorts, "What was your friend doing there, was he cruising too or was he hustling?"

"No way! He is a night watchman, so he has to pass that place every nightÉ"

"Bah, it could be as you sayÉ Anyway it is that man's fucking business, isn't it?" Corrado says.

"YesÉ literally fucking!" his mate laughs, and they change the subject.

When Corrado is back at the Citadel, he at once goes to talk with his father. Then they call his two brothers and tell them about their new mission.

"But is that politician involved with Banks?" Federico asks.

"He has to be, for sure. Don't you know that all politicians are wheelers and dealers with the banks? And mainly the socialists like our Honourable, as they are taking more and more power these days. If he says to a bank that they have to make us a loan, be sure that soon the loan comes." Corrado explains to him.

"Should both of us try?"

"I don't know the type that man likes, and anyway you are both about eighteen or less."

So they set out their plan - they simply decide to go, both of them, with Federico's Fiat 500, to Bologna and pass themselves as hustlersÉ refusing of course all the johns and hoping to be hooked by that guy. First of all they go to the local newspaper, the Resto del Carlino, looking in the archives until they find copies of the newspaper with the Honourable's picture, to recognize him without problems. They wear the right clothes and start, evening after evening, to walk near the Bastions. And finally on the third or fourth evening, the politician arrives. They recognize him at once.

The man rides up and down a couple of times to watch from his car the "goods" the place offers, and finally stops near the lamppost under which Fabrizio and Federico are waiting. He asks them how much they charge, if they do everything, and then invites both of them to get in his car to go to his pied-ˆ-terre. They go.

As they get there, the two boys have a moment of hesitation and think that luckily they are together - on the walls are hanging chains, ropes and all the paraphernalia of classic S&M sex.

The man pays them in advance and says, "Listen, boys, I like a special fantasy - you have to play the part of two hoodlums attacking me, immobilizing me, then banging me in the mouth and in the arse, fucking me for at least an hour without coming. Is it clear?"

Federico lets go a silent relief sigh and asks, "Do we also have to beat you? To whip you?"

"No, not that. You have to just tie me, abuse and fuck me. But I want a good fuck, a strong one. And both of you have to put your tool in my mouth and in my arse at the same time, and swap places until you fill me with your jizm. Is it clear?"

"Very clear, yesÉ" Fabrizio says.

The man first of all changes his clothes, wearing others that the two boys have to tear in pieces, and then they start. Fabrizio and Federico jump on the man and after a short, perfunctory struggle they immobilize and tie the man. They abuse him, and start to tear away his clothes in pieces, while describing to him all they will do to him. The man is incredibly aroused. He doesn't have a nice body, but the two brothers don't care at all - they are there for work, not to amuse themselves, they well know that.

As the man asked them, as soon as they have totally bared him, they mount him, from before and from behind, without any foreplay and without lubricating him - they don't need to as the man had already had plenty of cocks. They get going abusing him with all the most atrocious insults they are able to imagine. The man moans and tosses like a slaughtered calf, but it's evident he is getting exactly what he wanted. They fuck him, and Federico has a good rod between his legs, and swap places, unconcerned by his begging to stop (he has the peevish tone of one who is acting, therefore they don't worry) and bang him with all their means.

Then Federico has the winning idea and says to his brother, "Listen, friend, this shitty faggot has an arsehole wider that a brick-kiln, I bet he doesn't even feel my truncheon. What do you think to fuck him in his arse both of us together?"

"O no, I beseech you, let me goÉ not both together, pleaseÉ you will make me dieÉ I'll give you all you want, but not togetherÉ" the Honourable says but it's evident that the thought excites him very much.

"You'll give us what we want? But we want just your arse, you whore! And when we let you go, even an articulated lorry will fit in your hole, I promise you, your hole will be wider than the Mount Blanc TunnelÉ" Fabrizio says, amused.

Neither of them had ever happened to have tried such a thing, therefore they need some time to understand how to do it, but they finally are able to push both their members into his hole at once. Fabrizio says that fucking that man in the arse and meanwhile feeling his brother's cock moving and palpitating against his own, was a good feeling.

The man, who now has his mouth free, goes on with his peevish voice praying them to stop, but the two brothers abuse and mock him. "We will made our cocks come out your cocksucker's mouth if you don't shut up that shit!" Federico says.

"I pray you, boysÉ"

"Yes, pray, pray and who knows you may become a saint!" Fabrizio sneers at him, going on to fiercely hammer him.

