Leonardi and Sons

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Mar 20, 2010


AWARD-WINNING FIRM LEONARDI & SONS By Andrej Koymasky © 2010 Written on June 16, 2002 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Brian


"AWARD-WINNING FIRM LEONARDI & SONS" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Chapter 2

Subject: Second File [img1] Date: 26 Feb 2002 21:41:12 GMT From: gajule@iol.it.com (Gaetano Leonardi jr.) To: lucen@telek.fa.org

My dearest Luca,

Did you see what a force my great grandpa is? Is he an exceptional man or not? And did you see what welcome they gave you, he, my father and all the others? I didn't really expect that they would have you stay in one of the Tower's rooms.

Your next leave is so far away, now. You know that besides you, I go only with the men who are important to our firm, don't you? If it were for me, I would not go with them; but it's part of my duties, you know it, exactly as you have to carry out your duty doing your army service to the very last day even though you don't like doing it at all.

The fact then that I have to marry, besides that it will not be before seven months and possibly even more, is only because I have to give five or six children to the family, like all the other males of the family. Of course, if I were a girl, I would have been only yours, all and forever yours. But if I were a girl, you would not even have noticed me, isn't it so?

You know, at times I recall our first time, and I tell myself I have really been lucky to attend the same course for Web-masters where you were enrolled. I know that at first I caused you a lot of trouble, but only until I got to know you better, you have to acknowledge it. And when I finally made up my mind and said to you yesÉ who would have guessed I would fall in love with you and you with me?

Anyway, it has been great also that first time we did it there in the school storeroom. We ran a big risk, we have been inconsiderate, but I don't repent at all.

Well, here is the second part of the story, as I promised you. I hope you will like it even more than the first part.

A kiss, yours Gaetano Jr.

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It is 1945, Gaetano is twenty-one years old and the war ends. The only change for the Leonardis is that the Germans left and that the Americans and the English arrived. But even though the war didn't have the least influence on the Hovel's life, peace on the contrary brings plenty of changes.

The first one is that the father of Ersilia, too much compromised with the fascism, after a trial ends in prison. All his goods are confiscated - shop, houses, and land. The CLN (National Liberation Committee) tribunal decides that all has to be divided between his sons. And here burst out a big trouble. In reality it is grandpa Tano who starts it.

Following those times' customs, all had to be divided only between the sons. But as Ersilia didn't get her dowry, Gaetano claims as compensation that a part has to be given also to her. He wants the stretch of land bordering his little field and also a part of the cattle. But Ersilia's brothers disagree. He therefore goes to the CLN to put forward his reasons. But there it seems that they take the side of grandma's brothers.

Gaetano runs out of the Lugo CLN seat totally upset, determined to go at the Bologna CLN and if necessary even at a higher level until he gets satisfaction. But as soon as he leaves the building, he his run over by a jeep that is just passing in front of the gate, on which was the commander of the Polish troops who came with the English.

Gaetano stands up without consequences, but the Polish officer, with his approximate Italian, makes him understand he absolutely wants to take him to the military hospital to have him undergo a check-up, to be sure that the accident wouldn't have consequences.

So he has to get in the jeep that quickly runs towards the hospital. Grandpa Tano is sitting in the back, at the side of the officer. He looks at him - he's a handsome man about thirty years old, with smooth and blond hair, green eyes, and grandpa thinks he would have liked to have been run over by that beautiful specimen of a male, rather than by his car.

At the hospital the officer, whose name is Leon, accompanies him on the visit and remains there to wait the result. Grandpa notices that when he has to undress, the officer looks at him with a badly hidden interest.

After the visit, hearing that everything was all right and he didn't have any trauma, the handsome officer invites him to a pub to offer him a drink, and grandpa Tano willingly accepts and starts to think he could try to seduce him, as he likes him a lot.

Leon offers him a compensation (that would be paid by his army) but asks him why he was running out of that gate so headlong. Grandpa tells him about the problem. Leon sympathizes and says that in his opinion all the rights are on Gaetano's side.

He offer to help him, "I have some influence on your Liberation Committee. I think that if I push the right buttons, I can have you get what you askÉ" the officer says.

"IÉ would be able to show my gratitudeÉ" grandpa says with an alluring smile.

"I owe it to you, after almost killing you."

"Are you married? Do you have a wife in Poland?" at one point Tano asks him.


"And a girlfriend?"


"How's possible, a beautiful man like you? How old are you?"


