Lenwë Sîrfalas - Lover's Quarrel

By terence hurley

Published on Apr 12, 2009



Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction, I own no rights to any of the characters of WoW, or Blizzard entertainment. I look for no compensation for my stories. This is for pure personal enjoyment that I write these. I have no knowledge of the sexual orientation of the origional authors, or their characters. This is my own story that I feel is lacking in the WoW universe.

Thank you.

Orophin Eledhwen: Paladin Knight Aranel Tîwele: Elvish Battle Priest


Glory to the Sin'dorei! greetings traveler, I am Orophin Eledhwen, these pages are my legacy, my honor, my valor, My glory, and to him I owe it all. Alas, the road that we traveled together was not always a bright, victorious one. As Sin'dorei we have faced many obstacals, both by our own hands, and those that wish to destroy us.

Orophin Eledhwen:

I was born about 100 years before the fall of Quel'Thalas, when the High Elf Kingdom was a thriving place of magical wonder. Anasterian Sunstrider ruled our lands with honor, wisdom, and an immense amount of power. Many of my kin strived to learn from the great warrior mage.

I remember as a child sitting in the house of sunstrider playing with my miniture arcane construct and finding my great uncles battle sword. I floated in a crystal case, and was eminating a nearly blinding flame of holy light. It was that sword which inspired me to take up the call to join the service of the light later in my adult life. As many would suspect, elves do not age like that of most. It takes about 100 years for an elf to reach mature adult hood. My childhood was blessed by the light in all means. As a relative of House Sunstrider, I was granted access to the best of tutors, trainers, historical mysteries, and magical creatures.

At the "physical" looking age of 16 I was accepted into the services of the royal guard. It was here that many elves would choose the path of either, battle mage, or Paladin in the defense of our grand city. It was in the service I was to meet my soulmate.

Aranel Tîwele:

Aranel was one of the most naturally talented elves I have ever come in contact with. Born into a nobel yet private family, Aranel grew up on an estate deep in Eversong Woods. His family name in common tougne means "Dawnsinger" his family was well nown for their enchanting, almost seductive musical gift of song.  It was his singing that made me fall in love with him upon my first meeting with the young Battle Priest. He was magnificant to gaze at, shorter than most elves, he made up for his hight in his physical appreance, even by elf standards he had strangely vibrant almost purple blue eyes. His voice always seemed almost rhythmic in nature. We quickly became friends and eventually much more, but that will be something to discuss as my story unfolds.

Always take it in strides:

Aranel and I spent the latter part of our adolescent life training in our prespective fields. I was adorned the Shield Wall of Silvermoon at the age of 18 (90 Human years). Soon after Aranel and his master crafted his battle staff of the sun. At this point in our lives we were free to travel the world as we pleased, but at any moment we could be called home to defend our people from any foe.

Aranel And i Had grown close over the years of our training, but it wasnt until we were ordained warriors of the  light that we truly connected. We had heard of the great wonders of the world, and whispers in the trees of old evils that wondered the world. As young explorers we were driven to seek out this wonders and find adventure and glory, as well as practice and fine tune our powers and training in real world expreiences.

"Come on Oro, the day waits for no one!"

Aranel called me out of a deep dream. It was our last morning in the barracks, our hawkstriders were already waiting for us at the sheperd's gate stables. Bryons was my trusted hawkstrider mount, an emerald bird with elegant plumage. He was a gift from the king for my ordination ceremony. As a favored nephew, he granted me the wonderful gift because I was always fond of emeralds, and all things lush and green. Aranel road his fathers battle hawkstrider, and elegant brilliantly white bird that rarely made a sound, and always seemed ready for battle.

"So my friend, where to?" I ask mockingly to Aranel

"to wear the wind takes us Orophin, and please you know how I hate that you call me friend, your my brother in arms, my tutor, my protector, my confidant"

"I know Aranel, dont read to deep into my words, you know what you mean to me"

"and you to me, Orophin" There was something strange in his tone as we talked on our ride south, something more fragile, than his normal proud mannerisms.

