Leightons Draft Stock

By Scott Coffin

Published on May 10, 2018


From: scoffinator69

Disclaimer: This story is complete and utter fantasy, and should in no way be believed to say anything definitive about the characters involved, their sexual orientation, or their personal desires. It is 100% about the author thinking that this scenario would be fucking HOT. You should also realize by now that in a fantasy world, everyone is always safe from disease and disfigurement. We do not live in a fantasy world, so do with that knowledge what you will.

If you are underage according to your jurisdictions applicable laws (18 or 21 in most cases), please do not read or disseminate this story in anyway.

This story is copyrighted by the author as of 05-08-2018

Constructive input and/or encouragement is welcome at scoffin.2814@gmail.com. Flames will be ignored. I do hope you enjoy this story.

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Leighton's Draft Stock (pt 2 of 2):

From the End of Part 1

Roquan Smith roared as he blasted his Georgian load deep into Leighton's Idaho cunt. His teeth sank into the fabric of his bitch's shirt as he bit down over the gasping bottom's shoulder. The clutching, grasping jock hole milked seven massive blasts of cum from deep down in his Bulldog balls even as the former Bronco continued to pump out his own massive load over the counter in front of them.

The two stud's stayed clamped together long after the final oozing pulses of cum from either of them. Leighton Vander Esch was taken aback by the sight greeting him in the mirror as it swam back into focus. Whimpering involuntarily as the man who had so perfectly taken his jock cherry and turned him into a needy jock cunt pulled away.

The Idahoan half watched as Roquan dug into his bag and brought out an unfamiliar pear shaped object and moved back toward him. The Georgian pressed back up against his back, tracing the thing along his crack.

"This will keep me from seeping out and staining your suit before you get back to the hotel."

The sharpness of the insertion was in exact opposition to the gentle kiss of the full lips against his neck just behind the ear.

As the two put themselves back together, trying for something that looked almost like normal, Leighton knew that what was opened to him now was something he was going to continue exploring, even if he didn't really have any idea how to do that. The future Cowboy was half surprised to realize his cock was still mostly hard as his knuckles brushed against it while he zipped his fly.


As he made his way back to his hotel just minutes after his risky and thrilling encounter with Roquan Smith, freshly minted Dallas Cowboy draftee Leighton Vander Esch found his stomach and mind both in knots. The sex had been amazing as well as far too long denied. The ache of emptiness in his gut seemed amplified by both his desire for more of the same and the anxiety that desire fanned.

He had long ago admitted to himself that he was more than a little bi-curious. Now though, having actually explored that curiosity, he was struggling with the realization that he was probably very much bisexual at the very least. Given the still pulsing hunger in his tight jock ass, fed by the shifting pressure of the butt plug Roquan had slipped into him, the heaviness of his still nearly hard cock held tight against his thigh by his boxer briefs, he had to wonder if maybe he might actually be a bit more than merely bi. Every memory of every touch of Roquan's tongue and lips and fingers on his body, his regret at not having been granted the opportunity to explore his fellow draftee in the same way, brought floods of saliva to his mouth. The fullness in his ass, as caused by the plug, brought with it a teasing itch. An itch that caused him, subconsciously, to grind his ass back against the seat of the Uber.

It was while deeply into that grinding motion that he realized his driver was speaking to him and that the car was no longer moving. When he finally realized that the man in the front seat was telling him they had arrived at his hotel, he blushed. That reddening only increased as he realized that he was continuing the slight grind onto the seat even as he was paying the driver and gathering his jacket.

It wasn't until he was actually getting out of the car that he understood what the look on his driver's face was all about. That he knew now, beyond the shadow of a doubt that the rather average guy in the front seat knew exactly what Leighton Vander Esch was.

As he headed into the hotel's lobby, he tried to rationalize that away. How could a complete stranger realize what he was when he himself was so confused about the answer? Those thoughts, coupled with the slight shifting of the fabric over his mostly engorged cock and the teasing pressure of the butt plug shifting inside him with each step he took toward the elevator had the 21 year old stud in a state of utter distraction as he thought only about getting to his room, getting in the shower and jacking another load out while he did his best to relive each and every second of the time he had spent being used not even half an hour ago.

Part 1

Cowboys linebackers Sean Lee and Jaylon Smith had just barely caught sight of Leighton as he walked past the lobby bar they had been hanging out in as they waited. The two studs barely caught up to him, only just managing to catch the elevator before the door slid closed in their faces.

"Hey there, Leighton! Sean Lee." The 6'2" stud veteran held his hand out with a smile as the elevator started it's way up. "This is Jaylon Smith. We are psyched that we got you, man!"

"Yeah, stud. Definitely! You are gonna be a real good addition to the team!" the black stud added.

Leighton wasn't even sure what he was saying, how he was responding to the two stud built Cowboys as they continued to make their way up to his floor. He only hoped he wasn't making a complete ass out of himself with his two future teammates. Their easy smiles and continuing banter made him think fleetingly he must be doing at least half way OK.

