Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Aug 23, 2000


Hey everyone. I'm really sorry its taken me so long to get this chapter up. I've been busy with school and I've gotten all your emails and thanks for the feedback. I'm really enjoying writing this story and I"m glad so many people like it. I hope you like this installment. THanks


Leo and Jase Chapter Six

Jase awoke to feel of the sun pouring through the window, its rays warming his face and bare chest. He smiled to himself contently and rolled over. He reached for Leo, but felt nothing, but air. He opened his eyes and stared at the empty space next to him. "Dammit, it was all a dream?" Jase rubbed his eyes in frustration. "No, it wasn't a dream," Leo said as he walked into the room in his boxers. He had just taken a shower and beads of water made his chest glisten. Jase smiled up at Leo in relief. Leo walked over to Jase and sat on the edge of the bed. "Good morning," Leo smiled warmly. "Same to you," Jase replied, stretching. Jase looked over at the clock on the nightstand and he jumped up. Leo placed a hand on Jase's shoulder. Jase looked over at him. "I thought we could stay home today, be away from reality for a little while longer," Leo said softly. Jase smiled at Leo and brought his hand up to Leo's face and brushed his hand across his cheek. Leo leaned in, but Jase stopped him. "What now?" Leo asked frustratedly. "I need to brush my teeth. My breath must be stank! Mornin breath is a killer!" Jase got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. Leo chuckled to himself and got back onto the bed and leaned his head against the headboard of the bed. He spread out and waited for Jase to return.

Jase grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste out of his bag and went back into the bathroom. He stepped up to the mirror and looked at himself with a smile. He brushed his teeth and then headed back into Leo's bedroom.

He stepped into the doorway and smiled as he saw Leo sprawled on the bed sudectively, staring up at him. Leo had a big sly grin on his face Jase slowly walked over to Leo's bed and stood next to it, Leo staring up at him. Leo's eyes slowly shifted down, going from Jase's face, to his bare chest, and down to his abs. He reached his hand out and grabbed the waistband of Jase's boxers and pulled them, making Jase come forward.

Jase fell forward on top of Leo and smiled down at him. Leo smiled and slid his arms around Jase's neck. He pulled Jase down in for a kiss and softly pressed his lips against Jase's. He slowly and gently kissed Jase, becoming more passionate. Jase parted their lips by sliding his tongue into Leo's mouth. Leo sucked on Jase's tongue and then let his enter Jase's mouth. Their tongues explored each other's mouths. Jase let his body down onto Leo's, pressing against it. He balanced himself with one hand, while sliding the other over Leo's bare chest and abs. Jase pulled away and planted kisses on Leo's chin and left a trail of kisses on Leo's neck, slowly making his way down to Leo's chest. Leo licked his lips and closed his eyes. Jase took one of Leo's nipples in his mouth and flicked it with his tongue. He took it between his teeth and bit it softly, sending moan escaping Leo's throat.

Jase looked up at Leo who cocked his head back in pleasure and bit his lip. Jase smiled and slid back up and placed his lips back on Leo's mouth, kissing him deeply and passionately. Jase's hand moved from Leo's chest down to his abs and then to his growing bulge in his boxers. Jase massaged Leo's growing manhood through the cotton material of his boxers. Leo moaned once again, continuing to kiss Jase deeply. Jase slid his hand up to Leo's waistband and slid his hand down inside Leo's boxers slowly. He slid his hand down and took Leo's cock in his hand and rubbed it slowly. Leo arched his back in pleasure and nibbled on Jase's bottom lip. Jase pulled away and smiled down at Leo who was staring up at him with his that sexy smile of his.

