
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Nov 4, 2007


This story will have sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated.

Thank you Alex for editing this story and for making it better for the readers.

Leftovers Part Six

Alex held my cock like it was an irreplaceable ancient artifact. He lifted it checking out the veins that ran along the bottom of my shaft. He held my balls in his palms like they were the Hope Diamond; he gently pulled on my tool allowing it to take a fuller shape. His cautious stimulation caused a bead of pre cum to form at the tip of my dick and then he leaned forward and tenderly kissed it away.

I felt very proud of my body and Alex enhanced that feeling with his gentle care and admiration of the sight in front of him.

I pulled him up from the bed and ours bodies met and I felt the softness of his pubes rubbing into mind and I held his cock bringing a smile to his face.

We both let go hearing Pope calling for us and headed back to our friends.

Pope being Pope took one look and said,

"Cool foreskin, that'll be fun."

Rabbit still in whiteys smiled and said,

"Man you need a trim."

"Will you do me like you did Tim, he looks so hot?" Alex pleaded

"Sorry Pal, my talents are reserved just for myself and Tim. You and Pope can work on each other."

"Pope, will you do me?"

"Yeah Alex, I'd be glad to do you" Pope smiled

At that Pope took Alex back into the bedroom. I started working on my homework and Rabbit got dressed. He was going with Jay tonight for another dinner sitting next to Tonya.

I could hear the guys back in the bedroom, there were giggles and laugher and a few moment of total silence. I had a feeling they were having fun, but I needed to get my work done.

Soon from behind me I heard them both call my name. When I turned around, I'm sure my month dropped open.

Pope had found the scissors and a razor and he had shaved all the hair off Alex, including what had been on his chest and abdomen.

Ales had taken what small patch of pubes Pope had and removed it including all the short fuzz that shaded Pope?s balls. They both were complexly void of hair, looking like young boys with big dicks.

I had to laugh, but they were in love with it, so what the heck, it's only hair.

I left Pope and Alex working on their homework and admiring each others smoothness and went looking for Frank.

I told him that starting in the morning I wanted to take Rabbit and Pope and go for a run before school. He told me to check with him in the morning before we took off.

Then after dinner Pope helped Alex with his shower, every time I checked on them, it looked like more playing was taking place than cleaning, but once the water turned cold; they both came scampering out of there. Then it was time to take Alex home.

Once he was dressed, we took the lift down and found Buck finishing a car in the paint booth. Buck grabbed his truck and we both helped Alex in and drove to his place.

Buck took him up the two flights of stairs like it was nothing. I opened the door to his family's room and the whole place could have fit just into the bedroom of mine. Not just small, but it only had one window and that was covered from the outside with dirt. You could tell his mother had done her best to keep what they had clean she had even put nice lace curtains around their dirty widow.

Alex couldn't thank us enough, giving both Buck and I a hug. I really liked that kid and so did Buck. I think Buck was thinking of ways to help him and hopefully make his life a little better.

When I got back, Rabbit had returned and he and Pope were just lying on the bed chilling out. Rabbit in whiteys and Pope naked and sporting a dick that looked to be a little red.

I slipped off my things and joined them getting in the middle. Out of habit I reached for Pope's dick and he pulled back as in pain. I said,

"What's wrong?"

"Sorry Tim, but Alex rubbed me and sucked me so much tonight; I'm a little tender down there."

I said,

"Yeah, no problem, we don't have to do anything tonight."

Pope replied grabbing my dick,

"Yeah we do, you're not tender.. Yet"


The next day we dressed in the darkness of morning and headed down to start our run. The three of us slipped on running shoes and just a pair of running shorts. They were puny and loose, just the way Pope liked them.

Frank was waiting and gave me a hand written map showing us what path to take for our run. I have mentioned, this is not the best of neighborhoods and Frank told us to always follow that path and we should be alright.

The run took us down the alley and we turned right and away from the Project. The next right took us into an industrial park with many different types of repair and maintenance companies. The run was about two miles, a good warm up.

I noticed a dark Cadillac pass us at least three times, that and workers arriving were the only activity.

The three of us showered together, getting dressed and ready for school. Rabbit laughed at Pope's new look, but we both took turns feeling the smoothness around his dick; it was different and therefore cool.

