Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Oct 21, 2000


Wassup everybody! Thank you all SO much for all the emails and great feedback you've been sending! Keep it coming! I love getting emails from people saying they like the story. Makes me feel good! Sorry to all you horny people looking for sex! LoL, j/k. There will be some eventually, but the plot is the main thing to focus on to me, so sorry guys. :) Well, I guess that's all! On with Chapter 13...

Leo and Jase Chapter 13

"What is is son?" All eyes were on Jase. He felt like he was going to throw up. He looked at his mom. She gave him an encouraging look and nudged him in the side. Jase took a deep breath. "Dad....I....I'm..." Jase tried to say it but he couldn't. The fear completely overwhelmed him. "You know what? Nevermind, its not that big of a deal!" Jase stood up. His mother grabbed his arm and pulled him back down. "Jase, honey, you have to do this!" "Do what?" Josh whined. Jase looked at his father who's face had now gone from curiosity to worry. "Is something wrong, son? Did something happen?" "No Dad, nothing like that." Jase sighed. He looked at his mom again and then back at his Dad and brother. He took another deep breath and stared down at the floor. "I....uh..er..I mean...I'm...gay," Jase closed his eyes so tight so he wouldn't see the hurt and disgusted reaction on their faces. He didn't want them look at him like that, like he was an alien. Silence filled the room as his brother and father sat in shock. Jase chewed on his lower lip, obviously Leo's little habit had rubbed off. "Are you sure?" his father broke the silence. Jase opened his eyes, but stared at the floor. He nodded slightly and felt his face become red. "Dad, I'm sorry.." Jase choked on his words. "For what, son?" "For disappointing you and making you disgusted by me." "Jase, how dare you say that. There's no way in hell I could every be disappointed or disgusted by you. I have never been and never will be anything less than the proudest father on earth to have you as my son. Gay, straight, cannibal." Jase halfway chuckled at the comment and looked up at his Dad. "Really?" "Jase, I love you. Nothing's every gonna change that, son!" His father smiled comfortingly and pulled him into a hug. Josh sat there still in shock and stared off into space. "My brother's a fag?" he finally spoke up. "Joshua Michael!" Jase's mother scolded. Jase put a hand on his arm. "It's ok, Mom, I don't blame him." "It most certainly is not ok. Joshua, Jase is your brother no matter what and he deserves your support right now! He's been there for you every time you needed help with school or advice on anything." "I know Mom, but this changes everything!" "What exactly does it change, Josh? I've always been this way, its not like I just woke up one day and said, hey I'm gay! Hell, if I had the choice, trust me I'd choose the other way. Besides, I still like girls a lot, but I like guys too." "So you're bi," Josh corrected. Jase stopped and thought. "Whatever you call it, I'm still the same person I've always been, just now you know something else about me." Jase explained softly. Josh slouched back in his chair and crossed his arms. "My friends are really gonna be on my back about this!" Josh huffed. "They don't have to know, Josh. I'm not planning on telling anyone myself. I just wanted to tell you guys cuz you're my family and you deserve to know who you're living with!" Jase reassured. Josh thought about it. "Whatever. Can I get back to my project now?" "Go ahead." Jase nodded. Josh jumped up and went back to his room. Jase looked at both his parents. "Don't worry son, he'll learn to accept it and everything will be back to normal." "Thank you guys for understanding and supporting me. I love you." "Same to you son." His father smiled. His mother patted him on the back. Jase smiled to himself. 'One demon defeated,' he thought to himself proudly.

