
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Oct 26, 2007


This story has sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. Thank you.

Leftovers Part Three

Up the stairs and closer still to the door. Each footstep drove my dick deeper into hiding. Pope's dick never seemed to go down even as he scrambled toward the bathroom and told me to lock the front door.

I headed out the bedroom when Pope yelled,

"Put your underwear on dipshit."

"Tim" I retorted

"Whatever" I heard echoing from the shower.

Once again pulling boxers over hopping feet I found the front door. I went to lock it and it flew back against the wall. I was sure we were dead.

In front of me were two tough looking Bikers. The one in front had a scar running along his cheek. Around his neck and wrist were spiked collar and matching bracelets. He was huge, not fat just very large. Behind him was a thinner example of the same, but this guy moved around like there were bugs under his shirt.

"Hi, I'm Buck and this here is Rocket. He's not that fast; it's just that he always seems high." announced a nice voice from the big one.

"Frank said we should get this desk and the computer setup for you today. Okay?"

"Yeah no problem"

Buck was so large it was easy to miss the fact that he had a desk under one arm and a computer under the other.

They entered the room and Buck put the desk against the wall next to the locked door.

Rocket said, "I need to drain the vein."

I said "What?"

"You know piss or I mean urinate."

"Sure, I think the gas station is open, they have a restroom."

"Yeah, I think I'll just go back here." he walked past me toward the bathroom and the hiding place of Pope.

I wanted to stop him but Buck asked for a hand with the desk.

When Rocket came back into the room, Buck headed down stairs for the monitor and printer. Rocket had brought along some computer wire and took out a key to open the locked door.

Inside was a large room that covered the remaining area of the shop below. There were windows running along the long wall and in the middle was a ten foot garage door. It didn't make sense to have a garage door on the second floor until you realized there had to be a way to get all the stuff around us in the room. The place was full of motorcycle parts and a few old bikes were placed back in the corner.

Rocket told me that Frank's DSL connection was below and he started running the wire through a small hole he found in the floor.

I stepped on a screw walking around the room and realized I was still just in my boxers. I said,

"I think I"ll put some clothes on."

"Yeah and you might want to get something for that naked skinny kid in your shower too." Replied Rocket

"Yeah, no problem"

Inside the bathroom shower stood Pope, of course he was wearing nothing and hiding nothing.

I said, "You could have closed the door."

"Yeah, whatever" was his response.

I grabbed some shorts and a shirt from the closet and Pope reached down into the laundry basket and picked up his old gym shorts that I had borrowed.

"What are these doing here?" he asked

"I brought them home to wash." I said

"Don't you know you only wash your gym stuff at Christmas and summer vacation?"

He slipped them over his thin peach fuzzed legs. Now I understood where the small rip had come from. It was directly over the spot where his dickhead had pushed the fabric too many times. The shorts were skimpy, but Pope didn't seem to care.

"I'm dressed, now what?" he said

"Come out and meet the guys"

"I can't go out there, what if they call the Cops on me?"

"Have you seen them? They aren't the type to call the Cops. And why should anyone call the police on you anyway?" I worried

"I'll tell you later", Pope said as he headed toward the living room.

After everyone did their head nods, I helped Buck with the computer setup and Rocket headed down to Frank's office while Pope sat Indian style on the floor feeding him wire.

As I looked at him busy at work, I could easily see his dick hanging out the bottom of his shorts. He didn't seem to care and I wondered if I had an exhibitionist on my hands. However he was so cute, I really didn't care.

Once the job was done, I had a computer and printer for my use. Buck and Rocket left, never asking questions about Pope or showing any interest in what we were doing. This finally gave me a chance to question Pope.

As the door closed Pope pulled off his shorts and sat across from me on the loveseat.

Pope was easy to look at with his fair skin and light brown bush above a soft, but long cock hanging over that wonderfully soft ball sack I had held just a short while ago. I longed to get up and move next to him and do it all again, but just enjoyed the sight for now. I needed some answers.

"Why did you show up here naked?" I asked

"I like being naked, do you have a problem with it?" he smiled

"No, but you had to run across the street and down the alley like that. You were bleeding, and you're worried about the Police, so what's going on?" He knew I was serious and became the same.

I thought I saw tears forming in his eyes when he said,

"Tim, I think I killed him."

"How about bringing me up to speed." I said

"You want to hear the whole story?" he asked

"Yeah, no problem"

Pope began, "My dear Mother left me with my Father when I was eight, first telling me she loved my little sister, but wasn?t sure how she felt about me. My dad took care of me, but worked long hours as a cook. Soon we moved in with one of the waitress? and shortly after, he ran off. The waitress found another boyfriend, keeping me around because my dad had taught me to cook almost as good as him.

I cooked and cleaned, Maria would lay on her back all day humping her new guy Ramon.

Ramon has two hobbies, screwing Maria and kicking the shit out of me.

He was practicing the latter last night and I fought back. I grabbed a bat after he ripped my boxers off and smashed him across the head. The blood flew everywhere and I flew out of there. I couldn't hang around the Project or the Cops would arrest me.

