Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Apr 19, 2001


It was after midnight and every one had left except one..a nondescript teen named Herb. Actually people called him Herbert. It seemed to fit him. Herb had more of a macho connotation and Herbert was not that at all. He was a whimpy type, the kind they pick on and push around.

He had been a follower and hang around type when i had been leader of the group and had tried to be friendly, but i had always ignored him and pushed him to the rear of the pack where i guess i felt he belonged.

He had been watching me all night with a smirk on his face and had me bring him cokes from the bar a couple of times. He was obviously enjoying the turn around in our situations and it had been embarrassing waiting on, especially someone like him. But knowing i was doing it as Lee's servant made it more tolerable, and yes even exciting. I was thinking how my relationship with Lee had my whole outlook on things completely turned around and out of sync.

Herb just sat at a table watching as Worm and i began cleaning up what looked like a mountain of debris. I was thinking that here i was cleaning up Lee's party while he was off who knows where in my car with my girl. When he had asked for the keys why hadn't i said, "No way, and your not taking my girl anyplace"

Yeah right, it was more likely my saying, yes master, and thank you for taking my girl friend home master..well not really, but you get the idea.

As i approached the table Herb was sitting at, he moved his arm and three half filled cans fell to the floor. He just sat and waited..i knew it had been intentional. Herb was going to get his jollies watching the former top gun on his knees at his feet. I got some rags and got on my knees to clean up the spill saying, "Oh well accidents happen" trying to minimize the situation.

I heard a horn beeb and it was to pick up Herb. As i watched him leave a strange thought entered my mind..more of a fantasy i suppose. What if Lee left town..moved away, and i started hanging around Herb and became his gofor and lackey. Wow, what a turnaround that would be, what a delicious humiliation. Boy was my thinking getting screwed up. I shook off the thought and got back to work.

It was almost two a.m when i heard my car pull into the driveway. Lee came into the yard and looked around as if inspecting the job Worm and i had done. As he got closer i saw the very noticeable lipstick smear on his cheek and lips..left there intentionally of course. I pictured him necking with Kay for the last couple of hours in the darkness at one of the lovers lanes in the area where she and I had spent so much time. Once again there was big time remorse and jealousy. Lee had won again, as usual.

I spent another sleepless night thinking about tonight's events. This was the most serious of Lee's conquests yet. Kay and i had been going steady for over a year now and at one meeting with Lee she had dumped me at a party and gone off with him. I knew the minute she laid eyes on him she was impressed, and then the way she clung to him all night and looked up at him with awe i knew i had lost her.

Remorse seemed to be overcoming the strange excitement i had felt as Lee used and humiliated me in her presence as i humbly obeyed as if i was his slave, and also the strange excitement as i watched them leave together heading for my car with her holding his arm. I would call her tomorrow and explain..but explain what. That i had this strange compulsion to be Lee's slave and she should overlook such a minor fault and stay with me. But on a more serious note i decided that i would call and play it by ear.

The next morning it occurred to me that Lee had not returned the car keys and had parked the car on his side of the shrubs. I looked down and it wasn't there. This was serious..what would i tell my parents if they noticed that the car was gone. They both worked and pretty much stayed out of my life and affairs, but i certainly didn't want to give them any clues that their neighbors son had taken over and just about ruled my very existence..that i was becoming more and more each day his slave.

Suddenly i heard a car in Lee's driveway. I went to the window..it was Lee behind the wheel of my gleaming red Mustang convertible. It was a warm morning and the convertible top was rolled back. Lee wore the white bikini he had on last night and black sun glasses. He was an imposing figure and it occurred to me that he looked like he belonged right there in that car. Seated at his side was Kay. She also wore a bikini suit although different from last night. It was all white just like Lee's. I found out later she bought it on the way over here just to match Lee's and put it on at the shop. She also wore black sun glasses..they looked like something out of a hollywood magazine. Kay had her back to her door, knees bent with her feet up on the seat looking at Lee. She wore open sandals with thin straps that wrap around and go several inches up her calf. I could see the bright red nail polish on her toes from my vantage point. I had always thought that just like the rest of her, even her feet were perfect. Yeah she was perfection all right, and i had delivered her right into Lee's hands.

I got dressed and decided that i would go over and as i said, play it by ear. No swim suit... i couldn't come close to matching Lee in that department. Not that it really mattered, I already knew it was no longer a contest.

When i entered the yard Kay or i didn't seem to know what to say to one another. Finally she said, "It's going to be a hot day and Lee invited me to spend the day at his pool..wasn't that nice."