At practice that day, Charlie Owens summoned up what everyone was thinking as we all stripped down changing for practice,

"Pope, you look you like a nine year old boy on steroids"

Pope did a quick whirlybird stopping before I could give him the look.

Look, is what all the guys were doing. I had noticed it the day before and thought maybe it was because we were new but, Mike Connelly finally said it,

"Tim, some of us noticed that you and Rabbit have trimmed your pubes, maybe we should try it too."

One of the other guys said,

"Yeah, maybe the whole team should do it."

Alex spoke up and said,

"I'll be happy to help anyone who wants a trim job."

Well for Alex this was a dream come true. Everybody on the team lined up for a trim. A few went for the Pope look, but mostly they preferred a trim like Rabbit and I. Alex held every dick with the same gentleness he had used for me. Some guys came away with a red faces just from the experience and stimulation provided during the trim; others took a little longer, enjoying the process a lot more and coming away with a hard dick.

By the end of practice we were all comparing our new look when the Coach came into the locker room. He smiled seeing that now we had the look of a team that was bonding.

Alex said,

"Coach I can do yours too if you want."

The Coach rubbed his bald head and said he wanted to keep what hair he had.


We ran each morning that week hoping to be ready for the track meet on Friday. That was the morning we met the dark Cadillac.

Running along the backside our path, I had noticed the Catty following closely behind us. I picked up the pace a little realizing we were at the most distance point from our home and it was a little unnerving to have this car behind us.

That's when the Catty picked up speed and moved in front of our small group. The driver pulled directly in our path, halting us in our tracks.

Two guys with dreads popped out, one from the front and the other from the backseat. The driver, a greasy looking chubby guy, opened his door and stood close to the car.

The First dread spoke,

"Hey Pretty Boys, how about letting us take a couple pictures of you three, in exchange for some drugs of cash. Which sounds best?"

"No thanks, we're not interested." I said

Second dread, said,

"You really don't have a choice, pull off your shorts and get into the car."

"He said no thanks dipship." Good old Pope

"You look like you could fill up the frame Blondie; I think we?ll start with you." First dread

The two dreads moved towards us, Rabbit stepped back and then we heard a noise from across the street where there was a tire recapping business. Four guys with tire irons came out from the fenced area heading towards the street. Right after that the door of the plumbing company where the car had stopped us, opened and three men with lead pipes moved into the lot.

Dread number one pulled back his shirt and I saw the butt of a gun above the ban of his pants. This was not cool, even Pope was quiet.

There was a short stand off where no one moved and then the quick blast of a police siren changed everything as a Squad Car came down the street from each direction. The one behind us used his bullhorn and said,

"You Boys move on with your run, we'll take it from here" It was Officer Jay's voice

We smiled at the three losers and Pope lifted the left leg of his shorts, giving them a quick peek at what they had missed. Some days you just want to smack the kid, if he wasn't so darn cute.

When we returned to the shop Frank had water for us and listened to our story. He told us not to worry we were always under watchful eyes and those guys won?t bother us again.


I had mixed feelings about the track meet. I was sure the team was ready, but today's meet was at Trinity Prep. It was a rich private school that shared our sports program.

Track wasn't a big sport at our school and I was told that not many students or parents attending the meets. However Trinity parents could easily leave their nice homes and take time from their executive jobs to drive their BMW's and Mercedes to the finely manicured track. The stands on the opposite side began to fill, while ours remained empty.

I knew hearing all the cheers for the other team would easily affect the guys, but there was nothing I could do about it. That's when we heard the roar.

I couldn't believe it, either could the Trinity parents, some hugged their little boys as if the Hell's Angle were attacking. There must have been thirty motorcycles pulling up to our side of the field. Behind them were work trucks from many of the places we passed each morning.

As the tough looking characters filled our stands, a car pulled up and Tonya with four other cheerleaders jumped out in full uniform, Pom-Poms and all.

The team was elated, and their performance showed it.

During the meet I took a minute to run over to Frank and ask him,

"What about the shop?"

Frank said,

"Work can wait, this is more important."

He was wearing sunglasses, so I couldn't tell if his eyes watered up like mine did.

I ran my heart out, we all did, and although Trinity won the meet, we had the best score ever against them. Even a few of the College Scots came over to our side to get some of the senior?s names. They even took Popes, Rabbits and mine. That was cool.

Next: Chapter 7

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