I watched you walk down here, and that day I took you to gym, you seemed like the kind of guy that would help, even though I know I wasn't very helpful to you."

Pope needed a friend, I sure needed one too and after last night, I guess we are at least friends.

I said "I need a shower and then I'll head over and check things out at your apartment. Maybe I can find out if he's dead or not."

"A shower sounds good, I think there's room for both of us." he smiled.

There was and having an extra pair of hands helping each other get clean slowed things down a little, but made it much more fun.

With water poring over us, we cleaned and explored each other's bodies. As I said we were about the same height and I may have him by five pounds. The hair above his dick and on his ball sack turned darker when wet. Mine was already a dark brown and I have more in my bush or at least it looked like it. Pope's eyes were green and mine are more hazel. My hair is cut in medium shag, shaping my angular face. Both our legs were thin defining long muscles meant for running.

I remember watching him run from the flying shoe and again in gym and thought he was quick, but not faster than me. Where Pope and I are different is in the size of our dicks. I'm not short mind you. I'm proud of what I have and take every chance I get to stretch that boy into a longer stronger tool. Pope is longer, maybe a full two inches. It's obvious he is aware of his size and certainly not shy about displaying it. I guess neither of us mind being without clothes, but it's a lot more fun when you're not alone.

After the shower we dried each other off, having even more fun and I dressed getting ready to head out. Pope flopped in front of the computer to see if he could fine any news about Ramon on the internet. He remained naked as I headed out the door.

I decided to leave my car and walk over to the Projects. Once through the fence I tossed a few baskets until I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Tim, what are doing here?" It was Rabbit

"Hey man I didn"t know you lived here." I said

"Yeah, where else is can black woman with eight kid going to live?" He laughed

I said "You have that large of a family?"

Rabbit smiled and said, "Family isn"t quite what I would call it. All of us kids have different dads and none of them are around. Now Momma has a new guy and I think number nine is in the making.?

Looking at his old warn sneakers and faded shirt, I understood.

I looked up in the direction of Pope's apartment and could see a Police Officer at the door.

I said, "What's going on up there?"

Rabbit looked around and said, ?Oh they are always fighting. That kid is in our English and Algebra class, Pope, do you know him? He lives there and I think he and Ramon had a good one last night.?

"Yeah I know Pope. So what happened, did somebody get killed?"

"Don't no" Rabbit looked at me suspiciously and said, "Why are you so interested?"

"Oh you know, I mean I don?t know. Hey what are you going to do your English report on?"

"I have no idea; I know all the computers at the library are filled on a Saturday, so I might just take an F."

"Don't do that, my Uncle just set up a computer for me, you can do your report there if you want. Or wait, maybe that won"t work." I tried to back out remembering I had a guest.

"Please Tim, I'll do anything for you, I don?t want to fail that class. Getting good grades is my only chance to get out of here."

I liked Rabbit and I liked that he wanted a better life for himself just like I did. I said "Come on, let?s get out of here, follow me."

We walked down the alley and I told him I had a secret in my room and made him promise that no matter what he couldn?t say anything to anybody. I knew I could trust him and that he wouldn?t mess up a chance to use my computer to get better grades.

We walked up the stairs and I opened the door knowing that Rabbit seeing Pope would be a surprise, not thinking that seeing Pope naked might be more of a surprise.

Rabbit walked into the door as Pope walked out of the bedroom. Pope saw Rabbit, Rabbit saw Pope, all of him. Both smiled and Rabbit said,

"Nice dick."


"Rabbit, what are you doing here?" Pope asked giving me a look like I was crazy.

"I came over to work on my report with Tim, but I have a feeling that's going to wait for awhile." He replied also looking at me

"Pope, Rabbit can help us work this problem out and find out what happened to Ramon. I trust him."

Rabbit smiled, Pope looked unsure.

"Don't worry Pope, I'll help you guys and whatever goes down between us stays right here." Rabbit was convincing

"Okay, have you seen Ramon?" Pope seemed to relax after taking a seat in the computer chair Buck had added just before he left.

"No, but no bodies were taken out of your place, and I heard him yelling at Maria about an hour before the Cops got there."

"The Cops were there?" Pope had fear on his face

"Yeah, my Momma says they were looking for you."

"Well they won?t find you here." I assured him

Pope looked concerned, but willing to believe my optimism and relaxed some more.

"Guys, I tried to change the subject and hopefully the mood. Franks told me I need to clean up my car. Give me a hand and then we can all work on our English reports."

The stairs and the back fenced area were out of view, so we didn?t worry about anyone seeing Pope. I pulled off my shirt and shoes and grabbed some soap from the kitchen.

Pope threw on his tattered shorts and we turned to go. I looked back and Rabbit, he was just standing there. I said,

"Aren't you coming?"

"I don't have shorts with me", he was wearing jeans and a pullover shirt.

"Go in your boxers" suggested Pope

"I'm wearing tidy whiteys man."

Pope said "Go in them, or you can wear my shorts." Pulling them off and allowing his dick to swing free.

"No, no I'll go in the whiteys." Rabbit hurriedly dropped his jeans, pulled off his socks, shoes and shirt.

