Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Oct 7, 2000


Wassup everybody, I'm back. I know this one's a little late, but I always like to make a big entrance. Yea, ok..ha ha, not quite. Before I go all dorky on you people, I'd like to thank you for all your emails. They're greatly appreciated! I would've written this chapter sooner, but I've had school and people looking over my shoulder constantly, so sorry bout that guys. I'm trying to liven the story up a little bit cuz I'm thinkin its gettin a little boring, so there's gonna be a few little twists and turn along the way comin up I think :). I hope you all like this Chapter...thanks

RECAP: Jase awoke in the morning to receive a little "breakfast" from Leo. Ben left for a few days and Leo and Jase headed to school only to be confronted with the terrible two known as Kenny and Drew. Leo almost picked a fight with them when he got on the defensive about Jase. Then Kenny made a vow to get revenge on Jase. Now, on with Chapter 9

Leo and Jase Chapter 9: Hell to pay

The bell rang after first period and Jase snapped out of his trance. He looked around and saw that the students were clearing the classroom, so he grabbed his books and headed out into the hallway. He began walking to his second period class when he saw Kenny and Drew walking in the opposite direction. Out of habit, his eyes turned to he floor in order to avoid eye contact with them. Thinking they would walk on as usual without noticing him, he kept walking, only to bump into Kenny who purposely stepped into his path. "Get out of my fuckin way, Homo," Kenny pushed. Jase rolled his eyes and tried to keep his pace and his cool. "Stay away from Leo. One queer boy in this school is enough. We don't need you trying to sway him to the other side," Kenny called after him. Jase stopped in his tracks, feeling his face get hot. His blood began to boil and he turned around. He glared at Kenny and then began walking again. "Yea, walk away Fag," Drew yelled after him. Jase couldn't take it anymore. He turned and sped towards them. "Listen...you fucking pieces of shit. The only thing keeping me from kicking both of your asses right here is the fact that even looking at scum like you isn't worth the effort." Jase pushed Kenny and turned and began walking again. Kenny's face turned into a scowl and he lunged at Jase from behind. Jase anticipated his action and turned around and balled up his fist just as Kenny got close enough and it collided with his face. Kenny flew backwards where Drew and some other guys caught him. He put his hand over his cheek in pain and was shocked at what just happened. Jase glared at him and turned once again and began walking. He felt his heart beating a million miles and hour and he sped walk down the hall. He had to get out. He headed for the stairs to the roof of the school and turned down a hallway. He noticed someone out of the corner of his eye, but didn't bother looking up.

Leo walked down the narrow hallway coming from the bathroom and noticed Jase turn around the corner. Jase rushed down the hallway towards him but didn't seem to notice him. "Jase, hey...." Leo trailed off when he noticed Jase's mood. "Jase what's wro.." He stopped as Jase whizzed by him. He reached for Jase's arm and pulled him back. Jase looked at the floor and then slowly moved up to Leo's face. A tear ran down his cheek. "What's the matter, J?" Leo asked worriedly. "Don't..." "Don't what?" "Don't do that...don't call me that with that voice of yours because it'll make me melt." Jase started to sob. "Jase, I don't understand." Leo looked at Jase beginning to get really concerned. "Leo, I can't..do this." "Do what, Jase?" "I can't...be with you. It's too hard." Jase avoided looking at Leo in the face because he knew he would regret what he had just said and he couldn't regret it. He couldn't keep hurting like this. Leo felt like he had just been slapped in the face as the words escaped Leo's mouth. "What? Why?" Leo asked, taking a hold of Jase's shoulder. Jase pulled away. "Leo, I can't keep hurting like this. If I'm with you, that means they're right!" "Did Kenny and Drew do something to you? Is that it?" Leo fought back his anger. Jase looked at him in pain. 'Why do you have to be so beautiful? Why do I have to care about you so much?' Jase thought to himself. "I just....i can't.." Jase ran down the hall and through the door towards the roof. He slammed the door behind him and leaned up against it. 'Oh God, what have I done?' Tears streamed down his face and he slowly walked over to the edge of the building. I just want to die.....

