Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Dec 5, 2000


Ok peeps, I know this is really late and I'm soooo sorry! I had the first weekend in a long time just to rest so I took full advantage of it and read another story instead of writing my own. Sorry bout that, but I needed the rest! :) But here it is finally! THanks for bein so patient. Later!!

Leo and Jase Chapter 22

Jase ran out into the hall after Christina and looked to his family as if asking where she went. They pointed towards the front door simultaneously with sorrowful looks on their faces. They could guess what had just happened.

Jase felt his head begin to throb once more. The worst had happened. He had possibly lost his best friend in the whole world forever. He ran to the open front door and onto the porch, looking around for any sign of her. He ran out into the yard and looked all around. No sign of her.

"Chrissie!!" He yelled, feeling his eyes well up with tears. He slowly walked over to the porch steps and sat down. He buried his face in his hands and let all the stress and worry flow out in his tears as he sobbed.

Leo stood in the doorway and watched as Jase broke down into a fit of sobs on the porch steps. Leo stepped out and slowly made his way down, taking a seat next to Jase. He looked at Jase sadly and put his hand on Jase's shoulder gently.

Jase felt the gentle touch on his shoulder and he looked up into Leo's crystal blue eyes that stared right through his soul. Leo wiped a falling tear from Jase's cheek. A single tear cascaded down Leo's left cheek and then fell over the edge of his chin.

"Leo, I don't know how much more of this I can take." Jase said softly, almost in a whisper. He tried not to allow more tears to flow. Leo smiled, his eyes not moving. Finally, he turned away and looked out over the horizon.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Leo asked. Jase remembered the time on the roof at school and a small smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, it is," Jase continued, reliving the conversation from the roof.

Leo turned and smiled at Jase lovingly. Jase sighed and followed Leo's gaze, looking out at the snow-capped moutains and trees of orange, red, yellow, and brown.



"Do you ever wish you weren't.."


Jase looked down. "Yea."

Leo turned his head back to Jase. "Sometimes."


"Yea, but then I think that if I wasn't, I wouldn't be with you. Then I shake the thought away because the thought of not being with you is equal to thinking I'm dead. Jase, without you in my life, I wouldn't be living at all!" Leo took Jase's hand in his and gave it a squeeze. Jase looked back into Leo's eyes.

"There are obstacles, of course, that come with the territory, but when you think about, there are obstacles in life any way you put it. There may be harder ones, but the harder they are, the stronger you'll be and you know I'm here to help you overcome those obstacles, right?" Leo searched Jase's eyes.

Jase smiled and looked down at their interlocked fingers, putting his other hand on them. He then looked back up at Leo and nodded.

"Thank you Leo."

"No problem." Leo smiled that smile that got Jase everytime. Jase couldn't help but smile. Who could resist, right? His mind then went back to Chrissie and the moment was gone.


"She'll come around, Jase. She loves you too much. It's just alot to take in at first. Give it time, she'll accept it, I promise." Leo assured Jase.

Jase smiled.

"How do you know so much?" Jase raised an eyebrow.


"But I'm the psychic!" Jase joked.

"Must've rubbed off, I guess." Leo smiled. Jase leaned over and placed a small kiss on Leo's cheek. Leo smiled and stood, holding out his hand.

Jase took it and they walked up the stairs. Jase took another glance around outside and then they went inside.

After Leo had gone home about two hours later, the front door opened and closed. Jase stood from his place on the couch, waiting to see who had come in. A few seconds later, Chrissie walked through the door. She glanced at Jase and then turned away, not saying a word. Jase stepped towards her.

"Chrissie, please.." He began. She shook her head, her eyes closed.

"Jase, I can't." She said simply. Jase felt his heart sink and the familiar throb in the head start up again.

"What do you mean?" He asked, knowing good and well what she meant.

"I'm leaving to go back home in the morning." She said, her voice not changing.

Jase stood there silent for almost a minute til he realized that he hadn't breathed since the words escaped her mouth. He felt the waterworks begin to start up again.


"No, Jase. It's just not right." Christina shook her head solemly, still not looking at Jase.

