Leo and Leroy

By Vadim Krasnorada

Published on Sep 9, 2022


Hello everyone , it's Vadim. Make sure to show your appreciation to this website by making a donation at the following link: https://donate.nifty.org/

I hope you enjoy this story and I look forward to hearing from you. My email is: krasnoradavadim@gmail.com


Can I ask you a quick question? Yes? Okay, I want you to think back to the first penis you saw in person that belonged to someone else. Not your dad, or older brother or any other relative. Try to remember the first penis you caught a glimpse of belonging to someone who isn't related to you. Let's reminisce to when you were under 10 years old.

Let me give you a moment to really think back.

Got one in mind? Okay. Let me guess, it was your best friend and you only saw it because you two were in an argument about whose was bigger and to settle things, you flashed each other ? Or---ouu, I know, I know---- you saw some of your classmates' when changing in the locker room after P.E class? Orrrrrrrrr, I got it: you "accidentally" walked in the bathroom when your mom's new boyfriend was in the midst of drying off after taking a shower ?

Maybe I'm right about some of you being in either one of the aforementioned scenarios. The other set of you might be sucking your teeth and saying to yourselves: "please, you're not even close." That's alright, you win some, you lose some. But you know what, I'd bet you my last 100 bucks that you barely remember what it looked like. I'd bet you my fucking left kidney that you can't describe to me in lurid detail the object that was between that man's legs back then.

You can't can you? And why would you? It was such a long time ago.

But me? Well---I very much can and I'm currently 17 years old. So you could just imagine how amazing my memory would have to be to retain such an accurate account of the first piece of man meat I laid my eyes on when I was that age. Want to know about it? Want to know how the whole thing happened ? Well of course you do that's why you're here. Okay lemme not hold you up any longer----this is how it went down....

《Flashback to when Leonard (that's me) was 7》

"Take that you loser, haha. Oh shit I'm on to the third person now. [Leonard exclaims while punching the air].

"What?! , no fair lemme see." [Dylan whines, snatching Leo's game boy from his hands]

"Told ya." [Leonard retorts, practically gloating]

It was mid August; that dreadful time period where every remaining day in that month felt like a Sunday. And it feels that way because it means school is on the horizon. You blink and before you know it classes are back in session and you're wondering how 3 whole months went by so quickly.

It was around 6:30 in the evening when the sun's light was beginning to evaporate and darkness began to settle in; but sufficient light remained, so much so that the cars that passed their house had their headlights off, and the street lamps weren't activated as yet. It was a Wednesday and the two cousins; who were staying over by their grandmother for the summer, were playing the new Pokémon games "fire red" and "leaf green" in the patio. Obviously Leonard got fire red because red's his favorite colour. Dylan got green. The youngsters were playing side by side on the floor next to the electrical outlet; both their devices plugged in; And both of them were currently trying to defeat the Elite 4.

"DUUUUUDEE WHY'D YOU DO THAT?" [Leo screamed at the older boy who switched off both their devices]

"What's going on out there boys? do I have to come outside? [Althea, the boys' grandmother yells from the kitchen]

"No Ma-Maw" they both replied in unison.

"Then what's with the yelling? I hope you're playing fair Dylan."

"I didn't do anythi---"

"He didn't do anything, we're just kidding around." [Leo cuts in]

"Alright, but if I hear one more outburst, I'm sending you both to your rooms got it?"

"Yes Ma-Maw" [they again replied robotically]

"We're supposed to finish at the same time, remember?" [Dylan hissed]

"Okay---but--but----like even if I beat the last guy before you I'd still wait on you" [says Leo]

"You--- you're just saying that. Last time we both saved after the 5th gym and then the next day you were all at the 7th gym."

"What the hell was I supposed to do huh? Mo---mope around all day bored outta my damn mind while you were at the dentist?"

"Orthodontist." [Dylan corrects]

"Whatever." [Leo says in response]

"Bro chill out, it's not like we have to start over, we--both saved after beating the first guy remember, we'll pick up from there later." [Says Dylan]

"Fine, but I'm not waiting on you again." [Counters Leo]

"So, I'll beat the game on my own. " [Dylan mumbles quietly], but the 10 year old knew he couldn't. He couldn't fathom how the seven year old got to be so smart. He's 10 for God's sake, shouldn't Leo be the one relying on him to progress in the game and not the other way around.

But Dylan needed Leo. The thing is, Dylan experiences some difficulty with reading. Pokémon is not a game you can just wing through. Most of the clues and directions can be found in the conversations their avatars have with other characters throughout the game. Dylan just continuously presses the "A" button like a maniac without taking the time to try to read first.