"Ah. I married when I was eighteen."

"Ah yes, are you married!" the Polish says and he seems almost disappointed.

Grandpa notices that and tells himself that if he plays his cards well, sooner or later he will really take him to bed, "YesÉ but out of home I'm all the same a free man."

"Do you mean that you have some adventures?" the man asks, smiling.

"At timesÉ if I meet the type I like."

"AndÉ what type do you like? Blondes? Brunettes?"

"Blond hair and green eyes made my blood pressure go very highÉ" grandpa says looking in his eyes.

"AndÉ what about the age?"

"I don't really care, butÉ thirty-two seems to be a nice ageÉ"

"Ah, andÉ do you like them with big boobs?"

"No, with a lean bodyÉ and tall like you."

Leon keeps silent, but grandpa feels he understood. Then he asks, "Do you live in the barracks?"

"No, we officers are guest in local families."

"But do you have a room all for you?"

"Of course."

"I would like to see where you liveÉ"

"If you likeÉ it's not far from here. It's nothing special, furniture is old, only the bed is wide and comfortableÉ"

"That's the most important thing, isn't it?" grandpa says, cunningly.

"YesÉ I too think so, especially if one has to share it."

"To make loveÉ" grandpa adds.

"Exactly." the man says while they set out.

When they are in the room, Leon locks the door with the key. As he turns back, they are in each other arms. They kiss, touch, and start to undress each other. Yes, Leon has a really beautiful body as grandpa guessed and hoped. The handsome Polish man seems fascinated by grandpa.

"What do you like to do?" the man asks him when they get on the bed.

"With one like you, everything."

"The same here. Would you take me first, or shall I take you?"

"Are you in a hurry?" grandpa asks.

"No, on the contrary. I'm not in duty until tonight."

"Good. Then let's first amuse ourselves a little, I like doing things with calm, with one I like. They you will take me and later I take youÉ"

"YesÉ you're wonderful."

"You too. I like you a lot."

They arouse each other, rolling on the bed, full of desire. When they feel they cannot control themselves any more, Leon tells grandpa he wants to take him. Gaetano is getting on all four, as he was used to do.

The man stops him and says, "No, not so. I like taking from beforeÉ"

"From before? But how?" grandpa asks, surprised and curious.

Leon makes him lie on his back, makes him spread well his legs and kneels between them, raises them making him fold them against his chest and pushing them down so that Gaetano's nice arse raises a little. Grandpa understands and backs him up. Leon takes a small bottle, takes from it an oily liquid and starts to prepare him.

Meanwhile he explains, "This is called KY, comes from America and it's made expressly to fuck. It makes the hole relax and gives the right lubricationÉ"

Finally Leon bends on him and slips inside him - he goes in very smoothly and grandpa moans for the pleasure.

"Shush, be quiet, or in the other rooms they can hear us and understand. You are really tight Gaetano. You didn't take many in hereÉ"

"No, not many, but not a fewÉ go on, I likeÉ"

"This lubricant heightens also the pleasureÉ Do you want me to come fast or not?"

"No, I like it to lastÉ"

"The same for meÉ" Leon says, and is entirely inside.

He bends on grandpa and kisses him deeply, brushing his nipples, and starts to move his pelvis in small pushes. Grandpa says he felt like being in heaven, so pleasurable is that way to make love - Leon really knows how to fuck. He likes also to be in that position, literally folded in two under that beautiful male full of desire. He too brushes Leon's nipples and caresses his back, enjoying that unforeseen and so agreeable fuck.

After Leon is no more able to control himself and reaches his orgasm, they swap positions. Also Gaetano takes him from before, and he likes it a lot. Meanwhile Leon gets aroused again, they both are again full of desire, so they decide to do an encoreÉ

Leon keeps his promise, he pushes the right buttons and so Ersilia gets twenty-three hectares of land and ten cows. Not only that, but Leon does so that Gaetano is chosen to supply the allied army with poultry, rabbits, eggs and milk, getting good money.

They make love quite often.

One day Leon says to him, ÒTanino, I think I'm falling in love with you. When this is totally over and I can go back home, I would like you to come with me in Poland."

"No, Leon. I feel really good with you, I like how you make love and I like you as a person. But I have a wife and children - my first responsibility is towards them. I cannot, can you understand?"

"YesÉ but I regretÉ"

"As long as you remain here, I will willingly come to make love with you, you know it."

"Better than nothing. I then hope we don't have to leave too soon."