"Yeah, Yeah, very nice"...I didn't sound very convincing.

Lee then said to me, "We haven't eaten yet, go in and fix us breakfast."

Not, why don't you, or how about. Not Lee.. He was starting in right where he left off last night, just in case Kay had not gotten the message that we were not friends, and that i was nothing more than his flunky and lackey. Even knowing that, i replied with a humble, "Sure Lee" However i did leave off the usual, "anything you say"...and actually felt i had scored a small victory. Yeah that should even things up. He only had my girl, my car and me waiting on him like a slave, but i had scored a point... what a jerk.

I prepared breakfast and served it to them on the patio by the pool. I could tell Kay felt uncomfortable about things at first, but as they talked and i remained silent, scurrying back and forth refilling cups and such at lee's direction, her demeanor changed and just like that she seemed to fall into the scheme of things. Nothing more had to be said.. It was a silent acknowledgement by both of us. I was out, Lee was in, and that was that.

The door bell rang and Lee as was his custom didn't bother to look at me saying, "Get That"

This time there was no expression of surprise on Kay's face as i instantly obeyed.

It was Carter, Dawn and Worm. They came out to the patio with Worm following like a pet poodle or better yet, a monkey on a leash. As i thought of him that way it occurred to me that i was no longer any better than he, that i was actually his counterpart. We had much in common. Our former girlfriends were seated at a table with two arrogant s.o.b's who used abused and humiliated us, reducing us to near slave status which we had allowed to happen. In my case i had actually encouraged it. I wondered how long it would be before Kay would see me as Lee's monkey on a leash... She may have already.

Carter and Dawn joined Lee and Kay at their table. Worm drifted off and sat on a patio step. He definitely knew his place. He was not there as Carters friend, he was there to accommodate when needed. This time he had driven them over here in his fathers town car. I could imagine Carter and Worms ex girl friend, the extremely attractive Dawn in the backseat while the obsequious Worm served as chauffeur...Interesting thought.

Even though Kay had met Carter and Dawn only last night there seemed to have been an instant rapport, as they greeted one another and laughed while conversing like old friends. There was no doubt Kay was fitting right in, and i had never felt more left out. This was Kay's environment, where she belonged, and as i looked over at the hapless Worm i realized that was where i was now, where Lee had put me..on the outside looking in.

But just like Worm i could still hang around, still get to see Kay even if she did belong now to Lee. I had to admit that was an exciting possibility..following constantly in their wake, silent, filled with jealousy, an enigma much like Worm, ridiculed and laughed at as i had once laughed at him. Crazy i know, but that was the type of thoughts Lee's dominance and the superiority he exuded brought out in me.

I also thought that if i did not want to be left out..cast out by Lee, i should do anything, everything to preclude such a happening. I should bend totally to his will. Grovel, prostrate myself at his feet, anything to gain favor. Then another thought: was it Kay i feared banishment from, or was it Lee...At this point i wasn't sure.

Carter and Dawn changed into their swimsuits.They also wore the skimpiest of bikini's. Carter as i believe i already mentioned was extremely well built but i had not realized just how shapely and sexy Dawn was. The word "wow" once again came to mind. I looked over at Worm and i could imagine his thoughts.

She wore the same type of open sandals as Kay with the wrap around cords. She seated herself and raised one very shapely leg straight out and up slightly. She then called out...."Worm"

Worm knowing what was expected of him scooted over and got on his knees. He then slowly almost reverently began to untie the cords and remove Dawn sandals. She seemed to accept this as her absolute right as she continued conversing with Kay. I was very impressed with Dawn..and Carter.

My eyes met Kay's and for just a moment i thought she might require the same service from me. But alas, we hadn't reached that point ..yet.

After some play and merriment in the pool.. Worm and i did not participate..they were seated at a table under a beach umbrella as i was bringing drinks as ordered by Lee.

Lee was siting with one leg crossed at the knee, his sandal dangling precariously from his toe. He turned his foot down slightly, the sandal falling to the deck. He made no motion to retrieve it. I instinctively dropped to one knee and trying to minimize the situation said,

"Whoops, you dropped something"

I then got on both knees and slowly replaced the sandal on Lee's foot as he totally ignored me and continued conversing. I wanted to avoid Kay's eyes but i felt her stare and i looked up. Her lips were pursed in an amused smile. I had humiliated myself beyond redemption.

Next: Chapter 8

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