Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Oct 13, 2001


I went up to the main house and hurried up the stairs to Carter's room. I didn't want Mrs. Von Der Linn to see what her beloved son and his sweet-as-can-be girl friend, in Mrs. V's presence, had done. It would have been very embarrassing trying to explain that it was all in fun.

Worm was just coming into the room with a pile of fresh bedding he had gotten somewhere. When he started to pull back the quilt on the bed, I said, "Wait a minute, I'll give you a hand with that."

I don't know why, but I suppose I just wanted to see for myself if I had been right about something. Or maybe it was that it would be exciting working with Worm--the two of us cleaning up after Carter's tryst with Dawn... I don't really know.

We pulled back the quilt and blanket. There they were--the tell tale stains in several spots from top to bottom.

I said, "Looks like Carter had quite a time for himself"

Worm in his usual monotone voice replied, "Yeah, probably Dawn too."

I hadn't thought of it, but he was right, some of the stains were of course from Dawn.

He wanted to show indifference, but it had to bother him at least a little--maybe a lot. Come on, the girl he still no doubt cared about, naked in this bed with a naked Carter, the two of them thrashing all over the place and we had to clean up. Yeah it bothered him!

Instead of being outraged at having worked through the night while Carter cavorted here with Dawn, it was a strange turn on visualizing what had transpired as we worked our butt's off.

I continued with, "Man I would love to have been here and seen it all." His reply came as a shock, "Maybe he'll show it to you sometime."

"What does that mean?"

"Oh I guess you didn't know. Carter's a video and camera freak. He films just about everything."

I thought about having been filmed just a while ago and said, "But in here?"

"He has two cameras fixed someplace in here that he can start by remote when he wants too."

The shock and concern I felt must have shown. Worm had a smirk on his face and said, "Uh oh, looks like something happened in here that you wouldn't want shown around, right?"

"OK, you're right. But he wouldn't just go showing stuff like that around, would he?"

"Maybe, maybe not...depends."

"Depends on what?" I was getting scared.

"On his mood. On how you do what he says. On how you do what Dawn says too. He shows her everything."

I thought I was in deep simply because of what they could say. But on film--that was devastating.

Worm said, "Whatever happened with Lee could be on film too. They're good friends and he could set him up with equipment. He has plenty."

I was actually starting to sweat. The idea of this and what had happened in Lee's room being shown all over town was appalling.

But strangely the idea of such a weapon in the hands of Lee was also exciting. I mean now there was absolutely no way out. Incredibly frightening, but also incredibly exciting. My fantasy of being Lee's slave for real was coming closer to fruition.

We finished making up the bed and I went into the shower. I had to use the cold water on my back buns and thighs. They felt more on fire than before. Carter and Dawn definitely knew how to use that thing. I guess I should have been irate to say the least, but just picturing them wielding it, and still feeling it's bite, I got an erection.

I guess that's what it's all about...why things were the way they were. For me and probably Worm also, it's a sexual thing, a sexual obsession, a compulsion.

We finished up and headed down to the pool area. I put on jeans and a shirt. I didn't want to expose the marks Carter and Dawn had so playfully administered even though they all knew they were there.

Carter greeted us with, "Just in time. Look, empty plates and glasses. Worm, run inside and make some sandwiches."

Worm responded with, "Sure Carter, right away."

My first thought was, "What a wimp."

Then Dawn said, "You [meaning me] get us all refills."

"Sure Dawn, right away." Double wimp!

What balls, I thought. Worm and I, and I especially, had worked our butts off and we were now waiting on them.

Worm and I spent most of the rest of the day as usual. Running and fetching, then sitting off to the side watching as they ignored us and cavorted merrily.

I found myself watching and admiring Lee even more so than the sexy Kay. He had something of a weight lifter's physique without even trying. I was definitely in awe of him, although as I've said, I really disliked him.

I also strangely admired the way he flaunted his relationship with Kay as I looked on. It seemed to enhance his superiority over and total disregard for me.

