Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Apr 10, 2003


The next morning I awoke filled with remorse as I looked down at my Mustang, gleaming in the sun, on Lee's side of the fence, where it would remain permanently.

Had I really thrown in the winning cards, allowing that arrogant s.o.b. to become it's legal owner, and just about my legal owner also. Well, no use crying about it, it was done and strangely I still felt that same excitement that being subservient and slave-like to Lee brought out on me.

I finally had a day off from the tortures of the job. Maybe I would just take it easy and rest up for next week's ordeal.

Suddenly I felt that jolt in my groin...my Master calls, I thought as I hurried over. Running as the shock intensified. Ms.Ying answered the door. "Yes Toad?"

"Lee called, but he's not out back."

I was moving from side to side above the hips and sort of lifting one foot and then the other. It must have appeared that I had to quickly take a leak, as the shock waves continued. Lee was evidently impatient.

"Then he must be up in his room. You may go up. I think he and Kay have a trip or something planned for today."

I flew up the stairs, two at a time, then knocked. The jolts finally stopped.

"Come on in Toad."

I quickly assumed the kow tow position. I could afford no breach of etiquette at all any longer. This was no longer a game between two teens; this was now a way of life. I heard the bath door open and heard a voice, "My, don't you look cute down there."

It was Kay. I felt my face flush with humiliation even though she had already seen me like this..

I heard no signal to rise. I knew Lee was enjoying his absolute mastery over me in front of Kay. Just as well, I thought. I wasn't anxious to make eye contact with Kay anyway.

Finally the snap fingers. I rose to a kneeling position. Should I rise or remain on my knees? I sheepishly looked over out of the corner of my eye at Kay who had seated herself in a chair in the corner of the room. What a sight! As I have said before, she always seems more beautiful each time I saw her. She was resting her arms on the arms of the chair, with her legs crossed. She wore white short shorts, a skimpy white halter and sandals exposing perfect feet with brilliant red nail polish. She wore her hair in a long pony tail, She had on a pale pink lipstick and her eyelids were a brilliant blue color. What a prize I thought. A prize worthy of a sultan, or a king...or a Lee. Thinking of it that way I remained on my knees. It seemed fitting and appropriate all the more now. Besides, my true relationship with Lee was no secret.

However I leaned my butt back on my heels trying to make it seem more casual. A very small attempt to retain at least some dignity in Kay's presence.

"You wanted to see me, Lee?"

"Yeah, Me and Kay have something planned for today and you're going along."

It was not a request; it was a statement. I hated him, but I had to admire his arrogance, his confidence.

"Sure Lee, where are we going?" I said in my most humble tone.

"You'll know when we get there."

Forcing a smile I replied, "Sure Lee. Right. Whatever you say."

I looked over at Kay who was shaking her head from side to side at my subservient reply while I knelt before her lover. I wondered how Lee must have felt? Probably great. Well that was my prime purpose in life from now on: keeping Lee happy...or else.

"Come on Kay, let's go down and take a quick dip." Then he said to me, "Clean up my room and make the bed. Then take that duffle bag down to my car and wait in the back seat."

I noted that he had said, "my car".

"Sure Lee, anything you say."

Now that he held my fate in his hands with the tape that he would soon duplicate, being submissive was becoming much more easy, and strangely more exciting in Kay's presence, even if humiliating.

I quickly made the bed, cleaned up, grabbed the bag and hurried down to my...no, to Lee's Mustang. I didn't know how long he would be and I didn't want to keep him waiting.

I got in the back as Lee had told me to do and waited. I ran my fingers over the plush leather seats. I looked at the chrome on the dash gleaming in the sun. The brilliant red hood shone as the sun bounced off it. At that moment, to me, it was the greatest car in the world and it had been mine. Was it possible that it really was no longer mine, that it was Lee's. But of course it was...get used to it, I thought.

