Left to My Own Devices

By moc.loa@deenndnerf

Published on Nov 29, 2005


"Kiss and make out," came a voice from the shadows at the rear of the darkened classroom as my personal wet dream, the long-haired red head, I had lusted after all semester, Leo, came up to me from the back of the room. "I think we should all just get it on," he said.

It was Erik who next spoke up, "Like they say, 'Make Love, Not War,'" He put down his pencils and pulled Julio into the full body embrace that we'd all seen coming from a mile away. They melted into each other's arms, sucking each others' mouths, while their hands began disentangling their buttons and belts and dropping their clothes into a tangled scatter on the studio floor.

The rest of us began doing the same thing, just as the afternoon light coming in through the windows up by the ceiling started to let in the wonderful gleam of light so typical of Southern California. A light that seems to change all the colors around, softening and making them all more glowing and magical. It was a lovely moment and as we moved closer to the nearest warm body, everything seemed to begin to move in slow motion, our inhibitions melting away just like our clothes in a moment of lingering bliss. A moment of hushed eroticism that will forever remain fixed in my memory like the motes of dust that danced down the lengthening sunbeams.

Leo, the handsome redhead I'd admired for so long, now sidled up to me, his shirt and coveralls gone and all at once he was the one pursuing me. He turned my face towards his with one hand, as his lips sought out my own. As he ran his fingers through my hair and beard, his other hand gripped the growing cock that was tenting his boxers, his excitement there showing wet with a growing stain of precum was spreading from its end. As he lowered the front of the elastic waistband he revealed more and more of the delicate trail of red hair that spread from the line in the middle of his lower abdomen, wider and thicker as the lush flaming pubic bush around the base of his throbbing uncut cock. He ran his fingers down the side of my cheek, lightly gliding over the top of my beard, causing me to shiver with anticipation.

"I know you've been watching me, Walker," he said. "I've been watching you too. Didn't know if you were into all this until Steve told us about his lunchtime adventure with you in the Psych building tearoom. Now I want to see if what he said about you is true."

I looked over to where our teacher sat, and at once it was evident that he had been stage-managing all the action as it unfolded around the classroom. I blushed as he winked at me and licked his lips. Yes, I knew now whose hungry mouth had brought me off so expertly during the lunch break.

"I knew from the GSU meetings that you were a brother," Mr. Stern said as he came up to Leo and me, putting a hand on each of our backs and sliding them down our spines at the same time following each into the clefts of our buttocks and giving us both a squeeze. "But it wasn't until today that I was able to measure your dick with my throat to see if you were big enough to join our little group. "

I felt his finger exploring my ass, just behind my balls, running along the perineum until it found my damp and trembling hole. He then lightly swirled his finger around the edge of the puckered opening before pulling his hand away again. As this was going on, Leo's tongue had gone crazy, engulfing my own tongue and exploring my mouth with an intensity of passion that told me that our mentor was exploring Leo the same way he was exploring me.

Stephen then walked over to the model's stand in the center of the room and turned to speak to us all. But first he gave our model David a tender kiss on the mouth and a lingering embrace that slithered down in front of the boy as his mouth sought out the models now throbbing erection. He took the drooling head into his mouth and swirled his tongue around the outside of the corona of the cock's head. Then in one smooth motion, he engulfed the entire eight-inch penis down to the blond thatch of pubic hair at its base. Slowly and deliberately, Stephen then drew back his mouth and throat off the hard dick, until just the head remained in his mouth. While he dandled the boy's low hanging balls in one hand, he twisted his mouth and his other hand, now slick with saliva around and around the hard cock in a sensuous slow corkscrew motion. David closed his eyes and moaned, putting his head back in ecstasy. Then, suddenly, Stephen pulled off the boy's cock all at once revealing the large, beautiful erection as it bounced up in an arc, slick with spit, and slapped against the model's stomach.

Perfectly proportioned and circumcised, David's cock was curved in an arc upwards towards his lean abdomen, now taut and trembling with desire. From where I stood, it looked like David's penis was almost a carbon copy of my own, both in size and shape, and, at the moment, in erotic readiness.

Stephen took a hold of it again in one hand, and bounced it a bit in his open palm, as he looked at me saying, "Your dick seemed just like David's to me today, and, when I touched bottom, it hit the same spot in my throat as David's does, and as a result I didn't need a ruler to tell if you were big enough to join our little group of big guys - a group you may have heard rumors about, the '8 Plus Club." Well, most of the loyal members are here in this room right now, today. "

I looked around the room and saw that everyone was looking from Stephen to me, and back again, and I felt my face blush red with embarrassed excitement. "You'll see that all the members, besides the ones already in this room before the evening is out. And all of them are also blessed with the same minimum measurements as you and David have here." He continued to bounce David's hard and dripping cock in his hand. "And some are quite a bit larger as you will see." There were a few snickers and teasing comments from others in the room at this comment.

