Leela Brown and the Mutant Apocalypse

By H'eidi Eros

Published on Jan 29, 2014


Leela Brown and the Mutant Apocalypse. A tale of survival, multidimensional romance, transformation and the puppies of war.

By H'eidi Knight

Part Four

Survivors of Part Three .. hail and welcome! My apologies about last time. I am quite a new writer and the experience of writing is still a learning process for me. I've been discovering it is powerful and sometimes difficult stuff to get your head around. Things can sneak out of your subconscious and hijack you.

Thank you all for the continuing feedback, lovely thoughts and confusion surrounding why my teen holiday romance is listed under Magic/Sci Fi ... I subtitled the story 'A Gender Vague Fairy Tale' .. which was meant in an metaphorical sense, rather than the literal meaning of the term 'fairy tale' .. but I failed to point this subtle distinction out to Nifty Archives. After I'd begun to appear in Magic/Sci Fi I felt a bit sheepish (I've never been the most assertive of girls ..) and didn't want to hassle Nifty into changing it.

This week I have learned the meaning of the name Leela is 'Night Beauty' ... which initially made me feel quite precious, then I remembered I'd named myself that ... mmmm.

No synopsis this time. If you are leaping aboard in Part Four then you deserve the same sense of confusion and panic as all the other readers.

This is a work of fiction, though I draw massively and alarmingly truthfully at my own experiences for much of the body of the text. Anyone asking me if I have ever been transformed into a fish woman and nearly swept out to sea will naturally receive a slightly cooler than normal response though.

(c)2014 Heidi Nighy (Say it like "I deny thee!" but never when I've asked for something politely.) I created all the text contained with this file. You have my permission to share this tale with friends/family (except mine!) and lovers, but not to offer it for sale or alter/reproduce any portion without my permission in actual writing. Failure to follow this simple and not unreasonable request will result you appearing within the tale at a later date in a thinly veiled cameo and your fate won't be a nice one! You have been affectionately warned. x

Donate, it hurts for 20 seconds, then you get to wear beautiful hoop earrings for the rest of your life .. oh, hang on ..

Have at you!

Wednesday Morning 25th August 1999

My mum decides to allow me to sit and write my novel. I get to take over the caravan and spread my growing pile of notes and ideas out across the table. I think she suspects it is a sort of therapy for me, and in retrospect I think that is exactly what it is.

The rest of the family pile into the car and wave me a goodbye. Ryan pulls gross faces out of the front passenger seat window. Mum gives me a thumbs up. They are off on a long drive today and might not be back until early evening. I've a plate of sandwiches covered in clingfilm that Mum has prepared for me. I glance at them and remember I've not warned her I am now technically a vegetarian. Bits of ham poke cheerfully out of the corners of some of the sandwiches.

"She's dead ... wrapped in plastic!" I tell the empty room, then pop the plate back into the little camp fridge.

Wednesday Note The thoughts of Sarah Knight Lone female in the tent of the mysterious 'girl' she has only just met and seduced. It is weird. I have only known you a tiny handful of days. I shudder and refuse to use that terrible cliche 'I feel I have known you all my life' ... retch retch, vomit vomit!!!

I suspect there are only a limited number of human archetypes out there. That feeling of interpersonal déjà vu .. which I am calling the Leela Effect, is obviously a result of two highly compatible archetypes coming into contact. Much as we like to think ourselves unique, magical and like nothing else the universe has ever spat up before, it is a beautiful illusion. Even me, and I am pretty amazingly special, I am just the latest Sarah in a long production line of gorgeously sexy, devastatingly intelligent and modest beings.