Leo is aware of this and so, he reads out loud whenever they play together. Leo never makes fun of him for it though.

[Dylan gasps and stands] "YO! You know what I just remembered? Roy got Cockatoos and parrots the other day!"

"You mean Leroy?"

"Yeah, when---I was riding---my bike yesterday in the development, I heard them. He was in the yard digging up weeds so I stopped and asked him what's keeping all that noise and he showed me them. They look---they look so good; way cooler than those love birds he got. You wanna go see?"

"But it's getting late." [Leo reasons]

"It's not like we're going on a road trip, he literally lives across the street."

"I dunno, Ma won't let us go at this hour."

"Simple solution, we don't tell her, now come on." [Dylan Whispers, pulling Leo up by his arms and dragging him along."

The boys trek along the cart-road in their neighborhood which takes them to the main road. It's about a 7 minute walk there. They get there, look both ways twice, then cross over to the development. They walk straight for 3 minutes then turn left onto Leroy's street. It's not long before they walk onto his front yard, mount his verandah steps and in a series of manic prepubescent shouting, they yell one after the other:


They follow this with incessant knocking for a few seconds when they hear from inside:

"Yeah, who's there?"

"It's me Dylan---and Leo."

Leroy lives in a small one story home that's made of both wood and stone. The entire verandah was built with pure green heart wood; even the patio furniture was built with the same material, while the remainder of the house was made with stone. The door the boys were currently standing behind was also wooden , hosting two opaque push-out windows at the top. Beneath the windows was a rectangular glass that was stained , preventing the boys from peering inside. The boys' vision was aligned with the bottom part of the glass. Leo, being the more observant of the two noticed a rather sizable hole at the bottom left corner of the glass.

"Look, the glass is broken here. I could probably fit my fist in there." [Leo chuckles]

Dylan looks over and pushes Leo aside, trying to peep through but he doesn't see anything because it's pitch black in the house.

Half a minute passes before they hear rummaging, then the lights are turned on. Now Dylan can see inside. He sees a three piece set of living room chairs surrounding a center table. Empty food containers are scattered on the small table. Leroy appears from a room off to the side and closes the door behind him quickly. He glides towards them...with absolutely no clothes on.

"Woaaah." [Dylan croaks]

"What??!"[Leo frantically asks]


Dylan moves back to the center of the door while Leo moves back by the hole in the glass. They hear movement on the other side of the door followed by a creaking noise and look up to see that Roy opened the window on the left side, keeping the door closed and is currently looking down at them with a not so pleasant look on his face.

"What do you guys want?" [Leroy asks in a snappy tone]

"Uhhhh--can I see the new birds again? ---I was telling Leo here [He gestures to him]--- about them and I wanted to show him how cool they were."

"Come back tomorrow afternoon."

"Ughhhh whyyyy, why can't we----just get a little peep at them it's not gonna take long dude."

"I don't care, it's getting late, shouldn't you boys be getting ready for bed?"

"Come on man...it's wrong to walk all this way for nothing."

At this point, the voice of Dylan's constant whining and Roy's clipped responses drowns out of Leonards's head; he's looking through the hole at something, and his eyes have more than tripled in size because of the sight before him. In front of Leo is the lower body of a grown man. A grown black man. Below Roy's belly button is a nasty looking scar, about 5 inches long. His happy trail is pretty wild, with nappy, almost knot-like curls, leading down to an even wilder patch of jet black pubic hair. What's striking though are his thighs; they're quite the reverse to his bushy pelvis. They're as smooth as a stick of butter; the living room lighting making them glisten with a subtle glow; they're robust and fleshy; exactly the type of thighs a farm laborer would posses as a result of hundreds of hours of carrying out physically demanding tasks. But between these thighs---is a picture that'll be forever burnt into his retinas. The first thought that came to Leo's mind was "I didn't know willies could grow this big." And why would he? he's 7 years old and he's never seen someone else's penis before.

But big isn't even an accurate word to describe the sight before his eyes. Obscene would be more fitting. Leroy's member is as black as midnight, girthy yet still lengthy, pointing straight at Leonard's nose. The foreskin is pulled all the way back, showing off a crown that's just a shade lighter than the flesh of the penis. The slit in the head is moist , and every time Roy shifts from one foot to the other, the whole penis bobs up and down and a line of gooey, clear fluid gradually leaks from it, slowly seeping downwards in a clear line; looking almost like a piece of fishing line. Eventually that line of liquid gets to be too long, to the point where it starts to sway left and right until it eventually latches on to the left mid thigh. A hand reaches down and suddenly brushes by the penis, making it swing from side to side--- Leo jumps back in surprise at the suddenness of the movement. The hand proceeds to wipe away the liquid from the thigh then it moves back to the head and the thumb and index fingers are used to wipe away the slimy substance that's settled there. The head is plump, shaped exactly like a small peach.