But came the day Leon had to go.

In 1948 Italy becomes a Republic. Gaetano is twenty-four years old and my grandfather Corrado is five. Also a second son is born in 1947, Enrico, but he dies after a few months. In our region communists are very strong even though they can't enter in the first government of the new republic, mainly thanks to the propaganda against them that the priests do. Gaetano doesn't like so much the communists and their populist ideas. Anyway he doesn't either take the side of the Christian-democrats. He learned from what happened to his father in law that being too tied to politics, be it those at power or at the opposition, can become a problem. This doesn't mean at all he is indifferent to politics.

He always takes part in the social life. "We made the laws through our vote. Thus we have to always be well informed to choose the less wrong people, then make sure they keep their electoral promises." grandpa always says.

The farmer who is on the other side of grandpa's land that is along the northwest boundary, is selling his land. Gaetano wants to buy it, but he doesn't have enough money. So he goes to Lugo to ask for a loan from the Bank. The director says he can give him a certain sum, anyway not sufficient, but he wants as security for the loan to mortgage grandpa's properties. Tano doesn't like the idea. He remembers that amongst Corrado's friends, when he was living in Bologna, there was also a bank assistant director. He asks himself if he has been purged or if on the contrary he made a career. He takes his motorbike and goes to Bologna.

He finds Corrado who, in spite of being the son of the Fascist Party local secretary, has not been touched too much by the thunderstorm and still works as an attorney. He tells him about his problem.

"How much do you need?" Corrado asks him.

Grandpa tells him.

Corrado shakes his head, "Without a sound security it's practically impossible to get such a loan from a bank. You can anyway try with my friend DinoÉ At present he is the general manager of the Savings Bank. I can try to call him and to fix a meeting with youÉ"

"No, thank you. Let me do that. I want him to find me and not the other way around. Just tell me his timetable, in what bar and restaurant he normally goesÉ and who knows thatÉ"

It takes him a month to do so that this Dino "meets him by chance", but is successful.

"But youÉ aren't you Tano?" the man asks, hesitant.

"And you are mister DinoÉ you still remember me?"

"How to forget you? You, rather, still remember me - this gives me pleasure. But didn't you call me misterÉ"

"But you are now a man, I'm still a boy and a farmer."

"We are in a republic, now, aren't we?" the banker jokes.

To grandpa Gaetano it's evident that the man is still attracted to him. Good - he has to bring him to ask to have sex. They chat.

Finally the man says, in a low voice, "I would likeÉ if you are still availableÉ"

"Oh, now I'm married, I've a childÉ" Gaetano plays down, but gives him a killer smile that doesn't leave the man indifferent.

"You are even more beautiful than when I first met youÉ"

"Thank you. You too are a beautiful manÉ" Tano says, exaggerating a little.

"I too am married, but this doesn't mean thatÉ" the banker flings again.

In short, the skirmish goes on. Tano for the occasion dressed in a way that made him even more attracting than usual and the man doesn't take his eyes away from his body. He tries again, to no avail. But they decide to meet again - Dino invites him for the following Sunday for lunch at a restaurant. Tano goes back home satisfied.

They meet, more than once. Tano gradually makes so to tell him about his economic problemÉ and the man takes the bait.

"I could possibly see if I can give you a hand. I have some freedom about the use of the Bank's fundsÉ" Dino says, nonchalantly.

"Good Lord, it would be greatÉ"

"I'm not sure I can, but I will tryÉ I will do it willingly for youÉ"

"If you canÉ I would really be grateful to youÉ"

"To which point?" the man asks, a light of desire shining in his eyes.

"To the point to be ready to make an exception for youÉ Make me have that loan, and you can ask me againÉ even more than an exception."

"Would you come to Sardinia for a month? You and I alone?"


"Next summer, for the vacations. I've a little villa near the beachÉ and my wife with my children decided to spend their vacations elsewhereÉ"

"Yes, it could be doneÉ"

The loan comes, with a particularly low interest rate and secured only by long dated and renewable bills. So Tano buys that piece of land. He has at present several workmen at his orders to work well the fields and care for the cattle. Then Grandpa Gaetano goes to pass the month of August in Sardinia, guest of Dino and of his bed, and he pays back the man abundantly for the help he gave him, making love with him any time his host desires, and giving him full satisfaction. This also because he thinks he could need again his help in futureÉ

Dino likes only to be a bottom, and Tano is indefatigable, he takes him even several times a day, and each time fucks him for a long time and with vigour. In bed, standing, on the kitchen table, on an armchair in the living roomÉ Dino loves to fall asleep with Tano's cock still inside, after they come, and when at times Tano wakes up during the night, he restarts to hammer into his host for a while, with the man's great gusto.