"I'll see ya, Jase." And with that, she went into the room she was staying in and shut the door. Jase stood there, tears filling his eyes and overflowing down his face. His whole body quaked in disbelief and sadness. He collapsed onto the couch as if he had been running 20 miles. He felt weak. THe whole world seemed to stop right there, making sure he felt the pain for as long as possible.

"Oh God, why me? I didn't ask for this. I don't want this!" Jase whispered aloud. His mind then went to Leo and he suddenly felt guilty for the comment.

He looked up and then buried his head in his hands and cried once more.

Leo knocked on the door the next day and waited for an answer. He heard footsteps come to the door and the locks being unlocked. The door swung open and Chrissie appeared before him. Her face dimmed a little as she saw Leo and she stepped aside to let him in, not saying anything. Leo stepped inside and Chrissie closed the door behind him. As she started to walk back to the kitchen, Leo put his hand on her arm. She turned with a questioning look on her face.

"Chrissie, please." Leo began in a hushed whisper. "You know Jase doesn't derserve this." Chrissie stared at him, apalled. Her eyes narrowed and she stepped towards Leo and whispered as well.

"It's wrong, Leo. It says so in the bible. I love Jase with all my heart, but God says its wrong and I can't live with that." Chrissie said sincerely.

Leo took a deep breath, taking in what she had just said and formulated an answer.

"But God can and will forgive his children, Chrissie. Why can't you? God loves us no matter what or who we are! Why can't you?" Leo demanded, still in a hushed whisper. She stood there and thought for a moment.

"I love him, Leo, he's my best friend and my family. But that doesn't make what he is right."

"But that's just it, Chrissie, that's who he is. He can't help it. I can't think of anyone in their right mind who would CHOOSE to be gay. Do you realize how hard it is? You have to deal with your friends and family hating you and being disgusted by you. It's not an easy thing to do and its not a choice." Leo was beginning to get frustrated.

"You say you love him, but you won't accept him. Mr and Mrs. Burke go to church, they have one of the best relationships with God I've ever seen and they see no wrong with Jase. Why is that? Because they love him and can forgive that accept that! Why can't you?" Leo's voice was beginning to escalate and he realized it so he lowered it once more. "You say you love him. When you love someone, it should be no matter what."

A tear escaped Chrissie's eyes and she wiped it from her face. She looked at Leo thoughtfully and smiled.

"Thank you." She then took a deep breath and walked into the living room where Jase had been sitting all night, staring into the fire. She stopped and gazed at Jase for a minute. The fire was now struggling to stay lit and Jase had not moved. He stared into it as it burned out and his spirit right along with it. She then slowly walked over to him and stood before him. He slowly turned his head and looked up at her, wondering what was going on.

She simply smiled and kneeled down, wrapping her arms around Jase's neck in a tight hug. Jase was taken by surprise, but he hugged her back.

When she pulled away, Jase was thoroughly confused. She smiled and then took a seat next to him.

"I'm sorry, Jase. I've been so closeminded and such a bigot because of what I thought was true when in reality I shouldn't prejudice against anyone, but instead, love them for who they are, no matter what." She explained softly, the smile never leaving her face.

"What caused this revalation?" Jase asked, extatic over her change of heart.

She looked up at Leo and smiled. Jase followed her gaze and when he saw Leo standing there, a broad smile spread over his face. He then turned back to Chrissie.

"Don't let him go, Jase. You're very lucky." She said softly. Jase looked back at Leo and smiled sweetly.

"I know." He whispered. Leo blushed and smiled, leaning against the doorway.

It was nice to see Jase smile again. Jase then turned his attention back to Chrissie.

"So will you stay?" Jase asked.

"Heck yea, we've got some catchin up to do!" She smiled her million dollar smile. "So what do you wanna do first?" She asked. Jase shrugged.

"Well, I guess I'll go and leave you guys alone." Leo spoke up.

"Nonsense, you're coming with us!" Chrissie insisted. She looked to Jase to make sure he didn't mind. He smiled and nodded.

"Yea, Leo!" Jase exclaimed. Leo looked from Jase to Chrissie and back to Jase. Finally, he smiled and shrugged.