As I looked on, I knew that if he snapped his fingers, I would crawl over if he said too.

Finally Lee was ready to leave. As I followed humbly behind Lee and Kay, I heard Mrs. V call out, "Oh Toad, will you come here before you leave."

I trotted over. "I just wanted to thank you for the excellent work you did. I gave Carter your envelope to give you and there is a little something extra in it."

Pretending I got it, I said, "Thank you Ma'am. You didn't have to do that."

I had lost track of the exact number of hours, but I knew it came to over five hundred dollars. Money out of my hide that Carter and Dawn would no doubt enjoy. And then there was what Worm had earned. Nice, very nice.

I hurried over to the Mustang. Lee and Kay were already in the front seat. I climbed into the back. Lee was definitely treating my car as his own. Well why not? I didn't protest. I had this flash thought that if it wasn't for my parents, I would sign the car over to him if he told me too. Crazy, I know, just a thought, but it had entered my mind. His psychological hold over me was getting scary.

Lee peeled rubber, the Mustang spinning slightly as we left the driveway. He was no doubt pleased to have the powerful engine back in his control.

I cringed once again at the way it was being used, but said nothing. The auto, like myself, was Lee's to use as he pleased.

I was ignored as if I wasn't even there. Kay, with her hair blowing in the wind, placed her head on Lee's shoulder, while he put his right arm around her shoulders and drove with one hand on the wheel exuding confidence as if he had every right to be behind that wheel.

I had the feeling that I was an inanimate object in the back seat being transported some place.

The jealousy and remorse I had initially felt, seeing Lee and Kay together, seemed to be subsiding more each time I witnessed it.

As I have said, I had to admire his chutzpah, for want of a better word, flaunting the relationship in my face the way he did. It seemed to make me feel even more submissive to him for some reason.

When we arrived he parked the car on his side of the fence, saying, "Our hose is already out." Not that he had to make excuses of course. "It looks like Carter hasn't washed it. There's a bucket and some stuff in the garage."

"Sure Lee, I'll be right back after I check in and let them know I'm home." Then as Kay looked on with an amused smile on her face, I humbled myself further by adding, "O.K.?" Boy, was he in control.

He arrogantly replied, "Yeah, O.K. But hurry back, I'm taking Kay to the drive-in tonight."

"Oh yeah, right, I'll make it snappy then."

Interesting wasn't it, he was taking my girl--former girl friend, to the drive-in with my car and I would hurry back to make sure it was spic and span.

I had this bizarre thought--not really, but a crazy thought like, "Gee, maybe he'll let me sniff the seat where she'll have her butt planted all evening..."

I went in to let my parent's know I was home. My mother said, "Well, finally home. Did you have a good time at your friend's place?"

"Oh yeah, great. They have an Olympic sized pool and we spent most of the time swimming and lying in the sun."

What could I say: that my friends spent their time that way while I worked day and night like a slave.

"What did they think of your new car. Did you take them places in it?"

By her tone of voice, I had the feeling I was being interrogated. As if she knew something was amiss.

"Oh they thought it was great. We went to the shore, the amusement park, places like that."

"I've been wanting to ask you about the car. I've been hearing that this Lee person from next door is in it more than you are; that he's been seen in it all over town--what's going on?"

"Oh, I just loaned it to him a couple of times, that's all. He's my friend."

"Your friend...really? While you were gone this was delivered from a shop called Special T's with a card reading 'Belated Birthday Gift' from Kay. It was partially opened, so I thought you wouldn't mind if I looked. What's this supposed to mean?"

She produced two T-shirts. On the front of one was written in bold red lettering, "Property of Lee"...and on the other, "Owned and operated by Lee"

I gulped and felt my face flush with embarrassment. the first thing that came to mind was, "Me and Kay had an argument and split up a few weeks ago. Maybe this was her way of being a little mean about it. I don't know."