When he was youth, grandpas says and I believe him, he was able to come even four or five times in a day. Also for this reason, he explained when I was growing up, he never made grandma miss her due.

We are now in 1956. Agata, Enrico (the second), Matilde and Federico are born. My grandfather is thirteen years old. Grandpa started exactly at that age; therefore he decides that his sons have to start also at that age. So, when he saw that grandfather Corrado reached puberty, he started to prepare him. It is up to him to rear the sons and he does it with engagement. He always finds time to follow them, to educate them, to spend with them.

In particular, when Corrado in 1950 begins to attend the primary school, grandpa Tano decides that it is time that he too learns to read, write and do some maths. Therefore at home every evening he made his son explain to him everything and does the homework like him, so he too learns. Meanwhile as I said, Tano starts to prepare him for when he will be thirteen. He gradually explains to him everything about sexuality and about the life he will have, about the responsibilities he would gradually assume for the family's good.

"But, Dad, when I'm thirteen, with whom can I have sex?"

"You will find a boy and a girl as friends."

"I? By myself? How?"

"Amongst kids it's not so difficult. It is like a game, it's natural, also before being thirteen. But at thirteen you should have your first adult man. I will find the right one for you. You have to learn to make a man happy, so that he gives us the kindness we need."

"But is it beautiful?"

"It's up to you to do so that it will be beautiful. Good sex anyway is always beautiful."

"Then, when I'm eighteen, I will have to marry?"

"Sure. But Mum will think about that, and find you a beautiful, good and docile wife, but also strong and sensible like Mum is."

"I see - you find me the right man, and Mum finds me the right woman."

"Yes. But that man will forever be a stranger in this house, while instead the right girl will become part of our family."

So, it's rightly in 1956 when grandpa Gaetano finds the first man for grandfather Corrado.

Gaetano understands that, before he sends Corrado to some man to give him his favours in exchange of another kind of favours, the boy has to be prepared in time to the sexual activities practically and not only theoretically as he did up to then. He thought in time to the right man - it is a twenty-five years old man he met three years before, a barman of Lugo called Sergio. This one courted grandpa for a long time, he was dying for him. So a day, in 1956 as I said, Gaetano invites him to have a ride with him on his motorbike. The barman at once accepts.

When they are in the country, grandpa stops and they get off. "I've to talk with you, Sergio. Let's sit down on that low wall, come." As they are sitting side by side, Tano at once faces what he has in his heart. "You have a big desire to fuck with me, don't you?"

The barman blushes but nods.

"And I wouldn't dislike it at all. But we Leonardi never do anything for nothing."

"Do you wantÉ money?"

"No. Listen carefullyÉ You know that I have a thirteen years old son, don't you?"

"Yes, Corrado."

"Right. Do you like him?"

"He's a really beautiful boy."

"Good. Then I propose you a pact - if you teach my son to make love in a good way, if you raise him with patience, and care and teach him to fuck and to be fucked, to give head and so on, for each time you take him into your bed, I'll come to have sex with you one time. Are you game?"

Grandpa says that the face of Sergio was worth a picture!

He looks at him astounded and says, "ButÉ you aren't serious, are you?"

"Of course I am."

"You meanÉ if I fuck with your sonÉ I can fuck with you?"

"Right so. What's the problem, don't you like my son?"

"He's really well built, handsome, but he's so youngÉ"

"I started it seriously at his age. But of course I cannot teach him. Do you think he's too young for your taste?"

"I don't know, possiblyÉ but if this is the only possibility I have to do it with youÉ I can also try and do it."

"You should not hurt him, you should not scare him, and you have to make him enjoy it, is it clear?"

"Yes, of courseÉ But it still seems so incredibleÉ"

"Do you have a place? Because neither I nor Corrado can do it at our homeÉ"

"Yes, I live by myselfÉ"

"Then that's settled. Next Sunday I'll take you my son and you start. Then, if he's happy with you, during the week I come one evening to see you, and make you happy."

"All rightÉ" Sergio says, still bewildered.