"Ok, if you're sure you don't mind me tagging along."

"Tagging along," Chrissie laughed. "Come on, let's go to the mall for a while. I need winter clothes and Mom gave me the credit card."

"Has your Mom's brain shrunk?" Jase asked teasingly.

"No, why?" Chrissie asked, not getting the joke. Leo and Jase both laughed.

She looked at both of them, still confused.


"It's ok. You can't help you're blonde!" Jase cracked.

"Hey!" She elbowed Jase in the side.

"Ouch!" Jase moaned through his laughing.

"Come on, Leo." Chrissie stood up and took Leo's arm and led him outside.

"We don't need this loser! Maybe I can steal you away." She cracked. Jase looked up.

"Oh no you don't!" He jumped up and pulled Leo away. Jase pulled Leo close to him and looked into his eyes. "He's all mine." Jase then placed a soft kiss on Leo's lips.

"Okay, I'm still new to the idea you guys. You think you could let me warm up to it before you start makin out in front of me?!" Chrissie exclaimed halfseriously. Leo blushed and looked down at the ground.

"Sorry." Jase blushed as well, not wanting to push his luck.

"I'm just kiddin guys!..Sorta." She smiled and then motioned for them to hurry up. "You drivin Leo?"

"Yea, I guess I can." Leo replied, shrugging. He pulled his keys from his pocket.

"Good, cuz I've never ridden in a car like that before." She looked out the window, grabbed his keys and then was out the door.

"Hey!" Leo exclaimed, laughing.

Leo began to follow her out when Jase stopped him.


"Yea, J?"

Jase smiled and wrapped his arms around Leo's neck.

"I could never even begin to describe how much I love you." Jase leaned in and pressed his lips against Leo's softly. A honk from outside sounded, interrupting them. Jase pulled back and looked up Leo's eyes.

"You could always sing for me. I could settle with that." Leo smiled.

"Don't push your luck, stud." Jase slapped him in the chest and headed outside.

"Can't blame a guy for trying." Leo followed him. As he closed the door, he paused for a second and smiled contently and then closed the door.

The door to Leo's apartment swung open and Chrissie flew inside.

"Gotta pee gotta pee gotta pee," she ran around frantically.

"Down the hall and to the right." Leo instructed, holding back a laugh from the way she was acting. She disappeared down the hall. Jase closed the door behind him and rolled his eyes.

"Dork." He retorted, referring to Chrissie. Leo chuckled and went into the kitchen. Jase followed him and sat down at a stool at the counter. Leo opened the fridge and looked around.

"You want something to drink?" He asked, his face still in the fridge.

"Sure, got any Cherry Coke?" Jase asked, grabbing an apple from the bowl.

Leo pulled out a few bottles of Cherry Cola with a big grin on his face.

"It just so happens, I do!" Leo set the bottles down on the counter and kicked the door shut. He looked up and saw Jase about to take a bite of an apple.

"Jase.." too late.

"OUCH!" Jase groaned as he took a big bite out of a plastic apple. He yanked it out of his mouth and put his hand over his mouth in pain.

"It's plastic." Leo finished his warning, a bit belated. Jase shot him a dirty look.

"Ya think?" Jase retorted sarcastically. Leo broke out into hysterical laughter. Jase threw the apple at him and his face turned to a pout. Leo ceased his laughing and smiled down at Jase. He then leaned over across the counter and got about an inch away from Jase's face.

"Want me to kiss it? Make it better?" Leo said in a low, seductive tone.

A sly grin spread across his face and he leaned in and pressed his lips on Jase's. He felt Jase's soft lips return the kiss and he parted his lips, letting Leo's tongue move into his mouth.

"Eh hemm." Jase and Leo hesitantly broke away and looked towards the door.

"We talked about this, guys." Chrissie had her hands on her hips. A small smile appeared on her face and she giggled. Jase and Leo laughed with her.

"So what'cha got to eat around here?" Chrissie asked, fearlessly imposing herself upon their cabinets. She opened the freezer and saw ice cream, and chocolate syrup in the fridge and a jar of cherries.

'Ooh, you got any bananas?" She asked.

