
By moc.loa@ognnejoG

Published on Feb 28, 2023


Legal disclaimer: This story contains detailed descriptions of sex. Do NOT continue reading if it is illegal for you to do so, i.e., you are under the legal age or in a location that prohibits using their facilities for porn.

Do not copy without permission of the author


Jena woke the next morning back in her cottage. She had no recollection of being removed from the main house but she was almost positive that her own personal assistant Colin had seen her safely home. It was unheard of for those serving to spend an entire night in the Master's bed and she felt indifferent at waking alone.

Prior to coming to Legacy Estates Jena's life had revolved around work. There was little time for personal relationships especially when relationships in the business community could change faster than the value of corporate stock. Jena had avoided the problem by maintaining an air of indifference towards her co-workers. Her aggressive strategies and impersonal relationships had left her with a reputation as an ice queen. While she felt little loose over those individuals that sought to see her removed from the world of law and finance she fiercely felt the absence of passion in her life.

Sexually passionate by nature Jena had sought ways to fill her physical needs only to be left frustrated at what was offered either at the local hotspot or online. In the end she didn't find what she needed, Jack found her. Adam, one of her few long-term lovers that had enjoyed humoring her and her particular form of fetishism knew Jack from college. The two had kept in touch over the years and Adam had had an opportunity to enjoy Jack's unique form of hospitality on occasion. After seeing that he was unable to meet her needs Adam had passed her name on to Jack.

Jack's company employed a small staff, which ensured privacy, to solicit application and interview applicants. Individuals were invited to apply only after a recommendation had been made to either Jack or one of his agents. Applicants were interviewed as well as examined for both physical and mental health before moving to a final round of tests. The tests were designed to determine an individual's self will, sexual inhibitions, and stamina. Those either too inhibited or excessive exhibitionists were rejected. Legacy Estates required the right balance between reservation and willingness. If a person was too willing there was no challenge for either Master or servant; if a person too reserved the sessions became lessons in humiliation.

Jena possessed the right combination of willingness and reservation. She was more than willing to serve yet there were things she would be ordered to do that were not enjoyable.

The fact that she acted only to please made each interlude that much sweeter for whatever emotional hardship she had to work through. The recruiting agents had been more than pleased with the results of her tests and there was only one area of her personality that gave cause for concern. While her inability to form personal attachments might ensure that she didn't become romantically involved with any of the other individuals chosen to serve the counselors cautioned that when she did form such an attachment it would be for keeps. In an environment where relationship were temporary and partners constantly changing any emotional involvement was discouraged.

While Jack's corporate staff was small his household covered extensive ground. At any one time there were over fifty Servants ready to answer the Master's every pleasure. Each Servant was appointed his or her own personal assistant. Each assistant was charged with the duty of seeing to the Servant's emotional and physical well-being. Jena's assistant Colin made sure she ate a balanced meal, maintained a regular exercise routine, and if a problem should arise it was his duty to report it to the proper person.

Colin, like any other assistant worth his salt, devoted his life to the Servant under his care. He pampered Jena with treats such as her favorite foods, bubble baths, and fresh flowers throughout the cottage. He woke her every morning with a steaming cup of coffee and helped her dress for work. Upon her return he helped her dress for dinner, which every one took at the main house, and escorted her to and from the Master's chambers when she was called. He had offered her a few words of comfort when he left her at the Master's door the night before and she was sure that Colin had come to collect her some time during the night and escorted her back to her room. Jena vaguely recalled Colin bathing her with warm, lavender scented water before tucking her beneath cool sheets.

As Jena stretched lazily beneath a feather down comforter she glanced out the window noting the clear summer sky that promised no reprieve from the heat. The Servants were permitted full use of all facilities and Jena often took advantage of the premier horseflesh found in Legacy Estate's stables. The Estate owned the surrounding land for miles in every direction and there were several trails that led up into the mountains. As long as no one had sent word requesting her presence in the main house she was free to come and go as she pleased as Colin accompanied her.

Those that chose to work while serving their time were permitted a fair amount of freedom however there were strict rules regarding her behavior while away from Legacy Estates.

Sexual encounters with anyone outside of Legacy Estates was strictly prohibited and guests to the estate were given physical examines before enjoying Jack's entertainment.