So, the following Sunday morning early Gaetano makes Corrado wash well ("Remember, you have always to be clean, especially before having sex."), makes he wear his best clothes ("It's a little like to be confirmed, you understand? Possibly this evening you will be no more a virgin."), makes him go on his motorbike after his Mum gives him a kiss and gives him his best wishes, (a custom still alive for us Leonardis) and they go.

Corrado is somewhat nervous. He knows what awaits him, but he asks himself how it will beÉ

Sergio seems more embarrassed than Corrado. Gaetano leaves them alone and tells them he will be back to get his son at mid-afternoon.

When they are alone, Corrado says, "So it's you who have to teach me and make me become skilled?"

"ButÉ you really want?"

"Of course. Dad explained to me everything. It's time I assume my responsibilities in the family. What shall we do? We undress now or first you teach me to kiss?"

Sergio is increasingly confused. Anyway he likes the boy. He finds him seducing with his simplicityÉ Of course, he likes better his father, he likes mature men; anyway he thinks it could be pleasurableÉ and he starts feeling aroused.

"Come here, Corrado, and sit on my lapÉ" the young man says.

My grandfather complies at once. Sergio embraces him lightly and gives him a kiss on the lips. The boy responds. The kiss becomes more intimate and also Corrado is starting to feel aroused - he likes that first intimate contact. The young man caresses him, the boy follows suit.

"Did you already do it with some mate? Or with a girl?"

"With a classmate, we just wanked each other. With a girl of the neighbourhood only some kisses, but you are more skilled, she didn't push her tongue in my mouthÉ"

"Are you enjoying, with me?"

"Yes, I am. Can you kiss me again?"

Both of them are increasingly more excited and less shy. Little by little their hands starts to rummage under the other's clothes, and a piece after the other they take off everything until they are naked and full of desire.

It's again Corrado who goes a step further, "Aren't you taking me on your bed?"

When they are on it, Sergio licks him everywhere, sucks his little nipples, and finally goes down to suck his hard member already of a good size. Corrado jolts, feeling prey to that new, intense pleasure.

After a while Sergio makes him go between his legs and gently, although firmly, pushes down his head, "Go on, now, suck itÉ" he invites him.

Corrado doesn't need to be told twice and dives. He licks the beautiful pole of the young man, teases it with his tongue, kisses it and finally lets it slip between his lips and starts to sucks it. Sergio gives him the appropriate instructions and Corrado performs with care and increasing pleasure. My grandfather told me that in that moment he thinks that he would like it if school were always like thatÉ and that what his father previously explained to him seemed amusing, but really doing it was much more so.

Sergio is near coming and stops him, saying that if he wants to withdraw, that is the right moment.

"Can't you come again, afterwards?" the boy asks him, his eyes filled with hope.

"Yes, I canÉ"

"ThenÉ" Corrado just says and restarts with a will, waiting to taste the result of his first experiment. His Dad told him that each man has a different tasteÉ who knows what would be the taste of this young man?

Soon his curiosity gets an answer - Sergio, moaning his pleasure, pours into his mouth his lukewarm and tasty tonic with a set of strong jets. Corrado drinks in big gulps, savouring for the first time the taste of a man. He thinks that it has a taste different from all he knew, but an agreeable one. When he parts from that member still shuddering and palpitating in the last throbs of the orgasm, he looks at Sergio with a satisfied smile, licking his lips.

"Did you like it?" Sergio asks and caresses him.

"Yes, I like your taste. What will we do, now?"

"Come here, I want to kiss you. Then we can restartÉ"

Corrado likes being wrapped in the arms and legs of that young man, he likes feeling his hands all over his body, that tongue playing with his own. He likes having sex. And if really, as his father told him, "sex is our real capital"É he wants to become a capitalist.

When Sergio has resumed his vigour, he makes Corrado lie on his back and makes him fold the legs against his chest. He then teaches him, practically, how to lick an anus to prepare it for penetration. Corrado at first giggles because that tickles him, but soon the tickle changes into sheer pleasure.

He then spurs the young man with excited, "MoreÉ ooohÉ moreÉ go onÉ go onÉ"

The strong excitation of the boy makes Sergio loose any residual worry. And he starts to fully and carelessly enjoy that situation. When he feels that Corrado is turned on, he spread on his little, virgin hole a cream, and starts to gently fuck him with a finger.

"Oh" That's good, SergioÉ go on, do it with your cock!" he spurs him.

"No, not yet, it's too big. You have first to learn to relax well, get used to it, or else it would hurt you. But you're liking it, aren't you, Dinuccio?"

