Leonardi and Sons

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Mar 16, 2010


AWARD-WINNING FIRM LEONARDI & SONS By Andrej Koymasky © 2010 Written on June 16, 2002 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Brian


"AWARD-WINNING FIRM LEONARDI & SONS" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Chapter 1

Subject: First File [img1] Date: 12 Feb 2002 21:03:03 GMT From: gajule@iol.it.com (Gaetano Leonardi Jr.) To: lucen@telek.fa.org

Dear Luca,

Of course I miss you. And don't wank too much thinking of me, keep your load for when you finally get your leave and come here, and we can do all that you said and possibly even more.

I told Dad about you and me - he said that, provided I don't neglect the family business, and provided that when I'm eighteen I marry, he blesses (his words!) our relationship. He will take care of talking with great-grandfather about us, and about my request that you can come to live in the Citadel like Alessio, in order to get his approval. He says he is confident he can get it, as long as I remain "in the family". You know what that meansÉ He says he remembers you very well and he likes you. He sends you his greetings.

As you asked me, curious of the allusions I several times made, I'm trying to write something about my family for you. This has three goals - for me, as training in composition; for you, to make you pass your time avoiding feeling tempted to cheat on me; and also for my brothers and cousins, to avoid losing some memories. I therefore attach to this e-mail the first file. Read it and let me know what you think of it, and if you have questions I'll answer them in my next e-mail.

For now, goodbye handsome. You'll see that this period will pass soonÉ Yours Gaetano Jr.

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Great-grandfather Gaetano, or just grandpa Tano as we all call him, is really a Force.

Besides the central branch of the chain "Award-winning Firm Leonardi & Sons" in Lugo, that you know very well, and the Citadel, our house in the outskirts of Lugo, where now that I have my family approval I can also invite you, and where all we sixty-four Leonardi are living (a nice tribe, isn't it? from grandpa Tano and his seventy-five years to Massimo, the last-born, just two months old), we own also 7566 land hectares, eight stables and four factories - all created by grandpa Tano in sixty-two years of hard work.

Gaetano Leonardi was born on September 24, 1924 in the province of Isernia, Molise region, the son of Ovidio, a shepherd and his wife Isolina. He had a very poor childhood, but free and happy up there in the Molise Apennines, in that area that is now part of the Abruzzi National Park.

He had a precocious development - at eleven he managed to fuck his first sheep, whose name was Lalla. He grew up strong, beautiful, clever and determined. Really beautiful. You should see his first pictures, those of his wedding, when he already was in Lugo and was seventeen years old - he was a knockout, to turn the heads of even the statues, and give a hard-on even to the saints! He was strong, as he had to work hard from dawn to night and run up and down the mountains. He didn't need sport, culturist or fitness gyms! He was clever, of a lively intelligence, ready and clear.

Even now at seventy-five his mind works perfectly and he leads us all with remarkable sagacity and also with a remarkable firmness. He has in fact also a strong character, nothing bends him, nothing scares him, and nothing stops him. When he makes a decision, be sure that sooner or later he reaches and gets what he wanted.

From what grandpa Tano tells us, when he was thirteen there was a real turning point in his life and the beginning of all I told you and am going to write down. As he rightly and proudly says, "It has literally been a fucking hard job that made me get all this!"

Well, I will now tell you how it happened.

When he was thirteen, that is four years younger than me now, that is when he decided to start his business, grandpa Tano already had a full and vigorous sexual life, started when he was eleven, thanks to another shepherd boy who taught him how to fuck a sheep. To use grandpa's words, "at that age I would have fucked even a door keyhole, if I didn't find anything better". This is surely an exaggeration, but it tells how much he liked having sex. Also because grandpa's tool had to be of a good size already at thirteen and would for sure not fit in a keyhole. Anyway he didn't need it, because at thirteen he already had sex regularly, that is in one way or another at least once every day - he had already fucked five sheep, two of his girl cousins, the goose, and four other shepherd boys.

Once I asked him if he enjoyed more the sheep, the goose, the girl cousins or the shepherd boys.

He laughed and answered, "Sheep were easy, they never said no. The goose was really hot and gave a special pleasure; after all it's nothing more than a hole with legs and wingsÉ Females have three holes to make you happy and if you are able to choose a good one, they are wonderful and faithful companions. Males are like you, they understand you and you understand them, you are a peerÉ"

Well, this sentence shows a little of his philosophy - he finds in everything, in every situation, in every person, the positive side. Or, if you prefer, the useful and agreeable side.

I remember that another time, about a couple of years ago, I asked grandpa if he is straight, bisexual or gay. He burst out in a loud laughter.

"In my times these words didn't even exist. You young people want always to classify everybody as if they were wines. Sex is sex - be it you alone or with another, of your same sex or of the opposite one. Man needs sex like he needs to eat, drink, breath or go to the loo. And, if he is not an idiot, he takes it where he founds it, like he does with food."

"Yes, grandpa Tano - I said to him - but I prefer possibly to eat vegetables more than meat."

"And does this make you a sheep rather than a wolf? No!"

"It makes of me a vegetarian rather than a carnivore."

"Bullocks, it doesn't hold. Differently from other animals, man is omnivore, in spite of if he prefers one or another food. So it is for sex - omnivore."

"But what did youÉ what do you like better, grandpa?"

"All that I like and that is good for me, each time." was his answer-not-answer.

"But didn't you ever love anybody?" I then asked him.

"I love plenty of people. You all, for instance."

"But did you ever fall in love with somebody?" I insisted.

He kept silent, as if he was recalling his past. Then after a while, he smiled and nodded, but said, "Yes. But I'm of another generation. I never said to anyone - I love you. But possibly you young people are righter that me, who knowsÉ"

But let's go back to my story.

What happened to grandpa Tano that changed his life when he was thirteen? Not just one but several things. Let's tell them in order.

It was July of 1937. He was on the mountain with the sheep. A morning, quite early, he saw a man pass, a young man who should have been about twice his age. A "citizen" type, refined, well built, dressed "mountain-style" with boots, knickerbockers, ice-axe and rucksack, but elegant. The guy passes and waved to him, going on towards the peak. Tano waved back - on the mountain everybody is greeted, even the "strangers".

In the afternoon he saw that guy coming back.

The stranger draws near him and says, in Italian, "Hi, kid. What's your name?"

"My name is Tanino. And yours?" grandpa answers in dialect.

The man, although he speaks Italian, understands the local dialect and answers, "My name is Corrado."

Yes, like my dad's dad. Who knows that there isn't a relation? I have to ask great-grandpaÉ

The man then says, "You are a really beautiful kid, I like you, how old are you?"

"I'm thirteen. Where are you from? What are you doing?"

"I'm from Bologna, I'm the son of the provincial Fascist Party Secretary. I'm an attorney. You have the age I like better." the man adds and caresses Tano's head. Then he says, straightforwardly, without beating around the bush, "Listen boy, would you like having sex with me?"

Grandpa likes that guy, and he likes also sex. He would like to try it for the first time with an adult and moreover a "stranger".


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 2

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