Wow what a contrast. Black as coal skin punctuated by the white briefs, Rabbit adjusted himself, showing he wasn't lacking in size and we all scampered down the steps and into the back area.

We found the hose and it had turned to a warm day, so we became as wet as the car. In no time the car still had dull paint, but very clean dull paint.

When we were finished, we put the bucket and hose away and I took the guys into the laundry room and opened the dryer. I pulled of my shorts and boxers which were dripping wet and threw them in. Pope followed with his shorts, Rabbit hesitating a little before giving us our first look at his package. Nice!

Rabbit was a thin as we were. He was as hairless as well, having no real hair other than under his arms and a short bush above his dick.

Pope spoke first. "You trim your pubes?"

"Yeah, once you find out you can grow the stuff; it's no longer necessary to mess with it." Rabbit explained

"Cool, maybe Tim and I should try that." Pope thought out load.

Rabbit looked me over and said, "Tim for sure, but you don't have much hair to worry about Pope."

Pope looked offended and countered that his pubes were light and hard to see and looked small because of the size of his dick.

No one argued about his dick size.

Now all naked, we slipped back up the stairs out of sight from anyone.

It just seemed natural hanging around doing homework and having lunch together completely nude. There wasn't a lot of grab ass, a little, but hey we're sixteen year old boys, so give us a break. There was a lot of looking and the occasional hand across the ass, but in most part we just worked together, watched a little college football, and enjoyed our freedom.

I had run back down and retrieved our stuff from the dryer, but no one was in any hurry to get dressed.

Late in the day with Rabbit and Pope sharing the loveseat, I looked at the pair. What was that song, "Ebony and Ivory?" Both looked so young and pure, both hanging to the left and full of life. I was enjoying my new friends, my new freedoms and my new life.

Rabbit and I did get dressed long enough to get some pizza, but we stripped down again joining Pope naked, other than the cheese hanging from his chin.

The rain began again and I offered to drive Rabbit home and he said he could stay; his Mamma wouldn't care if it was okay with Pope and me.

Pope smiled and said "Sure"

"Yeah, no problem" from yours truly

Pope climbed into the bed and I sat down on the edge when it was time for sleep. Rabbit looked as us and said,

"Hey I guess I'll just sleep in the other room." Turning to go

Together Pope and I said, "No join us."

So my second night sharing a bed became more crowded, but very interesting.

Soft wire is the only was to explain the feeling of Rabbits pubes. I was in the middle, the meat of the sandwich Pope said as he was enjoying pulling my meat. My hand reached out and I rubbed Rabbit's dick. He was about my length, maybe six inches, but thicker than I. He took no time getting hard and didn't say a word when I began playing with him. I think he had shared his bed with a brother or two, but this was different and very enjoyable for him as well as us.

We played and laughed, taking turns in the middle throughout the night. We were touching and cuddling, pulling and probing for all we were worth. It was about two in the morning when Rabbit introduced us to the next level. He was in the middle at the time and dived under the covers grabbing one cock and sucking the other. I remember listening to him suck Pope, when I had the taste of my first dick. Hey, it was sticking me in the face and I couldn't resist.

I'm not sure I can explain this to you, but I was bonding with these boys. It may seem odd but when you have never had someone, having anyone is a special feeling. The touching and sex may no be right for everybody, but each of us in our own way reached out and found one another, and so the sex is just part of the whole and feels natural somehow.

We slept in late and I woke back in the middle. I could fell Rabbit spooning my back and my face was so close to Pope's that I could smell his morning breath. My arm was resting on Pope's ribs and his long dick was poking at mine. I reached down and played with him enough for his eyes to open and greet me with his great smile.

He greeted me again with the announcement, "I got to piss like a racehorse." then he rolled over both Rabbit and I and headed for the bathroom.

This got us all moving, and soon Pope was preparing breakfast. He was a great cook. Everything he made was delicious.

After we ate we made room for Rabbit in the shower and lathered one another with soap and allowed the warm water to take away the spunk made during our efforts.

The morning went by with us helping each other with our reports and soon they were completed. Rabbit asked me to take his with me to school, because sometimes the bus would get a little rowdy and he didn't want to lose all his work.

I suggested that I pick him up in my car; I was going pass the apartments anyway. He smiled and agreed. I offered the same to Pope who looked sad.

"I won't be going to school." He said, "I don't want to be arrested."

That's when we agreed to have Rabbit get dressed and check out what was going on at the apartments.

Rabbit returned in time for lunch, peeling off his shirt and jeans as he joined us at the table.

"It looks like Ramon wants to press changes against you for assault" he informed Pope and me.

"Damn, what am I going to do, I don't want to go to jail, I was just protecting myself."

I said "Let me talk to Frank when he gets back, maybe he can help us out."

"Are you crazy" He'll turn me over to the police and they'll drag me away.' Pope argued

"Do you have a better plan?" I retorted

There was silence around the table. Soon we all agreed if we had to trust an adult and there was one that could be trusted, it would be Frank.

To be continued.... Thank you for your emails.

Next: Chapter 4

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