"is something ailing you Aran?"

"No, I am fine, remember Im a priest, it takes a lot of dark magic to make me feel ill"

"perhaps its not a physical ailment then?" I asked now with some real concern, the brave warrior priest I knew, and secretly loved seemed so childlike again. I always watched over him while we trained for combat, being large than him, and a follower of the light, I was taught to defend the weak, and keep them from harm at all costs.

"I'd like not to discuss it now, perhaps we can find a quiet place once we reach the woods of Lordaeron, and share some sunspiced wine by the Blackwood lake"

"then a race to its shore we shall have!" And I took off at full strength! charging my hawkstrider through the souther forests of Quel'Thalas, to the gate build by our ancestors 10,000 years earlier seperating our lands from that of the human kingdoms.

Aranel chuckled and was quickly on my heels, he never could pass me though, the light surged through my being giving my mount the energy needed for a burst of speed. After a few hours of charging through the trees we came to a small clearing and I felt a strange need to halt my course.

"Orophin! why have you stopped!? I nearly ran right over you, I dont need to use mending spells on our first day out of the barracks will I? Haha (his laugh was infectious as always, but I could not shake the feeling that this clearing was not what it seemed.

It was then I heard it, a small whimper coming from a section of brush. I dismounted and walked up to where I heard the noise. My elf ears erect, darting from side to side, much like that of a feral cat staulking its prey. Finally I saw a small patch of blood on the ground and my concern grew. I drew my dagger from its sheath and started cutting back the brush. Finally I found the source of the whimpers. There was a young human boy trapped in a patch of thorns. The boy no more than 10 looked horrified at the sight of me. Im sure he has never seen an elf, let alone one ordained in silver plate armor. I quickly removed my helmet and spoke to the boy in common tongue assuring him i meant no harm.

"Aranel come quickly I require help!"

"what is it?, Oh my Orophin how did you hear this childs cry at that speed!' Aranel exclaimed as he approached the child and myself.

At first I thought I may have been in error having him help me, the child was terrified, and now outnumbered by two very strange looking creatures. But Aranel seemed to immidiatly relax the child with his approach. Aranel seemed to even start to glow with a faint light the closer he got to me. I cut the child free and cradled him in my arms. Being a paladin I could heal his wounds, but I wanted Aranel to be the one to do it. That glow that he emits become 100% brighter when he uses his healing skills.

"Ill have you all patched up in a moment little one" Aranel said calmingly as he rested his hands on the childs leg. With a flash of bright light the leg was renewed and Aranel stepped back with a smile and glow filling the entire clearing around us.

"see my little friend, no need to worry, now where do you live?"

For the first time the young boy spoke "I live just over the rise, i was picking berries for my mother" he said softly.

"well then, let us return you to her before she fears for your absence" Aranel said with a grin, as he shot a wink at me.

We road up to a small house just over a small hill that had a young mother pacing around a small porch. I road up to the front gate on Byrons and called out to the woman that I had a gift for her, she caustiously approached the fence that sectioned the house off from the woods. I turned and dismounted and as I landed on the ground Byron's wings dipped revealing her son resting against Byron's neck and shoulders. He as fast asleep already, lulled by the feelings of the light cursing through his veins, and the steady beat of Bryons heart. I explained to the woman what happened and that We meant no harm to them. She thanked us both, nodding to Aranel on mounted behind me.

"please kind sirs, wait here one moment!' she stuttered as she ran into the house with the boy. She quckly returned with a small box in her hands. She opened it in silence reveiling two identical blue-violet rings.

