Lees Humiliation

By Miss Direction

Published on Dec 21, 2012


"Tell me you want me in you. Yeah!" Lee whispered huskily into Rebecca's ear. He was ploughing into her pussy hard again and again. He loved to fuck aggressively, dominating girls. Lee had picked her up in a club last night while out with his mates. He knew he shouldn't have. He had a long term girlfriend after all. The problem was that he thinks with his cock, not his head. And what a cock it was. He enjoyed teasing girls with it, making them beg for it, and then squeal with a mixture of pleasure and pain as he assaulted their insides. When Lee was done with Rebecca, he simply rolled off and started getting dressed. He didn't care whether she was satisfied.

"Thanks babe" he said, flashing her a cheeky smile. Without waiting for a response, he stood up and left her flat. As he took the bus home, he remembered the mayhem that took place the night before. He had gone out drinking with his best mates, Chris and Jamie.

Lee had met Chris and Jamie at university and quickly became close friends with them. They even moved to London together into the same flat when they graduated. Lee and Chris took up kickboxing in their spare time and were very competitive. Much to Chris's frustration, Lee won every time they were in a match against each other. Lee wasn't a gracious winner. He would gloat and tease Chris every time. Chris wasn't a pussy by any means. He was just as solidly built and muscular as Lee, but Lee would somehow manage to taunt him enough to distract him and get just a few more hits in. Chris didn't show it, but he was desperate to beat Lee and practised hard.

Jamie, Lee's other best mate, was less aggressive. He still went to the gym a lot, but preferred complement his weights training with swimming. As a result, he had a much leaner, defined muscular body. He enjoyed watching Lee and Chris sparring against each other, especially when they got drunk. And that's what happened the night before. Inevitably when the three of them got together, one thing led to another, and they were all doing shots in a sleazy underground nightclub. Jamie spotted a hot blond girl at the other end of the nightclub and deviously challenged Lee and Chris to see who could get her into bed.

"Are trying to get me into trouble with Sarah?!" Lee grinned as he playfully punched Jamie on the arm. Lee was proud of his body and his smooth charm. He knew he could get any girl he wanted. He superficially tried not to cheat on his girlfriend, but he frequently faltered, enjoying the ego boost of having a girl he'd just met slobbering all over his huge cock.

"Are you chicken, Lee? You don't think you can do it?" Chris blurted out, teasing him. Chris would never turn down a challenge against Lee.

"Raah! Let's do it!" Lee cheered as he accepted the challenge and high-fived Chris and Jamie. He swaggered over to the blond, to assault her with a series of cheesy one liners. The combination of his hot body, cheeky smile and playful demeanour meant he usually managed win over the girls.

Chris quickly followed Lee to make sure the competition was even, while Jamie watched from afar. Jamie enjoyed watching his best mates' rivalry. He found it fascinating. Jamie on the other hand was much more gentle natured, winning fights and his girls through intellect rather than muscle. He was undeniably attractive and strong, but displayed a quiet, sensitive side. That's why girls always fell for him. Of course, everything he did was carefully calculated. He challenged his mates over the blond at the other end of the club so that they wouldn't notice the brunette hottie a few metres away to their left. With Lee and Chris out of the way, he sauntered up to her and made polite conversation. With no distractions from the testosterone fueled duo, he had time to chat to her and make her feel special. He even managed to manipulate her into asking him home with her. Something she would never think of doing with other men. They quietly slid away from the club and went back to hers for the night.

It turned out that the blond that Lee and Chris were vying for was called Rebecca. Chris managed to lose to Lee again and Lee loved it.

"You snooze, you lose, bro" Lee whispered into Chris's ear, while he put his arm around Rebecca leading her out of the club. He was going to go back to hers and fuck her senseless.

That was all the night before. He fucked her twice last night and again this morning. Now, as Lee was on the bus home, he was trying to figure out what excuses he could make to Sarah in case she asked where he had been. He didn't live with Sarah, but he did live with her brother, Toby.

"How the hell did that happen." Lee muttered to himself. "I don't even like they guy".

Toby was younger than the rest of the gang, but only by a couple of years. He graduated a couple of months ago and needed a place to stay in London. Lee, Chris, and Jamie had a spare fourth bedroom in their flat and Sarah managed to convince them to let her brother move in with them.

Toby looked up to Lee. He saw Lee as confident and masculine. Toby wasn't shy, or unattractive by any means. He had boy next door good looks which attracted enough attention from the girls. But he wasn't a fighter. He tended to be more tentative and take things slowly.

Lee burst through the front door of the flat and strutted into his bedroom shouting "Yo, bitches!" as he walked past his flatmates' bedroom doors. As he closed his bedroom door, he realised he was still horny. He slipped his tight black t-shirt over his head revealing his sculpted body. He looked at his full length mirror on the wall to admire his pecs and six-pack.

"Oh yeah, baby", he cooed as he slid his right hand over his hard stomach. He had a smattering of short blond hair that covered his torso. He liked it. He thought it made him look more masculine.

His hand followed his treasure trail down below the waistband of his white briefs and cupped his balls. He played with them gently until he was rock hard. He unbuttoned his jeans and let them slip down, admiring his hairy thick legs and hard cock straining to get out of his briefs.

Lee pulled his hand out of his briefs and stroked his cock through the material. He could see some pre-come start oozing out of his throbbing head, making some of the white material turn translucent. He slipped his briefs and jeans completely off, leaving him standing completely naked in front of the mirror. He stroked his cock furiously as his gaze followed the contours of his own body in the mirror, thinking about how girls found him irresistible and how could overpower any man he wanted.