I remembered the first day I had it. I was on the way to the drive-in movie with Kay. I compulsively turned around and took her to Lee's pool party...bringing her to Lee. I never had an opportunity to take her anywhere in it again. I thought about what it would have been like with her at the drive- in: the kissing; the feeling up; and then strangely I was getting hard thinking about it with Lee in my place, and with me on the outside watching. My thought's were interrupted as Lee and Kay came trotting out of the pool area, laughing gayly. They were still wet and wore the very briefest of bikini's.

I instinctively hopped out of the car to open the doors for them, first for Kay, then to the other side for Lee. As I was about to get in the back Lee said, "Whoa, wait a minute, I left my sandals by the edge of the pool. Toad, run back and get them."

"Sure Lee, right away."

I quickly trotted back to retrieve the sandals. As I returned I knew it had been no accident. I had been here before. Lee had not closed his door. He was seated sideways, one foot on the floor board the other on the ground. I knew what was expected of me. this was nothing knew. I looked quickly at Kay who was watching with an amused smile on her face, as I got to my knees to put on the sandal.

Not quite satisfied with this humiliation, Lee said, "Wait a minute, my feet are covered with gravel, Toad, run in and get a towel."

"Sure Lee, right away."

Returning, I got on my knees and wiped the sand and gravel from Lee's feet. Then I carefully replaced each sandal, totally oblivious to Kay.

Lee, supposedly in humor said, "Thanks Toad, well done."

Then, faining jest, I said, "Your welcome sire, any time."

I realized what a fool I had made of myself.

We headed out of town to the main highway and then down the coast along the shore. Kay snuggled up close to Lee, her head on his shoulder, his right arm around her, driving with one hand on the wheel. After we had been driving for close to an hour, I wondered where we were going but didn't think it appropriate to ask again; it was none of my business.

A short while later we reached our destination at a yacht basin, filled with large expensive sail boats and luxury yachts. Lee pulled the car into the parking area and I like the dutiful wimp jumped out of the rear and opened the door for Lee and then hurried around to Kay's side.

"Don't forget the bag, Toad."

I threw the bag over my shoulder and followed at a respectful distance as Lee and Kay walked ahead hand in hand. We went down to a dock, Lee looked around and said, "There it is, The dingy for Kurt's yacht."

It had two letters printed in black paint on the bow..S&M It was a large row boat with a small shed and canopy cover at the tiller area. At the center were two oars. It went without saying who would be out of the sun under the canopy and who would be rowing in the sun.

Lee and Kay took their place at the rear with Lee holding the tiller. I would face them at the oars. I noticed their seats were padded with foam cushions, while mine was a bare plank.

"O.K. Toad, cast off."

I untied the rope attached to the pier, pushed off with one of the oars, and started rowing. It was an extremely large, heavy row boat and it was not easy getting through the choppy waters. In a matter of minutes I was sweating and my back was starting to ache, just as it did on the job pushing the wheelbarrow. A day off and once again I sweated and strained in Lee's service, for his and Kay's pleasure. I know it's crazy, but it was a turn on watching them lounging back comfortably in the shade while I sweated in the sun.

I tried not to show the stress I was under as my arms, neck and shoulders ached, but the sweat pouring down and literally running off from me betrayed that attempted cover up. Lee and Kay seemed to be observing me with amused expressions as they lounged comfortably in the shade. Kurt's yacht had been anchored quite a way from shore in deeper water, but after what seemed like hours, we finally reached it. I was about ready to collapse and felt I could not have gone an inch further.

Lee and Kay went up a ramp to be greeted by Kurt. I picked up their bag and followed, but I was totally ignored. This was truly a luxury yacht and even had a small swimming pool, around which Kurt's guests were laughing, drinking and making merry. The guest's included the usual Lee crowd. Carter, Dawn, Worm and Herb, etc. But also some additional people I had not seen before.