That isn't an excuse for you to go looking for another of my production line. You have caused such a release of sexual endorphins into my brain that I am now imprinted emotionally on you. And that is exactly what I will tell the police (word for word) when they drag me away. xx More sharing things: Colin Wilson's Voyage To A Beginning The music of Slade, don't EVER let me sing along in public! Paris in the springtime. (oh, Gary and Phil!) Cheese and Onion crisps. The smell when you first open a jar of instant coffee. Mr Ben, why did he never crossdress? Lady Lazarus The Singing Citadel

After reading my note for the day I decide to walk down to the beach and look at the sea for a bit. I'm in the mood to write, but feel I've written my story into a corner. I'm not certain I know quite how to get her out and consider dropping the idea of the other serum being broken. Perhaps it is just nearly broken. That might work, not quite enough for a full dose to return to human.

Leela looked at the level in the bottle. The liquid seemed a paler colour than before. Some had leaked out through the crack, and water has possibly got in. Should she drink it?

"What is wrong?" Sarah asked her. Leela held up the bottle and pointed out the crack. It was frustrating to have no voice. "Not enough to change back?" Sarah wondered aloud.

Leela shrugged her shoulders in the universe symbol for 'who the fudge knows?' and sank her mouth back beneath the surface to suck a good gill load. The fluid continued to seep through the rent in the bottle. Leela took a decision, twisting the seal on the neck, she downed the contents that remained. Her eyelids fluttered and she sank back beneath the surface.

"Stay with me!" Sarah screamed. She had watched Leela zone out with the first dose and knew if she did a similar procedure with the second one she might drown.

Leela floated in almost timeless space. She was naked and fully female again. Her hands drifted down to her sex and thrilled at the absence of any disturbance. Universal Archetypes hung in the void with her. A vast, but finite number of forms.

"Where is this place?" She asked the nearest figure.

"This is the hall of possibilities." said a tall male figure dressed in a ballerina tutu and dinner jacket.

"Which possibility are you?" she asked him.

"It would take a lifetime to explore everything that I am." he answered softly. "Don't ask for a simplistic category to the wonders that the universe creates from Chaos."

"Sorry," she muttered with embarrassment. "I have to say .. boy in a dress is always cool, keep up the good gender challenging work."

"No offence taken, young lady. And thank you." he smiled at her.

Leela continued to drift. The void continued to change and mutate around her. One moment she sailed through a purple sky hung with glittering globes of orange and green. Giant statues representing the archetypes drifted along beside her. The next moment she was in an infinite underground bistro. Lines of tables stretched off toward vanishing points all around her. She sank into a spare seat, an uncomfortable padded red vinyl thing. Had she been wearing clothes the red vinyl wouldn't have been so bad. Instead it felt sticky and clinging.

"Can I get you something?" a waitress in a drum majorette costume skated up to her table on inline skates.

"I'm looking for something to affirm my female sexuality." Leela asked.

"That is massively non-specific, miss." the waitress pointed out. "You have access to the Hall of Forms here ... the library of every archetype possible with the building blocks handed to us by eternity."

She handed Leela a massive phonebook sized tome with the word 'Menu' printed on the cover. Leela flipped it open and stared at the dense type. She flipped experimentally through it.

"It feels like it getting thicker as I'm reading." she said.

"That is an illusion, but the book is nearly infinite," the waitress smiled.

"How does that work?" Leela frowned.

"As you approach the back of the book ... new content is being generated at the front."

"That would suggest a book that is almost impossible to make sense of?" Leela said.

"Who said the cosmos is comprehensible in terms of possible and impossible." the waitress asked rhetorically.

"Look, I am just here for some uncomplicated sexual affirmation." Leela said.

"Aren't we all, fucking DNA and those selfish bloody genes!" the waitress said. "After I finish with your table, I'm off to hump that football player over there on table 1,303,202" she pointed across the way to rugged African American in a college football uniform. He was reading a book of poetry.

"Oh, strong and sensitive!" Leela said.

"I know, I want to be taken backwards over the table while he reads John Keats to me." the waitress said in a low growl.

"What possibilities!" Leela said, catching the waitress' wave of lust.

"Hey, you are much more a metro-sexual/androgynous/almost lesbian .. leave the gridiron heroes to those of us with that itch!" the waitress said possessively.

