Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Jun 23, 2004


I was used to serve food and drinks until all the guests had arrived. They were all arrogant and demanding, treating me as an inferior, and I guess who could blame them for that as I obediently scurried about.

The black couples in particular seemed to be enjoying ordering someone else's white slave around. The term slave was beginning to fit more easily now.

Calvin's voice, "You, boy, over here. Well what are you waiting for. When I call, you run."

I looked at Lee and he nodded...I ran...Kay smiled.

The other black couple snapped their fingers in my direction, "Boy, over here."

This time I hurried.

Herb, not to be outdone, snapped his fingers and copying their term said, "Boy, over here, more ice in my glass."

Trying to make a little light of my situation I said, "Yes sire, right away sire."

But somehow the term was beginning to fit Herb more and more.

We were about to shove off when Kurt made an announcement.

"Guy's and girls, the captain has informed me that there is a slight malfunction with the engine."

A lot of ooh's and oh no's from the crowd.

Kurt put up his palms saying, "Not to worry folk's, it can be fixed reasonably soon. But in the meantime we have an alternate source of energy to get us under way. Something I had installed for just such an emergency."

Cheers arose from the crowd.

"Come on gang and I'll show you."

The pool was near the rear of the yacht. A little further to the front was a wide deck that was being removed by the crew to expose a slightly recessed area with benches and round openings at both sides that I would soon learn were for large heavy oar's.

The rowing area reminded me of a scene from the movie Ben Hur, where the hero was chained to oars at a bench with other prisoners..actually they were galley slaves. It immediately occurred to me that there was probably nothing at all wrong with the Yacht's engine and Kurt just wanted to impress his friends with his ingenuity, and also let them have some fun.

The ships crew produced some long sturdy looking oars and inserted them in the ports, three at each side. Kurt then said, "O.k., now we need six volunteers, or maybe I should say, we need six to be volunteered."

Everyone laughed..well, not everyone.

A lot of hands went up right away. Lee was the first, as he pointed to me and said,

"Here's one Kurt. Toad doesn't mind, do you Toad?"

"No, I don't mind. Whatever you say Lee. If that's what you want."

Why did I find it necessary I thought, to add to my humiliation by sucking up to him that way.

Of course I minded. I was aching all over from the double rowing duty I had already performed, but the idea of protesting never entered my mind. What did enter my mind was, "Whatever Lee want's, Lee gets," Obedience was now second nature as was I suppose, sucking up.

Each black couple offered up their slaves, and then Dawn hollered, "Here's another one," as she pointed to Worm, who immediately stopped what he was doing and came forward.

Another newcomer, no doubt a friend of Kirt's, a handsome well built male in his early teen's named Paul raised his hand. At his side was another teen about the same age on his knees serving drinks. I noted that he also had his head shaven, was barefoot, had a ring in his nose and wore only short's. I realized I was setting some sort of precedent for Lee's friends and acquaintances. Paul put his foot on the kneeling youth's butt and pushed him forward causing him to fall prostrate, to guffaws of laughter, saying, "Here you go Kurt, Dale will be pleased to serve."

Kurt said, "Why thank you Paul, very generous of you. Now we need just one more."

Several hands rose with offers of, "Over here Kurt" or "Here take mine." That sort of thing.

Lana stood up and pushing her girl forward with her foot said, "Right here Kurt, she may not look it, but she's very strong."

Kurt replied with, "Good idea Lana, we don't want the girls to feel left out."

We were lead to our benches and just as in the galley slaves film we were chained to the oars for authenticity I supposed since we really had no place to run too even if we tried. Not that such a thought entered my mind. I actually felt it was my place to be where I was. Lee had offered my services and I would perform exactly as he would expect me too.

There he was with my girl, cavorting with the upper echelon laughing and having a great time, while looking down at me with a smirk on his face as I was being humiliated and I was looking up at him with admiration or something as if he was some sort of god. He could have come over and pissed down on me and I would have accepted it without protest, and I'm sure he knew that. I tried to imagine how he felt at that moment, Not that I wanted it so, or could even imagine what it might be like. It was just a thought that occurred to me, but fate or something had placed us both where we belonged.

Kurt shouted out, "Quiet down everyone, now we need a drum beater, someone to keep the beat so all the oars move in and out at the same time. Any volunteers?"

