
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Nov 8, 2007


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated.

Leftover Part Eight

When we returned home after the track meet, we found out why Buck and Rocket weren't there to cheer us on. Along the back lot, Buck was finishing a new aluminum shed and the door was open. Around it was some of the items from the second floor storage area.

We all ran up to see what was happening, Rocket and a Spanish man were moving things over towards the lift. Although we had never seen the stranger before, his features and the hug he was receiving from Carlos told us who he was.

Frank introduced all of us and said he was getting behind on some of his bench work, and was giving Hector Mendez a chance to earn some money and prove himself.

Carlos was thrilled to have his dad there and they both proved to be hard workers. We moved out a lot of stuff that night. Frank had told us that some changes were coming and to come right home after school Thursday and be prepared for hard work all weekend. I said,

"I thought you liked to ride on the weekends."

"Yeah, but sometimes you have to take the time to make a difference yourself."

We both smiled, but no hug.

Thursday morning the three of us headed down for our run, but stopped short at the bottom of the stairs when six guys from the track team came out of the shop. Frank had some fruit and Gator-Aid for them and each waved thanks as they fell in behind Rabbit, Pope and I. I guess our group was growing.

This time we were greeted with cheers along our running route and water was out in several places to help us along the way. I think we had become the hometown team.


Thursday night, was more moving, until the place was clean. I drove Carlos and his father home and saw where they lived for the first time. It was a tough neighborhood and the gang hangout was right next to where Carlos lived. I dropped them off and got out of there quickly.

Friday morning Alex rolled out of Rabbit's bed, Rabbit, Pope and I rolled out of mine when we heard the roar of engines and the beep-beep of a large truck backing into the lot below.

We all found shirts and shorts, it was a hot day and we skipped our showers knowing we were in for a sweaty day anyway.

We watched all the guys park their bikes, along with many trucks from the industrial park that had become our fan club; everyone began removing equipment from the trucks and heading into the shop.

I looked around and realized my car was missing. I panicked, thinking it had been stolen I ran into tell Frank and he told me to go out to the paint booth and see how Rocket was doing with it. I pictured Rocket; arms swinging, hands flinging paint from one end of the booth to the other, but I was wrong. Rocket was in his zone and the car had its first coat of cherry red paint and another was being carefully applied. On the way out I stopped to admire the black Mustang convertible they had refinished. It had rolled in last week, with a broken head light, scrapes along the faded black paint and a ripped top. Now it was perfect, with a clear coat covering shining black and a new black ragtop and chrome wheels. I wasn't a car nut like Carlos, but this baby was hot.

I told Frank that I was really surprised at Rocket's talents and he said I didn't know the half of what Rocket was capable of doing. About that time Carlos and his dad showed up from the bus stop and I told Frank I could have picked them up. He said that would be taken care of soon.

Meanwhile, work had begun in our new space and a lot of the track team was arriving to help as well. Some of the workers were electricians and were rewiring the entire up stairs area. Others were doing frame work, taking a portion of my living room and making it a hallway framing in the rest to be a computer room and through there the entrance to my bedroom. Each kid helped a worker, Alex ran the lift up and down and everyone pitched in. Pope was getting lunch set up and a couple guys from the team helped him. Carlos and his dad, Rabbit and I helped carry wood and sheetrock and instillation to the lift to be placed in our new home.

Mid day during the lunch break I went up to see what had been accomplished, and was amazed at how much work was already finished. The old kitchen was gone. The plumbers had taken the space and enlarged the bathroom area. Now it had two sides with a wall diving it. One side had five sinks along the short wall, one having a handicapped chair and two new toilet stalls, one being handicapped size, including a small sink inside. There was also a long urinal, where three guys could pee at once. The other side of the wall contained a long shower room. One had a shower wand and seat so that Alex could take care of himself and there were four more heads along the wall. The plumbers asked if we wanted privacy screens and we all smile and said no way.

By late in the day, drywall had been hung and new rooms were built and plaster now covered half of the area. It was time for everyone to call it a day, knowing that tomorrow we would all start again. Buck took Hector Mendez home; he had to work a different job on the weekend so Carlos remained behind to help us.

It had been a long day and we all had worked hard, so we called out for pizza and because of the fresh plaster smell and the bathroom still under construction in our new place, Franks suggested we stay in his.

Pope and I dragged down my mattress and Rabbit brought his and we placed them together on the floor of Frank?s living area. After we ate, everyone took turns getting a shower, no team showers tonight out of respect for Frank. I'm not sure that was a better plan, because with everyone running in and out, forgetting towels and underwear, Frank saw a lot of skin that night.