"Yes. Two kinds. Jase seems to like the plastic ones better." Leo cracked.

Jase slapped his arm playfully.

"Let's make ice cream sundaes!" She squealed. Leo smiled.

"Sounds good to me!" Leo agreed. Jase nodded and Chrissie went to work making the sundaes. The doorbell rang. Leo started to put then ice cream scooper down to go get the door when Jase stopped him.

"I'll get it." Leo nodded and Jase made his way to the front door. When he reached it, he turned the knob and opened the door. He looked up to see Kenny standing before him. When Kenny realized it was Jase, he suddenly became even more nervous than he already had been. Jase's expression turned to coldness.

Kenny stared at the ground.

"Who is it?" Leo came through the living room and stepped in next to Jase.

When he saw who it was, his expression dropped as well. He looked at Jase who had an icy stare placed upon Kenny. Kenny looked up at Leo and chewed at his cheek.

"Leo can we talk?" Kenny asked softly, avoiding looking at Jase. Leo started to answer..

"No." Jase stopped Leo because he knew Leo was going to agree. Leo looked at Jase.

"Jase, it's ok." Leo assured him.

"Leo.." Jase started and then gave in. "Fine." Jase shot another glare at Kenny and then returned to the kitchen. Leo stepped outside and closed the door.

"Kenny. What are you doing here?" Leo asked agrily.

"I came to apologize. I didn't realize.. I'm sorry, Leo." Kenny looked back down at the ground. Leo crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the railing.

"Kenny, what the hell was that?!" Leo demanded.

"I don't know, I was stupid."

"Your damn right!" Leo said harshly. Kenny flinched. Leo suddenly regreted the comment and lightened his body language.

"I'm sorry."

"I don't know, Leo. It's wierd. I just don't know. I've never felt this way before. It's like, I met you and thought you were just an amazing guy and I got crazy jealous when you started hanging out with Jase all the time and he was staying with you. I didn't know what it meant, but then I realized it had to be that I loved you. I know its crazy, but I do, Leo. And I had no idea you were even gay, but I had to take a chance. And I really didn't know you and Jase were....together." Kenny rambled on. "I'm so scared. I don't know what's going to happen if it gets out that I'm..."

"Gay." Leo finished. "Look, Kenny, I can forget about what happened if you can, but I'm sorry. I don't feel that way about you. I love Jase with everything I've got and I won't be sorry for that, but I'm sorry I hurt you."

Leo's voice was tender now, and it helped Kenny relax a little. Kenny nodded without saying a word. He looked up at Leo and smiled.

"I'm sorry." He apologized again.

"It's forgotten. We're still friends, right?"

"Definately." Kenny smiled.

Jase looked up from his sundae as the kitchen door opened. When he saw Kenny walk in after Leo his face dropped once again. Chrissie glared at Kenny.

"I guess you filled Chrissie in." Leo spoke.

"Look, Jase. I owe you a huge apology, man. I can't believe I was so stupid, but I really had no idea either of you were even gay, let alone a couple."

Kenny apologized sincerely.

"Then why'd you kiss him?" Kenny blushed, looking over at Chrissie uncomfortably.

"I...I don't know. I just had to see. Anyway, it's over and we're forgetting about it. I'm sorry Jase. You think we can forget about all this?" Kenny asked, afraid of the answer. He didn't blame Jase for his anger, but he hoped Jase would forgive him.

Jase looked at Leo who nodded to him encouragingly. Jase rolled his eyes and then his face changed to sincerity.

"Sure, Kenny. Forget it, just don't let it happen again." Jase warned.

Kenny threw his hands up in surrender.

"OH trust me, I won't."

The tension was lifted from the air.

"You wanna stay and have an ice cream sundae?" Jase asked. Kenny looked at him in surprise and then at Leo, and then at Chrissie. They both nodded.

"I'd love to."

"Pull up a stool then," Leo instructed, pulling another bowl from the cabinet.

As Leo turned around, Jase caught his eye. Jase gazed at him lovingly.

Leo smiled back and continued preparing the sundae, exchanging loving glances with Jase as they ate.

Next: Chapter 22

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