Almost all hands went up. Kurt started with "Eeny meeny miney," etc., and stopped at Herb, to a chorus of cheers from the jovial group. The former nerd was now a popular groupie.

Kurt lead Herb took a seat at a round drum facing us and gave him some instructions as to how and when to strike the drum. Each time he did we were told to pull on the oars. Herb would control the speed.

"O.K. people, oar's in water. Let's get started." We were a little out of whack and not together at first, but then the drum beat got us together. The oars were heavy and the enormous weight of the yacht made each stroke a strain. Despite that we began moving slowly.

Once moving the rowing became a little less strenuous, but once it did, Herb speeded up the beat as he looked down at me with a smirk on his face. And then like puppets on a string dancing to his tune we bent our backs to our task, now sweating profusely with grunting sounds coming from all six with every relentless beat of Herbs drum. All six now under Herbs control. He could slow down if he chose too, or speed up, or give us a pause to rest. It was all up to Herb. He was now our master.

As I watched his arrogant smirking face looking directly at me, I should have hated him, but for some reason I felt humble and in awe of him. The beat quickened...our eyes met...Herb poised and relaxed...I straining and bathed in sweat exerted my all for my oar to move in unison with Herbs beat, Herb's command, and I would give my all to obey that command. Herb probably having the time of his life increased the beat until it reached a point where we were not able to function together. some oars not being in the water at the same time.

Suddenly there was chaos. Some oars in the water some not in just yet. Strangely I felt a sense of pride at having been at least one, who had responded to Herb's beat, Herbs command as it were. Herb stood up and shrugged saying to Kurt,

"Sorry Kurt, I thought everything was going just fine."

Vanessa stood up and said, "It's not all your fault man. You were doing o.k., you just need someone to get their attention and keep it. Sort of motivate them if you know what I mean.Let me show you what I have in mind."

She reached into the duffle bag she had brought and came out with a black coiled snake like whip, which when she uncoiled it was a little over six feet long.

When she did, she was met with applause and calls of, "Right on girl..you got my attention.. ouch,"

That type of jovial remarks.

Vanessa took her place on the cat walk that ran between the rowers and looked at Herb saying, "O.k; lets start again."

Just looking at this unsmiling, vicious looking black beauty, barefoot in her mini bikini wielding that impressive implement made all of us quickly get our oars in the water ready for Herbs first beat,

Once again we began moving in unison as Vanessa moved menacingly back and forward on the walk.

Vannesa evidently knew what she was talking about as her menacing presence alone was enough to keep us in unison as we moved smoothly along to Herb's rhythmic beat.

Suddenly Herb, looking directly at me with sort of an evil smirk on his face increased the tempo. All rowers were already sweating profusely and no doubt aching all over as was I, but we tried to increase the tempo. Lana's girl was the first to falter, and fall behind. She was also the first to feel the bite of Vannesa's whip. It landed with a sharp snap and instantly raised an ugly welt across her back. I could see she then exerted her all trying to keep up. She was lucky in that Vannesa's attention was diverted by another rower falling behind. He too then felt the bite of the whip.

Not one but two in rapid succession. Little beads of sweat seemed to explode and fly from his back. He bent into it and resumed the pace. A shrill voice from the group that sounded like the other black female rang out, "You sure got his attention girl."

Everyone laughed.

It occurred to me that Vannesa had been correct when she said, "You have to get their attention."

Because of all the rowing I had already done that day I began to slow down and was slowly dropping off the beat. Kay took a seat next to Herb, her elbow resting near her knee, holding her cheek and chin in her palm with a serious pensive expression on her face. She then put her other arm around Herbs shoulder in a casual friendly manner and looked directly into my eye's as Vannesa got my attention.

I grimaced my teeth and grunted as it felt like a hot poker had just been applied.

I don't know why but I kept my eye's on Kay's as I struggled to give more, but could not as the lash snapped across my shoulders again. I could tell Kay was enthralled...she was loving it. She turned and whispered something in Herb's ear. He smiled and nodded his head, then increased the tempo.

Once again everyone was out of synch.

Kay pursed her lips mischievously. Vannasa began moving up and down the ramp applying her lash indiscriminately, the swat glistening on her jet black body. The whole group began cheering her on.

I should have hated them, hated Vannesa, Kay and Herb. But for some reason I did not. In my convoluted way I felt it was right for them to enjoy themselves at our expense. They were superior, we were inferior to them and I was where I was meant to be, as bizarre as that must sound.