Once we were all squeaky clean, the five of us laid on the mattress and watched television while Frank sat above us probably watching us. After a while that got old for Frank and he went to bed.

I'm not sure if he was able to get much sleep, because everyone was in a silly mood and we wiggled and tickled and tossed each others underwear around in the dark room.

Soon sleep took control and I was treated with a middle position between Pope and Carlos. Oh which way to turn?


Icy cold, rainy, icy cold, drizzling water, cold spay landing on my face and shoulders. Wait a minute we're inside, why is it raining? It wasn't, it was Frank having fun with a spray bottle filled with ice cold water, His way to get us moving. Pope jumped up first, still in a silly mood. He grabbed Rabbit's underwear and pulled them parsley over his long dick and began to prance around and speak in a falsetto voice,

"I'm Rabbit and every time I see Tonya, my dick pops out the top of my tidy whiteys."

"Rabbit reached up and grabbed the back of the underwear pulling them off Pope. Pope grabbed the sheet covering us, pulling it off everyone's naked body.

Frank sure got an eye full. Alex was standing straight and hard, focused on Pope's flying dick. Rabbit had his whiteys half way up his legs; I had a semi hard, just from all the close contact. Then there was Carlos, hands behind his head, lying quietly, stretching his prefect body. He flexed every muscle, pointing his toes and yawning, in no hurry to cover up. It was easy to understand why every eye in the place took a moment to enjoy the beauty of this boy. I shock it off and moved away before I lost control.

Another day of building and working; our place was shaping up and I could see the plan taking place. The door from the stairs would open to a hall that ran along the old living area now computer room. Along the hall next came the entrance to the new bathroom. I could also enter it from my room and get to ether side. After the bathroom, running along the front wall of the building were two new bedrooms. Both rooms had a closet along their front wall next to the entrance and room for two single beds and a dresser in between.

Next was what would be a dining and kitchen area. A three-quarter long bar separated the two areas allowing for barstools to fit along the countertop area from the dining room.

Pope loved the new kitchen. It had a small grill and stovetop oven combination with a long hood over both. We had a new dishwasher and larger refrigerator and pantry as well.

Furnishings started arriving; a table for eight fitting in the dining area. In the last section of what had been the storage area, now was the oversized living room. Our old loveseat and rocker was joined by a long couch and two swiveling barrel chairs. On the wall was a new entertainment area with a large television. Two beds were placed on either side of the bedrooms and the place was going to be great.

We painted most of Saturday and on Sunday the carpet guys covered the entire place in a warm blue industrial carpet.

Carlos shared a room with Alex. His father had agreed it would be better for Carlos to stay here most nights to get away from the gang life in their neighborhood. Plus he would see him everyday when he came to work. Pope and Rabbit both had a nice single bed in the first bedroom and I had my king-size bed and room to myself.

Sunday afternoon when everyone was finishing the last of their work, Pope prepared barbeque chicken and some guys set up a microphone and amp system. While everyone ate and the workers enjoyed cold beer, Dean Wagner and Officer Mann played and sang County Western. I had to look away to enjoy the music, the mean look of Officer Mann and prune face of the Dean just didn't fit the festive mood, but everyone enjoyed it anyway.

Buck took an empty five-gallon water bottle onto the stage and took the microphone to speak theses words,

"Guys Thanks for all your hard work and the donations of wire, piping, fixtures and furniture. Frank has opened up his place for a group of really good boys and thanks to him we all get to have these kids in our life. Let's all dig in one more time to do all we can to help these kids live a lot better than they were before they came here."

Then Buck took out five one hundred bills and stuffed them into the neck of the bottle. Rocket followed with five more and every man in the place took something from their wallet and stuck it in the bottle.

Alex cried, Pope and I hugged and Rabbit just stared at all the money.

Later that afternoon, Frank told me and Pope to go for more ice. I reminded him that my car was still in the paint shop, that's when I got a real blow. Frank said,

"Tim, that's no longer your car. Did you know that the engine needed tuning, or that the brakes were squeaking? Did you know that a 1996 Chevy Camaro is considered a real muscle car?"

"No" I said "I'm not really into all that, sorry Frank."

"Well Carlos is and he's going to take the car and make it into what it should be and that way he'll have transportation to take his dad home at night."

"Yeah, no problem", I said, turning to sadly walk away.

"So Tim", Frank continued, "I guess we'll need to find another car more to your liking. Do you see anything in the back lot that might be okay for you to drive?"

"Yeah Frank, but I don't expect you to give me an almost new car, and really, that is just too cool, I really don't think?"


