Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Feb 15, 2001


Lee had been enrolled in the same high school as me so i called on him every morning to walk the half mile or so. I introduced him to my friends who seemed to find him interesting and hung on every word he said, possibly because he was the only oriental in our school or perhaps they too noticed the superior attitude he emanated and were attracted by it, but probably not in the same way as i was..or perhaps they were.

Being a newcomer and different than the rest, one might have thought he would be a bit laid back. However he was just the opposite and seemed to take charge immediately, full of confidence, a natural leader.

I noted that his attitude towards my friends was more congenial than to me. He noted every fault and corrected me at every opportunity contemptuously. He was reducing me day by day in stature in their eyes and i made no attempt to stop him.

One morning while in a group someone mentioned a paper that was to be turned in. Lee said, "That's right and i forgot to bring it." Then he turned to me and arrogantly said, "Run back to my room and get it, it's on the night table." Without waiting for a reply he turned back to my friends and continued conversing, so sure he was that i would obey.

It was humiliating and i hesitated momentarily as my friends looked at one another waiting for my response..then i turned and trotted off. That incident was a brilliant stroke for Lee. He had then become the group leader in all of their eyes which had been his intent from day one while i was reduced to the status of Lee's flunkey.

His dominance accelerated after that incident. One day while we were all at the beach and i was on my hands and knees rolling a blanket i felt a leg thrown over my neck. It was Lee..he had mounted my shoulders. He pulled up on my hair forcefully and said, "Up boy, let's go for a ride down the beach." In the teen community this was the ultimate in indignities. Only the lowliest of lackeys would allow themselves to be degraded and used in this manner and Lee knew that. If their ever had been any doubt as to our stations in life this act would clear that up once and for all.

Instead of protesting and throwing him off i dutifully rose under his weight. He dug his heels so forcefully into my sides that it momentarily took my breath away, saying, "Lets see whats going on further down the beach." We trudged off to the guffaws and cat calls of my former friends. Lee resembling some conquering hero riding proudly atop the shoulders of a vanquished foe.

I was not at all surprised when Lee made the acquaintance of Carter who was a dominant type as was Lee. Carter had a personal flunkey whom he had given the demeaning name Worm, and treated him like a slave. The name Worm stuck and i don't even know what his real name was. I had always wondered why he had allowed himself to be used and ridiculed, always following a few paces behind his seeming master. We all carried back packs at the time and Worm would carry Carters as well as his own. I remember the first time Lee had seen this he asked me who that was. I told him their names but that i wasn't a friend of either. Actually Carter and i had had a run in some time back and could probably be best described as enemies

Somehow he made Carters acquaintance and soon they were inseparable. We would meet them about half way to school and walk together. Lee and Carter up front and i following side by side with the reviled Worm. I realized i was being reduced to his category and was unable or perhaps unwilling to put a stop to it.

One morning as we met, Lee said, "I forgot my back pack." Then to me, "Run back and get it." By this time obeying Lee was second nature and i scurried off. I noted a smirk on Carters face. I could imagine him thinking, "How the mighty have fallen" or something along that line.

When i returned i made no attempt to transfer the pack to Lee but fell in silently alongside Worm. I knew Lee had forgotten his pack intentionally not wanting to be outdone by Carter and this was his way of turning me into his beast of burden or pack mule and even though i was disliking Lee more and more every day, it was strangely exciting to allow him to do so.

The next morning when i called on Lee his pack was on the porch. He simply walked off leaving it expecting that was to be my task from now on..which it was. I actually had to admire his incredible confidence and superior attitude.

I tried to ascertain in my mind what it was about Lee and he only that made being submissive to him such an exciting experience..actually a turn on. Initially i looked on it as a lark, an experiment that i could end at any time. However as his arrogant demands and domination accelerated day by day it became more of an obsession for me and the prospect of becoming another Worm was actually becoming a reality..something that before Lee entered my life would have been inconceivable. I suppose a psychologist might say Lee brought to the surface my hidden submissive nature and that i never really wanted to be a leader.. natural dom meets natural sub..that sort of analogy. Who knows, but for whatever reason Lee would take full advantage.

Next: Chapter 4

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