"Oh yes, yesÉ My Dad told me it was good, butÉ I didn't think it wasÉ go on, go onÉ moreÉ"

Around noon they stop to eat something and have some rest, but then they go back to the bed and resume doing it. Sergio teaches him to fuck in the arse, making my grandfather first prepare, then fuck him.

He doesn't still take the boy, as he wants him to get gradually used to it. I think that he does so also because, if he uses more time to get to the point, he can have more occasions, later, to fuck with Gaetano. But I'm possibly just artful.

So as soon as Corrado is ready, he starts to effectively work beside his father in the family business. It is really thanks to grandfather Corrado that we got electric power in the Citadel. Already in 1954 grandpa Gaetano applied at the city council to get it, but the council resolution to make the power line never came. So grandpa, after some discrete inquiries, came to know that the deputy mayor, who is also the public works councillor, could possibly be sensitive to some arguments. He manages to meet him, to talk with him, and he makes him understand he is availableÉ

But that man, when their conversation stops using allusions and becomes clear, says, "You see, Tano, if you were twenty years younger, you would for sure appeal to me. I like them when they are still boysÉ before they start shaving, to be clear."

"I see. Do you easily find what you like?"

"It's everything but easy. And it's way too dangerous - if the father discovers it and reports me, I can say goodbye to my political career. This is why once in a while I go abroad to have some solace, you see?"

"It's quite expensiveÉ"

"Yes, it is, but I have to adaptÉ"

"But if you found a father consenting to let you have some adventures with his son?"

"Yes, in the world of dreams! We are no more in ancient Greece."

"How does ancient Greece matter here?"

"Never mind."

"But if there were such a father?"

"I would put up for him gold statues!"

"For me it would be enough an electrical line to the HovelÉ" Tano then says.

The man looks at him bewildered, and then dares, "You mean thatÉ You have a son, andÉ"

"Yes, he's fourteen years old."

"And youÉ you would agree toÉ in exchange for the electrical line?"

"Exactly so."

"But your sonÉ wouldn't he make a fuss?"

"No, not at all. He would even be pleased, with a man like youÉ"

"You aren't taking me for a ride, are you?"

"Absolutely not."

So Corrado meets that man who takes him in his car and drives to a little house he owns on the hills. Grandfather Corrado says that the man likes a lot getting head, and so he does his best to make him happy. They are back at evening, after he made the man come three times like a lecher. The man is enthusiastic about Corrado and says to grandpa that he wants to have him more times. Gaetano says to him - first the electrical line, then I will tell him to come again with you. In just two months, in 1957, electricity reaches the Hovel. Grandfather Corrado goes to thank the deputy mayor and spends with him two full days, giving him full satisfaction.

That man says to Gaetano he wants to have the boy again, and grandpa asks him what he proposes in exchange.

"I can pave the road to the HovelÉ"

"Good. I will then say to Corrado he can come with you three times - when the works begin, at mid-work, and when they are done."

When Corrado is eighteen, that is in 1961, he marries the girl that his mother found for him, with the assent of his father. But their first son, that is my father Marco, is born only two years later. In the mean time the other children of Tano, Enrico, Federico and Fabrizio, and the two daughters, Agata and Matilde, are growing up strong and healthy. Corrado is the first to initiate his brothers into sex, as soon as they reach puberty, and then is again Sergio their first adult man. Sergio is at this point almost part of the family; my grandfather and his brothers in fact call him "godfather".

Agata marries the same year my father is born, so she leaves the Hovel. In 1955 grandpa built the house sitting to the south of the Hovel, where grandfather Corrado is still living. In fact the old little house is no longer sufficient for all the family, and the old stable is too narrow. So, on the ground floor, behind the arcades, he built the new wide stable and over it an apartment for Corrado and his brothers. The daughters live in the Hovel until they marry.

Grandpa had a clear idea about how to enlarge what will later be called the Citadel, in fact as you saw all the buildings, even the last that were built, have the same style. The only thing he didn't foresee is the Tower. It was grandfather Corrado and his brothers that had it built in 1973, for the thirtieth anniversary of their parents' marriage.

The name Citadel comes instead from a fact - to get into it, after Tano in 1965 built a wall that is now replaced by the new buildings, there are only the big gate and a small door in the wall by the vegetable garden behind the Hovel. When at night grandma Ersilia shuts the gate, who's out is out and who's in is in. In fact one night my father Marco, who was then sixteen, coming home too late as he had an amorous encounter with a girl, had to sleep outside in front of the gate - in fact he didn't dare to knock at the Hovel's little back door and so wake his grandparents.

