Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Dec 30, 2000


Hey People! This could be it for my story! I'm really sorry to end it, but I've got other ideas I'm pursuing and school's starting back up in a week or so, so I'll be busy! Here's Chapter 30 and quite possibly the last chapter, so enjoy :)... You can always feel free to email me though! I love getting emails even if you just wanna say Hi or something! :) Well, here ya go...

Leo and Jase Chapter 30

Winter Break for Leo and Jase passed by all to quickly. Only a few short days after Jeremy had left, they were back in class listening to lectures and preparing for project after project. Drew was arrested that day in Kenny's backyard, but was released when his father payed the bail money for him. No one had heard from him since, but no one expected him to return.

The second semester flew by in a dizzying mess of college applications and meetings with counselors as well as Senior Assemblies almost every week to discuss options for graduation. The lovers were constantly rushing around or working. Leo got a job at the diner waiting tables, so he was working most of the time to save up for college mad money. His father was obligated to pay for his tuition for all four years as part of the divorce settlement.

Leo's mother found romance with none other than Ben and they had all moved in together into a small house closer to where she worked. She went back to using her maiden name, Simmons as well to remove all that remained of her ex-husband.

Jase had become stressed and overworked from taking the SAT's and the ACT's as well as filling out countless college applications. He took off a couple of days from school and just slept. That gave him strength for all the make-up work that piled up in those two days in his classes, which were all honors or AP. That's the life of an over-achiever. Leo tried to get him to slow down and relax a little, but when Jase set his goals he stuck to his guns. The hectic schedules, however, only brought Leo and Jase closer together as they would call each other every second they got and spend weekends together when Leo wasn't working.

Jeremy came down for Spring Break and visited a few weekends as well. He and Kenny were hitting it off really well and working out quite nicely. Jeremy came out to his mother who took it surprisingly well.

Which now brings us to the present month, May. School's winding down and preparations for graduation day are making the school faculty frazzled. Graduation was to be held on May 28, in two days....

"Jase, honey, time for dinner!" Mrs. Burke called out from the kitchen. Jase didn't take his eyes off of his notes. All over his desk, notes and books were spread out. He adjusted the glasses on his nose and highlighted another line. "Jase, get in here!" "I'm not hungry, Mom! I'll heat it up later!" Jase replied, trying not to break his concentration. He heard his Mom grunt in frustration. He's pulled this all this week in preparation for exams. He sighed and went back to concentrating. A knock on the door caused him to roll his eyes. "Mom, I told you.." He turned around to see Leo standing there with two plates in his hand full of food. Jase smiled and sighed. "They sent in the reinforcements, didn't they?" Jase joked in a soft voice. Leo smiled brightly. "You know, J, you really should slow down and relax. You've done nothing but perfect work and you've already studied your ass off. You're going to ace every exam with ease!" Leo tried to convince Jase. Jase shook his head relentlessly. "I have to make sure I know everything or I won't get a scholarship. My parents can't pay for all of college and they've still got to get prepared for when Josh goes away, too." Jase went back to his work. Leo set the plates down on the bed and walked over to Jase, hugging his neck from behind. "You can stop for half an hour and have dinner with me." He pulled the chair out and took Jase's hand, pulling up out of the chair and over to the bed. Jase plopped down on the bed and sighed. He stared at the food. Leo took a seat next to him and placed a kiss on his lips. "I've missed you, J. I barely ever get to see you and I can't kiss the phone." Leo brought his hand up to Jase's cheek and caressed it softly. "I know. But in a few days, we'll have all summer to do nothing, but spend time together." "Yea yea." Leo said, picking up the plate of food and the fork. He took a hearty bite out of it and stared at Jase who hadn't even begun to touch his plate. "Aren't you gonna eat, baby?" Leo asked worriedly. Jase shook his head. "I'm not hungry." "Jase, you have to eat something. You've lost like 10 pounds.." "5." "Whatever! You need to eat something or you won't be able to take your exams cuz you'll be in a hospital bed suffering from mal-nourishment or something." Jase smiled at Leo's concern and sighed, picking up his plate. He took a few bites of it and set it back down. Leo shook his head and finished off his dinner. He got up to take the plates back to the kitchen and when he returned to Jase's room, he found Jase sound asleep with his head on the desk. Leo shook his head and smiled down at his sleeping beauty. He walked over to Jase and slid his arms around Jase, picking him up. He had lost weight, and more than 5 pounds. He always got this way when situations got to stressful. Leo set Jase down on the bed and pulled the covers up around him. He leaned down and placed a kiss on Jase's forehead before standing up and heading out the door. "Leo?" Jase said softly. "Yea, J?" "Can you sleep with me tonight?" Jase's voice sounded so innocent and like a child's voice. Leo smiled and walked over to the bed, turning off the light. Leo kicked off his shoes and stripped down to his boxers. "Sure." Jase smiled and cuddled up to Leo as he climbed into the bed under the covers with him. Jase soon nodded off to sleep with Leo watching him intently. Leo placed another kiss on Jase's forehead and continued to watch over his sleeping Angel.