"Ohmygod! You are quartering meÉ"

"Yes, like a pig, and with your bowels we will make salamisÉ"

When they finally come, sprinkling his face with their jizm, it is difficult to say if the two boys are more tired and sweaty or the man. Anyway the guy, while they untie him, just goes on saying that they have been fantastic, and that he wants to meet them again and gives them a date. The two boys accept it - three days later they are there again, at the Bastions.

End of the first act.

The two boys now have the address of the man's pied-ˆ-terre. So when three days later the man takes them there again, nearby, inside a parked car, are Corrado and his father Gaetano. They wait just a little more than an hour until the trio finishes the fuck and, as soon as they all come out, Corrado and Gaetano face them and kick up a row to the two boys.

The man is visibly scared and, even though they have said nothing to him, he intervenes, "I didn't know thatÉ I thought they were just two hustlersÉ"

"But you knew they both are minors, don't you? Especially he!" Corrado says pointing at his younger brother.

"Yes, butÉ I didn't force themÉ"

"But youÉ aren't you Honourable Such and Such?" at that point grandpa asks him.

The man becomes pale, "Don't ruin me, pleaseÉ do you want money? How much do you want?" he whines.

"We should have a talk, you and me, man to manÉ" Tano says serious, then adds, "You three, immediately back home! And I'll square things up later with you two! So then, Honourable, where we can go to have a talk? Where you fucked my sons?" he asks the guy.

"NoÉ let's go to my carÉ I don't know where to take youÉ"

They sat in the car. The man is in a panic.

"Listen, aren't you aware of what you did?"

"But IÉ they were gameÉ moreoverÉ I didn't harm them at allÉ your sonsÉ I asked them toÉ to fuck me, I swear, not the other way roundÉ"

"Oh! You like to be fucked?"

"WellÉ it's soÉ"

"And possibly even to take a cock in your mouth?"


"How nice! And from two kids?"

"IÉ do you want money? Don't report me, please, don't raise a scandalÉ"

"All right, I will not report you, I will not raise a scandal. All right, my sons came with you out of their free willÉ"

"Yes, yes, it's so, I swear!"

"All right. So then now will you do something for me out of your free will?"

"Of course, all I canÉ willinglyÉ"

"Good. Now take me to your office."

"It's late, nowÉ"

"If the time was good to fuck my sons, it will also be good to go to your office."

As they get there, Tano asks him to take a sheet of letter-head and dictates a letter addressed to him.

"Dear Mr. Leonardi, I'm writing to you to let you know that I will personally and more than willingly help you get the loan you need to open your jam factory. I can assure you that you will very soon be called by a Bank and the loan will be at very good conditions. I feel I owe you this as a way to thank you for having financed my electoral campaignÉ"

"ButÉ it's not trueÉ moreover, with the new law, any private financing is illegalÉ If I sign such a letter, you can blackmail meÉ"

"I promised you I would not report you for what you did with my sons, and I keep my word. Sign it, listen to me. As soon as I get the loan I will give you back this letter, so that you can sleep easy."

"You are anyway blackmailing meÉ"

"No, I'm just making sure that your promise to do all you can for me and with your free will, will be kept. And after all you come out of the situation quite easily, don't you?"

"What if I don't sign it?"

"Are you sure it will be good for you?"

"So, then, you are blackmailing meÉ"

"Not really. Just, if you don't sign, be sure that I will be right on your back, so that from now on you will not be able to take even the shadow of a boy to your secret place. Gaetano Leonardi's word! No scandals at all - you will just resign yourself to wank and to be alone."

The man then signs. After less than a week the loan is done and grandpa gives the letter back to the Honourable.

Federico, who is a little rogue, wants to get a last satisfaction. One evening he goes to hang out at the Bastions and as he sees the Honourable's car come, he jumps out and approaches him, "Honourable, don't you feel like taking me to your pied-ˆ-terre for a nice, good fuck?"

The Honourable literally takes off like he had the devil at his heels.

Business is going on well and in 1980 the Citadel assumes its present aspect, as the houses of the west wing are built. Grandpa Gaetano is at this point a respected and honoured property owner. We Leonardi are in all eighteen men and women. My father Marco is fifteen and is attending high school with good results.

He is of the third generation, who has to learn at least two foreign languages, to be clear, and he likes foreign languages a lot, so he learns in a really good way not just two but three languages - English, German andÉ Icelandic.