I was particularly drawn to one black couple whose names I heard later were Calvin and Vanessa. Calvin was somewhat light skinned with handsome features, a short afro hair cut and one of those weight lifter type bodies. Vanessa was a striking beauty, extremely dark skinned -- real ebony. She wore her hair in what I believe are called corn rows close to her scalp, running front to rear. She had high cheek bones, large eyes, with eye lids colored a brilliant green that seemed to cover half of her eyes giving her a sleepy expression. She was unsmiling and flared nostrils gave her a fierce expression. She also had one of the greatest bodies I had ever seen.

They were an impressive couple to say the least, but there was something else that made them stand out. At their side was an attractive white teen, naked except for a fig leaf type leather cover, that I would later learn was a chastity device. He was kneeling with head bowed, arms straight down at his sides. His head had been shaven just as was mine and he wore a large metal ring in his nose with a long slender siver chain that was attached to Vanesa's ankle.

Seeing someone else with a shaven head and a ring in his nose made me feel a little better. Not much better, but at least I wasn't alone.

Lee and Kay seemed intrigued by the black newcomers and had Kurt introduce them immediately.

As they conversed Kay ran her fingers down the silver chain from the nose ring to Vanessa's ankle, sort of fondling it, and then turned to look directly at me with a slight smile on her face. The implication was scary, but also strangely exciting.

When they had chatted for a while Vanesa rose and headed for the side of the ship just to observe. The siver chain wasn't long enough for the white youth to rise, so he followed on hands and knees. The sight of this fierce looking very black beauty casually leaning on the rail while this very white blue eyed, and it seemed when he had hair, blonde slave, I guess he could be called, was extremely erotic I thought. I wondered how he had come to this situation. I would learn later that he wasn't alone in service to her and Calvin.

I heard the snap of fingers. Lee was beckoning me over to where he sat with Calvin and Kay. I immediately hurried over. He didn't bother to introduce me of course, but said, "Calvin is interested in your ring..show him."

Calvin was seated on a lounge chair and for him to get a better look I was forced to kneel at the side of his chair. He arrogantly grasped the ring and tugged down hard, causing me to let out a grunt. "Interesting, one piece solid, just like Adam." Evidently his slaves name. Then he added mirthfully, "Nice haircut also." The three of them chuckled.

Even though it seemed his inspection was finished, I remained kneeling. I'm not sure why, it just seemed the thing to do. There was something about this arrogant black newcomer -- something special -- that exuded superiority.

Several moments passed and then Lee said, "You can get up now. Go see Kurt, he'll tell you what needs doing."

"Sure Lee, whatever you say."

Calvin nodded his head up and down approvingly and said, "Humm, I like that Lee...very good." He was discussing me as if I was a trained monkey it seemed, or certainly a much lesser person.

Kurt said, "For now you can just see what anyone wants and get it for them pronto." "Sure Kurt...will do."

The first to signal for a drink was Calvin. He snapped his fingers my way, just as Lee always did. And I as I always did, hurried over. When I returned he was lounging back as I held the drink. He made no attempt to move forward to take it, so as before I knelt and offered it to him. He waited, looking into my eyes as if seeing through me, serious, pensive, superior. I suddenly understood why Adam was in the position he was. It was not at all surprising.

Again I heard the snap of fingers. It was Lee, he was talking to Herb..I hurried over. "Herb forgot something at home..it's important. I told him you would row him to shore."

My first thought was, why can't he row himself to shore, but thought better of it.

"O.K. Lee, if you say so."

Herb had a smirk on his face.

Lee added, "And make it snappy, Kurt wants to shove off a little later today."

As we headed for the dingy, Lee said, "See you later Herb."

Herb replied, "Yeah, right, and Lee, thanks."

Herb had just thanked Lee for my services, as if he had simply loaned him an object of his.

Lee replied, "No problem, any time."

It was grating in a way, but also exciting the way Lee's confidence grew every minute it seemed. I may have hated him, but I had to admire him all the more.

