
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Oct 24, 2007


This story will have sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. Thank you.

Leftovers: Part Two

A second day of school brought my first opportunity to visit the lunchroom. Monday I had spent lunch in the Dean's office filling out paperwork. I had saved my Granola Bar and it pulled me through the day.

The lunchroom is the coliseum; you know where the Lions eat the Warriors. This is where everyone finds out you're a Leftover, so you hope to just find a small group of kids that really don't give a crap. They can't be too low life or lame, but you know there is no chance you'll end up at one of the cool tables.

At lunch you hope for indifference at best. So far that's what I have received from all my classmates, none of them wanting to break lockstep and acknowledge my existence.

Yeah, High School is all about the classes and I don't mean English, and Science. Even in a low class area like this one, there are differences and you better belong to one clan, tribe, or group, because not belonging is trouble.

I made it through the line and looked for anyone with an inviting smile. Forget it, I found a small table that was empty and I prayed it didn't belong to the jocks or hoods.

Shortly after I was seated a black kid sat across from me. I thought, here we go.

"I'm Rabbit, I saw you in Algebra and you seem smart. Can you just explain what the hell the teacher said in there?"

"Yeah,no problem, I'm Tim."

While I explained, I looked him over. He was really black, dark skin and black eyes allowing no clue to what he was thinking, He was thin like me, his hair was short, his shirt was dirty and he had a smell like day old something, but at least he was willing to sit with me, so who cares?

During lunch a few guys said hey to him and he seemed to have friends, so I asked him

"Why aren't you sitting with them?"

"Oh, they're cool, but I don't want to be a blood or jock or gang banger, I guess I really don't fit in with any of them."

I laughed and said, "How have you made it this far?"

He smiled and said, "I'm quick, that's why they call me Rabbit."

At that point we had company. A kid with braces on both legs, crunches, pants pulled way up high, a backpack and thick glasses showed up at the table. Both Rabbit and I looked at each other knowing that this could mark us both as losers, but before we could say a thing the kid looked at us and said,

"Just let me rest a minute, please don't send me away."

I said,"Hey, I'm Tim, this is Rabbit"

He said, "Alex, do you guys want some leftovers?" pulling a bag from his backpack. I thought to myself, I think it's too late.


It's always the third day that some jerk decides to test you for an easy target.

Leaving Algebra, a big lump of a kid knocked into me. It pushed me back against the wall and I lost my breath.

"Hey shithead can't you say you're sorry?" came a roaring voice.

I couldn't get it out fast enough and his big arm came up and pushed me back again.

Now a group of his pals surrounded me and I think they could smell my fear.

The big guy moved forward and grabbed my shirt; I heard it rip and knew I was in big trouble. That's when a voice yelled,

"Hey, Dean Wagner is coming down the hall."

The big guy backed off and the gang entered the classroom

I looked around not wanting to see the Dean and have him tell Frank that I was in trouble, he wasn't there. Down the hall in the same direction of the voice was Rabbit smiling.

"Thanks" I said when I caught up with him

"Yeah you don't want to mess with Roger, he is the football team."

I wondered how I could have avoided the situation, as we both moved on to our next class.

The first week was over and Friday night was upon me, I had stopped at the store using money Frank had given me that morning. I drove up in time to catch Frank before he rode off.

He moved over to the car window after dismounting his bike.

"Here's some money, fill up the car and get it cleaned. Buy a new shirt too; I see one of your's was ripped."

"Yeah, no problem"

"Frank" I called to him as he was leaving

"Yeah what?"



"I've got a report due and need to do some research; I guess I could use a computer, that's all."

"Got it." And he rode away.


Friday night, just me, my warm food and naked body. I know it could be better, but I grade on a low curve when it comes to my life experiences.

It was raining cats and dogs, so no reason to go out and I had nowhere to go anyway. So I crawled into bed and curled up ready for sleep.

A banging at my door brought me back around and I jumped out of bed grabbing my boxers off the chair, slipping them over my legs as I hopped over to see who was at the door.

I knew it couldn't be Frank, he had left hours ago and I wasn't sure if I should open the door at this time of night and in this neighborhood.

I heard a voice "Open up dipshit."

I opened the door and there was Pope. I stepped back not knowing what to do, Pope was completely naked except for his sneakers. Bloody streams rolled down his face leaking from a cut above his eye and another one at his lip. Light red droplets fell from his arms and other hanging appendages.