"We had thought maybe we could have a drink or two in the bar, start getting to know each other a bit, but it's kind of crazy there now." Sean Lee explained, "We thought maybe you would be cool with us hanging out in your room for a bit now, instead."

"We know it's been a long day and you're probably pretty much wiped right now, but..." Jaylon pulled a bottle of bourbon out of his bag and wagged his eyebrows at the young Idahoan. "Maybe at least a toast to teammates?"

"Yeah. Definitely!"

Leighton surprised himself with that. Not so much the reply itself but that it sounded, and in fact was, sincere. As much as he wanted to jerk a load out over his memories of Roquan, he wanted to appear as confident and normal as possible with his future teammates.

As the elevator opened at his floor, Leighton led his guests down the hallway to his corner room. It was only as he was slipping his key card into the slot that anything like trepidation hit him. He knew in part (and probably large at that) that it had something to do with the proximity of the men behind him and his sudden desire that they be even closer to him, and the fleeting desire to strip off before them, displaying his eagerness, his need, right along with displaying the butt plug deep in his once again twitching jock hole.

"I um...I don't have any ice. I don't even know if there are enough glasses in here." Leighton said as the three men entered the room still very close together.

Sean Lee grabbed quickly grabbed three glasses off the tray on the mini bar and flipped them over. "Problem 1 solved. And now for problem two." as he picked up the ice bucket and headed right back out of the room, flipping the night lock over to keep the door from completely closing. As he made his way out of the room and down the hall, he heard Jaylon begin to talk to Leighton about transitioning into the NFL from the NCAA.

By the time he got back to the room a few minutes later with a bucket full of ice, the two younger men were talking pretty freely about the differences between college and pro ball. Sean noted that Leighton was considerably more at ease now as he poured three glasses of bourbon on the rocks. Handing the first glass to Jaylon as he listened to the conversation. When he handed the second glass off to the draftee, looking down at him from above, the veteran linebacker noted the prominent snake of cock along Leighton's thigh. Maybe this would be easier than either he or Jaylon had hoped.

He had been planning on pulling one of the chairs away from the Junior Suite's dinette table. Instead, as Jaylon lounged in the easy chair, he picked up his own drink and slid into the loveseat beside Leighton. His 6'2" 245 lb frame barely fit alongside the 6'4" 256 lb 21 year old. There was solid and constant contact between the two where their thighs pressed together.

There was also the slightest faltering in the younger man's voice at first, and a steady low level vibration (of nerves?) emanating from Leighton's leg to his own. Every so often, Sean Lee flexed his muscular leg to increase the pressure against Leighton. And every time he did, the catch returned fleetingly to the younger man's voice as the vibrations along his thigh increased almost imperceptibly before quickly slacking back off again. The 31 year old stud vet wanted nothing more than to feel this stud, ten years younger than himself, under his grip. He was only just managing to hold back when the text came over his phone. The other two men continued the conversation as he looked down to the message on his screen.

The Idahoan was not sure why he felt so apprehensive, why it felt like all the air had gone out of the room, when Sean Lee rose suddenly and took the few steps over to Jaylon, showing the 22 year old the message he had received. Leighton only knew that the smile spreading over the black stud's face seemed almost sinister. That feeling only increased when he saw that Sean Lee wore the same smile as the two stud Cowboy's looked at each other. Suddenly, the vet was back beside him, holding his phone so Leighton could see the image and the message. [Saw Vander Esch and Smith leave the bathroom together. Found this when I went in after them.]. There followed a picture of the copious load he himself had shot over the granite counter and the bottom foot or so of the mirror.

Leighton Vander Esch's head drooped forward on his neck, his arms slackened as he leaned forward looking blankly at the floor between his knees. His career was over before it had even started. He had finally given himself over to his darkest need and now, barely an hour later, he had been found out by two men who were supposed to have been his future teammate's but would now be far more likely to be the two men administering a bashing. FUCK!

"That your load or Roquan's?" the question came from above him.


"You swallow his?" this from across the coffee table a few feet way.


"Don't tell me you didn't help him get off, fucker." this from above him again, "Where did he shoot?"

"Inside me. In my ass."

"You must have some serious muscle control if it ain't leaked back out and stained your trousers!" Sean laughed.

The mumbled response was unintelligible, and definitely way too shameful. Leighton wished these two would just beat the shit out of him and leave him unconscious like he knew they were planning to.

"Speak up, bitch...we didn't quite catch that!" Jaylon's voice was rough with something that seemed different than anger, and far worse.

"He plugged me. He had it in his bag, and put it up in me when he was done." His voice was breaking, but he was determined not to cry.

"You regret doing it with him?" The calmness in Sean's voice was almost more sinister than disgust would have been. Leighton surprised himself with the confidence of his reply.

"No. Only that I didn't drag him back here to do more!" There was defiance in his eyes as well, as he looked up into the inscrutable gaze of Sean Lee.