The reason why he decides to learn also Icelandic dates exactly to that year.

Grandfather Corrado and his wife Ginetta, with their children Marco, who is fifteen, Paola who is twelve, Silvano who is ten, Dario who is six, and Serena who is two years old (Silvio will be born only two years later) decide to spend their holidays in Iceland.

They stop in a Reykjavik hotel and tour the whole island. (I have to go there sooner or later - I saw the pictures, it is a peculiar and beautiful landÉ)

In their hotel there is a young bartender, Alvar, twenty-six years old, who is a really handsome youth - the Nordic type, light blond, eyes blue-violet, slender and tall, that hits Marco's fancy. Evidently also this Alvar is attracted to the boy, who is my Dad, and they start to make cow's eyes to each otherÉ

So, one day when Corrado decides to leave for one of their tours, Marco says him, "Dad, I would like so much trying my chance with the barman. May I stay at the hotel this time? Please?"

Corrado smiles and asks, "But are you sure he is interested in you?"

"I really think soÉ"

"All right, then, try. But be cautious, Marco."

"Of course, Dad!" the boy answers, happy and excited.

After breakfast the family leaves and he remains at the bar.

Alvar notices that all the family left but him and asks, "Aren't you going?"

"I don't feel like going with themÉ I like staying here better."

"Aren't you feeling well?"

"No, not reallyÉ"

"Are you possibly a little tired?"

"Well, a littleÉ"

"You should have a good sauna then. It would do you good. We have one here in the hotel."

"But I heard that there are some much more beautiful in the surroundingsÉ"

"Well, that's so. I like the one in Wolasson very much. It's also one of the most ancient. It is in the middle of a forest, about ten kilometres from hereÉ"

"How can I get there?"

"If you haven't a vehicle it's quite difficult; this is the reason there is usually no crowd, but this is also why one is safe thereÉ With my motorbike it takes me just fifteen minutes to get there."

"I would like to go thereÉ"

"If you feel like it, I end my shift at two p.m. and I can take you thereÉ"

No sooner said than done. Marco goes to his room to "spruce up", watches TV for a while, reads a book in English with the Viking sagas he just bought, then goes downstairs for lunch. Finally two o'clock comes.

They get on Alvar's bike and go. Marco likes sitting behind the young man, keeping himself wrapped around his firm and slender body. He starts dreamingÉ

They reach the sauna. It's a typical, traditional building made of wood and turf, with at its side what in Iceland they call a forest - a group of slender little trees, possibly a hundred, no more. The sauna was built a few centuries before on a natural spring of very hot water, as there are many in Iceland.

They undress and go inside the sauna room. Marco is not able to take his eyes away from the body of his handsome barman. The young man chats with him, smiling as always. And finally Marco makes up his mind and dares to caress him between his legs.

Alvar smiles but, gently, moves the boy's hand away from there, "I'm sorry, Marco, but I dig only girlsÉ"

"OhÉ I thoughtÉ I hopedÉ" my father says, feeling now embarrassed.

"I like you very much, really, butÉ You are disappointed, aren't you? Do you regret, now, you came here with me?"

"WellÉ not reallyÉ"

"But, if you want, I can let you meet my brother - he likes boys and I'm certain he would like meeting youÉ His name is Eric, and he is twenty-one."

"AndÉ is he beautiful like you?" Marco asks, now reassured.

"Possibly even more than me. But he doesn't know a word of English, he speaks just Icelandic."

"WellÉ for such thingsÉ one doesn't need to talk. Where is he now?"

Alvar laughs and say, "Yes, you're right! He is working now; he is a shop assistant. But if I'm not wrong, in a couple hours he should be back home. Would you like to meet him?"

"You bet!"

They stay some longer in the sauna, relaxing and chatting, and then Alvar takes him to his small apartment. He and his brother live alone in a modern four-story condominium on the outskirts of the capital. Eric is not back yet and they wait for him. Alvar shows him the album of their pictures and Marco sees also a picture of Eric wearing just a small bathing suit - he is really a very beautiful youth, a little more muscled than Alvar and very well built. His small and tight Speedos are nicely full in frontÉ

Eric arrives. The two brothers talk in Icelandic, and Eric looks at Marco smiling and nodding.

Then Alvar says, "Eric said you are a really beautiful boy, and he would like having some intimate time with you. Therefore I'll leave you alone, so you can getÉ acquainted. I have to go back to work for my second shift. Later Eric will see you to the hotel."

