Left to My Own Devices

By moc.loa@deenndnerf

Published on Dec 2, 2005


Left to my own devices, Chapter 6 by Walker N.

All fiction of course, none of the characters are real, and if you're offended, what are you reading it for? It's just a story.

Left to my own devices; Chapter 6

In my dreamlike state I seemed to be having a number of interesting visions anyway, as it seemed like a few newcomers were filtering into the now casbah-like former classroom.

I seemed to be dreaming that my body was the focus of a pair of twins

from Hawaii who I recognized as recent graduates who were also occasional models and were famous for their perfectly mirrored positions, and their generous uncut cocks and low hanging balls. They both had long curly hair that tumbled down to AMG type athletic bodies, and except for identical small patches of pubic hair and a little under their arms, were both smooth and hairless. Kiko and Ken Boy were big surfers, of course, and often talked about riding the really big waves in the Islands, and like other strong swimmers they both had big arms and strong chests, small butts above thickly muscled thighs and calves.

When together, which was all the time, they would break into a native pidgin patois that was hard to follow but you got the drift even if you missed the specifics, most of the time anyway. I thought they'd returned to Maui where they were from but seems I was wrong because I recognized the chatter and now, it seemed that I was their new job, which they tackled with doubled enthusiasm. That job involved rubbing me all over with some kind of coconut lotion and patchouli oil, followed by a deep muscle massage which felt like heaven on earth.

One twin was on each of my legs, spreading the lotion all over and working it in, starting from my feet, working up my calves and on to my thighs. As their strong hands massaged the oil into my muscles it seemed to warm them and my body began to tingle with expectant sensuality. I closed my eyes and sighed with pleasure, and the twin masseurs exchanged positions, and in the process, flipped me over onto my stomach so they could continue spreading the ointment over the backside of my legs as well. As they worked their way up my upper thighs, I felt two more sets of hands begin massaging my feet again. A luxurious feeling of four sets of hands working all the kinks out my muscles and making me feel a sensual pleasure spreading up my body to my buttocks was an exquisite pleasure.

The twins took charge of my ass at this point, each one squeezing and stroking one mound, spreading more of the oil everywhere and massaging it in. They worked in unison, slowly delving down the buttocks and into the valley between, and then insistently they began to spread the cheeks apart to reveal my puckered anus. I felt a warm breeze as one of the twins blew on my asshole, and more of the warm liquid was drizzled into the winking entrance. I felt a finger from one of the boys spread this oil around the anal rim, followed by a finger from another hand, then the first one again. They took turns working the lubrication into my relaxing sphinter. Then I felt another, cooler breeze from another mouth blowing across my fuckhole, a new sensation that made me shiver and made my anus contract -- closing up like a sea anemone in a tide pool.

It was a tickle of anticipation and I giggled a little, then moaned as a tongue dove into my hole and insistently pushed its way inside. Hands grabbed both sides of my ass as the tongue retreated, drooling generous dollops of saliva in its wake. I shivered again and felt the hairs on my legs stand up.

A third hand began to pour another sort of lotion into my anus that seemed to make my skin even more sensitive than it already was. As my asshole was opened up I felt my cock twitch back to life, and with each new anal exploration, the warm sensation of the lotion turned more intensely erotic. The insistent anal manipulation had located my prostate and my dick responded immediately, quickly growing to its full length, against the mat below me. Soon I felt another hand reach under there too, hefting my scrotum and discovering that I had an erection. "We've got wood, boys," one of the twins said triumphantly.

There were murmurs of approval all around and I felt the return of another set of probing hands, this time armed with a sex toy called a "butt plug." I felt the smoothly rounded point of a rubber butt plug press up against my sensitive hole and begin a steady pressure on the barrier to my rectum. The pressure was slow and steady, twisting around as it finally entered the hot channel. "Push down," said a deep voice," pretend like you're taking a shit. Push back." I did, and it slipped in, and I caught my breath.

The sex toy's softly pointed end broadened out to the width of a cucumber before quickly narrowing again and finishing with a wide flat bottom. "This is just to begin opening you up for us," I heard the voice whisper into my ear, "and keep you open for later. We're not ready to start fucking just yet, but don't worry you'll get plenty of exercise down there before the night's through." It all had felt so wonderful up to this point that I just smiled and whispered, "Thank you."

