Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Feb 28, 2001


h In the ensuing days and weeks Lee's domination and mastery over me grew steadily. If he had a chore to do such as mowing his rather large lawn he would say that he was not very good at that and i would find myself pushing the mower in the hot sun while he watched from an air conditioned patio area. One of his other jobs was to wash and wax the family cars. When he complained that even though he was given an allowance for doing so as he was also for mowing the lawn it was something he really hated. I immediately volunteered saying something stupid like, " O, i do a good job on my parent's cars, let me do it from now on." Actually the idea of doing Lee's work while he got paid for it was an instant turn on for some strange reason. It really made me feel like i was his slave which was something i had been thinking about more and more lately.

The following saturday morning i called on Lee. He had told me to wear a swimsuit. As we left the house i said, "Where are we going Lee?" It occurred to me as i said that, just how insignificant and inferior i had become. I had no say, it was whatever Lee wanted. "You'll know when we get there" was his surly reply.

We went to Carters house..Worm was waiting outside. When Carter came out he greeted Lee but not myself which he never did. That was his way of reducing me to Worms level i figured. They walked ahead together conversing while worm and i followed silently as usual. It occurred to me that I still didn't know where we were going. I wondered if Worm did..probably not.

Finally i realized we were going to the beach. We live near the shore and the beach is in walking distance.

When we had undressed and piled our clothes Lee said to Carter, "What do you say we have a race" "Sure, sounds like fun..for how much" was his reply. "How about two dollars" "O.K. how far" Lee looked down the beach and after some thought said, "Lets make it to the bath house by the amusement park" I figured that was almost a mile and i had no doubt as to how this race was to be run and who would be ridden and who would be riders.

Carter made a line in the sand with his foot as a starting point and Worm who was evidently used to performing in this way for his master, which is how i and everyone else saw the relationship between these two, got on his knees and leaned forward on his palms with his head bowed making his shoulders easier to be mounted.

I was fascinated by this scene..Carter with his magnificent physique, so sure, so confident and Worm somewhat flabby and a bit overweight on his knees humbly waiting to be mounted and it suddenly occurred to me that there was nothing wrong or out of place here. It was all correct and quite natural. Then i looked at Lee who was standing there with his hands on his hips looking down to Worm and then to me as if to say, well what are you waiting for.

In the moment that i hesitated a myriad of thoughts went through my mind. Here was this newcomer to the scene, so different from the crowd, and how quickly he had assumed the mantle of leadership i had held while reducing me to flunkey and lackey status, already an object of ridicule much as Worm was. I studied his handsome face.. smug, arrogant and cruel..especially cruel. That should have been a turn off for me but that was the very thing that was a turn on. I thought about how nonchalantly Lee and Carter had discussed the conditions for the race. It was not who would be riders and who would be pony's..that was understood. I suppose i should have been insulted but i was not..i actually liked the idea. I liked their confidence, their certainty of who they were and what we were. And finally as i noted Lee built much like Carter, only more so, i realized that Worm and i were not even in their league and got on my knees next to Worm feeling that was exactly where i belonged. Then just as Worm had done, i bent forward and bowed my head for Lee's convenience. The pressure at the base of my neck indicated that he was pleased and even excited by my acquiescent behavior.

A tug upward on my hair.. someone said, "Go" and we were off. I had carried Lee on my shoulders at the beach before, but in a more relaxed manner and never in a race. I quickly found myself behind. Lee definitely not pleased began digging his heels rhythmically into my sides demanding more speed and effort. First the right, then the left and so on. When the gap closed only slightly he changed his strategy. Both heels dug in at the same time frantically. Running in the sand was causing my upper thighs to ache and Lee's weight had the same effect on my back and shoulders. His strategy seemed to have the desired effect as i in the hope that he might let up the pounding to my ribs exerted maximum effort and soon drew even with Worm who i could see was sweating profusely as was i. I had not noticed earlier but Carter had evidently picked up a short switch like object and began using it mercilessly on Worms near naked buttocks casing crimson stripes to appear and the grimaces on Worms face indicated it was not a pleasant experience to say the least. I don't know why but i suddenly had a greater respect and admiration for Carter. To think that anyone would have the chutzpah or superior attitude to do that to someone was mind blowing. Despite that i must have been in better shape than Worm as i opened up a sizable lead. I assumed at that point i would get some relieve from Lee's pounding but that was not forthcoming. Lee was evidently enjoying himself to much and continued, even increasing my punishment all the way to the finish line. I remember thinking..it's up to him, i have nothing to say about it. If it gives him pleasure why should he stop and i actually admired him as i had earlier Carter..Maybe i was getting delirious. i almost collapsed from exhaustion to my hands and knees. Lee pushed my head down and walked forward from me laughing as Carter reached the finish line still stripping Worms butt. Worm also collapsed to his hands and knees. Carter cursing and angry for having lost kicked Worm in the butt causing him to fall forward sputtering as sand filled his mouth. Lee and Carter looked at one another and laughed hysterically. It was one of the very few times i have seen Lee laugh. When Worm and i had washed off in the surf we all headed back. Lee and Carter still riding, although at a more leisurely pace this time.

Next: Chapter 5

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