Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Apr 26, 2001


I had come over to Lee's place to confront Kay and as i said, play it by ear as the saying goes. But the only thing that had been played out was the finality of my relationship with her.

There were no actual words spoken, it was simply painfully evident that she was now in Lee's camp with Carter and Dawn while my new world was firmly established as being that of what Worms world was.

It was best for both of us that i didn't try to fight it or ask her for explanations. That would have been embarrassing for me and for her. I couldn't help thinking that less than twenty four hours earlier we had been on our way to the drive-in and she had never heard of Lee. Now i watched as she played and cajoled with him affectionately while i sat off to the side with Worm, admiring her..and Lee.

Yeah i was actually admiring him. Why not, he had brought me to my knees, taken my girl and had used my car more so far than i had. He was good looking, well built and i seemed more compelled to submit to him every day. What's not to admire. I didn't have to like him, which i did not, but boy did his dominant nature act as a magnet for my submissive one.. big time.

Near the end of the afternoon i was ready to leave and went over to Lee and said,

"You forgot to give me the key's"

" Oh yeah, i did didn't I. Well i still have to take Kay home to change, and then I'm taking her to the drive-in. You wont mind if i use the car again tonight..right?"

It was more of a statement than a request.

"No, no i don't mind, whatever you say Lee"

Those condescending words just seemed to flow out naturally. I was putty in his hands.. another old saying which seemed to fit very well

I went up to my room and watched from the window as the splashing and merriment continued. Lee and Kay got out of the pool and together they flopped on a chaise lounge, As i watched these two magnificent bodies clinging together their lips pressed, i found my hand was straying downward. A while later Carter and Dawn seemed ready to leave. Dawn arrogantly snapped her fingers in Worms direction. He scurried over to her with her sandals, got on his knees and replaced them on her feet carefully criss crossing the leather laces. She ignored him and continued talking to Kay. The word bitch came to mind, but also there was that admiration feeling again.

I found myself wondering if any of Dawns dominant bitchy demeanor would rub off on Kay. Would she find it interesting or exciting to emulate her new friend Dawn, using me as her fool. I found the concept of such a possibility intriguing.

When they left i pictured Worm at the wheel like the trained monkey i thought of earlier, while his former girl friend is making out with his master Carter in the back seat. I pictured him watching jealously in the rear view mirror as they carried on outrageously, totally oblivious to his presence. It occurred to me they should tell him to get a chauffeur's cap for the next time he would be needed..it just seemed appropriate.

A little later Lee and Kay hopped into the Mustang and took off. I cringed as Lee peeled rubber and spun the car into a turn leaving his driveway with black skid marks in his wake. I felt anger swelling up inside of me. I would get the key back and tell him he would never get it again..but would I. When the anger had subsided somewhat I realized that i would say nothing. I could not imagine myself chastising or Correcting Lee. He could do anything he wanted with my car or with me. I just had to get totally used to the idea, that was all.

When Lee returned he once again parked the car on his side and ran into the house. He was obviously getting very comfortable with my car. It was disturbing of course, but also exciting watching the confidence in his superiority and dominance over me grow stronger each day, aided in no small way by my acquiescing, and my eagerness to humble myself which i seemed no longer able to control.

I noticed a folder on my night table with a group of papers from the car dealer and realised the registration to the Mustang was still there. I had been told it should always be with the car. Ah, an excuse to run over and engage in the greeting we had discussed previously. Lee's mother let me in and said lee was up in his room. I was in luck.

When i entered his room our eyes met and i could tell immediately he had not forgotten. I got down in a crouched position with my nose on the floor and just like last time he waited several moments before indicating i might rise. It may have started as a lark or a game but i think we both knew it was more reality now. I was embarrassed and said stupidly when i got up, "i bet you thought i forgot our deal" He didn't even answer.

I handed over the registration and told him it had to be with the car. He was obviously getting ready for his date with Kay. I didn't didn't know what else to say and as i was about to leave he said, "Wait a minute, take this shirt down and ask my mother if she'll iron it. And then come back up here."

"Sure Lee, i'll be right back" Sounding almost grateful to be allowed to hang around.

His mother said, "Sorry i'm on my way out"

I said, "That's o.k. i know how to iron, i do my own all the time"

She stopped at the door and said, "Humm, that's interesting, i'll keep that in mind." I plugged in the iron she gave me and hustled back up stairs while it heated up. Lee showed me a pair of loafers with polish rags and brushes,

"Shine these while i take a shower. Spit shine, you have to make little swirls. Do you know what i mean."

"Sure Lee, any way you want." No need to hold back, i was his to command and we both knew it. I ran down and ironed the shirt first and brought it up on a hanger. I then sat on the floor and started on the loafers, working the polish in until i could see my reflection. It dawned on me that here i was helping to get him ready for a date with my girl. Upps, i keep forgetting..his girl now He came out of the shower naked, combing his hair. I just gulped and thought.."Wow' Who could blame Kay for dumping me for that.

"Hear's your shirt and your shoes, anything else i can do for you."

He looked down and said, "Yeah there is. But not right now, I'm in a hurry. Next time!" His meaning was clear.

Our eyes met as i answered, "Sure Lee, whatever you want."

I held up the now well shined loafers for his inspection..i was still on my knees. I was hoping for a sign that he was pleased..a pat on the head or something. He looked down and gave a nod, nothing more, certainly not a thank you. I would have been disappointed if he had.

