
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Oct 31, 2007


This story will have sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. Thank you Alex for editing this story and making it better for the readers.

Leftovers Part Five

All of us were excited. We had new shoes, our own little group at lunch, and a feeling of closeness and belonging that none of us ever had before.

It made me feel better about myself. Plus the independence Frank had allowed, showed me I was able to do more and be more, all I had to do is try to make a difference.

It was with that attitude that I ran onto the track field.

The coach had us all warm up with some sprints. Then he got down to business.

Most of the boys who were thrown off the team had been runners, and that's where Rabbit, Pope, and I were at our best.

We started with the 100 meters and all came in just above 10.7. We ran some more and were getting winded after the 400m.

The coach separated the three of us and put us against some of the other kids that had passed the drug test. They weren't too sure they wanted new guys on the team. A few spoke to us, but most just stood back looking depressed because they had lost their old coach and a lot of friends. I helped them with their starting blocks, I handed them water after they ran, and I tried to be a good friend and teammate.

I wasn't going to let anything stop me and it looked like Pope and Rabbit were holding their own with the guys. So I took on every race with a winning attitude and win or lose I cheered the others on and was determined to be positive. Once the guys saw that, it seemed like everyone began to give it their best.

One of the kids who left was part of a 4x100 relay team and they weren't going to be able to compete until I stepped up and volunteered to take his place.

I had promised Frank that I would run my heart out and I did. We beat their old record by .6 seconds. They were all over me for pulling off the last part of the race so fast.

Rabbit blew away everyone in the 1600m and Pope flew by the rest in the 200m. At the end of the day they put Rabbit, Pope and I in a 400m race just for fun and I beat them both by about a yard.

As the kids ran in, I high-fived them and they slapped my butt in a friendly gesture.

We all found our lockers, Rabbit had moved his over near Pope's and mine. As we undressed, we knew we had been accepted when Charlie Owens said,

"Damn Pope, no wonder you're so fast, you've got three legs."

Everyone laughed and Pope did a whirlybird with his dick until I gave him a look. We finished our showers and the coach called us back together for a quick meeting.

"Boys, I know you lost some good guys from that drug test, but today I think we found us some new good ones to take their place."

The team cheered.

The coach quieted everybody down and continued. "Boys, I know I'm a new coach and well with half of your team missing you may wonder if it's worth it to go on. To be honest I was too, until I saw how Tim Norton gave his all today, and in doing so inspired a lot of you to do the same. Thanks, Tim for joining the team and bringing along some really good runners with you and I think making us all a lot better."

I didn't know what to say, I know I was red faced, but proud of the words spoken about me and that I wanted to give my all to this team.

Ryan Jackson, one of the long jumpers and a guy who I'm sure will run Congress someday, stood and said,

"Coach, fellow trackers, teammates, not only did we lose a lot of guys we also lost our captain and although it is typical to have a senior as captain, from what we all saw today there is only one man to lead our team on to glory and that man is Tim Norton, and I nominate him as our new Captain."

Pope jumped up and said, "I second that or whatever."

The team roared and it was official, I was the new captain of the track team.

"Speech, Speech", they called

"Guys, I don't know what to stay, but I want you to know I would be proud to be your captain. When I came to this school I said I would try to make a difference and the difference I want to make here is for us, win or lose to always act like a team.

More roaring and butt slapping; I'm going to make sure to remind Pope to go easy tonight.

I stopped by the coach's office on the way out and asked him if I could bring a kid tomorrow to help the guys keep up with their scores. He agreed that would be a good idea.


Back at the shop, Buck, Rocket and Officer Jay were all having coffee with Frank when we blasted into their space.

Frank was smiling a lot more theses days. It had been awhile since I'd seen that look he gave me that first day standing on the sidewalk in front of the bus depot.