"While size is the basic entrance requirements for our select club, taste and performance is every bit as important, and most important of all is loyalty and discretion."

"This little introductory party is just for you, Walker. This afternoon is meant to welcome you and initiate you into our very select and secret society. If you want to remain a member, you will observe our pact of discretion and respect, keeping the details of our gatherings in this room to yourself. Once we get to know you better, perhaps you can suggest other candidates for membership, but for now, we all want to get a closer look at you, our newest "8 Plus" member."

There was a general round of applause and voices of approval from the other men in the room and it seemed like it was the best time to begin.

Leo pulled at both his boxers and my jeans, and soon we'd kicked them both out of the way. He quickly slid down my torso, cupping my balls in one hand as he engulfed my cock in his mouth just as Stephen had done to our model David. The smooth wet warm glove of his throat swallowed my erection effortlessly and I felt his hot breath snorting from his nostrils as they rooted around in my pubic hair. I looked down as Leo disengorged my dick in a single smooth movement and enveloped it once again. His tongue tickled the underside of the shaft as it disappeared down his throat again and again. His mouth and throat seemed to meld completely with my dick and I saw he was working his own hard cock at the same rhythm as he was sucking mine.

And his cock was a beauty, too. Sleek and smooth it curved upward and to the left a bit, ending in a snug foreskin that now retracted to show about half of his swollen glans, dripping precum as he'd been before. Pulling off my cock with a plop, he held it up in front of him, smiling; he turned to our attentive audience and said, "Delicious, anyone else want a taste?"

"Plenty of time for that," Stephen said, moving in again to stage-manage the event. "First, if you all remember, our new member 's first task is to sample everything that the rest of the club members have to offer." Turning to Leo, he told the boy to stand, then said to me, "Since you're already here, Walker, perhaps you'd like to return the favor and show Leo some oral appreciation."

Murmurs of approval rippled through the assembly, and the men, all of whom were in the process of shedding their remaining clothing, gathering closer for a better look.

I fell to my knees in front of Leo's arching cock, and looked into the boy's eager eyes, saying, "I've been wanting to do just that for quite awhile now." Slowly, I began to stroke the boy's uncut penis with one hand, while hefting his heavy balls with the other. I moved my head closer to his partially uncovered glans, studying it closely before putting the tip of the cock to my lips for a wet kiss. From there I pressed myself onto the throbbing member, keeping a tight suctioning pressure all around it as it disappeared into my eager mouth. I pushed myself down onto Leo's shaft in a single, slow, and deliberate movement, and the cock smoothly disappeared until it reached my throat, where I paused for a moment to catch my breath. That done, I plunged forward again, and in a smooth continuous movement, my throat opened up to envelope the new intruder until my nose was buried into the flaming red bush of Leo's pubic hair. Hitting bottom, Leo let out a sigh, and I began to slowly corkscrew his cock rotating and massaging it with my throat muscles, milking it as best I could. After a long, sensuous dance I finally pulled away leaving the slickly gleaming cock pulsing once more in front of me.

"Tastes great," I said, and immediately plunged down onto the hard cock again. Leo's eyes rolled back, and a sensuous moan escaped the boy's own throat. Pulling off again, I caught the shaft in my hand again, squeezing his heavy balls with the other once more, rotating my hand around the penis, imitating what my throat had just finished doing, drooling more saliva onto the already slick and engorged glans. This was a moment I'd dreamed of doing ever since I first set eyes on the sexy redhead, though I never dreamed my oral lavage would have had such a large and rapt audience as I had now. I put the others out of my mind for the moment and gave Leo's cock my complete attention and was rewarded by more moans and a tell tale swelling of the boy's cock, recognizing the signs of impending eruption, I grasped the base of his shaft and squeezed the bottom of the boy's urethra which was already beginning to spasm. "Not yet," I said, but my attempt to interrupt the first spurt of semen was only partially successful and a bubble of the milky liquid began to stream out of Leo's piss slit. I clamped my lips on his glans and lapped up the first viscous jet as it leaked out and rolled it around my mouth, savoring its sweet and sour taste on my tongue awhile before swallowing and licking my lips in pleasure. Still holding the base of Leo's cock I was able to shut off the rest of the orgasm for the moment and the boy arched his back while his cock throbbed in my hand.

