Lees Humiliation

By Miss Direction

Published on Jan 4, 2013


Authors note: This story was updated in early January with a different ending leading into Episode 4. I suggest you read this one again before moving on. Enjoy!

Lee woke up to dreadful loud noise coming from the kitchen. Someone had turned the radio up to the maximum volume. He could feel his bed vibrating with the music.

"What the fuck? It's Sunday morning! Shut it off!" he shouted while trying to cover his ears with his pillows.

When no-one responded and the music was still blaring, Lee groggily pulled back the sheets and stood up. He saw his stark naked body in the mirror. He remembered how yesterday morning he was standing in exactly the same position admiring his muscles and his macho prowess.

How things had changed since then. Now, he was disgusted at the sight of himself. He still had the taste of Chris's sweaty armpits and asscheaks in his mouth. He could feel Chris's dried sweat on his face. He could smell Chris's scent all over him. He felt dirty. It felt like Chris had marked him as his property, like dogs do when they piss on a tree.

Lee sighed and slid on some clean white briefs. He stumbled into the hallway to find out who was making that awful noise. As soon as he arrived at the kitchen doorway, the music was suddenly turned off. Jamie, Chris, and Toby were all in the kitchen.

"Sorry, man! Did we wake you?" Jamie shouted across the room.

Jamie had turned the volume up on purpose. Chris was about to share all the gory details about last night's encounter with Fiona and he didn't want Lee to miss it. He had already seen all the footage that Toby recorded, but he wanted to see Lee's expression as Chris told his story.

"No worries." Lee mumbled. He wasn't in the mood to argue.

Lee turned turned his attention to Chris. Their kitchen had a breakfast bar along the side wall along with some stools. Chris was sitting on a stool in a pair of tight light grey boxer briefs. His legs were spread wide either side of the stool, stretching the thin material taught against his package. Lee could clearly see the outline of his cock leaning slightly to the left and resting on his balls.

Normally Lee wouldn't have paid any attention, but he felt different this morning. He now knew what Chris's cock looked like hard and pressed against his face. He knew he had licked his hairy sweaty balls and buried his face in his ass. He felt sick just thinking about it. How could he look his best mate in the eye again?

Chris noticed Lee staring at his cock.

"You want some?!" Chris asked jokingly. He cupped his balls as if he was offering them to Lee and laughed.

"Fuck off" Lee snarled. He tried to hide his embarrassment, hoping nobody would notice his face going bright red. Nobody said anything... but they had all noticed, including Chris.

Lee sat down and Chris continued his story.

"Where was I? Oh yeah! So she ties me up and blindfolds me, yeah? And then she's like `Oh baby I wanna be dirty for you!'."

"No way! What did she do?" Jamie asked, acting as if he didn't know what was coming next.

"She was up for anything! She licked my sweaty pits! What kind of person would do that? She had no self respect! I tell you, it was so hot to have a bitch like that."

Jamie and Toby were both loving this situation. Although for very different reasons. Jamie loved how it took just one day to change the dynamic between Lee and Chris. Lee had gone from being leader of the pack, to almost being submissive to Chris - and Chris was starting to notice. For Toby on the other hand, it was all about revenge. He could see the shame on Lee's face as Chris was unwittingly describing his degradation from the night before.

Toby wanted to humiliate him even more. Out of sight, he filled up a glass with orange juice and handed it to Lee.

"I don't want any" Lee snarled.

"Drink it!" Toby commanded.

Lee took the glass submissively. The last thing he wanted was for Toby to tell his two best mates what he had done.

Chris stopped telling his story and gave Lee a funny look.

He whispered to Lee "What's wrong with you? You're now taking orders from Sarah's little bro? You could kick his ass. Don't be a pussy."

"It's fine, don't worry." Lee mumbled.

Lee noticed the disappointment on Chris's face. It was as if Chris had lost a bit of respect for him.

Lee took a big gulp of the orange juice. It tasted funny, but he couldn't quite put his finger on why. It even felt a bit slimy against his tongue.

Chris continued his story. "She was a hound for my cock! I mean she loved it! I've got to meet her again even if it's only to fuck her pretty little mouth!".

Lee suddenly realised why his orange juice tasted strange. It was the same glass from last night! He was drinking Chris's cum right in front of everyone! He jaw dropped in disgust.

"Are you ok, Lee?" Toby asked with an angelic smile.

"I'm... I'm errr... I'm fine."

"Drink up!"

Lee sat there drinking his best mate's cum while listening to him tell everyone how the "girl" from last night was such a good cock sucker. He could feel Chris's cum slide down his throat. This was a new low.

After Chris has finished describing how much of a dirty whore the girl from last night was, Lee jumped off his stool and walked out. He couldn't handle listening to it.

"What's up with him?" Chris asked innocently.

"I dunno. Maybe he's upset because he didn't get laid last night?" Jamie joked.

Lee hid in his room for the rest of the day. He wasn't in the mood to see anyone.

------ The next day, after work, Lee and Chris had their usual kickboxing practice. Chris sensed that Lee wasn't being his usual cocky self and thought that he might be in with a chance of beating Lee during their training match.