The sound of the phone ringing sounded through the room. Leo moved his hand over to the nightstand and felt around for the phone. He grabbed the receiver and held it up to his ear. "Hello?" he answered angrily. "Leo? Where the hell are you?" Kenny demanded. "Kenny...hey....uh...I'm not feelin too hot today," Leo made up an excuse. "Well, everyone's been askin about you," Kenny replied. Leo smiled down at Jase as he placed soft kissed on his chest and continued to massage his hardness. Jase smiled up at him and let his tongue slide over the surface of Leo's chest sending a moan out of Leo's mouth. "What are you doin, man?" Kenny snapped Leo back to the conversation. "Sorry, I have a headache..." Leo moaned again fakely. Jase shot him a look and laughed. Leo shrugged and bit his bottom lip. "Look, I gotta go," Leo tried to hurry up and finish the conversation. "Whatever, man. I'll see you tomorrow?" Kenny replied. "Yea, later." Leo hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief. Jase looked up at him and then rested his chin on Leo's chest. "What did that peice of shit want?" Jase asked, rolling his eyes. "He was calling to check up on me. To see where I was," Leo replied, running his hand through Jase's hair. "Well, isn't that sweet." Jase said sarcastically. Leo smiled and rolled his eyes. "They're not that bad," Leo defended Kenny and Drew. "Yea well, just wait." Leo rolled his eys again and smiled down at Jase. "Anyway, can we not worry about them right now?" Jase shrugged and sat up, straddling Leo's stomach. He leaned down and pecked Leo on the chin and then got up. "Where are you going?" Leo asked, sitting up on his elbows. Jase looked back at him. "I'm hungry," Jase smiled back at him before walking out the door. Leo breathed out and layed back down on the bed. "Tease," he mumbled. "I heard that!" Jase called out from the hall. Leo smiled and sat back up, kicking his legs over the edge of the bed. His hardon subsided and he stood up, stretching. He headed out the door and made his way down to the kitchen. When he reached it he stepped inside and saw Jase bent over in the fridge. He smiled slyly and quietly walked over to where Jase was and stepped behind him. He wrapped his arms around Jase's waist and pulled him back. Jase stood straight up and pushed back against Leo's body, pressing up against him. He cocked his head back and Leo kissed his neck. Jase reached around and grabbed Leo's ass, squeezing it firmly. He pulled Leo forward, making his ass press hard against Leo's crotch, making it rise. Leo put his hands on Jase's hips and moved them up, and then back down. Leo started to slide his hands down further, but Jase moved, grabbing the milk out of the fridge and closing it, walking over to the kitchen table. Leo watched him and licked his lips. Jase looked back at him with a sly grin. "What are you doing to me?" Leo sat down at the table and rested his elbows on the surface. He watched Jase reach up and take out a couple of bowls from the cabinet. "Damn, you are amamzing," Leo announced. Jase turned to face him and smiled. He set the bowls down on the table and then grabbed the cereal from the cabinet. He took a seat across from Leo at the table and poured the cereal in the bowls and then the milk, sliding a bowl over to Leo and keeping one for himself. He took a spoonful of cereal and started to eat it. He swallowed and slid the spoon out of his mouth slowly. Leo watched him intently as Jase slowly slid the spoon in his mouth and back out. He licked his lips and sat back in his chair. Jase looked up at him and slid his foot over and rubbed it up against Leo's leg, sliding it up slowly. Leo gulped and his heart started pounding. Jase slid his foot higher and higher, and then slid it back down. "Why aren't you eating?" Jase asked, smiling. "Are you kidding me? Like I can eat right now! I'm hungry, but its sure as hell not for cereal!" Leo exclaimed, adjusting the hardon in his boxers. Jase just smiled and continued to eat his cereal.

After they ate...well, after Jase ate anyway....

"Ok, well, I'm gonna go get in the shower," Jase stated, standing up and putting the bowls in the sink. He turned to find Leo standing right behind him. Leo smiled slyly at him and wrapped his arms around Jase's waist. "I'll take one with you," Leo began kissing Jase's neck. Jase closed his eyes and smiled. Then he pushed Leo away. "But you've already had a shower." Leo shrugged, "Hey, I can take two. I can just watch you." Leo grinned and licked his lips. Jase shook his head, smiling. Leo's face dropped to disappointment, knowing that he wasn't going to get to, but he submitted. Jase sensed Leo's disappointment and brought his hand up to Leo's cheek. "Oh don't worry, Leo. Be patient and you'll get what you and I have both been wanting," Jase smiled and headed upstairs.

Jase turned on the hot water and unwrapped the towel from around his waist. He saw the steam rising up from the shower and he stepped inside, letting the hot water run over his body. He immediately relaxed under the pressure of the water beating down on him. He grabbed the soap and began lathering his body. He rinsed it off and then washed his hair. He stood under the water, letting it warm him completely before turning off the water and stepping out of the shower. Steam filled the bathroom and he felt around for his towel. He couldn't see anything through the steam. He continued to look for it, so he could dry off. Eventually the steam began to subside and clear the room. He saw his towel and grabbed it, wrapping it around his waist. He stepped up to the mirror and wiped the fogged mirror. He stared at himself in the mirror and his mind began spinning with so many things he didn't want to think about. 'Oh my God, I'm gay' 'Kenny and Drew were right' 'Do we keep this secret?' 'Is Leo my....b..boyfriend?' 'That's so wierd to say'.....Jase felt tears form in the corners of his eyes as these thoughts began to overwhelm him. 'Why does life have to be so damn complicated?' He looked down at his hands and saw them shaking. He looked back up at the mirror and saw Leo in the reflection.