I looked over at Lee, seated back relaxed, holding an exotic looking cold drink and thought that if I could trade places right now with him, put him here in my misery, I would not.

Oh I definitely hated him, but that compulsive obsession to submit to him, to obey was there and would always be there I guess.

Finally Kurt shouted out, O.K. everyone, while this is great fun and sport, we will never get down the coast at this rate, and the engines are working again. How about a nice round of applause for Vannesa..nice going girl."

Lot's of clapping and cheers. Then some mock groans from the bunch and some, "Oh no..just when this was getting good"... that sort of thing.

Kurt came over to the rowing bench, his friendly demeanor altered. "O.k, get your asses up and make yourselves useful..understood?"

When no one answered he poked me with his bare foot. "I said understood!"

"Yes Kurt, sorry. Anything you say. Where should I begin."

"The galley seems a good place for you. There's a lot of glasses and things need washing."

"Sure Kurt, right away."

Kurt like Lee seemed to have that something special about him. One of those he that must be obeyed aura's.

I headed down to the kitchen area to face a mountain of pots and pans piled high that filled two sinks. Also racks of glasses and utensils that filled large metal pans from floor to ceiling. There was no air conditioning and very little ventilation. Sweat began rolling from me almost immediately.

As i dug into my task I thought about the revellers and merry makers above. I could hear the laughter and sounds of a great time being had by all..well not all of course.

Those having the great time, I was envisioning as Gods and Goddesses, superior individuals being served by inferiors, of which I was one. I had already accepted that fact. I was one of those inferiors. Inferior especially to Lee who had reduced me to this status and I had accepted it willingly.

I heard a voice from behind..it was Herb. "Whats going on Toad, the cooks need all this stuff..now!

I turned to see Herb standing in the opening looking cool and relaxed holding an exotic looking drink. It occurred to me that Herb was now definitely one of the Gods. All doubt had been removed. Whatever I had thought of him in the past was forgotten. Now I looked at him with growing respect and admiration.. even awe. Much in the way I looked at Lee.

"Oh I didn't know there was a hurry, I''ll speed it up."

"You do that Toad, or maybe next time I have to come down here it will be with Vanessa's attention getter. You wouldn't want that, would you, Toad?"

Our eyes met and I had never felt so inferior. We were talking for the second time today...the first earlier when he suggested using the rope as Carter had done...and now referring to Vanessa's whip, and it was somehow a turn on.

"Well I'll try my best for that not to be necessary, but I guess that will be up to you."

Oh no, had I really said that? I had just given Herb carte blanche as to any punishment he might care to inflict.

He had a smirk on his face as he replied. "Interesting answer...we'll see."

Herb left and I dug in again. There seemed no end, but finally after a couple of hours and plenty of effort and sweat I had finished. Or so I thought.

As I headed up and reached the main deck I was confronted by Kurt. "Well, well, look whose here. Just the someone I was looking for. The bilge pump has quit and we need someone to empty the septic tank."

"Hey, come on Kurt, I just finished a couple of hours or more in the galley. Find some one else, o.k?"

"No, it's not o.k. I found you and that's it."

Then he looked over at Lee who was relaxing with Kay's head on his shoulder and said, "Your boy here thinks he's too good to clean a septic tank."

Lee and my eye's met. He said simply, "Do it."

"O.k. Lee, if you say so, but I just thought"...

"Don't think, just do it"

"O.k. Lee, whatever you say."

Kurt said, "Thanks Lee"

Lee replied, "No problem"

Kay had an amused smile on her face.

Kurt led me down to the bilge pump area and showed me a couple of buckets hanging near the pump.

"Open that nozzle and let out whatever will fill the two buckets. Then bring them topside and dump them over the stern and keep it up until the tank is empty."

The odor was nauseating. I almost through up, but hurried to finish before I did, as the merrymakers laughed seeing me just about running to dump their waste.

When I was going to the stern with the last, one of the black guests stuck his foot out and tripped me causing the contents of both buckets to splatter all over the deck. This to guffaws of laughter.

I heard Kurt's voice, "Damn it Toad, can't you do anything right. Clean up that mess."

More humiliation as I got on my knees and cleaned up the shit of these arrogant sob's. As I did, I had the thought that I wouldn't mind cleaning up Lee's shit so much, but not the others. That was the sort of hold he had on me. Imagine that...cleaning up Lee's shit seemed acceptable.