Herb settled back on the cushioned seat under the canopy..I took my place at the oars facing him. He had that same arrogant smirk on his face.

It occurred to me once again that not very long ago Herb had curried my favor, actually sucking up to me for some recognition, and I had rebuked him and I suppose ridiculed and humiliated him. The shoe was on the other foot now, as they say. He was in control. He had been given carte blanch by Lee to use me, and even that was a strange turn on. Was the turn on obeying Lee, or this time obeying Herb? Maybe it was a little of both.

I still ached from the first trip, but now it seemed even more so as I strained against the tide.

"Come on Toad, a little more effort. Remember what Lee said."

I don't know why but it was a turn on as

I huffing and puffing replied, "Sorry Herb, I'm doing my best..really."

I was apologizing to the town nerd...well anyway, the former town nerd.

He replied, "I don't think so. I think if Carter was here he would get better mileage out of you."

He was no doubt referring to the time Carter flogged Worm and me, supposedly in jest when we were rowing the gang to the island. I guess they had told him all the details.

Then he added, "If I had something here I think I could do just as well as Carter. What do you think Toad?"

Pretty much a rhetorical question that I really didn't have to answer, but for some reason I did. "What do I think? I think you underestimate yourself Herb. I think you could do anything as well as Carter" Then I added, "Or Lee either."

I was pandering to him; building his confidence; suggesting that this former nerd and follower could be a leader with his own follower flunky, one just like me. Or was I subconsciously suggesting more than one just like me..but rather me. Yeah, I guess I was.

Herb nodded his head as if in agreement, saying, "Humm, interesting. Maybe we can test your theory out on the way back."

I felt my remarks had added substantially to Herbs confidence. I thought I might have been creating a Frankenstein monster of sorts, and it was a strangely exciting.

We were only about half way to shore and I ached all over. I didn't want to show it but I relaxed the oars and wiped the sweat from my brow as if to take a rest.

Herb said, "Uhh, uhh, Toad, no time for that. Remember what Lee said. 'Get back fast.'"

"Just a couple of minutes Herb..O.K?"

Now I was humbly asking his permission. My, my, how the mighty have fallen once again came to mind.

In a very authoritive and unfriendly tone he replied, "No, pick up those oars and get moving..now!!"

"Yeah, o.k. Herb." Then I added what I usually say to Lee, "Whatever you say."

I saw a self-satisfied and I guess you might say triumphant smile cross his face.

With every muscle aching and my hands raw, red and bleeding, we finally reached shore. I held the boat steady as Herb got off, then tied it to the dock and followed in Herb's wake.

He turned and said, "Where did Lee leave his car?"

"Right over here." I said leading him to it.

He produced the car key saying, "Lee said I could use it. Nice guy Lee, don't you think?"

"Yeah, the best." Trying not to sound sarcastic.

We're just going into the nearest town. I have to get a prescription filled that I forgot. Only take a minute."

As he neared the car, I don't know why but I hurried forward and opened his door. I liked the way he accepted it as his right. Herb was gaining more confidence every minute.

As he settled in behind the wheel, he said, "This is some car huh? Oh yeah, that's right, it used to be yours, didn't it?"

"Yeah it was, but as they say, shit happens."

"Shit for you, but great for Lee. But then he has more use for it now that he has Kay also, right?"

"I hadn't thought of it that way, but yeah I guess that's right."

"What's it like to lose something like this. Must be a bitch huh?"

"I'd be lying if I said no, but losing it to someone like Lee made it a little easier."

Herb shook his head saying, "Man, he really has you by the balls doesn't he? You don't even mind losing your car to him. How about losing Kay to him, did that bother you?"

Herb seemed to be having fun with these questions.

"Sure, maybe more so than the car, but it was her decision. She just latched on to him from day one."

"Yeah that must have hurt big time. She is some fox. I get hard just looking at her. Kay and I have been sort of friendly lately. Did you notice?"

"Yeah I guess I have."