Jena smiled as she threw back the covers and dropped her feet to the side of the bed; already the scent of fresh coffee emanated from the kitchen. Colin knew to let her sleep this morning after her first night with Jack. While not physically challenging the evening had been emotionally taxing. The excitement and fear of pleasing Jack, and his sister, had taken a lot out of her. She felt no disappointment at having spent most of the evening pleasing Julie instead of her Master. Last night left her filled with anticipation for future; had her curiosity been immediately appeased she could quickly become bored with her situation, a possibility she did not want to contemplate with five years still to go on her contract.

"Good morning." Colin greeted Jena with a smile and handed her a large cup of coffee.

Jena wrapped her hands around the large mug and breathed deeply, filling her lungs with the steamy fragrance. She sat down at the table and watched Colin prepare her usual breakfast of a bagel and fresh fruit. Despite his size, Colin moved about their small kitchen with the confidence of a man that knew his job. Jena guessed his age to around thirty-two and his size close to 6' 4". He was a black man with a perfectly bald head, broad shoulders, and a chest and abs any body builder would kill for. Unusually attracted to him Jena felt a moment of disappointment at the rules forbidding a Servant from engaging in any sexual conduct with his or her assistant. With a mental shrug, Jena sat back and bit into her bagel.

"It went well?" Colin had been mildly surprised when Jack didn't call him to come and collect his charge. Finally, around five o'clock this morning he'd slipped into the Master's chambers and found Jena fast asleep in his bed. What was surprising was the fact that she was not alone. Jack slept peacefully beside her, his arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders while her head rested on his chest. Jack had waken immediately upon Colin's entrance and for a moment he thought there had been a flash of disappointment in his Master's eyes when Colin had collected Jena in his arms.

Oblivious to Colin's musings, Jena chewed thoughtfully before answering. "I think he was pleased with my performance. I think it was more of a test to see how much I would accept."

"What do you mean?" It was normal for Colin to speak with his charge regarding her activities, expected even. There would be times when he would be asked to watch her interactions with others and evaluate her performance. Questioning Jena about her experiences ensured that he would pick up on any unhealthy changes in her ability to deal with her servitude.

"I made love to his sister while he made love with another man."

Colin raised an eyebrow in surprise. It wasn't unusual for Jack to engage in sex with other men. What caught his attention was the fact that Jack had expected Jena to make love to his sister. Serving any guest was considered a privilege and was usually reserved for those that had served at least a year. Being chosen for a guest's enjoyment showed a certain amount of trust. Trust that the Servant would be able to do whatever the guest asked for or more importantly lead the guest if he or she was unsure of the situation.

Expecting a newcomer to make love to his sister was unprecedented. It wasn't that Colin thought she couldn't do it; he had absolute confidence in her. Jena possessed an indescribable quality that ensured her success. Colin suspected that Jack had sensed this particular characteristic in his newest Servant and sought to test her. Besides, Jena hadn't been left alone.

If a problem had risen Jack had been there to smooth things over.

"So, what do you think he was testing?"

Jena shrugged and dug into her grapefruit. "My acceptance of the situation, whether or not I would do it without balking, or maybe how excited I would get watching him with another man."

"And did you?"

Jena looked straight into a surprisingly sensual pair of brown eyes. I could drown in those chocolate depths. "Yes."

"I think it was probably all of those things but as far as a test goes it wasn't all that complicated. There isn't anyone here that doesn't expect to make love to a member of the same sex. Even applying to a place such as this requires a certain level of open-mindedness."

"True. What do you think last night was about?" Jena finished the last of her breakfast and smiled as Colin refilled her coffee before joining her at the table.

"Did he make love to you?"

"No. He entered me a few times but I think that was more for lube before he entered the other guy."

"Hmmm. What did this other guy look like?"

Jena smiled. "Late twenties, blonde with the face of an angle."

"That would be Dillon; he's a favorite of the Master's." Colin sipped his coffee before looking at his watch. It was just after ten in the morning and he had ordered Jena's favorite horse saddled for eleven. He looked at her and smiled. "I think that he sees what the rest of us see.

