
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Nov 12, 2007


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated.

Leftovers Part Nine

The week moved along uneventfully until Friday when I received another note from Dean Wagner. On my way to his office I told myself to be strong and turn down any request he had planned for me. I told myself I was doing enough, others had to do their share. With that attitude I entered his office.

"Tim, it's nice to see you son. We all appreciate what you're doing for Carlos, his teachers tell me his grades and attitude has really improved."

"Thanks Dean Wagner, I'm glad you appreciate the work we're doing and I hope you don't have any other projects planned for me."

Prune face smiled, and said "Well Tim, that's really up to you. The reason I called you here is to let you know that Roger Horton is running for president of your senior class. The elections are in a week and none of the other class leaders will to run against him, either because they are frightened by him or by the fact that they don't think they can win."

"Dean Wagner, I don't think I'm your man this time; I'm not very good at making speeches."

"That's not what I hear from everyone who was in the cafeteria on Monday." The Prune smiled and continued; "Besides if you're happy to have Roger Horton represent your class, than you're right, I do have the wrong man."

"What do I have to do?" I asked

"Sign here, make posters, think of a platform, give a speech telling your classmate why they should elect you. That's all." Prune faced smiled

"Yeah, no problem, but there will be a few more kids signing up to run for other offices." I said

He told me, "Have them come in today, and good luck with your meet this afternoon and your election."


Before the end of the day I had found Tonya and convinced her to run for Vice President and Alex who cried when I told him I needed him to run for Treasure.

We planned to run as a leadership team guiding our class to make a difference

The Track meet went well with our team taking another win. Both Alex and Carlos helped the guys during the meet and when we got back to the gym, Pope helped Alex into the showers with the rest of the team. The guys were great to Alex, treating him like one of the team. This was the first time that Carlos had been with the team and when he entered the shower it was obvious I wasn't the only one to see how well he was put together. The guys on either side of him sprung hard, and almost every guy lingered a little longer to enjoy their view. I wondered how many would have gladly taken my place under the sheets with him that night?


Friday night was pizza night for us guys. Pope cooked all week and it gave him a break. We were all growing a little, thanks to a better food budget from Frank and Pope's great cooking. Rabbit and I had put on a pound or two, but all of Pope's growth seemed to go directly to his dick. Yeah it was getting bigger and I told him if it didn't stop soon, it would need its own zip code.

Frank was in the shop and some of his buddies were hanging out with him.

Carlos had left earlier to take his father home. He had been gone for awhile and Alex seemed worried. I went outside just as he pulled his car into the back lot. Carlos jumped out of the car completely naked and ran passed me up the stairs and into his room.

The guys were all looking at me for answers, so I followed him and found his small brown body curled up like a little boy, he was still naked and on his bed facing the wall.

I pulled him back towards me as I sat on the edge of his bed, Alex waited at the door, tears rolling down a face filled with concern. I said,

"Carlos tell me what happen, are you hurt?"

He rolled over onto his back and the image of a little boy was gone, replaced by the fully developed teenager he really was. His dick was soft, and there was dried cum matting the hair above it. I found a shirt on the floor next to his bed and he let me clean him as tears formed in his eyes, he watched me handle him with care.

"Please tell me what happen to you" I asked again.

"Tim, I'm so sorry, I don't deserve you, I don't deserve any of you." His cheeks now moist, I wiped them dry.

"Tell me"

Carlos began, "I dropped dad off and saw that the gang was in their hangout. I thought I would just go in to tell Jose that I would never let him touch me again. To tell him I had a new leader who was kind and soft and wonderful. I wanted him to know I had moved on.

Jose just laughed at me and said, he still controlled me and this time he would make me do everything, but in front of the entire gang so that everyone would know what kind of a boy I really was.

Tim, I didn't want to, but when Jose told me to dance and strip off my clothes, I did. The whole gang watched me undress and then he told me to beat off so everyone could see how big I was. I had always done whatever Jose wanted and I did again tonight.

Then he dropped his pants and pulled out the first dick I had ever sucked. I guess I was horny at that point. He made me beg him to let me suck it. I wanted to so badly, I crawled to him in front of everybody laughing at me and I sucked him off. I swallowed every drop and then I licked him clean.

