
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Oct 29, 2007


This story will have sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. Thank you.

Leftovers Part Four

Late in the day Rabbit headed back to his apartment, the mood at my place had turned gloomy and wasn't much fun even in the nude.

It was dark when we heard the roar of the motors pulling up. Pope looked at me as I dressed and he slipped on his shorts and even borrowed a shirt for the first time covering up his cute slender body.

I walked down to the garage by myself and Frank and a couple of the guys were there having a beer. Frank looked up and saw my face and said,

"Guys head on out, I need to talk with Tim."

I followed Frank into his living area for the first time. It was identical in size to mine, but much nicer. He had a large screen television, better furniture and a king size bed. He grabbed a soda for me and another beer for himself and said,

"So what's wrong"

"How do you know there"s something wrong?" I asked

"It's on your face, so let's have it." Frank replied

"Okay, there is this friend of mine; well I guess we?re friends. I mean we really just met, in school and I do like him so I... ?"

"Tim, shut up and talk!"

"Yeah, no problem"

"Pope thinks he killed someone, but we think he didn't die, but wants him arrested. I'm hiding him in my room, I really like him Frank and we don't know what to do."

"That was better." Frank smiled "Let's go meet your friend."

Frank looked him up and down, at least he had a shirt and shorts on I thought. To tell you the truth I wasn?t sure if he would be naked again by the time we got back up there.

Frank listened to the same story Pope had told me and I added to it based on what we knew so far. In the end Frank said,

"Okay, here's the plan. Tim you pick up your friend Rabbit and go to school tomorrow, Pope and I will take care of things here."

Frank looked around the room and said, "So is the computer going to work out for you?"

"Yeah, no problem"

"How about the bed, is that alright for the two of you?"

Pope and I looked at each other and smiled a little and I said,

"Yeah, no problem"


So warm and tender, so soft, so great. Pope's dickhead was resting under my left ball; my shaft ran along his and was claiming his pubes as its own.

"Oh boys"

Our noses were touching and lips tickling, our bodies interlocked.


My arm was around his slender body, fingers moving along the crevasse of his ass, so warm, so ready.

"BOYS, wake up" Frank's voice

Pope's dick popped up into my balls as he jumped, sending lefty into righty with a smashing blast and I answered in a higher octive.

"Yeah, no problem"

We showered and dressed, Pope borrowing jeans, shirt, socks and boxers. He looked good in my things. It almost made me want to take them back out of him, but no time for play Frank was waiting.

The Three of us had a small breakfast prepared by Pope and I left the two of them talking and headed to my car.

Both Rabbit and I were nervous and spoke in low tones during lunch. Alex begged to know what was going on, but when we explained this just couldn't be shared, he was cool.

Looking at him a little closer I realized with some help, he wouldn't be a bad looking kid. At first I thought he was short, but now I noticed that he leaned over because he crutches were too small.

As he rested in his chair across from us, I could see that years of supporting his legs had given strength and definition to his upper body. His arms were very muscular and the dark short hairs along his forearms matched the dark black mop covering his head.

When he bent his head forward, the drop of his heavy glasses allowed a look into his eyes. They showed a clear view deep inside a boy, wishing to be more like the rest of us.

I needed a diversion from Pope's problems and asked Alex to tell us more about his life.

For Alex, living in the Projects like Poe and Rabbit would be a step up. His parents had come from Romania and Alex was born here. His mom and dad worked as a team cleaning offices at night. Alex needed to rush home from school each day before they left, so that he dad could carry him up the two flights of stairs to their one room attic apartment. Alex was left to make his way down the hall to the bathroom, get his homework done and go to bed alone. At three each morning, his dad would help him with his bath and they would rejoin his mom for the only meal they shared each day.

There wasn't much money and for some reason they couldn't turn to the usual government agencies to get proper fitting glasses or crutches for Alex. He seemed to take all that in stride, never complaining, taking his place as just another Leftover.


The day finally ended and Rabbit met me at the car, we made it back to the garage. Both of us were worried and hoped Frank had come up with a plan to help Pope.

After parking we both rushed into the shop running head on into two uniformed Police officers.

I couldn't believe that Frank had narked us out.


The first officer looked both and Rabbit and I over like he was sizing us up for our prison uniforms. He was well built with a rutty complexion and carrot red hair. The second one was black and the larger of the two, he actually smiled and put his hand out to shake mine and he and Rabbit did some of kind hand jive thing, at which point Frank came over and introduced us.

"Tim, Rabbit this is Officers Greg Mann and Jay Blossom. They were a great help today dealing with Pope?s situation."

My eyes shot darts at Frank and said, "What do you do, throw him in jail?"

"No, dip... I mean Tim, these guys were great and Frank is the man." Pope came through the door eating and apple.

Both Rabbit and I ran over and put our arm around him and asked what happen?

Pope began filling us in. "Frank took me over to the apartment and knocked on the door. Ramon answered with a huge bandage wrapped around his big head, when he saw me he started towards me, that?s when Frank pushed him back. Ramon looked Frank over and decided that talking might be better than fighting.