You're an extraordinary woman; you possess a unique sense of power yet you are ready to relinquish it in the bedroom. I think the Master wanted a taste and will continue to enjoy himself while sweetening the experience with delayed gratification."

Jena nodded in understanding. That was exactly how she felt this morning. She had enjoyed last night and while she had felt an incredible sense of fulfillment followed by unbearable loose at his brief entry she wanted to revel in the anticipation as much as possible.

"Now," Colin set his cup down determinedly, "off to the shower with you if you expect to be ready to ride by eleven."

Jena smiled and went to shower while Colin saw to the breakfast dishes.

Forty minutes later they strolled to the stables were Jena's favorite mare Reign stood waiting patiently. Reign was a mutt of the equestrian world. No one was quiet sure who her ancestors were but there were traces of thoroughbred, Arabian, and quarter horse in her. She stood almost seventeen hands high with long legs made for running. She was intelligent, loving, and loyal with a will that never quit. Together, Jena and Reign had spent the past few weeks exploring the land surrounding Legacy Estates accompanied by Colin on a sturdy mount named Gus.

Jena threw herself up into the saddle and kept Reign at a slow walk until they cleared the more populated areas. Friday nights were always busy at Legacy Estates; there were always several guests in residence and the Servants spent the evening entertaining until the early hours of the morning. So, despite the late morning hour the grounds were fairly quiet and would remain so until this afternoon.

Once the guests rose Servants would be expected to join them at either the pool, the tennis courts, or inside. The men and women that served at Legacy Estates were highly educated and successful in their chosen careers and were expected to converse on any number of topics. Their duties may include physical pleasure but their purpose was to provide well rounded, entertaining companionship.

Jena wasn't the only attorney within Legacy Estates. There were also doctors, accountants, CEOs, and teachers present. All men and women that for one reason or another chose an alternative lifestyle and found what they were looking for at Legacy Estates.

As they rode away from the main house and other buildings Jena realized that she was the happiest she had ever been. She was successful in her professional life but more importantly she felt fulfilled with her private life. Here she was accepted for who she was and her needs and desires were not questioned but instead honored. It was a feeling and a place she had searched all her life for.

An hour later they broke through some trees and came upon a small, man made lake surrounded by trees and filled with fish. Jack enjoyed any number of outdoor activities and ensured that those living and visiting within Legacy Estates could find something to occupy their time. Today, the lake stood still in the early afternoon heat. There was no fishing and no swimmers. Giving into the urge, Jena dismounted, pulled her riding boots off and waded into the water.

"Do you like it here?" Obviously startled, Jena jumped and turned to look at him. Jack stood at the water's edge, Colin a discrete distance away. If he was honest with himself, and he usually was, he would have to admit that he had sought her out. It was unusual for him to become so instantly enamored with one of his Servants yet when he woke this morning his thought had immediately turned to her. Jena's scent had lingered in the air around his bed and he found himself stirring at the memory of her face bathed in pleasure.

A single inquiry into her schedule brought him here. Jena, dressed in a pair of black leggings and a white blouse watched his with intense curiosity from where she stood. She had waded in only enough to allow the cool water to caress her slender ankles but the bright blue of the sky reflected in the water added flecks of blue to her green eyes. The sun set fire to the copper highlights running throughout her dark hair. Once again Jack was surprised by the effect she had on him.

When she'd entered his chambers last night he had been struck by the fact that she was indistinguishing in her looks. He was known as a lover of beauty and he questioned his agent's decision at accepting her. Within moments he was forced to reevaluate his decision and made note to offer his agent a bonus. Taken one at a time her features were nothing more than average but add to the assembled mix the unmistakable sense of power that radiated from her in waves and she suddenly transformed the room.

"It's beautiful."

It took Jack a minute to realize she had answered his question and was looking at him expectantly. Stuffing his hands into the pocket of his faded denim jeans Jack was irritated to realize that he was somewhat at a loss. He was irritated and questioning the wisdom of following her here this afternoon.

Covering his discomfort with anger, Jack held out his hand. "Come." If she was taken back by his brisk tone she had masked her feelings well. Walking towards her, Jack helped her out of the water and turned her towards the banks.