"Splitting up is one thing, but why the references to Lee in that way? I've been hearing other things that I don't like, too. I'm going next door to speak to his mother about this."

I tried to dissuade her but she was really irate now and stormed out of the house only to return a few second's later exclaiming loudly, "What is that car doing over there?"

It sounded feeble as I replied, "They had their hose out and..." I didn't get a chance to finish as she stormed out again even more angered it seemed than before.

I went up to my room where I could possibly get a better view of what was going on. She went and knocked on the rear patio door near the pool. Mrs. Ying opened the sliding glass door.

She had probably been by the pool recently. She was wearing a skimpy two piece bathing suit and sandals. She wore an oriental vest type jacket opened down the front exposing her ample cleavage.

Her hair was pulled back tight in a bun at the rear and I could see her lips were painted a bright red. Her eye lids were a brilliant green giving her a fierce expression I thought. I had almost forgotten how extremely attractive she was.

I couldn't hear them, but after a few moments Mrs. Ying opened the sliding door and my mother went inside.

This was all very embarrassing for me. My mother going over more or less in my defense as if I was a little boy. But more than that, her acknowledgement that she had been hearing things about me and Lee, and the car.

I certainly didn't want her to know that my relationship with Lee had reached the point where I was practically his slave.

Should I wait for her to get back or what? Lee had said he wanted the car washed, and what Lee wanted, Lee got. The idea of disobedience was not an option as far as I was concerned.

I headed over and started washing the car. Before I finished Lee and Kay came out the front door. Lee said, "What's this? Didn't I tell you I wanted the car ready for me and Kay to go to the drive-in? It's getting dark...we'll be late."

Seeing him standing there arm in arm with my former girl, actually berating me for not having my car spick and span on time for his use got my blood boiling to the point I was ready to explode.

I was thinking of some choice words for him, but instead out came, "Sorry Lee, I was doing the best I could. I got tied up in the house for a while with my mother."

"I see she's in the play room with my mother...What's that all about?"

"Oh, I don't know. She just said she was going over for something." What could I say..she's pissed over me being your slave?

Kay had a smirk on her face and said, "Did you get my gift and card...Toad?"

"Yeah I did..very thoughtful." It was said sarcastically.

"Well, why aren't you wearing one of them, don't they fit?"

"I don't know, I haven't tried them on yet."

"Well, go in and try one on now."

When I didn't respond she said, "Lee, make him go in and put on one of those T-shirts I bought. I want to see how it looks on him."

I found it exciting the way she was acknowledging Lee's superiority over me, knowing that I would obey him, if not her.

He replied with, "Yeah, me too, I haven't seen them yet. They sound cool. Go ahead Toad, do what she says...NOW! We can catch the late show."

"Sure Lee, if that's what you want." Kay had a victorious expression. Once again I had humbled myself in Kay's presence. Just another small conquest of many for Lee.

When I came out wearing the demeaning shirt reading "Property of Lee", Kay said, "Oh I love it...it's so appropriate. What do you think Lee?"

"Yeah, great. I like it. What does the other one say?"

Kay replied, "That one's even better.."Owned and Operated by Lee." She put her fingers over her lips as if to suppress a giggle.

"Yeah, that one sounds even better. Go put that one on, Toad."

"Sure Lee, anything you say." Damn! Why did I keep replying that way to him, especially when Kay is around? It just always seemed to pop out naturally.

I came out feeling like a model who should be turning this way and that for their inspection and approval.

Lee said, "Yeah, that one is better, but I like both. Wear them from now on...take turns."

"Sure Lee." I managed to suppress the "anything you say" part this time.

Lee and Kay sat on the porch and watched as I hurriedly finished washing the car. When I finished they came over and I quickly went around and opened the door for Kay, who seemed to completely ignore me with her lovely nose in the air, as she got in the front seat.

I noticed Lee was lingering and it occurred to me that he too was waiting for me to open his door--probably used to such service from Worm, the chauffeur.