About that time Greg and Jay showed up and the three of them convinced Ramon and Maria not to press charges because the investigation might turn up information that would create problems for them.

Neither of them really had official responsibility for me, so Frank told them he would be taking me and if my old man ever showed up again to send him over to talk to Frank.

Maria put all my stuff in a garbage bag and we got out of there and I'm not going back."

"So are you staying here?" I asked

"I don't know, Frank says you, me and him need to talk."

Rabbit headed back over to talk with Officer Blossom while the red headed one made a call.

Frank sat Pope and I in front of him at the table and began.

"Pope, this is my business and my home. I made room for Tim and now he has his own place upstairs. It?s really up to him if he wants you to stay."

Both Frank and Pope looked at me and I said,

"Yeah, no problem"

Pope jumped up and gave Frank a hug, he hugged back. Damn how do I get one of those?

I helped Pope drag his bag up the stairs and I began to unpack it until I noticed Pope just standing there looking at me with watery eyes. I said


Pope moved towards me and brought me in for a close embrace.

"Thanks for wanting me." He said

I knew what it felt like not being wanted, now I have people who want me and I knew I wanted them too.

Pope's hands moved up under my shirt and his warm touch started the typical reaction. My dick was pressing against his and he moved around and opened my belt and zipper allowing my jeans to drop down my legs. I smiled and said,

"What are you doing?"

"Giving you proper thanks" He smiled

Soon he was on his knees and his lips were pulling my dick into his warm mouth.

Ah yes, an afternoon blowjob, just part of a balanced day. As long as you balance it with a morning and evening one that is.

I pulled my shirt off and he did as well, as we both headed toward complete nudity, the door swung open. It was Rabbit. I said hey, Pope hummed.

It was nice to know that the comfort level among us meant that the action could just continue.

Rabbit watched for a few seconds, adjusting himself as he naturally responded to the scene. He said,

"Hey guys Officer Blossom, I mean Jay wants to meet Mamma and ask her if I can have dinner at his house and watch the game with him tonight. He has two daughters and they aren't interested in sports and he thought I might like to meet his family. His oldest daughter is Tonya Blossom, you know the cheerleader."

Pope pulled back letting go of my cock as it popped up against my belly sending his own saliva back into his face. He blinked and said,

"Tonya Blossom is hot; your skinny ass doesn't have a chance with her."

Rabbit smiled and said, "Yeah maybe, but at least my skinny ass will be sitting next to her at dinner tonight."

Pope considered that and reached for my dick.

I told Rabbit to have a good time and come back afterward to tell us how it went. Pope just hummed.

Pope and I finished up with me returning the favor. It's just not smart to leave Pope all horny, no telling when that big thing of his will jump out.

I helped Pope unpack finding a place for his stuff along with mine. He didn't have very much, neither of us did. I let him finish knowing I needed to find Frank and apologize for doubting him earlier.

Frank was still at the table when I stuck my head through the door, he motioned for me to come in.

"Frank I'm sorry I doubted you. I thought you were taking Pope away from me and actually you were helping me keep him, thanks." I said

Frank smiled and said, "It's easy to believe the worst about people, harder to wait and make a better judgment yourself."

There he was right in front of me, I could have gone in for the hug, but my body wouldn't move. The moment passed and Frank handed me some money, he told me to get some new things for both Pope and I. He said what he saw being packed for Pope wasn't very good and I didn?t have much better. Then he moved pass me and into the shop.


Pope and I went shopping. We headed to Wal-Mart hoping to get the most for our money. We each bought a new pair of jeans and a few shirts and decided we would share a couple packs of the short boxers style underwear. We both liked them loose at the bottom, me for the comfort, Pope liked that his dick could peak out for some air.

When we returned we both threw out some old things. His Palm Tree boxer went, but I made him keep the ripped gym shorts. They were just too sexy.

Pope cooked up a great meal and we asked Frank to join us. With a wink, he asked if we would be dressing for the occasion and I assured him we would. I wore sweatpants, Pope showed off his new underwear. We ate, laughed and really had a nice time.

Later that night Pope and I shared our bed and were just enjoying the warmth of the other body when Rabbit arrived. He was really excited that he actually had a real family meal at a table where everyone fit. He went on and on about Tonya, finally Pope said,

"Are you going to talk all night or are coming to bed?"

Rabbit seemed to consider what he wanted to do and slowly removed his shirt and jeans. Then he said,

"Guys, I really like how close we've become and sleeping with you is really cool, but what if I don't want to get naked?"

Pope replied, ?Wear what you want, we don't care, but only naked guys get the middle." he warned

Rabbit crawled in next to me still wearing his whiteys.

Pope spooned me and I spooned Rabbit. He spoke quietly about how cute Tonya was and maybe he might ask her out. Pope played around with me and in doing so he was rubbing up against rabbits butt. Finally Rabbit said,

"Screw it, I'm horny." He pulled off his whiteys jumping into the middle.

Things heated up big time and as we were all playing and sucking and jerking, when we heard a crack. We broke the bed.