The day had already grown warm and the trees lining the banks offered relief from the heat. Walking beside her, Jack breathed deep and caught the sweet scent of her skin. A combination of lavender, sweat, and something akin to fear filled his senses. No, it wasn't fear -- excitement and uncertainty. The heat of the day had drawn her emotions through the pores of her skin until the permeated the air. Jack took comfort in the fact that he wasn't the only one affected.

For many years Jack had enjoyed both the inexperienced and well-trained Servants that inhabited his home but never before had he come across this precise combination of power and uncertainty. Jack already suspected that she had been chosen specifically because she was likely to be his biggest challenge.

On the surface nothing existed to suggest that she would be anything but accommodating. Last night she had acted without reservation. Not once did she balk at what was asked of her and in fact seemed to take great pleasure in what was happening around her.

And there in lies the key. As long as she enjoyed what she was doing she would acquiesce but Jack was certain that the first time she was ordered to do something she feared he would have a battle on his hands.

For some time now his agents had been saying that he had grown complacent in his dealings with the Servants. Years of experience had combined to make inducting the new arrivals a matter of routine. While the new Servants were undeniably eager to please the more seasoned men and women knew how to please him without having to work for it. It had been some time since he'd been forced to stretch his unusual skills. It looked like his agents had finally succeeded in finding him someone to put his considerable talent to the test.

Until Jena's arrival Jack had given series thought to discontinuing the application process. After those with limited contracts served out their term he was left with only one individual that had signed on for life and Jack had no desire to release Dillon. He could slowly settle down to a life with his favored Servant and focus on his many other business interests. In fact, he had all but decided to permanently suspend operations. The few other men and women that arrived with Jena were to be the last and of those her contract for five years was the longest.

The rest had signed on for a term of one year; at the time he'd questioned the unusual length of her contract but now the reasons had become obvious.

Jack led Jena to the center of a small clearing still shaded by the surrounding trees. He left her there and went to lean up against the trunk of a two hundred year old tree. Eyeing him wearily, Jena stood confident with her arms hanging loosely at her sides. Her leggings were wet from the lake and the strong summer sun silhouetted her lean frame beneath her white blouse.

Her breasts were large but firm, her waist narrow, and her legs long. He had been delighted to find a voluptuous woman beneath her robe last night. Never one for unfeminine women Jack enjoyed curves in all the right places and flesh he could get his hands on.

Jena was all of these things and more and he wanted to see her again. "Remove your clothes." Jack kept his voice steady and impersonal while wondering how far he would push her.

Slowly, Jena lifted her hands to the top button of her blouse and slipped it through its slot.

She was relieved to see that despite her excitement her hands were steady showing no signs of her fear. She took her time with each button, sliding her fingers down from one button to the next making sure to separate the two halves of her blouse. Each movement guaranteed Jack a greater glimpse of skin than the one before.

When the last button was free from its restraint she lifted her hands and carefully slid the silk material from her shoulders. Dropping her hands to her sides the innocent looking garment made a whispering sound as it caressed her buttocks on its way to settling on the ground.

Without taking her eyes from his face, Jena slipped her thumbs into the waistband of her leggings and slipped them slowing over her hips. As she freed her feet from the light, cotton material she was left standing in a white, lace bra and matching thong. The slightly dark tone of her skin was accented by the light color of her intimate apparel.

Jack swallowed against the desire rising in his throat. The low cut bra hinted at the rose colored nipples hidden beneath while the delicate halves of her buttocks were separated by the flimsiest of materials. Scantily clad, Jena was more seductive than if she stood before him completely naked. Jack's hands positively itched to touch her but still he held his position, feigning indifference he was far from feeling.

A cool breeze brushed up against her skin as Jena raised her hands to release the front clasp the held her bra together. It stirred her hair and tickled her skin not unlike a lover's caress.

She was acutely aware of Colin's presence at the edge of the clearing. He had not moved from his spot since they first arrived but neither had Jack taken them far enough into the trees to ensure their actions would remain unobserved.

Unaccustomed to acting in front of others, Jena's discomfort was further exasperated by the fact that Colin would not be participating. Then again it was starting to look as if she would be the only one participating in this afternoon's adventure. Jack continued to lean against the trunk of a large tree seemingly unaffected by the sight of her standing bathed in nothing but sunlight.

