Lees Humiliation

By Miss Direction

Published on Dec 24, 2012


Lee screamed. "I swallowed some! It's in my eyes! Ugh! It tastes horrible!"

Toby had managed to cover Lee's entire face in his cum. Lee kept his eyes closed tight to avoid letting the cum into his eyes. He started crawling naked on all fours towards his shower room. Toby pointed his phone at him and carried on recording while Lee hopelessly waved one arm in front of him trying to find his way. He looked ridiculous.

Feeling more confident, Toby taunted Lee.

"Stop squealing like pussy. Man up!"

Toby wouldn't have dared say that if Lee wasn't incapacitated with cum on his eyes. He was enjoying this newfound power over Lee. Toby put his cock away and turned to leave the room. That's when he saw Jamie silently standing in the doorway.

"Oh shit" Toby whispered. He froze.

Jamie raised his finger to his mouth indicating that Toby should stay quiet. He then waved Toby out of Lee's bedroom and closed the door behind him. They both heard Lee's shower turn on in the background.

"How much did you see?" Toby asked nervously. He wondered whether Jamie was going to beat him up.

"I saw enough."

Jamie didn't look angry. Toby was confused. He was scared. Why wasn't Jamie mad?

Jamie calmly asked "What are you going to do with the video?"

"I. I.. errr. Nothing." Toby stammered.

"Don't lie to me Toby. What are you going to do with the video?"

"Lee cheated on Sarah last night!"

"I know. That's not what I asked."

"I wanted to teach him a lesson. It all got a bit out of hand!"

"And what are you going to do with the video?"

"I was going to edit it so that it looked like he loved sucking cock... and then... and then post it on the internet for everyone to see."

Having blurted out his plan, Toby stood there looking up at Jamie waiting for a reaction.

"That's almost a good plan, Toby. But not quite. How do you think your sister would feel seeing that?"

"Well.. I... err..."

"And if you put that video on the internet now, you won't have any leverage to make Lee do what you want anymore, will you?"

Toby felt dumb. He hadn't thought this through.

Jamie continued. "I've got a better plan. One that means Sarah doesn't have to find out and, more importantly, means we can play with Lee for a bit longer."

"What do you mean?"

"How would you like to see Lee sucking Chris's cock?"

"Chris would never let that happen!"

"He doesn't have to know."

"So you're going to get Lee to suck Chris's cock and Chris isn't going to know?!"


"Amazing! But what do you get out of it? Are you gay?"

Jamie laughed. "No. Not at all. I just love playing with both of them. I love the psychology of the two alpha males fighting to be top dog. I find it intriguing. I want to see how far we can push this. But Lee mustn't find out that I'm involved, got it?"

Toby nodded.

"Ok. Go and edit your video as you had planned, then show it to Lee. Tell him that if he doesn't do as you say, you'll post it online. Then instruct him to stay in tonight, without Sarah. I'm going to set the rest of the plan in motion."

Toby disappeared into his room to start editing the video while Jamie took his mobile phone out of his pocket to call his friend, Fiona.

Fiona was a girl Jamie had met at university a few years ago. None of the other guys had met her before. She was a medical student and had yet to graduate. She was slender and very toned, with shoulder-length black hair. For the past year she had taken up pole dancing in a stripclub to make the money she needed for her degree. She found herself enjoying it and had quite a fanbase. She was different from the other girls in that she played a dominatrix role that she used to tease the men. She would walk on stage in knee-high black leather boots, a tight black corset, and a leather whip. She would always pick a man to join her on the stage to taunt and humiliate him as she danced around him. Her performance always ended men drooling after her. They wanted to be used by her.

Fiona answered Jamie's call. "Hi Jamie. Darling!"

"Fiona! How's it going?"

"Fantastic. I've got the night off tonight, finally. I've worked the last 9 nights in a row. Want to come out and have a drink?"

"I'd love to. Do you mind if I bring a friend along?"

"Of course not. The more the merrier!"