Leo stepped up behind Jase and put his hand on Jase's arm. Jase turned and looked at Leo with fear and confusion in his eyes. "I'm....I'm scared, Leo," Jase managed to say. Leo looked up into Jase's eyes and then pulled him into a hug. "I'm scared, too, Jase, but it'll be ok." Leo comforted Jase, stroking his hair. "But, Leo...what does this all mean? I mean, do we keep it a secret? What do we do about this?" "We can do whatever you want, Jase. I'm not in any hurry to run and tell." Leo assured Jase. "My family would disown me," Jase pulled away and looked at Leo worriedly. "I doubt that, now. But we don't have to tell them until your ready." Jase looked into Leo's eyes and breathed deeply. He nodded and pulled Leo into another hug. "I'll be right here, Jase. Whatever you need." Leo reassured Jase lovingly. "Really?" "No matter what happens! Now get dressed, baby. I've got a surprise for you." Leo pulled away and smiled. Jase shot him a questioning look. Leo leaned up and pecked Jase on the lips. "Hurry it up, slow-ass!" Leo patted Jase on the butt lightly. Jase laughed, wiping his face of the tears and went into the guest room.

Jase pulled a tank top over his head and then put on a blue, shortsleeved, button down shirt. He stepped into his sandals and then went into the bathroom where he put some gel in his hair and got it the way he wanted. He gave himself a quick look in the mirror and headed into Leo's room. He opened the door and stepped in, looking all around the room to find Leo no where in sight. He saw a note on the desk and picked it up.

Go out into the hall

Jase walked across the room and stepped out into the hall and looked over at a side table where another note was sitting. He picked it up and read it.

Go downstairs, Baby.

Jase smiled and looked downstairs skeptically. He shrugged and slowly walked down. As he reached the bottom, he saw yet another note on the banister.

Go outside and see

what's waiting for you.

Jase walked over to the front door and opened it. He peered outside to see a white golfcart with Leo leaning against it with his arms crossed over his shoulders. "It's about time," Leo said with a sly grin. Jase smiled and walked up to Leo. "What's this all about?" Jase asked. "You'll see." Leo moved aside, motioning Jase to get into the passenger's side of the golf cart. Then he moved around the vehicle and got into the driver's side. He started it up and began driving towards the woods. They reached the woods where there was a trail with a sign pointing down it. Jase looked all around to try to figure out what was going on, but all around him was woods. He looked over at Leo and smiled. He slid his hand under Leo's and interlocked his fingers with Leo's. Leo looked over at Jase and smiled warmly. Jase then looked straight ahead as he saw a clearing. He heard something that sounded like water, but he wasn't sure. As they got closer, the sound became clearer. They reached the clearing and Jase's eyes widened at the beautiful sigh spread before him. A small waterfall emptying into a little lake/pond. Leo stopped next to where a blanket was laid out. Leo got out and walked around to the otherside. He took Jase's hand and pulled him out. Jase looked around and noticed that they were completely surrounded by woods on every side. Next to where the blanket was, was a huge tree with a trunk at least 5 feet or so thick. Jase smiled and looked over at Leo who was smiling back at him. "This is incredible, Leo," Jase broke the silence. "Isn't is great? I rode out here on the first day we moved here and have been coming here almost every day. Its private and peacefull and I don't think anybody else knows about it really." Leo explained. "And the water is so warm. Feel it." Leo bent down and stuck his hand int he water. Jase followed him and did the same. He smiled. "It is." "Wanna go for a swim?" "I don't have my bathing suit." "Who says we need a bathing suit?" a huge grin spread across Leo's face. Jase laughed at Leo's adorable smile and raised an eyebrow. He nodded and licked his lips unconciously. Leo immediately removed his shirt revealing his chisled torso and abs. Jase watched Leo intently as he removed his overshirt and threw it on the blanket. He then took off his tank top. Leo smiled at the sight of Jase's hard body. He looked away so he wouldn't embarass him but watched him out of the corner of his eye. Leo then unbuttoned his jeans and let them drop before stepping out of them. He then threw his boxers off in one swift motion and was in the water in a flash. Jase smiled at what little bit he saw of Leo and then removed his pants. Leo watched him from the water. Jase licked his lips sensuously and smiled at Leo. Jase then slowly began sliding his boxers down over his hips. Leo watched intently as he they slid down further and further. They moved over the beginning of where Jase's pubic hair started and then slowly slid over his soft cock, inch by inch. Jase let the boxers drop, revealing his 6 inch soft cock to Leo for what he thought was the first time. He stepped out of them and stepped into the water. He felt its warmth and went under. He came up right in front of Leo and smiled. Leo Leaned in and kissed Jase softly. Jase returned the kiss eagerly and progressed it along to become more passionate. They kissed deeply, tasting each other. Leo then pulled away and smiled, swimming away. "Now who's the tease?" Jase joked. Leo laughed and continued swimming around.