He put on form fitting jeans and his shirt and sox. He handed me a shoehorn. I loved his style. I stayed on my knees and worked the new tight fitting loafers on. He looked down and said, "The tips are cloudy, did you make the swirls with your tongue"

"No, i didn't know"

"That's why they call it spit shine stupid. Do it now."

It was evident that he didn't want to take off and put back the the tight shoes so i obliged by adding a little polish, bending all the way down and making the swirls with my tongue as he sat on the bed. What an incredible turn on.. I wondered what he was thinking. It must have been a blast for him.

We went down together..lee got in the car and took off just about the same way he had before. It was plain to see that he didn't give a damn about what i thought. As i watched the gleaming red beauty disappear down the road i thought of how Lee was off for a night with the most beautiful girl in town in my car while I would spend the night in my room imagining what was going on at the drive-in. I turned the t.v. on but after a while i didn't really know what i was watching. I kept thinking about the way Lee looked when he came out of the shower and the way he had said,..."Next time"

It was about two a.m. when i heard the car pulling into the drive way..his drive way. If my parents asked about why my car was over there i had decided to tell them that there was more room on that side..which there was. Knowing the car was safe i finally dropped off to sleep. About nine a.m. the phone rang..it was Lee. " Where going over to gull island today, me and Carter and the girls. You and Worm too."

"Are you sure you want me to go along. I mean what does Kay think about things"

"Don't worry about it, she's fine with everything. We talked about it last night, be down by the car in half an hour"

He hung up without waiting for a reply. Gull island was a beach and picnic area about a mile off shore. It was accessible only by boat. I thought it strange that Lee had invited me to go along..and then Worm was going also. There had to be a reason.

I went down and Lee was already behind the wheel in shorts, t-shirt and sneakers wearing his black sun glasses, looking real sharp. He said, "I'll drive" My car but i had nothing to say about it. We drove over to Kay's house. She was waiting on her porch, a vision of loveliness as usual. She wore white short shorts and a white halter which displayed much of her ample bosom. The same sexy open sandals as yesterday with the thin cords criss crossed up her ankles, only today her fingernails and toe nails were polished a pale pink. One of my favorite expressions came to mind.."Wow" Once again that overwhelming feeling of despondency came over me. What in hell had i done. What was it about this arrogant bastard that made submitting to him such a turn on, such an obsession that i had delivered a prize like Kay right over to him along with everything else. Oh well it was too late now. From now on i would look at them together filled with jealousy just as so many others had been jealous of me when she was mine.

Kay pointed to an ice chest she was sitting on. Lee said,

"Go get that and put it in the back seat..you too"

As i approached the porch Kay got up and walked past me without comment or even looking at me. We both still felt a little strange. She sideled up close to Lee as i sat in the back seat. We drove down to the dock area where Carter, Dawn and Worm were waiting. Carter had borrowed a boat from a friend of his family. It was a big wide thing used primarily for clamming. It was pretty long with a bench seat near the middle at a wide point with oars. I suddenly realised why Worm and I had been invited along. They had a couple of chests, some beach bags and a beach umbrella.

The four greeted one another while Worm and i loaded all the gear. Carter and Dawn took their place in the rear at the tiller. Lee and Kay sat up front facing them, with Worm and myself in the middle at the oars..naturally. No one told us to take the oars, it was just understood. Worm and i sat side by side, each with an oar in both hands. The set up reminded me of an old pirate movie i had seen with galley slaves.

Carter cast off a rope and we were away. This was going to be a tough trip. this boat was heavy. The four friends laughed and chatted back and fourth while Worm and i strained with effort. We weren't even half way there when my shoulders and back were aching, my palms were getting sore and i was sweating profusely as was Worm i had no doubt. I would have given anything for just a few minutes rest, but i didn't want them to know that. I had been avoiding their eyes but i looked up and Lee and Kay were watching me with an amused expression as the sweat started rolling off me.

Instead of a rest i heard Dawn's voice from behind, "We will never get there at this rate, can't these jerk's go faster" She's more of a bitch than i thought came to mind. Lee said, "i saw an old Bounty movie the other day. They had to row the ship into the wind. The Captain hollered to the officer at the tiller in the row boat, "Use your rope ends on them" Carter with an amused note in his voice said, "Sounds like a good idea" He must have picked up a piece of rope from someplace and i saw it come down on Worms bare back. He and i had long before removed our shirts. Shortly came another and then another even more forcefully. Worm grimaced but said nothing and rowed harder. I had to keep pace with him. I was feeling lucky about not getting the same treatment when all of a sudden i felt the bite of Carters rope. He must have decided, why not. Then another..and another. It was more painful than i thought it could be. We both dug in harder, hopping for a respite. I didn't want to, but i looked up at Kay. She had an intense expression and was biting her lower lip slightly as she starred into my eyes. She was enjoying this.

When we finally arrived the four jumped off leaving Worm and i to unload all the gear and set up. I noticed Worms back looked extremely sore. I guessed mine did also..it sure felt that way. When they took off their outer attire they all wore bikini's. A magnificent group i thought. Worm once again was summoned to remove Dawn's sandals. She definitely liked that. As he did, Kay looked at me and for a moment i thought she would this time require the same service from me. However i think she was still a bit shy.

They all spent a pleasant day as Worm and i stayed off to the side and out of the way. When we were ready to leave i was on my knees rolling up a blanket. Lee had picked up a branch type switch someplace and was casually swishing it through the air. Suddenly i heard a whooshing sound and my rump felt like it was on fire. Kay put her fingers over her lips as if to stifle a laugh, as i gritted my teeth. Lee just said, Lets go. It was the end of a very humiliating day.

Next: Chapter 9

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