But let's go back at the marriage of my grandfather Corrado.

Grandma Ersilia for some time studies the girls of the neighbourhood trying to understand which one can be good for her son. She then discusses the matter with her husband until they agree on a name. She is Ginetta and seems to have all the right qualities. So a Sunday after the mass Ersilia starts to chat with Ginetta and makes her understand that she could plan to send her husband to the girl's father to ask for her hand for their son Corrado. The girl seems more than interested.

"But, you see, before telling Tano to come and see your father, I have to be sure you will be the right girl to become a Leonardi. You are virgin, aren't you?"

"Of course I am!"

"You see, Ginetta, at our place the woman is the master at home, but the man is the master outside it. Therefore, after me of course, you will be the second at home.

"After you, of course."

"Our men are free, out of the house, to do as they please, is this clear?"

"Isn't it always so?"

"Yes, more or less. But this means that if out of our house they want to have sex, this shouldn't and doesn't concern us."

"If they have another woman, you mean?" the girl asks, widening her eyes.

"As long as at home they treat us well and don't make us miss nothingÉ another woman, sure, or a manÉ" Ersilia tells her, looking straight in her eyes.

"A man? What means they can have a man? I don't understand."

"Sex, my dear girl, is not something only between a male and a female, but also between two malesÉ or between two females, at times."

"Are you serious? Also your husband doesÉ such things?"

"What he does out of our house is his own business. But I think he really doesÉ Does it scandalise you?"

"NoÉ it's just that I never heard thatÉ that two menÉ or that two womenÉ"

"There is plenty of things that one never hearsÉ but that are done. So, then, would it be a problem for you if once you marry Corrado, he takes some liberties when he is out of the house?"

"ButÉ wouldn't I be enough for him?"

"It's not the matter of being enough or not. Anyway, if Corrado is like his father, be sure that he will be enough for you. So, then?"

"AndÉ tell meÉ the husband can beat his wife?"

"Beat? Not in your life! That would be the last straw! In our family nobody beats anybody, neither between husband and wife nor the children. Anyway in our house I'm the master, not my husband."

"Because my parents, on the contraryÉ beat each otherÉ"

"It's out of the question, you can be sure about this. So, then?"

"ButÉ but he will make love with me, won't he?"

"Of course he will, or else, what's the reason to marry? His first duty is towards his wife, this is clear. And if Corrado did wrong you, you have just to tell me and I'll put him to his place. But I really don't think he will, as he is a good son."

"And he is also so beautiful, CorradoÉ"

"Well, this won't do any harm, but it is trifling matter. So, would you like it if Tano goes to talk with your father about this marriage?"

"Yes, sureÉ"

No sooner said than done. Ginetta's parents accept and give her as a dowry the upper field and some cows. They go to live in the new house near his parents. But the months elapse and Ginetta still doesn't bear a child.

Ersilia so calls her son, "Hey, Corrado, are you doing your duty with your wife or aren't you?"

"Of course, Mum, every night. Why? Did Ginetta complain about me?"

"NoÉ it's just that she still isn't pregnant, and I'm worried."

"Mum, I'm doing my best, I swear. Sooner or later it will happen, won't it?"

"I hope. But, tell me, you put it in your wife always in front, don't you? Not in her mouth or arseÉ"

"Mum, what speechÉ of course it's so."

"How 'what speech'! Here at Leonardis' home we talk clearly about such matter. Not just with your father, mind!"

"But dad is a manÉ between men we can understand each otherÉ"

"And we women, what are we? Are we just poor idiots? We too understand. Anyway remember, as long as your wife doesn't get pregnant, you've to put it only in her right hole to get children, is it clear?"

"And then?" he asks, quite amused.

"And then, until it's time to again have a child, where you like better, but only if she likes as well."

And finally, on August 28 of 1963, when my grandfather is twenty years old, my father Marco comes to light. In Leonardi's family is a joy - the first son had had his first son. Ersilia, for the occasion, plants the wisteria pergola that is still in front of the Hovel. It's not clear if the proudest one is grandpa Gaetano or grandfather Corrado.

Of course Corrado cares for Marco's education, but under the supervision and the constant contribution of his father.

With my father's birth, the third generation starts, and the Leonardi family counts now ten people, men and women, adults and children. And grandpa is just forty-one years old!