"What more did you want to do?"

"I wanted to suck him. I wanted to eat his ass. I wanted to fuck him and have him fuck me again! And then I wanted to start it all over again!" the 21 year old spit the words out defiantly, holding Sean's gaze with a confidence that felt alien to him.

"Does it have to be with him?"

The question from across the room registered to his fevered brain just as the sight of Sean Lee's big thumb running along a packed crotch came into focus. Looking over to Jaylon, he saw the 22 year old stud leaning back in the chair, legs spread, lightly cupping his own full crotch. Leighton could only just manage to shake his head as a smile split Jaylon's lips wide. The sound a zipper being lowered snapped his gaze back to Sean Lee's crotch as he watched the veteran stud open his jeans teasingly, lowering them slowly. The realization that the stud was going commando brought a flood of spit flowing into his mouth.

"You ever suck cock before?"

Looking up at his questioner he once again could only shake his head.

"Think about what he did, think about what you like and do that to me, son."

Leighton was still nodding as he watched Sean Lee continue to pull his jeans down, slowly and steadily baring his cock. The sudden slap of it against it's owners belly brought another wad of saliva flooding into his mouth as he watched the slight bouncing. Drinking in the sight of seven and a half rock hard and obscenely thick inches of veteran jock shaft, he traced his tongue along his lower lip, sliding out of his seat to kneel on the floor before this jock god. Casting his gaze momentarily sideways, he just caught Jaylon sliding his hand under the waist band of his nylon shell pants, obviously feeling himself up.

The draftee refocused his gaze on the man standing before him as he leaned slowly forward, letting his lips part just as they met the broad flaring head of Sean Lee's cock, resting there for just a second before slipping wider to take the crown into him. Lips pursing tight again just behind the pronounced ridge of the head. The feel and the weight and the taste of the cock head on his tongue served to banish all other thoughts from Leighton Vander Esch's mind. He was left only with the need to slake his thirst, to further his explorations into the world of jock sex.

Above the kneeling man, Sean Lee gazed down longingly at the 21 year old as he was reminded of how it had felt the first time he had taken a man's cock into his mouth, had sucked it ravenously, had savored the tang of the salty sweet pre-cum of the man he was servicing. The dancing explorations of the Idahoan's tongue over and around his head made him positively vibrate in gratitude at being the boy's first. The stud linebacker didn't push, letting the younger man do what he needed to do in his search for pleasure. He watched intently as the lips slowly sank lower and lower along his thick shaft. He sucked in deep gulps of air as the tongue traced every bit of flesh possible, tracing along the veins that ran jaggedly along his stalk. He smiled at the fluttering of the draftee's eyelids before they finally closed. He shivered at the sudden warmth of Leighton's palms along the back of his legs, just below the knees. Shivers morphed into vibrations as those hands slid loosely upward along the back of the thighs before coming to rest on his glutes. Cupping them gently, tracing fingers languidly along the crack as he sucked the cock further still into his mouth.

Sean Lee was impressed that the kid was able to get well over half of the thick cock in before backing off. Knowing that the boy was fighting to keep from gagging, he was even more impressed that the pulling back was miniscule, and that the pursing lips rested there for only a few seconds before trying again.

Leighton Vander Esch needed to feel this cock all the way inside his mouth. Knowing that that would mean overcoming his gag reflex to allow the last 2 or so inches in only made him more determined. Sucking in with his cheeks, pursing his lips tighter around the shaft, wriggling his tongue greedily along the broad underside of Sean Lee's cock was an amazing feeling. Amplified by the flexing of the powerful thighs against his chest and the massive glutes under his palms. The slight moan that slipped from the jock god's lips hit his brain and sparked a sense of pride rivaling anything he had ever known. A sense of pride that seemed to magically, momentarily distract him just enough to allow the massive thickness of the linebacker's cock to slip over and beyond the gag spot. The panic set in momentarily as he realized that his nose was mashed deeply into Sean Lee's damp, musky pubes. The reflexive suck of air came through his nose, and as he registered the fact that he could still breathe this way, could still hold this cock deep inside him, had still not gagged, he moaned. Deeply, desperately moaned sending vibrations along the cock still buried in his throat.

He raised himself slightly, straightening his back a bit more, even as he stayed kneeling before the man he was so very proudly serving. Casting his eyes upward he caught Sean's gaze, eyes locking as his tongue continued it's searching dance along the shaft buried in his face. The stud veteran was smiling down at him, giving the cocksucker a nod that sent a wave of pride washing through him as he nursed at the thickness stretching his jaws wide.

Sean Lee raised the bar a notch, tangling his fingers in the cocksucker's hair and pulling back slightly before slipping inward fully once again. Leighton's grip on his ass tightened as he drew more of his cock out on each successive stroke only to slip back fully in again and again. The 21 year old stud pup was whimpering now. Tongue dancing like a dervish, lips sliding tightly along the powerfully engorged and vein etched shaft. The boy was now moving his head back and forth more by his own volition than by Sean's. The 31 year old jock god tightened his grip again and swung back almost all the way out, letting only his broad cock head rest on Leighton's tongue.