"Great. Now how do you feel about helping me trick him into doing something sexual with a guy?"

Fiona grinned. She was very aware of Jamie's darker side. They got up to all sorts of kinky mischief when they first met. They were fuck buddies for a while and enjoyed acting out perverted fantasies. She stopped having sex with Jamie when she got herself a boyfriend, but they stayed good friends. Now that she was single again, she was looking forward to some fun.

"Jamie! This is why I love you! You're so twisted. What has he done to deserve this?"

"I'll explain everything later. We'll be there at 9pm. Your job is to pretend you don't know me, seduce him, get him to bring you back to our flat, and then let you blindfold him and tie him to the bed. A guy called Toby will take it from there. Got it?"

"Oh yes. Jamie, you devil. I'll dress to impress. See you later!"

"See you later sexy."

Once Toby finished editing the video, he walked over to Lee's room and knocked.

"Fuck off!" Lee didn't sound happy.

Toby was actually a little scared. He slowly opened the door to see Lee sitting cross legged on his bed playing on his laptop wearing nothing but tight white briefs. Did that boy never put any clothes on? Toby could clearly see the outline of his soft cock and balls through the thin fabric. They were huge!

Lee was back to his old cocky self, but this time he was angry. He looked up at Toby and snarled at him.

"What do you want?"

Lee stood up and walked over to Toby until he was right up to his face. Lee's chest was all puffed up showing off his pecs. He clenched his fists which caused his biceps to flex slightly. His arms were huge. Lee stood there glaring at Toby, as if he was deciding how to eat his prey.

Without saying a word, Toby handed Lee the CD with the video on it.

"What is this?" Lee barked?

"Play it and see."

Lee grabbed the CD and strutted over to his bed, absent mindedly scratching his balls as he sat down. He put the CD in and pressed play.

Toby watched as the colour from Lee's face drained. Lee watched the video of himself devouring Toby's cock. The video made it look like he was loving it. All the bits where Toby was giving him instructions and Lee protesting had been cut out. Lee was disgusted. He looked like one of the slutty girls that he picks up from sleazy bars. He was slobbering over a cock just like he loved his girls doing to him. And then the cum all over his face! He looked like such a slut. He could never let anyone see this!

Lee turned to Toby, white as a sheet.

"You promised. You promised that I all I would have to do is suck you off once. Who are you going to show this to?"

"No-one... as long as you do what I say."

Lee's head was spinning. It dawned on him that he had to obey Toby. He was humiliated. This was a nightmare.

"What do I have to do?"

"Nothing too difficult. Just stay in tonight. Alone."

"But Sarah is coming round."

"Cancel!" Toby barked.

"Fuck. Ok. What am I going to be doing?"

Toby didn't reply. He just turned around and walked out of Lee's room. A few seconds later, Chris popped his head into the doorway.

"Yo! Bro! Jamie and I are going out tonight. You up for it?"

Chris was wearing shorts and a vest that showed off his arms and shoulders. He was full of energy and completely unaware of the turmoil that Lee was in.

"No, I'm tired."

"Awww... come on! Are you scared I'm going to get all the ladies? Pussy!"

Normally Lee wouldn't submit to Chris after a comment like that. He would have run over to Chris and wrestled him to the ground to show Chris that he was the one in charge.

Instead he just mumbled "Yeah. You go ahead."

Later that evening, both Chris and Jamie were all dressed up, ready to go out. Jamie was wearing a plain white tight t-shirt and dark jeans while Chris dressed a bit smarter with a slim fitting shirt.

They made their way to the bar and ordered a couple of beers. Right on time, Jamie saw Fiona approaching them.

He nudged Chris. "What do you think about her?".

Chris grinned. "She's hot. And she's coming over!"

Jamie and Fiona found it hard pretending that they didn't know each other. Though Chris was oblivious to everything going on around him. Fiona had his full attention. Jamie found some other girls to entertain him while he left the two lovebirds to it. Fiona spent the next 2 hours drinking, laughing, and flirting with Chris.

