Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Jul 18, 2002


As we lined up for another race Kay said, "By the way, what's your name? I've seen you here and there but no name."

"I'm Herb, and I have definitely seen you...Kay."

I couldn't believe it. Here was this world class nerd, at least previously, sounding as if he was coming on to Kay.

"Really, well I'm glad to finally meet you, Herb."

Finally? That almost sounds as if she has been wanting to meet him. Had I misjudged Herb, or perhaps it was the new dominant Herb she found interesting. After all, he was sitting up in a sulky behind her former boyfriend with a buggy whip in his hand, and she couldn't have missed how I slavishly waited on him and his friend, Jason, at pool parties whenever he snapped his fingers my way. No doubt I had probably elevated him several notches in her eyes.

"How about if we make a bet on the race, Kay? Just to make it more interesting..."

Kay's light hearted reply was, "Sure Herb, what will we bet?"

Friendly and now on a first name basis with the most beautiful girl in town. Herb had come a long way. I don't know why but I found that exciting for some reason. Sort of like the night I had brought her to Lee and he had taken her home in my car. It wasn't the same of course, but a hint of that feeling was there.

Herb as if in thought said, "Hum, let me see...how about a kiss if I win?"

Yeah, he was coming on all right.

"And if I win?" Wow, she didn't say no.

"Then I take you to the country club for a lobster dinner."

What nerve I thought, either way he wins. A kiss or a date with his no doubt dream girl. What once would have been unimaginable was becoming reality if she agreed...which she did.

"O.K. you're on. Once around the track."

I had to admire Kay's confidence. She obviously had never met Lana or her pony, but was about to use Lana's pony as if she owned her. It was becoming more and more plain to see a lot of Lee had rubbed off on Kay.

I hated the idea of another turn around that track. I didn't know exactly how far it was, only that it had been a long arduous grind. I was still aching from the first trip, but it never occurred to me to protest. Besides it would have sounded ridiculous with my mouth stuffed with a leather bit.

Kay said, "OK, on the count of three. One... Two..." and then without the three count she laid the buggy whip on her pony's shoulders with all her strength it seemed, and was off and well in the lead, laughing at having cheated.

Herb humorously shouted, "Hey, no fair!"

And once again, I felt the bite of that infernal buggy whip criss-crossing my already inflamed shoulders. Only this time, instead of Lee, it was Herb administering my encouragement. Herb the former nerd, the follower, an underling whom I had chastised, rebuked and looked down on from my lofty perch as leader of the pack. He had once humbly tried to curry my favor and I had arrogantly put him down. Wow, what a turnaround! What an incredible high this must be for him, and strangely for me also. Even more so than when Lee was in the driver's seat earlier.

Herb evidently didn't know anything about holding back for the finish and laid on the whip with a frenzy trying to catch up. He wanted that kiss and would bring out of me anything it took to get it. Besides that, he was no doubt having the time of his life.

I was giving it my all, but was not gaining an inch. I supposed that since Kay was much lighter in weight than Herb, that was the reason. Herb was relentless in his desire to win. He leaned to the side of the sulky and applied the lash to my naked buttocks and upper thighs. That brought out a greater effort than I knew I had in me. I was learning that the whip, in the hands of the right person, will bring that out. Herb maybe didn't know how to pace a pony, but he certainly knew how to apply the lash.

The gap closed. I would do anything to stop the excruciating pain. I wanted to cry out, "Please Herb, stop, have mercy." But I knew that even if I could, it would be to no avail anyway. The only way to stop the assault was to get to the finish line as quickly as possible.

We drew even with Kay and her pony.

Kay looked over at Herb and laughing hysterically said, "Oh no you don't."

She then laid two vicious cuts across her pony's shoulders, inching forward. Her pony grimaced in pain and exerted herself all the more, the sweat literally pouring off from her and I knew she couldn't go much further...but then neither could I--I thought.

Herb whipped nonstop on my shoulders for a few strokes, then back to my butt and upper thighs with a vengeance which produced the desired effect. I would do whatever was demanded of me. I would pass my opponent and carry Herb to victory.