"Come here." Jack knew that Jena was uncomfortable taking the initiative in lovemaking.

Her file indicated that she preferred to be dominated on every level when it came to acts of intimacy and while Jack was most comfortable in the role of the aggressor he was determined to explore her most uncomfortable feelings. Jena came to stand before him; she was so close that her nipples brushed against the rough fabric of his denim shirt with each breath she took. "Kiss me."

Jack didn't miss the fear and uncertainty that flashed through her beautiful green eyes as she raised her hands to his chest to steady herself. On tiptoe she leaned into him and lightly brushed her lips across his mouth. Jack wanted to smile at the innocent touch but did nothing to deepen the kiss.

Jena lowered her feet back down to the soft forest floor but kept her hands resting lightly against his chest.

Jack gave her a look of pure disappointment and hardened his voice. "Not good enough.

Try again."

Jena felt the color rise in her cheeks and bit down on her lower lip. She'd never been much good at this sort of thing. More than one lover had communicated their disappointment in her attempts at lovemaking. She had never learned how to read another's body language when it came to desire and was uncertain how to proceed. She constantly second guessed herself afraid to act assertively for fear that she would embarrass herself or her partner by forcing unwelcome advances.

Jack watched the play of emotions cross her face. She was such an unusual mixture of aggression and insecurity. She was reputed to be one of southern California's best business attorneys and was unquestioningly sure of herself within her career yet she seemed completely unsure of herself as a woman. Jack wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and assure her of his desire but he knew from years of experience that she had to work through her insecurities on her own. His restraint was sorely tested when she bit down on her lower lip; he longed to lick the sting away with his tongue and was hard pressed to keep it in his mouth.

Jena finally realized that she would be here if Jack wasn't interested in her as a woman.

She'd doubted herself after he passed on taking her last night and instead spent himself inside Dillon but now felt fairly confident that her attempts to arouse him could only improve with effort.

Once again she rose to her tiptoes and pressed her breasts more firmly against his chest.

The rough material of his shirt sent shock waves of pleasure coursing through her body as it brushed against her already hardened nipples. Acutely aware of her own growing excitement, Jena dropped her eyes and watched Jack's mouth. Drawing closer to reached out and traced his lips with the tip of her tongue before covering them with light, little kisses.

He tasted warm and musky and everything male and Jena wanted to get closer.

Suddenly she felt an uncontrollable desire to be beneath his skin. For the first time in her life she wished she were a man so she could feel herself surrounded by another being. She longed to drive herself into his most intimate depths but could only hope the some day she would find a way to gather him close. She nipped at his lower lip but quickly released it from between his teeth to finally settle her mouth more firmly against his.

Jack caught his breath as she covered his mouth with her own; before he could fully appreciate the sensation of her lips pressed against him her tongue had swept across his lips seeking entrance. Despite the slow start she was quick to meet, and exceed, his demands. He'd seen the pain his chastisement had caused and wondered at it but for all her insecurities her kiss had the power to bring him to his knees.

Jena felt Jack respond yet he made no move to touch her or encourage her in any way.

While she could conceivably keep on kissing him forever she suspected that he had more in mind. She tried to think about the way he might want to be touched and while men and women were different there were enough similarities that she felt confident that if she liked something he would like it as well.

She was lucky in that her entire body was an erogenous zone with her back and neck being particularly sensitive. Armed with the knowledge of how she enjoyed being kissed and caressed Jena broke the kiss and moved to nip lightly along his jaw. Despite a morning shave his skin was still slightly rough and rasped against her more sensitive places. Her journey led her to the pulse point beneath his jaw, which she licked lightly before moving to take his earlobe between her teeth.

Jack shivered slightly and tried to keep from pressing her against his throbbing erection.

Jena felt him shiver and smiled with a newfound sense of feminine power. As she continued to place open mouthed kisses along his neck her hands were busy unbuttoning his shirt. With a satisfied sigh she slipped her hands between the two halves of material and caressed his smooth skin.

Her mouth quickly followed suit tracing the line of his collarbone before dropping to lick one of his small male nipples. Both of the sensitive nubs hardened as she continued to suckle and nip at one while her fingers pinched and pulled at the other. Jena continued her ministrations until she was able to illicit a small moan of pleasure. Once she was rewarded she went on to learn how the rest of his body would respond to her attention.