Still licking my lips I turned to Stephen and the rest of my audience who signaled their approval of my performance with applause and calls of "I'm next" and "No, I am."

"Relax boys, "Stephen said, "we're off to a great start and it looks like Walker here is ready and willing to taste each and everyone of us. Why not let him savor a bit of military ebony and ivory first? What do you say, guys - let's see our initiate compare and contrast Carl and Donald's armory. Step on up, and show us what you've got men."

The two men were, it seemed, oblivious to the latest turn of events as they were still locked in a full body embrace, chewing on each others' tongues, and groping each other's crotches since the recent disagreement about whether Hendrix had said, "Kiss the sky" or "Kiss this guy."

Their shirts were on the floor and their pants down around their ankles, their hips grinding together and cocks full up and leaking precum, pressed tight between the studly torsos. Their hands were busy roaming all over each other from head to ass, exploring muscled chests as their cocks mashed together, the couple was completely lost in the moment, oblivious to what the teacher was saying.

"Carl!" Stephen raised his voice, "Don! Attention! Over here! I know you've only got eyes for each other and that's very romantic, and we're all drooling with envy, but we have a new enlistee to attend to. He needs your expert training." The lovers disengaged, laughing and clutching at each other's rock hard cocks. "There'll be plenty of time for you to continue after you give Walker here a chance to see close up what you both see in each other."

Still holding each other's cocks at their roots, the two men turned to face me, and began stepping out of their pants. Stephen came over to help them so they didn't have to break their passionate groping, "wouldn't want you to trip in the heat of the moment." Freed from their clothes, they advanced in my direction, both cocks at throbbing attention, presenting arms, so to speak.

Don was trembling with excitement and his cut cock throbbed and drooled precum from its hot red glans. It was "regulation" 8 inches at least, but curved upward in a decided arc, bobbing upwards and pointing to the ceiling when Carl finally let go of it. The cock was framed by a dense cloud of blond pubic hair, forming a sort of halo above two egg sized balls, hanging low and swinging from side to side as he advanced. The man's generous pubes tapered off a bit as it traveled up from his crotch over his taut abdomen, widening again to spread like a tree's branches covering his chest with a full thatch of blond fur. Above the collar, above a narrow band of skin at his throat, Donald's beard was thick and even more golden from the sun. His torso and arms were thick and muscular and he moved with a confident air that exuded testosterone.

By his side, his lover Carl was every bit his equal in physique and even more awesome in the genital department. His dark skin was as smooth as his lover's was furry, and showed off a thickly muscled neck and shoulders, perfect pecs tapering down a washboard stomach to a lean and narrow waist. His pubes were thick and jet black, contrasting with his smooth six pac, setting off a thick uncut cock rising above a heavy set of balls that hugged his body as his lover's hung low. Carl's cock pointed straight out from his body and his foreskin was long enough to cover most of his glans, even as the cock was in a state of full arousal. In length it was the club's minimum of 8 inches hard, but it was thick - startlingly thick, at least the same measurement around as it was in length. It was obvious what Carl and Donald saw in each other.

My mouth went dry and I had a sudden panic as the two Vets advanced, their erections almost menacing in aggressiveness. Stephen noticed that I was starting to tremble and put a calm and reassuring arm around my shoulders, "Don't worry son, they may be trained to kill, but here they're completely tame and gentle, aren't you guys? I think our new recruit thinks you're going to eat him alive." My thoughts exactly, but the men smiled broadly and put one arm around each others shoulders and caressed my face with their free hands. Carl leaned forward and gently planted a kiss on my lips, saying "Don't worry, baby, we're not on the battlefield here."

Donald gave me a "peace" sign, and followed his lover in kissing me quite sweetly on the lips. The two of them then began to trade kisses with me, while gently running their hands over my shoulders and stomach, my back and buttocks, lightly grazing my pubes and following the outline of my now erect cock. Carl lifted my balls and bounced them while Donald bent down to examine my throbbing cock. Squatting down on the other side, Carl and Donald began taking turns deepthroating my cock, alternating between engulfing it and licking the shaft up and down getting it hot and wet. My panic quickly melted into gooseflesh as I anticipated what was soon to come.