Now painfully pulling at his cocksucker's hair, tangled tight in his sweaty grip he yanked the young man's face forward, crushing the boys nose in his groin as he started a powerful, unrelenting fuck stroke into the greedily sucking mouth. The kid's hands were digging deep into his glutes with a bruising intensity and still he was whimpering around the throat stretching thickness of the power driving jock pole.

Leighton savored the pulses of pre-cum oozing onto his tongue as his stud facefucker slammed into his ravaged throat, and then reversed to very nearly rip himself free. The pressure along his shoulder told the cocksucker that Jaylon had moved close beside them. The heat of the third man against him told him that the black god had stripped himself off, the weight along his shoulder told him that Jaylon's cock was considerably larger than the one rampaging over his gag reflex and into his throat. The shifts in his facefucker's stance brought his gaze upward to see that Jaylon was helping Sean take his shirt off. At the sight he instinctively began pulling at his stud's shoes, yanking them off the big feet along with the socks and then yanking the pants down and off somehow managing to lift Sean's legs in turn to complete the disrobing even as he continued sucking...fuck, WORSHIPPING...the cock tearing it's way in and out of his mouth.

The thumping feel of Jaylon Smith's long hard cock along his shoulder, the driving power of the cock raping his willing and greedy throat were incredible enough on their own, happening together they drove his lust higher and higher until he worried that he might blow his own load in his pants. Casting his gaze upward slowly, raking his eyes over the powerful torsos rising heavenward he continued moaning and mewling and whimpering around the thickness of the cock between his lips.

Drinking in the pale muscular flesh of Sean Lee's abdominals pressed against the slightly more cut musculature of Jaylon Smith's dark, glistening skin. Noting the pointed hardness of the studs nipples, pale pink against nearly purple. Jaylon's hand tracing along a heavy broad plate of pectoral muscle before pinching down on the nub, his other snaking under Sean's dank armpit to slide around behind the back and along the neck. All of these things together threatened sensory overload, what made it actually happen was the sight of these to alpha jock studs kissing. Their tongues dancing and wrestling against each other. Sean's teeth nipping playfully and hungrily at Jaylon's full lower lip. The obvious emotion behind their coupling. Had he been thinking at all, let alone clearly, Leighton might have been jealous of their connection, as it was he could only feel a sense of pride and gratitude at their willingness to share this moment with him, that they had come to him together.

The constant but subtle shifting of the two men standing before him brought with it increased and thrilling contact against Leighton's body. Where Jaylon's long, proud cock had been riding along his shoulder and poking teasingly into his neck, it now slipped along his front, hanging heavily down to his pec. The heat of the stud's big nut sack rolling over the ball of his shoulder and the slick headed crown of his cock riding over his tit, dampening the fabric of his shirt teased his right nipple to an almost painful hardness. The feel of Sean's full nuts against his chin, the man's big hand still tangled in his hair, the hot thickness of his cock stretching eager lips wide and the taste of the salty/sweet pre-cum oozing onto his tongue had brought the Idahoan to a place where he almost wanted nothing more than to have this moment stretch out into eternity. But only almost.

Jaylon Smith let out a chuckle as his teammate pulled himself away from the draftee and began to lower himself to eye level. Leighton's head bowed, instinctively, with the 31 year old's movements, desperate to regain his lips purchase around the massively thick spike. Jaylon's chuckle grew stronger still as he watched the two men meet tongue first instead. Sean quickly removed Leighton's tie and began unbuttoning the dress shirt even as the 21 year old sucked avidly on the 31 year old's darting, dancing tongue. Tremors rocked the draftee's body as the veteran linebacker's hands made quick work of the younger man's belt and fly, snaking one big hand palm first in under the tight boxer briefs to grip the kid's shaft. As he removed the shirt completely, Sean trailed his kisses along the boy's jaw and neck, shifting around to press himself fully against Leighton's muscular and sweaty back. Jaylon took his cue to slide directly in front of the kneeling Idahoan, Leighton meeting his gaze when he finally looked upward, having torn his eyes away from the profound length of the black stud's cock.

The 21 year old jock's body trembled, as much from the feeling of Sean Lee, pressed against his back, manhandling him out of his suit pants; as from the sight of the cock before him. While not as thick as Sean's, or even his own for that matter, the vein etched shaft capped by a massive purple crown, still had ample girth to it. The fact that it was easily two inches longer than Sean's cock only added to the war going on in the boy's lust addled mind. Greed and desire to service this jock tool properly battling against trepidation born of inexperience telling him that he would never be able to do this weapon justice.

"I don't know if I can do you the way you deserve to be done." Leighton's statement was simple and honest and was greeted by an encouraging smile from his future teammate.

"Sure you can, buddy." Jaylon encouraged.