Rabbit was telling Jay all about the day and Buck was listening while Rocket bounced around the room. I knew I needed someone to appreciate me, but it was so obvious that Pope needed it more than any of us. He was holding Frank's attention and telling him all about making the team and doing so well and about me being made captain thanks to his vote. Frank smiled at me and Pope went in for the hug. Damn, missed again.

It was decided that a barbecue was in order and Pope hopped in the truck with Buck and Rocket heading to the store for some steaks. Officer Jay had to check in at the precinct before he could sign off for the day, so Rabbit and I headed up stairs to chill out.

We both slipped off our shirts and jeans and were ready to change into shorts and tees when Rabbit said,

"Hey, this would be a good time for me to trim your pubes."

I said, "I don't know. Do you think I would look okay?"

Rabbit pulled down his whiteys. His black cock hung over the band as he hooked them below his balls.

"Do you like the way I look?" he asked

My reaction might have been obvious, as my dick sprung up and out the pee hole of my boxers to have its own look, but I said,

"I like the way you look a lot."

Rabbit pulled the whiteys down his chocolate legs and kicked them off. I removed my boxers and we were naked and alone for the first time. We both enjoyed Pope, but it was nice for the two of us to have a little intimacy.

Rabbit found scissors in the kitchen and I laid face up on the bed. He held my dick in one hand while gently trimming the bush around my rod. He stood over me concentrating on his efforts and, naturally, I reached for his growing cock.

It didn?t take him long and the job was complete, but now we both were hard and a little horny. Rabbit crawled in next to me and we began to comfort each other.

Just as he was getting close to cumming, he pulled back. I asked him, "What's wrong?"

"Tim, this is so cool that we can do this together, it feels so nice, but I keep thinking about Tonya and I think I'd really like to ask her on a date and well, I don?t know what to do."

I said, "Rabbit, you don't have to choose. you can have it both ways if you want."

He seemed to think about that for a minute and turned back to me with a smile and said,

"That would be cool."

Our hands wrapped around the other's hardening cock, our feet intertwined, our faces brushing, as we each brought our friend to completion, it was good.


On the way to school the next morning I brought Pope and Rabbit into my plan and we carried it out during lunch.

Our group was growing, with me and Pope, Rabbit, Alex and now Tonya joined us well. It was cute to watch her and Rabbit flirt with each other. All we could talk about was the track team and some of the other guys stopped by our table to say hey.

Alex was as happy for us as we were for ourselves. He was a really great guy and smart as a whip in math and that's how I hooked him in when I said very seriously,

"I don't know what we're going to do?"

"Yeah, I know what you mean Tim," from Pope

Alex bit the hook. "What, What's the problem?"

"Well we need someone really good at math to help us keep the guys scores, someone cool that could help the team out and be counted on to make sure all the records were right." I said

"Yeah, I don't think any of us guys on the team could do it. We're all too busy running and stuff," added Rabbit

"Well there is Larry Campbell; he?s in my advanced Calculus class," suggested Alex

"Tim said cool, remember?" smirked Pope

"Sandra Martin is the president of our Math Club, how about her?" Alex tried.

"I don't think having a girl in the gym when we're running around naked is a good idea" I said.

"I don't know. I wouldn't mind being naked in front Sandra" Rabbit said with a smile.

"You wouldn't mind being naked in front of any girl" joked Pope

"Rabbit shot him a friendly bird and Tonya elbowed Rabbit in the ribs."

"Wow guys, I don't know, who are you going to ask?" Alex worried

I smiled and said, "How about you?"

"Me? You don't want me. I mean I could do it, but why would you want me? I'm well you know, not exactly someone who you'd see with a track team." Alex looked away to hide his tears.

"Well Alex we want you because you're you and you're cool and you're our friend. Will you do it?" I asked

"Guys, I want to, but I just can't. I told you if I don't go right home I won't be able to get up the stairs."

I countered with, "Alex, as soon as you get home your parents leave right?"


"Well, what if you stay after school for practice and the track meets and then come back to our place to study. If we make sure to get you home and up the stairs, could you do it then?"