Jase felt his head begin to ache as he turned the page of his English Exam. However, it wasn't from the test being difficult because he more or less knew the answers. His limbs felt weak and he wanted to go to sleep so badly, but he only had a few question left and then exams were all over with. A few minutes later, Jase set his pencil down and stood up to take his test to the teacher. Immediately when he stood up, he had to sit down. He felt like he was going to throw up. Only problem being, he hadn't eaten anything to throw up. He took deep breaths, dismissing the feelings as just being nerves from exams, and stood up once more. He stood there for a moment, gaining his balance and then began the trek to the front of the room.

As he walked, the teacher's desk seemed to get further and further away. Wait a minute, did Mr. Jacobs have a twin? No, I'm seeing double.

Jase's knees quaked and his arms felt like jelly. He couldn't catch his breath and had to stop, leaning on LeAnn's desk for a moment. She looked up at him worriedly. "Jase, are you alright?" She asked, making everyone in the classroom look up. The color had drained completely from Jase's face. "Yea, I'm fine," he groaned, "I just need to sit down." With that, he collapsed on the ground. Blackness engulfed him and he was out cold.

Leo stood at the door to the parking lot, waiting for Jase to meet him. He looked at his watch. Jase usually came straight from his last class, but he had taken at least 10 minutes now. Leo saw as LeAnn came running up to him with a worried look on her face. Immediately he knew something was up. He met her halfway and she stopped to catch her breath. "I've been looking for you everywhere," she panted. "Why? What's wrong?" Leo asked, not really wanting the answer. "Jase...he just collapsed in the middle of English. He got all pale and just fell over." LeAnn caught her breath and gained back her composure. Worry flooded Leo's face. His mind whirred. "Is he ok? Where is he?" Leo stuttered, panicking. "They took him to the hospital when he didn't wake up," LeAnn replied sadly. Leo felt his face grow hot and the tears begin to form. 'No, don't cry. Get to the hospital!' he ordered himself. "I'm going to see him." "Can I go with you?" LeAnn asked, concerned. "Yea, come one." Leo began jogging to his car with LeAnn struggling catch up.

'How did I get in the hospital? Is this a dream? What the hell am I doing here?' Jase opened his eyes and looked around. The beeping sound of some machine made him cringe. 'God, that's worse than my alarm clock!' He blinked a few times to clear his vision and turned his head to his left.

Leo looked up from his book and his eyes lit up. "Jase! Oh my God, I was so scared..." Leo's voice caught in his throat. A tear ran down his cheek. Jase smiled up at him. "I'm ok, Leo." Jase whispered softly. "Jase, I told you to eat! You've overworked yourself and haven't eaten a damn thing! Now you're in the hospital! What did I tell you?!" Leo scolded lovingly. Jase continued to smile up at him. "You're cute when you're angry." Jase held his hand out for Leo to take. Leo looked down at Jase angrily, but soon his expression softened and he was hugging Jase in an instant. "Don't ever do that to me again, J!" Leo demanded. "I won't, I won't," Jase promised. Leo pulled back and wiped his eyes just as the doctor walked in. "Well, Mr. Burke, everything seems ok now. You should be able to check out later this evening. You have suffered from exhaustion and mal-nourishment. It's pretty common around this time with college and all that, but you need to get more food into your system. You could've killed yourself." The doctor's tone turned serious as he said the last part. Leo shot Jase a frightened look. Jase bit his lip, knowing he'd screwed up and continued to listen to the doctor. "You should be okay in time to graduate, but you're staying home tomorrow. Mr. Chase tells me you don't have anymore exams left, so that's good there. I'm off. Call me you need me before you leave. I'll go down and work out the paperwork for you." "Thanks, Doc," Jase said goodbye. He avoided looking at Leo, knowing he'd get that look he hated.

Leo crossed his arms angrily and sat down. Soon, though, he'd gotten over his anger and went back to reading his book as Jase fell back to sleep.