Then Jose pulled me up and put me face up on a table so that the gang could see all of me while he stuck his dick inside of me. Tim I didn't stop him, I begged him for more and everybody laughed at me. Laying there taking Jose, I thought of you, I thought of Alex and how I was disappointing both of you. I pushed Jose away and ran out the door with nothing but my keys. All I remember, was the gang laughing at me as I ran pasted them.

So no I'm not hurt physically, but I'm hurting so much for hurting you, Alex and all my friends by going there and letting Jose get to me. I'm sorry Tim", he hugged me.

I was pissed! I told Alex to take care of Carlos and I grabbed my keys and sped out the back lot towards Carlos old neighborhood.

I parked in front of the gang hangout and the two thugs outside wouldn't let me by until Jose yelled out the door,

"Let the white boy in."

Inside there were maybe twenty guys. Some were weighing dime bags of grass, a few were smoking up the profits and Jose sat at the end of the room smiling at me when he said,

"So you're the white boy who owns Carlos now. I can see why he likes you."

I spit my words at him, "I don't own Carlos and either do you anymore. I'm here to get his things and to tell you to never bother him again."

"Hey little man look around you, you don't tell Jose what to do, because maybe Jose will do you." He smiled a wicked grin

"No you won't and you won't do Carlos again either."

"How do you plan to stop me?" he asked as several of the gang got off their seats and moved closer to me.

Well this was where my plan ended. My anger had only thought this out up to here, so I was glad to hear the roar of a Harley hog out in the street. In a matter of seconds, from behind me I heard crashing and a couple bodies hit the floor. I turned to see Frank, leather from head to toe, bandana and a fierce look on his face.

Jose sat up in his chair and looked at Frank and said,

"We got no problems with Biker's so what are you doing here?"

"I'm with Tim and I'm here to make sure he gets whatever he wants." Frank replied

A Gang banger came running in the door yelling,

"Boss there must be thirty of them and one is the size of King Kong."

We could hear more crashing, like the door had been ripped off. One body went flying by me and landed on the floor in front of Jose. I heard in a soft voice,

"Hi Tim" It was Buck behind me

"Oh hi Buck" I gave a little wave

Frank said "Get what you want Tim, we're right here"

I looked through Jose and spoke,

"I want all of Carlos things and I want you to leave him alone. Got it?"

"I got no use for that bottom boy no more anyway." He said

I leaned over to pick up Carlos clothes and one of the gang bangers said,

"Wow, nice ass man."

That was his first mistake, his second was saying it so close to Frank, who flatted him with one blow. A few other gang members stood to defend him and Buck took another step into the room. Everyone sat back in their chairs.

Outside Rocket had a few guys pinned against the wall, waving his arms. They must have thought it was some kind of new Kung Fu or something. I got behind the wheel and headed home with a thirty Harley escort.

Back in our place Carlos was clean and dressed. All the guys were in the computer room each having their own station thanks to the remodeling. Pope asked,

"What happen?"

I said, "Nothing, I just took back what Carlos had left behind."

I walked down the hall and placed the clothes on Carlos bed. When I turned he was in the doorway. I went to him and we embraced. I kissed his ear and he gently pulled away looking me in the eye and softly saying,

"Thanks Tim for returning my things and my honor."

I wanted more, but it seemed he was finished with bodily contact for that night.


The school week was a blur. We had all pitched in and made posters over the weekend. Tonya came over and her and Rabbit cuddled and kissed after every sign was finished. It was cute.

All the guys spread out over the school asking kids to vote for our team of change. Our Platform was "Vote for us and Make a Difference'

Thursday was speech day. Everyone loved Tonya, she was a shoe in. Alex made it though his speech without a tear, but Carlos waited off stage just in case.

Roger took the stage with a rousing applause and hoots from the football team.

"Thank you gang, I hope I get the same response when you vote tomorrow in homeroom. The reason you're going to want to give your vote to me is I'm the candidate that will make our class "Rock". I'll make sure every holiday we have a party that some of you probably won't remember, if you know what I mean." Laughter from the crowd

"As captain of the football team and class president, not only will I be cool, but you'll be cool just by knowing me. So give your vote to me, or else." Some laughter and he left the stage.