"You're way bigger than Sean, man." Leighton hefted the long, dark shaft in his hand as he answered, half pissed at himself for turning this into a debate.

"He's not as thick as me." came the reply from behind as Sean nipped at his ear. "You want to do him, right?"

Leighton nodded through the vibrating, rising lust as Sean Lee kissed and nipped at his neck and shoulder, fingers tweaking his achingly hard nips.

"Then you will be able to. Take it slow and steady. Trust me son, you will never be able to get enough of that cock once you try it."

One powerful hand slid upward from the younger man's tit as the older man cupped it loosely under his chin. Leighton let his lips part, his tongue snaking between them as Sean pressed tighter against his back, urging him the last few centimeters closer to the prize. Jaylon moaned as Leighton's lips slipped over and around his cockhead, tongue dancing along just behind as the 21 year old jock stud let the 22 year old's cock slip deeper into him. It was all the black god could do to keep from ramming forward and choking the cocksucker. It almost hurt holding himself back and letting the Idahoan find his confidence and ability nearly buried as it was by abject lust. The pressure of the tightly sucking lips and the dancing firmness of the exploring tongue slowly, hungrily, engulfed him as he watched the pale blond jock kneeling before him steadily impale himself on his nine and a half inch black snake.

Jaylon Smith gazed down from his high perch at the men knelt before him. Watched intently as Leighton Vander Esch worked his way down to the base of his cock, sucking him eagerly. Sean Lee folded over and nearly around Leighton from behind, powerful chest against muscular back, thighs bent together, sliding slickly along the other man's flesh. His veteran teammate's big, rough right hand gripping and stroking at his future teammate's rock hard and impressive jock shaft. He knew that Sean's own obscenely thick cock was riding the valley between the 21 year old's muscular ass cheeks at the moment and remembered wistfully the first time he had felt Sean like that. He began to rock his hips slightly, careful to still let Leighton take his own time in sucking his cock all the way down. The kid had managed a fair amount, leaving just over an inch outside his pursing lips, Jaylon was impressed, but hoped his rocking motion would distract the 21 year old enough that the last bit of him could bury itself in the greedy, avid heat of Leighton's sucking throat. He increased the strength and speed behind his rocking motion just a bit as he saw Sean's own shifting stance.

Even if he hadn't seen his buddy slip his body just a little to the side. Even if he had not caught Sean sliding his left hand around from Leighton's side to fan out over the 21 year old's powerful glute. Even if his only knowledge of the change was in the action of the dancing tongue along his shaft and the vibrations enveloping every millimeter of his cock caused by the kid's deep, moaning pleas he would have known that Sean Lee was now working the butt plug lodged in the draftee's tight jock ass. Leighton lurched suddenly forward, grunting at whatever Sean was doing with the plug, at the same time as Jaylon rocked forward himself. In perfect sync, the black stud's big hands cupped against the back of his cocksucker's skull in the same moment that Leighton's mouth swallowed the last of the long black shaft of jock cock. Holding the 21 year old there, reveling in the moans and grunts and gulps washing over his veiny flesh as his rocking slipped over into a grinding twist of his hips.

The cocksucker's hands sank deep and hard into his own muscular ass as the kid's moanings increased in intensity. The 22 year old watched as his 31 year old teammate leaned farther away from the 21 year old while raising his hand slightly. Jaylon anticipated the smack and what it might do to the cocksucker's state of mind and need, and was not disappointed.

Sean Lee raised his hand and folded his thumb and pinky finger over the palm, holding Leighton's cheeks wide with his other hand before striking downward assuredly to slap at the exposed end of the plug in his ass. As the veteran stud ramped up his teasing abuses, the draftee hiked his ass back looking for firmer and more insistent contact, all the while his own moans and gasps increasing, his gulps quaking over and along the spear of jock flesh buried deep in his throat. Leighton knew that he was oozing pre-cum like crazy onto the carpet below him as Sean continued working the plug in his ass, slapping and pushing against it, working his strong fingers under the exposed rim of it, teasing not only his jock lips but deeper into his channel, as the plug shifted and twisted inside him. His hands clutched desperately at Jaylon's muscular legs and ass as the b lack stud fucked his throat harder and harder with each new stroke.

The 21 year old Idahoan's rock hard cock was twisting and bobbing freely as his body shifted under the ministrations of his future teammates. Slapping itself now against his thigh, and then his belly, each time leaving a trail of cock snot in it's wake. He felt his nuts pulling tighter against him, felt the aching fullness of his impending orgasm and knew it was too late to try to back away from it now. His hands dug tighter into the clenching muscles of his throatfucker's ass as he sucked and swallowed with increasing greed, urging the man above him to fuck forward harder and harder.