"I think you are right." Leela searched for herself in the book. She felt a curious internal empty feeling like part of her identity was missing.

"What is it?" the waitress asked.

"I don't know who I am?" Leela said, realising her memory was gone.

"That is just the cosmic condition." the waitress said. "We get a span of time to discover who we are, then the universe wipes us clear and starts afresh with the next set of possibilities."

"Well all the stuff I've discovered so far has gone ... I am 16 years old and that is just about all I know." Leela complained.

"Name?" the waitress said.

"No idea!"

"That is a very zen place to be ... total beginners mind." the waitress said. "I tell you what, take your time with that menu and I'll be back in a little bit." She skated off toward table 1,303,202.

Leela glanced through the menu for a bit. She was mostly looking for her own listing in the vain hope she would gain a little insight into herself. Then it occurred to her, without knowing what she was looking for, she might have already passed her entry by. She looked at the other people sat at her table.

A thin anxious looking woman with a train timetable spread out in front of her. She looked at Leela with a waspish irritation written across her features. A man fast asleep and slumped to one side. Leela noticed his pants were around his ankles and as he slumbered he was vaguely playing with himself.

"He keeps waking up, giving himself a bit of 'fun' and falling asleep again." the young girl sat at the end of the table said. She was dressed in a long flowing prom dress and had a wilted corsage pinned to the her. "Wow, that is attractive!" Leela laughed. "Be still my heart."

"I know, if he didn't apologise to everyone before he fell back to sleep, it would be really irriating."

"What is your story?" Leela asked her.

"Oh, I was at my high school prom, saved myself for that special night when I would give myself to my high school sweetheart."

"You never ever?" Leela asked.

"Nuh-huh ... never, I'd never even thought about my boyfriend in sexual terms .. thats how good I was!" she laughed.

"Oh shit ..." Leela said.

"Yeah." the girl said with a wistful sigh. "I did used to get tingling feelings around my best friend, but we would talk about boys and kissing .. so I sorta put it down to that general sexual buzz that everyone gets when they talk over erotic things."

"But, you never got it around your boyfriend?" Leela asked.

"Prom night and I'm waiting at my home for Simon, my boyfriend and his friend, who was dating my best friend to call." she recalled. "My friend is looking so beautiful and she is staring at me. We feel like the most lucky girls alive. The boys show up in a white limo. We are swept off to the Prom. The night is magical."

"I don't remember my Prom." Leela says.

"To be fair, you sound British," the girl says. "Most probably you didn't have one."

"Good point." Leela shrugs.

"Well, Simon and his friend, Richard ... we called him Dickie," she rolled her eyes "swept us off to this hotel. Elle, my friend, and I, expected a lovely magical place. We were giving the boys ourselves that night. Turns out they had messed up the booking of the room. Instead of two suites we had one with two twin beds."

"Doesn't sound like a mix up to me .. sounds like cheapskate male arseholes." Leela said, wondering where that thought came from.

"Well ... you might be right. They certainly got over the idea that we would all be sharing the room very quickly. We go into the suite and the boys begin taking their clothes off and laughing."

"The spirit of romance is dead." Leela nodded.

"We asked if the light could be turned off and they agreed. The next minute I am being pawed out of my prom dress by Simon. We climb into bed and start kissing. He keeps taking my hand and putting it on his penis. He is very excited and wants to have sex straight away. I feel like I am just not getting into this. Nothing is lighting up in the passion department and I'm feeling irritated and dry every time he pokes a finger toward me."


"I try to get in the mood, but it is like being in bed with a horny puppy who doesn't understand I'm not as excited as him. He starts begging to be inside me ... using a lot of spit I manage to lubricate myself and he tugs a condom on. Then he is ontop of me, pushing. I open my legs as wide as I can, thinking that will help, it doesn't really. Then he is inside, he pumps his hips. It lasts maybe 10 seconds, it couldn't be more than that, then he cums. I get maybe another 10 seconds of slobbering moans of passion and questions about did I cum as well. He pulls out and switches on the bedside light. We are in time to witness Dickie and Elle having a similar moment of passion. Dickie with eyes closed as he pounds Elle with all the affection of a steamhammer."