My turn, Pope and Rabbit whistling, a raised fist from Carlos and Alex and I began,

"Fellow classmates, I'm kind of new to your school and in the short time I've been here I've gained many of you as friends and some of you as family." Pope and Rabbit smiled.

"You have changed my life and given me a chance to make a difference, both for myself and some of you around me. Now I want to find away for all of us, our senior class to make a difference. I want to lead you in a direction allowing us to leave behind a better school from our efforts. We can make a difference around us and therefore make a difference in ourselves. If you vote for me tomorrow, I promise to take this class in that direction. Thank you."

There was no applause, not hooting or catcalls. They sat in stone cold silence and I left the stage.


I didn't sleep well, so Pope and Rabbit headed out in front of me. I was grumpy heading down for our run, until I opened the door to see the entire track team waiting for me. I stood a little taller taking the lead, recognizing whatever happened with the election, I had already won.

The vote was cast and the lunchroom was quiet as Dean Wagner read the names of the Officers who would represent our senior class.

"For Treasure, Alex Brodsky"

Alex was teary, and a couple girls hugged him not realizing they had no chance. Carlos smiled and gave him a wink.

"For Vice President Tonya Blossom"

Cheers and a big kiss from Rabbit

"The Dean looked at me, no prune faced smile, and he looked at Roger and said,

"For President of next year's senior class... Tim Norton"

I was stunned, so was Roger. The cheers began and everyone applauded.

Pope to my right, Rabbit had moved over leaving an empty seat to my left for all my friends and classmate who wished to stop by and share in my glory. I looked around, my table was full and there were kids wishing they could join it. Here I was, honor roll student, captain of the track team, president of my senor class. What more could I wish for?

I looked at the lunch line and some poor loser, geek; new kid balanced his tray and looked around hoping for a friendly face. Just another leftover I thought and then remembered,

Make a difference.

I stood and said, "Hey"

The room became hushed, the poor kid, with pleading eyes that said,

"Please don't pick on me."

I said, "Hey, there is an empty seat here next to me. Come and join us."

Pope looked at me like I was crazy; Rabbit smiled at me, Carlos gave me a look that I didn?t understand.

The new kid paused, not believing he had just been invited to join the power table. Before he could move, Roger stood among his football team. He gave me a smile and said,

"Yeah, I got seat right here for you too."

Ten more stood and in one way or the other, they offered the new kid a place among them.

The captain of the cheerleaders stood and said,

"Come sit with us honey, the girls want to get to know you."

The poor kid gave mea pleading look and I waved him on, as he headed towards the cheerleaders, I took my seat.

From that day on and I hear even after our class left the school, new kids, different kids, shy kids and those that would be easy targets, were treated with kindness in the halls. At lunch they were invited to join several groups and everyone went out of there way to talk to them and get to know them better. That was different.


We celebrated with all the guys, Buck and Rocket came by and shared in the party. It was getting late and Rabbit borrowed my car to take Tonya home the long way and the rest of us headed up stairs

Pope was giddy and we played around for awhile before everyone went to sleep. In the darkness I thought about the look from Carlos, I had been getting it all night and I knew I had to find him.

I wandered down the hall, bare feet, bare everything. I slipped into his room and heard Alex snoring lightly. I touched Carlos on the arm and he turned and looked up into my eyes and then at my extended dick, he pulled his covers back displaying his naked body. Carlos rolled out of bed and took my hand, he led me into the living room and in the light from the hall windows we kissed.

I felt his tender boy body so very close to mine. We rubbed together and his hardness flicked against mine own. His warm hands trickled down my body and he sunk to his knees before me. He took me in. His soft lips engulfed me; his tongue danced around my shaft and tickled my pee hole. His arms around me, his hand playing in the deepness of my crack, his finger pushed into my hole and I was harder that I could ever remember. I exploded in his mouth and he sucked me dry.

I was dizzy and sat on the couch and pulled him up in front of me. I had to know the taste of this boy. I had to feel that fat cock push against my tonsils. I did my best and tried not to choke on his fullness. He pulled out, still hard and I could fell his balls full of juices. He gently pushed me down on the long couch and saddled my chest. His ball sack rested against my skin. His dick pointed at me as he leaned back and covered mine with his hand bringing me to a new hardness. Carlos moved back and guided my dick up, pushing against his hole. I felt the head pop in past the rim of his tight little hole. He went down slowing onto me and gently rode my cock until it erupted again, this time deep inside of him. He blew out a warm stream of cum at the same time. It landed on my chest, my chin, my face and I licked it from my lips.