"I think if her and Lee ever split I could move in. What do you think?"

"Sure Herb, why not." It was, as always, a grating thought, but also as always, strangely exciting.

Herb being an inexperienced driver spun the wheels as he raced out of the lot. Even though the car was no longer mine, it caused my stomach to churn.

When Herb had finished his affairs, we headed back to the boat. I dreaded the thought of the return row. As we headed off, Herb said, "Damn it, I forgot to get something to encourage you."

"Don't worry Herb, I'll give it my all anyway." I said it as if in humor, but even though he hadn't picked up something the thought was there that he had that right.

I actually wished he had. It would have been interesting to say the least.

When we finally got back, everyone seemed to be having a great time...well the upper echelon anyway. There was music playing on a loud speaker, Some were frolicking in the pool or sitting around drinking and chatting. Worm and a couple of others were scurrying around fetching and serving. Adam was still on his knees, now waving a feather like fan over Calvin and Vanessa. It reminded me of an old movie I had seen, where a black nubian slave was fanning a white sultan and his wife, only this time the color was reversed.

There were a few more new faces since I had left. They had been brought from a different point on shore by a motor launch. A few minutes later I heard the launch pull up to the gang way. Another black couple arrived. They were preceded by a white youth attired exactly as was Adam. When he got on board he got on his hands and knees with his forehead to the deck as the black couple strode arrogantly past him. Vanessa waved them over and when they got to her side, Adam put down the fan and assumed that same kow tow position. They exchanged pleasantries for a few moments and then Vanessa without looking at Adam and still conversing arrogantly snapped her fingers. Adam rose and began fanning again. It really hit home that Kurt was heavily involved in s/m as were all his friends.

A little later, when I had a minute, or two I asked Worm what was going on with these black friends of Kurt's. Worm seemed to know quite a bit about them. They attend some bizarre university called New Society U, devoted to black superiority, where white students learned to be slaves to blacks. It started with only a handful of each, but as word spread they seemed to have no problem with willing whites as strange as that might seem. Now they have a waiting list. The white student's families think they are sending their kids to an accredited college and pay their tuition.

The new black couple whom I heard referred to as Rod and Donna, joined Calvin, Vanessa, Kurt, Lee and Kay. The new couple's slave removed some gear from a duffle bag he had carried on board and produced some poles he connected to make a large plume fan. He got to his knees and began fanning Rod and Donna. It was more symbolic than necessary, I thought, and was really quite erotic. I imagined myself performing such a service for Lee and Kay, or even perhaps either of these attractive, arrogant black couples for that matter.

Kay seemed intrigued with the goings on at New Society U and wouldn't let the subject drop, asking numerous questions. I remained as close as possible trying to hear as much about the place as I could. Kay said, "Tell me more, what's it like there?"

I learned that on campus whites are treated as total inferiors. If a black should be coming towards a white on a path, the white steps into the street and gets on his knees with head bowed until the black passes. As well as attending classes on submission, whites do all the manual labor... maintenance, grounds keeping, valet service etc. In addition they are used as human ponies to transport blacks in carriages to classes or places they wish to go on campus.

Calvin added, "Or anything else at all that might be required of them."

He exemplified the word anything as he looked at Lee and laughed. Kay said,

"It sounds incredibly exciting, do you think Lee and I could visit sometime?"

Calvin thought for a moment and said, "Actually non-student's are not permitted on the grounds, especially white non students. But my father has a lot of pull with the dean and I think it can be arranged."

Kay seemed elated and said, "That's wonderful. How about it Lee, can we go?"

"Sure babe, if you want too. sounds like fun."

Calvin said to Lee, "Why don't you bring your Toad alone, he might be useful. He'll certainly learn a lot if nothing else."

"Well, thanks a lot, Calvin, damn nice of you to offer. Wlll do, right Kay?

"Oh definitely."

I of course wasn't consulted, but I must admit the prospect was exciting.

Next: Chapter 24

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