Meanwhile the massaging of my body continued up from my buttocks to my lower back and shoulders, taking in the muscles of my neck and arms and finishing up with my hands and fingers. The twins flipped me over again and my dick flopped up pointing to the ceiling and wobbling back and forth. One of the boys quickly swallowed it down to my short hairs, massaging my stomach with one hand and twisting my balls with the other. A couple of trips up and down my shaft and he was replaced by his brother, whose mouth was equally ardent. The twins then began taking turns going down on my cock, breaking suction after a bit by sharing the tongue bath, one on each side of my dick, carefully licking it from corona to scrotum. They then returned to massage my belly and chest, pausing to suck on nipples one on each side, before continuing the tongue bath up both sides of my neck to my face where they took turns again kissing my cheeks and French kissing my mouth, exploring its depths with their insistent tongues.

My head was reeling with all the competing sensations and I feel engulfed with an ecstatic passion. The twins resumed their tongue bath again, this time moving down my body lower and lower down my body and finally encircling my cock, now fully erect and dripping with anticipation. "Well, brah, he seems as ready as he's ever gonna be."

"Yeah, trembling like a little lamb," another deeper voice said, I couldn't see who it was but it didn't sound like any of the men in the room so far. "Who'll be first to pop this ripe cherry? You, Stephen?"

"No, Thad, both of us are too much for him to start out with, he's going to have to be completely open and ready before either one of us can sink our dicks into this sweet pie. As much as we'd love to just dive right in now, we do want him to learn to love us for our size, don't we? Not dread the whole experience."

"True enough, not many are ready for my big boy right off the bat. Yours neither," there was a low chuckle" I forget because of my Tris, who's the perfect dick destination, not everyone can do what he do."

True enough, Tristan, the perfect bottom, was Thad's mascot, following him around everywhere, a small nubile Lebanese acrobat who was nowhere more comfortable than when he was dancing on the big man's dick.

"Where IS your pet this evening?" Stephen asked.

"Well, he doesn't quite measure up for '8 Plus' club so he's home sitting it out, probly twisting away on that 'plaster cast' Eric made for me last semester."

"Oh yeah?" I heard Eric chime in, "I remember doing that. Got the idea from an article on groupies in Rolling Stone. "

"I remember that" Julio, this time, "the 'Plaster Casters.' Groupies who made all them casts of all those rock stars' dicks -- to keep for souvenirs or somthin - Jimi Hendrix had the biggest one, they said."

"Yeah well it's not easy to do 'em," Eric continued, "keeping a hard on all that time so's you can get a good impression. But Thad did great." Eric sounded in awe, "he' got such perfect control of his dick for someone so big. He kept it up, hard as a rock, the whole time and what a monument it was in the end."

"The perfect image of Priapus," said Stephen.

"Yeah," Thad said, "Well it was a spitting image of my dick, dressed for company, that's for sure. Tristan even used it to get used to the real thing after we first met and he has it in a special shrine by our bed for when I'm gone. He's a little jealous of my coming here without him tonight, you guys, and he says he understands that tonight's meeting is '8 Plus' club business, but I know he'd like to be here. All's I have to do is give him a ring and he'd be here in a minute. "

"Well, we might ask him to come by and show us a thing or two about how to mount your monster. We'll see how Walker progresses in the program. Maybe later."

Tristan was indeed the perfect dick destination for Thad. He had an ass that seemed to be made to be fucked and eyes only for his hero. The two had been inseparable since an incident the previous year when they met. Or rather, when Thad saved Tristan's neck - quite literally.

The boy had been lured into vacant equipment shed down on lower campus by three jocks intent on "teaching the fag a lesson." The trio, who it turns out weren't even enrolled as students, had zeroed in on the delicate and rather effeminate young man and had tied him up to a crossbeam and were systematically slapping the hell out of him and preparing for much worse when Thad interrupted their plans. The big man had heard the plaintive cries and muffled crashing sounds coming from what should have been an empty shed and used his master key to catch the thugs in the act.

Thad said that when he saw what was happening to the poor vulnerable Tris, he just lost it and saw red. No one in their right mind would think of challenging the huge black athlete in a normal fight but this time he went berserk. Two of the attackers managed to get away and ran off as fast as they could but the third was cornered and scared to death, he pulled out a knife and hands shaking, tried to defend himself. Thad made short work of him, disarming and pinning him to the ground with one hand, while with the other he had the presence of mind to radio the campus police.

When the cops showed up they already had the two other attackers handcuffed in the back of the squad car. They'd been stopped by the cops for suspicion - running like bats out of hell across campus in the middle of the night, babbling about some giant when the police caught up with them.

Tristan didn't want to press charges, being afraid that the attack might be repeated later, "the police never believe I didn't ask for it," he'd tearfully confessed, "and they'll be out on the street again and after me by tomorrow." Thad would have none of that however.