Grandpa was an illiterate boy, but he wanted his children, if they wanted, to study, and he too learned to read and write and do some basic maths with them. For the third generation grandpa decides that everybody has to learn at least two foreign languages - English and another of their choice.

"When here were the Germans first, then the Americans, English and Polish, I would have kicked myself for not being able to understand a single word of what they said. But for me had been enough to learn to speak a good Italian. Anyway we are starting to talk about Europe and sooner or later, in a way or another, as Italy was united, also this longed-for Europe will be united. And I inquired and heard that English is the language that is studied in all the European countries. If my grandchildren will have to live and work in an united Europe, they have to master foreign languages."

Grandpa has always been foreseeing. In fact he now wants all of us of the fourth generation learn to master the computer and Internet.

The first computer entered in the Citadel in 1985, when my uncle Silvano was fifteen years old and thanks to him. And it was also he who wanted to get Internet in 1993. Now, seven years later, not only all the Citadel families have a computer connected to the net, but also all our stables, the sausages and boxed food factories, the wine-making plants and all our shops are connected with intranet. Thanks to grandpa's mentality we are a firm in the vanguard.

Grandpa always encouraged, encourages and he rather spurs our desire to learn, our curiosity to know, our will to widen our horizons.

At times, seen from the exterior, he can seem an out-of-date man, hard, inflexible. Perhaps he is really inflexible ("Before saying no or yes, think about it twice. But after you said no or yes, never belie yourself!" he uses to tell us). And yet at the same time he is always available, he really listens to us and understands us.

For instance, when Michele, my father's uncle, was sixteen, which was in 1990, at one point he said to his father Federico that he didn't like following the family rules. Particularly to have sex with whom the family decides, for the good of our business. He says he wants his freedom; he wants to live in his own way.

Federico tries to make him reason, to convince him; "Each of us has a responsibility towards all the others, towards the family. Having a responsibility means to do something even when you don't like it so much."

"But I don't like to go to be fucked in the arse by that senator. Each time he treats me like a bitch. Why can't it be us to decide with whom we like to have sex?"

"The fact he treats you as a bitch are just words, after all. And the senator would have made us get that subvention by the European Community only if you went with him, as he was not interested in any other of us. Therefore you see that it was necessary."

"I don't give a fucking shit for the European Community and its subventions!"

"But all this is also yours, therefore you have toÉ 'give a fucking shit' for it."

Nothing to do. So Federico goes to see his father, grandpa Gaetano and tells him the problem with his son.

Grandpa then calls Michele and tells him, "If the life here is too hard for you, you will be right to leave. But as long as you live with us, you have to abide by our rules. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. You have to make a choice."

"Are you chasing me away, grandpa?" the boy asks him amazed.

"Not I, not at all - it's up to you to make your decision. Either you remain at home and abide the rules, or you make your own way and cut all ties with us Leonardi."

"If you put it in these termsÉ it's better I leave."

"All right. I just ask you to reconsider it up to tomorrow morning. Then, if you decide to leave, you can pack your luggage and go away, even at five in the morning, when grandma Ersilia goes to open the gate. So you don't need to say goodbye to everybody."

It is then when grandpa, as soon as it is night and everybody is sleeping, gets up without any noise, takes the long ladder, goes to the inner side of the gate with paints, brushes and two lanterns. He works for almost all the night.

In the morning, when Michele goes to the gate with his suitcases in his hands to wait for grandma Ersilia to open the gate, he sees the long ladder still leaning against the keystone and reads what Gaetano wrote on the arch:

"I at tirteen leaved the mountain and NEVER went back there."

Michele laughs at the spelling mistake of grandpa, but he understands the message. Grandpa in that way doesn't tell him, "What you are doing is right, or is wrong". Grandpa did leave the mountain; he decided to go away. He just tells him, "think carefully, as when one makes such choices, he cannot go back".

Michele reconsiders it. He thinks about what he is leaving and about what he is facing. He thinks that after all he is better in that house, including the rules he likes least. While the farm is starting to become animated, Michele takes back his suitcases, changes his clothes then goes out with all the others to work in the fields or in the stables.

After that day, when one of us complains of our family's rules, we send him to repaint that writing, included the spelling mistake, before he decides what he wants to do. But the fact that amongst the about sixty we are now nobody ever left the family, makes me think that after all, in these rules there is wisdom and balance.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 3

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