"Well I guess so, but do you really want me?"

We all said, "Yes, Alex we need you."

Alex called his parents and told them his plan and they said it would be okay.

The coach and track team welcomed Alex after I introduced him. The guys were happy to have someone else keeping track of their scores and the coach was happy he didn't have to chase everyone around to get the scores.

Things seemed to go well and it was cool having Alex as part of our excitement. Little did I know Alex was having some of his own excitement.


The towels were late in arriving and all of us hit the showers after practice. I looked over and saw that poor Alex had the whole pile of towels on his lap. Dripping wet and naked, I went over to help him and lifted the towels off of him, thinking I was doing him a favor. That's when I saw a wet spot surrounding an obviously hard dick pressing against the pants Alex was wearing.

He knew I had caught him and looked up into my eyes; his began to water when he said to me.

"Tim I don't know how you can do it."

"Do what Alex?"

"I don't know how you can control yourself around all these naked guys, I want to reach out and grab every dick I see."

"Oh, well Alex this isn't the time or place for that. Okay?"

Tears forming, he said "What should I do?"

I pulled a small table in front of him hiding his problem and placed the towels on top.

"Control yourself Alex and don't feel bad, every guy checks out other guys, some for comparison, some for curiosity and others for downright lust. Its okay to look, but you need to choose the right time to act. Understand?"

"Yeah, thanks Tim, and by the way your dick is really nice. Can I say that?"

"Yeah, no problem"

I thought for sure no one had seen what had taken place, but Pope never misses a thing. He said to me,

"It looks like little Alex isn't so little, is he going to be alright?"

"Yeah, I think so" I answered

Pope said, "I'll give him a test."

He walked over to the table dripping from everywhere, then he plopped hs long dick up on the table while he used one of the towels in front of Alex to dry his face and chest.

Poor Alex, I'm not sure I could have resisted, but he held on with perspiration running down his face, glasses fogged over and a nervous jerk in his shoulders, he let Pope finish and walk away without acting on his urge.


We took Alex with us back to our place and introduced him to Frank. Buck and Rocket were out back in the paint booth working on something and they came out to say hi to the gang and meet Alex. Buck seemed to understand being different and took to Alex right away. I asked him if he would help take Alex home later and explained how he needed to get up the stairs. Buck gladly agreed to help.

When Alex saw our steep steps he looked worried, until I showed him the lift used to take things up to the second floor garage door. Frank showed us how to use it and gave me the key to unlock the door. In short time Pope, Rabbit Alex and I were working on homework.

As always Pope needed to relax, this meant stripping down to nothing. Rabbit and I pulled off shirts and jeans, but kept our underwear on because of Alex. It wasn't long until Pope couldn't stand it anymore and he said,

"Are you guys going to treat Alex like a friend or a guest?"

We knew what he meant and so did Alex; he got teary again and said,

"I don't mind if you guys get naked, you can trust me, I'd join you if someone would help me out of my things."

I said, "I'll help you come on into the bedroom."

I sat Alex on the bed and helped him with his shirt. I knew he had a strong upper body, but was surprised at the muscular definition in his chest and arms. He was really well built and had a small patch of hair in the center of his chest and a few around each nipple.

He unzipped his pants and I pulled them off his braces and legs and found a different body below. His lower legs were thin and hairless from rubbing against the braces. His boxers had been pushed down slightly and showed a thick trail of hair moving from his navel and down below them. I pulled the boxers the rest of the way off seeing a bushy patch of pubes surrounding an uncut dick.

Alex leaned forward and pulled my boxer off my body. Both of us reacted to the cool air And our dick began to rise. I could see the head for his, hidden under a layer of foreskin.

Alex looked at me as we were both checking the other out and said,

"Tim, is this the right time and place?"

I smiled and said, "Yeah, no problem."

To be continued...

Thank you for your emails: nuday101@hushmail.com

Next: Chapter 6

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