Leo and Jase Chapter 31: Graduation Day

"Why am I nervous? I mean, it's just a stupid ceremony." Jase spoke into the phone as he got ready for the graduation ceremony that was to begin in only a few hours. "Simple. That stupid ceremony signifies you having to leave your familiar, comfortable surroundings and stop relying on your parents for everything. It's a scary thought to be on your own." Leo justified Jase's nervousness. "How do you know so much, smartass?" Jase teased. "I tell ya, its the psychic thing! I think you gave "the gift" to me," Leo chuckled. "Yea, well, the force be with you Luke. I better go get ready. I'll see you at school in a couple of hours, k?" "Okie dokie. See ya, Angel." "Bye, Leo." Jase hung up the phone and rushed around frantically to get ready.

A few hours later, Jase sat with his class in the middle of the huge school gym with parents and family members filling the bleachers on either side of him. He looked around and spotted his and Leo's family and smiled up at them. They all waved and snapped a few photos happily. Josh yanked at his tie and sighed a few breaths or boredom. Jase's eyes then wondered around at his classmates. The people that he'd grown up with, that he'd been friends with or not been friends with. The people that he'd see again in ten years at the reunion. These people, his friends, who he'd never come to see day after day ever again. A touch of sadness entered his thoughts and he looked down. He fought back the sadness. This was suppose to be a happy day. He looked back up at the speaker who seemed to be going on for an eternity. He rolled his eyes and began looking around again.

His eyes stopped, this time, at Leo, who was looking up at the speaker, listening. Jase smiled to himself as he watched Leo, studying him. He sighed. Leo then turned his head as if he'd noticed Jase looking at him and gave Jase a big smile. Jase blushed. It never ceased to make him blush when Leo would flash those pearly whites his way. Jase looked back up at the speaker, so he wouldn't have the temptation to run over there and just give Leo a big smooch. He continued to smile to himself as he thought about Leo. They'd been through so much together. 'It seems like we've known each other forever. I mean, I can't imagine life without him. The love of my life and I've had the amazing privelage of finding him at 17 years old.' Jase then looked up and silently thanked God for this blessing.

At that point, the speaker finally finished his speech and the ceremony proceeded with the handing out of diplomas. Each name was called out and a round of applause roared through the gym, echoing off the walls until the next round of applause would commence. Jase felt as if he was in a dream. It all seemed so surreal. He really wouldn't set foot inside this school again. He was leaving...for good. He looked back at Leo as he walked nearer and nearer to his future. Leo smiled at him encouragingly. Jase returned the smile and then turned back just as the man called his name. "Jason Burke!" He called out loudly. Jase shook his hand and smiled. "Congratulations Jason." Jase thanked him and breathed a huge sigh. He was gone. With that rolled up paper in his hand, that was it. Then end of one chapter, and the beginning of a new one. A new one, that he would begin with Leo by his side. A new chapter in the great big book of his life, where Leo would always be with him. Forever is a scary thought, but as scary as it is, when you have someone who will always be there, it seems so much more bearable and to the point of uncontrollable excitement.

Jase smiled to himself once more as he looked around at all of his classmates.

Leo and Jase walked side by side, exchanging glances of happiness as they made their way to Leo's car. "It's going to be hard not have you around next year." Jase said, sadness filling him. He stared down at the ground. "Yea. But I'll come visit every chance I get and we'll spend summers together! Besides, you'll never even realize I'm not there because you'll be so busy with schoolwork and everything." "Ever second you're not there is a second I miss you more." Jase added in. "I'm going to miss you so much, Leo." Leo nodded and stared down at the ground as well as they continued slowly walking. Suddenly, Leo got an idea. He looked up with a big grin on his face. Jase stared at him in confusion and curiosity. "What are you grinnin at?" "Let's go away for the summer." Leo blurted out. "What do you mean, go away?" Jase asked, still confused. "Let's just get in the car and drive." "Drive where?" "It doesn't matter. I have money and a bank account I can access from anywhere. I have a cell phone so we can check in with our parents now and then. What do you say? Just run away with me, Jase." Jase stared at Leo as if he had gone completely insane, but the more he thought about it, the more it excited him. He looked at Leo once again who's face was full of hope and excitement. After a few moments of silence, Jase took a deep breath. "Ok." "Yea?" "Ok, let's do it. Yea!" Jase had a huge grin on his face and Leo was biting his lip he was so happy. They both ran to the car and got in. Leo started it up and looked over at Jase. "I love you, Jase." "I love you, too." The both smiled at each other before Leo peeled out of the parking lot, down the road to nowhere.

As they drove with the top down, letting the warm summer air flow through them, Jase stared out over the horizon. He turned to Leo and squeezed his hand gently. Leo looked over at him and smiled brightly. Jase returned the smile and then looked back out. This was the end and the beginning. Hello world!

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