Angry veins sporadically spawn the entire length of the penis.

It looks kinda wet thought Leo, examining the splotches of moisture on the organ. At first he figured it was just water, but he never saw water settle on a surface like that; sleek-like, with a slight sheen. Even the pubic hair had small droplets of this weird substance on it. "What is that?" "And what is that smell?" Leo questions in his mind.

The smell is intoxicating, stifling even, and it's not long before the young boy feels the front of his pants become uncomfortably tight.

The scrotum hangs at a 90° angle from the shaft, playing host to two round objects that could pass for the size of lemons.

A minute or so later and the rod begins to gradually decrease in size and return to its natural, flaccid state; the foreskin overlapping the head in slow motion, and soon enough Leo finds himself emerging from his trance....

"....fucking prick, you know that? That's what you are pal, a prick! It--it--it's not like you're busy right now."

Leo forces himself to look away from the hole and tunes back into the argument that's happening next to him.

"Get off my patio in the next five seconds or I'm calling your grandmother."

"Haw-haw-haw, I'm soooo scared."

"One." [Leroy says, raising his index finger]

"You're a loser."

"Two." [Leroy raises his middle finger]

"You know what ? I hope they all die, I hope all your birds---and fish---and whatever...they should all drop dead right now."


"I'm not telling anymore of my friends about your stupid pet shop. If anything--you should be thanking me for all the people I recommended to you. You ought to pay me a percentage of all those damn profits you got because of me."


"Let's go Leo, forget this moron, we got better things to do." [Dylan mutters, steering Leo away from the door by his shoulders]

The guys turn their backs from the door and begin to walk away....


They look back to see that Roy closed the window and they both rush back to peep through the hole at the bottom of the glass.

They see Roy walking away, his buttocks just as luscious as his legs. He opens that same door he emerged from and turns the light on. The boys now have a view of a bed and there's a nude person on it and they can't decipher if it's a man or a woman. The person had his/her hair cut short so it was impossible to know for sure at this angle.

"Is that a guy or girl?" [Whispers Leo]

"I have no clue. Probably a woman----oh shit definitely a woman" Dylan says after the person twists her body to look at Leroy, breasts coming into view.

They hear Leroy faintly say "just some kids from my neighborhood, they're good people but they can be handful sometimes." [His hand nervously rubbing the back of his neck]

"What did they want?" [The woman asks]

"Just wanted to see the animals, they'll be back tomorrow pretending they didn't tell me off just now. Now, where were we?" Leroy says, rubbing his hands together and closing the bedroom door.

On the walk back home Leo asks "what were they doing ? I mean---why were they naked ?"

"Dude, there were fucking." Dylan says casually.

"What?, what does that mean?"

Dylan sighs. "It's like---it's what grownups do. You know...have sex. "

The boys pass under a street lamp and Dylan looks over at Leo to see he's got a blank stare on his face.

Dylan sighs a second time. "Okay----alright----uhhhh sex is when---a man takes his willy right---he gets it hard first though---and he pushes it into his girlfriend's pus--I mean vagina---a girl's private part---and he pushes in and out like this--- [Leo gestures with his hands. He makes a circle using his left index finger and thumb, and using his right index finger, he moves it back and forth through the circle]---and they go at it until the man---like---until his sperm comes out. You understand ?"

"I think so."


[Leo's silent for a while]

"What's sperm?"

Dylan dramatically sighs a third time. "Okay it's---the white stuff that comes out of a penis---it's what makes babies--the man let's it shoot inside his lady friend, then she gets pregnant---then boom---she gets a baby 9 months later."

"And you know all this...how?"

"You don't worry about that."

"You know Ma will have our asses for leaving home without telling her right?"

"Hahaha, she'll gotta catch me first."

[Leonard giggles]

And there you have it; that's how It happened. You know what's crazy though? Leroy's cock was inches away from my face; My 7 year old, innocent and naive face. And it's only now when I think back to that evening that things start to make sense.