At this point, Stephen reminded me that it was my turn to pay attention to THEIR cocks, and gently pushed down on my shoulders. I sank to my knees; taking Carl's beer can cock in one hand and Donald's boomerang in my other. Like they'd done for me, I took turns alternating my attention on one cock, then the other. First kissing the tip of each one and swirling my tongue around their cock heads, exploring beneath Carl's generous foreskin. Then I began licking up and down the length of each shaft, sucking on their balls as much as I could, and finally attempting to engulf the cocks, one after the other. I tried to take them down my throat as far as I could, and made pretty good progress with Don's curving member, made a bit easier by turning my head sideways and holding my breath. I thought that if we'd be down in a 69 position, I'd be able to let that cock's curve match the curve of my mouth into my throat and the thought of that possibility made me drool even more than I was already doing. Carl's thick dick was another story however. Try as I might, I couldn't get more than a third of that fat dick into my mouth before it triggered my gag reflex. Coughing and choking, I'd have to pull away and apologize. I tried again and again, but I just couldn't get such a thick piece of meat passed that choke barrier to my throat.

"Don't worry kid," Carl said, "this dick takes some special training to swallow and we're in no hurry. Use your hands and spit and just work on the head and the foreskin for now. We'll take it easy at first.

Don nodded agreement, "It took me quite awhile to be able to open my throat to this fat dick too, but once I finally learned the knack of it, my throat's a new glove for you now, right Carl?"

"You bet. With a lesson from another veteran, before long you'll be as expert as he is, won't he Don?"

"I'll show him a trick or two, don't you worry."

I came up for air again and made a quick scan of the dimly lit classroom and was amazed at the change a few minutes had made. Our model for the day, David, was deep into a soul kiss with Leo, their hands moving all over each other, David's blond pubes and Leo's red ones glowed under the spotlight of the model's stand. There was a fleeting pang of jealousy as I saw David's mouth travel down Leo's smooth stomach to nuzzle his cock and balls, nibbling on the red pubic bush and licking the hard penis from top to bottom before slowly impaling his mouth over the cock I'd dreamed of worshipping all semester.

But, before I got too carried away with any such maudlin "poor me" thoughts I felt a new presence behind me as I stood up from my introduction to the class' veteran cocks. It was a hard cock nosing in between my buttocks, throbbing and hot, wet on the end with precum, the cock was both harder and bigger than Carl's thick knob, and I looked over my shoulder to find it's owner, our teacher and leader of the new club I'd just joined.

"Mr. Stern," I whispered, "You're so big! I had no idea!"

"Please, from now on," he whispered, nuzzling my ear, his hot breath sending chills down my spine. "Call me Steve, would you? You have no idea how much you turn me on. My cock seems to have a life of it's own, it's like a homing pigeon heading straight for your sweet ass. Can't you feel it drooling in anticipation?"

I felt myself go hot as I began to blush at this unexpected attention.

"Hey guys, Look over here." Steve pulled away and the cool breeze that replaced the warmth of his sudden embraced only made me blush redder. "We have someone who can blush - Imagine, in this day and age! Someone who can blush! How sweet is that?" Steve embraced me again, this time kissing the back of my neck, giving me gooseflesh as well. "As sweet as that fine ass is sure to be, it's going to have to wait until you've met all of our little fraternity, face to cock, as it were

I looked over to where the two boys' easels usually stood and saw them together on a pile of clothes and rags on the floor where they were lost in an oral embrace, each of their mouths buried in the crotch of the other, lips buried in pubes and for the moment at least both boys' cocks were completely invisible, engulfed in two open, massaging throats. Lost to the rest of us, they were singularly preoccupied, and the intensity of their communion was a beautiful thing to see. My own cock was so hard it hurt.

"Erik! Julio! I hate to interrupt so delicious a tableau but we need you both to present arms to our new recruit." The two lovers began moving slowly, disentangling themselves from their sinuous embrace, disengorging each others' cocks in matching smooth movements that ended in simultaneous 'plops' revealing two new erections for me to examine. And what a sight they were too -- glistening with saliva and engorged with blood, they both looked hard enough to break glass. The two men twisted their torsos and sat up, licking a wet trail from groin to mouth while their hands strayed back to where their lips had locked just moments before, slowly jacking each others' cocks as they exchanged spit in a sloppy soul kiss.

"Enough guys!" Steve said, "you'll be able to get back to that in a few minutes after you do the honors with Walker here."

"You bet," said Eric as the two slowly ended the kiss, Julio's eyes were closed and he let out a slow appreciative moaning "Si Esteban, I'm cumming, I'm cumming." There was a string of saliva that continued the kiss' connection, until like a bubble bursting it was caught by Julio's hand and he brought it to his mouth, opening his eyes halfway, his tongue snaked out and lapped it up, arching his torso up and back he stretched like a cat.

"We're ready," Erik said after quickly giving Julio another quick kiss - they just couldn't quit once they got going.

"Here, guys!" Steve said, more insistant this time. "Let our new recruit sample your dicks before you lose your loads into your bellies, OK?" The boys laughed and slowly came forward shifting their gaze to me, presenting two newly revealed crotches for my approval. And approve I did.