"How was Elle?" Leela asks.

"She had her eyes closed as well, head turned away from Dickie. The moment he came, he pulled out and rolled out of bed. Simon gets out of bed. They both are naked but for socks and condoms. They do a little victory dance, their dicks swinging, and then they both dash off into the onsuite bathroom. Elle and I look at each other. I think we finally both realised what we had been dating."

"Yeah." Leela winces at the thought.

"Minutes later the two boys emerge in jeans and shirts. They are going down to the hotel bar for a drink and they will see us later for some more loving. The door slams and we are on our own. Elle immediately picks up the phone and calls the front desk. Yes, another room, yes. We pull on our dresses, grab our overnight bags and go down to reception. 10 minutes later we have unpacked and are doing rock/paper/scissors to decide who gets to wash off the smell of cheap aftershave and condom lubricant."

Leela finds herself rooting for the two friends to get together in the shower, discover their positive female sensuality. The girl in the Prom dress must sense this, she laughs and points over to another table where a girl with a similar Prom dress is sat.

"I think that girl is sat over there." she points. "We showered separately and them climbed into the same bed. We were exhausted, it was nearly 2.00 am and all we wanted to do was put a wall of sleep between us and the experience,"

Leela must look disappointed by the chain of events. The girl in the Prom dress laughs. She takes a paper napkin from the steel dispenser on the table and blows her nose.

"Okay, the early hours of the morning and just as the sun is beginning to make itself annoying at the curtains, I wake up to sensation of the bed softly quivering. I think it is Elle crying and I reach across to comfort her. But it is her touching herself I discover. She is embarrassed and turned on and we laugh ..and hug. The hugging turns into touching, slightly clumsy and hesitant touching, but we are finally admitting to ourselves this is right."

"That is beautiful and very erotic." Leela says, feeling a flush of longing. She wants the girl to continue the story, but she seems content just to sit there in silence. The man sat across from Prom Girl startled them both by lurching awake.

"Oh god!" he groaned. His hand was a blur of motion on his crotch.

"Here he goes." the woman with the train timetable said. She closed her eyes and slid the timetable under the table. There was a loud groan from the man and he let slip the 'dogs of war' beneath the table. Prom Girl pulled a double handful of napkins from the dispenser and chucked them toward him.

"Thank you .. sorry .." he leaned under the table and began a clean up.

"Is it a medical condition?" Leela asked.

"Yes, my Doctor has suggested a number of solutions." The man said yawning. "But who wouldn't love waking up every 20 minutes with the urgent need to orgasm?"

"I wouldn't." The woman with the timetable muttered. Prom girl laughed, but not in a cruel way.

"It would be murder in a career advancement situation. Are we going to promote Bob or Duncan? Duncan, possibly .. Duncan? Oh no, here he goes again!" Leela said. But 'Duncan' has already fallen asleep. A smile of contentment spread across his face.

"You can ask him again in about half an hour." Prom Girl said.

"Sometimes longer, if we are lucky!" said train timetable woman.

"Why are you here?" Leela asks her directly.

"Oh, I don't have a smutty story to tell you." she answers, glancing toward Prom Girl.

"I didn't think that Prom Night thing was smutty .." Leela says.

"Well, there was certainly too much information in it!" she said disapprovingly. "I can almost see those two young men dancing around in their socks, with their thingies bobbing about."

Leela starts to laugh. It was the image she had found hardest to clear from her brain.

"Dicks, call them dicks ..." Prom Girl laughs.

"In all senses of the word!" Leela said. All three women suddenly start to laugh together. Duncan stirs in his sleep, but doesn't wake up. "I am just waiting here from my Archetype to turn up." Timetable lady confesses. "I'm in no hurry, but I do feel I have been waiting here in this limbo bistro for ever such a long time now." she continued.