It was as if I was in some sort of trance or possibly delusional from the day's efforts. I imagined Herb and myself as one. Herb was my lord and master directing me. I his tool to be used in any way he chose, any way necessary for him to win his kiss from the fair maiden.

I exerted my all, everything I had went into a final effort that brought us into the lead down the home stretch. Sure I wanted the relentless nonstop whipping to end, but also, and I know it's crazy, but I really wanted to win for he who was now my lord and master--at least for as long as Lee wasn't around.

At last the ordeal was over. The other pony and I pulled up, both of us bathed in sweat and gasping for air, every muscle aching, while our drivers laughed and discussed the race.

We headed back to the paddock area, our drivers insisting we trot all the way. When they both got down from their seats, Herb said, "OK, time to pay off."

Kay walked over to him with outstretched arms saying, "I'm all yours."

She looked at me with a mischievous smile as he put his arms around her and their faces met. Herb pressed her close as if not wanting to let go. This must have seemed like a dream come true for him. She didn't push away and actually put her arms around his neck, bending one leg at the knee as if enjoying it all.

What once would have seemed unimaginable was now happening in front of my eyes. The former town nerd had in his arms the gorgeous prom queen, my ex, while I, who was now less than a town nerd, looked on, beaten and humiliated by that former nerd.

As Kay and Herb headed back to the pool area, Herb put his arm around Kay's waist, then moved his hand down until it was resting on Kay's nearly naked butt. What chutzpah I thought. But then Kay didn't seem to mind, so why shouldn't he. I didn't know if I should have felt jealousy, outrage or what, but I can tell you that for some reason it was a turn on watching. I didn't think Lee would be too happy though if he should see it.

"One" came over and removed our gear, leaving us both naked. He then turned a garden hose on us full force and while laughing as we jumped about in the cold stream said, "This is how we cool down the horses after they gallop." He gave us back our swimsuits and we headed back to the pool. It occurred to me that I still hadn't spoken to my co-pony, or even knew her name. She went back to her spot and resumed sitting on the ground at Lana's feet. I resumed my job as a waiter, this time paying even more attention to Herb's needs. He had impressed the hell out of me--I was in awe of him.

It was starting to get dark when Kurt made an announcement, "O.K. guys and girls, as most of you know, it's traditional here at Helm ranch for the last two finishers in today's race to run the gauntlet. All in favor, say aye."

This was greeted by a very enthusiastic reply.

"All opposed, say nay"

This was greeted by silence. Kurt had an almost evil smirk on his face as he beckoned to Worm and me with his finger.

"OK you two, over here. Everyone else form a line facing one another after you pick up your paddles from the table over there. Keep a good distance between one another when you line up"

Of course, making our run that much further I thought. The paddles he mentioned were actually flat leather things about twenty four inches long with a handle. They were black with round silver buttons. Very professional looking. I found out later that Kurt was heavily into S/M activities--not that I was surprised.

Worm and I obediently went over to where we would begin. Kurt said, "Strip."

I looked at Worm and then said to Kurt, "Hey, no way, I'm not going to do that."

Kurt furrowed his brow as if in disbelief and said, "You're what?"

Then he looked at Lee. I also looked at Lee who nodded in assent. I went over to Lee who was standing with Kay at his side holding on to his arm.

It was really embarrassing with Kay looking on, but I said, "Come on Lee, that's a little much. Don't make me do that."

What humiliation, begging that way in front of Kay.

Lee held his chin as if in thought, then said, "What do you think Kay?"

Kay looked at me with a pursed lips amused smile and said, "Kurt's been a gracious host. I think you should make him do what Kurt wants. Toad's just trying to ruin everyone's fun."

"You're right."

Then to me, he said, "Do it, do whatever he tells you to do and no more b.s."

I had never felt more beaten and humbled as Kay's eyes met mine when I answered, "Yes Lee."

Kurt repeated.."Strip" This time we both did, covering our privates with both hands as the guests all laughed and made disparaging remarks, seeming to be having a great time at Worms and my expense. It occurred to me that all it took was a word from Lee and a nod from Carter in Worms direction.