"This is like an erotic 'Whitman's Sampler'" I said. "One of each, and no duplicates, and such mouth-watering variety - and no jellies, either."

"Glad ju notic' " Julio almost sneered, "Finally . . .My dick, he notice you since first day of class. He follow you all around the room in my pants, hoping to see you better." Bending down he talked to his dick, which bounced up and down as though on a string, "Now's your chance little man, uncover your head and smile for him."

Julio sneaked a look at me, giving me the first charming smile I'd seen on his normally sullen and critical face.

I smiled back, saying, "I never thought you'd noticed me, or even liked me at all. I'm surprised, Julio."

Erik made the helpful observation that his lover was really very shy and his tough guy stance was just a self-protective shield to keep him from getting rejected and hurt.

I expected an argument like usually happened after some such omniscient comment from Erik, but all Julio said was, "Shaddup Erik, you think you know everything and you don't know nothing." But Julio was smiling sweetly even now with an expression that belied his words.

"As I was sayin to my little friend, pull down your hat and show us your head," he said, pulling back his generous foreskin, to reveal a hot dark red dick head, wet with Eric's spit and dripping its own precum - as he advanced a drop of this sweet juice slowly dropped off the end of his glans, stretching out in a long transparent stream, like the rope of saliva that ended the wet kiss he'd shared with his lover a moment before.

"See how he drools for you? Taste him and tell him how much you like him, OK?" Still smiling, he winked pointing back over his shoulder at Erik who had moved up behind him and was nuzzling up to Julio's neck, his hands embracing his lithe lovers body from behind.

"Like Freud back there says, he's shy, and just LOOKS mean. Really he's melting for you. Come down and kiss him, he wants it - and I do too. Don' worry Erik don' mind, he's next, right behind me."

And so he was. As Julio shuffled forward I saw that Eric's long and thin cut cock was peeking out between Julio's legs, pushing up the boys heavy dark testicles, and poking out below the drooling uncut latin dick that Julio was talking about as though it were another person in the room.

I had a sudden notion of the two dicks expressing the boys' personalities in an almost cartoonish way and had to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. But Julio kept up the charade, continuing the mock serious commentary, making me laugh again when he imitated Al Pacino in Scarface, "Say hello to my little friend."

My laughter was interrupted by the boy's dripping dickhead as Julio slapped it up against my lips and at the same time grabbing hold of my ears and pulling my head down into line with the angle of his cock. Crooning "Cumon Baby, open up for Papi" he pushed the dripping dick into my welcoming mouth. Pulling my ears toward him he skewered my mouth , then my throat with his fat brown burrito. The boy's groin was as pungeant as it was wet, smelling and tasting of sweat and cum, and the mix was intoxicating. Holding my head fast he thrust his pelvis forward in two quick strokes, then slowly pulled his cock out of my mouth. Repositioning it at my mouth, he playfully slapped my lips with his dick again before pressing it into my mouth again, letting out a low moan as I slowing swallowed his dick down into my throat again, opening up as much as I could to accommodate his thick hooded member. Pulling out again, Julio let his dick bob around again, showing off how he could make it move on its own, jerking up and down and bouncing up against my lips and cheeks.

"He's like a snake, my little man. He snakes out and wants to bite you too."

I engulfed the hooded dick down my throat again in a single smooth movement, burying my nose in his black patch of curly pubic hair and sniffing the essence of Julio, pulling off again only to gasp for air, saying, "Julio, your dick is delicious!"

"Glad ju like him. We're gonna be tight, baby, just like me'n' Erik." With that I swallowed his cock again, more slowly this time, pulling away in a twisting movement that allowed my tongue to explore the boy's surprisingly large , well proportioned penis. My hands went to his balls and the second cock that was pushing them up. I rubbed a gob of sticky spit on the head of Erik's dick, causing him to moan appreciatively as well.

Going down again I felt Julio's cock suddenly grow thicker and start to pulse.

"Aiiee! I'm going to shoot right now. Can't help it Esteban, this hot mouth just pulled it out of me, man." And I felt the cum spurt out hot and heavy down my throat, wanting to taste it I pulled off the pulsing cock and felt the hot sweet cum fill my mouth and spill out the corners of my lips. Opening wide Julio deposited the last slowing spurts directly onto my outsretched tongue. I lapped up the semen greedily and followed the orgasm by licking all the spilled cum off Julio's dick and balls, which at this point were pulled up tight against his perineum. Squeezing his nuts I felt them spasm one more time and snagged his dickhead in my mouth to capture this last sweet and sour drop.

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 4

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