"Since the beginning of time." Prom Girl says.

"Beginning of time ..?" Leela asks.

"When the universe lurched into being, our potential selves were there in that cloud of dense inconceivable energy. Everything was a possibility .. toaster ovens, rock 'n roll, Canada, jelly doughnuts, the declaration of independence, English Breakfast Tea, missing your period, leg warmers ... if it could become out of that soup of energy, the form of it existed here."

"In the infinite bistro of forms?" Leela said.

"It isn't infinite," Prom Girl pointed out. "But to our senses it might as well be."

"I thought the universe was infinite?" Leela asked.

"The energy within it ... and the number of possible manifestations of that energy isn't infinite... just very very very very very vast."

"So this is The Finite Bistro of Inconceivable, at least by human intelligence, Number of Forms!" Leela said.

"Yeah, but try selling tee shirts with that on." Prom Girl said.

"Tee shirts, I could do with a tee shirt." Leela looked down at her nakedness.

"Yes, what is your story, naked waif?" Prom Girl asked.

"I was telling the waitress, I don't know." Leela confessed again. At that moment her brain allowed a flow of images to skitter across her conscious mind. "Transgender fish girl escaping from sinister asexual medical figures." she said, shaking her head as if to try and loosen a clearer image.

"Wooooo, and I thought I'd had a fucked up time of it!" Prom Girl said. Timetable lady looked disapprovingly at Prom Girl and then at Leela.

"Well, if the universe is as nearly infinite as you claim, and there is nearly infinite number of possible lives out there .. there is always going to be someone having a slightly more f'ked up time of it that you!" Timetable Lady pointed out.

"Until you reach that final fucked up person who has the most humanly possible amount of fucked up'ness in their life..." Prom Girl said.

"Do you think it is Duncan?" Leela pointed to sleeping beauty. He had begun to sleepily play with himself again.

"Hell, no!" Prom Girl said. "He is a happy camper in the trousers down department. If they could bottle his medical condition, men would be queuing around the block to buy the damn thing!"

All the women shared another bout of laughter and the tension lifted from the table. Leela found herself troubled with another flash of images.

"I'm in love with the ghost projection of a woman from another time period. We can only make love at nonpredictable junctions in space/time ... and I'm living during an apocalypse of flesh hungry mutants and insane Kafkaesque bureaucracy ... and when I do have sex, the universe takes that opportunity to turn me and my partner into boys with breasts .. and I have to become a fish girl to escape."

"Hollywood will be beating down your door to make that love story!" Prom Girl said.

"I think we have just met the person with the highest amount of possible f'ked upness in their life!" Train Timetable Lady said sympathetically.

Duncan stirred in his sleep and chuckled.

The Ocean looks inviting. Unlike Leela's world, the temperature here is comfortable. As I've been writing and making notes, I've been walking. Up and out of Pentewan and along the road to Mevagissey. The little town holds such pleasant memories for me. It is just a comfortable place to be and my thoughts seem to flow naturally here.

Today I'm wearing a knee length skirt with an interesting pattern on it and a plain top. I'm taking the pixie boots for a test drive and finding them very comfortable. I do have a stylish jacket, but that is slung over one shoulder due to the warmth of the day. I have also discovered the mystery of why women carry bags. No pockets in anything. Even the jacket doesn't have pockets, they are fake. Just sewn on flaps that look good, but serve no purpose. Everything I need, paper, pens and money is all stuffed into my bag.

I revisit some of the sidestreets and little bookshops we overlooked on our last trip here. I'm looking for a book on 'How to Write' ... more specifically the process of dealing with that strange Coriolis effect I've discovered while trying to head in one direction with the story. I'm unsuccessful, but I do find a nice collected Kafka volume and a battered paperback of H.P. Lovecraft stories. I've got just the exact amount of loose change in my pocket for both books, which I take as a 'book shop omen' to buy them both.