Sean Lee tore the butt plug from Leighton's tight hole and buried two fingers deep inside before it hit the floor inches below them. Jaylon Smith ground himself harder and tighter against Leighton's lips and chin, grinding with a bruising intensity with bone cracking strength letting himself sink into the desperate swallows and greedy slurps of the cocksucker's throat. Sean Lee dug in harder and harder with his fingers, fighting against the clenching of the sphincter threatening to take those digits clean off his hand, reaching his other hand around quickly he gripped the kid's cock firmly getting in two full stokes of the long, thick shaft before the kid screamed around the face splitting cock buried between his lips.

Leighton's cum spewed forth almost violently, dousing Jaylon's lower legs and his won belly before tapering off to send the last two or three pulses of jock seed run back along his cock head and Sean's still stroking, still gripping fingers. The only thought in his mind, 'please don't let this be over', seemed unlikely as the two stud's began pulling away from him, slowly but surely. The coolness of the air conditioning a shock to his sweaty back as Sean Lee broke contact. The oxygen sucked into his lungs dizzying as Jaylon Smith pulled free of his throat and away from his lips.

He was still gasping, nearly hyperventilating as Jaylon gripped his shoulder loosely to pull him upward. He realized both of their cocks were still rock hard.

Part 2

Leighton doubted that he would have been able to stand without Jaylon's help. As it was he needed to lean his 6'4" frame against that of his 6'2" future teammate to be able to halfway orient himself, to make sure that his legs would hold him. Jaylon took the opportunity to run his tongue lightly along the taller stud's collar bone before lowering his lips to the 21 year old's nipple. When he rose to look Leighton in the eyes he thought for a second that the Idahoan might crumple to the floor again. When their lips and tongues met in a deep, intense kiss the draftee seemed to draw renewed strength as he took charge of Jaylon's lips and tongue with his own.

As his future teammate pulled away and nudged him to turn around, Leighton complied, even though he wanted several more hours of that kiss. The sight that greeted him when his spin was completed was as close to perfection as the young man thought could ever be possible.

Sprawled on the bed before him, knees barely on the edge and splayed wide, resting loosely on elbows and forearms, cock head caught by the edge of the mattress to point downward, head turned looking back at them in leering invitation, was sprawled the massive, muscular frame of Sean Lee. His huge, hard glutes spread slightly hinting at the depths of paradise hidden between them. Leighton moved forward as if in a trance, barely registering the nearness of Jaylon as the black stud kept pace just behind him, long, proud erection nudging at his hip as they moved. Sean's lusty stare seemed to deepen, to grow in intensity as his two fuck buddies drew nearer to his straining, flexing muscle butt. As he felt their hands slide along his cheeks, he closed his eyes and sank into the need, focusing on the shifting of their bodies against his as the knelt for his offering.

He recognized the tentative spreading of his ass as being the work of Leighton. Jaylon's would have been more assured even if no less awed. He was half surprised having thought that his buddy would have needed to encourage their new friend more before Leighton would take the dive. Instead, the 21 year old jock stud spread his cheeks wider, sucking in a pronounced gasp before sliding his tongue along the deep, sweaty trench of jock crack, whimpering like a puppy as he trailed the full length of the valley twice before he zeroed in on where Sean needed the tongue the most.

Leighton Vander Esch flicked his tongue over and around the winking orifice of Sean Lee's jock hole, slowly ratcheting up the pressure against the musky entrance as he did. Sean felt the slight shift in stance of his rimmer behind him, but before a fear could be fully formed he moaned at the contact of Jaylon's talented tongue along his swollen nut sack. Sinking into the feeling he ground back against the two faces, feeling Leighton's tongue almost enter him briefly, and then feeling the stud's deep moan blowing across his twitching sphincter just before the Idahoan speared his tongue in as deep as he could. The loud 'fuck' that was breathed directly into his twitching hole by Leighton seemed to echo inside him as his body slid into overdrive.

Sean brought his strong arms behind him, digging his fingers deeply into his own ass to open himself wider to these men, to offer more of himself to them, pushing back against the exploring tongue in his ass, and the wandering tongue on his balls, moaning deeply into the bedspread where his face was buried. Jaylon and Leighton were moving now, shifting in a riot of activity as they explored everything that Sean was offering them. Tongues, lips and fingers slid over and around and into his body, all centered on the foot or so directly around his clenching, needy jock hole. The difference between the two younger stud's style was thrillingly erotic as they swapped places over and over again, Jaylon's far more assured, more practiced, but no less desperate than Leighton's. Leighton's more tentative, almost quizzical, in it's search for knowledge in the realm of lust between men. His cock drooled out pulses of pre-cum, staining the bedspread when they weren't being sucked into hungry, greedy mouths. His balls ached in the need these two jock stud's were encouraging. The hard, sharp, nearly simultaneous slaps of the two younger men stung and burned on his aching muscle butt as he continued driving himself back against them. By the fifth hard slap he knew he needed it now. Needed to feel the deep, powerful impalement of jock stud cock into his quivering core. The fact that his would be the first ass that Leighton fucked nearly sent him over the edge.

