Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Jul 31, 2001


Carter was obviously having some friends over for a pool party. Just about all of them I supposed had been my former friends.

Even though they all knew by this time that I was Lee's complete fool and ass-wiping, obedient lackey, I didn't want them to see that I was now here under Carter's control as well.

I turned to back away and more or less hide someplace, when Ms. Von Der Linn called out from the house, "Toad."

I went over apprehensively and was told that Carter had informed her that I wanted to earn additional money by putting in some more hours working with Worm, tending bar and waiting on Carter's friends by the pool.

Then she added solicitously, "Are you sure that's what you want to do? You don't mind?"

"No ma'am, that's fine, I don't mind at all." I replied, while actually I cringed at the thought.

"All right then, go into the pantry and you will find a white jacket like the one Worm wears. Carter likes things more or less formal when he has his friends over."

I found one that fit and was reminded of a trip I once took to the Bahamas, where all the waiters wore white jackets.

They bowed, smiled and pretty much kissed butt, just as Carter would no doubt like Worm and me to behave for him and his friends. While the idea was repugnant, it also held a strange excitement, especially so for some reason, when I thought that Herbert might be there.

Why that should be I really wasn't sure, but he had been in my thoughts quite often since that night at Lee's pool party. Probably it was because of my totally different perception of him that night.

Oh, his physical appearance was the same...Not really obese, but overweight with soft muscle tone...definitely not a jock type at all. Not good looking, but not ugly, either.

He had thin straight blond hair, almost yellow, that he combed down over his forehead. He reminded me, in appearance only, of an arrogant German officer, wearing a monocle, that I had once seen in a war film. Now only the monocle was missing.

He had always been a wimp, a condescending smiling sucking-up type, trying to fit in, and I, among others, had always rebuked him.

But that night he knew things were different and it was obvious he had enjoyed the transition. I had to admit that he had fit into his new persona quite well. I mean the way he gave orders as if I was his inferior... He had said, "Over here boy." and it was not said as a joke. "Get me that," and when I silently obeyed I could see his confidence growing. "That's not what I wanted...go back and get it right this time."

Sure I could have told him where to go, but I was fascinated by the complete turnabout in our situations, and was finding it to be incredibly exciting...the situation and the new Herbert. Although apprehensive about seeing him again, it was intriguing to think of where it might go.

I headed for the Pool area and the sound of splashing, laughing and merriment, wearing what I felt was a demeaning white serving jacket, just like the one Worm was wearing.

Yes, they all knew me to be Lee's ass wiper, but now here I was at Carter's house serving along side Worm...extra humiliating.

There must have been about twenty teens there, all of them I knew except for a few. Kay was standing at the bar holding an exotic looking drink in a tall frosted glass with an orange peel and a miniature umbrella in it.

She wore one of her most daring bikini's and sun glasses. Shall I say it again? Wow!!

When she spotted me she took off her glasses and looked me up and down inquisitively for a few moments, then put back on the glasses and turned her back to me.

Lee was not far from her, surrounded by a bevy of what seemed to be worshipful followers--my former friends. He, the center of attraction, they, listening intently as if in awe of him.

As usual he was wearing the skimpiest of bikinis and sunglasses. This suit barely covered his generous equipment, which was noticeably outlined.

When I had first seen Kay, my thought was the usual, "Wow!" This time, it was double "Wow!" I found that interesting and a bit disturbing.

He put a cigarette to his lips and two of the group quickly reached for the lighter on the bar.

Who would be quicker? Which would have the honor of being of service to Lee? He was the leader all right--certainly much more so than I had ever been, and also certainly much more deserving of the position.

I had the feeling that those two would-be "servants," and maybe more than just they, would not be adverse to changing places with me.

Worm was at the bar mixing drinks and opening bottles. My job then would be to see what anyone wanted and wait on them. It suddenly occurred to me that Carter would now be getting thirty dollars an hour.

When I became noticed, calls of, "Hey boy, over here," and that sort of thing filled the air. I think the fact that I was wearing the white jacket took some of the sting out. It could possibly be perceived by some of them that I was here working for pay, or at least, I hoped that would be the case.

I found my eyes roaming around the crowd, and then stopped when I saw him. Herb was indeed here, sitting at a table with a guy I had seen around, but didn't really know. I did remember he was a follower and wimp type like Herbert had been.

Instead of ducking them I had a strong urge to head straight for them. "Hi Herb." I used the more macho term. "Can I get you anything?" I don't know exactly why, but it was really extra exciting being subservient to someone like him.