After getting changed and doing some warm up exercises, they made their way to the boxing ring. They were both wearing shin pads, boxing gloves, a head protector, and silky boxing shorts. Other guys who practiced often wore t-shirts or vests, but Lee and Chris had nothing to hide. They both knew they looked hot as they fought against each other. Lee played up for the girls in the training area by casually flexing his muscles as he climbed into the ring. One of the girls even winked at him.

Their match lasted longer than usual. Neither were willing to lose. Lee never lost to Chris and he wasn't about to let that happen now. Chris on the other hand had a newfound confidence after Lee's recent submissive behaviour. A small crowd built up around the ring.

They were both exhausted and dripping with sweat. Lee was furious that Chris was a couple of hits ahead of him. If the match ended then, he would lose.

As they were moving around the ring, Lee accidently moved his left leg in front of his right and managed to trip himself up. With his arms flailing in the air, he collapsed onto his knees. He would have continued to fall face first onto the mat, but Chris was in the way. Lee felt as if he was falling in slow motion. His face was heading straight for Chris's crotch. He tried desperately to lower his hands to the floor, but there wasn't enough time.

Lee landed lips first straight onto the outline of Chris's cock, his face mashed into the silky material. The now familiar stench of Chris's musky sweaty balls filled Lee's nostrils. He tried lift himself off the ground with his hands, but his boxing gloves were slipping against the mat and he kept falling back onto Chris's crotch again and again.

Both the men and women in the training area were now gasping in shock at Lee's trying desperately to get his face out of his best mates crotch.

Finally, Chris stood back and looked disgusted at Lee. He didn't like guys touching his cock and Lee was no exception.

"Lee! What are you doing?! Get off me! Get up!"

Without Chris standing there for support, Lee fell face first on the mat. He looked up at Chris and turned bright red.

"Shit. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I mean... I tripped! I'm sorry!"

Lee felt humiliated. Everyone was watching.

Chris's expression softened. He noticed how Lee was taking the submissive route again.

"Man, what's happened to you? Why are you being such a pussy?"

"Fuck off!" Lee barked trying to regain some authority. He was angry at himself for losing to Chris and even more angry for embarrassing himself in such a public manner.

Chris smiled, removed his gloves and helped Lee up. A few of the guys high-fived Chris as they made their way out of the ring and into the showers and changing rooms.

Normally Chris and Lee would have taken their time showering after kickboxing practice to chat about hot girls and which ones they'd like to fuck. This time Lee wasn't in the mood. He stood still under the warm jet of water replaying the public humiliation in his mind. Chris showered quickly without talking to Lee and soon left him on his own.

When Lee finished his shower and was making his way into the changing rooms he felt a damp cloth land on his face from across the room. It stank.

"Present for you!' Chris shouted.

Lee put his hand to his face to pick up the cloth. It was the underwear Chris's was wearing during the boxing match. It was drenched with his sweat. As soon as Lee realised what it was, he scrunched his face up in disgust and threw the fabric on the floor.

"That's gross!" Lee squealed.

Chris had thrown it from across the changing room. He was delighted with the reaction Lee gave and laughed. He finished getting dressed and strutted past Lee, ruffling his hair.

"Come on. Hurry up!" Chris shouted as he picked up his underwear from the floor and left the room.

Lee obediently quickly finished getting dressed and went to join his friend. Lee left the changing room to find Chris standing exitedly next to the gym's reception desk. He was holding an open envelope in one hand and a small piece of paper in the other.

"It's from Fiona. She left a note with the reception!" Chris exclaimed as he waved the paper in the air.

"Mhm?" Lee wasn't as happy. He felt a pang of nervousness hit him.

Chris read the note out loud. "Hey sexy. Saturday night was fun, wasn't it? I love it when you're filthy. But it's about time for something a little more risque... if you're man enough?"

The letter gave an address for some abandoned public toilets about 20 minutes away by bus. Chris was instructed to get there using bus route 50 and enter the middle cubicle. Fiona would be waiting in the left cubicle.

Chris continued reading. "There'll be a glory hole connecting our cubicles. I want you to fuck me hard and treat me like the dirty bitch that I am."

Lee knew that this Fiona girl was up to no good again. He tried to dissuade Chris from going.

"That's a bit weird isn't it? You're not actually going to go through with it, are you?"

Chris wasn't having any of it. "Why not?! You have no idea how good she was on Saturday night!"

"Wanna bet?" Lee sighed.

Just then, Lee felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. It turned out to be a text message from Toby. It said "Follow these instructions carefully or else the videos go public. I expect Chris has got his note from Fiona by now. Wait for him to leave the gym and then take the taxi that's waiting outside. I've already paid the fare (I'm too kind). The driver already knows where to go."

"Shit". Lee felt a knot forming in the pit of his stomach.

"What's up?"

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Cool! I'm off to meet my sex bitch and fuck her brains out!"

With that, Chris strutted out of the gym to get the bus that he was told to take.

As soon as Chris was out of sight, Lee followed Toby's instructions and jumped into the taxi waiting outside. He had a bad feeling about this. He hated being under Toby's control.

What do you think Toby is going to do to Lee?

E-mail me and let me know if you have any feedback, or even just to let me know that you're reading it.

Use miss_direction@hotmail.co.uk

Next: Chapter 4

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