Chris was feeling the buzz from the beer. He was getting pretty drunk.

Fiona put her lips against Chris's ear, letting her tongue brush his skin as she spoke softly.

"You're so strong. I love strong men."

She put her hand against his left pec and squeezed gently. She worked her way down to his nipple and tweaked it. Chris closed his eyes and and moaned gently.

Fiona continued. "You know what's really hot?"

She kissed and nibbled at his neck.

"Wh... what?" Chris replied. He barely made a noise. He was completely lost in the moment.

"I'd love to tie you up and watch your muscles flex as you writhe around."

Chris giggled. Fiona's hand was now rubbing his cock through his jeans.

"I've never done that before" he replied huskily.

"First time for everything! Come on, let's go!" She ordered. Taking control, like she loved to do. She took Chris by the hand and led him out. She slyly winked at Jamie as they left the bar. Everything was going according to plan.

Once they arrived at the flat, Chris took Fiona straight to his room. He was horny and wanted to fuck her hard. Fiona threw him into the bed, unbuckled his belt, and pulled his jeans off. Chris wore tight black boxer briefs, though they were too small to contain Chris's huge rock hard cock. The head was poking from under the waistband and was glistening with pre-cum.

Fiona took Chris's belt and climbed on top of him to kiss him. As they kissed, she moved his right arm up to the bedpost and secured his wrist in place with the belt.

"I'm going to have my wicked way with you." She growled as she took off her own belt to secure his other wrist. She slowly unbuttoned his shirt while kissing his smooth chest. He really was beautiful. Fiona felt it was such a shame that she wouldn't be the one making him cum that night.

Fiona sat up and enjoyed her handy work. For the final detail, she pulled out a blindfold from her back pocket and proceeded to cover Chris's eyes. He was too intoxicated with booze and lust to wonder why she was carrying that with her.

Now that Chris was secured and blindfolded, she got up and stood beside the bed. Chris was wearing nothing but his unbuttoned shirt. His shirt was pushed open far enough to expose his sweaty armpits. There was a thin layer of sweat covering his whole body. His cock was bouncing up and down in sync with his pulse.

She silently opened the bedroom door where she found Toby and Lee waiting outside. Lee was standing naked and did not look happy. Toby was holding a notepad, a pen and a mobile phone. As they both walked in, Toby gave Fiona the phone and she started recording.

Fiona made her way next to Chris again. She put her lips close against his ears and whispered "Hey lover. I've been a bad bad girl. Why don't you tell me what you want me to do you."

Chris smiled. "Oh really?"

"Make it filthy!"

"Suck my cock."

Fiona laughed flirtatiously "That's not filthy! I want to be dirty for you."

Chris was completely unaware that his best mate and Toby watching him writhe around naked and talking dirty. If only he knew.

"Lick my arm pits. They're real sweaty. Yeah!"

Fiona's attention turned to Lee. He grimaced. He knew what was coming. He looked pleadingly at Toby, who held up his notepad. In large letters, it said "DO IT OR THE VIDEO GOES ONLINE".

Lee silently sighed and knelt down next to the bed, right next to Chris's pit. He could smell the manly musk already. Fiona stood behind him capturing everything on film.

Lee scrunched up his face as he darted his tongue out barely touching his best mate's pit. He felt degraded. He was supposed to be the top dog. He was always the one in charge. He wasn't meant to be sticking his face in a guy's sweaty pit.

Fiona grew impatient and pushed Lee's face into Chris's pit, mashing it around and covering it in stinking sweat.

Chris moaned in pleasure. "Oh yeah. You dirty bitch. Get your tongue right in there".

Lee continued to look horrified, but obediently licked slowly from the bottom of the pit all the way to the top. Toby was impressed. He didn't actually expect Lee to go through with this. He had managed to get Lee to submit to doing degrading sexual acts on his oblivious best mate.

Chris was really getting into it. He was out of breath, moaning with pleasure. "Lick my feet now! Between my toes. Yeah. That would be hot, you filthy whore!".