"I'm starting to turn into a prune. I'm gonna take a break from the water." Leo started to get out of the water. Jase watched him, letting his eyes fixate on Leo's firm, tight ass. Leo then turned and layed down on the blanket, giving Jase's eyes full view of his package. It was not as big as Jase's, but no small load. Jase licked his lips and then shook it out of his mind. Then he decided to join Leo on the blanket. He got out of the water and sat down next to Leo. Leo watched Jase through barely opened eyes as he sat down next to him. He scanned Jase's hot body and couldn't believe Jase's size. He felt his heart skip and he began to get hot, so he tried to get his mind on something else. Jase layed next to Leo and watched him. He smiled contently and then felt an sudden desire to kiss him. He wanted Leo. He felt himself get hot and turned on and he leaned over. He placed a kiss on Leo's neck and then began planting kisses all over Leo's neck, letting his tongue taste Leo's skin. Leo opened his eyes and smiled. He let a small moan escape his throat and slid his hand onto Jase's head, running his fingers through Jase's hair. Jase leaned up and kissed Leo on the lips and slid his tongue in Leo's mouth, kissing him passionately. He pulled away and looked into Leo's eyes. Leo saw desire in Jase's deep green eyes and he smiled.

Jase pressed his naked body against Leo's, letting his hardening cock grind into Leo's thigh and Leo's stiffening tool press up against him. He then placed a trail of kissed all the way down Leo's front, taking some time to tease Leo's nipples. He nibbled on them gently, sending a louder moan out of his mouth. He then shifted himself down, sliding his tongue over the grooves of Leo's sixpack. He then came face to face with Leo's stiff tool and he looked up at Leo. His heart raced in his chest, pounding like a drum. Was this really happening.

He brought his lips down and softly kissed the shaft, sending shivers through Leo's spine. Leo moaned sofly and Jase let his tongue slide over the warm pole, taking a taste of the beautiful meat. He rubbed Leo's cock, massaging it. He brought his lips to the head of Leo's dick and licked the small drop of precum that leaked out of the slit. He savored the sweet taste of Leo's juice in his mouth. He then circled his lips around the cockhead and teased the slit with his tongue. Leo let another soft moan escape his throat and he brought his hand and placed it on Jase's head. He ran his fingers through Jase's hair as Jase worked on his cock. Jase then began taking Leo into his mouth savoring every inch as he took it in. Leo watched his cock disappear into Jase's mouth and Jase's face was soon buried in his pubes. They tickled Jase's nose and then Jase slid back up the shaft slowly. Then he went back down, and then up. "Aw yea, Jase." Leo moaned aloud.

Jase's head bobbed up and down on Leo's cock and Leo pushed Jase's head down with his hand with a rhythm. Jase puckered his lips around the shaft, sending a loud moan out of Leo's mouth. "Oh my...." Leo trailed off, getting lost in the pleasure of the feel of Jase's mouth taking him. He felt himself nearing the edge and he pushed Jase's head down fast on his cock. "Aw damn! I'm gonna...." before Leo could get it out of his mouth, he shot his load down Jase's throat. Jase drank it down and tasted Leo's sweet juice. He took in every drop and then took it out of his mouth. He smiled up at Leo and then slid up to become face to face with his lover. He smiled into Leo's eyes. Leo leaned up and kissed Jase, tasting himself in Jase's mouth. He pulled away and smiled up at Jase. Suddenly, he heard a noise. He looked up and recognized the sound. "Shit, someone's here." Leo sat up. Jase looked all around. "What? How do you know?" "I can hear the gate. We're pretty close to the front gate and I can hear it opening. SHIT!" Leo exclaimed. He looked back at Jase and kissed him gently and quickly before getting up. Leo and Jase got dressed as fast as possible and then started to get into the golf cart. "Leo. I never want this to end." Jase looked sweetly at Leo, warming him. Leo smiled at Jase and then got an idea. He pulled out a pocket knife and got out. He ran over to the huge treea few feet away and Jase followed him. He carved something into the trunk of the tree. Jase read it carefully and smiled. He hugged Leo tight and kissed him lovingly.

...................There you go. I hope you liked it. Sorry its taken to long. Lata!

Next: Chapter 7

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