Her hot hands brushed over his abdomen feeling the muscles tighten and clench beneath her touch until she knelt before him. Without waiting for permission, Jena went to work removing his belt and releasing his straining cock from his jeans. Jena caressed down the length of his shaft with her hand until she reached the sensitive sack tucked protectively between his thighs.

His hard and throbbing cock, evidence of his arousal, was like balm to her ego and she eagerly took him in her mouth.

As much as she wanted to devour him she reminded herself to go slow. She paid attention to every inch starting with the held of his dick. She circled him with her tongue and gently probed the hole before closing her lips firmly around him. With one hand she cupped and lifted his balls, rolling them in her palm while the other slid over his hip and wrapped around to caress him between his buttocks. Jack moaned low in his throat when she applied pressure to his anus. At the same time she slowly took another inch of his dick into her mouth before pulling back all the while maintaining suction.

His entire body tightened as she moved to take him all the way in her mouth. As she buried her face against his pubic hairs Jena took a deep breath and filled her senses with his musky scent. His body was covered with a fine sheen of sweat and she didn't think it was from the summer sun.

Jack had his fingers tangled in her dark hair. "Enough."

Jena slowly released him and looked up expectantly.

"Turn around." Jack knelt behind Jena and lowered her hands to the ground. He noticed Colin standing on the edge of the clearing and leaning over her shoulder he whispered, "Keep your head up and your eyes on your assistant."

Jena trembled at the thought of someone seeing her take her pleasure like this. Even though it was little more than she had done last night when she watched Jack with Dillon it still made her uncomfortable.

"Are you watching?" Jack's voice came from behind her where he knelt between her thighs.

"Yes." Before she could complete her answer Jack had entered her in one swift thrust.

Jena resisted the urge to close her eyes and instead pressed her buttocks back against Jack's hips. She felt filled, complete for the first time in years. He was huge, stretching her beyond anything she'd ever experienced.

Jack pulled back almost to the point of leaving her before slamming home once again.

She was tight but wet enough that there was no real resistance to his penetration. The walls of her pussy gripped him and held him tight as he buried his cock in to the hilt. He grabbed her hips and pulled her back forcefully wondering if she cried out in pain or pleasure. The fact that her pussy was dripping juices onto his balls led him to believe it was pleasure.

Jack picked up the pace slamming into her harder and harder with each thrust, making sure he went deeper. He couldn't get enough. He wanted to loose himself inside of her, to drown in her juices, and to touch her soul. Jack was surprised by the direction of his thoughts and tried to brush them aside as he pushed her closer and closer to her orgasm.

He looked down to where their bodies were joined and watched as he entered her. The sight so excited him that he fought to hold his orgasm back. She was close but not there yet and he refused to walk away from their first time together without ensure her pleasure.

Leaning forward her thrust himself in deep but didn't pull out. Instead, her reached around and twisted her nipples between his fingers while rocking his hips against her backside.

Jena gasped at the sensation shooting down from her breasts and settling between her thighs. Jack continued to rock his hips ensuring that the head of his dick pulsed up against her G-spot. Without taking her eyes off Colin's face, Jena leaned her head back against Jack's shoulder. The movement caused her to arch her back and Jack pressed deeper into her pussy.

Jack took advantage of the new position and with her breasts grasped firmly in his hands he pulled her back against his chest and picked up the pace of his thrusts. Within in moments he felt her the walls of her pussy starting to convulse around him.

"Oh, God!" Jena reached over her head and grabbed onto his shoulders as her orgasm threatened to tear her apart.

"Yes!" Jack didn't lighten his thrust and he kept the pressure on until the last of her orgasm subsided. Only then did her pick up the pace, careful not the pound her as hard as before he continued to thrust inside her wet, hot pussy until he felt his own orgasm break free.

With one final thrust he emptied himself into her. Together they collapsed onto the forest floor, Jack kept his arms wrapped firmly around Jena's waist and pulled her back against his chest.


Comments always welcome; send them to Gojenngo@aol.com

Next: Chapter 3: The Distraction

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