When it was over I was allowed to shower and have something to eat.

Shortly thereafter we reached an island and everyone got ready to disembark. There was a lot of equipment and personal gear for the gods and goddess.

I and the rest of the slaves, I guess you could call us, loaded loaded up the motor launch with the gear and the workers. The others would be transported in a dingy with oars. I had little doubt as to who would be oarsman.

The dingy had room for four up front under a canopy, with myself at the oars and Herb at the tiller facing me..with his usual smirk on his face. I was pretty sure he had volunteered for the job.

With all the guests and some of the crew it would take four round trips. It wasn't too far, but from all the work I had already done I was aching all over after the first round trip. I tried not to show it as Herb stared into my eyes with an amused expression.

Somehow I made it to the last four: Lee, Kay, Dawn and Carter. With my back to them I heard their chatter and laughter as they totally ignored me, accepting all this as their absolute right. And why not.. I did.

I didn't think I could make it to shore. My palms were blistered and sore. My back and shoulders were aching as I was bathed in sweat. But I had this idea that I would not give up, or let them know. I would retain some dignity. Yeah right, dignity, what a laugh.

When we finally mercifully reached shore, I was about to collapse. At last, a chance to rest. Then I heard Kay's voice. "Oh damn it, I forgot to bring my cigarettes."

Someone said, "I have some."

"No thanks, mine are ultra light with a special filter." Then, "Herb would you be a dear. Would you mind?"

It would be my back and sweat, but she asked Herb.

"Not at all Kay, anything for you. Come on Toad, lets get moving, it will be dark soon."

As we were about to shove off, Vanessa came over and handed something to Herb. It was a black switch type object about two and a half feet long. I think it's called a dog whip

"Take this honey, he looks a little tired. He may need encouragement."

Herb took it, swished it through the air, saying, "Thanks Vanessa, very thoughtful."

Then he looked at me. I knew he was thinking about what we had discussed earlier.

Vanessa had referred to Herb as honey and was cordial and friendly, while with me it was just the opposite. When she looked at me she squinted and had a fierce expression.

Herb was with the in crowd, while I was bottom rung of the ladder, something to be stepped on and used. When I looked at Herb I thought of an expression from an ad, "You've come a long way baby.'

How had this all happened?..simple..Lee had entered my life. Omnipotent and all powerful. He who must be obeyed. At least that's the way I saw him for whatever reason.

"Let's go Toad, it's getting late."

Without objection I took my place between the oars. A place I was very used to by now. Also I was getting very used to obeying Herb.

Herb took his place at the tiller facing me with that ever present smirk on his face as the sweat started to roll off me. We had gotten less than half way to the yacht when I felt I could not go an inch further.

I leaned on the oars and said, "That's it Herb, I'm beat."

Herb tied the tiller in place, got up and went to the bow behind me with Vanessa's whip saying, "I don't think so Toad. I just think you need some encouragement as Vanessa said. Besides, Kay's waiting."

I suddenly felt a snap and a hot streak across my shoulders. I gritted my teeth trying to hold back an 'uurrggghh". I didn't want to give Herb the pleasure of knowing. I was not successful.

I got back on the oars and gave it my all. "That's it Toad, you were just getting lazy, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so...maybe your right. Just take it easy with that thing, o.k?"

"That will be up to you Toad"

A few moment's later I slowed down noticeably. Swish across the right shoulder and instantly across the left. Two stripes that felt like a hot poker had been applied.

Then before I had a chance to respond, another even more forceful. Herb was having a ball. He arrogant, superior, in charge; I humble obedient, to be used in any way he chose.

It was a shameful display, but there was also something erotic about it. I could of course balked and put an end to my misery, but it was just too damn exciting I guess.

I must have gotten a second wind because I gave it more and reached the Yacht, then returned with some encouragement from Herb of course.

When we got back Herb jumped to land leaving me to pull the boat on to the beach, where I literally collapsed to the laughter of all.

I heard Kay's voice, "Thanks Herb, your a sweetheart."

"I told you Kay, no problem, anything for you."

Then Vanessa said, "Whoee, look at that back. I guess he did need encouragement after all Herb!"

More laughter.