The harbour front is buzzing with tourists and day trippers. For some reason I don't identify with them today. Rather arrogantly I consider myseIf a novelist looking for atmosphere, inspiration and interesting angles for my work in progress. I want to be Bram Stoker, taking some high vantage point over Whitby to craft my gothic romance. Maybe Winston Graham, using the tapestry of Cornwall to build a vivid picture of love, conflict and resolution. Maybe Mevagissey can be my own Innsmouth, crumbling and mysterious. Holding dark secrets that shouldn't be investigated. I imagine being dressed in that strange grey selkie suit, diving into the clear waters of the harbour. The water is clear enough here to see straight to the bottom of the harbour.

Leela floats.

The Finite Bistro of the Inconceivable drifts away into the background microwave radiation of the universe.

"Leela, can you hear me!?" a voice intrudes. Possibly intrudes is the wrong word to use. It is a pleasant feeling, a nice voice. Leela tries to listen to it, but the universe is trying to speak to her as well. The two voices, one in human speech, the other in vast shimmering concepts.

"Leela, you need to swim, swim upwards. Your gills are closing and you need to reach the air."

That doesn't sound good. Leela attempts to connect to her muscles, but something is interrupting them.

She is lying in a white room. The room glows with a radiance that her eyes find soothing. A bed is below her, soft and clean smelling. She makes little swimming motions against the sheets.

"Try not to move so much." a voice says into her left ear. Leela rolls her head on the pillow to look. A beautiful man lies beside her. Fair of feature, and form. His body is covered in a soft fuzz of light fur, so pale it is almost impossible to notice.

"Why?" she asks. She lifts a hand and makes a swimming motion with it. It disturbs tiny dust motes that float lazily in the room's radiance.

"I'm trying to make sweet love to you ... all that swimming is distracting me.

"Oh, fair enough." she says.

He smiles and burrows down into the covers. Leela feels his mouth kissing around the curve of her pelvic bone and across onto her pubis mons. His tongue becomes bolder once he reaches the soft bush of her pubic hair. Tracing exciting little trails and teasing her.

"That is rather nice!" she hears her voice saying. She continues gently make swimming motions, but it feels now as though she is conducting an orchestra with her movements. A lovely sexual orchestra, all naked and aroused. She mentally waves to the beautiful Asian girl playing the violin. "Oh, do you want to join in?" she beckons. The girl smiles back and makes a subtle head gesture to her instrument. It is obviously the universal symbol for "I'd love to ravish you, but I am playing the violin and completely naked." Leela makes a note of the beauty and subtly of the gesture in case she ever needs to use it.

"When did an Orchestra arrive in the bedroom?" another voice says. Leela leans over to her right and sees her other bed companion. A beautiful woman. Hair dark as midnight promises, eyes that seem to reflect sparkles of multiple light sources.

"Why is this room so bright?" Leela asks her.

"Your brain is shutting down through oxygen deprivation." The woman whispers passionately. "that is neurons randomly firing .."

"Oh, that can't be good."

"Nobody has tried a threesome, male, female and semi-aquatic transgender with underwater erotic asphyxiation before." the furry man says between her thighs.

"Are you a man?" Leela lifts the covers to ask him. He looks up from nuzzling her sex with a slightly hurt expression.

"I am the primal libido, the progenitor!" he explains.

"I imagined you would be more rough and brutish .. a little like a gorilla or a scary truck driver." Leela said, gently ruffling his soft downy hair.

"Hey, this is your dying hallucination, I am here directly from your subconscious, don't blame me if I'm not what you expected." He dipped his head down and ran a wet and happy tongue along her labia.

"Keep swimming!" the girl beside her said. "You are close!"

"Not that close, but that tongue thing is doing the job magnificently."

"Maybe this will help ..." she felt a hand close around her penis, squeezing it and rolling the foreskin back.

"Goddess, am I a hermaphrodite?" Leela asked. She could feel sexual response from both genitals.

"Nothing so simple, my beautiful muse!" the girl said. "You are in cosmic sexual superposition."