"When I was a boy I had to pass a gang house on my way to school every day and everyday the same set of gangbangers were laying for me. They'd steal my lunch money, broke my bike, but mostly they just loved to pound on me since word had got out that I liked sucking dick. Hell, I knew I wanted to suck cock the first time I saw one, and they made me suck theirs' time and time again until I got even and told them they didn't have much. That just pissed them off and they never let up after that.

"No one was there to help me before I got big, but when I did get finally grow, I got bigger than any of them pretty quick and I made them pay for every one of those beatings."

"They don't matter now. One's in the joint, another one's shot dead, and the meanest one's stuck in a filthy wheelchair, paralyzed from a stray bullet in Nam. Ever hear of Karma? That's Instant Karma, dog. No, you can't let the bullies get away with it or they just get worse and do it again and again and again."

Meanwhile, I was coming out of my dreamy, foggy state, finding myself the subject of some intense and carefully detailed scrutiny from the twins. Kiko and Ken boy punctuated their physical manipulation of my body with an ongoing commentary in what must have been a Hawaiian patois that I only half understood. What I gathered however was that the subject of comment was my ass and whether or not they could get it ready to be fucked by two of the biggest dicks I'd ever seen in my life.

Another voice belonged to one of the owners of these two dicks to die for. My mind reeled back to the recent examination by our well endowed mentor, when I seemed to be riding on his rigid member as it curved up between my buttocks and poked out under my balls as he transferred me

from my encounter with Eric and Julio to my current position on the couch in the middle of the room. It was all coming back to me again and I realized I would be riding that big dick before the night was over. And I recognized another voice in the conversation as that of Thaddeus, the black model who was a double for the Hellenistic sculpture of Hercules, and who now our new night custodian with the keys to all the locks at school.

When Thad was modeling for drawing class he used to entertain us all with his enormous dick which seemed to rise and fall by the force of his will. His erectile gymnastics always bordered on the downright pornographic, especially if the room didn't contain the easily shocked sorority girls. His ability to make that amazing dick hard and soft as he wished was always the source of astonished amusement during and after one of his performances. Now I realized that this same giant dick would be rising and falling inside my ass before the night was over as well. That thought both excited and frightened me. I couldn't see how I could possibly accommodate either one of these outsized cocks. The thought of either of them forcing its way up my rectum made my mouth go dry and I started to panic.

As if they were reading my mind, the twins renewed their efforts to stimulate my prostate, while cooing and whispering encouraging half intelligible reassurance at the same time. Under their skillful ministrations I felt an intense stimulation, both from the outside as one hand massaged my perineum and testicles, making them tingle and draw up tight to my body. At the same time another set of hands worked on the fully inserted buttplug, twisting it around and around, pulling it partway out and sliding it back into place, then giving the flat end of the malleable sex toy a series of hard smacks as it fit flush up against my ass, then manipulating it back and forth stretching and widening my sphincter until it was as malleable as a rubberband.

All this attention to my ass had made my cock stand up and begin to drool again. One twin jumped down on it again and devoured it to the root once more, slobbering all over it as he corkscrewed his mouth and fist around and around my shaft. Letting it plop out he dribbled saliva all over my genitals until my penis and balls were slick and slimey with spit.

All the while trading appreciative comments about me with his brother. Kiko interrupted his tongue bath to say, "We 'au au' you body all ovah brah, unastan 'au au'? It mean wash, lick, you dick taste good, Ken Boy, chimed in, saying, "Kupaianaha! It wunnaful Ono loa!"

Kiko continued, "You dick tasty, Ono ka pu u, it delicious, dis dick brah, the throat craves dis long juicy dick. Mahalo nui loa, you wanna turn, my braddah?" "Aiwaiwa!" Ken Boy responded, "Ho brah, dat kamaha, it wonnaful, we hana hou, suck you agin, ka nani o unnastan?"

Well no, I dinna unnastan, but I got the drift, and their simultaneous attentions brought me to the edge of orgasm several times once more, but each one of those times they could tell and backed off, clamping off the base of my cock at the urethra, preventing the involuntary ejaculation and holding back the flow os semen, some of which nonetheless oozed out anyway when he let go of the base of my dick. Each time this happened they brought me back from the brink of ecstasy, and heightened my lust to an almost unbearable point.

Each time cooing in my ear "Ho ka nani, how beautiful, you dick, howsit brah, We hana hou, do it again now. You wait. Dat be mo' bettah, you see."