You know what's even crazier? Dylan!! Oh my God Dylan!!! Dylan's reaction to the whole thing is what's crazy. "They were fucking" I remember him saying. Like how would a 10 year old know so much about sex, to the extent that he was so unmoved by what he witnessed. I was having a fucking fit in my head. Like it got me thinking----Like--- was everything okay in Dylan's household?---in his life back home?--- like what the fuck was he exposed to at such a young age? SHEESH


Well, you're probably wondering why I'm telling you all of this. You see, my life took an unexpected turn recently. I permanently moved in with my grandmother because she's battling a severe bout of cancer. When she told us everyone rushed home and fussed over her for a couple of weeks, but eventually everyone left and got back to their daily lives. I'm the only one who decided to stay. And it's only fair. Ma-Maw spoiled us all rotten, me especially. All I gotta do is say "I want" and in two blinks I have whatever I asked for. She'll never admit she liked me most though [chuckles]. She took care of me my whole life and it's only fair I do the same for her now.

But differently, since I moved here, I'd see Leroy every now and then. We'd pass each other on the road and the thing is: he never speaks to me. Ever. He'd just look at me for a moment and look off. I'd try to say good morning or ask him how he's doing when I see him but he flat out ignores me. Did I do something wrong ? I don't know but it's been eating me up for a while.

But something weird happened ---it was a random Saturday in May, and the ambulance took my grandmother away around 1 in the morning because she was in so much pain throughout the night. The EMTs wouldn't let me go with her, they told me "get some rest bud, and tomorrow you can come and see her, I promise you, we'll take good care of her." I didn't go back to sleep. The hours flew by and soon enough it was morning. I go the kitchen--I have no appetite-- and I lean over the island and I sob and sob and sob. Uncontrollably.

A few seconds later I hear knocking at the door.

"Just a sec" I say , erratically tearing off pieces of paper towel to wipe my eyes and nose.

I dump the damp paper in the garbage and head to the door, I look through the peep hole and it's... Leroy?

"Uhhh hey" I say after opening the door.

"Hey man, uhhhhhh I heard about Althea, I'm just checking in---have you heard anything as yet?"

I try my best to keep a neutral expression on my face and reply "No. Nothing. But I'm gonna get dressed soon and go to the hospital."

"Shit, want me to take you? I don't mind."

"No it's fine, really. I'm gonna catch the bus."

"Come on man---it's honestly not a problem."

I can't hold my anger in much longer and I say to him "wh--what's going on here ? what the fuck is this huh? I move here; not once do you acknowledge my existence, you never visited my grandma; not once since I came back and you have the gall to casually stop by and ask how she's doing ?"

Leroy looks down at his feet.

"Well, what's it all about ?"

"I don't know...I just...didn't know how to talk to you is all"

[I furrow my brows and narrow my eyes at him] "What?!?!"

Leroy sighs and says, "dude I was going through some things okay. MAJOR shit and human interaction wasn't really on my list of priorities at the time. But Althea is a pillar in this community. I love her---we all fucking love her and I want to help make things easier, not sit around on my ass and do nothing. I wanna help---even something as small as giving you a lift---I'd want to do that."

I stare at him a long time and say: "Come in."

It would appear Leroy is currently bald; sporting thick unkempt facial hair. He's wearing a black polo shirt, close fitting enough that I can see the mounds of his pectorals and his bead-like nipples and dark blue chinos. I can safely presume he's in his early to mid-forties.

I lead him into the living room.

"Want anything ?, coffee, juice..."

"I'm fine, thanks."

I shower, get dressed and head back downstairs and upon seeing me, Leroy stands.


"One moment"

I go to the kitchen, grab my water bottle from the fridge and we both head outside. I set the house alarm and get in the passenger seat of Leroy's truck.

The half hour drive feels like a 4 hour drive. No words pass between us. The only sound in the truck is Leroy's horrendous taste in music playing from a CD he popped in.

But in the waiting area of the hospital I ask him: "so--what's up---what were these major things you've been going through?"

"Just--things, you know how it is."

"I don't actually."

"Its just lately I've----"

"Mr. Samuels." A nurse calls out.

"Yes hi." I rush to stand and greet the nurse.

"I'm nurse Fenton, I'm in charge of overseeing your grandma Mrs Samuels. She's resting right now and we're running a few tests to get to the bottom of things. We're going to keep her here for a few more days. When she's awake I'll give you a call so you can come in and see her."

"Can't I just see her now, for a few minutes?"

"Visiting hours aren't until four this afternoon..." Nurse Fenton sighs and says: "Okay I'll---you can't go in the room, but I'll let you look through the glass, is that okay?"


We get to my grandmother's ward, and there she is: hooked up to a million machines, pale as ever. She looks so vulnerable. I just don't understand. How did this happen? She's the most caring, thoughtful, loving person and she doesn't deserve this. No one deserves this.

It's not long before I'm crying into the palm of my hands. Suddenly I'm being pulled into someone's chest and arms are being wrapped around me. It's Leroy. Leroy's hugging me....

[To be continued]

Next: Chapter 2

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