I quickly trotted to the other side to oblige. I actually felt that bowing would be in order...but did not.

Once again, Lee spun out of the driveway at full speed. I looked over my shoulder hoping my mother wasn't watching and also wondering what I would tell her about my car being gone.

She had been gone for over an hour, and when she returned I was about to make up some story as to why no car.

She had completely calmed down and had a far away look in her eyes, saying, "Madame Ying is an extremely interesting woman. I can't imagine why I haven't met her sooner."

I started, "I wanted to tell you about the car and..." She cut me off with, "Oh that...it's your car and you can do as you please with it. I suppose I should commend your generosity in letting Lee use it."

Her attitude had gone quickly from "that Lee person" to a conciliatory, familiar "Lee". Interesting...I wondered what they had discussed for the last hour or so.

"You know that shirt does look really good on you. Kay has such good taste, and wasn't it thoughtful of her to remember your birthday even though you two had split up." Mother continued, "Madame Ying told me to say she wants you to go over there--she has something to show you."

"Like what?"

"She didn't say. She just told me to tell you."

"Madame" for a next door neighbor? "She told me"?!! What the hell happened in that hour.

I hurried over and was let in by "Madame." What an imposing woman. Old enough to be my mother, but a very sexy, hot looking individual.

"Thank you for coming so quickly, Toad. I like promptness. So does Lee, as I'm sure your learning, or will learn."

"Yes ma'am," was all I could think of to say.

"I wanted to show you this photo. It arrived today. It's a photo of one of Lee's cousins in Hong Kong. He was forced to leave China, but he would not leave his past and his rights behind. He has a royal background, as does Lee"

She produced two photos. One showed an oriental about Lee's age regally dressed with arms folded, his bare foot on the neck of another youth who appeared to be bald, and was groveling with his face to the ground.

The other picture showed the same two youth's, one standing, the other kneeling at his side, head completely shaven and with what seemed to be a ring in his nose.

I found the photo's highly erotic, actually a turn on. "I didn't know Lee had royalty in his background, ma'am."

"Yes. If the communist's had not taken over many years ago, Lee could have actually been in line to be Emperor under certain circumstances."

That was incredible, but since it was Lee, very believable. Maybe that was one of the reasons I had felt humble in his presence from day one.

"The photo's are of Lee's cousin and his..err, shall we say, companion. Now I suppose your wondering why I wanted you to see them..yes?"

"Well yes, I guess so."

"Lee was quite impressed by these photo's and expressed to me the idea that he would be most receptive to the idea of having just such a companion of his own."

I just gulped--I somehow knew where this was heading, as bizarre as it might seem.

"Lee just loves the total "oriental Buddha" look of his cousin's companion."

She paused and added, "Not for himself, of course."

The implication was clear. "Did he mention in particular that he would like me to look that way, Ma'am," Knowing full well the answer?

"Yes he did. I might have wondered had I not noticed that your relationship with Lee is something other than friends, is it not?"

I hesitated before answering, "Yes Ma'am." She no doubt knew and approved of Lee's dominance over me.

"You need not be embarrassed. Lee has affected many of his friends that way since he was a very little boy.

That didn't surprise me at all.

'Well anyway, I wanted to show you the photos. Lee said he'll discuss it with you tomorrow."

I thought of a way out and said, "I don't think my mother would approve of that sort of look."

She had one of those knowing expressions, saying, "Oh, you might be surprised at what she would approve of. I have the feeling she won't mind at all. Besides, don't many boys get that sort of haircut for the summer--skin head I believe it's called? And I see all sorts of ear rings and ornaments on teens in town. It's not that unusual. Well that's between you and Lee. Good night Toad."

I left thinking about my mothers earlier turnabout, and Mrs. Ying's confident attitude about how she would react...and wondered why.

The idea of looking like that companion or whatever he was, was repugnant, but for some reason I could hardly wait to see Lee tomorrow.

Next: Chapter 16

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