We stood at the beginning of the line awaiting their pleasure. Once again Kurt spoke. "Not like that, get on your hands and knees, running through is a little too easy."

I looked at Lee. He nodded, I obeyed. So did Worm. I wanted to be first, feeling I could get to the end a little faster than Worm. Kurt probably reading my thought's said, "No, Worm first." Worm stated scurrying forward, given a start by a vicious stroke of Kurts paddle or whatever that thing he wielded was. When it landed it sounded like a thud, Worms butt instantly turning a crimson red.

Worm immediately began moving at accelerated speed, sort of like a film that has been speeded up. Right away I heard a lot of laughter. If I wasn't right behind him I guess I would have thought it funny also.

When my turn came I resolved not to follow Worms example and be made to look even more foolish, but when Kurts blow landed it seemed as if a hot flat iron had been applied to my butt and I actually saw the proverbial stars. Forgetting all about any small sense of pride I might have had, I began scurrying forward at double time. Once again the immediate laughter, this time Kay's the loudest of all. Her's was easily identified. It was shrill and had an excited tone.

I could only tell by the feet, but when I reached Kay and Lee who was opposite her, I knew. Kays blow came first and was almost as forceful as Kurt's had been, but since I had already received many, it was more painful. Lee's landed with even more force than Kurt's. The others had taken only one cut, but Lee and Kay hurried and took a second before I was out of their reach.

When I looked up all I could see was Worms butt which was a sea of red and raised welts. It occurred to me that mine was the same.

We finally reached the end of the line, both of us bathed in sweat and breathing heavily, our asses on fire. We had made it. I heard Lee's voice from behind me, "Hey Kurt, don't they have to go back the other way now?"

Kurt shrugged and said, Hey man, that's up to you. Whatever you say."

Those words hit me like a bomb. Oh no, not that, I thought. I looked at Lee imploringly with an expression that must have read, please Lee, not again.

Lee said, "I say yes, what about the rest of you, what do you say." The crowd responded with what seemed was a unanimous, YES!!

Kurt shrugged again and said, "O.k. Lee, whatever you say. Back down boy's."

Back to our hands and knees we obediently went to begin our ordeal once again. The second time seemed twice as long and more arduous than the first. When we finished, I looked up from my hands and knees to Lee, who was standing with one arm around Kay's waist. They were looking down at me, they so beautiful, so superior, I beaten and humiliated at their feet.

Lee had an amused expression that said, humm, how about once more. But mercifully he did not. I actually felt grateful to him.

That's how strong his dominance had become. I had just been used, abused and humiliated for his and his friends pleasure, and I was grateful that he allowed a part of it to end. It occurred to me to crawl over to him, kiss his feet and say thank you. Not really, but the thought did cross my mind as fantasy.

I never knew why, but seeing him with Kay at his side, the envy of every straight guy there, was always a turn on for me. My masochistic nature was such, that seeing her in Herbs arms had also been a big turn on.

As I've said before, there was still jealousy and I still looked at Kay with lust, but Lee was so damn superior to me that he having her seemed the correct thing, and I felt proud that I had delivered her to him. My main fantasy was to be a lifetime live in slave to both of them.

I guess I should have hated him for the way he had humiliated me in her eye's, turning me from what i had been into his flunky, his thing, his obedient Buddha looking slave, complete with nose ring, but strangely I had to admire him all the more for it. I believe there was a famous story regarding Pavlofs dog. The more he mistreated it the more loyal it became.

I actually had to struggle to get to my feet. Every muscle ached from the day's efforts and now especially my back, butt and thighs from having run, or I guess I should say, crawled the gauntlet.

I noticed Carter was filming me and had filmed the entire event. Also I had seen earlier that he had filmed the race from the stands. He was putting together with events from his and Lee"s room, quite a dozier on film.

I had almost forgotten that I was butt naked until I noticed Kay looking me up and down and covering her lips as if to suppress a laugh. I quickly covered up with both hands, still standing there totally humiliated awaiting instructions from Lee I guess.