The rest of the day was spent setting up tents, barbq's etc., and then scurrying about waiting on the Gods and Goddesses whose demands never seemed to end. Do this, do that. It was quite a sight...they relaxed laughing and having a great time while we ran from one to the other without a break or time to even eat.

Vanessa seemed to take a special interest in me for some reason. "You boy, over here. Fix me a plate and a tall cold drink. How about you Calvin?"

"Sounds good. Same for me, boy, and make it snappy."

Not sure why but the words.."Yes Master" came to mind. Maybe it was because in my family history a member had been a plantation owner in the deep south. Wouldn't it be interesting if one of Calvin's or Vanessa's ancestors had been a field hand there. What poetic justice. then the words, "Yes Massah" came to mind.

The food smelled great and my mouth was watering watching everyone eat, but I had no time or I suppose I wouldn't have anyway without permission. I was a servant here, well really a slave, with no rights and it all seemed very normal.

When Vanessa had finished she sprawled out under a canopy propped up on her elbows. She snapped her fingers my way, "Boy, over here!!

I hurried over almost tripping on the way which brought a smile to her face...no, more of a knowing smirk. She had conquered me and she knew it. It was now definitely a case of she who must be obeyed. That snake whip loomed in my thoughts. But even without that she just exuded that dominant persona.

She threw me a small towel. "Get that sand off my feet...every grain of it. Then fetch my sandals."

She was so damn arrogant, so superior. I was really in awe of her. I thought of the plantation thing again. This time with me in the field and Vanessa riding out on a magnificent steed to inspect my labor.

When I had finished removing every grain of sand from her perfectly pedicured feet and carefully replaced the sandals while on my knees which is where I felt I belonged, she said, "When you get to New Society U, you'll get to learn how to treat a black girl properly, and a black guy too."

What did she mean by that I thought. It sounded as if something had already been arranged. Lee could have, he certainly didn't need my permission.

I looked over at Lee, snuggled up to Kay. Master of my fate, he who must be obeyed. He snapped his fingers in my direction. I scurried over and dropped to my knees at their side.

"Bring us a couple of pina coladas."

"Sure Lee, right away."

When I returned I said, "Lee, can I ask you something?"

"I guess so, what is it?" "Vanessa said something like I would be going to their university. Am I"

"Yeah you are, so are Kay and me. Any objections?"

"No Lee, whatever you say, I was just wondering, that's all. What sort of a place is it?"

"You'll know when you get there. Now beat it!

Kay had that pursed lips smirk on her face as I humbly crawled backward and away.

The day finally ended with me dead tired, aching and sore all over. I plopped into bed totally exhausted and was out like a light instantly. In what seemed almost instantaneously, I was awakened by the blare of a horn. As I wiped the cobwebs out of my eyes I thought, oh no, the job, the fucking job. I had almost forgotten about it, or wanted too.

I threw some cold water onto my face. No time for a shower or something to eat. If I wasn't down there right away the pickup would leave without me. But wasn't that exactly what I wanted. Sure it was, but it wasn't what Lee would want. Lee would not be pleased to lose a day's pay and pleasing Lee was what my life was all about now, especially with those tapes he held. But did the tapes really make the difference, or would I be hurrying down the stairs just as I was doing anyway.

Another backbreaking day of toil began which seemed to never end. Finally the whistle blew for lunch. I hadn't had time to bring anything and got a sandwich from the truck that came around. As I sat under a tree eating a bologna on a roll I thought about Lee, as I almost always did while here working. As much as I hated the job, the idea of enduring it for Lee's benefit and pleasure was a strange turn on.

I wondered where Lee might be at this moment. I knew he and Kay had sometimes gone to the yacht club restaurant for lunch. It was expensive but they had a great menu and great food, and anyway expense was no problem for Lee, not with the income he got for me working here for him.

Yeah I could picture them now in the air-conditioned dining room, maybe ordering dessert. They have outstanding cheesecake. What a contrast to me, parked under a tree sitting on the ground with a bologna sandwich.

My thought's were interrupted by the shrill 'back-to-work' whistle which meant more hours of misery. But I thought sarcastically, it's worth it all to afford Lee and Kay with a life of ease and luxury isn't it? But was it really sarcasm.

The week mercifully ended, and Lee summoned me to tell me we were going to drive to New Society U to spend the weekend with his new friends, Calvin and Vanessa. The idea was ominous but also exciting for some reason.