"What the hell is that?" Leela begged, feeling the Primal Furry man push his tongue a way into her.

"You are in a state of quantum sexual uncertainty." the girl said.

"Explain more, explain faster!" Leela panted. Furry man had found the clitoris and was using his tongue in flickering circles of movement. It was amazing.

"Like Schrödinger's cat ... neither alive nor dead, in a state of quantum uncertainty until someone opens the box?"

"Pussy?" Leela cried out. A finger had slithered inside her.

"Well you are not either male or female until you orgasm .." the girl said. "So ignore that fine fuzzy freak and get that cock inside me!" She tugged at Leela's erection. Leela rolled over, regretfully breaking the connection with the Primal Libido. The girl opened her legs, her sex glistening with arousal.

"What a superposition" Leela declared, as she began to ease forward into that welcoming space/time. She felt the Primal Libido move behind her and the gentle pressure of his erection push against her opening.

"To fuck and be fucked .. is the ultimate cosmic truth!" the girl commented.

"Who are you?" Leela asked, realising she was penetrating someone whose name she didn't even know.

"I am the Female Divine." The girl said. "The Great and Holy Cosmic Mother." She smiled an expression of such welcome and contentment at Leela. All the while the Primal Libido was pushing his perky erection into her. She shuddered and let out a groan that seemed to emanate from the core of her eternal self.

"Holy Mother!" Leela gasped. She felt the Female Divine clamp her thighs around Leela's hips.

"Yes, child of the stars, most beautiful." she answered.

"I am really dying?" Leela asked. "Is this heaven?" The Primal Libido had begun to an insistent thrusting and the feeling of his penis rubbing at some indescribably sweet part of her inside was proving divine.

The Great and Holy Cosmic Mother reached out her slim arms and took Leela's shoulders. Leela felt her own arms, which had been bracing her body, lift from the glowing white sheets of the bed.

"Swim, my love, swim!" she whispered. Leela used the timing of each thrust from the Primal Libido to push her hips forward into the Cosmic Mother. She also pulled her arms into a swimming motion. The movements were in perfect synchronization.

"Take my SuperString!" The Primal Libido groaned. Inside her the orgasm began to build like a raging singularity, letting nothing in her universe escape it's attraction. Leela pumped her penis deep into the Female Divine. Seemingly feeling every nanomilimetre as it filled the vagina before her.

Leela opens her eyes and spots a man in a red spacesuit looking at her coupling. He looks a little confused.

"Next room, I think you want the next room!" she gasps.

As Leela grew more confident their speed increased. The Primal Libido could sense with supernatural accuracy each shift in Leela's technique and position. He matched her wildness with his own. Leela stared down into the heartbreakingly beautiful face of the Female Divine. Looked into those perfect Jade green eyes and whispered.

"I love you!"

"Oh, of course you do, who couldn't." she smiled. "Keep swimming!"

Their movements became frantic, lustful, loving and grasping at life. Leela found herself panting for air as each thrust of the Primal Libido seemed to knock the breath from her lungs. She continued to pump into the Divine Female. It felt as though her whole body was charged like a subatomic particle. Turning to energy, building to an orgasm that would sunder the universe .. or create another one.

"This is the Big Bang!" the Holy Mother whispered into her ear. Leela orgasmed ... and the universe dissolved and reformed around her. Waves of pleasure lapping on the shore of the cosmic ocean. She drifted in a core of pure pleasure, feeling the Primal Libido cum and filling her inside with life and possibilities. The Divine Female laughed gently as Leela shouted "Holy Mother of the Cosmos!" as she came.

She was lying on a beach. Warm sunshine bathing her body. Sarah sat beside her, glowing blue with the ghostly energy that linked them across uncountable distance and time. Leela drew a huge life giving breathe of air into her lungs.

"I've been fucked by the universe ..." Leela gasped.

"You can say that again!" Sarah said.

"It was magnificent!" Leela said.

"What?" Sarah said.

Next: Chapter 5

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