"Are you going to stand there or are you going to let me in?"

It wasn't that I was considering the choice, but I just wasn't moving either way, so he pushed past me.

"Can you get me a towel?"

I ran to the bathroom, returning with a towel and some bandages. I tried to wipe him off, but he pulled the towel away from me.

"How did you find me?" I asked

"I'm not stupid, I know where you live."

"What happened to you?"

"Cat fight"

He finished drying off and took one bandage and applied it as best he could to his lip. He did let me help him cover the one at his eye.

He looked bad and beaten with some burses beginning to appear along his ribs.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" I asked

"No it's late, can we just go to bed?" He asked

"Yeah, no problem, do you want to borrow some boxers?"

"No, I'm not wearing your cum stained underwear, I'll sleep in the nude, and don't think you're making me look foolish by keeping yours on." He pointed to my boxers.

"Yeah, no problem"

I slipped off my boxers and crawled into the bed next to Pope's naked body.

There wasn't much conversation between us. I knew it was nice to have a warm body next to me; I had never shared a bed so the movement of another body was unusual at first, but soon sleep took over from the uniqueness and my eyes closed.

Sometime during the night I woke, felling Pope's arm over my hip. His fingers were gently touching my dick, and slowly running through my pubic hair. His touch was as light as a feather; I didn't know what to do. I knew it felt good, both to be touched and most of all to have someone, anyone close to me. He gently held my dick pulling on it and rubbing the head. His hand was warm and nurturing, I decided to just let it go.

The sun hit my eyes early and I woke to Pope's hand still holding my dick. I was soft, but growing harder because I really had to pee. Now I had the big decision to roll out of bed and away from the warm body spooning me, with the soft hand holding me, or just let my bladder explode.

While I calculated the impact of the explosion, Pope rolled over me and moved towards the bathroom.

I watched his pink cheeks move to and fro as the distance separated us. Soon I heard his pee stream hitting the toilet bowl water and the sound made me need to go even more. I couldn't wait; I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom door. Pope came out with a drop falling from the tip of his long dick as he looked at me and said,


"Nothing, I need to piss." I answered

"Oh" and he walked by flopping from side to side.

My pee seemed to last forever, I really wanted to be back in that warm bed next to the skinny kid. I finally finished and walked back into the bedroom where Pope was on top of the comforter naked and hard.

I slid in next to him, the bed making it impossible not to roll towards each other. His hands were behind his head showing just sprits of hair under his arms. His chest moved slowly up and down and his eyes closed once he watched me come into the room.

I don't know why, I could never answer that question, but I felt close to him. I knew I was so lonely, so in need of something warm and personal in my life, I just felt this was the right thing to do.

I reached over and put my hand on his chest. I could feel his heart beating. I slowly moved down his body, my index finger dropped into his naval, so warm and friendly, my hand traveled on. It seemed forever before I felt the curly forest above his dick, it was so inviting.

I had already passed the head of the giant on my way south. It was curving west and I had taken the eastern route. I wanted so badly to wrap my hand around his balls. Other than mine, I had never felt another set and needed to know if mine were an original pair or just mass produced duplicates.

Pope's balls folded into my palm like it was meant to be. They juggled and danced to my command. I loved the feel of the soft sack keeping them safe. I felt special somehow that I was able to touch them and fondle them to my hearts desire, and my heart had a lot of desire right then.

There is no animal hide like the human skin, especially the part the covers the male genitals. The warmth and softness is like nothing else I have ever felt. I was in love with the feeling.

I brought my hand upward just enough to fine the base of his long skinny cock. Oh my! What am I doing?

The base of Pope's dick was thicker than it looked. My finger and thumb barely made it around. I slid my hand up it slowly to the head. Pope let out air and sucked it back in when I reach its head. In my hand his dick stood straight and the head was like a red beacon attached to white pole. I moved up and down felling the ripple of his veins under my touch. He was probably a little over eight inches, which seemed big to me. I warmed him up as he grew a little more in size. Through pinched lips he said he was going to blow, I kept going, not wanting to leave the site until the job was complete. Soon it was, and his sticky white river rolled along the outer edge of my fingers and quickly filled his navel.

We turned to look at each other as he recaptured his breath, I used the sheet to wipe him clean. I was going to tell him how much fun that was, when we both heard the footsteps at the bottom of the stairs. In an instant fear replaced pleasure on Pope's face and he said,

"He's here; damn I thought I'd killed him."

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 3

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