Lee looked up at Toby and shook his head violently. Not the feet. That would be even more disgusting. But Toby wasn't having any of it. He wrote on his notepad and showed Lee. "IF YOU DON'T, FIONA WILL REMOVE THE BLINDFOLD FOR CHRIS TO SEE WHAT YOU'VE BECOME"

Lee was furious. He shuffled over to Chris's feet. This time he didn't need any force from Fiona. He obediently stuck his tongue out and licked the underside of Chris's feet. Lee was surprised that they weren't actually as bad as the armpits. They only tasted a little salty. He darted his tongue between the Chris's toes several times before suckling on each toe inividually.

Chris moaned gently. "You're filthy"

As Fiona watched, she couldn't help thinking that Lee wasn't make his life any easier. If she didn't know any better, she could have sworn that Lee loved sucking on men's filthy toes. Or at least that's what it looked like in the video.

"Can I take the blindfold off? I want to see you sucking my toes!" Chris asked in between his short breaths.

Fiona pulled Lee off Chris's toes before she replied so that the illusion wasn't shattered.

"No lover. I find this so-o-o much sexier. Don't you? Tell me what to do next! Make it dirtier."

Chris paused for a moment. Obviously trying to think of the dirtiest thing he could ask her to do. His face lit up as an idea popped into his head.

"You want to be a filthy whore, right?" He asked.

"Oh yes!"

Chris moved his feet into the mattress to steady himself and lifted up his ass. Lee looked horrified.

"You want me to lick your ass? Fiona asked, giggling.

"Yeah. I want you to get your face right in there!"

Lee knew he had no choice. He was in far too deep into this mess to back out now. He didn't even try to object now. The only good thing about this situation was that Chris didn't know that it was Lee doing all these things. If he did, Chris would lose all respect for him. He shuddered at the thought.

Lee moved his head forward with his tongue already out. He could smell his best mate's ass well before his tongue reached it. The musk was intoxicating. He felt dizzy as he buried his nose between Chris's sweaty cheeks, swirling his tongue around.

Chris was lost in a sea of pleasure. He was moaning and groaning, pushing his ass hard against Lee's face, forcing him to go deeper and deeper.

"I want to cum. Suck my cock. Suck it fast!" Chris blurted out.

Lee was strangely pleased. At least this meant Chris was going to cum soon and the ordeal would be over.

Lee picked up Chris's cock with his hand. It was only a couple of inches away from his face. He had seen Chris's cock plenty of times in the changing rooms after kickboxing practice, but he had never seen it hard or this close up before. He was shocked to realise that it was both thicker and longer than his own. Lee felt emasculated knowing this. He felt like a complete bitch boy as he took the cock, which was now dripping in pre-cum, into his mouth. He knew that the quicker he made Chris cum, the quicker this would be over.

Toby interrupted Lee's slurping by poking him in the shoulder. Lee looked up to see Toby holding a small glass. Toby's notepad said "GET ALL THE CUM IN THE GLASS"

Without missing a beat Lee continued to slobber all over Chris's cock as he took the glass from Toby.

A few moments later, Lee could feel Chris's breaths become shorter. He took his mouth off Chris's cock and directed it towards the glass.

As Chris came, he groaned loudly in ecstasy and screamed "Yeah, you're nothing but a dirty slut!"

Lee was completely humiliated. He really did feel like a dirty slut. Toby took the glass of cum from Lee and the phone from Fiona and silently led Lee out of the room.

They both went to their respective bedrooms as they heard Fiona take Chris's blindfold and restraints off and continue the night of passion.

Lee didn't even wash before going to bed. He was both mentally and physically exhausted. The pungent taste of Chris's body still lingered in his mouth as he fell asleep.

Thank you for all your comments so far. What do you think of this episode? Do let me know if you like what you read or if you have any feedback.

What should Toby and Jamie to next?

It would also be good to know if someone is reading this before I write the next instalment.

Use miss_direction@hotmail.co.uk

Next: Chapter 3

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