Lee felt his body tensing and the unmistakable, surge of cum flowing through his cock and spurting all over the mirror in front of him. He closed his eyes enjoying the pleasure for a moment, before walking over into his en-suite shower. He cleaned himself up and lay down on his bed for a quick nap before taking on the day ahead. He needed a bit of a rest after his workout with Rebecca the night before.

Lee was woken up suddenly by someone punching him on the chest. It was Toby.

"What the fuck, man!" murmured Lee. The punching didn't hurt, but it was annoying.

"What are you doing?! Get of me!" Lee pushed Toby away causing him to fall on the floor.

"You're cheating on my sister?!"

"What? No! Of course not. Why would you think that?"


Lee suddenly sat up in his bed. How did Toby know the name of the girl last night? He couldn't know. Only Chris knew and he wouldn't say anything.

"Who's Rebecca?" Lee croaked feigning ignorance.

Toby held up his phone to show Lee.

Lee, still a bit groggy from being woken up, squinted and looked at what seemed to be photos. It was facebook. There were loads of photos of Lee kissing and groping Rebecca.

"Oh shit. You're friends with her?" Lee whispered.

"Yeah, and she posted them on facebook this morning."

Toby was furious. How could Lee cheat on his sister? They'd been going out for years. They were even supposed to move in together next year. She would be humiliated.

Toby had to do something, anything, to teach this cheating scumbag a lesson. In that instant, he came up with an idea. A plan to humiliate this arrogant fucker. Toby composed himself and spoke slowly and clearly.

"I won't tell Sarah if you accept a punishment."

"Sure. I can take a punishment".

Lee thought that anything from this weak boy can't be that bad. Once Lee was done with him, he could somehow get the photos from Rebecca and get rid of all the evidence. Simple. Or so he thought.

"Get out of bed"

Lee pulled back the sheets to reveal his naked body and stood in front of Toby, towering over him.

"Good, now get on your knees"


"Do as I say!"

Lee was getting irritated now. He could beat the shit out of Toby and they both knew it. If only Toby wasn't his girlfriend's brother.

Toby lowered his hands and started unzipping his fly. Lee realised what Toby was about to ask him to do and shot up to his feet again, pushing Toby back against the wall.

"You think I'm going to go anywhere near your puny cock?! I'm ten times the man you are. Fuck off out of my room, yeah?"

Lee let go of Toby and walked away to find some clothes to put on.

"Fine then, I'll just go show these photos to my sister and see what she has to say."

Before Lee could find any clothes, he turned around.

"No" he whispered.

"No what?"

"Don't do that"

"Are you going to get on your knees in front of me?"

"If I do that, will you get rid of the photos and never tell Sarah?"

"I promise"

Toby smirked. Bingo! He had Lee where he wanted him.

Lee slowly walked over to Toby and lowered himself to his knees. He felt humiliated by what was about to happen.

"Unzip my flies, boy" Toby said in a commanding tone.

Lee pulled down the zip and waited for further instructions.

"Now get my cock out"

Lee worked his hand into Toby's jeans through his fly and and through the gap in his boxers. It was warm in there. Lee could feel the slight dampness of Toby's ball sweat against his hand.

Lee pulled Toby's cock out. It was already semi-erect. Lee closed his eyes, wishing he would wake up from this terrible nightmare.

"Kiss it"


"I said kiss it. Right there on the head"

Lee moved his head forward slightly so that the tip of Toby's cock was pressed against his lips. He barely touched it and then moved away again, looking up at Toby for his approval.

"Like a French kiss. Let's see some tongue!"

Lee tried again. He moved in, parted his lips a little and let the head of Toby's cock slip in. Toby was ecstatic. Lee closed his eyes tight, not wanting to think about what he was doing to another guy. This gave Toby the perfect opportunity to use his phone to silently take some photos.

Lee stuck his tongue out a little massaging the head of Toby's cock, imagining he was French kissing a girl. He continued to do this for about a minute, all the while Toby was taking as many photos as he could of this cocky straight stud sucking the head of his cock.

Toby put the phone behind his back again while he gave further instructions.

"You're doing good Lee. Almost there. Now take my whole cock in, doing just what you're doing now. You're doing great!"

Lee looked up to see Toby's grinning face. Lee was not happy. How did he end up in this position? If anyone found out, he would lose all his friends and his girlfriend.

As Lee took more of Toby's cock in his mouth, Lee shut his eyes again, trying to imagine he was sucking something else. Anything else. Anything that wasn't another man's cock.

Toby quickly whipped out his phone and this time recorded a video of Lee going up and down on his cock, getting it wet and hard. Someone watching the video might even think Lee was enjoying it.

Toby moved his other hand behind Lee's head and started thrusting his cock in and out of his mouth. He pushed his cock in further and further every time until Lee's nose was nestling in his pubes with every thrust.

When Toby was about to cum, he held Lee's head in place. Toby needed this to work perfectly for the camera. He made sure his first spurt went directly down Lee's throat and then immediately pulled out and aimed at Lee's face. Toby's aim was perfect. Before Lee had a chance to open his eyes, Toby had managed to shoot straight at them. This meant that Lee couldn't open his eyes and see that this was all being filmed. He just looked like a sluty cum-covered whore.

Toby had the perfect material to carry out the rest of his plan...

Do let me know if you like what you read or if you have any feedback. Toby has some wicked ideas of what to do with Lee, but extra inspiration is always appreciated.

It would also be good to know if someone is reading this before I write the next instalment.

Use miss_direction@hotmail.co.uk

Next: Chapter 2

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