Leo got out of the car and stared up at the large stone building in front of him. He read the sign at the entrance. 'Shady Glen Academy...welcome to hell,' Leo thought to himself dryly. The rain had stopped and the cold air chilled Leo. He crossed his arms over his chest and turned back to the car where Tony was unloading Leo's luggage. "This way, sir." Leo followed him into the building. Tony set down his luggage and told him to wait out in the hall while he went and talked to the headmaster of the school. Leo sat down on the bench in the hall next to his stuff and looked around. The place was big and cold. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the wall. He thought about Jase and a small smile crossed his face. "Eh hemm." Leo looked up. An elderly man in a gray suit stood in front of him. "I'll be going now, sir. They have been instructed to have a guard stand outside your room at all time, so don't try anything tricky." Tony waved his finger at Leo. Leo rolled his eyes and stood up. Tony gave Leo a menacing stare daring him to try something before he turned and walked out the door. Leo turned his attention back to the man. "I am Dr. Edward Avery. I'm the headmaster here at Shady Glen. I'd like to welcome you to our school and I hope you enjoy it here." "Thanks," Leo mumbled. The man raised an eyebrow in disgust over Leo's impoliteness. "Follow me to your sleeping quarters." Leo rolled his eyes and followed the man down a long hall, up a flight of stairs, down another long hall and then a small corridor where he stopped. Leo set his bags down and the man handed him the key. "Here we are, Mr. Chase. Have a good night." The man then walked off. Leo unlocked the door and opened it. He stepped inside and closed the door. He felt around on the wall for a light switch and found one, turning the light on. He looked around. The room was about the size of his bedroom at home, with a bathroom and a closet. A large window covered much of the opposite wall. A bed, a desk, a dresser, and a chair. "Oh this is gonna be fun," Leo said to himself sarcastically. He threw his bags on the floor and plopped down on the bed. He laid down and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Leo ran as fast as he could through the pouring rain. He was soaked to the bone shivering. Lightening flashed through the sky, lighting up everything around him for a split second. He ran and ran for what seemed like an eternity until he reached what he was looking for. He stared across the yard at the small house surrounded by trees. He noticed a light on in the window and a familiar face sitting on the couch reading a book. Leo smiled to himself as he walked towards the window. He reached it and watched as the boy turned the page and adjusted the wire-framed glasses on his nose. 'He looks so cute in his glasses,' Leo smiled once again. The first time in a week. It felt good. He continued to watch the boy intently, not wanting to interrupt the peaceful way about him. Suddenly, a figure appeared behind the boy without him noticing. Leo watched as the dark figure stood there unmoving. It turned into the light and Leo's eyes widened. "Dad," Leo said to himself in shock. He stood there frozen as his father reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a shiny black object. Leo squinted through the rain to make out the object and then saw it clearly. "Oh my God, no! JASE, Jase, watch out!" Leo called out. Jase looked up from his book towards the window, then realizing the figure behind him. He swirled around just as the gun was pointed at him. "NO!" Leo screamed, darting for the front door. He reached for the doorknob. It was locked. He pounded on the door. He stepped back and then rammed into the door, sending it flying open. He shot into the living room and saw Jase against the wall with fear in his eyes as Leo's father held the gun still pointed at him. Jase shook his head, tears running down his face. Leo ran for his father when he heard a gunshot. "NOOOOOO!!" Leo screamed throughout the house. The sound seemed to echo in his head.

Leo woke up in a cold sweat. He sat straight up in the bed. His face was wet from tears. He breathed heavily and his chest heaved. He wiped his face and his breathing slowed as he relaxed. 'Just a dream,' he tried to reassure himself. He buried his head in his hands and sighed. "Jase," he whispered to himself in exasperation. "I have got to get out of here!" A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts. He got up and walked to the door and opened it. A face he had seen before stood in the doorway tiredly looking up at him in surprise. "You! From the airport!" the boy said in shock. Leo realized who it was and nodded. "Yea. Can I help you with something?" "Well, I'm in the room next door and I heard you screaming, so I wanted to see what was going on." the boy explained. "I'm fine." Leo said dryly, not really in the mood to make friends. "Is that all?" Leo asked, rubbing his head. The boy started to nod, but as Leo began to close the door, he put his hand up to stop him. "I didn't catch your name." "I didn't throw it." The boy stood there looking hurt. Leo sighed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I've had kind of a rough week. I'm Leo." "Logan." The boy replied. "Sorry to bother you Leo, but it was nice meeting you." "Yea, sorry bout snapping at you." Leo smiled slightly, trying to be polite. "Oh, don't worry about it. I know how the bad weeks go. But I'm right next door if you ever need anything. Anything at all." "Ok, thanks. Goodnight." "Night." Leo closed the door. Logan caught one last glimpse of Leo before the door shut. "Damn, he's beautiful." Logan said to himself aloud. Logan looked around the hall and then went back into his room, shutting the door. Leo sighed and stripped down to his boxers. He threw his clothes to the side and got back into bed. He turned on his side and stared out the huge window out into the darkness. His eyes slowly drifted closed and he fell into a restless sleep.