"Yeah, no problem, I'd kill for the black Mustang."

Frank smiled and said, "Promise you won't kill and it's yours." Throwing me the keys

"Holy Crap, can I sit in it, can drive it?"

"Yeah, no, I mean sit in it, but it won't be ready to drive until Monday morning. Buck has to do a little more to it tonight."

"Frank, what can I say, what can I do to thank you?" I said covered with a smile

"Go get the ice."

"Oh yeah how do I get there?"

"Use that Yamaha over there, that won't hurt you. It has an electric starter and is easy to drive."

"Will you show me how to ride it?" I asked

Frank gave me a quick lesson about shifting on a bike. I practiced around the lot a few times and Pope climbed on the back. As we road out the lot on the way to the store, Pope put his arms around me and his hands in my lap, folding them firmly around my balls and spoke loudly into my ear,

"If you throw me off this thing dipshit, I'm taking your balls with me."

I drove very carefully on that first round trip. I also learned that the vibration of a bike, Pope pushed up close behind my butt holding my balls, will make me very hard.

When we returned I did my best to adjust myself, with a few workers and track team guys laughing at my dilemma. Hey at least they knew or remembered what it's like to be a honry teenage boy.


Our first night in the new place seemed like the closing scene from the "Walton's TV Show" I heard echoing from the hall,

"Good night Pope, Good night Carlos, Good night Rabbit, Good night Ma and Pa."

It had been awhile since I had slept alone and I wasn't sure that I liked it, but I didn't need to worry long as Alex and Carlos came into the room and sat on the side of my bed.

Alex took my hand and squeezed it. I felt another hand slide under the sheets and squeeze my dick, it sprung into life recognizing the touch of Carlos. Alex spoke,

"Tim we both want to thank you for sharing your friendship, your home and giving us a chance to share each other. You're the best friend we have ever had."

Alex leaned in and kissed my cheek and I could feel his tears, it took very little for this kid to cry. They moved from the room leaving my dick cold and lonely, and me to enjoy the scene of their naked butts moving together.

It wasn't long before white briefs magically crossed the dark room and stood above my face. Rabbit spoke quietly,

"Tim thanks for giving me my on space, my very own bed and a chance to have a better life. You are the best friend and I want you to know," pulling down his briefs, "I'd drop whiteys for you anytime."

I had to give it a squeeze; I always enjoyed Rabbit in everyway.

"Thanks Rabbit, it's nice to know I can always count on you."

He was gone and as I thought about the great friendships I had found, I heard the shower go on and off in about a minute, then in the low light from the bathroom door stood Pope dripping again from every hanging appendage.

I asked, "What the heck are you doing?"

He said, "I thought we'd relive our first night together."

I smiled with that memory and told him to get his butt over here. He replied,



The next day arriving in my Mustang with Carlos behind me in his Carmaro, we longer felt like Leftovers, but the kings of the school.

In the halls kids stopped us and congratulated all of us on our win and promised to come to the next meet. It was a cool feeling to be on top.

At lunch that day, I had been joined by all the regulars and a few more slid another table over to join us, then Roger and two of his boys walked over and stood in front of me.

The room became quiet, and everybody watched to see what would happen. Roger spoke,

"Norton, don't get too comfortable with all this glory, track season ends soon."

He looked at the long table and continued.

"I want you to push all these tables back; you losers don't deserve all this room."

"You think we're losers?" I responded angrily

"Yeah, Norton, your little group is weak, it"s nothing but kids that no one wanted, castaways, cripples, and leftovers no one really cares about."

I stood and you could hear a pin drop in the room as I spoke.

"Roger, each of us may be everything you say we are, but together we're winners, team mates and friends and that makes us powerful. So no, I won't push these tables away or the friends that fill them."

Pope and Rabbit sitting on either side of me stood along with me. Carlos helped Alex to his feet and they joined us. Then Tonya, followed by everyone else at our table.

The moving of chairs around the room broke the silence as every member of the track team present stood and joined us. The Basketball team joined and then the Cheerleaders.

High School life had just taken a turn for Roger, his two buddies slipped away and he stood frozen not understanding what had just happen. The voice behind him from the Lunchroom Lady telling him to go back to his chair of get mash potatoes on his shoes for the rest of his high school days was the only thing that made him move away.

We all took our seats, Pope with his arm around me, Rabbit with his smile, Alex, tears in his eyes and a look of admiration from Carlos, we all finished our lunch.

To be continued...

Thanks to each of you who have taken the time to email me, your feedback has helped in the process of writing this story.


Next: Chapter 9

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