He looked me up and down with an amused smirk on his face and said, "Herb, huh? Yeah, I like that better." Then to his friend, "How about it, Jason, want him to fetch you something?" I noted the use of the word "fetch." Jason replied, "Not right now." Herb then said, "Nothing now," a slight pause and then, "Toad."

"But when we do I'll just," and he snapped his fingers,

Jason smiled sheepishly, as if embarrassed for me by Herb's arrogance. I meekly replied, "Sure Herb, whenever your ready." And then felt compelled to add, "Anything you say."

Herb tilted his head to one side slightly and with that self-satisfied smirk still on his face queried, "Anything?" The connotation was quite clear and unmistakable.

Our eyes met and I felt my throat grow dry, making it difficult to swallow. Did he know? Had Carter told him anything, maybe everything?

He was a friend of Carter's--it was certainly possible, and the more I thought about it, even probable.

I was becoming more and more vulnerable. Being At Lee's mercy was one thing. That was different. That was incredibly exciting and I actually felt I belonged there under his control, no matter how humiliating he made things.

Then Carter came along--he was a lot like Lee, and since Lee had turned me over to him it seemed acceptable, and yes, even exciting.

But now Herbert, or perhaps more appropriately "Herb" was looming up in the background. Fetching drinks for him and being humble had been interesting for some reason. But for him to have the same Damocles sword as Lee, and now Carter, had hanging over me was a different story.

It was such a short time ago that he was the wimpy follower and I was the proud leader who looked down, disparagingly, at him and others like him, such as his friend Jason.

Now here I was standing humbly before them, awaiting their pleasure, more or less at their disposal, with the very real possibility that they could bring me to my knees.

I didn't know much about Herb. I found out later why Carter had befriended him since they seemed such opposites...at least up until then.

They had met through their fathers who belonged to the same exclusive town and country club. It seemed that Herb's family was at least as wealthy as Carter's.

My thought was that Herb had no doubt admired Carter, his dominant relationship with Worm, and that this was his opportunity to be something like him. He was going to take full advantage...

I wasn't sure how to answer his, "Anything?" But that familiar subservient feeling came over me and out came, "Sure Herb, anything at all."

I felt the way I replied had diminished what Herb obviously had in mind by his query, "anything?"

But as I thought about it I strangely felt as if I had missed an opportunity by not replying in a more humble tone of voice, "Yes Herb, anything."

Why "opportunity" I wasn't sure, but I did find the idea of a transformed Herbert to Herb, practically overnight, arrogant and superior, with Rob as his humble follower and lackey, an intriguing scenario.

Without a Lee or Carter in the picture, what once would have been inconceivable could be reality.

I was pretty sure Herb was thinking along those same lines.

It was non-stop for most of the time. "Hey boy, over here." "Oh, boy, refill please," all said with an amused tone. Some were my old friends, a few I didn't know, but all seemed to find it amusing that one of their own was serving as their waiter.

Finally I heard what I had been anticipating: the snapping of fingers from Herb's vicinity of the yard.

I hurried over and, trying to make light of the situation, said, "Your order, sir?" But when it came out it didn't sound light at all; it sounded exactly like what the words implied.

"We'll each have whatever it is that Kay's having...that looks good...what is that?"

"Pina colada, I think it's called"

"O.K. Looks good...so does Kay. Nice ass, real nice don't you think? She can park her shoes under my bed anytime."

Having this former nerd talking about her that way was really grating even though she was Lee's.

"You used to go steady with her didn't you?" He of course knew I had. "That's right, you brought her to the party that night...bet you're sorry about that."

"Things happen." was all I could think to say.

"Well, if she ever splits with Lee, be sure to bring her around to my house." My first thought was to say, "She wouldn't even piss on you." But with his new persona, who knows? Now that would really be interesting.

Lee and Kay had been at the bar and I had not waited on them. Finally they went to a table where one of the wimpy types, one of Herb's crowd, was sitting, having a bowl of chili.

As he moved to make room, he knocked over the full bowl making quite a mess. He rose as if to clean it up, but Lee said, "Whoa, don't bother." He snapped his fingers in my direction and loudly said, "Toad, get over here and clean this up."

He had been gone for a couple of days, but he wasn't going to let me or anyone else forget that he was Lee, the master, and I was Toad, his slave.

I always tried to avoid Kay's eyes during these situations but never quite did. Our eyes met and she had that amused expression as if waiting for my response, but, by this time, knowing full well that I would comply.