Carlos collapsed on top of me and we lay together kissing our way to recovery. We walked hand and hand to the shower and cleaned each others body sharing another small production of spunk. Dried, I walked him back to his room and he left me again with just a whisper of a kiss lingering on my lips.


We all slept in late. Saturday was just a day of relaxation. Every time I tried to get Carlos aside, he was either working on his car with Frank or hanging out with Alex. My mind couldn't forget the memory of the night before. After diner, Rabbit went to Tonya's, Pope was playing video games on his computer and I had to find Carlos, I had to have him again.

There in the living room, he and Alex were watching a movie sitting closely together under a blanket. Carlos looked up and saw me, naked and looking straight at him. He whispered something to Alex and pulled the blanket back exposing their naked bodies.

Carlos joined me in the kitchen. I grabbed him and held him close to me. My dick danced with his as I kissed him deeply, but he pulled away.

I said, "What's wrong, don't you know how much I want you?"

"Yes Tim I know, but I'm committed to Alex."

I said, "What about last night, what was that?"

"That was two horny boys needing each other. That was me wanting to feel your power, needing to know a boy like you."

"So what are you saying, we'll never do that again?" I asked confused

"Like I said, we're horny boys and I never say never." He smiled

Carlos could see the sadness in my eyes and he took my hand in his and continued,

"Tim you have given me the greatest gifts in my life, your help, your kindness, your affection, your friendship and the power of choice. You have given me the chance to be with a very special boy, Alex and I have chosen him.

Tim, please understand Alex may be my man, but you will always be my hero." And he kissed me.

I watched him move back into the room to share the blanket with Alex. My head hung low I went back to the computer room

Pope turned and said,

"You're back"

"Yeah, I didn't know you noticed I left you." I replied

He said, "Yeah I noticed, about two weeks ago."

"Sorry Pope, but I don't think you can understand how I feel when I look at him."

"Yes Tim I can understand. It's the same way I feel when I look at you."

"Oh, I didn't know."

"Yeah, so are you ready for bed?"

"Yeah, but first I need to get something from Frank" I smiled

I ran down stairs and tapped on his door, hearing Frank's voice inviting me in.

He looked up and smiled at me and said,

"Hey Tim, so now you know the feeling of being a winner, how do you like it?"

"Okay I guess, but I also no the feeling of being a loser." I said

"Well Tim sometimes losing can help remind us of all that we have won and all that we can win again." Frank suggested

"Yeah, I'm beginning to understand that, thanks."

"No problem Tim, so did you need something?" Franks questioned

My eyes watered, my head went down and I stood silent for over a minute.

"Tim, tell me what you need."

I looked up into the eyes of the man who had given me the freedom to be true to myself, while changeling me to make a difference and I said,

"Yeah Frank, I really need a hug."

His arms opened and I leaned into him with my cheek on his chest releasing all that I had lost and won. Frank held me and let me cry and I felt safe and protected in his arms.

I finally gained my composer and said,

"Thanks I really needed that."

"Tim it was waiting for all the time, all you had to do was ask."

"Yeah no problem, I'm going ask a whole lot more."

He smiled.

I said, "I better get back, Pope's waiting for me."

"You're lucky to have him Tim, he really cares for you."

"Yeah, I think I figured that out."

Frank smiled and said "Well you better hurry, you don't want to keep Pope waiting too long or he'll start without you."

We both laughed, I got another hug and took the stairs two at a time.

I ran in through the hall, past the computers, stopping at the door of the bedroom.

There he was, naturally nude and totally cute.

Pope smiled and said, "Are you ready?"

I pulled off my boxers, my dick slapping back against my belly and I answered him,

"Yeah, no problem"


Dear Readers, I was fortunate to have this story shared with me, and felt it was important to share it with you.

Our lives in high school and beyond are filled with opportunities. The next time you have one, reach out and make a difference. You'll be glad you did. Got it?


Author's Note: This story was told without the use of sexual branding, slurs or bias. I hope that was appreciated. Nuday101@hushmail.com

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