Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Dec 27, 2000


Hey Peeps! Here it is! Just for your information, I have started on a new story! However, I am going to keep writing chapters for it possibly until its finished before I begin posting it onto Nifty! But don't worry, I'll keep you posted! All you have to do is email me saying you want me to email you when I get it up and I will add you to my address book. Thanks for all the emails!! Lata

Leo and Jase Chapter 29

Leo slid the key into the door of the apartment he shared with his mother. He was slightly nervous and very excited to get the Christmas gift Jase had told him was waiting for him. He fumbled with the key, having trouble turning it from his excitement. Finally, he turned the knob and pushed the door open. A dim light from below caught his eye. His eyes shifted as he saw another candle laying about 2 feet away from the first. A trail of these candles led towards the hallway. Leo removed his coat and followed the trail of candles to the hallway, peering down the short hall. The candles kept going, but stopped at his room door, which was closed. He stepped up to it and saw that there was a note. He took the note and bent down into the light, reading it. "Your presents waiting for you inside." The note read. Leo stood back up with an anxious smile spread across his face. He slowly turned the knob and the door slid open. He stepped inside his room and looked around. Candles covered the room and lit it up with an atmosphere that took Leo's breath away. Soft music played from his own CD player and filled his ears with it's sweet melody.

He looked at the bed to see a small box placed in the center. He walked over to it and picked it up, unwrapping it as quickly as he could. He could hardly stand the waiting anymore. He opened the box and cleared away the paper inside. Something inside the box gleamed in the dim light. He pulled it out. It was a key. But it was the old fashioned kind. It was very small and made of gold. He set the box down and stared at the small key. "Do you know what it opens?" A voice came from behind him. He smiled and slowly turned to see Jase standing before him clad in only a pair of silk boxers. Leo felt his heart flutter at this beautiful sight. He swallowed, not being able to say a word. He simply shook his head, his eyes roaming over Jase's body graciously. Jase slowly stepped forward until he was standing right in front of Leo. He leaned in, his lips barely touching Leo's ear. "It opens my soul, Leo. I want you...completely." Jase whispered this ever-so-softly, making Leo bite his lip at the tone and feel of Jase's voice brushing his ear. He pulled back and looked into Leo's eyes. He searched them and smiled lovingly. "Are you sure?" Leo asked, not wanting to rush or pressure Jase in any way. Jase smiled and nodded, leaning in and pressing his lips softly against Leo's. Leo returned the gentle kiss, their lips moving in unison in poetic motion. Jase moved his hands to the hem of Leo's sweater and pulled up, parting long enough to remove the shirt before continuing their sweet kiss. Jase brushed his fingers over Leo's bare chest, feeling the soft skin on his fingertips. Their kiss soon transformed into a passionate embrace as they pressed against each other, holding on tight.

Jase then brought his hands down to Leo's belt buckle and undid it slowly, smiling at Leo sweetly as he did so. Leo placed sweet kissed all over Jase's neck and face as he undid Leo's pants. They fell to the ground and Leo stepped out of them. Jase stepped back for a moment to marvel at the sight before him. Leo stood in nearly naked form, his body glowing in the soft candlelight. His tight boxerbriefs outlined his growing erection and clung to his flesh, complimenting every curve and muscle. Jase licked his lips and then stepped forward once more.

Leo slid his arms around Jase's waste and turned them around. He pushed Jase back slowly, laying him down on the bed. They scooted backwards and Jase laid down on the pillows. Leo hovered over him, gazing down into his eyes sweetly. He leaned down and soon they were enveloped in another kiss, this one being more passionate and heated. Leo pressed his body down onto Jase's, feeling the heat of Jase's bare skin against his.

Leo pulled away and sat up, sliding his fingers into the waste band of his boxerbriefs. Jase smiled and raised an eyebrow as Leo slowly lowered his underwear. Soon they were off and Leo was back over Jase, feeling the pleasure of Jase's lips against his, tasting Jase, revelling in it.

After a few moments, Leo pulled away once again and looked down at Jase who read his mind. Jase smiled and reached over to the nightstand. He grabbed a couple of things and handed them to Leo. A condom and some lube. Leo looked to Jase for assurance and Jase nodded sweetly. He smiled and laid back, relaxing. Leo set the things aside and slid Jase's boxers off, revealing his large, very hard member. Leo licked his lips at the beautiful sight of Jase's nude form and he took the condom, unwrapping it and sliding it onto his own erect tool. He then took the lube and applied it in the necessary areas. He set the lube aside and lifted Jase's legs and rested them on either shoulder.

Jase prepared himself for the coming pain that would soon turn into the most pleasure he's ever felt. Leo brought his throbbing member to the Jase's entrance and gave one more look to Jase before pressing it inside Jase. Jase closed his eyes as the sudden pain shot through him. A few seconds went by and the pain subsided. Jase relaxed and Leo proceeded. With every inch, Leo would stop and let Jase get adjusted to the new feeling. Jase bit his lip as Leo was soon completely inside him. Jase opened his eyes to see Leo smiling down at him sweetly. He then leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Jase lips. Jase smiled and sighed happily.

Leo began to make love to Jase slowly and smoothly, sliding his member in and out with rhythmic motion. The pain Jase felt soon turned into indescribably pleasure and ecstacy. He moaned as Leo made him feel like he'd never felt before. Leo watched Jase's face and smiled as he continued making love to him. Leo moaned again and again to the feeling of Jase surrounding his hard tool. He filled Jase, made him complete. They fit as a puzzle, meant to be together in every way imaginable. Soon, Leo felt himself nearing the edge. He bit his lip as the pressure released out of him like the opening of the floodgates. He moaned as he filled the condom. Jase moaned even louder as Leo continued to push into him, brushing against his prostate. They both panted, out of breath, droplets of sweat making their bodies glisten in the soft glow of the candles.