Leighton watched, mouth agape, chin wet with saliva and sweat, as Sean pulled away from them and moved up the bed, rolling over as he did. Hoping that the older man was offering what he now wanted more than anything in the world, but sure that a stud like Sean FUCKING Lee would not be anybodies bitch, he shook his head slowly as he watched the legendary linebacker hook his arms behind his knees, lifting and spreading his legs for them. Jaylon's teeth nipping at his ear brought his halfway back to reality with his words.

"Man like that deserves to be fucked...NEEDS IT, even." The look on his face was almost challenging Leighton as he continued, "You man enough to give him what he wants, or you just gonna sit there watching?"

Leighton scrambled unsteadily, disbelieving, onto the bed and between Sean Lee's powerful legs as Jaylon quickly followed, only just catching him in time to hold him back.

"Even a jock bitch like Sean needs lube, bro."

Reaching for the tube Sean had set beside him, Jaylon uncapped it and squirted a healthy dollop onto his other palm, then spread it slowly over the fiery hot surface of Leighton's eight and a half in cock. The 21 year old's amped up body heat nearly melting it to the point of uselessness. Still holding the stud by the base of his shaft, jaylon then pulled him forward, Leighton watching slack jawed as the crown of his cock kissed against the twitching pucker of Sean Lee's jock hole. Looking up to meet the older stud's eyes, Leighton saw desire equal to his own as the veteran Cowboy leeringly, lustfully nodded his encouragement.

Shifting his hips instinctively, holding Sean's gaze in awestruck gratitude, Leighton Vander Esch slid forward into the tight, welcoming hole. Sinking in steadily, encouraged by one of Sean's strong legs moving to wrap around his waist and one of Jaylon's hands splayed over his ass, pushing him forward, the heat and softness of the welcoming, hungry jock snatch radiated throughout his body as he continued to slide deeper and deeper into the lustfully smiling man below him. Feeling the fullness of Sean's swollen nut sack making contact with his pubes brought a moaning smile to his lips. The miraculous heat and strength of Sean Lee's ass milked greedily at Leighton's deeply buried shaft as he drank in the feeling of it all, watching as the stud bitch continued nodding his encouragement.

The 21 year old slumped forward in lust addled bliss, one big palm flat against the upper ridges of Sean's abs, fingertips just below the bottom's diamond hard nipple, his other hand sunk into the mattress forearm against the 31 year old's ribs. Breathing deeply, drinking in the sensation. Sean dug his heel into his top's leg, just above the knee, as Jaylon slid two finger's deep inside Leighton's tight ass, the two more experienced men spurring him on. The Idahoan raised his head as best as he could, just enough to meet Sean's gaze as he began to pull back out slowly, the hot, clutching walls of the Cowboy snatch milking him as he withdrew by a few inches before sinking once again fully into Sean Lee. Jaylon's fingers digging deeper still, half encouraging the rut, half prepping the 21 year old for his own needs.

Leighton Vander Esch worked steadily, lengthening the depth of his strokes each time he withdrew from the depths of the greedy ass he had impaled, sinking back in with more determination each time, rolling his hips and lower back as much for Sean's pleasure as for his own against the stretching, exploring fingers of Jaylon Smith. Only occasionally, and then only fleetingly, breaking eye contact with his jock stud bottom.

"That's it, son. Build up to it, boy." the guttural voice almost didn't sound like Sean, "I want you power fucking my cunt by the time you breed me boy...Build it up...fuck...just like that, son."

Leighton Vander Esch was a single mass of nerve endings as he fucked Sean Lee's ass, he was a whimpering mess when Jaylon Smith pressed one hand down hard on the small of his back, holding him there, sunk fully inside Sean and unable to move. He whimpered in abject need as the black stud slid over him, resting against his back, forcing his legs apart as the digging, stretching fingers were removed from his ass.

Sean Lee gently rolled his hips, continuing the clenching and releasing of his sphincter as he milked Leighton's fully buried cock with his ass. Sliding one hand over from his top's chest to squeeze the stud's bicep, working to hold the 21 year old's lusty gaze. He wanted desperately to watch the penetration play out over the younger man's face, knowing from experience that Jaylon's long, steady, powerful entry was a challenge to even experienced men, he wanted to see the reaction of the only recently deflowered jock currently buried deep in his gut.

He knew when Jaylon's massive crown slipped between the jock's lips by the widening eyes and gaping mouth, noted when the stretching feeling hit Leighton by the choking gasp and tensing muscles in the broad neck. Felt the point when the Idahoan realized he had more cock in him than ever before by the shocked stillness that seized up the 21 year old's muscular frame. Smiled knowingly when the impaling rolled over Leighton's prostate by the sudden and complete relaxation of his muscles, the long desperate drawing in of breath. Laughed at the rumbling moan of 'FUUUUUUUUUCK' as the last of Jaylon's nine and a half inches was buried inside the draftee.