"My husband, Light bless his soul, was once a magi of the Kirin Tor, he fell in battle while I was pregnant with his son. The only other thing I have to remember him besides my beloved boy are these rings, They were crafter by the Arch Mage of Dalaran for our wedding. Seeing that you have returned the only living thing that remains of my lost love, I insist that you take these rings. Please! (as she closes my hand around the box) take them, and know that you have a friend in Lordaeron who will forever be in your debt". She said bowing her head slightly.

I took the case quietly, then looked at her with my soft emerald eyes, "thank you my lady, I am honored by your gift, and glad to have helped your family, but may I give you one thing before my commrad and I depart?"

She nodded and said, "if you wish my lord, but may I ask what is this gift?"

"I shall show you madam" (And with this I held out my left hand towards the small cabin, and opened my Libram) "By The Light! I Purify this Place, Protect all who reside here"  And a flash of Bright holy light exploded silently above the home bursting in a ring around the cabin.

The woman stood there and shed 1 tear and thanked me for my gift. She then walked to Aranel, and placed her hand on his, Aranel bent down and she whispered something in his sun warmed ear. He blushed slightly and thanked her. Then the woman turn and walked towards the cabin. She stopped in the doorway to turn and nod at the two of us as we started off again.

Aranel and I road in silence for the remainder of our journey to Blackwood lake. As we dismounted and removed the reins from our mounts I looked Aranel in the face and asked calmly, "what did the human whisper to you as we left Aran?"

"I shall tell you after twilight Orophin, now I would like to rest with some wine and some sun before the day is through."

"As you wish my friend" I said with a quick grin knowing how he disproves when I refer to him as 'friend'

We set up camp, and talked of the past, and how amazing it feels to be free of any confines of the barracks and our trainers. Aranel and I removed our gear and put layed on the beach in nothing more than a pair of sort trousers. I watched as Aranel slowly dozed off under the rays of the bright mid afternoon sun. I admired his physical body greatly, his softer buttermilk sun touched skin, smooth and hairless all the way up to the back of his neck where his sunfire hair spikes out of the top of his head. I slowly began to drift off into a dream sleep thinking about the beautiful elf I will be sharing my adventures with. I love him, I thought as i drifted out of consciousness.

Some time later I awoke to a strange feeling of warm pressure on my chest. I opened my eyes slowly and was greeted by a head full of sunfire hair resting on my chest, rising and falling with my steady breathing. It was Aranel, he had rolled over in his sleep with the fading sun to stay warm with my body heat. This was not much of a shock to me, there had been times in training where we had huddled for warm in a winter storm. But, for some reason this felt different. I was in heaven, i felt like a warm light was engulfing me, then I realized I wasnt imagining it. Aranel was literally glowing as he had done that day. But he was casting no spell, healing no wound. He was glowing for another reason.

I gently rested my hand across his shoulders holding him against my chest a little tighter. He stirred a bit at the new pressure being applied to his frame. He tilted his head and looked up at my face and smiled. "Seems we are recruits huddling to keep warm like old days eh?" He teased me in his half sleeping state. I chuckled slightly, "yes, seems like once again Im keeping you from shaking to pieces"

"Hey! I remember a few times where I had to keep you warm!"

"well of course, your try warming up when the Ice Magister punishes you for sleeping in class!"

haha he laughed, "well you were always snoozing at the wrong times Orophin".

"i know, i just am a sucker for a nap" I said trailing off at the end of my comment, I was turning over the scene as we left the cabin, I had to know, what did that Mage's widow say to him.

"Aran?" I asked calmly

"yes Oro?"

"why did you blush when we left the cabin earlier today, what did that human woman say to you to cause a hardened battle priest to blush so?"

He sat in silence for a few moments, mustering more strength then I was expecting in order to explain the womans words.

"before I tell you, I must ask you one question Orophin..." "what is it?" I asked puzzled. "will you be honest with me and tell me how you really feel after I tell you what she said" "Of course Aranel, I have always told you the truth".