And they become acquainted. As soon as Alvar leaves the apartment, Eric circles Marco with an arm and pulls him to himself, on the sofa. Marco hugs him. Eric kisses him and my dad told me he was really good at kissing. They touch, explore each other, gradually undress, and Marco feels like he is in heaven - that youth is hot, uninhibited, filled with yen at least as much as he is.

When they are totally naked, Eric takes Marco in his arms, raising him bodily from the sofa and takes him to the bedroom. He makes him lie on the bed and climbs on top of him. They kiss and lick each other all over their bodies, and finally my father takes the beautiful member of the youth in his mouth and gives him head. Eric turns around and they are united in a passionate sixty-nine. Then the young man skillfully licks and sucks his testicles, licks him between the thighs and soon goes to explore and tease the boy's hole with his tongue. Marco goes on to suck the youth's pole with gluttony, taking him deep into his throat. The tongue of the beautiful Icelandic enters his hole a little, and Marco feels like fainting from the pleasure.

After a while the young man turns again, puts the boy's legs on his shoulders and aims with his stake, wet with saliva, between the small buttocks of my father and asks, "Marco?"

My Dad nods with a mile. The youth starts pushing. Marco smiles again, encouraging, and relaxes preparing himself to welcome him inside himself. He feels it slip inside, strong and warm, majestic, calm and self-assured. Eric keeps his legs at his shoulders and, while pushing inside him, he pulls the boy to him, and smiles, pleased. It's a slow but unstoppable advance (it's not that my father wants to stop it, on the contraryÉ)

When Eric is finally all inside him, he asks again, "Marco?"

"Oh yes, go on, Eric, fuck me!" my father utters, excited.

Even though the young man can't understand these words, he catches the tone, the smile, the light of desire shining in the boy's yes while welcoming him, so finally starts to move inside him, gently rolling his pelvis and going in and out with Olympic calm and virile decision. My Dad loves it to die for.

Eric starts to talk to him with a deep, warm, persuasive and gentle voice while going on fucking him. The eyes of the young man are of the same blue-violet of his brother, are smiling and bright and the boy is charmed by those eyes and that voice. He would like it to never end. Eric seems not to be at all in a hurry, it seems he intends to enjoy the boy for a long time, and hammers inside him with absolute calm and vigour. My Dad told me that he never got a better or longer fuck than that one.

Before coming, Eric pulls out and makes my father understand that it is his turn. Dad said that taking the Icelandic is like a dream - he makes his anus skilfully palpitate and in the mean time he caresses him and nicely teases his nipples. My father loses the cognition of time - only that wonderful man and he exist. Eric stops him when he feels he is too excited, and they again swap places. They do so several times.

They finally let themselves go and, when they reach orgasm, Eric deeply inside him and he against the tense belly of the young man, the latter says in a low voice, "Oohh, MarcoÉ MarcoÉ MarcoÉ"

My father told me that he never felt his name to be so beautiful like that time, hearing the young man repeat it in the peak of his orgasm.

When they go back to the hotel, suppertime is passed. Up there in summer there is still light also at midnight, therefore Marco wasn't aware how late it was. He's afraid his father will be worried and angry with him, but Alvar had told him that Marco was with his brother - Corrado guessed why, therefore didn't worry at all.

"So, Marco, did you find what you were looking for?"

"Oh yes, Dad. It has been wonderful. Can I go again with him in the next few days?"

"Yes, but we came here to visit IcelandÉ"

"I, reallyÉ would like better to visit this IcelandicÉ" my father answered him with a winning and cunning smile.

My grandmother Ginetta intervened, "Why not, Corrado? Let him do so. We are on holiday, he too has to get his share of amusement."

So Marco just moves in at Alvar and Eric's home for all the remaining days, so the two can make love with calm each time they like to do it, and that is quite often. While Eric is working, if Alvar is free, he takes Marco around in the surroundings to show him the most interesting things. If Alvar is also at work, Marco tidies up their apartment, reads, looks at the TV even though he doesn't understand a single word, waiting for his Eric to be back.

When the holiday is over, Marco decides he will start to study Icelandic, by himself, as there aren't schools of this language here. He keeps up a frequent exchange of letters with them, and Alvar and Eric correct his letters and explain to him what he doesn't understand. They also send him registered cassettes to help him with the pronunciationÉ

After a while Eric decides to open a food shop there in Reykyavik, so now the Leonardi's export even to IcelandÉ


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 4

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