Leighton was, at first, too shocked and excited to move at the moment, but was very grateful to feel Jaylon begin to do the moving for him. Pulling partially out before slipping quickly and strongly back in, fucking the tight jock ass even as he helped Leighton grind deeper and harder into Sean still clenching, milking hole. Soon Jaylon's motion was not enough for the newly created jock slut, and Leighton began to move against the 22 year old in his ass. Starting first to keep as much of Jaylon's long shank as deep in himself as possible, only to realize quickly how fucking amazing it felt to be rocking in and out of Sean's perfect jock snatch at the same time.

When Jaylon and Sean were satisfied with the rhythm Leighton had going, the pair started in with their harmony. Sean rocking and rolling his hips more insistently as Jaylon brought one palm up to splay out along the kid's pelvic bone, using the other to grip at the side of the jock's ass, guiding him to a steadier, fuller fuck stroke, forth into Sean's gripping, greedy cunt and back onto his own deeply impaling cock. The kid was a nearly incoherent jumble of gasps and moans and 'oh fuck yesses', working his own ass muscles greedily milking for Jaylon's seed. Ramping up the speed and depth of his own fuck strokes deep into Sean's eager ass. The rapid change in the boy from nervous and anxious to rutting jock slut was surprise enough to the other two men, and turned them on like crazy. The alien god voice that escaped Leighton's snarling lips drove their mutual rutting lust higher still.

"You can't wait for me to breed your cunt, can you bitch?"

The question punctuated by a bone cracking thrust deep into Sean Lee's greedy ass as the boy swiped his palm through the older man's freely flowing pre-cum. Leighton's palm covering his mouth, Sean could only whimper and shake his head, hoping the look of need in his eyes and the swiping of his tongue over his top's slicked up palm would be enough of an answer.

"Roquan dumped a huge fuckin load in me before, man...you better be able to out do him, J...I need your fuckin seed, stud!"

The command punctuated by harder and harder thrusts back against his fucker's long hard jock bone.

The three jock stud's ramped up the speed and intensity of their fuck, driving, crashing into and against each other. Sean clamping down hard to milk the cock in his cunt, Jaylon pounding hard up into the clenching jock cunt rocketing itself back against him, and Leighton powering his way between the two studs he had met less than an hour ago. Three rutting, sweating, gasping, groaning beasts rode the cresting wave of the three way fuck, not caring a bit if they wouldn't survive it.

Sean felt the cock tearing through his ass swell wider still, registered the breaking rhythm in Leighton's deep fuck strokes and knew the boy was about to seed him. Leighton felt the pile driving cock in his has beating the hell out of his prostate, knowing that with in the next punch or two he would be dumping the biggest load of his young life deep into the muscular, clenching, greedy jock cunt of Sean Lee.

Leighton Vander Esch was growling like a wounded animal now, the aching knot of tightness in his balls threatening to make him pass out even as the roar began and was just as quickly choked off as his entire body seized up. The first blast of his cum was felt by both of the other two men.

The ravaged tissues of Sean Lee's ass were suddenly bathed in the soothing warmth of the boy's seed pouring into him in wave after wave of bliss, each punctuated around the still thrusting shaft of Jaylon Smith's rock hard shank as Leighton's muscles clamped and released around it. Jaylon strained to reach around his bitch's body to grip Sean's cock, palming tightly over the flaring, angrily crimson crown and working over the hyper-sensitive flesh, only to feel the stud bitch bottom spew his load onto and between his fingers. His own orgasm rocketed through him as he continued his long strokes deep into Leighton's tight cunt, blasting load after load of jock cum into his new jock bitch.

Sean Lee knew Jaylon was seeding Leighton by the amazing feel of the boy pulsing out two more shots of cum into his ravaged ass nearly a full minute after the last had poured into him. He was amazed at his own delayed final pulse of seed as he watched Jaylon raise his cum soaked hand to Leighton's lips and watched the 21 year old stud slurp it off, nearly devouring the long black fingers in the process.

The three slowly pulled apart, Leighton's now finally spent cock slipping from Sean's still clenching ass as it softened, the 21 year old watched, amazed, as some of his load belched it's way out of Sean's ass, only for the 31 year old jock bitch to quickly push it back in with his fingers, then bring those fingers to his mouth, slurping it off and going back for more.

"The pig always does that when he gets bred."

The comment from Jaylon was punctuated by another pulse of his still deeply buried and barely softening cock, as Sean gathered another scoop of cum from his ass. Leighton moved quickly to grab the stud's wrist and redirect the scum covered digits to his own mouth, Looking Sean in the eyes as he licked it off himself. It was the last ounce of strength he had left as he began to slip over.

Sean shifted slightly to the side, Jaylon slowed Leighton's fall, shifting them both over to the bed. Jaylon spooning tight along Leighton's sweat slickened back as Leighton nestled in under the crook of Sean's powerful arm, along his side.

"Yeah, son...you are gonna be a good addition to the backfield."

Sean's voice was heavy with exhaustion as Jaylon gently kissed the nape of Leighton's neck, his big black cock still buried in his future teammate's ass.

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