He drew in a long breath..."she's a seer Orophin and she told me 'he does it all for you, he loves you, you both glow in eachother's presence" I froze...terrified and stuttered "she meant me did she not? that I do it all for you, and that I love you" "yes Orophin, thats what she said" As he sat up facing the lake. I looked at his pale skin in the moon light. He wasnt glowing anymore, and I suddenly felt an empty feeling in my heart. "It was time" I thought to myself.

"Aranel (as I put my hand on his shoulder and he turned to look me in the face), Shes right, its always been for you, I have loved you for as long as I have known you" He immediately lit up again and lunged at me. Our lips met for the first time. The soft warm touch of his lips on mine sent me into another plane of being. I felt as though the sun had returned and that I was being bathed in a sunbeam while holding this magnificant man in my arms. He broke the kiss as I opened my eyes, and realized that it wasnt the sun warming my skin it was Aranel!

His holy light was making the entire pond glow like first dawn. He locked eyes with me, and spoke softly, but with absolute conviction in his voice "Orophin, I have loved you since the first day of training, I saw you in your apprentice armor in farstrider's square all those years ago. Your broad shoulders strong, solid, your smile welcoming, and your grasp of the light, rightcious, true, compassionate. I felt a connection with you, one that I will never allow to dwindle between us"

It was my turn to lunge. I pinned him to the elvish blanket that laid underneath us i held him to my chest and passionately kissed his lips, letting my tongue slip into his mouth slightly connecting with his. We rolled around that pillowy blanket for what seemed like ages when he broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes, those deep violet eyes cutting into my soul and planting love into my heart. He spoke sternly to me "take me Orophin, give me what I have wanted for all these years"

He didnt have to say anymore i kissed him passionately, slowly moving my tongue from his mouth to the base of his ear, kissing him and swirling my tongue against his warm soft skin, slowly making my way to his toned chest. I stopped to focus on his right nipple for a moment sending shivers of pleasure through his body with each movement of my tongue. From there i continued on to his hard smooth stomach, focusing on the point where his hips meet his adomin. He shuttered with the my discovery of one of his sensitive points. I focused on it driving to dig his fingers into my shoulders and back pressing me harder into his sensitive skin. I couldnt wait any longer, I had to be one with him i used my superior strength and flipped Aranel over onto his stomach with swift ease. I buried my face between his perfectly round ass using my tongue as a weapon, caressing, probing, and lapping up every essence of that gorgious body. I rose to my knees and leaned forward. "I love you Aranel, I will always protect you" I whispered in his ear as my 8inch elf cock slide slowly into his tight unexplored ass.

He rived and moaned arching his back and point his face towards the heavens. I bit down on his shoulder as i inched more and more into my lover. He began pressing back onto my cock trying to absorb every bit of me into himself. "Take me Orophin, use me as you wish I give myself entirely to you" at that point I let all my restraints go. I buried myself into Aranel causing him to cry out in lustful moans he beg me not to stop, and there was no way I would. I watched my cock slide swiftly in and out of his hole as it gripped my shaft in between kissing his ears, and biting his neck. I was rough, passionate love making. The harder and deeper I thrusted, the brighter he glowed, and the more warmth that engulf us. FInally after what seemed like hours of pleasure he errupted beneath us. Letting his hot load spray all over the blanket ant his torso. The pleasure from his orgasm cause his ass to clench my cock cause me to go over the edge seeding my mans hole for the first time. I was almost blinded by the immense light the was emitting I finally lost my strength and colapsed on top of him. It was the most magnificant feeling finally having the man I have loved so long. I rolled over and pulled him to my chest, kissing him sweetly on the lips before letting his head rest on my chest again. We laid there in post orgasm euphoria for a few moments. The last thing i remember before drifting off into the most restful sleep of my 90years of life was his heavenly voice saying "Orophin, you are my sunwell, my source of power, I have no need for magic, just your embrace and love" I held him close and kissed his head.

Thank you for reading. Please let know know what you think. Dedicated to my real life hero. I love you

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