Leo sat down in his second period worrying about Jase and trying to fight back killing Kenny and Drew. He started to go and catch Jase, but figured he needed time to cool down. He couldn't have possibly meant what he said..about not being together? Could he? Leo stared out the window and then back at the teacher who was lecturing away about something or other. He couldn't concentrate. 'Where did he go? Did that door say roof? Why would he go up to the roof?' Leo thought to himself, trying to figure it out. Suddenly, he got a mental picture of Jase on the edge of the building looking down and then beginning to fall over the edge. "No!" Leo stood up from his desk suddenly. All heads turned and looked at him in surprise and the teacher quit talking. "Something wrong, Mr. Chase?" The teacher asked dryly, annoyed at having his lecture interrupted. "Umm...I need to be excused." Leo replied, rushing out of the class without waiting for approval. He ran down the hall and turned down towards where the door to the roof was. He practically crashed down the door and ascended the stairs up to the roof. He looked around when he reached the top and saw Jase sitting on the edge, looking out at the horizon. "JASE! WAIT!" Leo yelled. Jase's head turned to look at Leo in surprise and confusion. Leo dropped his books and ran over to Jase. "Jase, please don't jump! Oh God, Jase, I don't know what I'd do if anything were to happen to you! Jase, I'm in love with you and I've known it since I met you! You are so beautiful and awesome and I can't believe how lucky I am to have any kind of chance to be with you! I love you, Jase and I couldn't live if anything were to happen to you." Leo breathed out heavily. Jase broke a smile, looking up at Leo. "I love you, too, Leo," one last tear ran down Jase's cheek. Leo kneeled down beside Jase and brought his hand to his face. "Why would you every think of doing...." "I wasn't going to kill myself, Leo," Jase smiled at Leo's overreaction, yet kind of glad he had. "You weren't?" "No." Jase answered, turning his gaze back out over the horizon. "It's beautiful isn't it?" Jase said, smiling, the sun warming his face. Leo looked at Jase's intentness and then followed his gaze. He looked out over the horizon to see the mountains and trees and a lake in the distance. He smiled and looked back at Jase. "Yes it is," he replied, not referring to the view. Jase turned his attention back to Leo. He blushed slightly. Leo smiled at this and took a seat next to Jase. "I come up here to think sometimes when I'm tired of dealing with reality, ya know?" Jase looked back out. Leo nodded, still gazing at Jase. "Leo, I don't know what's going to happen and it scares me. I don't want them to be right about me and I don't want to hurt this much. It scares me to think that I'm.." "Gay," Leo finished. Jase nodded, looking down at his feet which were hanging over the side of the building. "I'm so scared, Leo. I didn't mean what I said before, I'm just so scared of what's going to happen." Jase looked at Leo sadly. Leo smiled comfortingly and wiped the tears from Jase's cheeks. "I know, J, I'm scared too, but we're in it together. We can do whatever you want and whenever you want. I love you and I know as long as we're together, we'll be ok. We have each other, J." Leo caressed Jase's cheek. Jase looked into Leo's eyes. 'How does he know just how to melt my heart? Gets me every time!' Jase thought. He smiled at Leo. "Thank you Leo." "No problem." Leo joked. They both laughed and then looked back out over the horizon.

Leo got his things together and put them in his bag, closing his locker shut. He threw his towel in the laundry bin and started out the door. He had avoided Kenny and Drew during practice and waited til last to take a shower, to make sure they were gone before he was. He stepped outside into the cool night air and caught a slight chill. He had told Jase to wait out by the car for him. He headed towards his car and adjusted his bag on his shoulder. The car came into view and he saw Jase sitting on the hood, looking up at the sky. He smiled to himself and walked up to the car. Jase heard Leo and looked over at him contently. "Feeling better?" Leo asked Jase. "I am now," Jase responded, jumping off the car and wrapping he arms around Leo. Leo smiled at Jase and gave him a quick kiss. They separated and then looked around to make sure no one was watching. No sign of life. They turned their attention back to each other and smiled. Leo opened the door and threw his stuff in the back-seat while Jase rounded the car and got in the passenger's side. They closed their doors and glanced at each other once more.

As they drove up to Jase's house, Jase caught a chill down his spine. He shrugged it off as just being the chilliness in the air and grabbed his bag from the back. "I'll be right out. You can just wait here. I'll be two seconds." Jase said, while climbing out of the car. "Ok." Leo replied. Jase walked up to his front door and started to put the key in the door, but the door creaked open. Jase's heart jumped in his throat. His eyes widened and he watched as the door slowly opened all the way. He peered inside nervously. 'Chill out Jase, you probably forgot to pull it shut all the way. Its happened before, no big deal!' Jase reassured himself. He took a deep breath and stepped inside. He looked around and into the living room and dining room. He relaxed a little and then headed towards his room. He stepped into his room and threw his bag on the bed. He opened it and put all his dirty clothes in the laundry basket. He then went to his closet and drawers and got his clothes for the next couple of days. He began putting them away in his bag when he felt hands slide around his waist. He smiled. "I told you to wait in the car," Jase began to turn around. "Don't turn around," a gruff voice commanded. The grip tightened harshly around his waste and another arm went around his neck tightly. Jase's heart thudded inside his chest. "What do you want?" "Shut the hell up, boy!" the voice shouted. Jase immediately shut hit mouth and flinched as the grip got tighter. He started to fight for breath. "You're a pretty little boy, aren't ya?" the voice patronized. Jase felt the man press his groin into him, grinding it fiercely. Jase closed his eyes in disgust and fear. The grip continued to get tighter and Jase continually kept losing air. He started to feel lightheaded and everything blurred, turning white, then darker. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice, an angel's voice..his angel's voice. He felt himself fall to the floor and then he blanked out.

Leo stepped into the house and closed the door behind him. "J, I know you said to wait in the car, but its creepy out there all alone and you're taking a long time, slow poke!" Leo called from the door. He began walking towards Jase's room and called out. "J?" Leo's facial expression changed from happy to worried as he quickened his pace towards Jase's room. "Jase?" He entered the room and stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Jase laying there lifeless. "Oh my God!" Leo explained as he knelt down beside Jase. He felt tears well up in his face. He began to panic as he stared at the lifeless body of his love. "Calm down, man. Go call 911." Leo breathed deeply and then headed to the kitchen where the phone was. He picked it up and dialed the number. "911, What's your emergency?" an operator came on the line. "My name's Leo Chase and...Um...my..friend, he's been hurt. He's out cold and not breathing." Leo choked back his panic. "Calm down, sir, what happened?" "I don't know, just send a fucking ambulance!" "All right, sir, what's the address?" "Uh...I don't know...the name's Burke! Please hurry!" Leo hung up the phone and rushed back into Jase's room and knelt back down by his side. "Oh please, God, please. Wake up Jase? Please don't leave me! Oh God!" Leo panicked.

To be continued..... There it is...stay tuned! LoL. Hope you all liked it. Feel free to send comments good and bad to me at DrJJC19@aol.com....thanks!

Next: Chapter 10

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