"Well be leaving early tomorrow morning. It's a long drive, so set your alarm for 5:30. Bring some things for a couple of days. You can drive, I'll get a little sleep in the back on the way with Kay. I'm not used to getting up early."

As I looked at his smug arrogant face I thought, "Yeah, but I am, thanks to working your job."

I felt hostility, anger and wanted to say piss off, I'm not going anywhere, this is my first chance to sleep late, but that old feeling emerged and instead out came the usual,

"Sure Lee. 5:30, anything you say."

Some times I wondered what it must be like for him to have someone like me at his beck and call, someone so totally obedient. Not that I could imagine trading places with him...I just wondered. Besides it would give me a good opportunity to drive the Mustang, something I had done very little of,

I packed a few things and headed over to Lee's house. He was waiting by the car.

"Run up to my room and get my bag"

He wouldn't even do that much for himself. But it was little things like that, that raised my esteem, respect or whatever it was, all the more.

"Sure Lee, right away"

As I headed into the house he shouted, "Hurry up, we're running late"

I quickened my pace. We drove over to Kay's house. She was standing outside.

Lee said, "Where's your bag?"

"Up in my room"

"Toad, run up and get it"

"Yes Lee"

It was about an eight hour drive. The academy was in the next state. Lee and Kay slept much of the time in each others arms. I watched them enviously in the rear view mirror. Whatever I had become, my thought's for Kay would always be the same. It was times like this that the remorse and jealousy were overwhelming.

When we finally arrived, as I drove up a winding road to the main building I noticed that all those working, mowing lawns, painting, etc, were white and those carrying books or dressed as students were black. Then I saw a two wheeled cart carrying four blacks being drawn by a young white. I would learn later that he was the wealthy heir to an estate that he had turned over to the academy as had some prominent business owners.

We went to the dean's office where Calvin was summoned. Lee and Kay were given visitors tags, I was not. Instead I was led to a sort of indoctrination room where I would learn some rules, one of which was that if a black student or a visitor approached, I would step off the sidewalk and get on my knees with head bowed until they had passed. It would have been shocking, but these were friends of Kurt's, so nothing would seem too far out.

I went to a couple of other classes on different demeaning activities and on the way back from one of them Lee and Kay were heading my way. It was embarrassing as hell, but as I was told to do, I stepped aside and got on my knees in the road with head bowed as they passed. I heard Kay giggle. Somehow it didn't seem all that much out of line in their case.

Lee and Kay spent the next two days poolside, attending parties and being waited on like royalty, while I spent most of my time at boring classes learning how to be a better flunky or working in the kitchen.

When it was time to leave Lee said, "Your staying here for a while. My uncle doesn't need you at the job. It's almost finished.

"Oh, I didn't know, but why do I have to stay?"

"Because I say so, that's why. Got a problem with that?"

"No Lee, what ever you say. I just wondered, that's all."

"It's a favor to Calvin. He asked me to let you stay and I said O.K. I didn't ask why. You wouldn't want me to disappoint our host, would you"

"No, if you say stay, I stay."

I carried Lee and Kay's bags to the car as they were saying goodbye to Calvn. Calvin had a dog leash and arrogantly attached it to my nose ring. He tugged it saying, "Come with me boy, I'm going to keep you busy."

When Lee and Kay had left, he lead me to an exercise room and told me to get face down on a leather type horse that was about two feet high. "Strip"

"Hey, what's going on?"

"I'm going to break you in for Lee. A little favor for a friend."

"Hey, I'm not into that sort of stuff."

"Well you are now boy?"

I tried to get up but a muscular black youth came over and held me firmly in place. My shorts were pulled down and I felt a gigantic rod press against my crack.

Suddenly I was sitting up in my bed, bathed in sweat with my heart pounding like a trip hammer, my breath coming in gasp's.

When I had composed myself, I hurried over to the window and looked down at the house next door. The "For Sale" sign was still there. It was still vacant. The Mustang was in my drive way. It had all been some crazy dream...no, some crazy nightmare!

Then I heard tires on the driveway next door. A sedan pulled up. An oriental couple got out and removed the "For Sale" sign and stood looking at the house. The back door of the car opened and an oriental teenager emerged. He resembled the Lee of my dream in stature. He stood with the couple looking at the house for a while and then as if feeling my gaze, he turned and looked up at me. Was it my imagination, or did he have an evil, knowing smirk on his face.

The End...?

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