Worm came over and stood naked beside me trying to cover up in the same the same way. Carter and Dawn came over, Dawn looking us up and down with her hands on her hip's. She said with a sneer, "My don't they look cute." Then to Lee, "What are you going to do with them now?"

She was never demonstrative, but I knew she was enjoying it all immensely. To her we were inanimate objects with no wills of our own. I liked the way she just accepted as normal that Lee, or Carter had total control of us. As could her and Kay for that matter. Especially her. If she spoke both of us would jump. I didn't like her, but I liked that idea for some reason. She definitely exuded superiority.

Lee replied, "I don't know" Then he yelled to Kurt, "Hey Kurt, got any use for these two?"

"Sure, we still need waiters." He beckoned to number one and said, "Hose these down, then give them back their suit's, my mother might come out later."

It occurred to me that if the possibility of his mother coming out wasn't there, he probably would have had us serving naked for the rest of the time.

Number one came over dragging a garden hose. He fixed the control head to a strong spray and turned it on us. The water that had been in the hose was warm from the sun and felt great, but that was short lived and it suddenly turned ice cold.

Worm and I started dancing up and down like idiots, bouncing from one foot to the other, still trying to cover our privates. Laughter erupted from all over the yard. Even Dawn who was always so reserved, so austere, couldn't hold back. And as usual Kay's laughter was the loudest of all. She was pointing at us jumping up and down with her index finger while covering her mouth, faining suppressed laughter which was now hysterical laughter, while trying to get out the words, "Oh Lee,...this is too much...

This was by far my most humiliating moment thus far. I had never hated Lee more..or strangely. held him in higher esteem.

So much so, that I felt if he had told me to run around and bark like a dog I would have.

Worm and I resumed our rolls as waiters, while Lee and Carter frolicked in the pool with the two beauties.

While running around serving, Lana snapped her fingers in my direction. She pointed to her near empty glass on a table saying,...."Refill" She was obviously accustomed to be served. Then she said, "I hear you beat my girl here in a race." Her pony was seated at her feet with her head bowed. "I lend her out and she embarrasses me by losing. She'll pay for that when I get her home. If you were mine, I'd make you pay for winning."

I wondered what sort of pay she had in mind. She was a hot looking number and the way she spoke about owning people was a turn on. Yeah, it would have been interesting to be hers, at least for a while, and find out.

Herb as had become his custom, snapped his fingers in my direction for service. I immediately hurried over. Herb, after today's activities was becoming sort of another, he who must be obeyed figure in my estimation.

As I stood humbly before him, he settled back in his lawn chair with hands behind his neck looking me up and down. "I'll have the usual Toad. And by the way, nice race."

I didn't really know what to say, "Err, yeah, thanks. Glad I was able to win for you."

"Hey, don't take all the credit. You did need a lot of urging, a lot of encouragement..right?"

He had blistered my ass and now he wanted me to complement him for it. "Yeah Herb, I guess that's right."

"We're a team, you and I. We do good together. That was really great sport today. Man, this guy Kurt and his friends really know how to have fun. I spoke to Kurt and he say's that I can drive in races here anytime and I could have you as my pony. If it's o.k. with Lee that is. How about that?"

Was he just trying to be a smart ass, or did he mean it. I wasn't sure. "Sure Herb, anything you say." It occurred to me that I usually reserved that sentence for Lee.

"If it's just you and me, we can bring Kay along. Maybe you can win me another kiss. Or maybe something else next time. He had a knowing smirk on his face. "Yeah, I like that idea. Me and Kay, with you tagging along."

That would have once been unthinkable.. but not any more. In fact I had a vision of him beating my ass on to victory to win his bet, and then he fucking Kay in the back seat with me watching in the rear view mirror as chauffeur, the same as that night with Lee and her, and it was an exciting thought, a real turn on.

The entire day had been interesting to say the least. Helm Ranch was a distinctly interesting place, with activities I had never seen. My back, thighs and butt would not soon forget it.

I had the feeling it would not be my last visit, especially if Herb had anything to say about it. This had been a great day for him at my expence. I was sure he would want a repeat.

Next: Chapter 21

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