Two weeks went by, which seemed like an eternity for Leo and Jase. Leo hadn't gotten 2 hours of sleep in that amount of time and Jase fell into a mopey state. He didn't talk to anyone at school, went to the roof at lunch, and came home and either went to his room or stayed in the living room reading or sleeping. "Leo, what is wrong with you? You've got bags under your eyes and you never answer me with more than 2 words. I know I said you didn't have to tell me and you don't, but whatever's bothering you can't be that bad. This place isn't that bad!" Logan sat down next to Leo on the couch in the common room of the dorm building. Leo looked over at Logan with tired eyes and sighed. "I can't talk about it, Logan, I'm sorry," Leo looked back at the magazine he was reading. "I understand, man, but I hate seein anyone lookin like you do!" "Thanks alot!" "You know what I mean!" Leo shrugged and thought about how tired he was, not only physically, but how tired he was of all of this. He couldn't take not seeing Jase anymore. It had become to much to bear. He couldn't deal with it any longer. "Will you help me, Logan?" "Help you..what do you mean?" Logan asked, surprised. "I have got to get out of here. I can't take anymore of this. I've got to go back home!" "How do you know where home is. From what you've told me, you've been moving around every couple of years ever since you were a kid." "Well, home is where the heart is, right? My heart is back in BayView with... well it just is." Leo turned his head to avoid eye contact and a picture of Jase flashed in his mind. He stood up and looked back at Logan. "Well? Will you help me?" Logan thought and then stood up. "Leo, its not that bad here. You'll learn to like it even." "I guess that's my answer." Leo said dryly and walked away. "Leo! Wait!" Logan tried to call after him, but Leo kept walking. Logan rolled his eyes and watched as Leo walked away. His eyes shifted down to Leo's butt and he tilted his head. "Damn!" Logan exclaimed, "I just wanna take a bite!" Logan plopped back down on the couch and picked up the magazine Leo was reading and flipped through it.

Leo went into his room and slammed the door shut. "Knew I couldn't trust anyone in this damn place. I have got to get out of here!" Leo thought for a moment. 'I'll wait until tonight when everybody's sleeping and then I'll sneak out past the "warden". I'll make sure a cab comes and picks me up down the road and take me to a bus station.' Leo thought. He went to his dresser and rummaged through one of the drawers and pulled out a small bag full of money he had saved up from getting it here and there. "Should be enough to pay for a cab ride and buy a bus ticket." Leo said aloud. He began to pack his things and then waited for the right time to sneak out.

Midnight rolled around slowly and Leo walked up to his door. He opened it as quietly as possible and poked his head out. He looked down the hall from the left, and then the right and there was no sign of anyone. He stepped out into the hallway and shut his door without making a sound. He looked around once more and adjusted the strap on his shoulder. He began making his way down the corridors.

Logan cracked his door open and peeked out into the hallway. He saw Leo standing in the hallway. He looked in Logan's direction and Logan immediately shut the door. A few seconds later, Logan opened it again only to watch Leo tiptoeing down the hallway.

Leo made his way down the stairs and looked around when he reached the bottom. He darted for the main door and started to open it when he heard someone behind him. He whirled around to see Logan standing on the stairway. "Logan!" Leo whispered, looking around to make sure no one had heard him and come out to see what was going on. "What are you doing?" "I told you I was getting out of here." "I didn't think you'd actually go through with it! You'll get your ass in serious shit, Leo!" Logan whispered as loud as he could to emphasize his point. "I don't care. I've got to get home. Get back to...." "Jase." Logan interrupted. Leo stared at him in shock. "How do you know about Jase? I never told you about him." Leo asked cautiously, not sure if he even wanted to know the answer to that question. Logan looked down seeming disappointed. "I was hired by your father to make sure you didn't try anything sneaky." Logan confessed sadly. "What? No.." Leo said in anger and disappointment. Logan just nodded and continued to stare down at the floor. "I...oh my God.." Leo felt completely used and disgusted by Logan. He said nothing, but turned and started out the door. "Leo?" Logan whispered. Leo stopped, but didn't turn around. "I have to tell him." Leo closed his eyes and sighed so he wouldn't lose it right there. He just continued out the door and left the building and the hell behind him. The cab waited outside for him. The cold night air sent a shiver down Leo's spine. He made his way down the steps and opened the cab door. He shoved his bag in and climbed in himself. "Bus station please." "You got it." The cab driver pulled out and headed towards the bus station. 'I'm comin, Jase.' Leo thought silently. He stared out the window as the school disappeared in the distance. He turned around and sighed. He toyed with the necklace that hung around his neck.

To be continued..... There you go. The next one will be out in no time, so don't worry. But feel free to email me with comment, suggestions, etc.. Thanks

Next: Chapter 13

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