I felt all eyes were on me as I went into the kitchen to get rags to clean up someone else's mess and returned to get on my knees as they chatted as if I weren't even there.

From my position I could see only their lower limbs and feet. Lee crossed one leg and brought his foot up and brushed my lips.. intentionally of course.

Just another of Lee's little way's of reminding me of my place in our relationship. Not that I really had to be reminded.

But of course he had no way of knowing that my awe of him and subservient compulsion had grown to where I felt I was right where I belonged--on my knees at his feet cleaning up--while he casually chatted with the most attractive girl in town, my former steady.

I actually had to admire his confident superior attitude all the more.

Having me there like that at both their feet I thought was another major coup for him. A coup in which I found it strangely exciting to allow him.

But did I really allow it, or was it that I had no choice?

If I had no choice, was it because of the damaging and very embarrassing recent events that we had engaged in and could spread all over town, or was it that my bizarre compulsion to serve him had grown that strong?

Probably a combination of the two, with the latter being the stronger element.

I cleared up the mess and then continued running drinks for whomever wanted them, which seemed to be everyone...it was really non stop.

Then, "snap, snap" once again from Herb. "Two more of the same...Toad"

He obviously enjoyed using the demeaning name Lee had bestowed upon me.

When I returned Herb said, "I've been watching you. You're very good at this, and I love the white jacket. Next party I have, I'll definitely use you as waiter...with Lee's permission of course."

When I didn't reply he added, "I do have to ask Lee, don't I?"

There didn't seem any reason to deny what almost everyone knew so I replied as if he hadn't embarrassed me at all, "Definitely. Speak to Lee about it." I felt I had come a little further out of the closet with that statement.

Dawn signaled for me and I scurried over. There was just something about her that said, "don't ruffle her feathers." She was sprawled out on a chaise under an umbrella and didn't even look at me saying, "Pepsi in a glass with ice." I had an urge to say sarcastically, "Yes, your highness," but didn't dare.

I handed her the glass and as I turned to leave, she spit out a small amount and said, "This is Coke, you jerk, I clearly said Pepsi." She poured the rest on the ground saying, "Get me what I told you to get, and then clean up this mess."

As I said, don't ruffle her feathers, so as I silently turned to leave I muttered what I thought was under my breath and unheard..."Bitch"

"I heard that," she bellowed! And then she said loudly to Carter who was nearby, "Carter, this asshole just called me a bitch."

Carter hurried over and got right in my face saying, "Is that right, did you call Dawn a bitch?"

Oh no, I had given Carter an opening to publicly humiliate me, and after the last two nights I was at his mercy.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched intently.

"It just slipped out." I said meekly And then to Dawn, "I'm really sorry Dawn, I didn't mean that."

Her irate response was, "Bull crap, he meant it. Carter are you going to let him get away with insulting me that way?"

Carter responded with, "No way," and brought his open palm forcefully across my face just as Lee had recently done, and just as then, I could not retaliate.

That time it had been bad enough with Kay present, but now it was her along with almost everyone in town that I knew.

I stood there, arms at my sides. Carter must have been ecstatic. He was having his revenge for our past confrontation.

It was obvious to him that I was at his mercy and would not, could not retaliate, so he struck again even more forcefully, and again I remained motionless.

"Apologize to Dawn."

I wanted to crawl away and hide, but there was no place to go.

I turned to Dawn who was now standing. She put her hands on her hips, looked me up and down contemptuously and said, "Well?"...anticipating my further apology.

In my most humble tone I said, "Dawn, I'm very sorry and I hope you will forgive me."

I heard Carter's voice behind me--he had been drinking again--saying, "Not good enough. Get down on your knees and kiss her feet." And then to her, "Right, Babe?"

Dawn nodded in agreement, saying, "That sounds more appropriate than just a sorry."

Then a chorus of voices from the crowd that had gathered, "Good thinking," "right on," "make him do it man," "Oh yeah." Then a heckler humorously, "If he wont, I will."

I turned to Carter and said, "Come on, I can't do that with everyone watching."

"Are you saying no...piss face?" The implication was clear, obey or everyone hears about the last two nights.

I turned back to face Dawn, still standing proudly, hands on hips, with that smirk on her face. "Well, I'm waiting."

There was no way out. I got down on my hands and knees and kissed one foot and then the other.

Applause erupted from the throng. Carter and Dawn had been victorious. I had been totally broken and humiliated again.

Somehow, it was getting easier.

Next: Chapter 14

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