Soon after, they lay there in each others arms, staring into the other's eyes. "I love you, Leo." Jase said softly, running his hands through Leo's hair. Leo smiled and placed a kiss on Jase's forehead. "I love you too, Angel."

The next week rushed by in a blur. The first day back to school was rapidly approaching and Leo and Jase were not welcoming it by any means. However, they had been giddy and silly all week. Everyone would shoot strange looks their way and roll their eyes constantly, but the only people who existed to them were Leo and Jase.

Jeremy stuffed his dirty clothes in a laundry bag and placed all of his other belongings in the giant suitcase he shared with his sister. They had already packed all of her stuff and he was running late. Mrs. Chase wanted to get them home and get back before it got too late because she had to work in the morning, so he was keeping them.

Mrs. Chase rushed around the house, making sure Jordan and Jeremy hadn't left anything behind. Jordan waited on the couch patiently with her coat already on and a Barbie in her hand. She brushed the hair to the doll and hummed to a song.

Finally, Jeremy closed his suitcase and picked it up, setting it by the door. Leo and Jase walked out from the kitchen hand in hand, whispering something to each other. Jeremy had noticed something new hanging around Leo's neck on the same chain as the other pendant. A small, gold key now hung there. 'Must've been Leo's present from Jase,' Jeremy thought to himself. "You all set?" Mrs. Chase asked Jordan and Jeremy. Jordan stood up. "Ready!" She said cheerfully. "Come gimme a hug," Leo said, getting down on his knees and holding his arms out. Jordan ran into his arms and hugged him tight. "Come visit us again, ok?" "I will." Jordan said. She then jumped up into Jase's arms and hugged him tightly as well. She then placed a kiss on his cheek and jumped down. Leo smiled at this and put his arm around Jase's shoulder. "I guess I'll see you Spring Break, Jerms." Leo pulled Jeremy into a brief hug. Jase did the same and said his goodbye. "Well, I guess we're off." Jeremy said sadly. He turned towards the door, but before he could open it, the doorbell rang. He jumped and then opened the door. Kenny stood in the doorway, fidgeting. When he saw Jeremy, his eyes lit up, but he looked as if he felt bad. "Hey Jeremy! I was hoping I'd catch you before you left." Kenny said, the words rushing out of his mouth as if he was afraid he would run out of time. "Hey Kenny." Jeremy said simply. He hadn't spoken to Kenny since the day in his yard with Drew. He wasn't about to call Kenny and Kenny hadn't gotten in touch with him either. "Can we talk?" Kenny asked, looking around at the others. Mrs. Chase sighed and nodded her head. "Sure, what's a few more minutes." She said. "Thank you." Kenny thanked them and Jeremy set down the suitcase. He stepped outside into the cold and closed the door behind him. They walked down the stairs in silence and walked over to the playground area of the apartment complex. Jeremy sat down on a swing and looked up at Kenny curiously. "What did you want to talk about?" Jeremy asked. Kenny gathered up his thoughts and began to speak. "Look, Jeremy. I'm sorry for not calling you. I was just....scared. I mean, as much as Drew has been such a jerk, we go a long way back. I don't know. I guess I almost felt guilty for being this way." Kenny noticed Jeremy's face drop considerably, so he tried to hurry to his point. "But I have thought so hard about myself and sorted through my priorites and I realized exactly what I want." Kenny stopped and stared down at Jeremy. Jeremy looked up at him, not knowing what he was talking about and expecting the worst. "I want you, Jeremy." Kenny finally finished his thought. Jeremy bit his lower lip and looked down, trying not to let the large grin creep across his face. Kenny stepped forward and brought his hand to Jeremy's chin, pulling his face up so that he could see Jeremy's expression. A smile was plastered on Jeremy's face and a single tear crept it's way down his cheek. Immediately he jumped up and threw his arms around Kenny in a tight embrace. Kenny breathed a sigh of relief and held onto Jeremy tightly. "I think I'm falling in love with you." Kenny whispered. Jeremy smiled and pulled back. He pulled Kenny into a soft, gentle kiss. Time stopped and for that moment, they could feel nothing else, but each other. A few moments later, they pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes. "I have to get going. They're waiting for me." Jeremy said, his face turning to sadness. He looked up at Kenny who was also a bit disappointed. "Write me?" "Every day." Jeremy smiled, placing another kiss on Keny's lips. "Bye Kenny. I'll call you when I get home, ok?" "You better." They both smiled and Jeremy began walking back to the apartment.

Leo and Jase watched through the window as Jeremy made his way back to the door. They were giggly and happy for him as they had seen everything. They quickly sat on the couch, trying not to look suspicious as Jeremy walked in. Jeremy had a smile on his face that he couldn't seem to get rid of and he picked up his suitcase. Jordan and Mrs. Chase shot him funny looks, but dismissed it. Jeremy looked over at Leo and Jase who were giggling on the couch. He rolled his eyes and opened the front door.

They all went outside and said their goodbyes once again. Leo and Jase watched as they got the car loaded up and headed out. They waved until the car was out of sight and then went back inside into the warmth. "So what'cha wanna do?" Leo asked, not knowing what to do without Jeremy and Jordan there. Jase let a sly grin spread across his face. "Wanna go make out?" Jase asked, grinning like a fool. Leo smiled. "Last one to my room has to give the other a massage." Leo yelled as he took off towards his room. "Oh, you'll get more than a massage." Jase smiled slyly as he slowly walked towards Leo's room. He stopped as he got to the hallway and turned off the light to the living room.

____________________________________________________________ Well, again, I know it was a little short, but its winding down. Thanks for readin!

Next: Chapter 29: Leo and Jase 30 31

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