By this time I was completely relaxed and open, my body like putty in their skillful hands. I felt myself being stretched and bent over, my legs pulled apart and my feet tossed into the air, only to fall lightly over either Kiko's brawny shoulders or those of Ken Boy. The lengthy massage left me completely limber and trusting and I noticed for the first time the twins perfectly matched cocks. Uncut and erect they arched up at a 45 degree angle from their small patches of pubic hair. Their foreskins were generous and even though they were in a completely rampant state, both glans were still hooded, though the exact shape of the glans underneath was outlined and the foreskins pulled back a bit at the tip showing a small circle of the hot red crown beneath, and each opening had a large verticle cum slit already leaking strings of gooey precum. The boys' penises had pointed glans and when the foreskins were pushed back they looked like strawberries in shape. From these pointed beginnings the boys' cocks widened into a thickness that was unexpected ly fat, then slightly narrowing again where the members attached their bodies. At their thickest point I realized that I'd never experienced anything that size up my ass.

This made me nervous, since it looked like the twins were positioning themselves to be the first men in the room to fuck me. "Hey guys," I whined, "go easy on me, OK? I'm not used to dicks as big as yours."

"No worries, brah," Kiko said, "big dicks betta, don' hurt like teeny ones, unnastan? Once you get it in, you love it. Promise."

Ken Boy laughed, echoing his brother, "Promise. No pain, you see. We GOOD fuckers, you gonna love dees dicks. Back home, boys line up to get fucked by dees dicks. You wait. Ho brah, dat kamaha, It wunnaful Ono loa!"

I didn't completely believe them but my mouth was suddenly covered by Ken Boy's and he returned to kissing me passionately, pushing his thick tongue against mine , then sucking it while running his hands through my hair and tickling my ears, then holding my jaw tightly against his face. I gasped for breathe and let go of my worries. Kiko felt me relax at last and lifted my legs up and onto his shoulders, pressing his weight down on my upstretched thighs so that they were flat against my chest, exposing my anus any and all comers. With one hand he continued to manipulate the butt plug, pulling it from side to side, while someone I couldn't see took over coating the boy's dick with a generous coat of lube. "Get ready," Kiko said, as he lined up his dick with my quivering hole, "Dis gonna feel jus great, you see." And with one smooth movement he pulled the sex toy out of my rectum and replaced it with the head of his hot pole before my anus had the chance to return to it's normal, anxious and closed size.

The sudden entry made me freeze with fear and I felt a stab of pain which stopped Kiko. He told his brother, "Gotta stop. He clamp shut." Tears came to my eyes, as much from surprise as from any pain. "You gotta hang loose, brah. Push out like you gotta shit. Try pushin me out with you hole, OK?" I knew what he was trying to get me to do and tried doing like he said, pressing my sphinter hard against his dick, like I was trying to pass a big turd and it worked. My ring opened for Kiko's dick and it slid in about four inches and then stopped.

"Oo you so hot, Walker, you o,"immediately Kiko's dick slid in about four inches more. "Ho Walka' brah, me beeg deek feel so ono in you okole, brah. We go slo, you like. Das plenny time. You love our deek in you, you see. No worries brah, we have fine time tonite."

"Me and my bruddah beeg hoale fucka," Ken Boy said as he shifted from sucking my face to licking my cock and balls. "Ho, Walka brah," he said sweetly, "you deek so beeg too, even fo' an 8 plus club, an you balls brah, dey so beeg 'n heavy, tho na so beeg as ours, brah. Nex' time roun you wan' try dees ones in you tight okole?" As he hefted them, he gauged their weight, "Brah, da nex' time you put you big cock in me, eh, I wan' try dat one."

This made me laugh and I caught my breath as Kiko took advantage of my distraction to sink his dick in the rest of the way, all eight thick inches , and I felt his short hairs brush up against my scrotum, "Oh brah, you da bes' Walka. Ho brah, I like dis."

It felt like Kiko's thick cock was going to pop out my throat I was so full of him. But he stopped and just savored the moment, letting me get used to the feeling of being fully impaled. Then, slowly he began to rock back and forth, not really pulling out or anything, just moving his dick around, getting me used to it, helping me finally relax, and accept the big intruder. At some point I felt my ring ease off and open up and begin to stretch out for him. He reacted by laughing and wiggling his dick up and down, saying "Ho brah, you see what I say, there be no worries brah, none at all. You da bes' Aiwaiwa! Amazing, wunnaful, Kamaha o."

(to be continued, should there be interest in the further adventures of Walker and the 8 plus club story).

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