"Oh crap, Frank is going to kill us." I said

This ended the fun for the night as we all began to think what we were going to tell Frank

The next morning we showered and dressed quietly considering our fate. Together we walked down to Frank's place and I tapped on the door.

"Yeah' came Frank's voice

I looked at Pope and Rabbit who both looked like they wanted to run. I think they might have if I hadn?t grabbed their arms and dragged them in behind me.

"Good morning Boys, what's on your mind?" Frank asked

I began, "Well Frank, you know we all appreciate everything you do for us and no one wants to be a bother, and besides it was an accident. I mean we really didn't"..

"Tim you're doing it again." Warned Frank

"We broke the bed." I said dropping my head

I could feel the two guys behind me shaking and I knew I was filled with fear. Will he throw us all out? Maybe just beat the hell out of us? God that would hurt!

Frank just sat there for a minute looking at the three of us standing in front of him and then he began to laugh.

He laughed harder and laughed some more.

We just looked at each other wondering what was so funny. Finally Frank composed himself and with a chuckle he said

"You Boy's go on to school, I'll take care of it."

As we left thankful to be alive, we could hear him laughing some more, Adults, go figure.


We stopped by Rabbit's place for him to change. He didn't want Tonya to see him in the same outfit as last night and he decided to pick up a few things to leave at our place for future overnighter. He dragged down an old suitcase filled with his clothes and we headed to school.

The big news of the day was half the track team and the Coach had tested positive for drugs and now there weren?t enough guys on the team to finish the spring season.

During gym they had us all run relay races, sprints and laps. There was a baldheaded guy in sunglasses on the sideline watching everyone. At the end of the class he called Pope, Rabbit and I over and told us he wanted us to take a drug test and if we passed, we could try out for the track team. I figured why not, but both Pope and Rabbit were acting like they weren?t interested. I pulled them aside and said,

"Hey guys why don't we give it a try, it will help the school and it might be fun for us, we're all pretty fast." I suggested

Rabbit answered, "Tim you need special shoes for that and Pope and I can't afford them."

"Well let's talk to Frank; I think we should at least try."

We all took the drug test with no fear, and that afternoon we found Frank directing a couple guys who were delivering a new king size bed through the upper deck door. The bed was on the lift that was used to place bikes and stuff in the storage area and then they took it through the next door and placed in the bedroom. Frank handed me a new comforter and sheets that fit the bed.

This was more than I expected and knew it was expensive, so I decided to skip the track team idea, I didn't want to push my luck.

Pope of course didn't know my decision and yelled across from the car,

"Did you ask him Tim?"

"Ask me what?" Frank questioned

"Nothing, thanks for the bed." I replied

"What do you think Frank, can we do it?"

I gave Pope a look and he shut up.

"Can you do what Tim, and don't say nothing." Warned Frank

"Half the track team got caught using drugs and the new Coach asked the three of us to try out, but Rabbit says the shoes are really expensive and you have already done so much and besides.."

"Stop! If you three joined the team do you plan on making a difference or just goofing off?" Franks asked the group

"I'd race my heart out", I said

"Me too Yeah me too" from the others.

"Frank smiled and said, "I need to finish this bike, Tim, take the guys down to the sports store and you'll be met there. Got it?"

"Yeah, no problem"


Pope and rabbit were checking out prices on the bottom of the running shoes making sure we didn't ask to try on anything too expensive when Roger the football player and a few of his team mates walked in.

"What the hell are you three doing in a sports store?" he asked laughing at us.

Pope said, "We're trying out for the track team, so we we're looking for track shoes dipshit."

"Pope" Rabbit whispered to him

"Yeah, how would you like to try one of those shoes up your skinny ass?" Roger moving towards us

The clerk stepped back not wanting any part of this.

The four football players not only out numbered us, but they out weight us by a hundred pound. I was thinking that Pope's mouth was only good for one thing when he unbelievably continued.

"Roger you're so large, you'd have to start running yesterday to catch me today."

Roger turned red; Rabbit and I looked at each other both knowing we had already been drawn into this fight just by being there with Pope.

Roger took a giant step towards Pope when the front door opened again. It was Buck and Rocket.

"High Boys, how we doing?" from Buck

Roger turned around and stepped back not believing the size of Buck.

Rocket's body moving and arms waving said, "We're not having a problem are we Boys?" all the while looking at Roger

Roger bravely answered, "This doesn't include you, it's just between us."

"Sonny Boy", Buck said, "Anything dealing with these kids includes us."

Once again the door came open and Officer Jay came in, that stopped everything.

Jay smiled at everyone and Roger and his pals moved away giving Pope, Rabbit and I a look like this isn't over.

Rocket checked everyone for size while Jay and Buck started handing shoes to us.

The shoes they were picking were much more money than we had been looking at. Jay assured us that the Police Athletic League would get us a great discount and in the end Bucked pulled out a wad of hundreds and paid the clerk for all the shoes and we headed back to our place.

That night Rabbit helped us break in the new bed, but he kept his whiteys on.

To be continued... Thank you for your emails: nuday101@hushmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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